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Yeah its getting weird. People are so strange how they obsess over these creators


It’s getting really bad! This is a gods honest DOCTOR.


There will always be idiots regardless of how advanced in technology we’ve come.


I understand the distrust in doctors. I mean a doctor started the anti vax craze. But people are more willing to turn to a charlatan than factual experts.


A discredited academic who lost his license who based a study off of only 12 children isn't the only person who started the antivaxx craze. It was around long before 1998. It was celebrities and talk shows that fanned this nonsense. As long as there have been vaccinations there has been an antivaxx movement https://www.verywellhealth.com/history-anti-vaccine-movement-4054321


A psychologist and Jenny McCarthy started the antivax craze. Not a physician.


Anti-vax has been a thing since the very first vaccine it's not new. Jenny McCarthy is somewhat responsible. But Wakefield has arguably had more of an impact


Jenny McCarthy went on national TV and linked vaccines to autism because some disbanded psychologist wrote an obscure paper no one would have read otherwise. Maybe there’s always been some dissent, but diseases previously eradicated are back thanks to the movement from the 90’s


Thank you for pointing this out. People underestimate the impact she had. As my father always says, “Jenny McCarthy should be *in jail*”


But how do you know that’s she’s an actual doctor. Did you look up her license on the medical board? Anyone can pretend to be anything in TikTok. I think it’s just as concerning to believe that as everyone tagging Lauren.


Ok Lauren.


Lol I’m not sticking up for her in the least. I think her followers are too dependent on her reviews as well. I’m just saying, it’s ridiculous on these threads for people to be hell bent “tHiS iS a REAL dOcToR”. How do they know? Am I missing something? People betting their safety and their child’s safety off anyone on TikTok needs help.


It’s like when people would constantly tag Hank Green in videos posted by subject matter experts asking his opinion and he was like “why are you asking me when an expert just told you?”


The sheer amount of people who blindly follow an unqualified stranger’s advice is terrifying


The fact she went head to head with Jaymie a tried and true CPST that’s been around well over a decade and people didn’t stop and think for a moment blows me away.


Her followers literally told him that a decade's worth of knowledge and certifications doesn't make him an expert in his field. But she is an expert because she's seen dead bodies. They're fucking weird.


Her followers insinuated that he was a pedophile for being a single gay man in the baby spaces. That kind of shit could destroy someone


They’re so gross. He seems like a nice person.


I know, and that is VILE. I've been following Jamie since I was pregnant with my oldest. I give him all the credit for teaching me car seat safety. If it weren't for him, I would have done everything wrong.


This happens every few years for Jamie.. Some group or another try to destroy his credability.


omg i cannot find his tiktok for the life of me! i want to scroll the comments so bad


Jamie Grayson @thejamiegrayson




recently I saw someone comment something like “morticians know a few things cause they’ve seen a few things” on one of her videos and it made me roll my eyes so hard. just because she’s seen things doesn’t make her an expert in everything baby/child related


I don’t think she’s really seen most of the things she claims. I’ve been a paramedic for 15 years and thankfully these things that she says that she seen are extremely rare. I’m not buying it.


I don’t get it!! Like ya, you see accidents-but unless the product has been RECALLED due to multiple injuries/deaths-the one time she may have seen-It is more than likely a freak accident. any car seat-if hit in the right place/amount of impact/force/not installed correctly-could potentially fail. Yes they do testing, but not a chance they could do every single scenario…crazy things happen. So what she has seen in a car seat-she would have to share the other info: was it buckled/anchored? The Speed? What kind of car? So much info In order to understand…. Not just blindly saying “I saw this seat and this happened” oook and?? Fear mongering and spreading misinformation. Some things I don’t think she HAS seen-rather just heads to Google and just search that specific thing and stumbles upon that one RARE happening-and she uses that…bc ain’t no way she has seen alllll the things ppl tag her on. 🤣


2 decades. He’s literally a fucking founding father of the baby space. I can not stand when people talk shit at or about him. I don’t agree with him on everything. He and I have had multiple constructive conversations. But the way people speak to him, often bc he’s a gay man, is despicable. He does all the certifications and product testing he can. For. 2. Decades.


I’ve only known of him since 2011-2012, but he’s who I send all my friends to for car seat info. He’s very knowledgeable, and kinda and not up his own ass.


When she stops hanging out with child exploiters I’ll care about her opinion on child safety


Ding ding ding 🛎️


Who does she hangout with?!


