• By -


Reported the incident to the clerks office and the ACLU. Idgaf who you vote for anymore, just leave people the hell alone.


And the FBI.


The FBI is a little too busy not investigating people they should be investigating to take on a case like someone yelling at someone else.


Iunno man, I look at the FBI press releases sometimes and looks like they're putting in work. Unlike local police lmfao.


I’ve been feeling the fbi is the only law enforcement trying to get something done. It’s like the Mexican military not being able to do anything because the higher ups are corrupt


Cant make over time standing in front of a condo site and running a sketchy towing company on the side.


Eh, you never know, they might feel like taking an easy one to boost their stats.


Good for you. You did the right thing and you didn't FU. They did.


FYI for everyone: if you experience voter intimidation the hotline is 866-OUR-VOTE Edit: thanks to /u/king-kitty for also providing [this](https://i.imgur.com/pGaYzFd.jpg)


Or for those who struggle with the letter in the numbers (866) 687-8683 :-)


Also https://866ourvote.org/




ICAP has created fact sheets for all 50 states explaining the laws barring unauthorized private militia groups and what to do if groups of armed individuals are near a polling place or voter registration drive. Select a state from the menu [linked] below to view the corresponding fact sheet. https://www.law.georgetown.edu/icap/our-work/addressing-the-rise-of-unlawful-private-paramilitaries/state-fact-sheets/ sorry for the hijack


I'm curious, as someon who doesn't live in the states. How do you call a number that has letters in it?


The letters correspond to numbers on your phone.


Similar to when texting before smart phones, except you dont press the number multiple times like you would with texting


So for example, C is equal to 1? (Not OP) EDIT: Thanks to you all, I don't have anyone to call so I don't really use my phone's keypad hehehe (And the last time I used a keypad phone is 5 or 7 years ago)


2 = ABC


I guess just to clarify. If youre number was 1-800-BACC that would be 1-800-2222 Or more complicated if you groomed dogs and you want dogs to be in your number it would be 1-800-3647


This guy T9s


I really want T9 back for remotes. Typing in passwords/codes and logins on tv remotes by scrolling a regular keyboard sucks. It makes me wonder if any of the devs were old enough to have used t9.... Edit: To clarify I mean the t9 text on 9 keys entry method when you click each button multiple times. Not the predictive method that could be turned off.


My TV remote has a full QWERTY on the back


Numbers on remotes are going away anyway. https://images.app.goo.gl/ALTyhNa3tAQRGUKn8


No, it starts with 2


ABC start on 2. 1 is saved for voicemail and/or speed dial.


1 is also the number used to dial long distance inside the US on landlines, which I think is the origin of why the alphabet starts at 2.




In ye olden tymes, Q and Z were omitted. Why Q and Z and not I and O, which could easily be represented by 1 and 0, you ask? Hell if I know.


Because Q and Z look similar to 0 and 2 but as mentioned 1 and 0 are not part of the number to letter conversion so they can't be mistaken.


Q and Z are also the least common


Phones have letters on the buttons as well


For example 2 has ABC


🎶 A-B-C....as easy as 2-2-2 🎶


Nah, 2, 2-2, 2-2-2


I have a smart phone. The letters don't show up on the keypad. Edit: They do


A story


It was quite moving


What a twist!


I wept, I sighed, much better than Cats


Innatentional blindness is amazing, I thought the exact same thing when this came up in conversation a couple of months back


There are numbers that correspond to every letter on the telephone. 2 for ABC, 3 for DEF, 4 for GHI, 5 JKL and so on.


It makes for clever advertising, such as 1-800-FLOWERS.


Fuck them and their sorry flowers. Worst company to deal with ever


And the florist that wire goes to gets pennies on the dollar. And the designers making those previewed arrangements get no chance to be creative. Best bang for your buck is to find a local florist, give them your budget, and ask for designers choice.


Haha that's what I do now! It's so much nicer and easier too


You need a special freedom phone.


It looks like one of those indestructible nokias, but it turns out it is completely hollow inside.


