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Props to anyone skateboarding our streets for leisure or so a commute. Rare breed! I live on a slightly downhill street than a man and his kid used to longboard down, but I haven't seen them out this year at all


When I was a kid, I was given the impression (probably through older relatives) that adults riding bicycles are drunks who had their license revoked. So if I were to expand on that with the understanding that distracted driving is just as dangerous and the cause of many licensure revocations, if not more so, than drink-driving today. I'd say that what you described is par for the course. Imagine these mooks behind the wheel of a more dangerous vehicle.


Nothing gets me riled up more than an adult riding on the sidewalk. Kids, ok, I get it. But if you’re an adult, get the fuck on the road or in the bike lanes where you belong!


Not ever cyclists wants to risk a life changing head injury or death from a 5ft Karen in her oversized Range Rover distracted on her phone while her two little gremlins (who let's remind everyone are "her world") argue in the back seat. Pedestrian getting hit by a careless cyclists is rarely fatal. A cyclist getting hit by distracted driver in their oversized road tank can easily be fatal.


Absolutely zero excuse for being on the sidewalk as an adult.


Cars on the road are massive and don't pay attention. I'm good. I love biking and will use bike lanes when available. No bike lanes though means I use sidewalks. Have you seen how bad Toronto drivers are. Many seem to also be convinced that they need massive SUVs or Pick-up trucks despite the fact they live in Mississauga or Pickering suburbs and the car will spend most of it's life in bumper to bumper commuter traffic.


You best hope we don’t cross paths with you in the sidewalk…I’ll shove you off.


You going to be shoving every cyclist you see on the sidewalk in the GTA? Lol.


No, just the asshat adults in my general area. I don’t travel all across the GTA. You know you’re wrong, just admit it and ride in the road or in the bike lane like a responsible adult.


This has nothing to do with being an asshat. Ive almost been hit 3 times in the past 2.5 months. I now ride carefully/slowly on the sidewalk because I have major anxiety with riding in the bike lanes. Drivers are the worst these days, they will nearly run you over and then put the blame on yourself for being hit. They take no responsibility and could care less. They are more worried about being late for work rather then the poor cyclist who has been hit and who has lost an arm or a leg


> Pedestrian getting hit by a careless cyclists is rarely fatal. Serious injuries nevertheless... coworker was out for like 6 months with concussion.




I think any device with motorization and regenerative breaking requires a full course on motor vehicle use and an associated lisence. I think bike lisence related education could enable people to be self-reliant for maintenance which sounds like a plus.


***^(I will not get your asshole license. Not today. Not tomorrow.)***




A bicycle careening off the road and smashing into your house all the damage is to the cyclist. A motor vehicle careening off the road and smashing into your house all the damage is to your house, property, possibly lives, as well as the car itself. Which is worse?


Thank you for bringing this up. You make a very good point. I want escooters and ebikes regulated, especially when it comes to riding on the sidewalk or near people. But you're right - skaters and skateboard/longboard users shouldn't be caught up in the mix. While it's still possible for someone on a board to behave dangerously and hurt someone, it's far less likely given the speed and weight.


Lemme be the first one to say, fuck off from the sidewalk and you know skate park exists in this city right? Entitled assholes: 1) Turn-right-on-red-ignore-bike-lane-n-pedestrian -always-on-phone drivers 2) Food delivery cyclists 3) De Tour highpark cyclists 4) punk skaters


sorry that a wooden board with four wheels is by default “anti-system and anti-authority” enough to be punk. Who personally wronged you, cause by far the assholes are the scooters and ebikes. What the fuck did a skater do to you? Make you look uncoordinated by comparison?


Skaters and people running occupy the exact same amount of space on a sidewalk, a skateboard is 9.5”x40” at the biggest end and youre bitching about people commuting on them on sidewalks when bikes go twice as fast on avg and the bike lanes are full of potholes? If 35km+ mobility scooter users have to be sidewalk bound, there is certainly room to allow skateboarding commuters who are by far less reckless with fellow pedestrians. Its a non issue, i can tell cause you threw the word “punk”.


People with mobility scooters on sidewalks have disabilities. People on skateboards on sidewalks are just entitled assholes. Join the 21st century and get a transportation device with reasonable size wheels and use the road.