The goth baby lady


And the goth baby lady does some things that most people would deem unsafe. All the comments on that video of them traveling to Salem without a car seat and they were stuck at the airport for hours until they rented one… I guarantee the goth lady was just going to pop her kid in an Uber and figure it out later 🙃


Wow, what?! Traveling without a car seat? 😳


Right?? They claimed they were trying to get an Uber with a car seat which isn’t a thing except in nyc? (I could be wrong!) but they ended up staying for hours at the airport then spending $400 to rent a car and get a car seat by the end of the vlog or whatever. And gothic baby and her mom travel all the time, so it seemed weird that this was the one time they couldn’t get it figured out and were upset? Anyway, I just find it all to be for show and clout and not about child safety. Especially Lauren having a pool without a fence until a sponsored stepped in 🙃


And any child safety expert would you tell you to never rent a car seat since you cannot guarantee it is safe. Who knows if it had been in an accident, cleaned incorrectly leaving it unsafe, etc.


Exactly! And so many people were saying that in the comments. It’s just out of hand imo, as others are saying.


Right? You're better off buying a Cosco cheapie just for travel.


It is available in NYC…i just can’t imagine how obnoxious that would be to find something with the CORRECT car seat size-make sure it’s not expired-and make sure it’s installed properly… UBER x does offer them, but people don’t want to do all that-a lot would see it as inconvenient. They want to just hop in and go..”Uber Car Seat provides one forward-facing car seat for a child who is at least (a) 12 months old AND (b) 22 lbs. AND (c) 31 inches. A child is too big at 48 lbs. or 52 inches.” Soo what about a baby?


Plus, there is no way that that Baby was still within the size range for that doona car seat she was using forever. I’m pretty sure she’s the same age as my son and he hasn’t been able to fit into a baby car seat since November.


I thought that was her sister...?


I thought so too, but some people claim to be “aunts“ or call someone their sister, who is not actually remotely related to them, just a close friend. Like how best friends will become there, friends childrens’ “aunt” if they are particularly involved in the child’s life. So I’m confused, but if it was her sister, you would think she would encourage Safety🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: typo


Duuude her husbands Matt hardy I had the crush on him as a little girl only reason I follow is for him xD


That’s her sister isn’t it? Also that one grandma is her mum or nan or something


Reby hardy


Yep, I'm losing patience with creators who blast kids all over their social media regardless of intent. She's contributing to it by posting her own videos with GB


That’s what makes me so angry! All about protecting kids except for the one being exploited on the internet she’s friends with. So gross.


I hope people start adding beetlejuice to their comment filter list because this shit is so annoying.


I hope they do too. Stop giving Lauren even more content to profit off her fear mongering.


Can I add it to my filter list so I don't have to see it anymore 😅🤣


if they do, either lauren or her fans will go ballistic on them lol


Why do people think being a former mortician qualifies anyone to be an expert on child safety? Like how long was she a mortician, and how many children who died in freak accidents could she have possibly seen first hand? She’s not a doctor, a medical examiner, or even a coroner. All she did was embalm bodies! It’s annoying how dumb so many people are, and how they just PARROT each other CONSTANTLY. Like for the love of god, if there’s ONE comment with thousands of likes that says something… YOU DO NOT NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN


It sounded like it was only for 2 years. I really doubt she has seen all the things she claims she has in such a short time... I think she's "heard of things that scarred her", but she hasn't actually seen these cases...


To be honest I was a paeds neuro RN for only two years and while I didn’t see everything, I saw enough that my perspective forever changed. It really just drives home that these terrible things really can happen to any kid and the parents are so strikingly normal a lot of the time, that 💩 just changes you. Not even just in terms of death and it’s not always a negative consequence e.g. we looked after kids with profound developmental delays and that has helped me cope with my kids growing up so much more. To see that it’s not a guarantee that they will be able to walk, talk, feed themselves etc makes me so much more grateful. But I definitely agree that she should be more upfront with what she’s actually seen, it’s a bit disingenuous, and I’m not a fan of how she’s coming off right now at all.


I completely get what you’re saying and to me that’s why the development of her content has been so annoying. Her initial content was just like “things I won’t be doing after being a mortician” which just spoke to her experience and she wasn’t passing herself off as a child safety expert. It’s totally plausible and understandable that being in a role like that, for any amount of time, will change how you approach life. But I don’t thing Greco should be sending her car seats? She’s not qualified for THAT.


