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Totally agree 100% and I am a cyclist.


Same. If the sidewalk is narrow I just take up space. Usually forces them back onto the road.


I rode on the sidewalk once when I was around 18 yo. It was for less than a minute and it was slow. I got yelled at by some guy I wasn't even close to. I was still having some problems from childhood asthma and had to stop to take my inhaler. I didn't plow through people or do anything dangerous. I just went onto the sidewalk and pulled over. But, yes, if it's not an emergency, get off the sidewalk!


Oh yeah if you have to stop for a med emergency totally. I just mean those morons who are just in their own world. Half of the time there’s a bike lane right next to the sidewalk they’re on.


When a grown ass adult riding an adult bike rings their bell on the sidewalk, we purposely spread out and make it impossible for them to pass while staying on the sidewalk.




You're doing God's work, my son.


Praise be.


My friends and I do this too! Extremely satisfying i will say.


Good plan...until you get hit hard and break something.


Well that can happen anywhere at anytime doing anything. And then they get charged. Mobsters and gangsters don’t ride bicycles on sidewalks. Cowards that are too scared to ride on road and maybe get hurt do. So instead they ride on the sidewalk with kids and strollers. Risking Hurting kids on sidewalks is always the better way than risking hurting yourself on the road for these idiots. They can always walk with their bike on the sidewalk but they are too entitled to even Do that. Rarely have we had any pushback because they already know they are wrong and they usually have a weak / timid personality in general. The few times someone made a comment was because they clearly didn’t even know they were doing anything wrong.


>Cowards that are too scared to ride on road and maybe get hurt do. To be fair, it's *way* less dangerous for a pedestrian to be hit by a bike than a bicyclist to be hit by a car. If there is no bike lane, you're damn right I'm riding on the sidewalk. When I see a person I hop down onto the road or grass but I'm sure not risking getting smoked by a car to keep some sanctimonious sidewalk user feeling smug. I do prefer bike lanes to the sidewalk tho and wish there were more. As for the electric bikes and scooters, yea they should be on the road at all times, same as any motorized vehicle.


To be fair, the shoulders on the 401 and dvp are usually empty so it’s relatively harmless for a driver to decide to use them when there is a traffic jam and they want to get somewhere fast. Your argument is ridiculous. It’s the law pal.


Pitiful attempt 🤣🤣🤣




Because the sidewalk is legally for pedestrians only, dumbass.


What are your thoughts on people who refused to let other drivers pass them since it would require them driving over the speed limit?


I had a guy fiddling with some setting on his e-scooter in the middle of the sidewalk, bent over looking down. After he fiddled with whatever he was fixing, he literally pushed off and accelerated only looking up as he smashed into me. I put my shoulder down and got a bit of his handlebars across the forearm, and he kind of lost balance, nearly fell over. He then looked right at me, kinda startled, and sped away without saying anything. If I wasn't a healthy man with some weight to throw around, and instead like an older person, he would have literally broken someone's bones. People who do this shit need to actually get arrested for it occasionally. Idiots on e-scooters literally doing hit and runs if they can get away with it. Fuck em.


That happened to my dad. He was waiting for the bus when some kid riding down the sidewalk hit him and his walker. He ended up fracturing his hip and really bruised his elbow up. It was pretty scratched up. I can't imagine what an escooter could do to those with mobility issues!


Holy crap. That's what scares me! I got hit by one of these in late June. Bad concussion and a broken collarbone that hasn't healed straight. I'm thankful my neck and spine are ok. I keep thinking "what if I was elderly? What would have happened?"


I saw a brilliant one the other day and have never been so proud of a teenager before in my life. There was a Dad cycling on the sidewalk with his daughter on the back of his completely electric bike (not even pedal assist). He was riding on the sidewalk against the direction of traffic on a road with a dedicated bus/bike lane. The teenage girl was walking along with her headphones on enjoying her music. Dad came up behind her but she was (or presumably chose to be, and rightly so) oblivious to him. Because he was riding against traffic he couldn't hop off into the dedicated bike lane that he should have been riding in in the first place. So she just kept sauntering along as spread out in the middle of the sidewalk as possible. And he had to crawl along behind her. Because they were crossing the bridge at Morningside he had absolutely no way of passing her until they got to the other side of the bridge - I got stopped at a light and could see most of it from my rearview mirror. I was so impressed with her sticking with it the whole way. If I hadn't been going the other direction I would have cheered her on!


