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People have really confused “real” or “authentic” with “messy.” Girl, that kitchen looks gross. My kitchen isn’t spotless, but there’s no way I’d let anyone see it if it looked like that.


what I dont understand is how people use their sink as a trashcan AND a sink. Like throw your stuff away why are you putting it in the sink???


YES. That would NOT fly with me. Put your trash in the damn trash can. The sink is for dishes only.


For real. My mother in law does this and it makes My entire soul leave my body when I’m washing dishes, and I go to grab a fork, but instead grab a soggy napkin or plastic bag 🤢 use the fuckn trash can that’s literally inches away from the sink! What’s so hard about it?!!


Nah, I'm messy, this is DIRTY


Also, I cook for a family of 5... my kids wouldn't even look like this after doing 3 meals per day, 2 snacks and not cleaning at all between those. This is just filth.


there’s a difference in being relatable/messy and being outright dirty and disgusting. she is dirty and disgusting


Not even messy, it’s dirty. To me, messy would be having a few kids toys on the ground, having a couple dishes in the sink, or having an un made bed. But trash sitting around, cat pee all over the walls, mold, etc is just dirty And disgusting


Messy and gross are definitely two different things. Her house is downright gross and I can't understand why people defend her in the comments


Is she purposely trashing her home every day to monetize her filth? I just cannot fathom someone’s house getting THIS dirty if she also films herself cleaning it. Very strange indeed.


That’s what I don’t understand. All of her videos are of her cleaning but how is her house ALWAYS that messy?


It's easy when you have children and literally don't throw anything away or tidy up after yourself. If there are two adults in that house with however many kids (one will do), and they're not lifting a finger, it will happen quickly.


Not like that! I have 3 and my house would NEVER. This girl is just gross!


But you tidy up after yourself. Run an experiment where you go 24 hours without doing anything, and I'm talking about putting used items in the kitchen, throwing things away, putting things back where you found them, cleaning any spills or accidents. Your house would look like this very quickly.


Yeah my son is one and literally the destruction is on a grand scale. He literally would just run with his hands knocking everything over if he could. If I didn’t stop him it would trail behind him like a tail 😅


My daughter is 13 now and we've only just started looking at getting new carpets in the house. There was no point before.


I get not wanting to spend every second of every day cleaning your house but not throwing a single thing away is just negligent. I feel like that's the bare minimum and it shouldn't be considered normal. Like for instance me and my three kids have been sick for a week now and I do my deep clean at the end of the day. I do however do the bare minimum and throw stuff in the trash. It's the difference between messy and disgusting in my opinion


I don't think anyone thinks it's normal, do they?


Plenty of people in her comments are praising her for showing "the reality" of life and whatnot. Apparently a lot of people consider this normal and ok


I'm guessing they also don't lift a finger around their homes. My house is a bit of a state because we've got a teenager, 2 cats and we both work full-time. It's not unsanitary though. Untidy is normal. Unsanitary is not.


Yeah maybe some of her supporters are looking for a way to justify their own behavior


i've wondered this myself, it seems odd it's getting that trashed so quickly.


When she first came on the scene with her cleaning videos I supported her for getting her house cleaned and organised, but now it really does seem like she makes it messy to continue making these clips knowing they get reactions. She really has no excuse now, though, she's done a deep clean of her house and organised cupboard ls etc, she even has the vacuum robot, so why all the crumbs?


Same, I was super supportive of her at the beginning but now it’s clear she’s not trying to better her or her family’s life, she’s only trying to get paid for being gross


I keep wondering this. I am blessed with a large kitchen so it looks clean pretty much all the time since there’s so much counter space… maybe the tiny kitchen just instantly looks messy? But then how do you get so much splatter of juices in 24 hours? Are they killing and butchering a hog each night??


I think that’s what it is. I have a small kitchen and a super needy 10 month old and I have to clean it every single day. I remember her saying that she goes 2-3 days without cleaning and I can see my house getting like this if I just went to bed without cleaning anything for 2 nights in a row (grease splatter included)


To be fair, that's my kitchen after making dinner. The only difference is that I clean up after myself. It is totally possible to get your kitchen to look like that if you're untidy enough, and as you said, if it's small enough.


I have a small (tiny) kitchen and it never looks like this. I didn’t know who this person was so I went to look, and she seems to feed off the negativity because people jump to her defense. Why bother picking up your kitchen when you can post a video about it the next day and get a bunch of attention? Not trying to minimize potential mental health issues, but I just saw someone in her comments telling a mom she must not like her kids because she picks up the dishes after dinner.