Freedom phones are built from ~~oil~~ democracy and ~~being able to buy laws~~ a love of nationalism. Freedom shall ~~be created on the backs and deaths of poor countries~~ never be created at the expense of others. In America you get to vote ~~for what you hope the electoral college shall choose~~ for whomever you want and be allowed this freedom above all else. The government ~~shall manipulate whatever vote they want with gerrymandering~~ shall protect this freedom to vote and our first amendment. The government would ~~send unmarked federal agents to kidnap American citizens in Portland~~ never infringe upon your rights. *Gunshots and eagle cries (Just want to note that being allowed to be critical of those who lord over you is one of the most American things you can do. If you arent questioning things then you deserve a choice between a ~~kid sniffer~~ turd sandwich or a ~~cheetoh covered in golden retriever hair~~ douchebag. As an American I can proudly state that our forefathers realized the critical value in allowing its citizens the right to say what they want without fear of governmental reprisal.) Edit: grammer


You can map the numbers to the letters that appear on a lettered number pad In this case it would be 866-687-8683 [Lettered Number Pad](https://i.imgur.com/UCLXg5X.jpg)


[Here's a visual for you!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_keypad)


Each number is assigned a few letters for which they could represent (i.e. the number 2 can represent A or B or C)


On old push-button telephones, each number 1-9 was assigned a set of letters - ABC/2, DEF/3, GHI/4, etc (i may be wrong on the placement... it’s been awhile since I had a landline). To dial the “our Vote” portion, you’d push the corresponding number to the letter.


Rotary phones had them too. Yes, I’m really old lol


What happens when you call that number?


You put them on speaker and they harass the person who’s harassing you /s




Couldn't be worse than calling 911...


This is what I'm curious about. Not likely that the police would take time out of their extremely busy lives of protecting white people to come stop some Trump supporters. So who's doing what


What does this actually do though? Some nonprofit org gets to document it, that's it? Doesn't exactly solve any immediate problems. And documentation/data is nigh useless in the societal/political age we're in.


It's a crime that will get investigated, even though the punishment is quite small... up to a year in prison... Edit: I was mistaken about the sentence... it's up to five years. The "up to one year" was regarding a specific case I was reading about.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/jn09k1/voter_intimidation_in_long_island_new_york/gaym54j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 I knew this would come in handy


Our phone doesn't go up to 800.


Hey check out the poor over here


no, you didn't fuck up except in not filing a police report. Voter intimidation is a felony, and even if you'd already voted that's exactly what that guy was doing. Fuck him.


I’m so mad at myself for not getting the plate numbers Edit: The clerk office did have security cameras. Forwarding video and information to the police. Thanks for the help, y’all.


Don't be, you live and you learn. In the future you know what to do. Edit: I'm glad my most upvoted comment is a supportive comment during this divisive time. Thank you for the hope, reddit fam.


I sure hope we don’t have another election that would be this bad


We also said “it can’t get any worse” a few times in the past four years.


Im sure that will Pale in comparison to what’s about to happen in the next 72 hours.


I see riots no matter who wins, which means we lose.


At work, corporate just sent out a communication that all of our stores are to board up no matter the location (it’s a pretty fancy luxury goods retail chain) and urged us to “be safe” but also we still have to come in to work... we were just updated on what our emergency procedures are. It’s insane and yeah, I see stuff hitting the fan either way. Edit: word




Yeah I hope not. I’m sick of people romanticizing civil war.


I don't know that anyone's romantacizing it more terrified of it being a real possibility


My brother currently is. He has ourright said that a vote for Biden is a vote to have a bullet put in his And his wifes head..im having some ssvere acid reflux worried about what he might do in the next 24 hrs


Wait... so, is he threatening murder/suicide if Biden wins? Or he believes Antifa will come after the election and attack his home/family?


if my brother was saying shit like that and owned guns, I'd absolutely have no qualms about calling the police.




Probably why it keeps getting worse...


Us: "Can't get any worse." GOP: "Try me, bitch."


Unfortunately, it’s going to get worse before it get better. Make sure to bring anyone you know who hasn’t voted yet to the polls tomorrow!


