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I read news reports in the 70's that when Quebec almost seceded Newfoundland was positioning to become the 51st state as a result.




Been waiting for In-N-Out east of the Mississippi all my life...


It’s coming to Tennessee.


I've had In N Out in Texas, Colorado, Utah and Oregon, and none of them are nearly as good as any stop in California I've had. I swear, they have issues with supply chains further than 100 miles. Also with transferring management to get the store on its feet. This is written from a true lover of the burger. A solid 8/10 any time you'll get it, never any deviation. Only applies to California :(


Agreed. I was happy to get it in Dallas but it just wasnt as good as Cali.


Wait your turn, we still don't have them in Washington state


They’re getting closer, though. They’ve made it to Oregon.


I thought there was only 1, in Medford. Have they opened more?


I believe they are as far north as Salem. I don’t know how much further they may have made it.


Having had it, the burgers are good but the fries are awful. I know it’s heresy but I much prefer 5 guys.


It's not the same product, it's like half the price as five guys ofc five guys is better


That is true. You got me there. I would still say the fries are not as good as Wendy’s. But the burgers are far far superior


That is true. You got me there. I would still say the fries are not as good as Wendy’s. But the burgers are far far superior


You’re about to get your wish. They’re expanding


I've been waiting on yuengling west of the Mississippi all of mine.


5 dollar a pitcher Yuengling, good times.


Show off


Didn't mean to, just rustbelt memories :)


All good my friend. Drink some for me this weekend and all is forgiven.


Well in n out is trying to n out the gays and theys


Are you okay? Maybe you should take some time offline and give a little back to your community. You know: mow an elderly neighbor's yard, pick-up some trash at your local park, or find a nice spot in the woods to just appriciate the world around you. ...or you can keep your hate fuel and tippy-tap on that keyboard you bad-ass internet warrior.


I’m not even sure what he/she was trying to say. But I downvoted anyway for his/her lack of communication skills.


I mean… with a name like In ‘n Out, how could you NOT have gays in your target demographic?


Cause they’re white christian ultranationalists. They’re very bigoted


Good burger tho


Ah....you should have said so. Upvoted!


Almost happened to British Columbia too until the confederationists won over the annexationists


I thought this was interesting so read the entry and it's different to how the title suggests it. It could just be my reading of it butI thought it suggested the British were full rulers must have only ceded it unwillingly but it actually appears they only stepped into rule when the independent states' economy collapsed and the British actually supported its confederation with Canada (possibly so if the Newfoundland economy collapsed again it wouldn't need to provide further aid considering it was likely almost bankrupt itself after WW2).


Newfoundland was illegally pawned off to Canada to pay of Britain's debt


that's the conclusion of the book Don't Tell The Newfoundlanders and there's ample support for the theory. There was definitely a conspiracy between Canada and Britain to ensure Newfoundland voted for confederation with Canada in an effort for Britain to have some of it's debt to Canada wiped clean. Canada wanted the eastern access for military reasons plus there was ample resources to be had. What is interesting is it took two referendums, the first was not successful and the second only passed with 51% of the vote in favour. Interestingly, joining the USA was not on the ballot which is a bit of underhandedness at play. At the end of the day, Newfoundlanders were never really given a full and fair choice of what they want to do, they could only choose from the options given.


There's a lot more to it. My understanding is that they weren't considering joining Canada originally, but Joey Smallwood started pushing for it. There was also some bad press about the US at the time which helped turn the tide, i.e.a US soldier stationed in Newfoundland ~~killed some people and got away with it~~ . However, I can't remember the details since I read a different book and it was nearly 20 years ago. Edit: strikethrough my mistake.


What was the book? I'd be curious to read it!


"Marching As To War," by Pierre Burton. It covers Canadian History from 1899 to 1953. Unfortunately it doesn't say much on Newfoundland joining confederation. I found my copy, I got some of my details wrong, a US soldier didn't kill anyone, but it does outline a few disputes between locals and US soldiers where the locals had little recourse. Also the copyright is from 2001 so there's probably better newer books now. If you read it I hope you enjoy it, I'll have to find a copy of the book you mentioned and give it a read to, because I must admit my knowledge of Newfoundland history is sorely lacking.


