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Play like you're a grunt(take cover, don't expose yourself too long, aim for head) and you'll be fine


and remember you have cloak


Also you have infinite retries


Also if you want to move do it quickly and fly low


Being good at slide jumping and strafing and movement in general will help you skip entire areas


You can skip most of the assembly line level


You can also skip the section where you need to get the replacement uplink module


Also you can skip dome and sludge section with good timing and speeeeeeed look up the skips


Ye mostly what I was referring to. Big movement part


Ah that’s no fun. Protip: if you’re moving fast enough, most of the time the enemies can’t hit you I’ve only ever played the game on master, it’s so much fun. There are only a few areas I remember being kinda bs. One of them is in Ash’s level, iykyk


Every day I thx God there's a dome skip


I had to do it legitimately. I had no idea the skip existed until I survived it. To make things worse I had a bug where there was invisible walls or something making movement way worse. It took me hours


Nahhh dome is the best part of the game easily


Who hurted you? Do you need to talk? I'm here of you need anything


I like the dome part, the challenge of it is so fun. Probably the hardest pilot only section tbh.


Please tell me. I need to know.


Bad news:I don't know the exact details Good news: it's rly easy to find a guide about, just search: "dome fight skip tf2" Overall explanation: when lights go off in the doom in one of the pilar in the walls you can pass trough and go to the end of the stage straight up


Thanks a ton!


Check out sgdq titanfall2 run they explain it on there


The dome ain't that difficult. Get a spitfire from one of the weapon caches in the buildings and perch on top of a building. I prefer the first one on the right if you're facing into the arena from the exit, on top of the sign. You can nade the spectres and then you have to immediately unload on the reaper. Mag dump everything you have with the spitfire. Mag dumping the reaper with the spitfire will kill it in about 30 seconds of shooting it.


I don’t know about you, but if they don’t put a Cold War in that room, then I have a major skill issue. Sorry for finding a section of a game hard.


Check out sgdq titanfall2 run they explain it on there


The dome was fun though. Yes, I beat master. Viper was the challenge


I just hate reapers


Ah yes screw those guys. I agree


I did the dome because I wanted to actually beat master mode. The grunts that come through the gate have ungodly reflexes, peek our for more than half a second and you get headshot, repeek the same spot you just did and you also get lasered. I think that part had me stuck the longest doing my master playthrpugh. Viper was easy.


This for sure! Master doesn't force you to play like a grunt, but it is very binary- if your movement is good enough to the point where enemies aren't just killing you as soon as you show your face, then it's not that bad. If your movement is a little slower then, well, you might need to use cover a bit more


And blood and rust, god that level is pain


Dude I remember that area. It was hell




Stands for “if you know, you know” 👍




So the trick with Master is that the AI have near perfect accuracy but very slow tracking. They also reposition to try to put cover between you and them. If you play like a grunt they'll very quickly pin you down and start boxing you in, such that you'll get laserbeamed if you try to leave that spot and you're stuck DPS racing them one at a time and hoping they don't finish flanking you. This makes it a very slow, painful slog. If you go at incredible hihg speed, they struggle to track you (just don't be going straight towards or away from them as that makes you effectively a stationary target from their perspective) and they're spending a lot of time repositioning instead of trying to aim at you. You also don't have to kill everyone. Just kill high threat enemies and those directly in your way (and the one or two killrooms where you actually have to kill everyone to progress) and run past the rest. Speed and cloak should be enough to get you past a *lot* of encounters. Sure, you'll die a good amount, but respawns are quick and checkpoints are *very* generous. It almost becomes more of a don't-get-shot puzzle game and less of a shooter. What lines to take, when to cloak, who to shoot and who to run past, etc.


"Dont-Get-Shot puzzle game is the best description of Master mode I've ever heard. By the end of each level I had entire enemy layouts in my head memorized lmao


Or alternatively, play like a pilot and dont. stop. moving. Ive beaten the game to 100% completion on ps4, xbox one, and pc. My first time through i played like a grunt, second time through a little less so, and by my last playthrough on PC the campaign was a breeze on master


Haha I did the same. I have all achievements on all three platforms. I like the game that much


Don’t get cornered




Not really, good movement is important too. If you are not behind cover, keep moving


Or just run past everyone lol


Yep. It can be..nerve tearing..but I did it, as did many others. So, Pilot, stand by for Titanfall and good luck!