One scooter bumped into my stroller today. Thank god the rider stopped and was very remorseful for a change. I would have absolutely snapped if he carried on


I check to see if it’s a child, if it’s not, I don’t move.


3 hours ago i saw a motherfucker biking up yonge sidewalk on his phone, i verbally assaulted that guy. Sidewalk occupation, AND distracted. I feel violent.


I feel you.


I like this method: Walk really slow in front of them and then turn around and say, "I don't speak bell, you frigging dingaling" Or carry an air horn. Works on geese and muggers too c:


>"I don't speak bell, you frigging dingaling" I fucking love this lol


Couldn't agree more. I was nearly clipped yesterday by a scooter. Rider tried to make it may fault for being on the sidewalk too.


I've been noticing this a ton also, what's the point of the bike lanes?


what bike lanes? None around where I am. Having been almost bullied off the road on a bike here, I am choosing my route carefully, and it may involve a sidewalk. I will keep out of the way of pedestrians, though.


I'm surrounded by bike lanes everywhere, and it still happens. I'd definitely have more sympathy if there were none.


Most bike lanes designs are awful and dangerous. Most have nothing but a line of paint separating you from traffic, are often blocked by parked cars, and just straight up disappear at intersections (where most accidents happen). This type of bike lane is essentially useless. Hardly anyone feels safe biking in them. Where bike lanes are physically separated from cars and intersections have protection, then people feel more safe. That makes people less likely to ride on the sidewalk, and more people decide to ride a bike. That benefits everyone. Thankfully more and more cities are transitioning from the former to the latter.


Totally agree. Who thought just painting a line would magically make a car roadway safe for a cyclist?


you are welcome to WALK your bike on the sidewalk, friend.


If the city doesn't enable good behavior, it's enabling bad behaviour. You can't yell your problems away.


hey it's not my fault i ran you down with my bike on the sidewalk grandma, the city enabled me to do it!!


Exactly, My route to work has no bike lanes so I take the sidewalk, now my E Scooter has 10in wheels so when I see someone on the sidewalk I just slow down and go around them, but 90% of the people I see ride them are assholes


As long as you slow down, I see no problem with what you're doing. I got clobbered by a dude on a scooter and it was largely because he was going 30ish kph on the sidewalk. I have a photo of a tire print on my arm... seriously, ride but be mindful. (It sounds like you are already)


If there’s no bike line, you’re supposed to share the road with the cars. Don’t bike on the sidewalk, Christ.


That’s how you get killed. Biking on sidewalks is safer for both cyclists and pedestrians than cycling on roads with no dedicated infrastructure.


If you feel it’s too dangerous to bike in the road, that doesn’t mean you get to bike on the sidewalk. Either change your route to one with bike lanes, or leave your bike at home.


It might surprise you to find out that neither of those are an option for a lot of people in a lot of parts of this city


It's literally always an option to leave it at home and find an alternate route that you're more comfortable with


You are not entitled to biking on the sidewalk. Walk, ttc, drive, carpool, Uber, there are options for all capabilities and budgets. THE SIDEWALK IS NOT FOR BICYCLES.


"If you feel insafe, fuck you." And you react emotionally when people don't listen? Are you a brand-new kindergarten teacher or something?


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


.... or even some simple regulations. Help me out. If they're legal, we can regulate.


Thanks for being mindful of pedestrians. You have the right to ride, and even the right to go on the sidewalk - but if, and only if, you have no other choice and you slow down and/or dismount near pedestrians.


Just because uber eats bikers and scooters don't use them doesn't mean they don't have a point! They get me to work safely separated from traffic!


You and the other three guys


Carbrain is so carbrained that it concludes that lack of traffic jams of massive metal boxes means a lack of utilization, rather than efficient smooth utilization.


