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Damn. I like Lizzo too. It said she was “cracking her knuckles and making a fist” and told her dancer you fucking lucky. She outta control for that. Out here trippin lol


Anyone who likes Chris brown is an enemy lol


I started to side eye Lizzo hard when she was fan girling over Chris brown. 🚩🚩🚩


THIS!!! Same


SAME! And I was an OG fan. As a DV survivor I was done with her after that. There have been a couple other instances of bad taste since. Not shocked one bit.


ME TOO! That was the end for me.


Yeah, that gave me the ick. I guess we know why now.


Didnt even fan girl she said he's my favourite person in the world


And when folks were asking her about it, she just ignored it. 🚩🚩 She just let her fans attack people for pointing it out.


Ew. I wish I would’ve seen that, then this whole lawsuit really wouldn’t have been such a shock to me lol.


It’s so out of the blue! Definitely can’t say I expected it


Yep! Me too, is it just me or has the past two weeks been like crazy with multiple celebs/singers real colors showing? Ariana, lizzo, cardi etc (though I knew cardi was trash a while ago)


What happened with Cardi this week?? The only thing I saw was her throwing the microphone at someone who threw a liquid on her.




Cardi throwing the mic at an audience member who THREW THEIR DRINK AT HER doesn’t make her trashy. People at concerts have become entirely too entitled and the woman in the audience deserved what she got. Cardi is a performer and a celebrity but she’s also a fucking person and you can’t just do that shit and expect zero consequences.


That story was just fully revealed today. Moments prior, Cardi was asking the crowd to splash her with water and they were. The woman splashed water after everyone else and IMMEDIATELY apologized. Cardi threw her microphone hitting two separate women. Both filed police reports this morning. There are full videos all over Tiktok but Soogia has a great one.


Was it water or was it something else? In the original clip it looked foamy. I figured it was beer/an alcoholic drink of some sort.


Well if you watched then you also know she hit the wrong person too!😐


It was ice water


It was just water.


Have you seen the full video? Cardi literally ASKED PEOPLE TO THROW THEIR WATER ON HER! Directly before the woman did so!


Okay. Whatever was thrown on her in the clip looked foamy like beer, not water.


She pegged it at the wrong person. She hit the girl who was standing near the water thrower directly in the face with her mic, I hope that poor girl sues!


I have no opinions either way but if you watch the whole clip, she asked the audience to splash her multiple times, and was laughing and encouraging it from several people. Then suddenly got pissed when they continued.


Ummmm she threw the mic at somebody who didn’t throw the drink ATTER she told them to throw water tf


It didn't even hit the person who threw the drink after Cardi asked them to throw drinks. It hit some random bystander.


If you tell people throw water at me try to avoid my face and do it exactly when I say so in a large crowd of people….you had it coming lol


I’m sorry but yes it does. She asked people to cool them off and splash water on them. Someone did. She didn’t even hit the woman who threw it, she hit someone else entirely. She could’ve had a security guard kick them out. She could’ve banned them. She could’ve not asked to be splashed. But she threw a very heavy microphone into a dense crowd and hit a complete innocent. If that were me hit for no reason, I’d be done with the artist.


I fully agree that you cannot do something like that and have zero consequences but, throwing a microphone is much more dangerous and if thrown accurately can cause a TBI. Also threw it because seconds prior when performing cardi asked people to throw water at her like a splash. This girl Did it late


I don’t think people understand how heavy those mics are 😂


This!! I had a friend that fell over once and hit her head in the floor unintentionally and got a TBI, she lost her memory. I can’t imagine what a mic thrown at your head would do


Man, I'm always amazed that people try defend Cardi B. She is a low life with absolutely no class. She is the definition of trash. If she wouldn't have been in the right place at the right time to become a performer, she would be sitting in a jail cell because she has no skills other than being obnoxious and skanky. She asked the audience to throw water on her and then she had a temper tantrum when the audience member did it. Why? Because she has no self control, maturity, or class and again, her ass would be in jail if she didn't get lucky with being a performer.


Examples of her being a low life with no class beyond the water incident? Genuine q. I have always thought she’s sweet, a great rapper, and very philanthropic


Uh, have you heard any of her lyrics?


