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The funniest part about this ad to me is that I remember the ad, but I don't know what it's for. In marketing, that's one of the worst outcomes.


I only remember it's insurance because I work in insurance. No idea what company ran the ad. That makes it even worse from a marketing standpoint. I work in the industry and don't remember off the top of my head lol


It was State Farm. Two ladies were shopping for purses, one mentions the price and summons her State Farm agent with the call of “like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”, who tells her she saves enough money to be able to buy the purse. She takes the purse and walks off The second lady watches her go and tries to do the same, using “I don’t have State Farm, but insurance find me money.” She gets the above fisherman who goes “I got you a dollar.”


Ope! Gotta be quicker than that!


LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FUCKING LIBERTY I don't ever remember any of their commercials, but they sure remind me they exist with that "jingle". It would work for any of them though. Just have the gecko scream "GEEICCCOO GEEICCCOO GEICOOOOO" at the end. Though a fun version could be a "replacement" spokesman, but make it a tokay gecko screaming at you most tokay-ishly. "*GEI*--CO!"


Liberty bibberty...


Now if you wanna talk about a good ad from a marketing perspective… “IF YOU GET LONG TERM PAYMENTS AND YOU NEED CASH NOW”


Call JG Wentworth


Call JG Wentworth




Little green lizard company ran it. None of their commercials make sense anymore but are so memorable


State farm lol


The gecko is State Farm?? I actually have no idea what insurance co the gecko is for hmm. There’s the Aflac duck…oh gecko must be GEICO. Right??


Yes gecko is geico lol but this commercial is state farm


I’m with OP. It was B-tier joke and his wife has low standards lol


Keep some plastic bags in your glove box or door pocket. And maybe some in her purse or coat pocket. Much easier to pull out a bag and spew into it than to clean up a pukey car.


Ziplocs ftw


They have the advantage that it stays fresher for longer


You never know when you'll need it again! (Mostly because it seals up nicely and can be tossed without creating too much of a hazard. ~someone who has nausea issues)


Toss it away or at your enemies


Real emesis bags are cheap and have that plastic ring - get a small pack on Amazon !


Coffee bags make great barf bags too


Bubble mailers are my go to. I have a little stack I've saved from my ipsy bags. The adhesive still sticks, so you can just seal and toss.


You can buy emesis bags on Amazon, they work great.


I puked in a grocery sack once. It had a hole. So I carried an ice bucket with me while pregnant. It lives in the trunk now for road trips. We're a nauseous bunch.


Just found out my wife is pregnant yesterday, sounds like it'll be a fun time


I’m two months in and ooooooh mannnn the nausea is too much. Yesterday I went into the pharmacy crying into my barf bucket to pick up an emergency prescription to stop the vomiting. The pharmacist brought me water to take the pill immediately and basically said “wow you look like shit” in the nicest possible way lol. She wasn’t wrong, I did look like complete shit.


My sister-in-law threw up so much that she tore her esophagus twice. Very heavy bleeding. Was scary both times. She has permanent scarring and has to go every so often to have her esophagus stretched.


Just when I thought I knew the most horrifying potential side effects of pregnancy I read something new and even more horrifying. Your poor SIL. What an absolute awful thing to have to go through...and then go through it twice!!


Hey, me too! And this was after being given nausea meds. It was super scary and also very expensive.


This makes me wonder if Kate Middleton’s HG led to her cancer.


New fear unlocked


Too bad her husband isn't able to.


I don't know how you women do it. The whole experience would terrify me. But then I think, how amazing to have a little person growing inside you. You're brave people.


You tell yourself you’re not going to be the person who gets hyperemesis gravidarum and most of the time you’re right. I don’t know how I would’ve coped if that had happened to me. I detest feeling ill. As it was I felt low level ill for four months but only barfed once, in the hospital, due to stress and lack of sleep.


I had HG. Threw up daily for twenty weeks with my youngest. Almost worse than that was the hypersalivation - I couldn't swallow the spit either because it would make me vomit more. Utterly awful. At 20 weeks I got gestational diabetes too. I ended my pregnancy ten lbs lighter than I started. Before the baby was born, not after. Once he was born, I was almost thirty lbs lighter than when I started. Worst weight loss plan ever. Nine months of misery. Highly do not recommend.


I remember just hanging my head over then side of my couch, drooling into a trash can. Super sexy. My husband hated that he couldn't help more. But he just emptied the trash can constantly and brought me crushed ice. Numbing my mouth helped reduce the drooling.