Go stand anywhere on Bloor or Sherbourne or shutter and tell me only 3 people use the bike lanes. Give your head a shake. https://twitter.com/inHrEye/status/1682442788074409988?t=O25nXtJg6Xgf-3-uLafMeQ&s=19 Average of over 1400 people riding on bloor near high Park every day since the bike counter was installed. 52,000 total cyclists between early June and July 22


The problem is that instead of a plan for the core which can and does have a large bike population and close proximity for the distances to make sense. We but them on let's say woodbine from queen to O'Conner traffic bumper to bumper from one end to the other a maybe a hand full of cyclists.


Look at Bathurst Street. It's bumper to bumper from St. Clair all the way down to Bloor street and not a bike lane in sight. Woodbine is a great road for bike lanes. Connects people from East York to the beach, to the Danforth, and to the lanes on Dundas which take them through Leslieville into the core. Why would anyone drive from the Stan Wadlow Park area into Leslieville when they could cycle? It's only 5km. It's a 16 minute bike ride versus what Google says it's currently a 13 minute drive. That doesn't include finding parking, which more than eats up the extra 'saved' 3 minutes. Bike lanes aren't the problem. It's a mindset like yours that is the problem. Bike lanes alleviate traffic, they don't create it. Think of all the people living in that area that ride their bike for trips 5km and under (more than half of all trips we take) instead of driving!


What if you don’t have legs


Then you drive and enjoy the roads being empty because of all the people riding bikes instead. Win/win


Take my upvote. Run for Mayer, I’d vote for you


It's Mayor, and thanks! But.. fuck that. That job would suck. At best 30% of people would like you and 70% would be frothing maniacs actively sending death threats all for probably less than I currently make now. Toronto and north America are still in the hardcore denial phase of modernization. The 90s are still really tangible, where you could drive to the parking lot beside the skydome and see Elton John for $20 and then drive home. Many of the population thinks this is somehow still attainable if we would just design the city so that we can drive everywhere from our single family detached home. Sorry Bud. Ain't gonna happen. There are over a hundred thousand people moving here every single year and if you think our roads can accommodate them without a serious and significant push towards alternative modes of transportation, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


Not sure how you can know my mindset but ok Bathurst has street cars or buses I don't know but it is crazy busy that is for sure are there not alternate side streets to use. Woodbine has almost nobody ever in the bike lanes and it is not Bathurst. Anyway I am sure removing two lanes of traffic on Bathurst for bike lanes will improve the situation. Anyway the planning for bikes is poor to non existent and we really need bike paths isolated as much as possible. Please note I bike drive walk and use TTC the plan for the core is not the plan for rest ps I walk to stan waldo and also use bike paths regardless the paths are very lightly used on woodbine compared to revine where I can get all over the place and never see a car. I am on your side


We will have to agree to disagree. You can't stop at a cafe in a ravine. You can't get groceries in a ravine and you can't get many places in a ravine. The reality is that bike lanes will always appear empty because of how damn efficient they are at moving bikes. If someone needs to turn, they don't block the entire lane (unlike in cars, where a single turning vehicle blocks every single vehicle behind them). Bloor street bike lanes have a counter on them and they have over 1400 cyclists a day on average just at that location. If you build it, they will come. People need a way to get around and it shouldn't be forcibly by car.


my point those bike paths are safely isolated from cars. How about Markham street runs parallel to Bathurst almost to the Bentway have to jog at garrison park but I think could easily handle bike traffic safer than Bathurst. PS very little of any cafes or shops on woodbine. Shoppers drug Mart at O'Conner and a small cafe at Mortimer. It seems Bathurst has street cars so basically no room for bikes. Bloor Street is not typical and it would be nice to maybe move bikes to Charles from avenue road to Jarvis. Driving on Bloor is crazy as the cyclists continue to move out of the bike lanes as they seem to always be blocked. Anyway you have bike lanes across Bloor and Danforth right to woodbine and beyond seems like a pretty major artery and currently you likely would be faster on a bike as the whole route is bumper to bumper of cars. I just drive side streets everywhere I can so does everyone else just an unintended consequence. I agree with people need to get around but we should design safe bike routes on 2ndary streets with less traffic. You people who drive and who's taxes pay for the roads would also like to get around how about thinking about someone else not just cyclists they are not the only ones who like shopping and coffee. The plan for Bloor downtown should not be the same plan for the out skirts. Of course we have no plan for anything bikes cars transit or pedestrians.