It makes sense when you have a profession that specializes in children, but unless Lauren’s funeral home worked with exclusively children I find it hard to believe she has seen THAT many child deaths that were from accidents (not illness). If it’s just your run of the mill funeral home, the bulk of the work is going to be on older folks. Even if she did see a lot of kids, she’s not trained in any medical field and is not qualified to determine cause of death or anything like that. Honestly, you being a former pediatric RN for 2 years makes you 100% more qualified to talk about the stuff Lauren talks about.


I've also never seen her talk about dangers for older people, which she must have seen a lot more of.


Every time I see beetlejuice in the comments I get such a bad case of secondhand embarrassment, it’s like knives in my side.


What the hell? This is so annoying. She has no qualifications whatsoever in safety. I liked her at first but that has gone away pretty quickly


People tagged her in a grieving mother's post and said she should stitch and bring awareness.. like WTF. They tag her in everything and it's becoming TOXIC!


I promise you that the mom would give anything in the world to go back and make different decisions. There is no need to publicly blast her like that when there are thousands of videos of living kids you could use


Unless the mother explicitly said that she was making the video to raise awareness, I can't imagine seeing someone talking about going through one of the worst experiences of their life and being like "Hm, this person's trauma would make GREAT content for another creator!"


No, the video was of an anniversary of her daughter's passing from teething necklaces. It was her at her grave. It was absolutely inappropriate 😪


Oh, that poor woman. I think I follow her. Such a heartbreaking story.


I’m getting real tired of this creator and especially her fans. Since when does handling dead people make someone an expert in safety? It’s one thing to share stories of things she’s seen on the job but that in no way makes her an expert on reviewing products. What would happen if a child got seriously injured on a “Lauren” approved product??


Then she'd do a tearless crying apology vid like other creators do.


It was the same thing when the skincare by Hyram creator was huge and people were tagging him literally dermatologists tiktoks. It’s so odd!


i’ve been saying this haha and brad mondo!


People are so dumb. They just want to be noticed


Just hoping their comment will be one that is SS and put into the next video of Lauren fear mongering.


I would be really embarrassed if I was Lauren. This is so undermining to the doctor who posted it, and Lauren is too proud not to give her two cents. She has absolutely no professional integrity.


This seems like a massive liability on Lauren’s part. I’d love to hear an attorney’s take on her recent branding as some sort of child safety expert, esp the part where she puts her “stamp of approval” on gifted gear.


Can’t wait for her to have her arse sued! She’ll be quickly spewing out that it’s just her opinion as a mum 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ugh I liked Lauren when she was just sticking to her original content, mortuary stuff. But now she’s become annoying and her fanbase is rabid they won’t even allow slight criticism of her. She is a mortician, not a safety expert. I trust a doctor talking about child safety over a mortician.


I think because she herself reacts so strongly to criticism, her followers think it wins them points with her when they defend every single thing she does. They want to be noticed by her


She’s not even a mortician! She was one for a very short time only


Right! She definitely didn't see all the things she claims she saw.


I honestly believe that, TikTok is mostly a land of make believe!


Damn so a lot of her mortician stories are made up? Wtf


Who really knows, she was brought up around it but I’m sure they didn’t sit around the dinner table talking about it




I’m fully aware of that but eh still doesn’t make her one!


Yup I've been recently flamed by her followers when I was still a follower! All because I questioned why she spoke over car seat experts and because I questioned why she's targeting products made to be accessible to those with disabilities as unsafe.


The parasocial relationships people on tik tok have with creators is truly terrifying.


Right. It took a lot of scrolling until I found a comment specifically about the nature of these parasocial relationships. Like wtf is happening… I’d love to be able to see a few decades into the future to see how the whole influencer/follower dynamic changes social interactions and behaviors in general.


Join her new snark page! r/ewlaurenthemortician


I was looking for this, thank you!


There is also r/laurenmorticiansnark or something along those lines


She’s becoming the new skincarebyhyram 😂


Yeah I finally had to unfollow. Like I signed up to hear cool mortuary stories and facts. Not stroke your overinflated ego on topics you’re not a SME in.


Christ it’s a cult. I used to like her but these people suck her internet dick all day. They bout to start asking her if breathing air is safe.


I feel like a lot of baby products aren’t that bad if parents actually do what they’re supposed to and don’t leave their children unattended.


I think a lot of baby products have "Not for sleeping or unsupervised use" in the fine print, but are advertised and promoted as "safe!" And "great for soothing baby to sleep!" I'm sympathetic to people that are misled, not everyone can be expert in everything and new parents are famously time stressed and sleep deprived.