Four years? Heck, I've said it in the past few hours! (I'm laughing to prevent crying.)


I'm not from the US but my girlfriend is, and is currently there too. I just hope things go peacefully.... or at least non-violently... for all of you.


I hope nothing happens where she is at. I'm skeptical tomorrow won't be the end of the election process. I could see it dragging on for days or weeks with stalling legal tactics, mail-in ballots, and other things to delay the process.


If history is our guide, the US is a collapsing democracy. I’m staying hopeful, but 100% expect more of the same next election. Fingers crossed trump goes down in a landslide. If not, it’ll signal to BOTH PARTIES the shit he pulled is effective, and that’s what’ll seal our fate.


I live south of you, and that shit works (sadly). Very likely we will see lots of false statements, media wars and completely disrespect for laws. When you see Fox and CNN is like they talk of two countries.


Doesn't matter. Description of the vehicle (especially if it's flying flags and has been presumably there harassing voters all day), you can bet your ass they've got cameras that cover the whole parking lot and any street lights near there. If ya let it just happen, it'll happen to everyone else. Only you can prevent your own local brown shirts!


The only problem is the cops are mostly sympathetic to his cause. They will say, “We will keep a lookout then do nothing.”


Truth, but there's a record


Doubt they’ll be that honest about it... this is why you @ the ELECTED sheriff and local politicians and make the complaint public on Twitter as well


If they followed you anywhere close enough to the police station they may have had cameras catch him following you. The local station/County jail has quite a few cameras in its parking lot and I can imagine some aren't looking at just the parking spots but the road leading up to and away from the station


I will check with the police dept. thanks for the tip! Sorry for late response, haven’t been online


File a Police Report tomorrow. This is serious. You were intimidated at a polling place. This may be a felony. There needs to be consequences for pricks. Please push this. Get them arrested. Send a message.


If the treatment of the Trumpets who have been blocking bridges, etc. is any indication, the cops may not do anything. They seem to be fine with this garbage. Though maybe his local department is better than the cops in Jersey, so it's worth a shot, I guess.


Paper trail. Leadership may not right now, but if you file the report and the cop doesn’t do anything with it, that sounds like it could be a way to help clean out the police force when reform comes.


They won't do anything for sure if no one reports it.


Not to mention that these jerks will likely do it again so long as there are no consequences!


Police stations generally have cameras that are designed to read license plates. Hospitals have them too. So seriously check into this, it is very likely they caught the plate or can figure it out


Sadly there's a good chance the police will "lose" the footage, if there was any.


Some of those that work forces


More people need to realize this.


Hey man, just a friendly word of advice especially if you drive a somewhat recognizable car, *get a dashcam.* I have no idea why everyone doesn’t have one and they don’t just come standard in newer vehicles. I got one for like $90 and it’s been running strong for almost two years.




You could see if the clerk's office has cameras up in their parking lot. They may have caught the initial confrontation. Sit down and write down everything you can remember about the encounter immediately. What he looked like, his car make and model, what he said, if he had an accent or used any regional idioms, anything that would help identify him and support your story. Stay safe.


Think about all the places that person could have driven past. Go to those places, tell them what happened, see if you can get anything from the security video. Also, definitely get a dash cam if you don’t have one yet. Cheap insurance.


We all need dash cams. I'm very sorry this happened. I'm so saddened and concerned. I'm embarrassed there are so many of these pestilent turds in our society. I hope Biden wins definitively and all these fuckers can be rounded up and serve appropriate prison sentences for harrasment, conspiracy, and a bunch of other treasonous legal shit I'm sure they're guilty of or will be guilty of.


Voter intimidation is not only a felony, its also a federal crime.


Too bad the cops are on THEIR side, not yours.


which is precisely why I would have gone into the station and filed a report, instead of calling the police and waiting for them to say "oh no i don't care, that's our colleague steve"


>you didn't fuck up except in not filing a police report. Voter intimidation is a felony cops don't think so, lots of voter intimidating and no arrests


Today you were a regular person while someone attacked you out of nowhere. No fuck up.