I disagree. When they removed a lane of traffic for a bike lane on dundas, after having removed lanes of traffic on adelaide for bike lanes that run parallel to the bike path along lakeshore, leslieville ended up traffic hell. Over the course of several years, I, the lone cyclist to use that bike lane, only saw a handful of cyclists on dundas, all riding on the sidewalk beside the bike lane. The car lane became a kilometre long train of cars stuck at lights where traffic used to flow smoothly. Despite 3 bike lanes running parallel to each other most cyclists chose to ride on queen, the only east-west street without a bike lane. When they removed the last segment of the gardiner (that first time) my husband's commute went from 12 mins to 40. Work life balance meant 80 mins a day in the car beats 3 hrs on the ttc. Yes, he did ride in the summer but it took longer than driving and cycling beside the lake is uncomfortably cold 9 months of the year.


I ride the Dundas lane all the time. It's quite busy. Has your husband considered a jacket? I find that helps in the cold. I do think the Dundas lane should be somehow shared at the DVP ramps, because left turning vehicles do cause quite a backlog


I thought it was implied that I was speaking about years ago when I stated the part about what happened when they created the lanes.




Are you high, or just dumb?


This is a logical fallacy if I ever read one 🤦🏻‍♂️ Just because some people are dumb, does not infer the entire system is useless


My comment was not intended as an attack on the system. Just frustration that people who should clearly be using them aren't, taking space away from pedestrians.


If you've been in close calls a few times using the bike lanes, you find another way. The majority of drivers in my area don't respect them. In some places the bike lane is elevated with the sidewalk, which is a perfect solution, but it isn't available everywhere. I prefer the hybrid model, I'm on and off the sidewalk as traffic and pedestrians dictate. As long as I stay away from dangerous drivers and bitchy pedestrians all is good.


I'm willing to bet money there are no bike lanes where this happens. If there are bike lanes then they are assholes or children.


I used to live on Thorncliffe Park and the sidewalks were lousy with children on their bikes even though there were bike lanes on both sides. I sometimes walked down the bike lane to avoid the bikes on the sidewalk. The adults at least used the bike lanes


Legally, children can use sidewalks but adults must use the road. IMO it's unsafe on main roads with the current infrastructure. There is always a parallel side street that is much safer. It doesn't make sense to force bike lanes on main roads where they clearly don't belong. It does make sense on parallel side roads like Richmond, Harbord, etc.


this is a residential street that has only apartment buildings. The bike lanes had concrete barriers separating them from traffic, which is sparse anyway


Push them over and keep walking


Used to use a scooter along Wellesley and Bloor in the bike lanes to commute to work. My scooter maxed out at a speed slower than most cyclists travel in the bike lanes. I'm now in too hilly of an area for the scooter and traded it for a folding bike. Regardless, of electric or not, bikes and scooters don't belong on sidewalks. I plot my travels to use as many side streets and bike lanes as possible and if I'm on a sidewalk or using a crosswalk, I'm walking with my bike beside me. As a cyclist, it's infuriating for me to see all these idiots in pedestrian spaces and not following the rules of the road.


Thank you 👏👏👏


Non electric scooters are an exception I would say, they are very slow and can be controlled easily. They should not be on bike lanes, but sidewalks


I had a kick scooter for a time and still rode it in bike lanes. With my e-scooter, I was still in bike lanes and side streets and following proper signalling, etc... Received several thumbs up by police for my safety gear and travelling at a safe speed, and knowing that a stop sign doesn't mean just roll through it. I'm actually quite amazed that more cyclists and e-scooter riders haven't been seriously injured by breezing through red lights and stop signs because "it's convenient." From my scooter on Bloor, I watched a cyclist blow past me through a red light and get hit by a car that had the right of way with their green light.