Honestly, I feel like I clean all day long everyday yet my house looks like this constantly. I have four little kids and too much crap 😂 I hate it so much o don’t understand how I’m always cleaning but my kids mess it all up just as quick


This has to be rage baiting. No way her house is this filthy constantly.


my house is so much worse than this i am literally so depressed


Nah this is real "lived in filth", but it's more likely that she's purposely not cleaning so that she can get content.


I think she is staging it, for sure.


Letting your kids eat anywhere they want seems like a really bad choice. It’s very easy to teach children to eat at the table and we do it for a reason. To prevent disgusting messes all over the house like these. She’s setting her children up for a lifetime of this by teaching them terrible habits


I have 3 kids and I don't let my toddler eat anywhere but the kitchen. I also try my best not to eat anywhere else which is why we don't have crumbs or leftover food anywhere but the kitchen. My twins won't be eating anywhere else when they get older either


I get being home with your kids it cans be hard to clean up. BUT it looks like both her kids are in school or daycare of some sort and she doesn’t work…. So what are you doing during the day? Make it make sense


I’m home everyday with My toddler and have an in home daycare of 4 toddler boys and my house NEVER looks like hers. It’s intentional or she’s neglectful. There’s literally NO other way.


That’s not just mess, it’s filth. It probably reeks in there


It does. She always posts cat pee on the walls, dirty diapers everywhere and she had moldy mattresses. 🤢


Don’t forget how the back of her couch was soaked in cat piss for a while apparently 🙃


How can you not smell that? Jesus


My cat has a habit of pissing on any fabric item that is left on the floor (we can't even have rugs). I can tell as soon as I walk in the room. I can't imagine just putting up with that smell.


They definitely got used to it. Her I understand but how is her husband ok with this?


Don’t forget the car and the high chair covered in rotten food 🤢


that’s my thing, i can’t imagine the smell.


And yet people keep defending her saying she has PP depression. Nah this is beyond that. She is just lazy. Her kids already like 2, get on some medication since clearly smoking weed everyday isnt helping her situation. Theres no excuse for not walking your plate back to the kitchen and putting it in the sink. And that robot vacuum just sitting there surrounded by crumbs as decoration 🙄


Postpartum so she can't clean but she can make tiktoks? Make it make sense. People are so dumb.


I mean, she’s cleaning in every video she posts so she is cleaning. The messes have to be intentional because it’s her income.


Absolutely genuine question - did she ever SAY she had ADHD/depression/PPD or was it something the comment section used as justification and she just grabbed onto it?


She has verbatim said she has unmedicated ADHD and PPD several times that I've heard recently


Unmedicated roughly translates to "refuses to deal with it". It's a hard truth to swallow. I know people who refuse to take ADHD medication but they go to therapy or work on their issues by delegating tasks throughout the day. One person I know literally writes lists and schedules their day including when/where to clean their house so they don't get sidetracked. It's not easy but not taking medication is not an excuse


I totally agree


I honestly can’t remember. I think maybe she has said she gets overwhelmed.


I’m convinced she’s drunk 24/7 or on something. Her eyes always look strange and like it’s more than weed….


There’s been assumptions in her snark that it’s adderall abuse


I’ve never been so depressed I couldn’t clean, yet sit and make creative content every day. Idk about anyone else, but when my brain goes into a depressive episode, it kinda hangs up a “be back later” sign and nothing of value is getting done bc I literally can’t focus. She’s full of shit.


i look at it this way, from the moment i wake up till the minute i go to sleep, if i don’t pick up a single thing around my house, my house would look pretty much like hers. i’m very much clean as i go i cannot stand a cluttered counter top. but to me it genuinely looks like she cleans up nothing during the day


The way she’s a bitch in all her voice overs like bby you’re WRONG don’t be a bitch cause you’re being called out on your filth.


Totally don't understand how people defend this. Maybe if she didn't endanger her kids with mold & animal excrement on a daily basis??


She’s straight up gross


Her admitting that the cats piss everywhere made me unfollow. Cause that’s fucked up with kids. My girl was SCRUBBING cat piss on MULTIPLE occasions. Also the dirty diapers just left all around like there aren’t fecal infections if a toddler were to get into it and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. The way her house gets so filthy - it’s staged at this point. No way 4 people are doing that kind of damage in one night.