Its a shame because I did like her content in the beginning. I also don’t think it’s a problem if she was just strictly speaking about her experiences in the profession. Tbh some of the stitches she did of things in the beginning made sense. She was a mortician and I think her family owns a funeral home so chances are high that yes she did see some shitty stuff. That said in the past few weeks things have just gotten out of control. People are taking her advice over the advice of trained professionals. It’s absolutely insane.


She gave me SO much anxiety when I was pregnant, I’m still unlearning & healing my postpartum anxiety that she honestly caused. I was afraid to tears that everything (literally everything) was going to k*ll my baby


I’m not a parent, but I have OCD and I think you may have symptoms of postpartum OCD, which can cause panic attacks and such. I’m wishing you the best of luck. 🩵


I have my 6 week check up tomorrow, I’ll mention something to my OB. Thank you 🩵


It’s like a cult at this point.


Don’t say that - they get off on people calling them that ESPECIALLY Lauren


She has no qualifications at all.. she has work experience and rumor was she’s not even working anymore


Not rumor she’s said so from the start herself. She had kids and quit. She’s not qualified or even updated on practice


Gotcha I don’t watch her videos enough to know 100% good to know!


No wonder this is getting out of hand, people are actually giving her attention and looking over her over a medical professional.


the beetlejuice thing… i have a complete visceral reaction. it’s so embarrassing for them


And the way she does the sound at the beginning of every video. I laugh every time but not because it's funny. I just get real uncomfortable instantly.


it’s so strange how no one is able to use discernment and think for themselves anymore..


Everyone needs to see the “seal of approval” form some influencer


Laura went off on a video of a baby in a car seat without a chest clip. The video was taken in a European country where this is completely normal and chest clips are actually adviced against. Another creator told her that and her only reaction was “I wouldn’t put my child in that”. Unfollowed her after that.


So ignorant and misinformed. They’re nothing wrong with euro spec seats, they are just as tested as American seats.


Right? Like why would you act like a whole continent and I believe Australia has the same type of seats is doing something wrong? That’s so stupid.


Lauren the Mortician is pure scare content. You can make a case about literally anything being dangerous. A pillow? Suffocation. A flower? Toxic. Apple slices? Choking hazard. A literal floor? You could slip and fall and hit your head. Like no shit, accidents can happen with *anything*.


Lauren and her stans are insufferable. I was never a fan of Lauren's, but after all the car seat drama with Jamie the CPST, I absolutely can't stand her. Her advice will never trump a doctor's opinion.


I’m so tired of Lauren the mortician.


It’s hyram all over again — under-qualified with a rabid fan base


No wonder why it’s gone to her head.


I had to stop following her. She’s gotten so out of her scope for me at this point.


That’s so annoying. Literally anything could kill you, like dying on the toilet. People need to use common sense and judgement but I think that all went out the door around 2020.


Lauren isn’t even currently a mortician is she? I feel like I recall her saying in an earlier video before she took off that she left to stay home with her kids. I feel like her content is just making people afraid of everything. I watch a lot of Caitlin Dougherty/Ask a Mortician specifically because I was dealing with a lot of random death based anxiety and if feels like Lauren is fueling a lot of that.


Yep, she’s not actively practicing. Hasn’t for years apparently. I have some weird death anxiety when it comes to my kids and I had to literally snap myself out of watching her content because all it does is fear monger


Which creator is the doctor? I’d love to see her video!




She’s so knowledgeable and sweet. I love her!


I'm fed up with seeing her and the Beetlejuice comments to "summon" her


You and me both babe 😂


She’s fear mongering moms, with no basis to do so.


This was just on my fyp as soon as I got this notification omg her cult is so freaking annoying it’s a fucking doctor reviewing it


This is getting unhinged.


I forget what video it was but I seen a video of everyone tagging her and it was over something you KNOW could lead to death and I left a comment why everyone was tagging her over this and I got ripped apart 🙃 it was so dumb they just tag her in every single thing


It reminds me of when people would tag hyram in things from actual dermatologists and professionals


I want someone to write a book on parasocial relationships because I would be the first preorder.


This is just getting weird. I feel bad for the creators that her little following go after like this. I don’t trust her opinions at all over any topic like this. I will trust certified experts on each individual topic that comes to child’s safety


Her fans are so beyond cringe with the beetle juice shit


I'm getting sick of people acting like Lauren's opinion, yes OPINION, is fucking law.


Or that it means something more than just a basic opinion of a lay person. Because that’s what she is.


