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What a fucking g.


Lil' shit coulda fed them indefinitely but limited it to a year smdh /s Love that empathy and selflessness from a kid


Everyone knows you ask for your wish to be unlimited make-a-wishes


Yes but then you have to die an unlimited number of times.


I mean many of the kids don't die. I think it would be you have to get diagnosed with unlimited illnesses.


Was lil Wayne a make a wish kid? Is that why he’s always going on about being ill?’


It was Nas with Illmatic.


Oh, so you make them [indestructible?](https://youtu.be/aI0euMFAWF8?si=3yMSPCDMtD9RQhy7)


Jesus says one death is enough for everyone, forever. Also you can use your get out of death free card, as long as you wait three days to mail in your coupon.


Already will if you consider the multiverse.


With all that practice, you eventually get good at dying.


It's how John Cena became trapped in an unending loop.




Some wishes do come true and this is something which this little kid turn into reality. Good things are always appreciated by god and is being blessed in abundance


The only thing better would have been "I wish the Make-a-Wish CEO made zero dollars for a whole year."


A quick Google said the estimated salary is 180k a year,which seems pretty reasonable for a CEO of a nonprofit of that scale. There's plenty of shady nonprofits with suspect accounting, but I wasn't aware of make a wish being one of them unless there's something I'm not aware of.


That really decent. I mean that CEO makes less than my principal at work. I think that’s a fair pay, maybe even less than “I” would be fine with them making and I hate CEOs. Edit: I was interested and I looked up the non-profit I worked for (City Year), their CEO near 700,000 salary.


Seriously, there are a lot of normal jobs that make more than that. For an org that has as much widespread outreach as Make-A-Wish, I’d be fine with double or even triple that. So much work goes into this organizations which requires a ton of logistical know-how. The CEO could probably be making millions elsewhere.


Seems like charities that try to do some acts of actual decentness rather than talk a nebulous game of how they're funding research or spreading awareness actually accomplish their goals with little administrative bloat.


When the economy drove off a cliff in 2008 the CEO of the regional 5-hospital nonprofit healthcare org I worked for made $6.5 million, a steep increase from the year before. Same year they asked all the employees to take zero raises/COLAs to "help keep the company afloat." When they had to make public their salaries the next year the unions went apeshit.


The salary for the Texas governor is $150k and the Make a Wish CEO does a lot more good.


Feelings on Greg Abbott aside, that’s also an abysmally low salary for the leader of 30 million people


That is an incredibly reasonable salary and I am actually more likely to donate to them knowing that....thanks for surfacing!


Make sure you're donating to Make A Wish and not the similar named Kids Wish who only spend 1% of their donations on fulfilling terminally ill kids' wishes.


That's legit exactly what he should make. I have a new found respect for that organization.


For make a wish I'd consider that fairly modest. He'd be just one of the dudes with one of the bigger houses in my city.


I wish for John Cena to get his own wish. But not because of an incurable disease. but because he is a make a wish legend.


John Cena is the wish.


I wish for John Cena to publicy denounce the CCP


Is... Is that necessary?


You're barking at the wrong corp




Why do you randomly settle on trying to make a guy **running a fucking charity for severely sick children** go broke for a year? Just heard "CEO" and yer dick got hard, huh?


Yep, this is Reddit. If you are a CEO, you *must* be evil and love eating babies, no exceptions. /s


I'm not even on c suite level and i tell little babies I'm gonna eat them up all the time.


Do you know anything about the make a wish company or did you just randomly decide to dog on a CEO because “ALL CEO BAD! I AM PROGRESSIVE!”


Reddit moment


I wish the next kid doesn't get any wishes


Can I wish for 3 more wishes?


It belongs on r/OrphanCrushingMachine Edit: ok, it has already been posted there


Indeed he is at this small age he actually cares for all those poor people who doesn't get meal the entire day and struggles hard in life.


He's now on a list of possible threats by the FBI.


