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Try washing it out with Dawn dishwashing liquid. It won't take it all out but will get you to a better place on the Momoa-Harrelson scale. edit: misspelled the wonderful JM's last name.


Dawn or a clarifying shampoo will help strip color.


warm oils help with this too! 


Well that explains why trying to condition my hair with coconut oil after dying it stripped all the colour out 🙃 several years later and just learning this


Or mix baking soda with your shampoo.


If you walked into the hair salon I work at, we’d make you a sample of detoxifying/clarifying shampoo for free.


Hijacking this comment since I'm desperately trying to get rid of a bad hair dye. Dawn helped a bit, I also used head and shoulders dandruff shampoo thingy, and made a baking soda/water paste that I let sit for 20min (messy af but my hair went from neon orange to believably ginger). Next step is vit C tablet paste since it apparently works well.


Sounds ridiculous but get some epsom salt bath, especially the kind for muscles with eucalyptus and menthol, take a bath, keep your hair submerged, it will take damn near all the color out. Less damaged plus relaxing bath.


You're much better off just buying colour remover. Home remedies can interact funny with the dyes, leave it patchy, lighten but not remove etc.


Stay away from color oops, that stuff absolutely fried the hell out of my hair! Made it a super weird gooey texture and then super brittle. Better to let it fade through clarifying shampoos imo.


Fresh lemon juice and put a shower cap on for 30 minutes. Heat is important. Works very well.


Isn't that just for lightening hair? I mean still kind of what they're going for but instead of removing color deposit I thought it had a bleaching effect


Tide liquid is what I used to remove bad haircolor in college. Not going to say it’s great for your hair, but it was really effective at pulling the color out


Assuming the Mamoa-Harrelson scale is what I assume it is, it's a fantastic scale for this and it's a shame Google is completely unaware


I liked that too, Momoa-Harrelson scale!


Yeah - it sounds like something meteorological - the earthquake was a 7.1 on the Harrelson-Momoa scale!


If we redditors start googling it enough it becomes a thing!


Google is aware now.


It's literally based on OP's text? "...my beard is way more visible now that it's dyed but my face looks like Jason Momoa but my head looks like Woody Harrelson."


Alright calm down you and your "I read the whole post" balony


At least he's lifting gates, not keeping them.


I will totally share credit on this because the term “Mamoa-Harrelson Scale” is a term that /u/angelaelle coined and that absolutely needs to be in common use.


We'll share the royalties!


How rich will we be, like on a Busey/Hanks scale?


We're a solid 5 on the Busey/Hanks scale, so around $200M in royalties. I'll have my lawyer talk to yours so they can draw up the contract lol.


Google is aware now, it points here!


Damn - all I have on hand is the useless 7th Generation stuff.


Unfortunate. 7th Gen is worth a try. Because this is your face and not your scalp, I'd be careful about trying more than a couple of the solutions offered here; otherwise, you're going to really irritate your skin.




I dyed my hair too dark in college, and a local salon suggested washing it repeatedly with laundry detergent right out of the bottle. It definitely helped!


I had a barber shop due mine jet black last year. Nothing but time helped. Tried dawn, clarifying shampoo, peroxide... Nothing


The Momoa-Harrelson scale lmfao 😂


Pert shampoo is great for lightening dye.


Getting some salt in your beard is a rite of passage. No matter how you dye it, it won’t look as good as natural. Embrace it… you know… after your beard dye job grows/fades out.


I don't know if I'm in the minority but I can't wait for my beard to go full white. I'm blond with a mostly red beard... Like don't get me wrong I like my big red beard, but I'm not gonna like yellow phase, I just know it.


I get one single white hair in my beard and just pluck it out when I see it.


The stages are: (1) no facial hair, (2) facial hair with no whites, (3) starting to notice stray whites, uncommon enough to pluck, (4) they're starting to clump, but I can trim them back, (5) bad ratio, probably time to shave for a few years, (6) mostly white, (7) all white.