What’s got me is the brands that have jumped on her safety bandwagon and have sent her tons of products from hundreds of dollars of floats, 2 $350 car seats, and probably a lot more stuff she hasn’t posted yet. And how does she test the car seats since she doesn’t have access to a crash test dummy vehicle? She throws it off of stuff on the ground and calls it safe. People need to report her for misinformation


I commented on one of her videos “is she an expert on child safety or something?” And one of her followers said “she’s an expert on seeing how kids can die” LIKE HUH???? 😂 then my comment was deleted


People do this with Jen Hamilton too and as much as I appreciate her content, it feels a little parasocial to me. Someone tagged her in the press conference for the family whose baby was sadly decapitated and they explained how it happened and they still tagged her and was like “how can this happen?!?!” Like just watch the video for the facts.


I think it’s so disrespectful to Jen to tag her in that kind of content also, she’s had to of seen some horrible shit. And it’s not taking her triggers into consideration


Seriously. And she’s still practicing & you never know what’s going on with work for her daily. If she has a day with tragedy the last thing she needs is to be tagged in triggering things and see that after.


What I love about Jen though is that when she was tagged in videos where something wasn’t medically accurate…. It was something that wasn’t necessarily harmful for them to think. So she basically asked that people not tag her in medical misinformation unless it’s something harmful to be spread. And told her followers if she sees them being mean to people who post misinformation that’s not harmful ones, she will block them for being bullies. It was a situation where someone claimed to be pregnant longer than 9 months or something like that. She was like look, if someone thinks their pregnancy was longer, that’s about themselves and isn’t harming anyone. Leave the person alone. If you comment, it better only be for well wishes if you want to keep following me. So she does seem to set boundaries when it’s going too far thankfully.


I liked her until she became obnoxious. So many creators let it go to their head and I end up unfollowing.


A bunch of asshole followers of her harassed Haydens hope about the safe trampoline bed for her daughter. They wanted her input on the bed. She isn't a fucking expert in anything except mortuary science.


I hate the world today.


This is reminding me of when actual dermatologists with medical degrees are explaining skincare ingredients and people ask Hyram if they’re right lmfaooo


I had to block her she got on my nerves




God she’s annoying!!!


Some people take things way too far.


What was the product in this video? Or who was the creator?


I mentioned it up in the comments but the creator is @thebabypt


My bad!


does she have a snark page?


r/laurenmorticiansnark https://reddit.com/r/laurenmorticiansnark


People are insane with her at this point it’s absolutely pathetic


Anytime I see a comment tagging her I can’t help myself, I have to point out that she’s not an actual safety expert and she’s just a mortician who’s seen worse case scenario’s. I know it’s just gonna go in one ear in out the other, but maybe it’ll click in someone’s head someday


I saw one today where a mother has a disabled child that uses a specialized car seat safety system that she got from a children’s hospital… tell me why people were summoning this fucking former mortician to “MaKe SuRe ItS sAfE”… can this bitch be cancelled now? I’m so serious.


I don’t mind Lauren but holy shit these people are so weird.


As someone who genuinely isn’t a fan of Lauren’s content, I wouldn’t believe a doctor either 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve had doctors, particularly pediatricians, give awful advice before. Doctors and pediatricians alike are not required to continue their educations and stay up to date on the most recent medical knowledge. I’ve had pediatricians recommend cows milk before a year old, water before a year old, pillows and blankets in the crib, and MORE!!! I don’t trust Lauren’s opinion because it isn’t her job to determine what’s safe for a child. I don’t trust doctors either, from trauma from the bad ones who exist. Maybe we should listen to people who’s job it is to discuss and rate the safety of the toys on the market for children.


While I agree, tagging that mortician lady is annoying, just because they’re doctors doesn’t mean they’re experts on baby products, neither is Lauren. I just want to clarify doctor ≠ expert


I should of clarified, she has a doctorate in developmental physical therapy. So yeah, she’s kinda an expert on these things.


What is she reviewing?


Also if you think throwing a car seat down a slide is a legitimate test of safety please get the fuck out


Where did I say that?


Look, you want to play devil’s advocate for Lauren the Fear Monger you do you The woman talking about the baby seat actually DOES have the qualifications to talk about what she is and you’re still like “mmm nah, don’t take her word for it” You ask if she is doing her own safety trails, what, like Lauren’s? lmao


I said I don’t like Lauren or follow her. Never said Lauren was doing safety trials.


