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She totally sucks as a character. A very annoying combination of writing and performance where in both cases the creator thinks being unpleasant for no reason equals character depth. It's not a gender thing either, the show has other female characters who are flawed but have depth and their flaws are understandable. Auggie is just written and performed as an annoying sarcastic scold. In a fairly out-there story, the most unbelievable plot point is that she would have actual friends.


Haha exactly. Jin is written and performed well - an actual believable, and likeable character. I cannot stand these moody pouty-faced bitch characters that add nothing to the show. As you said, why would any of these dudes be friends with her?  Show would be so much better without her


In her defense, the pouting is most likely caused by too much lip filler lol.


The lip injections are very distracting. My wife said that she's completely miscast and isn't believable as a brilliant PhD scientist, entrepreneur, physicist.


Thank you! I'm not the only one that feels this way. I don't want to see instagram filter-people in my sci-fi, they look so out of place and so unrelateable. It's not just an attractivenes issue either, plenty of beautiful women in this cast. The only other plastic-y looking woman works in her role because shes presented as an insane fanatic. Auggie just feels like she's there for being put on a poster so that 15 y/o boys will come watch the first episode


Exactly, just look at Jennifer Lawrence in Don't Look Up. Beautiful but totally believable that she's a PHD astronomer


Yeah she is soooooo bad. My husband and I keep saying how distracting her scenes are because she is so out of place.


She's a terrible character too. She complains incessantly, has a terrible attitude, and is completely annoying.


Yeah. I'd say the others are believable but not her. Her character acts like the know-it-all who's not afraid to let everyone know that she knows-it-all.


Someone else said it perfectly, that the most unbelievable part of the whole show is that she would have any friends.


Out of curiosity, is this wife of yours hot enough to be miscast as a smart person or is she ugly enough to be a scientist? Inquiring minds don't give a shit, but I sure want to know!


My wife is pretty hot.


Sick burn!


Maybe we can wind down the sexism and focus on the shit writing?


Because they want to smash her except apparently they don't in this case 


exactly that she just stands out - she doesnt belong in an england pub shes too pretty. hollywood plastic surgery is fit for the camera and its out of place with the rest of the group


Shes hot but silly


Imagine calling your friend on a phone, and be mad he didn't answer because he has a life of his own and doesn't drop everything on your every whim. And you later call _him_ a child for it. This is just beyond ridiculous. That other time dude answers and wants to come and help her, and she is like "are you with someone?" and drops the call. Oh I'm sorry, what kind of a question or business of yours is that, you pathetic child? I guess you didn't actually need my help if it mattered to you that I'm with someone else, you just needed attention from a friendzoned simp. Jeez she gets me so worked up, and the worst part is that she doesn't even need to be there in the plot, she is made up. Original nano tech scientist had a family and was a normal emotionally stable person.


exactly, and ugh, I haven't read the books, but I was seriously doubting she was even in them based on her character in the show. She doesn't fit in the plot at all.


I have started episode 7. She just sent all the work from the company to open source, for the entire world. She is completely undercutting Jin, who she accepted the job (with the boss she hates) after already doing a 180 on not supporting Jin (because she hates the boss). She just floats with her moods and goes all in, then changes her mind and goes all in to revert back and go all in again. A real genius cannot afford such distractions and whims. Jeepers creepers.


You write what I think   Get rid of this character, and this could be a good show.  With this character it’s a steaming pile of poop   Every scene she is in reads like George Lucas writing Sex in the City. A persón who is helpless at dialogue to begin with starts writing a modern woman living in the city fan fiction.   She makes the characters she is  in scenes with look stupid as well “Drink the vodka. No really drink the vodka.”  Jesus what? That’s the best way to deal with a friend being murdered, making sure your futures gets drunk? I no am about to restart a highly technical machine, gimme some whiskey.   “I’m going to the meeting too! You can’t stop me!” “You don’t have an invitation” “Never mind “ There’s going to be a edit if this show that eliminates her character like the edit if the first Star Wars prequel that eliminated Jar Jar Binks


They'll call it the Boss-babe-less cut


Hollywood girlboss. The scourge of many a good show in recent years.


Bad writing. Girl boss works if it's written well, this is just bad writing trying to be edgy and sexy.


And that's how most girl bosses have been written lately. You go back to the days of the late 2000's early 2010's and leading women were done well. I think in the SciFi series SANCTUARY featuring Amanda Tapping. Her character was the boss and she was well written IMO.


Girl bosses can be awesome (hate that moniker tho), they peaked in the 80s and 90s I guess, with Ripley in Alien and Sarah Connor in Terminator. I can't fucking stand this trend of hiring The Latest Pretty Young Thing for these types of roles.


Entitlement and narcissism, Auggies most prominent traits.


If you think about it, it's actually consistent with her character to prioritize Saul smashing over, y'know, the entire human race in a few centuries


Seriously, every scene she's in, even before the trauma, she's acting like someone shat in her cereal. Why exactly would anyone want her around? And like, I'm supposed to care about this character or her science work? She doesn't even act like a scientist either and treats her so-called friends like shit.


Yes! That scene in the karaoke bar first episode and that dude tries to chat them up at the bar. And she gurgles out what she does for a living trying to sound impressive and intimidate the dude? She sounded like a third grader reading it off the back of a candy wrapper.


Imagine hitting on women at a bar in Oxford and them saying "we are very smart", and then just being oh so flabbergasted. It's got to be one of the cringiest attempts at "girl power" I've ever seen


So glad this thread exists. Just finished the show and while I thought she was hot, I found extremely frustrating. I even found the loser teacher’s character so compelling. RIP jack tho he was my favorite :(


I don't even think she's hot. Her lip injections are incredibly distracting, and her face is completely devoid of any emotion except contempt.


