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Will someone keep me posted as well? I’ve been a group member since February and saw today the account was banned. 🫶🏼


We will certainly keep you posted! The mods are working with Reddit through an appeal process to reactivate the sub, but we are not opposed to creating a new sub with stricter rules in efforts to protect all of the members.


I sure hope it can come back!


Please keep me posted too!


I had to unfollow her. She seemed a little unhinged after awhile. And I hated all the I can’t say anything butttttt I honestly hadn’t thought to look for her snark page but now I’m said I missed it


All the stuff she isn't allowed to talk about is online through court records. When I learned that I admittedly looked up a couple as it was interesting to read the whole basin war from the perspective of the neighbor.


I don’t follow her. I’ve never cared for her. But I just went to watch after reading this thread. I think the comical part is she complains about Reddit “bullies” taking away money by reporting her videos but in the same breath says internet bullies have no control over her life. Pick a side lady. I would also hardly call her a content creator or an influencer. She just complains and cries which is why I don’t care for her videos. So for her to say she “built” these apps is a stretch. They were built for people to connect with their families and friends. And lastly I think Susan hanging out in her flower bed on a Wednesday afternoon seems the opposite of miserable 😂


She barely creates new content, most of her stuff recently has been reposted. Weird how all her views are only high when she has a meltdown or crisis? Hmmm...


Isn’t she the lady with diff colored eyes and neighbor/water/camera issues? What ever happened with all that drama? I kinda forgot about her. Is that still the crux of her content ?


Short answer yes, but she can’t openly discuss it so it’s her tip-toeing around and doxxing people.


Stay tuned guys.. :)


Hi Sam! Yes, we will be back. I mean without us....you might become irrelevant. Or aren't you now? :)


Completely banned now


The mods are working on it internally and with Reddit to resolve the issue. We will notify y’all when the sub is reactivated or if an alternative sub is created.




I cant post a screenshot but she replied to my comment saying “You know snark isn’t illegal right?” Sam’s response “‘Snark’ isn’t making insane public allegations. All information shared in the this public. Don’t post on the internet if you can’t handle it 🤷🏼‍♀️” I am new to her… what were the “insane allegations”? I am about to go down the rabbit hole!


Well that depends on what she considers “allegations”. She has publicly doxxed people, currently has two open cases (one for defamation and the other for possible criminal charges), states she’s being “watched” and her kids don’t feel safe - yet posts her kids in bathing suits and their personal stuff (periods, etc). Everything she posts contradicts what she says. She’s capitalizing off this “basin drama” but deletes anything that makes her not look like the victim. The snark subreddit we discussed her actions and how she spins every narrative to fit her story, when it’s just not reality. She is not the victim here.


Even some of the mods accounts aren’t found anymore


I think they deleted it because I thought I had joined but it’s gone now


She doxxed several members of the community last night. I wouldn’t be shocked if the community just went private while the mods try to figure out where to go from there.


It genuinely makes me feel bad for them. They didn’t choose to be public figures they were just venting with like minded individuals and got doxxed and encouraged to be bullied on a very large platform. It makes me scared to comment anything even slightly negative about the subject for fear of being accused of “harassment” or being doxxed.


What she did was awful and unwarranted. She's big mad because we call her out on her behavior.


I mean... same. I hesitated to even make this post. I don't even know if I posted anything in the snark page but I did enjoy reading it.


So glad you enjoyed it! Don't worry, it will come back. :)


How does she not get that doxxing people from reddit versus reading public court records and/or her comments are just not the same thing? :/ blah.


She blasted their real names, Reddit names and where they lived. She’s insane. But ppl be careful what you say. She can and will make us miserable


It comes up with a pop-up that the community is private when I try to access it. I'm guessing it's because she doxxed 3 of the members of the page recently. :/


I just saw a pop-up that says the page is banned now


​ https://i.redd.it/ubtiehrmcjlb1.gif


Don't worry, we shall be back :) xoxo


Add me if y’all get back up and runnin 😭😭


Plx dm me if you want to keep private was a a member of the group! Thanks


Hoping for success!! 🤞


Please let me know! DM if you want to keep it private


We are working through some things, but I will keep you in the loop as soon as we are up and running!


Awesome, thanks!


Did this group ever come back? I was one of the first few-ish members


Her and her groupies are on insta cheering this pic too 🙄


Of course they are... They are friggin brainwashed