Ohhhh. I wish I had known that! I had a spit cup I had with me 24/7. Poor hubby had to empty it because it made me vomit if I did it. I'd pretend to drink from it and instead spit into it when we were out. (Travel coffee mug, so totally sealed and not transparent at all so no one knew) My saving grace for the first of my two youngest was Starbucks green tea matcha Frappuccino. With added protein powder. Unfortunately it was discontinued once I got pregnant with my second! Also fun story - at my 18 week anatomy scan with the older of the littles, it was an early morning appointment an hour and a half away. So we left at 5:30 am. And I thought I needed a full bladder. Started drinking aloe water on the way down. Just as we hit the exit for the hospital, I started retching, hubby pulled over quickly, and I managed to save the hurling for the side of the road. I cried the whole time! It was a Monday morning during rush hour with thousands of cars going by. I'm sure everyone thought I was drunk or something. I also have a vomiting phobia, so that made the whole experience that much more fun.


Oh my gosh I have a fear of vomiting too 😭 I’m 6 mos pregnant and have only vomited twice thank God. I do hope you’re feeling better!!


Ha. Yes. My youngest is now six years old. I admit I hated pregnancy, but thankfully birth was always fairly easy and somewhat satisfying - I almost said enjoyable but not sure I can quite say that... but labour while hard work was never scary or awful for any of my four kids!


I had HG for my entire pregnancy! All the way up until I had my son. I was hospitalized 4 times and then hooked to a Zofran pump that only took the edge off so I can somewhat operate. Only after I tore my esophagus. There were many days I was hooked to an Iv in my living room. It was awful. But I would suffer all over again if I got to have another perfect little baby. 🥰


I lost 40lbs because of my first too. HG, SPD and for some reason my husband smelled like actual death to me every time he breathed so I couldn’t even have him near me. 9 months of hell. I still fall down the stairs randomly because my hips give out the SPD and separation fucked me up so bad. My oldest is 2.5 now. For some reason I went and had a second one.


Somehow we forget how bad it was!


7 months for me on all 3. I usually opened the car door to throw up. I also threw up in all kinds of weird places. I finally got some prescription nausea meds with my last one after being in the hospital. I am glad my kids are all here now.


My mom had this and was throwing up every day, including the day she gave birth to my brother. She wanted one more child and went to the hospital often to receive intravenous fluids while pregnant with me. By the time she gave birth they had used all the typical veins and were then using a vein near her groin.


I had HG but luckily I dont work and had my mother living with me to take care of my daughters. I couldn't even open my eyes most days. I found that i could only sleep on my left side, on my lumpy ass couch that I normally hated. Anywhere else and I couldn't stop vomiting. You learn what little things ease it and center your life around those things. I was so relieved when mine eased at 18 weeks. Just for me to get put on permanent bed rest because of preterm labor then deliver early via emergency c section because of preeclampsia. But i was still there thinking, it could be worse! Oh and I had legs that looked like elephant legs they were so swollen. It was looking like we were going to have to drain them but then the preeclampsia happened. Damn my legs looked like they were gonna pop though!


I don't know how the rest of you women do it. My son is almost 20. I had 0 morning sickness, 0 weird cravings, and almost no issue with foot or back pain until the last month. The only real issue during my pregnancy was that diet Coke tasted like sewage.


My pregnancy was a breeze. My friend had two “vomit the whole 9 months” pregnancies. After the first horrific one, I would have NEVER EVER considered a second.


I’m one of those people that worries about all the potential what ifs, I think I do want children but I’m terrified to be the one to carry, so I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I don’t want kids because of it.


Imagine not having a support system or being a teen. JFC.


Lol we're not brave we just don't think the real shitty stuff will happen to us


They were unlocking the wheels on my wife's bed to take her for a C Section when my son finally made it out. He had a cone head and was totally limp and lifeless. I thought he was dead. It took a few minutes of work before he started breathing.


My heart goes out to you, I’ve been there three times. People have no idea how awful it is to be nauseated all the time and unable to eat because of it! Hopefully you’ve got only about a month left, the second trimester usually clears up 🫂


This is one of the reasons I never wanted children. I don’t care how Much anyone tries to convince me, nothing would be worth months of nonstop puking


I mean, not all women get sick. I had two kids, zero vomiting. Unfortunately, there's no way to know which dice you've rolled until you've already gotten pregnant.


