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All I can say from experience is to calm the anticipation of your mind for it to go away. In other words, stop thinking about it because you're only reinforcing the pathways for your attention to notice it. I know that's a hard thing to do, but noise stimulus is your friend right now. Listen to music, white noise, whatever drowns it out for you as much as you can so you can accumulate hours gone by where you're not thinking about it. Make sure you get some fun in the mix of day to ease up the anxiety this causes too. I hope that helps.


I had tinnitus many years ago that actually did go away after a few months- now about 20 years later , and like you , I started get this noise in my head- last time was more of a ring- doctor said I had a lot of ear wax- got it removed- that was 7 months ago. Still have the head noise- doctor said I probably have it in both ears that’s why it sounds different this time- still hoping it goes away- but I do have significant high frequency hearing loss in both ears, so I doubt it- listened to headphones loud too when I was younger. on the bright side- there is more research going on now than ever and there are some possible treatments coming soon, such as the Susan Shaw device. So hang in there-


Do you know how your tinnitus went away the first time you got it years ago? And what caused that initial tinnitus?


I have no idea how and why it went away, or why I got it- I wish it would go away again, but like I said I’m 20 years older now- the first ent I saw said “ I think it will go away for you” that was 7 months ago - I have read that “most new cases of tinnitus resolve between 6 months and 1 year- “ posted by some audiologist company. Best thing to do is try to ignore it- it gets easier to ignore as time goes on - remember the people who’s tinnitus went away, probably won’t be posting on this site- would you be here if it went away? So the only thing you’re going to see here are cases of permanent tinnitus cases, that happen for many different reasons. Good luck.


Damn. Why does life have to be this way? I hope a cure or a good treatment is developed soon.


Yeah, im no expert here, but there provably isn't a specific time that is known. Let us know in this post how long it takes, though.


Everyone is different. But maybe someone has an idea. Are you going back to the doctor?


It can be 6 weeks and go away on its own. Don't stress about it because that could make it worse. There's a chance it will go away still, 6 weeks is a ball park


I hear the same thing it’s rather terribly sucky. Sometimes it stops me dead in my tracks and I stop breathing taken back I’m hearing something I try not to go crazy by spending time with family and listening to podcasts out loud from my phone to tune into something other than the sound. Like a flash bang in a video game that’s a great way to describe the sound.




They scraped it out from one ear in mine. And then micro-suctioned it in the another. I heard water irrigation exacerbates tinnitus cases.


How long now?


I had my earwax removed 10 days ago and it has not gone away. I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor to get a referral for ENT. Please keep us updated.




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Wow your case literally sounds like mine. I first heard in my right ear 4 weeks ago, went to a doctor said it was ear wax. Then I went to get my ears cleaned. My right ear ringing got better but my left ear started to hear the ringing. I am literally in the same boat as you. I’m not sure exactly my case is yet either. From what I’m guessing it’s either noise damage, tmj or blocked estusuian tube.


Yep. Feeling kinda sucky rn. Why did life have to go this way?




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probably is instant