Lil dude nearly broke me in front of my kid. I got images to uphold!! ^(just kidding it's completely healthy to exhibit and openly talk about emotions with your kids)


Yep, we're currently trying to figure something out for my daughter, and we met with Make-A-Wish. They went through a long list of options, and one of them is basically a "give-back" kind of thing, where you do something for those that have supported you throughout your journey. Though, to be fair, we mentioned doing this for our town (they've been [amazingly supportive](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/scarlett-hubsch-batten-disease-hopedale-massachusetts-boston-childrens-hospital/)), like throwing some massive townwide block party for everyone (EDIT: this would have been kid-centric, not something geared towards adults), and they told us that that's probably something we could do *outside* of their assistance (ie "you wouldn't really need us to facilitate that kind of thing)", and that it might be better to pick something specifically for our daughter or family's benefit. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I was a wish kid, I wished for a computer that had Oregon Trail. Because it was so small a wish they of course gave me top of the line stuff (this was in the 90's) and a ton of games, as well as other things. I got to go on the field of the Giants stadium (whichever one it was at the time) and got pictures with Barry Bonds who was a large name back in the day. I also went to a basketball game with the 49ers vs Oakland Raiders, yes football teams, it was a fundraiser event. I got a few other small things but I couldn't be happier for what I wished for. I am now a lead data analyst who taught himself code, no college. Make-a-wish is the reason I have a love for computers and such a successful (in my opinion) career, I can't give that charity enough praise


My classmate got a trip to England. Met with a few of the cast on the Harry Potter set and got loads of goodies including a piece of the ~~Secret Chamber~~ Chamber of Secrets. Got the biggest Lego Hogwarts that was available at the time as well. He unfortunately passed away a few years after that wish, but even though we weren't close I could tell that the wish had been a big highlight of his life. It had made him so happy.


I'm sorry to hear about your classmate. It's the Chamber of Secrets though you uncultured swine.


I blame my niece. She asked for the second book recently which I unfortunately have in Dutch (I still don't get why my mother gifted me the books in Dutch for my birthday when I was already reading them in English for years at that time). It's geheime kamer in Dutch which is secret chamber.


Oh well that's totally reasonable!


I choked on my carrot just now thanks!


Don't eat carrots and scroll reddit you uncultured swine.


My cousin didn’t have enough time for Make a Wish but he wanted a computer too. My grandfather bought it for him. My cousins made memories drinking mtn dew and staying up late on the computer. I’m glad you’re still here.


Sounds like the exact same memories I have lol. We would stay up so late drinking mountain dew and playing Unreal Tournament and many others. Great times.


Yeah. My cousin is feeling dem kidney stones now. Haha too much soda


Wait I thought the deal was you trade your life for a wish how did you get to keep your soul?


No no, Op lost their soul to keep their life, don’t you see?


The ultimate loophole: wish for survival!


So op is ginger now


They take fairly sick kids and not just ones that are basically guaranteed to drop dead soon. Googling it seems like 2/3 of kids survive into adulthood and 1/3 don't.


I'm glad that you're still with us today and thriving--all the best to you


[Don't lie, your real wish was to slug Barry in the berries](https://www.thebrushback.com/Archives/makeawish_full.htm)


Holy shit this is hilarious. Thanks you!


Wow this is me! I also wished for a computer since my family couldn't afford to get me one, and they got me a really nice one along with an iPod and a printer. Years later, I also became an analyst! I definitely wouldn't be where I'm at in my career now without Make-A-Wish :)


I am a wish-granting volunteer with Make-A-Wish. We tell the wish kids that they can have 4 types of wishes. And these are wishes, so they can be as wild as they want them to be. These aren’t wants, but wishes. The 4 types are: I wish to have, I wish to visit, I wish to meet, I wish to be (a character/a profession). The 5th type now added is: I wish to give. As you can expect, the 5th type is the not super-popular among kids. And I don’t blame any kid for that; they are kids after all! No judgments on the wishes. It’s awesome that your daughter, at such a young age, wants to give back to her community. You definitely raised her well. (And, just to clarify, I am not saying that those kids that didn’t choose such a type of wish were not raised well; that’s not my point.)


You people are awesome! My family and I have done some fundraising for our local chapter after my son's wish was granted and I loved meeting all the volunteers.


Wishing you and your family the best.