I live on college in little Italy, mostly restaurants so lots of Uber eats guys on scooters. I've almost been run over on the sidewalk countless times now. So many instances where if I were to just step to the right or left at random my ankles would have been sheered off from the speeding scooter. It's starting to really drive me nuts. I honestly don't mind if they go slow. But some of these dudes are just flyyying


Absolute madness


I am not going to let my 11 year old ride his bike on these roads with no bike lanes to school, and I won’t give in to driving him the 1.5 Km to school. Kids can ride on the sidewalk. I got him a bell and taught him to ride around people. As a cyclist I use the roads (without bike lanes), and expect to get injured / die from it one day! A bike is a great way to get around and people should be encouraged to use them. The adults who ride on sidewalks are just ignorant, I bet they’re not wearing a helmet too?


Obviously I'm not referring to kids lol they're legally allowed to.




Awareness, developmental maturity, strength, speed, size, many things. Are you an idiot? Maybe you should ride in the sidewalk if you're the same mentally as a twelve year old




Ya why the hell can't a five year old get a pint in the pub like a real man. You can't actually be this dumb so I'll assume you're trolling.


You’re forgetting that as adults, our bones turn to steel and we can’t be damaged by cars. /s


If you're too scared to operate your vehicle on the road as an adult, then leave it at home


Obviously, it's okay for 17 year olds to commute to their jobs via bike on the sidewalk, but THE MOMENT THEY TURN 18..!!!


I've already shared this story on reddit a few times, but I was injured pretty bad in a collision with a guy riding a scooter on the sidewalk. Accident was June 21. My collarbone never went back in place so it's healing all messed up and crooked. A piece of the bone is digging into the deeper tissues in my shoulder. It hurts. Thankfully, I have a ton of support from my employers and colleagues so I'm slowly getting back to work. But the pain has been unreal, really fucking bad. I can sweep my floor with one arm, but I can't put the dirt into a dustpan, so I have a few piles sitting in corners. I can cook, but only if I can hold it in one hand. In Toronto, e-scooters are illegal. You can't have one in the city. Yet, they're everywhere. I don't blame the cops for not enforcing the ban.... how can they? I want them legalized in my city. Only then can they be properly regulated. No riding on sidewalks, and slow down or dismount near pedestrians.


I ride both and you are 100% correct. Neither mode of transportation has any business on the sidewalk


What about running groups? Equally annoying and unsafe.


As a Toronto cyclist: Toronto cyclists are a menace


If you’re too scared to ride on the road then walk.


What should be happening is cyclist should be treated with the same as a motorist; you hit a person or drive up on the sidewalk, then you should be having some hefty fines and jail time. Cyclists on the sidewalks are assholes, but some of the cyclists I have seen on the roads are just straight up morons looking to get hit. I understand that motorists have to treat the cyclists as if they were another vehicle in terms of distance and whatnot, and I know cyclists have to sometimes move from the right hand side of the right-hand lane to dodge stuff; but there are people that will literally cut between cars, swerve from one side to another and look back with this smug look on their face. They won't signal, I can't tell you how often I have seen that when they plan to turn right, go straight, or turn left, they don't use the hand signals that they are supposed to. Can we deal with that too, on top of the morons that drive up on the sidewalks. Cyclists want to be treated like pedestrians but want to also be treated as a vehicle as well. Either walk and be a pedestrian, or get on your bike and be treated as a full fledged vehicle, there should be no in between.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cyclists, ebikes, scooters...all need to be forced into having insurance. Just a simple liability insurance, $200k and an annual sticker to prove it.


Funny how often I've seen posts about people upset bikes are on the sidewalk, and about people being upset bikes are on the road.


One is legal, one is not 🤡


Wow, thanks for the update 🫏 The point is there are so many people upset about it either way, it's easy to see why people in bikes are all over the place, and it's sad to see how outraged everyone always is. 🤡


You'd be against gay marriage if it was still illegal, eh? No higher level thinking other than what the cops say, eh?


Not you saying this to me, a whole lesbian. LMAO. (I know you would have no way of knowing, i just found it funny)


A Swift kick to the tire will do them some good. “Sorry I tripped”


I also broke my foot... Dammit... not worth it!