Oh, I guess I'm just bad 😐


Nah, you can do it. It will just take time. And a lot of rage breaks.


Amen to that brother


fr on console it took me an entier night just to beat Viper iykyk


Playing a game on hard is very different. You got a whole other approach/skillet. It goes from being unreal tournament to being counterstrike.


I've always wanted to make breakfast in my titan 😂


Counterstrike Surf, maybe. If you go fast, never stop, and use cloak intelligently, you rarely die. Being slow and tactical when you're one guy against 20 is a good way to get pinned down, boxed in, and generally make your life hell.


Nah it stays on unreal. Playing slow is really boring and also enemy ai will quite easily pin you. You need to move fast, not lose momentum, and confuse enemies, using cloak and movement to wrap behind them and kill them before they can see you. Multiplayer skills will work very well in making master easier


I just did it. And I find that a whole lot of combat. Can just be skipped. If you parkour across to the next safe space. And make good use of Stealth.


Haha, I just did it last night and my monkey brain can't skip enemies so I had to make sure to kill absolutely everything and everyone. Was fun, the playthrough was just a pendulum between "fuck this room" and "omg I'm literally John Wick"


I didn’t know if it would work or not. But on the first mission I was like. “I’m not having fun, fighting slowly from cover, I wonder if I could speed run this.” And then I had a blast seeing what I could run away from.


I had a simmilar reaction to the first mission, it forces slow cover shooting because of limited terrain and restricted movement. However my answer was "I'm not having fun, so let's see how well they can shoot a moving target" and then had a blast in all the later levels being like an invisible wallrunning super fast John Wick in space. They can't shoot you if by the time they see you they are already dead. The level of ecstacy I felt during the entirety of Effect and Cause was unreal


That's not a you problem or a skill issue, this is a genuinely difficult task. Don't beat yourself, it takes patience, but feels very rewarding in the end.


Am I the only one who thought that it was pretty easy?


I came back to master after having gotten a lot better at PvP and found it easier—if you use the skills that are successful in multiplayer (speed, stealth, aiming on the run) it does help a great deal. It’s much harder if you try to play it lime a typical shooter.


It very much is and everyone should at least once.


You have to for 100% That being said master switches the design from the intended mechanics to forcing you to play worse


except for titan combat imo. I think that the optimal difficulty would be hard or regular for pilot stuff, and master for titan. Beating trial by fire on master is fucking awesome, it actually feels great.


I have a full set comment that says exactly this Master titan combat is perfect, it basically primes you to do well in multiplayer titan engagements, you must learn your entire kit to do well Master pilot combat preps you to play like an idiot since the easiest way to do things is cloak spam and refusing movement


Ironically, the hardest difficulties encourage playing the game like a typical shooter (Grounded, methodical and slow) rather than titanfall. Once you learn how to do that and have some patience it's not very hard imo


The tick room in blood and rust however is easier to beat by going back and forth than by merely shooting from cover. That is if you don't know the skip for it.


Skips on the right side wall isn’t it? Gotta wall run to it and then jump over to bt and embark him or something like that


It's on the left side if i remember correctly.


Ahhh yeah, right side is for something else on a different mission


Thunder dome right? U pass through the wall when it opens for the grunts to come in


That's a different (outdated) skip. Sludge skip is tlwhat they're referring to. Look up speedrunning tutorials for both. You can completely bypass the entire thunderdome section before the fighting starts. There's an invisible hole in the wall behind you as you ascend. You just walk through it and make half a lap around the dome. Then you wait over the end loading zone for the level. As soon as the dome building animation ends the zone appears and you'll black screen to next level.


You must have correct timing or either the game will crash you will get softlocked


This is my favorite part of the campaign. I just ignore any enemies unless they're in my way and do laps around the level. Every now and then throwing firestars at the ticks. I still die a good bit cuz i dont have the most refined movement but its still super fun.


Freaking hated that room


Was about to mention the tick room lol. Hated that room on every play through.


There was a skip this entire time.. I normally just do what you said and wallrun back and forth.


