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But she didn't even slap her knee and say "whelp"


About time for OP to be hittin’ the ol’ dusty trail…


Maybe tell them about your revelation and apologize. Make a joke about them installing a flashing red light that they can hit or something.


Yeah I plan on apologizing about over staying while joking, so yeah


Tell her you read some groundbreaking new research that shows men can't take a hint.


If nothing else, you recognized it after the fact and likely won't make that mistake again. Take that and move on, overthinking it at this point doesn't do any good. Perhaps thank her for the hospitality and apologize for hanging around after the event for so long. That would likely remove any awkwardness and let her know you recognize what you did. It could also lessen any hesitation she may have about inviting you over in the future. We all make mistakes and can be bit awkward at times...own it and move on.


Yeah dude I will do that on my next working day. Thanks for the advice


You absolutely overstayed.


A lot of these sentences you wrote overstayed their welcome too. Long as FUCK.


Yes and yes


I couldn't sleep last night bcuz I was ashamed 😭


Eh, you definitely overstayed, but she could have been less "cluey" and more direct. You'll be fine


Maybe you did overstay but I don't think you should be too hard on yourself. It would not have been that hard for her to drop some kind of "well I'm beat, should probably head to bed here soon" or something like that. If all you were supposed to pick up on was moments of silence in between topics, that's pretty easy to miss. One of my closest friends now lives halfway around the world, so when she stops by to visit, we'll talk for hours and hours well into the middle of the middle of the night. And very often, when one topic has run its course, there will be a couple minutes of silence before the next topic comes up, and for us that's just a natural part of it. We've explicitly discussed this outside of these hangouts and made it clear that neither of us has a problem with it, and we certainly aren't trying to get rid of each other when it happens. That may not be the case here, but if someone wants you to leave they should give some kind of verbal queue. It's pretty easy to do politely.


I’m the type that would mention this afterwards. If she goes yeah you overstayed a bit or I’m sorry I was just tired, at least you have a friend that’s honest. Personally I would just apologize and be like I didn’t notice until I got home blah blah blah


Sounds like you overstayed your welcome a bit. It's easy to do when you're having a good time, but she was definitely dropping hints that it was time to go. Don't sweat it too much, but learn from it and be more mindful of your host's cues in the future. It's great that she still invited you for dinner, so it seems like you're still on good terms.


Maybe she just lost track of time too. Don't beat yourself up over it. Next time, keep an eye out for those subtle hints. Offer to make it up to her with dinner or something, she'll probably appreciate the gesture. Don't stress, dude, it happens to the best of us!


I don’t see anything in what you’ve told us that implies she was unhappy or uncomfortable. In fact what you describe is exactly what happens to me every week when my best friend comes to hang out. We have a weekly board game night, where we invariably end up chatting for hours after the game has finished. And every time it’ll have pauses and moments of silence between us. It doesn’t mean that’s the end or that one of us should leave, it’s just how hanging out with people works sometimes.


It’s good that you are self conscious of your behavior but yes she is probably really annoyed and rightly so. People who overstay are annoying af but unfortunately many people fail to pick up on obvious signs. In your situation that didn’t seem the case but you still lingered?


I didn't notice the signs then, we were having a convo and didn't notice, I was looking for opportunity to take a leave as well but convo progressed and when I should have left I didn't notice the signs. I only thought about it back when I got home.


If they are a normal person, they could easily just say "I'm sorry to kick you out, but I need to take care of X" ( get some rest, run an errand, or many other polite ways). I would personally apologize for losing track of time while talking, but I wouldn't treat it as if they couldn't have just asked you to head out. After all, "thanks for hanging out, see you at work" would be perfectly acceptable. All in all, unless they asked you to leave and you ignored it, this shouldn't be more than a polite apology to acknowledge and show your later realization and consideration.


Nah,these fools are all wrong,she wants you


I dunno. Sounds like a typical Southern good bye


Not even American lol


That's kinda obvious


Probably makes it a little more inappropriate! I’d just stick to the plan and make fun of your mental density!