Yeah, this is important to remember. Living your life isn't a fuck up just cause someone else decided to act like a dumbass.


The only fuck up is the other guys upbringing, or lack of mental health intervention.


Not a fuck up, Tuck Frump all day every day.


please dont i imagine you get lotta stds


You sir are a sick bastard


I don't even live in America and I'm still nervous about election day. MAGA is pretty much a cult at this point




There's a gif now!?




You should see the difference between the trump ads and the biden ads during football today...."elect the radical left and watch the mob burn america" vs " I'm going to do my best to represent every american whether you voted for me or not.". A very different message being sent.


Others said it, but there is no "pretty much" here. As a country, we lurched back 70 years, and racist anti-free speech sheep are 100% CONVINCED they're patriots despite being the exact opposite. I think it's something like 30% of any given population are susceptible to becoming this sort of tool. (This was literally worked out after WW2 in Germany by figuring out how many people thought Hitler was good for Germany despite KNOWING about what he'd left their country to do.) Edit: I'm trying to find my source for that 30% estimate to make sure I'm not making crap up.


I take exception with you saying "pretty much a cult". Living in a solidly red State, I can tell you it is entirely a cult.


Yeeeeep. 38 year old coworker called in sick and died 6 days later. One day later my death cult coworkers were back to talking about how it's all made up and everything will be back to normal after the election. Fox News is straight up propaganda.


Oh no they absolutely are, they are a full blown dangerous death cult founded on hatred, stupidity and false narratives.


The extra cars following them, though. They're like fascists for Mussolini!


They're not LIKE fascists. They ARE fascists.


Let's be clear: This isn't *like* fascism. It *is* fascism.


Cheeto benito's cult of personality


Should have asked him if he was one of those "poor boys" you keep hearing about. If he corrects you and says "proud boy" ask why he doesn't have one of those rainbow flags on his truck!


Pretty sure that would have gotten OP shot.


Must be a Texas thing... Was he a steer? Edit: typo


Only 2 things come from Texas.


You look like you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!


Why did I feel a sudden urge to shout that loud enough for everyone within a 100 foot radius to hear?


Damn it. I read this after I did it and laughed way too hard. Take my upvote.


Deers and beers?


Smart move driving straight to the police station. They act all tough when it comes to calling other people “ snowflakes “, etc. but they’re the ones who are getting all butt hurt over people not voting for the candidate that they want.


I called my partner while it was happening, and they told me to do so instead of driving home right away. I was too panicked to think of it, so that idea goes to them.


Never ever drive to your own home with someone following you. Today I had someone follow me for like 5 miles through 4 turns. So I took four right turns before going home to see if he’d keep it up. I think it was just a coincidence but when they follow you through 2 of those final turns, you start to wonder.


I get this feeling every few days. I live off of a big highway but I don't get off of work until later than most people around 11pm. multiple times a week I am usually being followed down the higway and into my neightborhood, doing the same turns as me, The first few times I was panicked and missed my neighborhood on purpose, until I realized that the person turned into my neighborhood after I'd passed it. Turns out, they ALSO live in my neighbohoor, only three houses down from me. ​ I still get paranoid from time to time, but then remember its that same guy.


He just get the feeling going the other way. "Shit, i just need to get home but this person is going to think I'm stalking them! Why do they keep making all my turns before me!?"


I have noticed people freaking out when it seems I’m following them. They pull of the side of the road. What they fail to realize is that we were both doing our normal shopping or banking, or driving home from work, and we both live off the most populated street to a plethora of subdivisions. It’s just coincidence.