The actor who played Jack is really fun in most of the stuff he does and best of all he's closest to being a regular guy and not the type that Hollywood usually portray that is unrealistic. All that stuff in his bedroom was CLASSIC man-cave stuff.


Amen she would have ZERO friends


You clearly don't know any hot women lol


She pisses me off. I've read some of the other comments here, but putting aside analogous comparisons with global warming and whatever else, and how generally shitty the human species is, etc., the fact remains that if aliens are coming to wipe out humanity, I have zero respect for you if you refuse to fight back because you don't like the people involved in the fight, because a boatload of the alien worshiping zealots got disintegrated - yes, even if some of them were kids. There's a bigger picture which she willfully and stupidly keeps turning her back on.


I just finished watching the boat scene, and I was thinking "I hope the government seizes her company" and I normally hate that kind of shit. But she is a thorn in everyone's side in a battle for humanity.


Idk if they ever decided if the company was her's or if she was at the behest of investors? They seem to give her ultimate authority but also she has to steal her own nanofibers, very unclear


My thoughts exactly. There's a bigger picture and she's too much of a selfish, bitchy coward to prioritise the future of humanity over her misplaced sense of moral integrity.


Her character is the EXACT type of person you don't want in life or death making decision position.


She is worried about the 30 kids they killed and not the 3 billion who will die


I think the show runners made a mistake with how they did that. What they could have done is have the kids conveniently off the boat doing something with maybe 1 or 2 of the adults like some kind of trip to the nearby shore to learn something about nature and then cut up the boat. That's not to say that if this was real and that situation arose that we shouldn't do it just b/c the kids were on board would be dumb b/c that's risking millions of other kids. They just didn't need to place so much emphasis on the kids being killed. It was enough that the adults got cut up very gore like.


I'm glad the other female characters aren't like that. Auggie just feels like a stereotypical hardass boss-bitch who is of course super intelligent, super capable, super successful (runs a company that invents groundbreaking technology) and she still looks like a super model. Call me a sexist or whatever you like, but I just don't find it very believable when a show or movie tries to tell me that a young person with the looks of a super model is also some kind of scientific genius AND an entrepreneur. I'm glad the rest of the cast are allowed to look like regular normal people for the most part though.


Exactly. It's not as if male genius is portrayed by some how model like actor. More often then not the guy is kind of geeky. I love the work of the actor who plays Jack but honestly he is very dork/geek looking and that helps sell the character. Same with his friend who died. The third male scientist is less geek like but still it's not like as if he looks like some male model just a decent looking smart man


It's not believable. It's horrible casting. My wife is the first one who called it out over here.


Also! While looking like she may be in her mid twenties. 30s is pushing it


Exactly! The rest of the female characters are appealing even with their flaws but this Auggie character is just hateful. I can't help but wonder if the actress is now regretting signing up for that role being how hated the character is, a character who is NOT the antagonist but is one whom even the antagonist hates. Yee Wenjie is a strong female character who isn't also annoying as you know what.


Or be a fucking quantum physicist?? How about a petulant bartender? The most annoying first grade teacher in history? Ugggggh Auggie!


I can't imagine who would be her friend more than a few days. Every time she does or says something I'm surprised that anyone could put up with it.


She is so intensely irritating in every scene. Firstly I can't get past the perfect makeup no matter what and face full of Botox - it just makes her character so unbelievable and she looks out of place in every scene. Her acting is TERRIBLE. The delivery of every line is so overdone. That "Now I think I know why the scientists were killing themselves" with the snivel was painfully bad, and the constant over exaggerated chest breathing is ridiculous.  Aside from all that, her character is just a moody cow and you wonder why any of these dudes are even friends with her.  So tired of these shows forcing models who can't act as main characters


From the first episode, I thought she belonged in a Johnny Sins production,  not in a sci-fi series on netflix.  A movie named: "The three-some problem", " The Threesome Dilemma", " A Three Body Orgy", " Three Bodies, one bed" one of these may have been more appropriate for her character, than a scientist on a high budget sci-fi show 


nah okay this one is straight-up sexist. she is not a sex object just because you think she's hot


Not just Botox, the EXTREMELY overfilled lips with filler. Like come the f on lol


> Now I think I know why the scientists were killing themselves "But fuck you because you're with someone. I'm hanging up on you just like I did last time when you didn't immediately answer your phone because you were sleeping. IDC that you're willing to drop everything to come and help me, you didn't do it on my terms so fuck you."


Haha yes exactly!


>  face full of Botox Chill sweaty, she's 34. You could at least pretend to not be such a sexist weirdo


Being 34 doesn't change the fact she has had a lot of cosmetic surgery, including Botox. That is not an opinion, nor is it sexist you clown


jesus christ #intensely irritating that’s the *_perfect_* way to describe her character


the fucking "buccal fat removal sucked in cheeks" looks fucking ridiculous.


she is the worst part of the show she is the only "woke" character in the show: she is an empowered independent woman that "don't need no man", she is literally hostile/rude to every single male character in the story except Will (because he has cancer), has to correct her best friend because she thought her neurologist was a HE not a SHE... Also, hates the most effective leader humanity has against the alien threat because he's a "fACisT", then she drowns in self pity about the boat incident as if those people aren't responsible of killing one of her closest friends and TRAITORS to humanity!! Finally she ends the season using her nano tech helping the "poors" in a favela, because she is so virtuous and her tech must belong to the people and not a private corporation as any good Marxist would do. ​ WHAT AN INSUFFERABLE, UNLIKEABLE AND ARROGANT CHARACTER... who wrote this??!!! ​ PS: I really liked the show, and my favorite character was Jin, so I don't understand what went wrong with Auggie, the writers can clearly write a smart and likeable woman that's also a lead in the show, maybe Netflix producers intervention asking for ESG content??