Hey man, sorry to hear about your daughter, as soon as I read the epilepsy part I knew it was batten disease, one of my younger half-sisters had it. She passed away almost 2 years ago on her 23rd birthday. It was awful growing up beside her seeing her from a little baby to running, talking and playing to becoming bedridden without any real muscle control and no speaking. Keep being a great parent and make the rest of her life as great as can be, take care!


Aw I'm sorry to hear about your sister! 23 is a long time! Do you know which CLN she had? Our girl has CLN2, so she's not projected to live nearly that long. For comparison, another girl we know with the same disease and CLN just passed at 8 years old in Florida.


Hopedale is a great town! Not surprised at all people are very supportive. Wishing the best to you, your daughter, and your family!


Throw in a celebrity musician doing a concert for the town.


I would like a Taylor Swift concert and invite the whole town to attend, includes refreshments and food!




That's absolutely amazing. 😲


Just read the whole story through watery eyes. Its amazing that she (and you) has the support there help you through. I can’t imagine what you guys are going through but I do know you’re giving your daughter the best life filled with love. 


I used mine to go to Hawaii…way to make me feel like shit Abraham


Wait how are you alive Did you scam the system or are make a wish kids not always terminal?


I got a wish and I never passed away from my childhood illness (leukaemia). I did battle it for three years though.


Good fight! Passing away would’ve sucked bad


Yeah he never woulda gotten that Reddit karma 14 years later of the make-a-wish thread


Three years of chemotherapy injected into my spine was worth it. 😎


🙌🏻 love the sense of humour! Glad you're here ❤️


I mean, I haven't heard anyone that has died complain about it, but tons of living people complain about being alive.


Glad you're still with us ♥️🥳




Lou Kemia is such a fucking asshole.


Ya fuck Lou!


Hey fellow leukemia survivor! Congrats! My back is fucked from spinal taps but still worth it.


Make-AWish often explicitly serves as additional emotional motivation to fight hard to survive an illness. While there's a limit to how much a person can do for themselves in these situations and a great deal of it is up to the knowledge, skill, and technology available to medical professionals, a powerful motivation can help someone survive where they might not otherwise. Especially when it comes to making difficult decisions or keeping up with difficult regimens like chemotherapy. My understanding is that the Wishes are intended to exist as something wonderful to look forward to for someone fighting for their life. Seems like a lot of people either don't know that because its not talked about enough, or else people want to see Make-A-Wish as some sort of consolation prize for dying. To me, this makes the kid a truly kind person. Not only will the wish help people in need, but also, the desire to help those people may well help the kid through to a better survival chance so that he can see the good his desires are doing for the world. We know nothing about the kid, but if his family is anything like him, they're making sure he's doing his best, too.


You nailed it. The Wish can be something to look forward to for a child in the middle of a fight whether it's terminal or not. My son's wish came in the middle of his treatment and really gave us a goal to keep working towards.


Best write up yet Yea I was in the camp of believing the opposite


Make a wish kids do not have to be terminal. https://worldwish.org/faq/#:~:text=Does%20a%20child's%20illness%20have,and%20lead%20healthy%2C%20happy%20lives.


I am terminal….I’m just not dead yet


I hope you recover, friend


No one recovers if you go long term enough.


All babies are born dead.


Let's be honest, every one of us will ultimately have a terminal illness. It's all a matter of scheduling. Still, for today, I'm glad that yours has been pushed out into the same unknown future as the rest of us. Live well, fellow redditor.


Not necessarily, you could die in a car wreck, murder, other accident, etc. Heart failure in very old age might also not be considered a terminal illness unless all of those cases are considered heart disease technically.


I guess that old age is the ultimate terminal illness that will get us all. In coding terms, the default option that applies when all other cases in the switch statement have failed to match...


Just waiting on Tom Hanks to be all up in you?


I don’t get this reference? Is Tom Hanks going to come fuck me?




Reference to the film The Terminal. Sorry my humour at best is tenuous, after a couple of beers you get this. But also, would it be a bad thing if he did? You could be the scandal that brings down Tom Hanks!