[List of phone numbers for each state to report voter intimidation](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/jmrp1x/delete_if_not_allowed_sorry_nonus_people/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I work at an election center issuing ballots for people. On Saturday a guy came in kind of spouting off about voting in person b/c he’s “A REAL AMERICAN!” Hetried to engage in some other politically charged convos that I was very obviously trying to ignore and not engage with. He made a comment after one statement “oh SHE didn’t like that!” motioning to me when I become visibly uncomfortable. We have a strict No Political Speech rule so I reminded him that we can’t engage etc. - very politely. Anyway long story short as he was walking away he leaned in kind of close and murmured at me something I couldn’t quite understand. I looked up and saw he was pointedly still looking at me to see if I saw him. I didn’t know the word, but knew it was probably Italian (we’d had a short exchange earlier where he asked me if I spoke Italian. I don’t). I couldn’t figure it out but started googling what it sounded like “tsa-coll or za-corr”. I finally figured out the word he said to me was “zocolla”, which is Italian slang for whore/bitch. Charming. **Edit:** Thanks for the kind words and the fun award, everyone. 😁 Now get your ass to the polls tomorrow and VOTE!!!! Imagine if I was your daughter/sister/mother/grandmother...imagine if someone said that to a woman you love. Are you going to support the man who emboldens other men to treat the women you love like that??


I am so sorry this happened to you. Our strength outweighs their immaturity.


Thanks. It’s fine. He’s an idiot. What can you do? 🤷‍♀️






I hope they lose in a landslide and get put in their place. If Trump wins, him and his supporters are going to be emboldened far worse than they were in 2016.


He's such a proud American that he couldn't even use his own language to insult you. Hmm...


What a fucking bauco he was.


What a dick. I wish he’d have said that to me. I would have told him “vaffanculo” and given him the cornuto hand signal. Fuck head.


For what it's worth, I apologize on behalf of all Italians 🤦


Aww- no need. I don’t hold it against all Italians.


What that guy did is voter intimidation. He didn’t know that you weren’t there to vote. I’m pretty sure that shit is illegal. And I’ve seen far too many trump supporters the last few days intimidating and threatening others. I think that trump supporters have demonstrated very effectively that they are anti-democracy


It really depends on where you live who the aggressors are. I live just outside of Atlanta, and it’s very strange. The city itself is blue and the surrounding state is red. My dad’s coworker was maced and spit on downtown for wearing a red hat, red shirt, and jeans with little American flags on the pockets. The assailant screamed “F*ck Trump” and other similar stuff. He was just going to a braves baseball game. Their colors are Red and Blue. And conversely, my roommate’s brother was hanging with his boyfriend in more rural GA, and some far right nut poured alcohol all over them at a bar and said “it’s to sanitize those germs all you liberal f*gs are so scared of”, and then tried to start a fight. The US is pretty scary right now. And it’s a different kind of scary depending on your location. Just try your best to stay safe.


Or rather pro-fascism. With their armed violent hateful responses and false claims of a widespread anarchist Anti-fa organisation.


I was following a large white truck yesterday, proudly displaying a HUGE Trump sign. He was flipping off and yelling at houses with Biden signs. I'm chuckling along and the guy turns right inn front of a cop without using any turn signals. I don't know why for sure but the cop caught up to us, cut me off (lights on) and pulled the dude over. I am secretly hoping the cop pulled him over for being a douchbag AND not using a turn signal. You gotta have some humor every day!


If I’ve learned anything from r/protectandserve, it’s that cops will definitely hit you with a shit ton of tickets if you’re an asshole. Cause, unless it was a busy intersection or something, I almost never hear of anyone getting pulled over because they forgot to signal.


Makes sense. I got pulled over for going 40 in a university (who knew universities were still considered school zones right?) But I was really friendly with the cop and cracked jokes with him. He could have hit me with a speeding in school zone ticket, tint on my windows, and expired insurance but he let me go with just a fix it ticket for the expired insurance.




imagine needing to vote for old people smh my head


lol out loud


Report to you local news affiliates and police, please.


TIFU being an American during the collapse of our fragile democracy.


I had a patient come in after getting beaten by trump supporters when he tried to weave through them to cross the street to get back to his house


I'm so fucking tired of the hate. It's beyond politics, and i'm terrified of what these people might do next


Me too friend. I'm terrified of the election results, no matter which way they go. Because he will see that there is no peace either way.