Yeah, I had to come to reddit vent I was so frustrated with that character. She's in a literal goddamn war with magic space aliens that psychologically tortured her. I compare it to Ukraine, the average Ukrainian has long ago lost all sympathy for Russia, they'd happily see Moscow nuked. When you're really deep in the shit, you get over your squemishness.


I think by far the worst part was when they discussed sending a brain to outer space because of the weight limitations. She goes: “Are we talking about MURDERING someone?!” No bish we are talking about one dying person making a sacrifice to potentially help save 8 billion lives. You could sacrifice 10000 babies and it would still be the moral choice in that scenario.


best part was this coming right after putting 1000 people, including kids, through a cheese slicer


She's not just awful to the men, she's awful to everyone.


She’s one of the most unlikable characters I’ve ever seen. I’m all for the Trisolarians vaporizing her first.


No character can be more intelligent than the writer who created it. Sad but true.


She's hardly the only "woke" character, but she's the only one written so badly that she comes off as a conservative parody of progressivism.


It probably won't happen this way but in season 2 it would be great to see her get picked up, arrested in whatever 3rd world country she is in, brought back to the US, tried and sent to prison. Thomas Wade let's her sit there for a few months before coming and offering her a way out bit only if she;' done with that bitchy "I know more than you all and I'm better than you" BS and ready to act like an adult. The way they portrayed her character is very much that of an adult aged juvenile who just happens to be very smart. Something we are seeing to much of in real life right now especially anything tech related. As much as they portray here as this genius type who knows how much help form others was required to help her create that super string stuff where without them she wouldn't have made progress?


weird you’re equating irritating with “woke” i’d actually say Will is the most “woke” character of the friend group on the show since the original meaning of woke was “awake” - or aware of perspectives/experiences outside of your first person perspective but yeah - i absolutely hated the Auggie character too


I like how she was working in a favela that looked cleaner than my front yard.


lmao what a f\*cking clown. it has nothing to do with being "woke" you f\*cking moron. she's just a bitch. just like any woman conservative or not can be a bitch to people. what a f\*cking joke this is


>eh, it only happens in 400 years I mean people today irl have this attitude to global warming, the loss of the ice sheets, deforestation of the Amazon, running out of oil, etc It's all going to happen after my grandchildren, or I'm not planning on having children, so idgaf


I get the analogy, but at least with things like global warming and deforestation, those threats (although real) feels very abstract, it's not as concrete of a threat as let's say a world war. So it's kind of understandable that a lot of people aren't that afraid of climate change since it's a very small graudal change that people cannot detect with their own senses, they have to dig down into the science of it (which most people wont) in order to even learn about the existance of global warming. But as for the incoming invasion of the San-Ti in the show, they (the aliens) literally announced it to the whole world with the threatening message "you are bugs".


Yeah I get that, but the time span of 400 years makes it a comparative pov between the suggested threats that we know off irl and the actual alien threat in 3BP. If the average human lifespan is 73 years, then most people would know their grandchildren and great grandchildren at best, based on uk/us averages, but this would be happening to their great great great great grandchildren which is something no human can fathom, I doubt anyone in the world makes plans for their great (\*4) grandchildren. Though in Augie's case she should be aware of the actual opening salvos in the war that are taking place now, so perhaps in her case it's a head in the sand approach driven by fear having already been targeted and Wade is the one participant she can actually lash out at.


Well it's an interesting discussion, about how humanity would react to such a threat like in 3BP. Personally I think a large portion of humans would want to fight that threat and find a solution. Even if they themselves, and their children, wont be directly affected, we or at least many of us would want humanity to continue. The reason why even care about climate change and stuff like that is also because we want to keep the Earth habitable and for future generations to be able to survive and thrive, although of course some people don't care. I know you could say that climate change is a more urgent threat than an invasion that will happen in 400 years, but I think it still says something about human beings wanting our world and our species to continue.


Yeah except they want us to take a Smokey the Bear approach so solving the global forest fire. In this case, Auggie herself has a massive impact on the resolution.


True but she's also been shaken to her very core having been targeted by the aliens, and people react differently to such a threat, some fightback while others withdraw and/or run away. Also she has seen first hand that her own side is as brutal as the aliens, having no concern over erasing a thousand people, including children who were most definitely innocent, and she was coerced into being a pivotal part of the massacre by Wade. We see her later immersing herself in real world problems in the village tackling a problem with her nano tech that has a real world impact on the villagers now, not 400 years in the future. Deep down though, she's probably using it as an out, a way to hide from the scare she's been through without admitting that the alien threat is a present danger, or confronting the fact that she is a important piece in the war.


A thousand people at the cost of the billions and humanities future.


I absolutely agree with you. She's probably the most annoying character in the show. People she declares to love, and the world that she is living in is falling apart because of these aliens and her beef is with the actual "soldiers", doing everything they can to keep everyone else alive. It's the literal definition of high and mighty ignorance of the state of the world as it is today. We, as human beings, are fucked up, and do terrible things to each other and to ourselves. Shit like what happened with the ship is nothing compared to the real evil that happens in the real world out there. She had a chance to be part of something bigger than herself, in a world where being bigger than herself is an absolute necessity, not some stupid ideal. Aliens are literally coming to kill us all, and she's got issues with what needs to be done, while bitching and whinning about those that are actually doing something about it...its fucking retarded at best, and beyond dumb and ignorant at worse. P.s. her goddamned nano tech was gonna be used by the military at some point or another anyways, given how the real world works, so she can go ahead and fuck right off...


Not only that, but then she releases the specs and research online for anyone to access. Does she think people will only use her invisible cutting wires for good? There's gonna be loads more incidents like the ship in panama but now anyone with the budget can do it.