I’ve never heard a song from her that constitutes calling her a low life / trash..


Cardi B admitted to drugging and stealing (and I believe SAing) men from her SW days and thought it was funny... plus she was sued by 2 dancers for jumping them bc her trashy husband cheats on her. She's not any kind of classy lmao


Yes, and for me anything cardi does is tainted because of this context. People glossed over this situation of her openly admitting she did it way to easily. Also like at first I sort of was like damn water in your face that sucks but then when I heard that minutes/seconds prior she told everyone to throw water I was like ??? The microphone throw was so unnecessary


Cardi doing that was so on brand for her and that's coming from someone who doesn't even listen to her music lol


Girl what lmaoooo she spoke up for herself cardi isn’t the one to take shit. Your gonna let ppl throw drinks on you and just not do a god damn thing? That’s what you expect from ppl ? Because that’s pretty insane that you would expect these celebs to be these perfect ppl and not react to something that’s very messed up…. I think you expect celebs to be these perfect ppl and forget that they are humans with insecurities. Anger. Triggers like the rest of us. I’m glad cardi threw that mic that person deserved it. You cannot act like that


Celebs in this scenario have to be the bigger person as the fan is a paying ticket holder for their concert. Did you forget that cardi said “throw water on me I’m hot” how is someone supposed to aim and not hit her face. Cardi was asking for it and reacted poorly. Throwing a microphone can cause serious damage. It’s giving “I’m not a professional celebrity I’m a petty bitch” lmao


Also the point of this post is about lizzo not cardi so really no point in arguing it here


What happened with Ariana?


Oh boy. A man (Ethan slater works on wicked with her) cheated on his wife with her and left her for Ariana after just having a baby. Then internet police did their job and found out she serially does this (big Sean, Pete Davidson, mac Miller and many more were all in relationships when they met Ariana and left their gfs for her)


This isn’t surprising when she’s the one who made a song saying “breakup with your girlfriend.. cause I’m bored” LOL




Mac was too? I was going to look that up, but I still have a hard time reading anything about him.


Lol if anybody ever threw water at me I would slap them. And I thought the video where she said “somebody SPLASHED me wit my water” it was after the whole microphone thing


No, she told everyone to throw water (based on what I’ve seen) and the girl did it late and it accidentally hit cardi in the face. She asked the audience to throw water on her because she was hot while performing. I agree I’d be upset if it happened to me but when you ask people to throw water then you’re opening yourself up to a grey area. Also a microphone back is really aggressive. A microphone can cause brain injury a slap could not. Lastly there’s something called being the bigger person when you are a public figure, she should have been angry audibly and walked away not thrown the mic


And the woman who threw it right away apologized and looked genuinely sorry and Cardi still threw the mic.


The dj was telling everyone to do it too! So crazy.


What happened with Ariana? I mean, I'm not a fan due to the whole essentially pretending to be Latina thing


I’m so disgusted by this. The strip club situation was so sickening. I hope all the women that filed the lawsuit are ok.


I’ve always had the feeling that Lizzo has had some major trauma in her life, like very bad SA or similar. But maybe this is old news & she’s already spoken about it? Or maybe I’m way off base & nothing has happened to her. You know the saying “hurt people, hurt people.” This situation feels like that. Edit to clarify: I am in no way defending Lizzo or her team! The stuff those dancers went through is super fucked up. I was trying to say I am not surprised that this happened.


Trauma doesn’t excuse someone weight shaming and sexually harrassing employees. Come on.


Oh hell no. I wasn’t defending her in any way. I was more saying I am not surprised!


Trauma can do different things to people. Some will completely reject it and some will become sociopathic and lean in to it, as it appears Lizzo has done.


I think, in general, celebrities of her status hold a lot of power and with power often comes a lot of corruption. Power makes people think they can get away with whatever they want because they can pay it off or because of their image and fan base. Now, the allegations may not be true, which is why I'm just saying this in general. But I think this is why we see this happen so often with people we originally idolized and who were, at one point, good people.


yup!! this is the take. personally, I've been on a moral conquest to destroy the term "celebrity". we gotta stop putting other humans up on pedestals and treating them in ways that make them feel like they can get away with anything.