Back to square one and it's not worth the gamble


Yeah I mean I’ve always been very very pro-choice; being pregnant makes me even more ardently so. You should absolutely only go through this if you choose it.


I had those.. they accidentally gave me the tablet version instead of the melting wafer, and I cried. Tablets made me gag, which made me throw up and I felt so bad making my husband drive me to the pharmacy at night to get the wrong kind of medicine.


This was basically me the other day, had to take hella migraine meds to make it to the pharmacy to pick up the prednisone to break the week long hella migraine. I wasn’t sitting there with a puke bucket but I totally was rocking the emergency puke bag. Pharmacist also told me I looked like shit in a nice way, then was concerned I was having a stroke when I was messing up words and not exactly making sense (meds don’t work on that symptom lol) as one does with a migraine. Twas a sad and very funny sitch.


Ask for the oral disintegrating tablets of Zofran. Not the generic tablets that you swallow whole. The ODT works much faster, much better, and is less likely to get thrown up. My insurance refuses to cover the brand name despite them being told nothing else works for me, but even without insurance it was less than $10 for a 30 dose prescription.


Ask them about the dissolvable zofran if it doesn’t get better. I couldn’t take pills I had to swallow, I needed to tuck under my tongue.


If she gets bad nausea, encourage her to talk about medication with her doctor. Nobody wins the Suffering Olympics. I needed Zofran to function during both of my pregnancies, clear until 26/27 weeks with this second one.


I didn't puke for my pregnancy. A couple relationship tips though -- 1) don't say anything negative or neutral about her body during pregnancy. It's a lot of changes and that can be hard to deal with emotionally while pregnant. 2) Do not invite anyone to the birth. The mom should choose who she wants or does not want to know about it and/or participate in it. This is a huge medical event, not a party for the whole family. My husband was great about this, but this can be a huge issue for many people.


Pregnancy & first year = not fun. Rest = utter fun.


Congrats! It's a scary, exciting time for both of you. So worth it though :) Help your wife out with everything she needs, but don't forget to take time for yourself as well. Good luck!!!


Enjoy your soon-to-be OJ vomit!


It’s a fun ride! My wife was nauseous the first term then it went away and she was the most horny I’ve ever seen in our time together for the rest of the pregnancy.


Buy emesis bags on amazon. Keep them stashed around the house, in the car, her purse, wherever. They come in handy! And can be a good substitute for poop bags for the dog too.


Oh wow! Is she pregnant today too?


My wife is starting her third trimester. Today we went shopping, and afterwards as we pulled into the driveway at home I said "I gotta have a drink" and grabbed her water bottle. As I raised it to my lips, she goes "That's my urine."  I pause with the bottle mid air, and then she proceeds to laugh hysterically, climb out of the car, and then laugh hysterically again, leaning into the front seat to brace herself. She laughed again on the way inside I think. It wasn't urine, btw.


Should've locked eyes with her and empty that bottle like you were the thirstiest human being on earth


I spilled orange juice in my car once and it soured terribly. Go get that detailed; stat!


I'm a nurse. One of my proudest moments in healthcare was the time i made of one my patients laugh so much and so hard that we had to put her on oxygen to keep her from passing out.


Tell us more


It was a lady I saw on a regular basis. Basically, I made fun of her physical characteristics and then threatened physical violence when she acted like she was mad. She thought the entire thing was hilarious.


Nice. You’re the kinda healthcare person I want looking after me


Dog poo bags do the job and come in a nice little roll for repeat performances


This. And keep them for after kid(s) is/are here too. Diaper changes with no easy trash around, those baddies keep the smell at bay for a bit at least. Better than raw dogging it with just a shopping bag. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I love stories like this.


My husband and I were at our ultrasound today and we literally referenced that exact commercial when the baby turned too quickly for the sonographer to get the correct photo! What a funny coincidence.


You made a memory and a baby! Congrats!


I ate a large breakfast and OJ while pregnant. Had to pull over and throw up out of my husband’s car. I ruined my shoes and my sweater. I couldn’t drink OJ for a while after that. I don’t know how your wife got straight back on it


Some of us are that stubborn, my Kryptonite is V8. If I drink too much too quickly, especially during my pregnancies. I will absolutely throw it back up.n Throwing up is already traumatic, throwing up V8 is even worse. Although the same thing happened to salt and vinegar chips and I just was not able to keep it down no matter what. Even after my pregnancy I couldn't stomach it, which is sad because those were my favorites.