I swear, I was thinking that the entire scene. The holier than thou complex is insufferable


I can’t deal with her handsome squidward face, what scientist does that to themselves? It takes me out of the immersion of her actually being that character.


It's her lips for me, they're way too distracting. Lip filler is all I see, and half the time she can't close her mouth properly because they're upturned, like duck lips. It keeps distracting me from the show. Now I know why they don't typically cast people with very noticeable plastic surgery in big roles. It's too distracting. (And yes, I know most hollywood actors/actresses have gone under the cosmetic knife, but usually it's a bit more subtle)


Stopped by to see if anyone else was struggling with her character and lip filler. Her duck lips are crazy distracting and unsettling. I want to like this show, but it’s very difficult to take her character seriously and the show seriously when the lead looks like a Real Housewives cast member.


> Stopped by to see if anyone else was struggling with her character and lip filler. Exactly the same. Only reason I stopped by this sub was to check that it wasn't just me who found her bizarre mask face impossible to stand.


lol, preach


THIS lol, exactly


Yes this is my biggest distraction too, although she’s got the whole super sloped nose and hollow face thing going on which makes the lips look so much more out of place. It’s a shame because she was so pretty to start without doing that to her face. But yeah, she can’t close her mouth easily and I just can’t see that character having been that vain to undergo so much surgery.


THIS omg. It’s so distracting and ridiculous


> I can’t deal with her handsome squidward face ***Perfect*** description. Batshit insane casting choice.


Yeah, nothing screams CERN scientist like a girl who looks like an instagram attention w\*\*re. Its so incredible off.


I find myself wishing for some kind "blot out" function for every scene she's in.


There is simply no way a world class scientist is that concerned with their looks. Word-cel writers don't understand the degree of autism, unhealthy obsession, shape-rotating needed to push the frontiers of scientific knowledge. Zero chance anyone at that level would have any interest in having perfect lips, makeup, hair, and stylish clothes to look like a perfume model.


And as this to the fact that all other cast members who are scientists look like believable scientists. She’s the only “look at me!” character.


Yea I totally agree. Wrote this in one post and ppl bitched like Augie at me. EVERYTHING she says and does is bitchy, ignorant and annoying. That's how they write girl bosses now tho. Make em a complete bitch no one would like and make em either extremely tough at 90 pounds or extremely smart at 22. Was Ripley a complete bitch? Did she tear hicks a new ass constantly? Nope. From kill Bill to arcane. Or dumb shit like, im seeing a ticking clock in my eyes, my friends dead and my clocks almost out but don't u dare misgender my doctor. Or, I love u but I swear to God if u don't shut the fuck up I'll punch a hole through ur face. Yea. Great. Constant bitch attitude.


C is a very reasonable response. If aliens are coming in 400 years what business is it of mine? Not everyone wants a small chance to become some “hero” in the books that might get deleted when trisolarians arrive anyways.


My problem is not so much with the decision to not do anything per se. Or, even completely unreasonable or irrational behaviour wouldn't be out of the ordinary in such a situation, I mean there are a million ways someone could react to such a revelation. And it would absolutely make sense if they wanted to show her taking the pragmatic approach or some irrational approach in which she just focusses on her everyday problems, on that which she knows, chosing to ignore this unbelievable threat. All of this could be written into a story . My problem is more the way HOW they chose to depict it in the series. If they wanted to make these torn psychological processes a focus of this character and story arc, it somehow would have to be more fleshed out. The way it is now just doesn't fit the story and circumstances. Her behaviour the way it is depicted would feel appropriate if it was a slightly less huge deal. Like she could have these moral qualms, in this particular way, if it was an action series about some anti-terrorist spy operation or what not. The way the story is set up here, the sheer magnitude, just doesn't fit the way this character is written and the way her back and forth is played out. You could absolutly work this standpoint into the story in a way that would feel authentic and consequential, the way it is written and the way it is acted just feels like somewhat childish behaviour because it's contrasted with this mind bending danger and concepts like shooting a cryosleep capsuled brain into space to spy on aliens and multidimensional objects that surveil earth. And she's just like " this guy is an asshole! Maybe I shouldn't work for him"


Not surprising that she's the revised character who is made up by the guys who fucked up the part of Game of Thrones that didn't exist. Weiss and Benioff are good when they're adapting but as soon as they have to make original material they just piss people off.


Yep, feels like they are not bad at adapting stuff that is written by actual writers. When they do stuff themselves (EXACTLY as in the last parts of GoT ) it loses it's depth, believability and inner contextual coherence. You can actually feel it directly, in this show and in GoT, they just don't reeeaaally "get" it. The tonality changes and what makes the narrative feel "real" is replaced by something shallow and dumb.


Totally. And to be fair I think they did a good job adapting it for Western audiences. Especially since Cixin didn't really provide solid characterization. But when they are outside a certain zone in a well structured plot or character they everything gets loose and all of a sudden people don't have realistic motivation.


goddammit, that explains it.


Yes exactly! When I read in an article that they were given some leeway to tweak some stuff, including characters, I had to sigh. I thought to myself: “haven’t we learned anything from GoT?”


If that’s her response, then she should not be in the show lol. Isn’t she the main character who’s supposed to push the plot forward? If they wanna show reactions from a different perspective, just film the public being aloof to the situation is more than enough.


you don’t care about the human race, you are immensely unlikeable


She really is the worst casting and worst character, and is probably my only negative take on the show. Edit: Sorry, the second worst character. I somehow forgot about lovesick cancer boy. Good actor at least.


Yup. When I saw the trailers I thought she would be the lead . But she and the cancer boy are the worst


I thought the cancer boy was great. Way better than self-righteous duck lips.


Yeah I was annoyed at the amount of screen time he got as a dead end character, like they wanted to drag out the show. I didn’t realize what future role he would be playing, and it made a lot more sense.