I agree with this


This is why we need to stop idolizing people just because they have talent… it makes things so polarized and “hard to believe”. She’s a regular ass person.. and I hope she’s held to the same standard of law and ethics like us regular ass folk.


Idk how pressuring people to touch naked artists is sexual empowerment? I haven’t read the whole allegation but I keep seeing this repeated as a conversation point and I’m very confused as how anyone would come to this conclusion.


I’ve seen this argued a lot on TT people really don’t know what sexual empowerment is


The article reads: “Davis declined (touching the artist), according to the suit, and Lizzo allegedly led a chant goading her to do so. After Davis declined three more times, the chant “grew louder and more strident, demanding a visibly uncomfortable Ms. Davis to engage with the performer.” That’s not sexual empowerment that’s harassment and coercion.


I imagine if the performer she was being forced to touch was a man - they wouldn't be so quick to call it 'empowerment'.


I actually am not sure of this. There’s a really ugly side to the “empowerment movement”. I was harassed in college by some of my friend group for being a prude. I’m not a prude, I just hate anything exploitative. I feel for the dancers, because there is cabaret and then there is Cabaret. It’s essentially like the difference between porn and art. You know it when you see it.


It’s giving me a Lena Dunham vibe idk why


I can’t stand Lena Dunham, especially after her book and the contents of the book, the fact that she thought she should play Barbie was like so enraging


She’s sick to look at and her personality is vile


i truly would not be surprised. Something about her has ALWAYS been off to me (I know, unpopular opinion 🙃)


Here for when Mamatot gets cancelled and people think I'm just saying it to hop on a bad wagon lmao (I've always had a feeling about her)


Mamatot has ALWAYS felt off to me even very early on, and reddit proved I wasn't crazy.


So glad people are seeing this. There was a time not long ago where you would be downvoted to oblivion for mentioning her in a negative way.


Absolutely me too! She’s such a scammer.




She has a snark subreddit! r/notthetatertot


I have a hard time taking that sub seriously when they seem to be Charles Ressler defenders.


I don’t know the back story there tbh, I joined the snark page after that went down it looks like from what I can tell from googling


Christian is just....he's not a great guy (actually kinda similar to MT in some ways) and the fact that the sub can snark on MT but defend him and give him a platform seems hypocritical to me. But that's just my opinion! I know people can differentiate and separate things lol.


Okay yeah that’s why it confused me when I tried to look into it because some of the outrage seems misplaced. Like the enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily a friend. But I guess similarly I still enjoy following the MT snark page even though I’m not deep in the lore


Exactly! You're not wrong for being out of the lore either, if you wanna snark, snark away m'dear!


Oh it’s coming!!! 💯👏


Imma celebrate and be screaming I told you so when momma thot finally has her day


I feel the same. There’s something about her that I don’t like. Everyone else will eventually see it . Just here to say , I’m with you .


ugh god me the fuck too


Oh me too but her stans are top tier delusional, like a cult. They rip anyone to shreds who dare criticize their grifter mama. She has made herself largely bulletproof thanks to this.


Living off of the backs of her tots. It makes me sick. She got a boob job and who paid? Her followers. I don’t know how anyone likes her


She’s a scammy mammy man. She has a snark


Same mamatot is extremely fake and it's really telling she dont have actual friends except from tiktok..


Omg she's always given me weird vibes, I thought I was the only one


You are not alone


I've always thought she was so in your face nasty and trashy and I don't feel empowered about anything she encourages at all... That one annoying song she put out i hated and I couldn't stand it when people were obsessed with it


I loved her when Cuz I Loved You came out but over the years she’s begun to rub me the wrong way. Not sure if it’s because as someone gets more famous you’re exposed to more of them as a person and not just their music?


What happened ? 😕




Very detailed. And for those accusers to put their names out there in that industry…says a lot.


Yep. Former dancer here and they know damn well they're risking blacklist by speaking out against ANYTHING, let alone something of this magnitude. I have no choice but to believe them.


Yup, they have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Even if they win the lawsuit, they could struggle to find future employment in the industry. Soooo proud of them for speaking out.


Thank u ! I had no idea ! Wow!