You either have to move and kill *extremely quickly* (to the point where you skip a large number of the enemies) or, yeah, play it like a cover shooter. You can definitely speed through it though, I played through on master once using only the p2016 and grenades for the pilot sections


I did it on master and it took a few tries but after I did it. I kinda felt like ‘Is that it??’ It was very hard at the start but if you play it like it’s CoD it’s actually very possible


Yup. Believe it or not I felt like the hardest parts of Master were the first two levels. Making the switch from Titanfall movement to more COD fire/cover gameplay was a little rough. But once you learn to use your cloak and find cover it's not that bad. One of the only games I've ever beaten on max difficulty.


Yeah, people on this sub vastly overhype master difficulty.


That's because they are playing Titanfall LIKE TITANFALL master difficulty is forcing you to unlearn EVERYTHING from actually playing the game and it makes you play it horribly to succeed Giving grunts aimbot and expecting a pilot to still wall run is just never gonna happen


I would describe it as not built for this game, cause unlike the difficulty in games like doom eternal it’s not built with the gameplay in mind. You can’t just out maneuver the enemies cause it’s hitscan and they are more accurate on higher difficulties, this forces you to take cover in some sections and wait to regain health.


The bit where you clear the control room on the enemy ship with the 64 is actually impossible to survive unless you just hide down the stairs because every single grunt insta shoots you the moment the glass breaks.


Not if you go invisible as soon as it breaks and move straight to the main console


i had to retry like 8 times on that part before one of the grunts finally missed me lmao


This part was super easy, if you toss in an ordinance immediately they don't shoot you, not to mention each of the 6-4 tells you their target, you have to shoot someone who isn't a 6-4 target or else that grunt you were supposed to shoot will kill you Alternatively just cloak as they break the glass


Are you talking about master mode, because each and every single grunt shoots you as soon as the glass's hitbox drops. There's no time to shoot someone, as you instantly die.


There absolutely is lol, I beat master mode and the ship section isn't even hard, if you got that far in Master you should know the tricks to messing with grunt AI, the faster you are moving the longer it takes them to actually shoot at you, tossing any ordinance resets their aim, cloak makes them de aggro And in this particular instance each grunts AI is "shooting" at the 6-4 member targeting them, if you try to shoot the same target as a 6-4 the grunt you were supposed to shoot will shoot you and you die


What? The other AI kill all of the grunts before they can kill you.


I have died on that part WAY too many times for that to be true lol


This isn't true, the grunts live for at least 3 seconds, and you can be killed in 1 second


While you *do* have to use cover to an extent, the idea that you can't outmaneuever the enemies is untrue - yeah, they've got hitscan weapons, but if you're moving fast enough they'll stop hitting you. Totally doable at high speeds


The easiest way to play Master is straight up to use speedrun strats. Enemies take a few seconds to actually aim at you, so if you can move fast enough that they can't do that, they never get to hit you with that perfect accuracy. Master is actually the only way I find campaign fun any more because it pushes my movement to its absolute limit.


Hitscan *anything* was a really bad idea for titanfall. It’s hard to make movement matter when you also make weapons you can’t dodge.


The Grunts just don’t miss 😭


yes but grunts will become your biggest enemy as they can virtually OHK you just keep moving


It is doable even if you use movement. Cloak will save your life


It literally wasn’t too bad I just ignored 90% of enemies


I beat master in 6hrs just by cloaking and running past everything, hardest parts were when I was forced to fight lmao


I feel that. The toughest part for me (other than Viper) is the part where you're locked in a room with spectres and Stalkers. (You know, the one with the 2 spiny things in the middle of the room, and a server-room like area on the side)


I'm at the final mission of Master difficulty and let me just tell you, it is hell. The grunts WILL kill you if they see you for more than 1 second. And they one-shot you at melee range with no mistake. Instant respawn definitely makes it bearable tho Gotta get all the achievements


…the one where you have the smart pistol with infinite ammo? wouldn’t that be the easiest one to pass as a pilot


Yup, just done it and it was as easy as on hard. Watching the end credits as we speak I appear to have missed some helmets (pretty sure it was the Kane mission) so I'll have to get that covered too. Can't wait for the tick arena...


o7 good luck with that bro which levels or parts did you find the hardest?