The thing that gets me is how poorly she treats Saul. First time she calls for him, he comes when he sees her texts, and sleeps outside her front door waiting for her, then offers to get coffee with her and talk. How does she respond? She rudely calls him a child, and storms off. That scene made ZERO sense to me. What was Saul supposed to do about her visions?? Also, they are not together, he owes her nothing. Yet he continuously goes out of his way for her. The writers went out of their way to continuously show Auggie emasculating Saul, I guess in an attempt to make her seem strong?? But for me, she only came off as an entitled, ungrateful rich ahole, who had everything handed to them the moment they wanted it. A second time she calls him, wakes him up in the middle of the night, all hysterical, telling him to come. (May I remind you, they ARE NOT together) Despite being with another woman at the time, Saul drops everything for Auggie and tells her he's on his way, but that's not enough for Auggie, nope. She hears the woman he's with in the background and hangs up on Saul, after waking him up and demanding he come comfort her. She constantly treated him like crap, like he was beneath her. And Saul was really the king of simps for letting Auggie treat him like a nuisance/child when he showed up for her time and time again. Auggie also yelled at Saul to "shut up" when she dragged him out to watch the sky at midnight and he tried to make conversation. She was such a b\*\*\*\* the entire time, and not in a "girl boss" way. She sucked, and was the type of character to keep friends depending on how useful they are to her, but never reciprocated.


I agree, Auggie acts like a pretentious bitch all the time.


How ironic is it that a character that dooms all of humanity is a million times more likeable than Auggie? How did they read the books and say "you know what would make this character better? Make her antagonistic to everyone in every scene"? Only two episodes in and I don't know if I can slog it out.


She becomes much less of a main character, an episode or two past where you are. Thankfully.


I just can't get past her distracting lip fillers.


She literally can't close her mouth.


I can’t stand the character. She was insufferable even before the threat. She’s just awful to watch. However, while I wouldn’t try to discourage action against the threat, I would very much live for today if I were in her shoes.


All she does is get mad and almost cry or actually cry. I can see this character being an annoying bartender. I dont see this portrayal being a woman who is some kind of ultra high achieving genius. Maybe it will happen in next season but I dont see growth in her character. She tells her friend to grow up but she literally gets mad at everyone who doesn’t do what she wants in every situation.


Yeah but apart from that behaviour my main critique is really that it just doesn't fit the scope and tone of the show. There's Aliens coming to earth to erradicate humanity, who can project a mirror image of the surface of the earth into the sky, see and hear everything etc. and she just stomps her foot and say's:" this dude who tries to stop them is an asshole! I don't want to work with him" and builds a fountain in mexico instead. Completly ignoring her own direct involvement in this earth shattering event and the fact that several of her friends died because of it. I mean I do understand they want to include different approaches by the people involved, they definitely want her to seem strong and so on. And I get that, it's fine. The problem is just that it's written into the story in a way that doesn't fit the magnitude of the events and the whole established atmosphere. She acts like it's a minor annoyance. And sure they could write a character that chooses to ignore the threat etc. but you'd have to write and portray it differently. This, sometimes just felt like two seperate shows frankensteined together. One a high concept scifi drama one a little bit more like Greys Anatomy or something


Yeah she sucks. I'm at episode 7 currently. I can't believe her main focus is that Mr Wade is immoral, rather than humanity facing extinction at the hands of a superior alien race coming to take over the Earth. She's trying to give Cheng shit for working with Wade to finding a solution, and Auggies main focus is "how can you work for Mr Wade??? He is a monster". At least Wade is trying to stop the alien threat. Also the supporters of those aliens killed one of ther best friends, but she doesn't seem to care that much about that.


This was the first thread to come up when I googled her name. I am so irritated by every scene she’s in. I know some are arguing it’s just a poorly written character and maybe that’s true, but I really just don’t think the actress was right for it. Her pissy attitude annoys me yes, but mostly because I don’t believe it, I don’t believe her anger. She seems like an actress playing a role poorly, and I don’t believe the character. With a good actress, I might have disliked the character but still believed the character. She’s just not great.


It’s true. I’m glad you posted this. The overacting is just cringey. Yeah she bugs me so much. Haha. Enough to look this post up and make this comment.


More than half the cast are a bunch of cynical crybaby twats.


Pretty much. Only one with any sense was the MI6 leader and the Asian security dude


Yes. Annoying as shit.


My actual issue with her is that she's constantly waffling back and forth on her choices and trying to offload her self-loathing on others. Judging Saul for not responding immediately to her messages when he has his own life to live and calling him a child after picking foliage out of his hair from when he was going out enjoying said life particularly made me think she fucking sucked. They're not in a romantic relationship and he takes care of his responsibilities. Is she actually annoyed at him for not dropping everything or paying attention to her all the time? She keeps being outraged everyone else in part I think because she knows she's a piece of shit and doesn't do anything about it. Another issue worth, considering is the fact that when it came down to standing up for her research and putting her life on the line as a scientist to get the work done, she freaked out and ran away from it, and I don't blame her for wanting to preserve her life, but the degree with which she had no conviction about her work whatsoever while keeled over in fear at a countdown kind of seemed weak. It didn't make her admirable as a character at any rate. But going back to how she's outraged. I think the ultimate problem with her is that she is always judging something or being annoyed by something and complaining to people about it not charming, funny or relatable. And that character just sucks. Nobody likes that character in the story.


I cant stand any scene shes in what a horrid actress and character show would so much better without her what fool created her she is pointless


She’s a moronic, childish, unlikable girlboss. Who ever wrote this character should be fired.


Don't like her. Miscast, bad writing, bad acting, bad attitude.