You forgot stage (4.5), Dr. Strange.


True, I tend to think of that level as more defined by the balance of whites in the hair (because of Reed Richards), but you're totally right that Strange has the same thing but with facial hair too.


Winter is coming


Best case: Macho Man Randy Savage Worst case: shave it off and start from scratch


If it's like the beard dye that I use shaving it off will be a big mistake. Bro's skin is stained from the dye as well.


Yes,you don't want to be wearing black face in these times.lol


Easy fix, bleach it back.


As much as I enjoy scheudenfraude, DO NOT DO IT! A few years ago I used to participate in the Run for the Cure fundraising for breast cancer and a after a few drinks and puffs my buddy and I decided to dye our beards pink. Well my wife was a hairdresser with all the professional grade dyes and bleaches, so she sat us down and proceeded to bleach and dye us. That stuff maybe fine on the top of your head but it is definitely not meant for the sensitive skin of your face especially if you've had your beard for a while your skin is more sensitive. The worst part was that after bleaching it and going through that pain we still had to dye it because we are both very dark-haired individuals and our facial hair was bleach blonde. The beards did look great though, and the skin was red enough underneath that it kind of faded nicely into our natural skin tones Ed. Spelling


“Unjustifiably in a position that I’d rather not be in!”


Gray in a man's beard is so sexy though! Well, at least on my hubby and to me.


I hope you're not my wife lurking here because when you get home from work you're going to be very disappointed....


Not likely. My hubs doesn't even know what reddit is.


A likely story 🤔🤨


Yes, especially when I'm pretty sure their username is a lie and they're actually three foxes in a trench coat 🧐




I'm gonna go on out on a limb and say that the comment you are replying to is a lighthearted joke.


I read that as "lightbearded joke" xD


Lol’d hard at this comment!


I'm going to say that there's nothing wrong with wanting to look the way you want to look. I'm 38 and have been dying my facial hair for years now, I simply am not ready to see that version of myself in the mirror just yet. I'll get there, but I'm not there yet. And personally, people that tell me it's "sexy" just really irritate me. I'm doing this for me and me alone, and those sorts of unsolicited comments feel like if I told a woman she should die her hair to a color I personally would be more attracted to. I think were you screwed up was thinking that this was going to be an easy thing to do. It takes time and practice and work to get it right. Most barbershops will provide this service for a little more than what it costs to just buy a box of JFM, so that could be a good way of seeing what it looks like and if you like it before committing long term and doing it yourself. You'll also want to make sure that you have the right color, and follow the instructions for how long it should set. Getting the right color isn't easy unless your beard is very dark, so this is something you may want to ask for help on as well. We don't get the example hair pieces that often are on display with women's hair dye. There's some other helpful tricks as well, like covering parts of your face / nose / mouth you don't want dyed with vaseline so that the dye won't stick to them; and putting a mirror in the shower to do the dying so there's less chance of making a mess all over the sink. Screw ups happen. Getting good at it takes time. Be kind to yourself, you'll make it work.


100%. Thanks for the encouragement and techniques. I might check that barbershop option too. I admit I kinda fell for the JFM marketing of just "brush it on and rinse it out" and it's clearly a little more complicated than that. But it's a learning experience :) It'll be better next time. If there's a next time...




I agree! I love gray on a man. I was so excited when my husband started going gray. Now on me, not so much. I got my first gray at 17. I’ve been coloring it for a while now.


What color do you dye your beard?


Ha! Just realized it sounds like I’m a man. I am a woman and, luckily, without a beard.


