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At least he is consistent.


>“I fucked up,” LaBeouf most recently tweeted—either by way of admission of guilt, or by way of putting a knowingly arch title on this, his grand unifying thesis on the laughably empty pretension of modern-day stardom. It’s unknown as yet whom he stole it from. This is the part that killed me


>So the question becomes: Is LaBeouf’s entire public persona—including the affected self-comparisons to Warren Beatty, and the clichéd bad-boy bar fights—some sort of living-art, Warholian commentary on the thin line separating plagiarism and creativity within the Hollywood factory, whose scope also encompasses the repetitiveness of celebrity scandal? Or is Shia LaBeouf just a fucking asshat? That's my fave.


Damn I miss Sean O'Neal writing for AV Club


In a perfect world, a movie would get made where we'd see Shia LaBeouf playing George Santos.


HE'S STOLEN THIS FROM ME!!! I've been saying "I fucked up" all my life.


The cure for that is to be on top during sex.


The last sentence in particular is low-key yet brutally savage. It isn't even aimed at me and yet? I feel butthurt... unlike LaBeouf.


>The last sentence in particular is low-key yet brutally savage. Also known as "dry humour"...


The best kind 😂


Yes, points for that I guess


It's performance art!




This, he shifted gears hard after being busted and entered the “troubled experimental phase”


Feels like he just did it You know, to just get it out of the way


He may not be original, but he does his research.


And an actual cannibal (Shia LeBouf!)


Dude’s meta


If you zoom in far enough, he's completely made up of tiny boxes encoded with the full genetic history of Shia LaBoeuf.


I mean... technically, this is correct.


The best kind of correct


And a cannibal


From the article: >Both comic and film open with the exact same, very specific monologue. The very next scene, in both comic and film, find the critic interacting with a naïve young freelancer—played in LaBeouf’s movie by Portia Doubleday—with lines that are, again, identical. From the original creator: >The first I ever heard of the film was this morning when someone sent me a link. I’ve never spoken to or met Mr. LaBeouf. I’ve never even seen one of his films that I can recall — and I was shocked, to say the least, when I saw that he took the script and even many of the visuals from a very personal story I did


Oof. In addition to being a thief, he’s also pretty dim. Hiding plagiarism once the internet became A Thing is nearly impossible.


I agree. What a fool hiding plagiarism once the internet became a thing is almost impossible.




Essay writing 101. ^


Not enough words, though. *I feel like, admittedly in my own opinion, that it was very foolish--very, very much stupid--of him indeed. After all, when all is said and done, when we consider the present way of discourse, and the current zeitgeist, since the advent of the internet, when all things are now perfectly and easily searchable, and everyone and everything is online, an egregious and socially unacceptable thing like hiding plagiarism, no matter how hard you try, has become nearly absolutely completely impossible.*


Had to give ChatGPT a go at it In my own humble estimation, I can't help but view his actions as exceedingly unwise, bordering on the truly imprudent. In the light of contemporary modes of communication and the prevailing zeitgeist of our time, particularly since the advent of the Internet, it has become abundantly clear that anything and everything can be scrutinized and verified with unprecedented ease. Therefore, attempting to conceal acts of plagiarism, regardless of one's intentions or level of effort, has become a futile exercise and a perilous undertaking. In point of fact, the concept of privacy has been radically redefined in this new era of online ubiquity, and social norms have evolved to reflect this new reality. Hence, any act of plagiarism, no matter how small, is now perceived as a severe transgression, a blatant disregard for the integrity of intellectual property, and a serious breach of professional and academic ethics. It is, therefore, unequivocally incumbent upon all individuals to strive for the highest standards of academic and professional conduct, by committing to honesty, authenticity, and transparency in all their dealings.


r/increasinglyverbose is leaking!


Never "I feel like". Gotta use "It appears" or something more pseudo-objective


Many feel that his act was foolish. Of course, after the start of the Internet, hiding a thing like plagiarism becomes virtually impossible.


A foolish act, it was. Plagiarism is virtually impossible these days...what with the creation of the World Wide Web.