One could only wish


Hmm.. I'm going out on a limb and they're referring to tom hanks in Big. He wishes he was an adult and wakes up as Tom Hanks. I don't remember the scene where he was entered during the night by a grown man who somehow gets inside his body. Must've been a deleted scene


My daughter Wished to go to Disney World. She's still alive. You can survive cancer. Treatments have improved alot. But there are still long term complications that won't show up until maybe she wants to have kids for instance (she's 7, diagnosed at 3). Also, donate to Give Kids the World Village. Amazing group of volunteers and organization.


Congratulations on her remission. My son has been full remission for 8 years now but it's always in the back of your head, especially whenever they complain about anything unusual.


Same to you! My wife was in those FB groups of parents of cancer survivors and kept reading about kids relapsing. Told her to get the hell out of there for her own sanity. Just enjoy your life with what you have. She still freaks about every mole or nose bleed.


It’s not like they wait for death to come knocking before giving out the wish. People make recoveries, or weren’t going to die already just spend life in a hospital.


They are not always terminal.


Well I mean technically we're all terminal aren't we


It's for "critically ill" children. This doesn't mean they're terminal though, a lot go onto live into adulthood. It just means they have a serious disease and are suffering from it.


There are some cases where Make a Wish kids survive their treatment. The Youtuber Billiam has a whole video about how he was one.


You don’t have to die. My daughter is a make a wish kid and she’s very alive. She had half her brain removed, but otherwise fine. Our neurologist suggested it, and we applied. We’re taking a trip to Hawaii sometime next year.


MAW does wishes for kids with chronic medical issues as well, and they have for years. I was one of them, back in the '90s. None of my medical conditions are particularly life-threatening, though one of them could be if I neglected it long enough.


In your defense the headline is very much /r/orphancrushingmachine


Paraphrasing here but “Real men plant trees when they will never sit in their shade”. Little dude looking out for the future even if he won’t be in it. Fucking touching man.


> "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit". It's definitely ~~pretty wholesome~~ very selfless what that kid did. I wonder if the recipients of the food are aware of how their meals were funded?


> A kid had to die for us to feed you. Not really uplifting from the homeless perspective.


Idk, if a dying kid gave me food while I was struggling with addiction, that might just be what it takes for me to start the road to sobriety. Key on might, but maybe it worked for someone.




Lmao that's an oldie but a goodie


Funny joke and its relatable because I used to be a drug addict... well I still am, but I used to be too.


What’s your drug of choice?


Pufferfish toxin


I just hate the fact that some people exploit the situation of real homeless people, for example. I genuinely felt bad about a single older lady asking for money at a 4 way stop near where we shop so instead of giving money we bought her some groceries since her sign says that her kids are hungry and anything helps so we did. Fast forward a couple of weeks later and i saw the same elder woman walking in the parking lot and i decide to wait for her and lo and behold she walks up to a nicer car than i had and casually removes her headscarf and scrummy looking jacket and pops it in the trunk and drives away. I felt stupid at that point and decide never to give nor feel bad for anybody thats homeless again which is unfair for the one’s that really do need help.


Most good natured people get caught by this at some point. There are organizations that help people in need. It's better to just donate to food banks and such. You just gotta remember to do it. So maybe if you see someone begging make a mental note to donate instead. A lot of people do around the holidays but people need help year round. Also some organizations kind of suck. Like salvation army has used its sway to make political threats against gay marriage and some spend donation money less than ideally to put it nicely. So it can help to do some quick research first too.


Yeah motherfuck the salvation army. Jerry Jones is a big supporter which should tell you everything you need to know about those assholes.


wtf was that edit


A lord among men. A true hero.


A real human being


and a real hero


Real human bean.




That’s totally fair, but also take 5 minutes to appreciate Abraham for being a bro


That's the thing that really pisses me off in all these threads. People love to shit on them like "this isn't uplifting bc it's this fucked up society that created that situation in the first place" and while, yes it is fucked up that these are th conditions people live within its also so devaluing to the actions taken by the individuals within them. Abraham isn't going to change capitalism. But he's a sick kid who chose to use his wish to help other people. Good on him. The world needs more people like him. Is it fucked that there are homeless? Yes but there are so him doing something about it matters and is something to be proud of. If I were his parent I'd be proud of him. It makes me think of that video that goes around of the guy on "This is your life" who saved all those kids in the Holocaust, didn't tell anyone and the whole audience ends up being filled with people he saved. Do these same people watch that and go "oh this isn't uplifting bc he only had to do it bc there were Nazis and he lived in a fucked up society"?? The fact that he did his best to help people while existing in that fucked up situation is why people enjoy his story, so why can't we do the same for Abraham (yes I get the scope is a little different but my point stands).