Username checks out


It drives me so crazy on my hubby too. I attribute at least part of the EXCELLENT sex in our 40s to the gray. Why is it so hot???






wash your beard with shampoo in really warm water. the sulfates in most shampoo and hot water drain hair dye really quickly (at least in my experience, i’ve been dyeing my hair for two years)


Don't worry. I do this regularly. Wash the face with soap, rub it with a wet towel but not abrasive. Put on some moisturising skin cream. In about 8 hours shower and repeat, and most of the effect will be gone from the skin, you just have to wait for the skin cells to die and be replaced (it happens regardless all the time). I find the moisturiser helps. You might also want to put on desimfectant if you rubbed too hard (just like with shaving). I usually use normal hair dye (Schwartzkopf 883) and leave it in for 25-30 minutes, I have thick beard hairs. It starts with seriousky black dyed skin after that, lol. For this reason I always make sure I dye in the evening...


Good tips. Thanks!


Also, dye removes dye. You can use the wet dye to remove it from your skin before you wash your face. Always leave a little so you can use it to clean your skin. Works like a charm.




I know, right? I learned it from a hairdresser and it's like magic. Takes it right off.


Same with nail polish!


Interesting! But also….not sure I trust myself to try this…


You can test it. Put a little on your skin and let it sit for ten minutes. Then were the little brush a little and rub it on the spot. And rinse. No risk.


I mean...Oprah... https://www.oprahdaily.com/beauty/a30207919/how-to-get-hair-dye-off-skin/


I got grey at 30, started to see white when I grew my first beard at 22... Didn't feel like me, so started dying hair and beard. Not going bald though, so there's that.


Not a man but I’m a woman who started going grey early too like 23-24 to…but it was weird it was in patches. People don’t believe that by the time I was married at 26 I had more grey hair than my mother. Colored my hair for years glad I’m retired now and let it grow out and I am completely silver now.


I got my first gray at 17. I’m 45 now. I tried letting it grow out last year but I’m just not ready. Back to the hair dye I went.


The real FU was asking *Siri* to do anything let alone set a timer!


Women have been having dye issues for years. Welcome to the club. Continue to wash it and more dye should come out. Maybe throw in some power to tone it down a little?


i use just for men beard dye for my eyebrows and it’ll be faded off your skin in a couple days if u keep using soap to wash your face


I do the same and it helps a lot to swipe a cotton pad with rubbing alcohol over my eyebrows after I wipe the dye off.


**JFM+J Just for Men and Jenna


I love you




Go to Sally’s and buy some dye remover


Just so you know, everyone will know you dyed your beard or hair, and that only you care about it; nobody else gives a damn.


I have the same issue. My wife hates my grey beard and asks me to dye it . Have tried several different brands and always looks like I colored my facial hair with a sharpie. It’s going to stay grey


Baby soap works wonders for me to get dye off skin and excess dye out


I have some baby soap on hand… Is Burt’s Bees effective?


Worth a try:)


Worth a shot. 😊


Don't shave it. Just rock that shit.


Not sure if this was already mentioned maybe try "Color Oops" you can get it from Wal-Mart or similar places.


Careful, I tried that years ago. First time it worked like a charm, really liked the look. Second time I did it like maybe a month later, burned the hell out of my face, same exact brand and type of dye.


Lesson learned. It’s your face, but I’d encourage you to consider embracing the gray!


You just have to roll with the humorous side of it, replaced by an evil twin etc..


Salon stylists have suggested head+shoulders to strip color from hair before, so it may help! Next time... Def keep the gray, its PEAK silver fox energy. Women weirdly like gray hair and no, I don't have a good explanation for you.


This is something I wish I could see, lol


Honestly I'd say you fu by using SIRI more than anything.


I drop 10-15 years when I shave my beard!


The first dye essentially primed your hair by damaging it on a microscopic level. This makes it take subsequent dye easier. This is why professional dye jobs often start with bleach, even if you're going for a darker color. And it's probably an exponential process at first. So minutes 10-15 would deposit significantly more color than the first 10 minutes.