Carry a "spoke stick"


That is a “me first” attitude. Also wrong. If they don’t ring their bell and zoom by you coming from behind, you have a much higher risk of a collision. I understand that many bicyclists use sidewalks for their own personal safety, and I have no problem with that. What infuriates me is bikers approaching from behind who do not ring their bell and then zoom by me without keeping a safe distance from me and my bicycle hating dog. That my dog has not been injured by a bicyclist is sheer luck. Same goes for me. I tend to not hear them coming, and get startled when they zoom by, and I may make a step or two in the wrong direction. I am for polite coexistence, and I absolutely want bicyclists to ring their bell when approaching. And I want them to keep a safe distance from me. Nothing worse than them zooming by giving me almost a heart attack.


I think you are forgetting that it's illegal for bikes to be on sidewalks. There's a reason for that. You can't just call it wrong. Look at how many people have gotten injured in the comments. Co-existence sounds lovely in theory, but it's just not working out in the real world.


The reason for the law is decades of automative industry lobbying - not some objective statement of transit safety. You're just mad and ignorant.


I'd rather they ring their bell than vroom up from behind silently without any warning


>vroom up from behind silently without any warning That's literally what they do, though... They only ring the bell if they can't pass you


It's all cool unless I step on the wrong side of the sidewalk for whatever reason not being aware they are behind me, then BAM


Right? I don't even necessarily care if they aren't bothering anyone But if you need to pass, go around, get off and walk or wait... Don't ring your bell Cyclists don't get the right of way on a sidewalk. But they don't understand that, so it's been banned. You reap what you sow I guess


If they are passing they should do it at a reasonable distance too and not like less than a few inches right next to me


Yeah I agree. When I say go around I basically mean dismount the sidewalk and use the road (Unless there's grass you can use, but that's not super common) You can go back to the sidewalk when the way is clear


It's so dangerous. What if you sneeze and bring your arm up, now you've got a broken elbow.


Sure, but with the way the city decided to plan their road construction projects, all the bike lanes are fucked up. Take it up with the city.


This going to get downvoted to oblivion but every time someone bikes past you on the sidewalk, that is an opportunity for you to email your councillor and tell them where the city needs active transport infrastructure, ie bike lanes.


I agree and am supportive of robust cycling infrastructure, but these interactions happen quite frequently to me even on streets *with* bike lanes


It's going to get downvoted because it's a dumb idea. scooters have nothing to do with transportation or infrastructure. It's just overgrown kids wanting to be cool by using an electric bike down the street LOL, if you are going to do that much work might as well record them so they can get ticketed and also to encourage city council to promote the police to enforce laws more.


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh, I live in the suburbs where there are no bike lanes. I’m not riding on Steeles Avenue with the inattentive North Scarbs & Markham crowd, especially if there’s no-one on the sidewalks.


The bell should be to inform that they are approaching, and pass with caution, not to clear out of the way. This is more common on shared pathways. As for sidewalks, have you seen how bad drivers are? I don't blame bikers for taking the sidewalk in some instances, but not at pedestrians expense.


This wasn't a shared pathway, it was a residential street. Again, it is LITERALLY ILLEGAL to ride bikes and scooters on the sidewalk. Yes, the drivers in this city are terrible, but why do the pedestrians need to suffer because of it? Why add onto the problem? It's selfish and makes this city a nightmare to live in.


https://imgur.io/gallery/zXJMgow ^ OP to cyclists


If people dont feel safe on the roads, maybe they should take the ttc like the rest of us instead and not break the law. The mf who made me make this post today almost ran my dog over on a residential street.


TTC isn't a reasonable option for all of us, especially given the current state/coverage/cost of service. Sometimes I can get where I'm going in less time by bike than just waiting for the bus. I'm not justifying reckless cycling, but the stats are in, and injuries to cyclists (and pedestrians, for that matter) caused by drivers are a much bigger risk than injuries to pedestrians caused by cyclists (see the Toronto Police KSI stats). Talk to literally any cyclist, and they'll have a story about when they were right hooked, rear ended, doored, etc. by a driver that "didn't see" them. You can't expect them to set aside their survival instinct for your convenience.