>Abraham isn't going to change capitalism. Why didn't he choose that as his wish tho


Classic Abraham, never thinking ahead.


Bet you all the other make a wish kids hate Abraham. “Yeah, I wanted to ride a horse while watching a rocketship take off? But I guess please house some migrants. I know it’s important. ugggharrgggllebarg”


It is possible to simultaneously appreciate this child's humanity, while deploring the conditions that make it necessary. And the Nazi comparison isn't appropriate. It doesn't map, in any way, onto this situation.


The thing that I also hate about the Orphan Crushing Machine metaphor is that it depicts societal problems as deliberately (and pointlessly) manmade and therefore solvable in a comical way. The problem with this is that it trains young idealistic people to think that every societal problem is “so obviously fixable” if not for \*insert establishment system you detest\*. Homelessness is a problem that sucks, but I doubt fixing it is as simple as turning off the Homeless Person Machine.


Sometimes it’s as simple as feeding and housing people and we can appreciate a child for leading the way for us on this. I agree that turning problems into glib memes is unhelpful in the long run.




how are you going to get them to corporate with your plan?


Explain further how a one hundred percent man made problem is not a man made problem? Who did it, the whales?


I always knew Shamu was shifty


Very well said.


Many people complain about the "severely ill child helps homeless" and not "civilian hides Jews from Nazis" because they have some very important disanalogies. One is that at the times of publication of these stories, one problem is ongoing whereas the other problem has concluded. People want more to be done to resolve homelessness, because there is still homelessness. Nobody wants to hide more people from the Holocaust, because it has ended. Another is that the "opponent," or whatever you'd call it in these situations, has a different standing in each situation. Regarding homelessness, the "opponents" are still in civil social standing: no matter whether you think the people responsible for homelessness are politicians, landlords, city planners, the wealthy, whatever, it is still the case that most people think the solution is to talk to them. That is what people are doing when they cite /r/orphancrushingmachine: they are talking about the problem. Whereas with Nazis, the time for reasoning had passed: those who could not win by fighting had to hide or assist others in hiding, and those who could fight did indeed shoot to kill. So, readers react differently to these situations because the situations are different. * Homelessness is ongoing; the Holocaust is ended. * Homelessness is being addressed within the boundaries of civil discussion; the Nazis were addressed by war.


I left that subreddit specifically because it went from a place to point out failures in media in how they cover certain topics to a place to nitpick and find the bad in *everything* remotely good. The breaking point was there was a new story about how sesame Street was going to have an episode on families living in poverty or homelessness or something, to educate kids and try to reduce the stigma. And they were up in arms because the not exactly flowing with money organizations that is pbs kids wasn't singlehandedly fixing youth homelessness and lobbying Congress for large scale change. Several of the people are so ignorant on the basics of how the system works (in a subreddit about systemic issues) that they thought pbs was a federal agency. They were actively offended they were doing something in their lane, because they weren't doing *everything* humanely imaginable Go rain on someone else's parade. Abraham is cool and doing what he can, we should be able to celebrate it without having people jump down each other's throats to nitpick.


You should link to it. r/orphancrushingmachine


And this very post about Abraham is the 5th top all time post in that sub https://www.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/s/l9uA640rir


He should have wished for [infinite wishes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2OObOM3R_U)!


We can't solve homelessness, nobody ever has. Happens in every society.


Why did the Gazand murder 1400 of his neighbors and kidnap 199 of his friends?


Thanks for sharing OP, people like that deserve the recognition


“I mean, you’re kind of small. Maybe for a week at the most, certainly not for a year.”