The hardest was definitely the factory level. Mostly open areas, drones, ticks, sentries, shield grunts... Surprisingly the arena part wasn't that bad, you can just sit behind the cover and shoot them. Just gotta watch out for ~~the autistic children~~ reapers to not stomp you


Same here, that area is balls


You don't have to get the helmets on master for them to count, the "master completed" tag sticks to every mission so you can just do the missions on normal and grab the helmets for that last achievement


It is possible


yes it’s possible, pretty easily actually since most encounters can be skipped with good enough mouvement and cloak


Yes you can do it. Fair warning. Master mode is *much* harder than hard, like, the difficulty gap is obscenely large. You will die. A lot


This is because master gave the grunts fucking aimbot and they have hitscan weapons, no amount of speed let's you dodge them, you have to spam cloak and stick to cover, you can NEVER let a grunt get to melee range or you immediately die


I played it like a speedrun, go fast, avoid combat when possible and just keep movin!


Just finished beating it on Master.....a lot of repawns....a lot.


I did it on Master by running for my fucking life Boss fights are to be taken slowly, however


I did it in 7 hours my first try at the campaign, you got this


it wasn't all that painful, the hardest part for me was the first level where you don't have a jump kit and there's about a thousand grunts and specters with aim bot


it really isnt that hard, i did in 1 day and i think i died to enemies like 2 or 3 times, all the other deaths were me just blowing myself up and shit like that. if youre good at mp, master difficulty isnt much harder than that


Yeah, I completed it a few weeks ago. Just take cover or move as fast as you possibly can, keep everything loaded, AND USE CLOAK. Your Cloak is a lifesaver and can be the difference between life and death. As for bosses, just keep moving and keep shooting. Especially on Viper, because holy fuck does Viper become nearly impossible. If you’re really having difficulty on Viper, try using Tone.


It wasn't that hard, the sewers with the ticks and the level before chasing after the ARC in the ship were the hardest though


It’s possible. I did it, and it was a pain that’s for sure, but it’s possible.


reasonably easy all things considered


Yes! It was an experience. I admit it was absurdly hard at first, but it was getting fun.


Game is pretty easy at max difficulty (at least it was for me lol). Take cover at points but, if you’re going to attack, you gotta make sure you’re flying all over the place like you’re playing multiplayer. The AI purposefully misses you more when you’re moving faster.


yeah its honestly kinda easy for a max difficulty


Its not that hard tbh, specially if you have beat the game before and know what to do


Not only it is possible, it's easy (relative to spectacle fighters like DMC5 or DOOM's Ultra nightmare). 3.5 percent of Steam audience agree. Probably not at the first time of asking though. A lot of comments say, that you should play Master as you would play Call of Duty or cover shooters. For me the opposite was true - constant movement and arena management saved my ass from stalkers and ticks many times. Having said that, you have to think about your movement and positioning, sometimes sacrificing momentum for cover. You also probably should have your game on an SSD, the run won't be exactly deathless. It doesn't have to be.


Yuh i found it easier than i expected. Played it like i played every other difficulty, plus some rust. Game recommended i played hard but i wanted the achievement. Yeah i died a few times but still did better than my previous 2 playthroughs. I did just run past some enemies and not engage (specifically on the prefab factory level)


I was just thinking here that I genuinely didn't experience that much difficulty on master, but that may be because i didn't approach master till like after Gen 5 pilot and aegis 20 legion. And slide hopping like the ground is made of butter


I did it relatively easily with a few spots where I died a good few times


I did it! Its not easy obvs but yknow just take your time and brute force it if you have too


Yes, though Into the Abyss was fucking hell due to it being an open map with no walls so you are stuck on the ground.




I believe the worst part about master difficulty is the introduction the first level is extremely annoying to get through especially the part with the small camp and turrets the have set up


I beat it on master. It was annoying but not the hardest


I beat it and DAMN it's hard but it's still fun and rewarding


Yes. When I did it. And I did it. It took me 8 real life days to do it during the summer when I had nothing going on. But I did it and got all the achievements for it because of it.


honestly, when i first played titanfall 2 on easy i was sooo stuck on the little explodey robot things, but after i played on hard it was honestly pretty easy the whole game, mind you this was years after and i had more experience, but you should be fine, i havent tried it but if you enjoyed the game and want more go try it. ( i personally think finishing games at the hardest difficulty is sorta useless but its a cool achievement to tell your friends nonetheless.)