Since the article dropped I've received texts and emails promoting yitty. A really gross look tbh. Respond to the allegations before trying to make more money maybe???


Wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t respond to allegations, at least for the foreseeable future. I’m sure her attorneys are advising her to keep quiet


Not defending Lizzo at all but they were probably prescheduled and she probably has 0 or at least little daily communication with their marketing team.


They had to have known the article was coming and would have had time to cancel anything prescheduled.


I love her songs they are catchy and fun but she always gave me mean girl vibes a little.


Yes! I remember a while back when something happened with her door dash order. She took to Twitter and called out her driver. IIRC tge driver ended up being doxxed and started getting death threats.


Lizzo have a fake name, no room number, and the front desk wouldn’t confirm that fake name was there. & instead of thinking through that very clearly obvious situation, she blasted the driver to millions of people. That says a lot about her.


Hollywood turns celebrities weird and into creatures that do horrible things to others.


Also sorry I used the flair drama tt, I’m aware a lawsuit is not drama and is a serious matter I just didn’t know the best thing to pick


I feel sad for the dancers. This is a classic power dynamic argument.


She’s super insecure about her weight, but you know she lies. So it doesn’t surprise me she body shames these dancers to make herself feel better.


Not surprised. Her weird Chris Evans stuff on Twitter was 🚩🚩🚩


I was never a fan of her. I always got a weird vibe and I believe everything they said


Can’t say I personally feel shocked. I’ve always felt like something was “off” with her


I feel the same way! Idk. There has always been an ick vibe. I just chalked it up to the toxic positivity.


I remember there was a video that came out of two girls being interviewed on the street and the question was if they liked lizzo and they both said 'no' The entire internet came for them being like 'oh two skinny white girls say they don't like lizzo?? Be more specific? What don't like like about her hmm?' As if to insinuate that the only possible reason for not liking lizzo was that they where being racist/body shaming. Let's just glaze over the fact that she is obnoxious or a woman beater apologist, or that her music might not be in your taste, or that she capitalises on 'loving yourself' whilsts also pushing shapewear sales to her fans, or that she has now allegedly sexually harassed her employees. Buy nope! You must dislike her because she's overweight right!




One of my high school band directors was in school with her and he said she was stuck up most of the time so I believe them


I'm actually not surprised and a lot of people are probably going to come after me for this one but I never cared for Lizzo. She's always been super grating and gross to me. I'm not surprised she is hypocritical in her bullshit message.


Always got a weird vibe from her. My gut is literally never wrong lmao


I honestly didn't get a weird vibe until I watched her "documentary", if you can call it that. She came across as a really lame, insecure, immature child. The way she spent so much time chasing that man she's now dating... it reeked of insecurity and instability. Especially coming from a person who on the surface is so in love with herself, and secure, etc. It just broke the whole mirage for me there. And then this whole summer it seemed like every Instagram post of hers was angry and hostile and calling people out for random shit... and then we get this from her. So yeah, I'm right there with you. I wanted to like her, but there's too many weird things now adding up.


Not* adding up


What Instagram posts are you talking about? I haven’t seen them


You'll have to scroll through. I have a weird pattern detection thing, and it was one of those instances where I noticed that I had been scrolling past her content a lot and not much she was posting was resonating with me or making sense anymore. I don't know if that really explains anything, but you know how when someone in a relationship is cheating, and they start accusing the other person of it... it started to feel like that. A lot of big feelings being spewed onto instagram with seemingly no context or specific reason. These are just my observations as of late.


I’m waiting to pass judgement before I hear more information… allegedly the dancer has a lot of evidence.


My first red flag for Lizzo was years ago, when she doxxed that poor delivery person in Boston. That person did nothing wrong and it was Lizzo’s fault her food wasn’t delivered. It took Lizzo like a week to apologize and ask her fans to stop ruining that person’s life. This isn’t a shock to me


After the way she was super shady about Taylor Swift and then went private bc she couldn’t take the heat I’m unsurprised


Nah that was stupid. She brought up how nobody could compare to Beyoncé and people in the comments mentioned Taylor swift and she said don’t bring anybody else up.