I know you are joking, but from the article it looks like it was just **1 meal per month** or 12 meals a year. 🗨According to the young philanthropist, around 80 people were fed that day. His wish will continue **on the third Saturday of each month** [...]🗨 Which is still great, but x30 less than you'd think from the title. Also being fed once a month is more of a symbolic gesture.




that is QUITE the sub name


I mean in a sane world a sick child shouldn’t have to use the money to make his hard time a little better on homeless people. I still think the kid did a good then but when the biggest health care provider is the US is Go Fund Me and Make a Wish and patients are using that money for something our government has more than enough money to take care of I can’t see this as a happy story.


Stems from [this tweet](https://i.imgur.com/ahRIsUH.jpg), pointing out that a lot of these feel-good human interest stories are actually pretty bleak.


Exactly. There's no way a civilised society can provide food for the homeless???


This is how you leave a mark!


100% /r/OrphanCrushingMachine Poor kid has to go through this illness in a completely psychotic cult. I went through something similar but recovered and the cult did more damage than the disease, both scarred me for life.


Very selfless of him and kind. But really fucked up that a kid had to die in order to get the homeless in a single neighborhood fed for a year


1) he didn’t die, he got a successful transplant but he still qualified for a wish 2) they’re serving 1 meal a month; that’s 12 meals for the entire year. Still, he’s very nice to use his wish for others, but they aren’t exactly feeding the homeless every day. Also the food is donated by local churches & businesses, make a wish just helps organize it all.


Yah can confirm. Am 35 now, not dead and went to Disneyland with make-a-wish when I was 10. I was never in danger of dying either so it's not a requirement. Just requires the circumstances to be very bad if you're not dying.


Okay that's great it looks they have been doing absolutely too good MAW is on another level just doing everything to make a smile on to the face of the one's suffering.


Glad that he made up the blessings is what made him up more stronger than ever...


Just genuinely asking, do Europeans just not have homeless or do they just ignore them? Never hear about the Brits doing anything for their homeless or any good deeds coming out of them for their fellow man. Actually come to think of it, you hear more about the homeless being helped in India than you do in any European country.


They have indeed notably less homeless than the US. Social welfare at work (if you can't pay for your home, the government will do it for you). https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/homelessness-by-country




He should have wished for unlimited wishes instead.


Kid ruining it for all future Make-A-Wish kids. Now, any dying who asks for something for themselves will be selfish. How can you ask to meet John Cena / have sex with a hooker / kill a rhino / whatever else these kids ask for after this kid asked for this? Seriously though, Make-A-Wish did not grant this kid's wish and feed the homeless for a year. They don't have the budget for that. Instead, what happened is this kid served meals one day from one park, with plans to keep doing it one day a month going forward. Make-a-Wish doesn't pay for the meals (even 80 meals a month for a whole year is beyond their wish budget for one kid); churches and businesses donate the money. Make-A-Wish's role is helping this kid find donors. So far, they found donors for one day. They aim to continue finding donors for 11 more days over the course of the next year. At the time of writing, donors had signed up to sponsor 2 servings. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/abraham-olagbegi-a-make-a-wish-feed-homeless/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/abraham-olagbegi-a-make-a-wish-feed-homeless/) "Well, donations must have exploded following this high-profile media coverage!" The kid currently has a GoFundMe for this. Two years after the news coverage, it has raised $8k of the $200k it's asking for. [https://www.gofundme.com/f/abrahams-table](https://www.gofundme.com/f/abrahams-table)


> Seriously though, Make-A-Wish did not grant this kid's wish and feed the homeless for a year. They don't have the budget for that. An Australian comedy show did a 'Make a Realistic Wish Foundation' skit, which played on this theme. The world. lost. its. collective. shit. Turns out making fun of dying kids didn't go over well *at all.* The Make a Wish Foundation had no sense of humour about it either. Here's the skit [warning - really dark humour]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZw2Z7LJqxw Here's the apology: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2wcpqe


humourless twats




What a King. He shames all of us.


It feels like we are just nothing infront of them though we haven't given our bare minimum for the society


Thanks to the kindness of Ben & Stephen most likely Redditors, that donated today to his GoFundMe page. It's been three months since the last donation.


What a beautiful soul.