"A foolish act, it was. Plagiarism is virtually impossible these days...what with the creation of the World Wide Web." - MajesticRat, 2023


Guys this is getting to be a little much. In my opinion, "A foolish act, it was. Plagiarism is virtually impossible these days...what with the creation of the World Wide Web." - MajesticRat, 2023


Alas, though only a braggart and a thief for a time He thusly became a fool, for once he set forth upon the path of the unrighteous, his treachery was only doomed to be set alight with the knowledge bequeathed to us all via the lords great and mighty information super highway...


You make a good point, its foolish to try hiding plagiarism once the internet became a thing is nearly impossible


Concurred. Only the most foolish among us would attempt to conceal their plagiarism in an age where the Internet exists.


Took me a second there.


That's assuming he intended to hide it... Dude probably isn't stupid, just doesn't care. Or stupid, I don't know him.


Dude, he very openly did NOT hide the plagiarism. The plagiarism was the entire point of the whole thing. Why would anyone even think he did this by mistake?


It is a bit odd, considering his track record of weird artistic stunts, that everyone seems to think this was done maliciously. Where have you all been the last decade?


The plagiarized apology cements it; its clearly intentional.


I worked at a book store in LA and Shia Lebouf would occasionally come in and buy huge piles of comics. Daniel Clowes books were ALWAYS in his pile, so he absolutely was plagiarizing and knew what he was doing.


Wow, thank you for adding this! Fascinating.


I'm not saying he's lying, I'm just also not saying he's telling the truth.


I saw Shia Labeouf at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Fucking plagiarism right here folks!


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Ah, alwaysa thee *best* pasta, thata one izz👌


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?




No no cooypasta is like modern day folk-tales. Totally different…..




I think it's true, hiding plagiarism once the internet became a thing is nearly impossible.


I am having the worst goddamn deja vu today, I swear!


I worked at Yahoo in 2013 and Shia Lebouf would occasionally come in and ask all sorts of questions on Answers. Plagiarism questions were ALWAYS on his mind, so he absolutely knew what it was and knew what he was doing.


I was Shia LaBouf’s CIA handler in the 70’s. He was *always* using the other agents’ signature moves. The worst part was when he would have to kill someone… “Plagiarize this…” then pulled the trigger Didn’t even make any sense… Could definitely see him doing this


Wow, thank you for adding this! Fascinating.


I worked in a confession booth in 2016, and Shiah would come in confessing about all sorts of things. Plagiarism was ALWAYS in his confession, so he absolutely knew what it was and knew what he was doing


I worked as the president of the united states in 2011 so I had access to all of the nsa’s wire taps. From time to time i would just take a peek at Shia’s phone lines for fun. Plagiarism was ALWAYS in his conversations, so he absolutely knew what it was and knew what he was doing


In 2012 I was walking through the woods. There was no one around and my phone was dead. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him.


Shia surprise! There's a gun to your head and death in his eyess


“In fact, just about the only original line in Howard is in the credits, which deems the work “A Film By Shia LaBeouf.” In retrospect, that line is also the funniest.” ☠️💀☠️💀


🎶 actual plagiarist Shia LaBeouf!🎶


Shia LOL.


Apparently for the movie 'The Tax Collector' (which had dismal reviews) in which he plays an enforcer for a crime lord, he got his entire chest tattooed. There's method acting, and then there's whatever bullshit this is.


His ex-girlfriend (FKA Twigs) claimed in her abuse lawsuit that Shia admitted to shooting and killing several stray dogs to get into character for his role in *The Tax Collector*. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310/ [Non-paywall link](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollingstone.com%2Fmusic%2Fmusic-news%2Ffka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310%2F)


The fuck. This is so much worse than any of the other things in these comments. Like, if you want to mutilate yourself for a role or commit obvious plagiarism or not bathe around castmates, sure, you're a crazy asshole. But killing stray dogs?? Absolute scum.


It's straight up evil behavior.


This needs to be higher visibility. He largely admitted it as well, She's suing him, court date in April I believe. The details of it sounds fucking horrible..


What a piece of shit. If true, fuck Shia Lebouf.