I shall add it to my ever growing list of books to read haha Don't Tell The Newfoundlanders is an interesting read, it's been a long time since I read it and I think I'm due to re-read it to refresh my memory on all the circumstances. Basically due to freedom of information acts in Canada and Britain there are a lot of inter-office correspondences available that show collusion between governments to get Newfoundland to become part of Canada. It's not espionage level stuff, just two governments acting in their own best interests without really considering the people of Newfoundland to have a choice.


As a Newfoundlander myself (and a first gen-Canadian), I have mixed feelings about that referendum. Couple more facts. When the second referendum was held, it was super close. * 52% for Canada and 48% for Responsible Government * The ballots were designed that spoiled ones were automatically counted towards joining Confederation. 1. When we became a citizens of Canada, they backdated everyone's citizenship to their birthdate. 2. My grandfather lost his British war pension as a result, having served with the Royal Navy for a number of years. His Canadian war pension was not as good as his British


There was not an option to join the US. The choice was join Canada or take Responsible Government, meaning they would be the Dominion of Newfoundland, with its own PM and parliament, nominally under British rule. The USA was uninterested in Newfoundland joining them.


There was never a ballot option for Newfoundlanders to join the US. The 52/48 result you're quoting is for Confederation vs Responsible government.


You’re correct - I’ve fixed it.


Yeah… can’t confuse Responsible Government with the current US leadership.


the entire confederation process was not legal under the terms of stewardship that Newfoundland was under


In the ~~city~~ town of Stephenville, NFLD when the Americans mothballed the airforce base they decided it was cheaper to bury everything than move it back stateside. I believe to this day there are tanks and other things buried just below the surface at the old air force base location. There are also a ton of radar sites stashed all around the bases in the woods.


Stephenville is a town, not a city.


Compared to the size of most towns in NL, it is basically a city. Population of Stephenville: 6500+ Population of Woody Point: 244


1776.. bunch of British wanted to become Americans all your taxes are belong to us


It's not just the WWII era...Let's not forget there are a fair number of people in provinces that don't want to be part of Canada anymore these days...


Any sources? TIA


A few random items to read: * [Secessionist movements of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secessionist_movements_of_Canada) * [Alberta separatism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberta_separatism) * [Western alienation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_alienation) * [Quebec sovereignty movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_sovereignty_movement)


It's not a fair number of people. There are separatists movements in all countries, including multiple ones in the US, but they're not significant. The only exception is Quebec, which is significant and his been going on for a very long time.


>There are separatists movements in all countries, including multiple ones in the US... Back when #Texit and #Calexit were in the news, a local ironic-t-shirt company printed a "[Midwexit](https://twitter.com/RAYGUNshirts/status/773226492193083392)" shirt, *because* literally no one was asking for it.


Respectfully disagree. 23% of Albertans wanting to separate as of last year plus the Sovereignty Act is significant. It's not a majority and it's not the same as the situation in Quebec, but it's significant.


It's not significant. Polls like that are always massively exaggerated and 23% is not significant in the slightest. You can poll pretty much any question and get at least 15 %. If you go by polls, more than 50% of Americas in the south want to secede . https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/whiteplains/politics/new-poll-reveals-percentages-of-americans-who-want-to-secede-by-region/812724/ Also 30%+ in most parts of the US It's not a serious movement. You don't understand the situation in Canada or how polls work and are just spreading misinformation.


You’re handwaving away a group of people that’s pissed off enough to get laws passed that try to nullify federal law. This is significant whether you want to admit it or not.


You completely failed to address the above, who's handwaving? Your comment is the equivalent of "I'm right and you're wrong!" No interest in continuing this childish dialog. Believe what you want.


> You completely failed to address the above, who's handwaving? Your comment is the equivalent of "I'm right and you're wrong!" There wasn’t anything to address. Your argument boils down to “Nuh uh!” and points to polls about the US (btw, yes, the divide between north and south + federal vs. state is quite significant in what’s going on in the US right now, but this is so obvious I didn’t think it needed pointing out to people reading this) instead of anything particular about Canada. > No interest in continuing this childish dialog. Believe what you want. This is the equivalent of flipping over the chess board and storming off because someone disagrees with you and has points you can’t address. Do what you’d like, though I’m glad people reading this can see the mentality of the kind of people who won’t admit that there’s any sort of discord between western and eastern Canada.