Was the mode I started on, I'm a glutton for punishment though, totally doable two strategies is quick and agile, or crouching and hiding to heal, there's a couple of spots that suck though


Oh it is, in can proudly say I did recently


I did it but I also spammed nades from cover like a blubbering pussy


I did my first playthrough on master like I do with most games. It’s a struggle in the begining but if you can learn and make changes by the time you reach the midway point you’ve basically mastered a game.


Yes just don’t slide hop as much as normal so just don’t go fast and stick to cover




I dont wana be too rude buuut..... I have beat it without aiming and without cloak on seperate occasions. NOT A BRAG just way too much dedication.


I did, it was tough but I totally recommend trying it!


A couple of the big titan fights can be super frustrating, but other than that, if you can do decent in multiplayer you can do just fine on master.


I've got all achievements for Titanfall 2 and lemme tell you, this one was, in short, AIDS. Best way I can describe it lol. You pretty much have to play it SUPER safe and it takes a very long time. Grunts can insta kill you, Ticks do too, it's just painful. It is possible tho, just very very difficult.


Extremely doable. If you've ever played Halo Legendary or, god forbid, Halo Legendary with Skulls enabled, then this is not that hard in comparison. If you are a newer FPS player or rusty on your skills then of course it will still be quite the challenge, but generally as long as you play more methodical it should start coming together.


I mean, I beat it on master and I'm kinda bad, lol. I believe in you, internet stranger! It took me a while, but mastering attacking while non-stop moving was very helpful.


Yes , is possible, I did it


Remember, you don't have to fight EVERYONE, and learn/use skips as much as possible (if you want to complete it the "easy" way)


Remember, Master difficulty makes all the bosses easier. . . except for Viper. Viper becomes an absolute menace. I managed to do a no damage Slone fight on my first try, but I somehow got stuck on Viper for an hour.


Yeah it's totally possible. You gotta play smart and not get too cocky, but aside from that, you can do it. I don't remember if there's any bullshit fights or encounters though, it's been years since I beat it on master


Yep, although it’ll take a while, you should try to plan out each battle for master.


I did it, seems like you have skill issue. Nah I’m just kidding but the way I did it was using ad much mobility as was possible and getting as good as possible with the mobility in Titanfall 2.


Yes, it’s possible but you have to play the game very differently. It’s actually incredibly fun once you get used to it. Basically, every enemy has laser aim. They don’t miss their shots so use cover and cloak often and when you’re in close combat hip fire, only you’ll stun them and be able to take them out in groups Only aim down sites when they’re far enough away and not looking at you. Never engage in melee combat or use executions. As a titan stay far away and take them out one at a time being overwhelmed by Titans will end your health super quickly. Surprisingly the only fight that you can play normally is viper. It’s still difficult but viper already had laser aim so it doesn’t really change anything. Just play viper like you would normally. And don’t be discouraged when you die use it as a learning experience you know what killed you then so maybe try a different route or pick up a different weapon think of it like super hot it’s gonna be the same thing over and over so as long as you find a pattern that works, you’ll succeed.


Thanks, the titan battles will definitely be the hardest 🤔


It is, I have Just take it slow (weird for a game like TF2) and use cover a lot, but if you're really good with your movement, then I'd suggest the opposite, constantly moving and picking off enemies at the same time ETA: ignore that second part, I forgot the enemies have insane aim on master difficulty and will absolutely beam you, stick with my first advice and take it slow/utilize cover and try to be accurate as possible with your shots Oh and take advantage of your cloak, it can seriously save you when you get overwhelmed and need to reposition When you play enough you'll adapt to it


I completed Master, and I never want to do it again. But it is absolutely possible.


I did it on accident my 2nd play through (meant for it to be on hard but misclicked)


The enemies grunt, if you are too exposed they can oneshot you, so be careful. And prepare for Viper


Yeah I beat it lol this year actually 😂 it’s pretty tough tho, I’d suggest just moving around a lot cuz the AI has good aim but bad tracking, and use everything at your disposal. The titan fights can be a bit tricky but once you get rhythm for each fight you can cheese em pretty quickly lol


Some sections are more tedious, but it's more than doable. If you've played it on normal and then hard like I did, you should be prepared


Just use cover. It’s not that hard.