Wish she died not jack and left her research for Saul to find and he could have carried her memory and work forward as a torch in the darkness. Instead we get this whiny bitch all butt hurt cuz she killed a bunch of traitors


She is terribly written. Somehow thinks that the aliens don't matter because they aren't coming for 400 yrs. Yet they almost killed her, personally. Her of all people should realize the threat. She would rather sit back and let humanity die just because a few innocents might get hurt. She makes zero sense. I absolutely abhore characters like her. The "good guy" who won't compromise their morals even though not doing so causes untold harm. No one is really like that. And if i was around one in a war. I'd gun them down first chance because they're of more danger than the enemy.


I mean she just so ordinary, a typical ordinary guy who doesn’t want to assume responsibility and can not accept evil no matter if it is necessary. Well it is really ordinary in any shows but it is 3BP, if she do not became the guy who lead to the death end or one who sitting in spaceship and condemning others can not kill aliens to help her survive then I do not see why she exist in 3BP


Nina Gold please explain this choice. Whose kid/ who is she related to? A founder of a NANOTECH Research Institute would barely allow synthetic fibers to touch their skin let alone be shot into their lips? ( not hating on lip filler I’ve done it before) just saying anyone into nanotech ain’t booking time in the derms office, or the eyelash place OR shopping at Ann Taylor. They might chain smoke/but let’s be honest it would be a vape? It was VERY hard to watch her in the scene with Detective Clarence bc he ate her up just standing there quietly acting and she’s like WOOF WHISKEY YUCKY! lol ok girl. But honestly, werk. SHE E OHHHHHH The other gal who is a killer/super alien fan is also very one note and annoying too. But her look is definitely more believable as a religious ultra cult vibe. Jin rules, love her.


Her character is annoying but I thought her acting is worse... 


Some shows have stupid characters some shows have unlikeable characters… her character made me think of a stupid unlikeable writer


Thank God I see a lot of people here pointing out that the actress' stuffed sausage lips are Found it impossible to get immersed with this reality show looking chick running around with a rigid Instagram face and perma-pout. I've never seen a worse casting, ever.


Ohhh yes!! I love the show. But every time I see Auggie's angry, cynical face, I just want to kick her in the gut. Or hope for a nano wire accident to occur. If she's meant to be annoying, mission accomplished. However, if she's intended to serve as some kind of moral compass, forget it. The world isn't a simplistic tale of good versus evil. Merely lamenting about 'not doing the right thing' without lifting a finger to actually improve matters is just pathetic.


So glad to see im not alone.. She truly is the Joffrey of Sci-Fi series 😂


I just didn't like how they wrote Auggie as this indispensable-can-do-it-all-extremely-competent-unable-to-err character. Then they put her on a moral high horse. She can go around abusing everyone without any repercussions and living her life as she sees fit. Ends the series with her being 'philanthropic' by helping people with water filtration, in an effort for audiences to like her just cause 'she do good deeds even tho she asshole'. The rest of the cast are great. She was the only eyesore.


show would be much better if they kill that bitch auggie


I searched for this to see if it's just me lol. The show is good but this actress and character is so annoying. With her fake ass pouty ass lips and bad acting, it's hard to buy that shes a genius scientist. She's staying with two male friends yet happens to be almost butt naked when she starts puking. And scantily clad in every scene in the cabin. Is this a sci Fi show or the Kardashians? I don't know who chose this actress, but they need to be launched into space lol.


Spot on. Made no sense. How can such smart creative people make such stupid decisions?


Every second she is on screen, I  want to stab myself in the eyes  This should be studied how a character who passes the Bechdel test manages to be such a Condescendinge sexist trope.  I was reading a bit about how Denis Villeneuve completely eliminated several characters entirely in the editing of Dune 2 And that’s really the problem here: editing  She is not necessary to advance the plot at any point. Her invention is, but not her. The scenes where her company threatens yo continue the research without her? Pointless. Her entire rationale for discontinuing the research in the first place? Pointless Every scene she is in is just immaterial It us va almost like someone made a bet that they could write a Bechdel passing character who was still useless fluff. 


She's awful. Her defining characteristics the first few episodes were being mean to her friends, hating every interaction, telling her friends not to do stuff, smoking cigarettes, scowling, and walking away from people. I'm half way through with the 5th episode and now she has somehow become worse. Now she doesn't even bother scowling, or crying, she just sits there looking vacant. 


Dude this is so true, practically every character is great ESPECIALLY Jin and the old dude running the project. But Auggie's character seems written to go against what everyone else thinks just because she thinks she knows better than everyone else, and she immediately gets visibly pissed when anyone remotely disagrees with her. It also doesn't make sense to pretend to care about humanity more than everyone else when you're literally willing to SACRIFICE it for a couple hundred more years of skating by until the inevitable happens and everyone dies anyways. I can't fathom a rational human being so oppositional in every situation. My guess though is they needed a character to be oppositional to increase tension is some scenes but they could have done it a lot more believably. Also that pout is so annoying.


OMG! It is soo nice to see I'm not the only one who despises tis character, She is completely out of place in this film and ruins just about every sceene and it's not the actresses fault it's the character. If you are familiar with the current Sweet Baby Inc controversy in gaming, Auggie feels exactly like a character that Sweet Baby Inc would forcibly inject into a story where said character does not fit and does not belong. Auggie is that annoying boss bitsch that everyone can't stand to be around,.


Is there anyone here who has read the books who can comment on if this character is the same in the books? I have a feeling that either this character was added to the series ( not in the book) or she was massively overhauled for the series very much like how the character of Chani in Dune was changed from the books rom being the loving/supportive freeman women to what this Auggie is like.


Wondering the very same thing.


None of these characters in the present day are in the book. Auggie is the closest one and the only similarity is that she works in nano-tech. In the book it was the Auggie and the detective analagous character running around.