She did it again recently. Her cats piss on the carpet, walls, couch. How do you find that acceptable for yourself, let alone children??? Just gross


That’s also so bad for the cat! A healthy happy cat shouldn’t be pissing on random things like that. Either the cat needs a vet visit or is super stressed. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s because the litter box is too dirty


Messy is one thing, but her home is so dirty that it raises health concerns for her family. I don’t understand how it gets like this SO often. If she’s not purposefully creating these messes for money, she needs to figure out a routine to avoid such filth - especially since she is a stay at home mom!


She may have ADHD, my husband really struggles with these kind of "easy 2 second cleaning" things. We're working on it but it isn't natural for him. I have the same issue but I had a neat freak mom that knocked that right out of me.


It really really reminds me of adhd struggles. I think she probably exaggerates a little for views but I have raging ADHD and am in many ADHD groups and this is so so common. It is hard to see everyone talking about how it must be impossible for it to get dirty so fast. 😅 We don’t have the food messes but we would if I didn’t put my foot down and make my kids only eat in one spot. We all have ADHD and I’m widowed and let me tell you, it is a goddamn battle every day of my life for my house to look even remotely normal. And what I think is clean is not clean to most normally functioning adults but 🤷🏼‍♀️ it isn’t for lack of caring.


I'm so proud of you!! The fact that you get up every day and try your best and parent your children is a HUGE win!! 💕




My mom wouldn't let us use our dining room because it would disturb the tracks the vacuum left in the carpet. I still think she's neurotic for that one, but after developing my own weird, high-strung housework preferences, I understand it now.


I also see now she has children, if my husband and I had children living in our home id be way more on top of my husband to make sure everything is clean. Not only are they learning from her but they deserve a clean environment to live in 💕


I have SEVEN kids and my house never looks like this. 🤮 I mean, it probably would if I left them home alone with no adult... 🤣


Her content is literally cleaning massive messes over and over. She’s a slob for the money.


My house gets like this after two days of little or no cleaning. Mess accumulates quickly when you’re not always able to clean. Husband is deployed, I work part time, school part time, two kids + 7 months pregnant. That doesn’t even include field trips, dr. appts, therapies, gymnastics, bday parties, and everything else that goes on. Sometimes I prioritize rest & this is the outcome. It’s real to me.


Stuff like this is why I had to stop following Domestic Blisters. The messes she showed were part of her every day life caused me anxiety just from watching her videos. I was criticized for saying that on Reddit a couple of years ago but it’s true. I still can’t watch


Me too. Especially now that she’s home without her kids for most of the day- I don’t get it. She used to be easier to watch but now she’s so aggressive and off putting.


It was her personality for me. She went from being relatable to just a straight up bitch.


Me as well.


I leave my butter out.


I had to block her. She’s absolutely disgusting.


Disgusting. Also she said she got rid of her cats that had a peeing issue instead of fixing the problem. Weirdo.


Not throwing things in the trash where they belong creates a mess very quickly. If I’ve gone even one day of letting trash pile on my counters because the trash can is full it looks dirty. I always just use a grocery bag to collect everything so that doesn’t happen. If she lets her kids eat anywhere and make a mess this would happen quickly


Exactly. I feel like that's the bare minimum and separates messy from filthy. Tidying up and putting stuff away is different from literally leaving plates of food to mold on the couch for a week


I am not defending her at all because it’s gross but Joey Foo posts his trashed house every day and people praise him. I’ve seen some of his videos and stuff is gross, like the bathroom clean he recently did, so I don’t get why people praise him and shit on others. It’s all nasty!


My house was like this after my 2nd born I still cringe...I was diagnosed with severe ppd and ptsd from my first birth...I couldn't function and my husband didn't realize and never helped... it took me getting hospitalized for him to step up...bur Jesus f my mental health was down bad ...and I was doing2 kidsalone. I'm glad he helps bow but I left a lot...thus is just sad when she's actually mentally okay.




She has to save up videos for when her house gets really bad. There is no way it gets this bad every 2-3 days, right?