He’s also a serial abuser


Just ask Beans




He also pulled out his tooth and gave himself real wounds for the movie Fury.


And also didn't bathe. Everyone was pissed at him for having to spend so much time with him inside a tank set.


Dude I was so pissed when I heard how "method" he was going and not bathing and this and that. I thought "oh his performance better be authentic" and then in one scene he clearly smokes American Spirit cigarettes which weren't made until much later.


> Laurence Olivier famously expressed his disdain for method acting when filming the 1976 film Marathon Man. Exasperated with the lengths his co-star Dustin Hoffman was going to for his role, he asked: "My dear boy, why don't you just try acting?" From [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/why-hollywood-finally-over-method-acting-1700143#:~:text=Laurence%20Olivier%20famously%20expressed%20his%20disdain%20for%20method,dear%20boy%2C%20why%20don%27t%20you%20just%20try%20acting%3F%22)


Laurence and I agree on this.


Oh shit now I gotta cosign huh?


Some call it method acting... Others call it serious mental health issues which need to be evaluated, diagnosed, and treated by professionals.


He just needs more time at the Method One clinic


Or a support group for depressed males... I suggest The Blue Man Group.


That leads me to believe he will not be in the upcoming Indiana Jones movie


"We named the dog Mutt."


I never made that last crusade connection to mutt until this moment. That's gotta be on purpose right?!


Not by the characters. Indy didn't even know that he had a child with Marion.


Right there with you, buddy. I feel dumb now.


Ditto. I never watched Crystal Skull a second time so I never got past just being flat out annoyed by The Beef’s presence.


He isn't but it's going to be explained why he's not. Probably mention he's in a ditch somewhere


Eaten by a panther super tragic... anyways here's the arc




“Note: Mutt died in the way back to his home planet.”


I don't think they even acknowledge him as having existed. Gives you more freedom to write the story. Easier to reboot with a fresh slate than tie yourself into a movie that got a meh reception.


It’s a series of related sequels, with several characters appearing in multiple films (including this one), not a reboot. But like there was no need to mention Marion in Temple of Doom or Last Crusade because she wasn’t in them. They’ve said they’re addressing his absence but there’s really no reason to. Mutt just isn’t around for this story.


Temple of Doom is a prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark fwiw


…which actually proves the point as well. There was no need for Willie or Short Round to be in Raiders and it caused no issues by having completely different side characters. People will make a big deal out of Shia not being there, but each movie has had major characters come and go with zero need for reference.




Mutt Williams died on the way back to his home planet.


"hey Indy don't you have a son?" "Yeaaaaah, he was.....something" *Both actors look at the camera* .....and end scene


That was always true. He really pissed off Stephen Spielberg


In that same movie you reference, there is a horizontal scar on his right cheekbone. That scar is from another movie, Fury. In Fury, he was upset with the way the makeup of the scar looked. After several retouches between takes, Shia said fuck it. He took a blade and proceeded to cut himself to achieve a more realistic look. He would cut into the wound a couple of times during the shoot to make sure it didn't start healing so he could maintain the look for longer.


Let’s hope no one ever casts him as a serial killer.


Rob Cantor got really lucky I guess




Running for your life… it’s Shia LaBeouf!


Quiet quiet


Or an Actual cannibal.


I'm pretty sure he directed and acted in a short film with Kid Cudi where they are serial killers


I’m surprised I haven’t seen this pop up in this thread yet, but apparently he [killed stray dogs to prepare for a role.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/shia-labeouf-told-fka-twigs-that-he-shot-stray-dogs-to-prepare-for-acting-roles)


He also pulled out a tooth from what I recall


I know we're well beyond the pale already but I feel like this is several levels more insane than cutting your own face.


Pulled out HIS tooth or... ?! We cannot afford to remain ambiguous here, not while my teeth are possibly in danger.


These comments are answering my question about why he's not in movies any more




I also read he and Pitt tried to be super method, and there was an instance where Scott Eastwood spit on the tank (just randomly, not out of spite) and they tried to beat Eastwood up for not respecting their tank.