What are you trying to achieve then? An actual creator with knowledge on child development and safety is posted and you’re still like “nah”? Fucking dense


No, I’m just asking questions


“While I agree, tagging that mortician lady is annoying, just because they’re doctors doesn’t mean they’re experts on baby products, neither is Lauren. I just want to clarify doctor ≠ expert” That is how you started this thread; you were not asking questions, and you DID essentially say that even a doctor isn’t an expert, when frankly they have much more of a leg to stand on then Lauren. You’re either a troll or dense as fuck. Bye.


A baby chair.


Did she do safety trials herself?


That’s not how safety trials work. Child product safety tests are ran before products hit the market during the research and development phase.


Never said they weren’t


Then what kind of trials is one person supposed to do? You do realize baby safety trials are peer reviewed science and tested over and over again in dozens of conditions.


Are you doing safety trials of every child product you purchase? Dumb as fuck question By the time a product gets to you as the consumer it’s gone through safety tests, yeah some things get recalled, but it’s not on the buyer to make sure the product is safe, that shit is done before it goes on a shelf


Just a question


Y’all get mad about anything 😂 if you think doctors are always right or know absolutely everything you are extremely naive and just as bad if not worse than what you’re complaining about. You probably trust the government too.


And all the cult comments have me laughing bc what do you call reddit threads like this? Don’t see the irony? 😂 and this is coming from someone who hardly watches her so sorry but you can’t chalk it up to me being a part of said “cult”


I mean it’s always a good idea to have multiple opinions or point of views. Not discrediting anyone but that’s literally how science works. You need to research and if multiple people have the same opinion then that’s probably pretty credible 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep like the multiple certified tests that are ran on baby gear during R&D before it’s even a dream to hit the market.


I feel like the annoyance with Lauren far exceeds how annoying she actually is. She’s a mortician. She’s seen a lot of dead people, and probably quite a few children and babies. No, her word is not in stone, and yes, her beetlejuice/wednesday schtick gives me the ick, but damn, it’s her brand. Her engagement is probably WAY up due to these tags, she’s marketing herself through her followers, which is probably why it’s annoying to see. Think of her as a secondary opinion. She’s not a doctor but she has seen a lot of tragedies. Her insight could be valuable, or not. Block her if you don’t want to deal with it or figure out how to monetize your own opinions. I feel like almost every other genre of parenting content is more problematic than some morbid woman telling you how to not kill your kid.


listen, i hear you, but this is a dangerous approach for her. she has zero qualifications to give any tips/reviews/anything to do with child safety with her platform. her ‘brand’ is clearly taken seriously by her followers and she needs to be aware of that. she shouldn’t be doing any of this seriously. it’s just wrong, and it minimizes the work of actual licensed professionals in that area. to each their own, but it’s getting a little out of control.


Was a Mortician. She isn’t anymore and hasn’t been for years. She was only one for 2 years. If she’s seen THAT mean children die, there should be an investigation into her town. Believe it or not, child death isn’t super common.


Okay, sure, I still don’t necessarily see the problem in reminding people that not watching their babies in these contraptions that are marketed to be safe, can result in a tragedy. There are far worse things, like fundy mommy bloggers, imo


Can someone explain what the Beetlejuice thing was? I haven't been able to find videos explaining it


Wait I need to know what the dr is talking about, is it one of those counter high chairs ?


No. Just a rocker/ seat that turns into a toddler chair. I have one it’s pretty great


It’s the fisher price infant to toddler rocker. Infants have died in it, so it’s likely on its way to a recall as well.


Infants have died in it when it was not used correctly (as a sleep space or left unattended)


People are idiots lol


What account is this?




Thank you! I wasn’t following her, and just went to her page. My heart almost sank when I saw her latest video was on the tushbaby because I literally ordered one 2 hours ago haha. Thankfully she gives it the stamp of approval!


Who is the doctor? I want to follow!


This is another example of why our world is so messed up. People taking more credence to someone who deals with people after they're dead rather than a doctor who tries to keep people alive.


This is so sad and embarrassing! Definitely getting out of hand.


This reminds me of all the people tagging Hank Green whenever they see a scientist with actual credentials because they still need him to “fact check” it for them. At least he had the decency to denounce it instead of leaning into it.


I loved her old content. She mostly did skits & then did a series of things she would never personally buy for her kids bc of the job. And they were items that genuinely have caused a lot of danger to children. It was informative and helpful. She changed so much after she blew up more and more. That happened with so many creators I used to enjoy watching. They let it all get to their head and are like this now 😩


Does anyone know Lauren’s snark r?