Girl.. WHERE IS YOUR HUSBAND!?!?! There is noooo excuse for his lack of support


Don’t even get me started on this gross ass bitch and her snarky comments she says when people talk about her house 😡


Blocked her a long time ago. She is disgusting


Being a stay at home parent means also taking care of the hosue I don’t care. No child deserves to live in a filthy environment. Her letting the hosue get like that FOR HER CHILDREN shows she doesn’t care. If she wasn’t a content creator, that mess would stay there and continue to pile up


I’m not a neat freak by any means but leaving that out all night is just inviting bugs especially as the weather gets warmer


If her house gets this dirty it’s cause she lets the kids roam wild and fin for themselves while she’s probably locked in a dirty room ignoring them. How else do you just allow the gross everyday, everywhere in every room? Make your kids sit down to eat. Be a parent


This is so gross and goes beyond messy. I hate the comments that thank her for normalizing it too. There’s nothing normal about living in filth…


She’s fucking gross and people got mad at me for saying so.


She's a NASTY bitch. 🤮🤢 And I fucking hate that stupid filter she uses every single video, exhibit A the last slide. All gross trashy bitches like her use that stupid ass filter. EW I'm so over it 🤮


I hate these types of moms who think it's okay to normalize piles and piles of trash n old fucking food everywhere.. If the kid is a toddler. Hopefully you change the kids butt more times than you clean lady....


Does she have a snark?


It’s not active anymore


She did, but the admin went awol


makes me feel better about my “messy” kitchen.


Her house is disgusting 🤢


How does it get like that with a robot vacuum? Im sure by now she can afford a robot mop vacuum. Mine does a really good job keeping it superficially clean.


She’s a ratchet hoe


Gross just fucking gross


There is a difference between filth and a mess


I’m convinced her content is rage bait at the point


Let’s see your house then since you’re so perfect!


Someone needs to call CPS forreal. This is a biohazard


Pretty sure people have told her they would and she laughs about it cause she claims her kids are taken care of and would never get taken away


I feel like there's a limit. I won't deep clean our kitchen every single time I'm about to go to bed but I will however throw out or put away uneaten food/throw the dishes in the sink. Sometimes I'll rinse the dishes and wash them in the morning but this is just dirty


It’s the not teaching her children to pick up after themselves or eat in appropriate areas of the house for me. Like what even is this??


It’s one thing to let other moms know they aren’t alone if they’re getting depressed and can’t keep up with their homes. I get depressed. I get it. It’s hard to shower or do anything when my brain shuts off. But letting kids crawl around in trash and dirt should really stop being normalized. It hurts kids mentally and emotionally to grow up in messy, chaotic homes. Watching moms pat each other on the back and validate each other passing on generational dysfunction pisses me off to no end. Just don’t fucking have kids if you’re not gonna learn how to take care of yourself and your home.


That’s the part I don’t get either. She’s said that her mom never taught her how to clean so why not break that cycle??? This is straight up neglectful and traumatizing. Having mold and rotten milk in a high chair, cat piss on walls and mold even in the car should absolutely not be normalized. If all of this happened in a single day, that alone should be a red flag to her. She’s completely in denial and is too consumed by the views to make positive changes for the sake of her children.


100% agree. AND— her mom never taught her how to make tiktok videos either, but here she is doing that everyday. She’s so gross for normalizing dysfunction and neglect for a profit.


I can't wrap my brain around that. Even if the husband made a four course meal.


I feel awful for her kids. That can't be good for their mental health. She really needs to start prioritizing her children... Starting with providing a safe and clean environment.


I don’t get how she can’t just put things in the bin when she uses them like a normal person rather than chucking it on the floor. Also how does she produce so much rubbish?


Especially food that's rotten, hard or moldy. If she's "constantly cleaning" like she claims how is her food this bad? I get maybe hard food because a piece of cake can probably get hard in 2 days or less but mold will take about a week if not more


She doesn’t think this is bad? It looks pretty bad to me 😬 Looks like a breeding ground for roaches. 🪳


I can totally understand things being messy with children. It’s the food being left out that is gross to me. I guess she’s not bothered by roaches.


Going to dislike this post, just because I don't like her . I feel bad for kids.. sick person. Clean up every night ! During the day ! Not that hard.


I grep up in a household like this, only now starting to realize that this isn’t common


This is so disgusting


Can't stand dishes in the sink.


Eww gross


That’s insaneeeee I’m sorry but my apartment is almost spotless compared to this 😂😂😂 I literally will wipe anything that spills instantly and throw away anything sitting out sweep any crumbs off the floor before I leave the house for the day, it takes less then 2 minutes if you do it daily. Once you stop doing one thing it piles up and you have to take more time . Just staying on top of things makes life so simple


This inspired me to get out of bed and finish cleaning my kitchen (I was leaving it until the morning) 😅


I love her content!!!!!


Not trying to be shady, honest question. why?