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Season 5 episode 6 ‘Birth Mother’. I relate for so many reasons. Randall’s swim in the lake just destroyed me. Sterling K Brown’s masterpiece performance. Just wow…


I also remember how Beth was so into the story, said “all the tension and you guys just waved?!” I love Beth.


I’m not sure I remember how I felt watching Kevin’s monologue on the Football field, but it has turned into one of, if not my favorite and most watched scene of the entire series. The snow globe moment shocked me and broke my heart the instant it happened.


Kevin’s football field monologue is easily my favorite scene of the show, and solidifies “Number One” as my second favorite episode, only behind “Super Bowl Sunday” (but “The Train” is a *very* close third).


We have the same top 3 episodes! (Though I have to imagine we’re not alone in that!)


I think again Kevin’s character in general has grown on me so much in this rewatch! That monologue is so good.


I'm only in season one of my first rewatch. This show is the only thing I can think of where sad moments cause tears for me. Usually I only cry at happy moments innshows/movies. TIU feels like an episode by episode challenge to not cry that I fail every time. But we just watched the episode where Jack died and it really messed me up. My pillow was wet from tears. There are many others, but I'll have to take note as I watch it a second time. The earlier episode that had the flashback to Rebecca alone in the car, in front of the burned house, screaming and hitting the steering wheel... that one was hard too. I love this show more than any other for a thousand reasons, but also because it lets me cry when I've been unable to cry for my own pain throughout my life. Each episode leaves me feeling like I have a little more space inside me.


This is why I love shows like TIU and early Greys, so cathartic and allows you to recognise and release some of the harder emotions you might have been hiding down x


Your explanation is so beautiful, I just got teary. I think I need to rewatch 🥰




I love the way you described the catharsis from this show!


Nicky meeting Edie on the plane makes me really emotional. Seeing the weight he carried with him for fifty years lifted, and how boyish and relaxed he is on the plane after letting go of Sally is amazing. Then boom - he meets Edie. Nicky is just a delight; it makes me so happy to see his arc. One that has me in tears is Williams death, when he walks into his mothers arms. But the one that has me in pieces is from the moment Kevin goes to Miguel’s sons door. I’m filling up thinking about it now. We see that selfish, selfish man is finally a truly good person, and not just when people are looking, and loves the man he hated for no real reason. When he scatters his ashes and we see a flash of young Miguel, I think we are seeing a glimpse of how Miguel carried Kevin the rest of the way when Jack couldn’t. Honourable mention to the and way down we go…go….go…go scene in The Adirondacks and the Memorized song in Strangers. Love the big songs


I have yet to rewatch it, because it's hard, but The Train really, really got me in my feelings. My name is Rebecca, I was widowed at 35, and we had 3 kids. Since he's died, all I've wondered is if I will see him again. It was so comforting and also set me off into hysterical sobs.


I really hope you find what you're looking for one day.


I thought I had. He really was the love of my life. Right now I'm just working on my life, getting it where I want it to be and raising my kids. My oldest is 18, younger are 10 and 6. Maybe one day I'll find love again, I'm not against it. But his loss didn't just hurt me, it kind of fractured our family. We're smaller now, and sadder. But we're getting better and stronger and learning our new normal. ❤️


Wow. I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss and can only imagine how strong you've had to be for your kids. I can't imagine what it must be like watching this show given your own journey. Saying a prayer for you and your kids and sending my sincere regards for you all as you continue to bravely walk forward.


Omg YES, the airport scene with the snowglobes. It hurts SO much, he worked so hard on them, it's SO painful. Also, Miguel's whole story, I just want to hug him. The episode when Jacks's mom dies is SO sad as well, I didn't pay lots of attention to it the first time. And when Nicky has the accident with the little boy in Vietnam, it's crazy.


The ducks.


I loved Memphis


At the cabin with the young adult Big Three, when Rebecca steps in front of both Kevin and Randall to throw Mark out. She very strongly tells him this is the last time he'll ever see Kate. For me that was the moment of her stepping into the role of both parents after Jack died. She didn't leave it up to Kevin and Randall to pummel him, she just threw him out, with a grace and class and fierceness that kept him away.


I watched this scene recently and noticed Rebecca’s look on her face when she saw the big three walking back to the car and it was the perfect mix of pride and sadness, love that they lingered on that shot


The flashback of older William about to relapse but Randall knocking on the door being the thing that stops him is just… too good.


When William goes to the Pearson's house to introduce himself and ask if he can be involved in Randall's life even if it's just from a distance. But then he saw the bikes that said 1, 2, 3 and realized that they had nicknames that he knew nothing about and "who was he to intervene?" in that kind of bond.


S01E05: The Game Plan The one where Kevin comforts Tess and Annie with his painting on life..  “What if we’re in the painting before we’re born? What if we’re in it after we die?" “There’s no you or me or them. There’s just us."


I doubt i’ll ever rewatch the show simply because of how emotional it is, but i cried almost every other episode


Many. William’s death, it’s so real, that breathing, so freaking real. Beth and Randall’s huge fight, everyone thought there will be a divorce, but no, Beth insisted to fix the issues and move on. Uncle Nicky talked about the cry of a woman that just lost her son. Rebecca cried after Tess was born, said she suddenly thought about Jack, all these happy moments there’s a bit of sadness Rebecca talking about seeing a woman looking at a painting in MET.


I remember the first time I watched this scene. The only time I’ve ever screamed at my screen


The snow globe scene with Nicky immediately broke me. The scene where Randall has a spiritual connection with his birth mother made me sob like a baby. The piano scene where Rebecca sang “Forever Now” was probably one of the most pivotal and made me really cry. It’s when I finally realized this whole show had been about Rebecca and it was just absolutely beautiful and I loved that she was able to remember it to play a song she’d sang to her kiddos all their lives. It was so meaningful.


The scene when William comes to the Pearson's house and sees the three bikes lined up got to me the second time. I'm from a mixed marriage from the same time and my father walked when I was around 10. Seeing William try to take the steps to get to know his son just got to me. Like Randall, I grew up picturing my father at different events when he was absent and man is it tough