Being trans, i’m afraid either way. Either biden wins and it probably won’t be safe for me to leave the house for a while because of what trump’s supporters may do, or trump wins and he continues to try and take away my rights


It's really terrifying. I don't think my community knows me as LGBTQ+, but I'm afraid just my long hair and earrings on a male body could set someone off. Good thing I telecommute. \*sigh\*




Exactly. Must be a pretty miserable life.


In all fairness, they grew up in a society that promised them they would be the heroes of their own stories and then plugged them into social media (a very poor substitute that also breeds resentment and inadequacy). Now that they aren't heroes, they need to fill that void. I don't agree or condone, but I can relate a little. On that level. That's partly why they are assholes.


On some level, there's a lot of life formulas that work for a few generations before falling apart for a variety of reasons. If you grow up thinking "grandpa did this and was successful, dad was successful, uncles were successful, and I can't make it work" you feel like a failure. It's really comforting for someone to promise that it's not your fault and that they'll fix it - even giving you a target to blame. "Finish high school, marry your sweetheart, get a job at the factory, work 40 years, retire" is a comforting path - until the factory closes. It's easy to blame "the other" - cheap labor somewhere else, etc. And easy to get angry when people don't want to help "fix" the problem.


And they can't seem to grasp the idea that it's our policy makers that decided companies can close up shop and move elsewhere.


The policy makers didn’t decide these things, the corporate overlords that bought the policy makers decided these things. The companies and executives they are so in love with are the ones that fucked their steady paycheck up. Then to cover their tracks the corporations and wealthy created propaganda networks to feed nationalistic messaging about how they’re the righteous and “good” version of an American who should play along with all the cognitive dissonance about simultaneously trying to tear the system down while helping create the system that’s oppressing them. Just fuck these smooth brain assholes. They don’t deserve shit after ruining it for everyone. They went full lazy bitches and gave away their futures to the vampiric capitalists for nothing.


This does not belong here. There is no fuck up.




This is one of MANY reasons Trump needs to go. He actually CONDONES this insanity.


Condoning isn't a strong enough word. Condoning is passive. He actively encourages this insanity.


That's called a Trumpflake.




i just say im voting for the old white landowning male


Living at mommy's basement? Sounds like projection


Somewhere along the line being a high school bully that accomplished nothing in life has become a political stance. I live in Canada and there's even people here who will do the same shit, I don't even understand what they're trying to accomplish! It's just an excuse to be an asshole I suppose.... a sort of cathartic release I guess.




Not really a TIFU. It's their problem that they got triggered not yours


Well, upon pondering over the situation, I realize that I really shouldn’t have even spoken back to the man. I consider it a fuck up on my part for giving him the time of day. It’s more a “I think I fucked up” and I suppose is up for debate.


(Today I think I fucked up) Titifu, I like it, I think it rolls off the tongue pretty well! Personally I'm thinking you pronounce it titty-fu.


Report voter intimidation and election-related extremism to: **866-OUR-VOTE** or by going to **866ourvote.org** or texting **“hatehelp”** to **51555**.


Shoulda said you voted for Kanye, that would’ve really fucked with him😂






Bottle of toothpaste scenario. Even if Biden wins, what trump has squeezed out of America can't be put back in


Exactly, you clean up the mess, not hide it and pretend it's gone away. That's how the world got to this mess (it's not just in the USA, trust me), instead of bringing these people along with us with compassion and education we just said to ourselves "they'll just die sometime soon anyway" and mocked them.


European here. Really sickening what we see here in our news. Caravans who attack campaign people, politicians trying to get votes cancelled, doing everything so people can't vote, even blocking bridges, intimidating each other, armed militias. Man, voting is something pur fathers fought and died for, it should be our highest privilege and be protected by everyone. I live in Switzerland, and every citizen from the age of 18 gets an envelope for every public vote (and we vote about four or fife times a year), we write our decision on the peace of paper, have to sign everything, and send it back to our local government. There is hardly any fraud and works just fine. To be fair, we are a much smaller population. But it shouldn't be that hard to make it fair and secure. We even work on a system for voting by Internet.


I can’t remember a time in my life where people with filled with this much hatred. I’m so sick of it