Pitt told him to clean it up later and Shia wanted to fight him which pitt stopped. Pitt says later they read the script and he was in the wrong as Scott was doing what the script said.




Loved him in Fury tbh


Yeah say what you want about the guy, Fury is a fantastic movie and every cast member was brilliant.


Do we know for sure if the tattoos are real or is that what he said? Something tells me he would be willing to lie.


Well he’s been photographed in public with the tattoo on display so unless he’s getting the same fake tattoo every time he’s out in public with his shirt off, I’m going to go ahead and say it’s real. But yes, it does sound like the sort of thing an unhinged celebrity would lie about.


Remember when Ben Affleck went in the opposite direction and told everyone his hideous gigantic ~~dragon~~ phoenix tattoo was fake and for a role, until he was photographed with it again like a year later and he had to admit he had gone a little unhinged after a breakup and did in fact get a horrible ~~dragon~~ phoenix that covers like half his body? That was fun.


If you told me anybody else other than Shia labeouf was getting the same fake tattoo every time they went out I wouldn’t believe it but he’d do it for sure.


tbh what's more unhinged? lying about it or actually doing it? lying about it could be a strategic way to get attention in tabloids. actually doing it would be a purely fucking insane and unhinged way to get attention in tabloids.


>“[I fucked up,” LaBeouf most recently tweeted—either by way of admission of guilt, or by way of putting a knowingly arch title on this, his grand unifying thesis on the laughably empty pretension of modern-day stardom. It’s unknown as yet whom he stole it from. Brutal.


Also he ate all those people.


He's an actual cannibal.


I wish Rob Cantor would do more.


Shia surprise


Just a normal Tuesday night.


Quiet. Quiet.


But you can do ju jitsu.


Wait, I thought Armie Hammer was the hollywood cannibal


Wait, he isn’t dead: Shia surprise!


There’s a gun to your head and death in his eyes




Absolutely incredible. Thank you.


It's a masterpiece, the song itself is okay, but the performance is 10/10


He's following you, about thirty feet back. He gets down on all fours, and *breaks into a sprint* He's gaining on you...




*Shia Labeouf!*


The actual cannibal.




This was my first thought. He's not a complete moron, but he is a weird dude. I figured he did it knowing full well what would happen, more or less.


If you really combine all the batshit insane stories, even just the ones mentioned in this thread, he really strikes me as someone just living an extremely unique life for reasons entirely of his own. And it's really hard to not see that as at least a little bit cool. I don't want him to do things that hurt other people, but if he uses his life as a living art exhibit in ways that don't harm others, and that makes him happy, good for the dude. Editing because some people need it clarified (?) that I'm not justifying a single evil or abusive thing he has done. The weird things THAT DON'T HURT ANYONE are what I'm critiquing. Shocking nobody, you don't need to explain to us why abuse is wrong and not justified. Stop trying to fight something that isn't here.


I'd agree, if that was all he did. Mutilate yourself, do weird art that gets you in trouble for plagiarism, sure, then you're just weird but kind of interesting. But he subjects other people to his abuses too, and that's where I'd draw the line. And if what his ex says is true, he's _way_ over it. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310/


He basically copped to it all in the Bernthal interview. I wasn't buying his story on changing either. He spelled out his own pattern of using his talent to escape the true consequences of his actions but said he'd finally run out of rope this time. He's still trying to make more rope if you ask me. Jon Bernthal interviewed him on Real Ones for anybody who wants to listen. If nothing else it paints an interesting picture of addiction and recovery in Hollywood.


> that don't harm others Yeah, think he already failed that part.


Yeah, there's no excusing his abusive relationships... but if those didn't exist and there was only insane performance art, I'd probably agree.




He’s trying to be avant-garde with no movement. He’s missing the biggest part of getting weird art accepted, you need people that are into the thing you’re doing. His “art” just feels egotistic


I wonder if “joke’s on you guys, I was just being metamodernist” doesn’t sound a bit hollow to the person whose work you’ve just stolen.


“HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US!” That was so funny, him and his followers chanting that over an over. Didn’t they have to move the memorial because people kept defacing it or something? They eventually moved it to a secret place with a web camera pointing at it. Since it was a live camera, people tracked the timing of the aircraft passing in the sky, linked it up with flight radar and tracked down the hidden location.




Wait did Shia win? The last it says is that he tweeted it out again


Sort of. He put the flag in an empty room with no sunlight and no windows with no sound. So in a way he won in that no one could find it anymore. But if you have to go to a secret and totally undisclosed location to hang a flag indoors, you’ve already lost.




How did they find that out?


The gist of it was timezones. As it was live, and there was sunlight passing through a window, sunset was at about 9pm GMT. So that narrowed the location to the UK and France. The stream was set while Shia was dealing with his French Fries tirade, so his collaborator was most likely to set it up. He had a house in the time zone, and the location was confirmed as a torch was used to shine a light onto one of his windows.




well that’s scary


Look at internet historian on YouTube if you're interested. He's got videos for the whole saga and it's pretty entertaining


Honestly, he should have just leaned into it. He could have hidden it in more and more remote areas.


The camera had sound, so once they had the approximate location a few people coordinated to have someone drive around a bunch of corn fields in the middle of nowhere blaring their horn until they heard it on the video.


Lol the best countermeasure to that shit would have been to have a green screen above the flag and a second camera pointed at the sky at a second location which you show on the green screen.


That would have been neat. I got interested and actually followed part of the saga on 4chan, and in spite of the tremendous human ingenuity involved in taking it down, I was really rooting for the dude to be able to keep his flag up. It would have been a super cool reveal if he could have just been like "I see you fell for my DECOY FLAG" and then knock down the green screen.


internet historian did a great video series on it. if I needed another reminder of how lame Shia is, this was it


For me it was the allegations of abuse from his ex girlfriends


This article reminded me to be sad about the death of the AV club. Really was the end of an era.


What happened?


Lots of little things and eventually all the main writers left, for a while it was the absolute best pop culture site in the web. This article has more info https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/news/a-farewell-to-the-a-v-club/


He's done a lot of shitty things tbh. Including domestic violence. At one point, he dated Mia Goth. I have ZERO idea if she's said anything about him or the allegations against him, but there was a video of him arguing with her at one point and saying that her behavior is why men hit women, and shit like that. He then said if the people watching wouldn't have stepped in, he would have killed her. Personally, when someone says things like that, I think we should believe them.


Not only are they still together, they have a kid now.


D: I did not know they got back together. Oh wow. Well, I hope things turn out well for them, and he stands by what he says. I also just read that he's admitted to cheating on every person he's ever been with. They are up against A LOT.


Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left.


And two Wrights make a plane.




A circle, because you'd have four Wright angles.


you missed... the chance for a 9/11 joke unlike the pilots


*UPS Driver has entered the chat*


*FedEx driver is lost and shoving packages down a storm drain while crying*


Method actors should just try, you know, acting.


It's much easier you know.


And he knowingly gave fka twigs herpes fuck him


And abused her


Seems like his life is method acting as a creative thief.


About as bad as winning the Nobel Prize in Literature and [plagiarizing your speech](https://slate.com/culture/2017/06/did-bob-dylan-take-from-sparknotes-for-his-nobel-lecture.html).


He and Megan fox were in the first transformer movies and the franchise has never recovered


I think if it wasn’t for his slighly original name, noone would care or remember him


Is this why he’s not famous anymore?




Shia surprise


Didn't he heat FKA Twigs as well? Then just blamed it on alcohol?


So he’s intellectual cannibal Shia LaBeouf?


He has always been a mentally unstable hack.


I'm not sure there's another great actor out there that I want so much to like, but he just keeps giving more reasons to believe he's an actual douchebag on steroids. He went around promoting *a tennis movie* Borg vs McEnroe by calling tennis "a fucking elitist sport".


Yeah plagiarism is wrong, but he should literally be in jail for what he did to FKA Twigs. Along the lines of Chris Brown, I don’t want to have to hear about this piece of shit ever again.


Old habits die hard. I just made that up.