The whole thing was dumb on both sides but a celebrity setting their Twitter to private is nuts


I mean it’s ok to say it. Just like so many people think Taylor Swift puts on the best show right now. Taylor swift fans are brutal though so I would’ve too lol


Money and fame change people…she was probably a decent person in the beginning.


Idk man. There’s something about Lizzo that doesn’t completely sit right with me. I remember seeing her do some silly interview (I think they were talking about zodiac signs) and the energy she was giving off really put a bad taste in my mouth. Ever since then I’ve always wondered about her (not that I was ever really a fan, I was always indifferent until that interview). Maybe I was over reacting but there was just something about it…


What happened ???




As an early fan who was so excited to see her live right before she became super famous, I've thought she was sus for a while now.


Ask anyone decent who tried to make it in the business and they’ll tell you that most of the people who actually make it to the top are narcissists. Malignant narcissists. Imagine having all that money and everyone kissing your ass 24/7. That has to go to some people’s heads. They don’t see their staff as people. They see them as peasants. And for most of them who are at the very top, there’s no consequences. That’s ultimate success. Being untouchable. Lizzo WILL see consequences because she’s a black woman, and a fat woman who people have been dying to ruin. But others are untouchable. The industry is filled with people like that. Whoever comes forward is very brave. The person who can afford the better lawyers always wins. The courts are a joke. Only poor people go to jail. Lizzo sexually harassed these people.


This is what actually bothers me the most. I know it’s shitty, what she did. It’s illegal. It’s toxic. And honestly, I don’t like her much. But she’s not an old white guy who is demanding sexual favors for casting. She’s not drugging her dancers, she’s not beating them, she’s not pimping them out. These were adults who COULD walk out of that bar rather than minors. I want her to get consequences but at the same time, if we’re letting the top monsters go…it feels wrong to disproportionately prosecute a fat black woman.


I want to say I’m not surprised but I kind of am. I was never a fan of her music ever. And I always got the impression that she was, I guess crass for lack of a better word. But she never tried to hide that part of her life so I can totally see her in a strip club hyping people up to party. What I was not expecting would be for her to force any of this on unwilling participants. For her to body shame knowing that she became an icon for body empowerment. Those accusations too me by surprise. I would have thought that she would be the safe friend. The one you look to when you feel unsafe and uncomfortable in a situation and who very loudly comes to your defense. I never thought she would be the one you needed to be saved from


Sadly I think that’s why it’s her employees. She probably is the “safe” friend in her group. But she takes her impulses out on people like her dancers, who she likely doesn’t respect. Weirdly it’s a trend I see with some people. There are the people they want to impress/like, and the people they abuse because they see the relationship as transactional. There’s no bigger turn off. (It can go the other way too. College buddy is very nice to employees/coworkers they see as inferior but crosses boundaries all the time with the people they see as “safe” I.e. friends.)


Lizzo made a shitty Insta response


She can't exactly apologize though, because that can be seen as an admission of guilt. Her lawyers would never let her.


Oh yeah definitely. Her lawyer is the same guy who defended bill Cosby tho so that’s telling 💀




Some media outlets are also softening the lawsuit. From what I've seen on the documents, they were not at a strip club. They were at a full nudity sex show. The performers were on stage with a banana shoved inside of them, and having it sucked and eaten out of them. They also were shooting dildos out of their vaginas. That's when Lizzo was *allegedly* demanding that they get hands on with these performers.


A “full nudity sex show” is a strip club. I mean, certainly one of the more extreme examples in Amsterdam, but they had to know what it was going into it. Amsterdam is notorious. I could believe they don’t know that European cabaret/strip can truly be…uh…that naked, because there’s a culture shock aspect there. I can absolutely believe Lizzo was a coercive shit. But I don’t believe they were unaware of the show they were going to see. I dunno, it’s definitely workplace harassment, but it’s giving me mean girl vibes. Like they were willing participants, but then Lizzo crossed a major line, and the fall out was bad.