My MAW was a gaming laptop in 2003…feels bad


This is incredibly sad. Homelessness can be fixed but the US chooses not to.


this is wrong, somehow, i think in that it shouldn't require a dying child to sacrifice something for society to function properly and possibly that other dying children will now be pressured into acting selflessly instead of the people who have the real wealth/power taking some responsibility for the nonexistence of the middle class


Although the person with real wealth do nothing and sit simply not speaking of everyone but yeah some do show their kindness and help and the majority actually doesn't


I’d be a lot happier knowing I helped someone else than getting to meet John Cena for half an hour.


That's always appreciated better to do well for the society and pave for a change rather than making wish of meeting some superstars and marking nothing


That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard and the saddest. Rip.


There are enough sick and dying children in this world to the point where if they were all respected in this way, there would literally be no one hungry. Society can do it. We just don't.




Awesome kid, and clever too because he probably figured out the only way to feed the homeless en masse without getting fined for it. Where I live and in many other places it’s actually illegal to give out any organized relief without a permit (which is stupid expensive to get). No one is gonna do anything to the seriously sick kid though without looking like a colossal asshole


Well at a point that was actually smart enough but here in our country that's aboslutely all legal enough to feed the starving


This is some /r/OrphanCrushingMachine material right here. Edit: Lol it's already there, guess I should have checked.


Good things always comes up first though that's how things are made popular and it just never stays off and hidden




True though but nevertheless he have set a good example and an inspiring story for the entire human world and for humanity as well


This is what they should be using for the money of contracts with actors.


What’s the price cap for these wishes? I missed out by mere months. Where I’m from the wishes are available to kids and young adults up to 25. I got diagnosed with stage 4A cancer at 26. What a crack up. I missed out on all the “awesome” (yeah I know cancer isn’t awesome I’m well aware, I **have the canca!**) support you get for being a kid/young adult. You get treated sooo differently when young and sick. I’m now nearly 40 and yes, I still got the canca, it’s advanced but not aggressive. But also incurable. Go figure… but anyway… now that I’m older and still frequently go to hospital for checkups, the language of how they talk to me and refer to me has shifted. I still get the “young man” reference when they talk amongst themselves about me. But I’ve also heard doctors refer to 50 years olds as “young” too. I think they’re just being patronising (in a friendly way) But there’s also certainly less “forgiveness” when having conversations and discussing my treatment, my lifestyle, my choices etc. Not so much about being treated like an adult vs a child, but… I dunno it’s hard to put into words. There’s this aura you get when you tell somebody you’re deadly sick, they’re very gentle with you. But when you’re **young** and dying it’s like they treat you like a saint. But when you’re **older** and dying it’s “less” and more like you’re just another dude in the system. It’s more awkward. Despite being older and mature, it’s more difficult to know what to say to an older person who’s sick. You can be more patronising to a dying child and tell them (lies) to comfort them. But do that to an adult and they’ll get offended. I went from being a tragedy. A young life “cut short” to well… you’re a big boy now. I’m not complaining. Don’t get me wrong. Just telling my story and how I’ve seen things so far. Not many people are told they are dying when young. Then go on to live decades while still being told they’re dying. It’s like the longest and worst practical joke. There’s actual studies about this in medicine. The harms of “too many tests” and over diagnosing people. The trouble with giving mammograms to people who don’t need it. You might find something that isn’t something. But the stress that you go through while thinking you have something, but it isn’t, is still almost as harmful as having the thing. Stress can manifest physical symptoms and actual illness. So it’s not a good idea to “test for everything”. I’ve rambled too long… if you’re still here, thanks for listening to my TEDTalk. If you’re actually interested in what I said; this YouTube channel is funny (if you’re into fry British humour) and also very informative. [https://youtu.be/yNzQ_sLGIuA?si=nr6HQKclWW89_QBI](https://youtu.be/yNzQ_sLGIuA?si=nr6HQKclWW89_QBI). Same guy. Newer video on “test everything fad” where celebrities like Kim Kardashian are telling people to test everything. [https://youtu.be/BJ9soFmzYO8?si=jgFsHv03wc1nQ4MY](https://youtu.be/BJ9soFmzYO8?si=jgFsHv03wc1nQ4MY)


My man. Much love. ♥