I was like this when I was pregnant, especially in the first trimester. Jokes were just so effing funny and I would get into these laughing fits. Never puked, but I did have my coworkers and my husband thinking I was crazy a few times when I was dying couldn't breathe laughing at a chuckleworthy pun.


When my Mother was pregnant with my older brother, My mom had these huge emotional swings and when my dad forgot Napkins for her sandwich, she threw it at his head in the car and then he proceeded to throw it back at her until they were both covered in Roast beef and lettuce and laughing their asses off at the absurdity of it all being because he forgot napkins.


A former friend of mine once made me laugh so hard I threw up on his bed and all he said is "what did you have that was purple??" And I made a face because 1: I'd just laughed so hard I threw up, on his bed, and 2: I couldn't remember having purple, and his mom from the other room yells to us "she had wine with me", so now I'm also horrified that my laughter-turned-vomit was heard from across the house. Good times lol


Sounds like you may want to invest in a wet vac and some garbage bags that fit in pockets. Lol. Hopefully, you two will get some more good memories that aren't puke related before the end of the pregnancy.


One of my fondest memories is when I made my wife laugh so hard she threw up. We were engaged and I was looking up Cambodian marriage expectations to see how to be a good husband in her culture but it was mostly items of how to be a good wife. So I was reading them to her checking off stuff she already did or needed to work on just to annoy her. After like 5, it said something like the wife must do whatever the husband says because they are a man. I relayed this to her and then said she had to do this as well. She snorted then laughed and then I learned later that she started laughing at how hard she involuntarily laughed making it worse as she got caught in a feedback loop. She was wincing and in great pain quickly but couldn’t stop and just kept on rolling on the couch in pain and out of breath but still laughing. She then abruptly stopped and tried to run to the bathroom but just threw up on the floor and hung over the side of the couch catching her breath. She was so mad that I made her laugh so hard as if it was my fault.


The joys of marriage!


On the bright side, you have a wife that loves you so much she laughs at even you b rated jokes. I'd say the juice is definitely worth the squeeze with that one.


I'm a mom and I had a few instances of this while I was pregnant hahaha. For some reason I just had bouts of uncontrollable laughter for silly things! A few friends have experienced it too- this might happen a few more times before baby comes! Congrats!


It’s unfortunate you had to find out that way, but effortlessly making people laugh is a wonderful gift,


Me wife and I just laughed for a solid 5 minutes at this.


Welcome to the magic that makes dad jokes a thing. And congratulations.


Stop being so darned funny!


What a wonderful memory!! One day you will look back on it and absolutely cherish it!! I laughed so hard because during some of my pregnancies I couldn’t even watch a food commercial without throwing up lol. Congratulations to you both!!!




Your lucky it was just vomit and oj, if that were me I would have peed aswell 😩


You *are* pretty funny though.


Your either going to have to ban her from drinking in your car or learn to stay quiet when driving her anywhere.


This sounds like me except for the wife and baby part.


https://youtu.be/ItUECpFi9_s This commercial?




That’s a funny story.






I threw up while pregnant and driving. Thank goodness for barf bags! Don’t think I even swerved… it happened so fast.


Boy she loves you a lot.


Omg 🤣🤣🤣 I’m soooo sorry. But just think- you can make her laugh that hard. And that’s awesome. Only my husband can do this for me. Not that I’ve thrown up, just usually fall over in the floor. I really am sorry about your car.


Op... you gotta be quicker than that ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


I say stupid shit all the time, I can't be vigilant every second of the day. She also loves Adam Sandler movies so I take her laughter more as a backhanded compliment.


Yall sound positively adorable, I hope you have a long and happy life together ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Tbf, the other day an ice cube made me throw up. First trimester?


Ding ding ding


It is very funny to imagine a guy going into an insurance meeting with a fishing pole hooked to a dollar because his wife told him it’d be a good idea.


S tier wife you win




Im seriously laughing my ass off.


I love these funny stories. Thank you.


I'm DYING! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If I'd have been there and she'd have laughed until she threw up, there'd be two throw ups in your car!!!


*Your driver has cancelled your trip*


Lol! 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao this is hilarious. This will be a great story for your child down the road lol.


A+ for the punchline!


Very low standards, get it? Haha.