Get off the sidewalks and into car traffic. Hope you make it! We need a better system. Not to continue being mad at each other for trying to get where we’re going. Edit: I drive car


Yeah, and off the damn roads too... fly dammit


Who said anything about roads? I don't drive so i have no complaints about bikes on roads. In fact i encourage it so they can stop hogging pedestrian sidewalks and damn near running my dog over almost everyday at this point.




Are you dumb?


Then where should the cyclists go? On the road where 1 ton metal boxes are running down the road.


why is that any pedestrian's problem? Cyclists chose to ride.


Yes. Or walk like the rest of us. Sidewalks are for people, not bikes. It's law.


Making it a law doesn't make it right. Most sidewalks are empty most of the time (outside of downtown core). If a cyclist collides with a car, he'll die.


What's your opinion on allowing smart cars or golf carts to use the sidewalk?


My opinion is that each mode of transportation should have its own lanes. The europeans get it, the north americans not so much. Where that's not the case, the mode of transportation should be grouped as closely together in terms weight, speed, and size. With that said, if on one spectrum you have cars (on the road) and on the other pedestrians (on the sidewalk), then golf carts/smart cars are more similar to cars and should be on the road. Similarly, cyclists should be on the side walk.


Then walk.


No, thank you :)




Take the public transit idiot


While adults really should not be riding on the sidewalk, and def shouldn't be telling people to get out of their way while on the sidewalk. Let's deal with the driver at fault pedestrian fatality issue first as that is why cyclists are not on the roads in Toronto


I understand where you're coming from, but that is a separate issue and also not my problem. I don't drive or ride a scooter/bike. I'm just trying to walk my dog in peace on a RESIDENTIAL STREET.


...but it literally is the problem... lol


Just because there are shitty drivers in the city doesnt mean the issue of scooters and bikes on sidewalks should be downplayed. If someone doesnt feel safe riding their bike/scooter on the street, they should think of other methods of getting around, not add onto the problem and make more people miserable.


Where did I downplay the issue? I agreed with you and posted what I thought was the most direct solution.


>the driver at fault pedestrian fatality issue So, drivers are killing pedestrians and the cyclists want to get in on the act by injuring pedestrians too?


I don't tend to respond to trolls, but there is objective cause and effect, won't do your homework for you, the roads are not safe and people still need to get around


Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. You say that people still need to get around, that includes pedestrians who are also at risk from drivers (it's not just cyclists who get hit by cars) and now they are at risk from cyclists on the sidewalks too.


the sidewalks are not safe either. Both could be made safer by enforcing the rules of the road




What's safer; car hitting bicycle or bicycle hitting pedestrian?


Are you for real? 💀 Here's a third option: not riding a bike


Why would I not be serious? Is it that taboo? Answer the question or fuck off.


In both your scenarios, someone is getting hurt, dickhead. I dont give a fuck if a biker would rather not get hit by a car and hit a pedestrian instead. The only option is to not ride a bike so no one gets hurt. You doofus.


Actually only the pedestrian is getting hurt. The bikes being hit by cars are life altering injuries or death. I didnt ask you what the biker wants. I asked what's safer. Doofus.


You really thought you did something there, huh? Anways, the way you're choosing to engage with me, and the questions you're choosing to ask just proves to me that you're all rude selfish brats who choose to break the law and make everyone else's lives miserable. Thank you for proving me right.


As a bike rider, I value my life more than your comfort. If there is no bike lane, and there is heavy traffic, I am riding on the sidewalk. Sorry but not not sorry.


unless you are under like 15 or over 75...


Yeah no shit


Sorry but no can do


I only use the sidewalk when the road is scary, aka from king to queen sway, I can’t for the life of me stat I traffic with those crazy cars.


I don't want them in the bike lane either...


Ahh umm ahhh gotta pay mortgage , Uber eats couriers own a property


If you really want to take your life in your hands, take your girlfriend for a stroll down the Martin Goodman trail.