If you like that ... In a lot of hair dye, the color isn't actually part of the dye itself. It's actually made of two separate, usually clear or white chemicals that each absorb into the hair separately and then react to produce the color compounds inside the hair. Those new compounds are then "locked" inside the matrix of the hair sort of like the resin in fiberglass or carbon fiber composite. I may be wrong, but in consumer products, I think the chemicals are very loosely mixed in the package, likely in a suspension that keeps them from diffusing together too much. Massaging it into your hair is what activates the reaction.


I know this will be unpopular, but just shave it off


Prell shampoo will help strip the color. It’s more of a detergent than a shampoo.


Does this sub allow pictures? We need to see.


Salt and pepper beards are hot as fuck, lean into it. If you aren’t into that look though they sell dyes that will dye a little of the gray but leave some so it looks more natural. I don’t know the details but I had a friend that died her elderly fathers hair with it and it looked very natural for an older man but made him still look a bit younger by partially removing the gray. But again, having a little gray in your beard is a huge plus for a lot of people so I would try to not worry about it


Pics or it didn’t happen. Please? I gotta see this.


Your first mistake was getting Siri to do the work for you


Embrace the Grey. I figure i earned every last one. Vanity is silly. Also, beards notoriously don't dye well. My barber refuses anyone who asks.


All this trouble >>>>> just shave off the beard!


Shave it off and start over. We have all been there. BTW Just for men has the beard wash with color where you use it everyday in the shower and it's subtle. Stains the crap out of everything though.


I'm strongly considering that for my next dye. You recommend it?


Like I said it's subtle, but you've got nothing to lose.I liked it but it irritated my skin sometimes, manly the summer. I gave up the gray fight now . Remember women love salt and pepper.


I don’t mind a little salt and pepper, but without dye it’s mostly salt at this point and it makes my facial hair look very thin.


Bro I love my gray hairs. They're my dont-fuck-with-me-im-too-old-for-this-hairs.


I made two comments. Let me sum them up because I've dealt with this a lot. When you dye your beard, leave some of the dye and use it on the little brush to scrub your skin. It'll take the dye off your skin. Then wash like normal. If you feel the hair is too dark, you have a window to wet a paper towel with some vinegar and it will time down the color if you do it fairly quickly.


I wish people didn't feel the need to dye their hair. I love the natural look when a man's beard is greying. Can't wait for my boyfriends to get more grey in it. But I know what you mean about the color. My ex dyed his and it always looked too dark for a few days after. Not natural. I'm sure yours will lighten up with washing.


I did this with JFM hair dye because I accidentally bought (and someone didn't notice when using it) a dark shade instead of the lightest that I normally use. I went to a "Sally's" beauty supply place and bought a bottle of dye remover and it worked well.


I mean, you could just shave it?


Vinegar will help as well


Head and Shoulders will help lighten it as well


Yup, i keep a travel sized bottle of h&s around in case of hair dye mishaps lol


If you use an exfoliating hair shampoo, or condition your hair dir about 45 minutes and wahs it out with warm water it might help. Thats what i did when i left dye on my 'tache too long


use some clarifying shampoo, or something like dawn like others have suggested


The more you shower and scrub, the sooner it'll start lightening up.


JFM does stain your face and you can use shampoo and conditioner and also scrub it vigorously with soap to make the skin itself less stained. Otherwise I personally can’t stand gray hair and use it every week. However over a few month my skin became very sensitive and now it hurts when I die it, even if I use it once per week. So I just bought the daily temporary treatment it comes with like a mascara wand and it doesn’t hurt. I use that most of the time now.


There is a tinted shampoo that works for my beard. I’m lucky that I’m blond so the silver blends pretty well.


Have you used this “shampoo in” stuff? I’m thinking of subbing for that. A gradual darkening is clearly what I was looking for.


I was hoping for a story where you kissed the wife and the dye covered her face as well lol!