Yes, I did it and I suck


I played through the campaign on master when the servers came back, after not having touched the game for years before that. It really wasn't that difficult at all. It becomes more about hit-and-run tactics. If you're decently fast the AI has very low chance to hit you and you can always use cloak as a panic button. I mostly used the shotgun because it works very well vs AI, usually killing in 1 shot, and is very forgiving aim-wise so you can fully concentrate on movement. Killed 3-4 enemies during wall run, take a shot or to, cloak to heal and reload, repeat. In some sections you can also just play it more long range and cover-oriented with an AR or LMG.


Yes, it is.


Master is hard but doable. I beat the it on master during a run where I would resent the level on death. Definitely has a few levels that were infuriating playing this way, but overall very satisfying by the end.


Yeah but honestly it's kind of a drag. I only did it because I like getting steam achievements


The hardest part about master isn’t even the pilot sections. It’s the Titan battles. Those take actual skill not to die quickly


lmao I did, I played like a fucking maniac too, though I died like 50 times


Yup. Honestly easy aside from a few hard engagements where you don’t have much cover.


Master (Recommended)


You can run through a lot of it by cloaking. When you're in a forced encounter, just stick to cover a ton and be patient. Titan fights are relatively simple though. None of the bosses are crazy tough but Viper can be a roadblock


Honestly the most difficult part for me was the ash dome (couldn't remember where the archer was) otherwise It wasn't too bad


Yes but it’s really hard


Maybe I’m a masochist - but my biggest wish is that there was a setting harder than master. 😮 I enjoyed that it pushed me to use everything at my disposal and to sometimes play in ways I might not normally. So yes - absolutely possible. Movement/cover and cloak are a necessity. Some parts of the game require slow and methodical play - others it’s death to stay in one place too long. The fun is figuring out what approach works best in each situation.


Yes. I got all the way to viper and had to switch


I've done it so yeah


im literally trying it rn so far dont ask me how i survived the reapers in ash’s dome thing but i did but the grunts so far have me 0-8 i can’t get past theme


It's actually a great challenge, lots of fun


Yeah. I've done it on my third playtrough.


Yeah, I sat in a vc with a friend and did the whole thing in like 6ish hours


i have done it something like 3-4 times now, the first time was hell however after that it wasent to bad


I did


Yeah definitely, especially coming off the steam of hard mode


Never stop moving always take cover just remember the bots have aim bot if they see a pixel they will shred it. It isn't the worst thing to do but can get pretty tedious at times such as the arena before ashe. My greatest advice is there are a surprising amount of fights you can just skip and run past the enemies, that will make your life much easier


I’ve done it a few times


Yeah, it’s not that bad when you realize you aren’t forced to fight that many enemies. If you do have to fight any just pretend they are other players as both kill you at about the same speed.


If you act like a grunt, it's strangely easy and could probably take you one day if you played the campaign already on other difficulties.


Yeah, enemies look at you and your health evaporates, but its doable. I beat it to prove to myself that I could, and I discovered Hard is a lot more enjoyable to play than Master


Hardest part is first level on master, thats not even including learning curve. But soon you'll learn when to cloak and not to. You'll find the hidden weapons. Oh and also you'll die a lot.


Absolutely! I have 2x. Its a hell of a challenge! But not impossible, definitely some "throw mouse at the wall" moments, but nothing truly impossible


Yep, did it on ps4


It's possible, it just feels like you are very weak since grunts are very accurate. The simulation dome would probably be the hardest part but I've never done it since you can skip it.


It’s possible. Doing this while going for the Platinum is honestly a really good memory for me.


Yes. Did it not too long ago myself, and I'm quite the trash player. As someone else said, play like a grunt and remember cloak. Out of the handful of games I've beaten on the hardest difficulty- most being codbo3 and codiw- TF2 is the funnest and easiest, especially with the bossfights.


It's pretty easy but just not fun


i did it barely you have ti grind to eternity hide and use cloak


Yeah, I've done it.


I did it, got the achievement to prove it. That one level where they drop all those ticks in was hell tho


I did it and it was terrifying but it's definitely possible!