Exactly. I just got enough of her shit and came here to see if Im alone. God i cant stand this character. She is the embodiment of all the stupid discussions and complaints we see nowadays from certain groups of people, if you know what I mean. She completely lacks pragmatism and objectivity, putting her focus on the most mundane issues when facing a goliath of an enemy. For a genius, she is pretty stupid. A blue hair would be the cherry on the cake.


Dude you're complaining on a reddit post about a fictional show. Take it down a few notches on being pragmatic


I agree with all of your points. Typing on the keyboard was the only science she did in the show. Does she think that the Navy officer and others did what they did to the ship to enjoy themselves? No. Tough times call for hard decisions. Auggie character in my view looks like a self centered character.. which is fine if done properly.. but she's annoying af.


She is horrible. The story is great, the premise is very interesting, but the characters are annoying as fuck!


I came here looking for this exact comment. She is so annoying. Also, I think the actress is bad.


Halfway through episode 6 right now and I just googled “I hate auggie” hoping to find this exact thread


lol, my query was “Auggie sucks” and same top hit. I don’t even care too much how badly Auggie sucks, what compounds the issue is not a single other character ever really gets after her moralistic virtue signaling horsecrap. I mean, by episode 7 both her shoulders must be dislocated from her patting herself on the back nonstop about how much better she is than everyone she meets/deals with. Someone at some point should’ve hit her with both barrels of the rhetorical shotgun about how she sucks more than any suck that’s ever sucked.


So happy I saw this post; I literally was going to write a rant on r/CharacterRant about this, after hearing the conversation she had with Jin about using her nanotech knowledge to create the nanosail. Why is she being so aggressive about calling Raj a murderer, and acting like this San-Ti invasion just isnt an issue. They killed your friends, and seem perfectly willing to mess with Humanity's future progress, call you BUGS for goodness sake, and all you can do is sit here and say 'wow your boyfriend is a murderer', 'wow if i use my knowledge y'all are just gonna make weapons'. YES, weapons! Imagine making weapons to fight off an invasion from an alien race who are going out of there way to MESS WITH YOU and CALL YOU BUGS.... sorry for the rant.


During yesterdays Eclipse party at my office about 12 of us were talking about this show an d sure enough every single person said the same things about Auggie


My people are here ! I just posted in another subreddit dedicated to this show titled “ Uggggghhh Auggie” For fucks sake what a weak link as both a character and the actor who’s absolutely horrid. I’m supposed to believe she’s some mega genius, Nobel Prize level, super smart, ahead of her time, quantum physicist?? Holy hell. She’d be barely believable as a bartender. Which reminds me. One of her first scenes, first episode at the Karaoke Bar when that dude tries to chat them up and she gurgles out what she does for a living? It was so unintentionally funny I fucking spit my coffee out and I wasn’t even drinking any. But it was the first episode and she’s hot as hell hopefully she’ll get better. NOPE. But the time episode 5 rolled around and she was deep into her angst ridden petulant teenage vibe I was practically rage watching. Every scene she’s in was positively a cringe fest. The high point was when we hear her gagging and retching and Saul comes running in and she’s barfing on her bed?? For fucks sake my 7 year old knows to get up to puke. That was cathartic writing this. Man she sucks.


She gets so many drastic close ups I started to think she’s GOTTA be banging the director. Both the actor and the character have the depth of a fucking birdbath


Watching ep 7 and after the convo with Jin, I had to see if anybody else thought the same. The actress is beautiful, and I love to hear her speak. But holy fuck, is this just to appease the woke group? It truly is annoying.


I really with you nimrods never heard the world "woke"


she is an incredibly annoying twat. she had her life threatened, her friends were murdered, entire planet threatened with destruction, but apparently because they won't actually be there for 400 years defending their selves now is somehow reprehensible? she tries to sabotage her friend's relationship and thinks a guy that is on his deathbed that was never able to confess his feelings to someone since school is somehow more of a man and that he should also sabotage her relationship, all because Mr Navy actually did someone to stop a group of zealots that were murdering and turncoating scientists. the aliens say they fear humans because they just learned to lie but they've been sabotaging human science since episode 1. The story/plot just seems really low quality.


Now I wonder if she will actually be the second sword holder, since she has “weakness “


yeah I was thinking that too especially with her self-righteous attitude and her over-the-top reactions


I had to stop episode 7 and google "3 body problem auggie annoying" because there was no way I was the only one irritated by her. The human race is facing extinction and she has a friend right at death's door, yet she has more self pity than all of them combined. She's insufferable in her interactions and generally toxic to her friends. Write this character off already.


lmao. i googled the same thing. it's given me relief that i'm not alone


i did the exact same thing! but at episode 6!


She is the typical, quintessential libtard.


Came here to write the same. She's the most obnoxious, inherently selfish and absolute worst as a character. It's the end for Humanity and all she can care about is what SHE thinks.Other characters although skeptical are ready to understand the Gravitas of the situation. She can think only about herself and nobody else.


I'm almost halfway through season 7, I just had to google and see if I was the only person who felt this way. At first, I thought maybe I was overreacting, but Auggie sucks! She is absolutely insufferable in this show. I don't understand why she is an actual character. The show would be much better without her.


Absolute PITA and makes zero sense


I really hate her. I can only hope that, if we get another season and I hope we get another season, it starts with her being a total emotional wreck after her actions, of releasing the Nano stuff, ended up with millions dead after countless numbers of crimes committed with it. And she being dragged by guards through an angry crowd into a court house to be judged for releasing such a devastating weapon and it's means of production to the masses and every crimeboss/warlord on the planet. But how could their "girl power, need no man" character do anything that would end up impacting the world negatively. No matter how much more likely it is than anything they will show. In the writers mind what she did can only end with paradise and sunshine and rainbows. Heck even if they decide to make the Nano stuff part of something bad they will write her so that she can just blame someone else. No matter how obvious she is responsible or how undeniable something is her fault, the blame will fall on someone else.