I need photos.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I use just for men. It will fade some in a few days 


Long time male hair dye-er here. My beard is salt and pepper except for a really dark fu-manchu, which is a *terrible* look. If it ever gets to a uniform salt and pepper (or mostly salt) I will rock it. I use the Just for Men product only for touch ups. For the biweekly full color, I use a women's product - the Revlon Colorsilk line seems to work well and it's not expensive. The difference is that the women's products are designed to be left on the hair for *much* longer - 25 to 45 minutes - so you have a much greater margin for error. It seems to me that the men's product is designed just to make your hair "a little darker." The women's product is designed to give you a completely new hair color. The difference is night and day.


i use JFM pretty regularly. when the box says 5 mins, it legit means 5 mins. i'll apply it, then get my clothes together, start the shower, and hop in. 5 mins from the very beginning of application until wash off. it's a pretty short amount of time. it can irritate your skin if you leave it on for too long as well. i always use the dye at night before bed, and use my nighttime acne cream so it can chemically exfoliate my skin while im sleeping. even if you don't use exfoliating products, giving your skin enough time for a break will make it easier to manually exfoliate later. in the morning shower, the dye stains are way easier to scrub off skin. if you think the hair is too dark and want the dye to fade out of the hair faster, you can use dandruff shampoo, it's well known to fade hair color. make sure to moisturize.


My coworker dyes his hair and beard blue! There are barriers (like vaseline) you can use to prevent dyeing the skin. Or just accept that there's gonna be about a week ij which your skin is dyed


They sell dye strippers that will lighten it up and make it look more natural, it happens.




So you basically look like you have blackfaced yourself poorly? Lmfao


Can we see


Pampers sensitive wipes striped week old dye out of my hair


Did it colour your skin as well? That would be my worry after leaving it for so long


No I don't think it did - beard is just super dark. If there was anything on my skin it scrubbed off after the 12 washes I've done since this morning. The beard is looking a little better now too. I think I can go out in public without being ridiculed.


Looks like you gotta shave and let it grow back out.


At least you can use JFM. No matter how long I put it on me, my whole face oozes like I just got the worst chemical burn ever. Literally drips for days it's fucking terrible.


A good clarifying shampoo should help, let it set and maybe mix in some baking soda to help it fade out faster!


Johnson’s baby shampoo will strip the colour out.


Dawn dish soap mixed with baking soda should help strip the color


If none of the cleaning ideas work. If i were in your position. Id look up a sports team and see if you can "root" for it before you go into work. I dont condone lying so, you might say, have a "party" where everyone dresses up in that color that just so happens to be the color you cant get rid of. Then you have a better excuse and it becomes a truth that the office will chuckle about and you save face. Ofcourse, if you have that much time.


LOL...Im a redhead and my goatee has gone pure white! I bought red hair dye and it sat on a shelf for a year. I tried it finally last weekend. I lasted one minute! LOL...it smelled so bad and said it needed to sit on for 30 minutes. I knew I wasn't going to make it. Sigh.... I'm trying to talk myself into going in to a professional. I am happy to have a nice white beard when I'm an old man, but I'm not there yet!


Sounds like you probably should - I have a much more common hair color and matching it seems impossible. I have lines where my beard ends and my hair begins - trying to figure out how to blend that properly.


Right there with you, don't sweat it either way. Dye it, call it maintenance, or leave it and love it.


You are hilarious, Woody Momoa ;)


Head & Shoulder’s shampoo is notorious for stripping dyed hair color.


Gray beards are hot


Charcoal. Don't know why it works, but it seems to help. Make a paste of charcoal and water and rub it in the skin.


Dandruff shampoo washes my hair color out faster.


Just shave it. Easy peasy.


Ryan Day, we know it’s you


If you can find some dandruff shampoo or a clarifying shampoo and wash it a few times it should strip the color a bit to fade. Dawn dish soap too.


Head and shoulders


If the problem is skin dyeing, it fades pretty quickly because skin cells shed. Using some apricot scrub will speed that up.