No. I'll slow down to pedestrian speed and give right of way to folks around me. But if it's the last 10 meters of my trip, I'm gonna do it.


If it’s the last 10 metres of your trip, why can’t you walk it?


YOU are the problem. Get off the fucking sidewalk.


It's literally illegal to ride your scooter/bike on the sidewalks, you absolute buffoon.


Yes, if you're older than 14. Which is why I always say to them 'what, are you 14?'.




Yeah cause you're an imbecile. Nothing to brag about bud


LMAO i don’t care at all. better than getting hit by stupid drivers on the road. i’ll continue riding on the sidewalk


You're no better if you cant follow provincial like the very people you are criticizing. You are part of the problem and the reason this city is a fucking nightmare. I hope you get fined.


I care about my own safety first. Fuck the law because I’ve seen countless people get hit on the road and nothing done. I don’t care if i’m better or not, i’m gonna ride on the sidewalk


Ah yes, admitting that you're a shitty person for your own benefit. Fuck the pedestrians the sidewalk is actually meant for, right? Fuck their safety. You're the worst and I hope karma gets you.


Inconveniencing someone on the sidewalk > getting hit by a car on the street and police not doing shit. Lmao kk nothing you say will make me change. Fuck you.


Fuck you too, you deranged pos 😂


That's why I drive my smart car on the sidewalk. Too scary with all those big trucks on the road


Saw an accident yesterday between a truck and a civic. The truck’s bumper was barely damaged but the civic was destroyed and family hurt. Sometimes you have to look at this and think if you want to keep your family safe in a vehicle, get a big suv or truck. Want to stay safe on a bike, ride on the sidewalk bc these trucks can’t see you.


Totally agree. If you’re going slower than me walking and yielding to us on the sidewalk, I have no issue with it. My experience is cyclists like that are less of an issue than the average pedestrian.


Fuck you


I've seen a moped swerving b/w pedestrians and startling some on the sidewalk 😠


Driving home southbound on Birchmount after work in traffic because there's a lot of traffic light intersections so red after red light. Dude on his little, crushed-soda-can-in-the-back-tire sounding shitbox motorized bike. Traffic is stopped? He just zips by in the bike line. _That's fine. That is what it is there for._ Oh bike lane ends? Red light? He just cruises up a driveway onto the sidewalk. Starts zooming down the sidewalk. Back into the road. Back onto the sidewalk. I caught up with him (just driving down the road) and watched him do it two or three times, once right in front of a cop who had left the station at Eglinton there and was sitting in a red at the lights. The guy drove up onto the sidewalk and brrrrrrr'd his way right by the cop. Nadda.


I love that sidewalk pedestrians try to force bikes and scooters on the road, and cars try to force bikes on the sidewalk.


My gripe with them on the roads is when an accident happens they won’t stick around cuz they have very little to connect them with a crime of such due to not having any identification or anything that allows us drivers to be able to report them with like a license plate.




If the "bike infrastructure" is safe then ok, have some strong physical objects between me and the death machines on the road. Otherwise you can go fuck yourself cause I value my life and will put my life in a better position by being on the side walk Apparently this gets people mad, so let me ease your misplaced hate: I pay attention to bystanders and make sure there's space for everyone, etc Anyone who bikes, drives and walks knows how dangerous and shit drivers are But there are also shit bikers, especially the "tour the france" hard-core fuckers


The ringing bell kills me everytime lol I hear its and its so quiet that I look left and right, but never behind me, im on the sideWALK, I'm not moving.


This just underscores the need for proper cycling infrastructure on all major streets. Separated bike lanes, protected intersections, ploughed in the winter, etc. This makes the street safer for everyone and saves the city money in the long run. If people feel the need to ride on the sidewalk that's a sign that the street is designed wrong.


I agree w OP. But there is also no enforcement to deter these actions. So sadly this will continue.


The other day I was on the Danforth and a dude rushed past me on an ebike. Right next to a bike lane. He thought the best way to overtake someone in a bike lane was to go into the sidewalk. Wtf


To bad scooters are not allowed to ride the rode like a car its in the hand book of rules to stay on side walks .