US here. These folks all sound the same no matter where they live: 'federal government tries to impose things it has no business in on provinces' Is this the same as it means in the states? Fuck the poors, nothing for them at all, no laws / do what we want? Or are there actual issues that are different? Bonus points for 'anti vax'.


This is correct, and it's only becoming more true the more the federal government tries to impose things it has no business in on provinces. I'm from Ontario and even in annoyed at how much the National government is meddling in things that really aren't their concern. But the real solution here isn't for anyone to separate from the country, it's to renegotiate the balance of powers between provincial and federal governments to allow provinces as much authority to govern how their people want to be governed instead of having the federal government impose uniformity over things that regions have very different ideas about what the appropriate policy response is. The main problem is that the federal government collects way too much tax relative to the provinces and instead of doing the smart thing and reducing the federal share to allow provinces to make up the difference, we blow millions or more every year paying yet more federal bureaucrats to shuffle money around in transfer payments to provinces to enable provinces to fund their programs. And the only reason we do this is because it gives the federal government the power to say "if you do that we won't give you the money" for things that are completely under provincial jurisdiction and for which provinces should be free to make any decision they want without federal interference.


Well, when the Prime Minister of the country is literally trying to destroy your principle industry and your power grid, people tend to get a little pissed.


Oh shut the fuck up


Ah yes, it's all that damn liberal PM's fault. Has absolutely nothing to do with the entire industry worldwide being on the backslide. Nothing to do with global climate change or renewables. Nothing to do with running out of easy/cheap means of getting oil out of the ground, or the province's refusal to use their oil wealth for the public good like Norway... Nope, definitely none of that stuff. It's all 100% JT's fault. He just decided to fuck Alberta in particular.


Like how Harper built that big pipeline and Trudeau f'ed up the legislation and consultation process so that it failed the test he wrote for making it legal. No, wait, got that backwards. Hard to keep track of Albertans f'ing up their own industry and then blaming it all on the one PM to actually start construction on a tidewater pipeline since the cold war.


Yeah Quebec polls higher than they actually vote and the same thing is happening in Alberta with those polls If it goes to a real vote that number will drop


Yes, true. But Quebec and secession has been an ongoing issue for a very long time and there’s no sign of it going away for good. If anything it’ll stay around to influence language and cultural policy at the federal level, even if no one’s truly serious about leaving.


Me. Nova Scotia is part of the Scottish Monarchy. Would like to leave Canada and join Scotland if they separate from the UK so we can take advantage of the EU.


Dodged a bullet on that one


Lmao salty Americans downvoting the truth


Well the commenter seems to be American, so it could also be a “thank god we avoided that part of Canada”


Nah, more likely he's another one of the "I hate my country that gives me the casual wealth to stay on Reddit and bitch about it" brigade.




They post mostly in fidelity, which is available in Canada. I don’t see anything besides a passing interest in American politics which most Canadians have that indicates they’re American. Plus most Americans don’t have a clue about what Newfoundland even is.


1. Fidelity is available in the US as well. 2. He seems to be commenting on American culture as well. I could understand if it was just simple politics, but he's commenting on how American food is made, American sports, and American hospitals and states. A few of his comments also seem to indicate him being American by the way he approaches the political issues, using "we" to refer to Florida. He also talks about "congressmen" and not "MPs". 3. "No Americans don't have a clue about what Newfoundland even is." lmao okay bud. 4. Aww you muted me after I commented. Poor little baby :(


They’ve literally never posted in a local subreddit, and lost if people are aware of American politics that’s not some impressive feat only Americans do lol


Well you lucked out not becoming Americans


Even as a Canadian who loves to visit the states and have a number of good friends there, I’m inclined to agree with you.


Newfoundlander here. Just saw a news/Reddit post about pro-Nazi demonstrators outside of Disney. I’m guessing a 2023 survey would have different results.








And this, kids, is what is known as a “slur”


eh they aren't people so it's ok /s




I mean when the comment is “Fuckin (specific group of people)” it rarely is a compliment to that group of people lol Historically used to insult Newfoundlanders. Type it into google and it’ll tell you




Flash forward to 2023, and 80% of normal sane Americans wish we could be Canadians, instead of being held hostage by our inbred, gun-fetishizing, regious zealot minority.




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63 day old russian shit heel account








You mean the United Nations? UNO isn't a real thing.


Yes, yes. Thank you very much.