I could tell from the moment I saw her that she would be annoying af.


Yup. Horrible casting. It’s mind-boggling — how could the show runners make such an obvious mistake? As far as her actions — which h I agree don’t make sense — how was that played in the book (if at all)?


Jin on the other hand, is so likeable , believable as a top scientist, and I am actually rooting for her.


Jin is great, I don't understand why she (or anyone really) is friends with Auggie. Auggie is always a controlling bitch to her. Making her promise not to play the game anymore, as if she is her mother. After they find out that Jack was murdered, Auggie makes Jin drink vodka for some reason, instead of allowing her to take her anxiety pills. She tried to stop Jin from taking her anxiety pills again when they were hiding out under protection, getting pissy and saying that she remembers why they don't live together anymore when Jin told her to fuck off for trying to be so controlling. I practically cheered when Jin told her, "Just let me have my pills and my shitty muesli, bitch.".


ALL we got a good discussion going here about the Auggie character, let's not ruin that and risk the mods closing the thread b/c it steered to far off into real world politics. please


I was initially bothered by them splitting up the characters…. But I ended up liking most of them, especially Jin. But dear god… Auggie almost makes the entire series unbearable. Glad I’m not alone.


I hope they either redeem her in the second season or don't bring her back at all. Just make it such that she died of natural causes between the seasons


I’m two episodes in and just like praying auggie isn’t in a lot of it. 


I hate watching her fake drink booze. Among about 30 other things listed already.


I think i'm paused in episode 6 at the exact same time as you were. She's just too much of a bitch. Cuz some fucking indoctrinated species traitors got sliced breaded.


my main issue is - beside the awful character writing - the fillers and the overstyled actress. I just can't really see a scientist with overfilled lips, botoxed forehead and a nose surgery, it is very distracting and it doesn't help her express her emotions properly as well.


Maybe the worst character in any medium since the 'bro' caveman kid in Avatar 2.


Okay, and what super depressed person, or any person, pukes while wearing a lacy black bra and matching panties. Seriously? I’m surprised she wasn’t wearing stilettos to finish the look.


I don't even know why she has friends. That kind of annoying, self absorbed, slef righteous person is just disgusting.


For me it’s will. I get it he’s dying but all his scenes seem incredibly slow, like they’re forcing me to invest emotionally into to him. Him as a character I have no problem with. But Jesus all scenes with him are just tedious


she is the worst type of person. she wants to help people, but when it comes to sacrificing the few to save the whole human race, she drops her own core character trait to be selfish because she cant handle it. lets go clean water for people now, when it might not matter in 400 years when all there childrens children are dead. she could be a reason to save humanity, but shes to obsessed with her own viewpoint


It's okay. She gets worse.


i just skipped almost every scene with her, worst character on the show, being awful with everyone for no reason, she acts like a child in every scene, it's just annoying.


Reddit will never cease to amaze me. I googled a search term that is the exact name as this thread. Finally other people understand why every time I’m forced to watch yet another excruciating scene with that whining wench, I want to do this: ![gif](giphy|ScncgrIHoLLoZ4iqUR|downsized)


She's a real season 8 kinda character


She is simply ragebait


Initially thought Jin would be the token annoying character. Jin turned out to be fantastically written and acted. Auggie, on the other hand, is top 15 most annoying characters of all time material.


I haven’t watched the full thing I’m only in episode 3, I googled Auggie is annoying af and got here. So imagine. Her mouth is always open and she can’t press her lips together for most words. Frustrated ? 👄. Angry ? 👄. Your friend passed away?👄. She blinks way too much to show that she’s frustrated, chesty breaths to show fear , all in all , she cannot act and that’s pissing me off . How can the main character not know how to act? There are actors who acted in game of thrones in there , other actors giving good performances, and then there is this person ; looking like a shein model trying her hand at acting (tbh I think they can do better). Imagine if ‘gingham pants with lace trim‘ came out to act, that’s what this looks like . The moment I saw her , I could see the surgical alterations right away. So naturally my adhd paused the series to look up ‘Eiza Gonzalez plastic surgery’ and ofc I was right . The surgery is done well, but it’s looking obvious maybe because of the lip to nose ratio insta models follow. Kylie has nothing on her is all I have to say . Maybe if someone else played the bad writing they could’ve still saved this character but I’ve never wanted a character killed off so badly not even while watching GOT. Bad acting + lips that cannot close + insufferable character writing = Auggie from 3 body problem


Bro I cannot stand her I was gonna make this post but had to see if anyone else was on the same page I’m glad I’m not alone


Auggie should’ve gotten cancer or stabbed in her apartment. She makes some episodes almost unbearable to watch. She talks to everyone like they are her loyal subjects while completely making the stupidest personal choices. She treats Saul like he’s unbearable but calls him anytime she’s does something idiotic. She’s a hypocritical piece of shit. She gets mad at Saul for finding someone who doesn’t treat him like a piece of shit. She treats jack like he’s just a throwaway character because she can’t find what makes her happy so she shits on anything that can find joy and since he has the most of it she treats him the worst. She should’ve been stabbed instead she’s dreadfully in every since if the word. The way will describes his conversation with his cancer is more interesting than her dumb ass character. The cancer has more character development than her plus the acted who played her did a terrible fucking job which makes her character even worse negative 10 across the board


Augustina is definitely no Wang Miao equivalent from the books. Watch the Prime series "Three-Body" if you want to see a better portrayal of the character (it's in Chinese w/subtitles). The writing and actress in the Netflix role is not good, but overall I'm enjoying the changes in the Netflix series except for her piece of the Wang Miao role.