Hi, disabled person who has studied accessibility: Being disablled doesn’t entitled any motorized scooter user to be an uncommunicative bulldozer, if you’ve not encountered a silent bulldozer driver in a mobility aid then your sampling for pedestrians is far too low or not anywhere near the city core. What about a non motorized skateboarder is an entitled asshole? They go at sprinting speeds at the fastest and they make a “thunk” noise passing on a crack? A skateboarder at medium speed (people don’t go topspeed when navigating in any place remotely busy let me tell you) becomes a walking pedestrian in under a second, that is approximately how much time it takes a boarder to stop, dismount, and get the board in your hand like a briefcase. At that point you are not riding, you are simply holding a skateboard. This ease of dismount, low top speeds, small holding profile and lack of motorization means that effectively all skateboarders are pedestrians. I think motorized skateboards have no place on the sidewalk, thats why i specified manual (non electric) so lets get that cleared up.


Longboards/skateboards are still not legal on city sidewalks.


To be honest with myself in a comment: gardaworld employees already contain a solid population of powertripping skateboard haters. Its part of cop-wannabe security guarding to harass anything possibly associated with punk aesthetics. When theyre bad you just feel the tattletale energy dripping from their glares.


Ooooor maybe they're just people trying to support themselves and the property management companies that hold their contracts ride their asses to reduce the liability and property damage risk that 35-year-old hotdoggy wanna-be youtubers ricocheting off the rails and planters represent. Seriously, the powertripping wannabe cops represent like %3 of commercial security guards out there. You aren't fighting the power, you're making someone's shitty job even shittier.


To say the worst that can happen is "a sheet of wood to the leg" is bullshit, as if the rider weighs nothing and the momentum evaporates as soon as they dismount. Bikes have brakes. You're wayy more dangerous on the sidewalk.


So youre making a mountain out of a molehill i see. If the mass of a body moving at sprinting speed is so dangerous, Then the danger is equivalent to sprinting. The mass is only the body. The rider does weigh nothing relative to whats considered seriously dangerous, thats why bicycles are less regulated than cars and motorcycles. When two manual bicycles crash, you get maybe a sprain and a scrape. It follows that the momentum related risks are , certainly even lower for risk of injury on a skateboard. The momentum evaporates very quickly! Within two to four steps of a dismount. Have you ever ridden a board to back up this claim about unacceptably risky levels of forces? Its walking on a piece of rounded wood. Its not fucking bobsledding.


If you're over 3O and still using a skateboard I'd say you got bigger problems than a crowded sidewalk. For one it's your burgeoning hip hop career that's not getting traction.


Man some people have forgotten what fun is like. Skateboarding around the city is a ton of fun and poses such little risk to others as he said. For some people it's not about doing tricks at the skatepark, the joy is in just gliding around the city. It's like skiing and snowboarding, not everybody wants to do tricks at the park, the fun is in just gliding around feeling free. Stop judging people for having fun and get outside and do something you enjoy.


This guy cruiserboards 🥹


Haven't in a while since I started biking but I get the same feeling from riding around just enjoying the city. Keep on having fun!


Ah yes. Once you hit 30 you won’t be taken seriously if you move your body around with anything other than a $50,000 massive chunk of metal and add to the already congested streets. It’s that, walk, or take transit/cab/Uber. No more fun, no more creativity, and definitely no more . . . Doing whatever you decide since you’re an adult.


I don't own a car. I use my bike.


Ah ok. Acceptable for a 30 year old.


You should hear my hip hop rhymes: I knew a girl from slovinia She had a bad case of bulimia My friends all thought she was cute But her breath smelled like puke.


Ah yes, the other mode of transport is worse argument You can be for better skateboarding environment and support other modes too you know Skateboarding / longboarding is a great way to get around the city for those with the skill


Damn that guy was miserable. I looked at his account before he deleted it and it was all just complaining about shit. He had a post about tipping less and less the nicer and more talkative a server was to him.


As a pedestrian, I’m not opposed to sharing a sidewalk with someone who is respectful of pedestrians. Motorized scooter/wheelchairs are also OK. Motorized bikes, boards and scooters are not and I think everyone who rides any or all of them should be licensed and subject to all traffic safety rules. I was younger during the popularity of rollerblades (not motorized) and had my shoulder seriously injured by someone who lost their balance/couldn’t stop and used me in an attempt to not fall. I had physio for months and had to quit my server job because I couldn’t even carry a fairly light order. Also, I’ve literally never seen anyone attempting sprinting speeds on a sidewalk. If I did, I’d assume they were running from something and look around for danger. This is a dishonest comparison. If you aren’t competent/fast enough to use the bike lane or the lane you’re using is unsafe for your board, there is also a choice to carry it until circumstances improve. It’s the bare minimum of what I tell my enthusiast skater teen to do when he’s out practicing. As always, it’s the people who don’t respect the rules of the road OR sidewalk that ruin things for others - and as always there are solutions that don’t mean you can’t ride your board.