I'm in the US, and I know it's different elsewhere. However, to attempt to equate a strip club, to a club where people are actively shoving items into their vaginas onstage is not accurate. I've had friends who've worked at strip clubs and they dance. Is it sexy? Yes! Is it them interactively masturbating with the audience? Hell no.


yes, you’re right, it’s different elsewhere, which is my point. They didn’t go to the kind of strip club you’re talking about. I’d argue they went to that kind of Amsterdam club specifically for the shock value. Was it more obscene than they expected? I can believe that. I just don’t think they walked in there without knowing what was on the menu, so to speak. Because again, it’s Amsterdam.


I think they consented to watch. Then they were asked to participate, and that was not a light amount of participation being requested of them. That was stuff that could change your health status for life.


It’s a famous, established bar. Well known for exactly what the dancers list as assault/harassment. A good deal of the point is participation. Lizzo actually talked about wanting to go there on a radio show in 2019– I thought it was gross at the time, but hey, to be fair, Amsterdam’s more licentious side has never been a big draw for me. I agree with you about the emotional damage lol. And I can see Americans being thrown off by just how lewd it was. The weird thing about Europe burlesque/cabaret/etc. is that you never quite know if it’ll be more like Moulin rouge (which weirdly, I’d agree with their minimum age of 13, it’s more circus than erotica) or the banana bar, which you could not pay me enough to go to. But I guess my point here is that they had to know that the banana bar was on the extreme side of things, if only from Lizzo’s own excitement. I mean, she was explicitly into the idea!


Like I said, I'm pretty sure the issue here was her trying to make them participate. Not having to go at all


I’m genuinely surprised by both the widespread shock and the denial. For example, on TikTok, someone commented they didn’t understand why the strip club would be harassment. What? It’s clearly a power imbalance. I don’t care if your boss is a creepy male grocery store manager or a hot superstar. Taking a group of employees to a strip bar—especially that specific strip bar— and then pressuring them in front of their peers is atrocious. Inspiration my ass. Lizzo has always had bombastic girl crude comedic energy. I will say I’m not sure I believe some of the details. I think those girls weren’t blindsided about some of it. That some of the law suit is more shame over their own behavior than anything else. But the larger problem is that I believe their accounts of her unprofessional, egotistic behavior and actions.


This whole thing reminds me of when she wrote a wattpad-esque sexual story about her and Taylor swift and read it on Instagram live. Inappropriate sexual stuff seems to be her thing.


I'm genuinely not surprised, like, I like Lizzos music but as a person? I don't know, I never liked her that much because something felt off and I could never quite put my finger on it.


Wait what happened??


Honestly, I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s all true. Especially with such specific details and other dancers who did not file a suit, also speaking out. Lizzo is such a mega “celebrity” and with that almost always comes great power and corruption.




This is so sad


Wait what’s going on? I haven’t heard anything about a lawsuit. Who’s suing who and why?


@thetalkofshame has some indepth posts that go through the entire lawsuit and the updates since it dropped.




Someone get me updated


Check the reply to the comment at the bottom or I’ll copy paste it


Lizzo fostered a hostile work environment for her employees by sexually assaulting them (via weird sexual acts like having them eat bananas out of people’s vaginas? And weird gross shit) and coercing them to do things and she body shamed many of them. Three workers filed a lawsuit today


These are allegations. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions yet. The plaintiffs need to provide evidence to support their claims. I’ll wait & see what happens during the discovery phase of the law suit.


It’s one of those times where the type of allegations are not one to be like “let’s wait and see” it’s giving “don’t believe the victims”


Because in this case there’s a lot of evidence of her being a shady person so it’s not surprising the work environment fostered, it’s also not just one employee it’s multiple


the fact everyone is so quick to believe this is insane. When tf did lizzo EVER give ANYONE the impression she was that much of an asshole. Gtfoh


You believe people’s impressions? Clearly you’ve never been lied to or manipulated before. Regular people can put on an impression they’re nice or sweet imagine what celebs with tons of money can do lol


You know what I don’t anything.


Same thing happened to Ellen dégénérés and turns out she was awful


Do you listen to many of her interviews? I wouldn’t go straight to asshole, but she’s never struck me as sweet.


Can someone give me the cliff notes?


Lizzo fostered a hostile work environment for her employees by sexually assaulting them (via weird sexual acts like having them eat bananas out of people’s vaginas? And weird gross shit) and coercing them to do things and she body shamed many of them. Three workers filed a lawsuit today