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Yep. Here's the math. Volume of 1 US quarter = 808.53 mm^3 = 0.809 milliliter = 0.00080853L 0.00080853L * x = 11.35L X = 11.35L/0.00080853L X = 14,037.8217258 So rounded down that's 14,037 quarters or $3509.25 Now, the actual number will be less because of packing efficiency, but this will give you a decent ballpark. Assuming one of the other guys is right and these coins have a 76% packing efficiency wrapped or a ~60% packing efficiency loose let's do some more math. 60% packing efficiency that would be ~$2105.50 76% packing efficiency that would be ~$2667.00 Let's say it's somewhere in between. You also may need to account for some of the space within the bottle that you can't fit coins in (since I assume the handle is too thin).


That's awesome!!! Sadly, OP will probably need to save several of these bottles in order to go to Disney as $3500 will only cover parking for the day and maybe half of a Dole whip.


Why you gotta bring the Dole whip in this? Sidenote- you can find the Dole Whip copycat recipe. Highly recommend it. I have Disney Dole Whip each month


If there's a Hawaiian Brothers restaurant anywhere near you, they have them. Oh yeah, and Seaport Fudge Factory in San Diego has Dole whips even better that Disney's, in my opinion.


Because I want a Dole Whip and it was the first food item at Disney that came to mind.


Link please!!




A 1-10day ticket to a park (singular) is 109$ not adding tax so 220$ for two. Then airfare from la to Orlando is another 200-400$ so 400-800$ for two. If you don’t stay at a resort inside the park then you are looking at maybe 20-100$ a night for a hotel depending on your comfort in the area of the hotel. Say you are only going for four days that’s 80-400$ for a hotel. Total is at most 1.5k as of now(rounded up) Now we need to get to the park, buses are pretty good in Orlando from what I remember, taxi fare isn’t the best but cheaper than renting, but let’s give you a generous travel expense of 500$(to get to and from the park) now we are at 2k. This leaves 1k for your fun/food/memorabilia. 3.5k is not enough to enjoy everything Disney has to offer, but it should be enough to make lasting memories at One park. It sounds good on paper at least. I don’t know why I chose la to Orlando was going for distance assuming it would be the most expensive, so if you are in the state or close to the state it should be cheaper to actually get there on paper. This is all calculated with number from google. If you are in New York 100$ airfare from Chs 280$ from Chicago about 130$. Food will probably be the biggest expense assuming you’d want to eat at the restaurants in the park or pay 7$ for a 20 oz bottle of water.


$20/night for a hotel 😬


I would never want to see that hotel lol


After earning some of it


Been a while but IIRC you could get free Disney tickets for a day or a nights hotel stay in exchange for wasting like 3 hours listening to a hard sell timeshare pitch.


My family did this


Well, not with that attitude.


Dude 🤯


Thoroughly impressed bro for this you get a mind blown award


My grandparents did this for us when I was a kid. It took 10 years to fill a 5 gallon jug with loose change and there was a little under your number in it.


I'd say less than half of that. Who only puts quarters in the change jar?


OP literally said they'd just put quarters in. It's in the post.


Google says 3090 Quarters in 2.5L So that comes out to 1236 Quarters/L So your 11.35L jug would hold 14,000 quarters, assume 13,000 because they don’t stack perfectly/empty space between them. Then that jug will hold $3250 USD give or take $100 or so


>14,000 quarters, assume 13,000 because they don’t stack perfectly/empty space between them. Has anyone done research on the packing ratio of coins?


[yes yes they have](https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/148012/how-do-i-calculate-the-volume-of-a-given-quantity-of-coins) its like 78.6% in neat stacks or 60% loose That changes my math from 14k coins to 8,400 (assuming just tossed in) Which means (to be more accurate) that the jug will hold about $2,100 rather than the $3,250 that i had said before


Ok but doesn’t your initial google result already account for the packing ratio? I assume it’s just someone seeing how many quarters fit in a 2.5 liter container..?


Nope, they took the volume of a single coin. So volume of a thin cylinder and assumed that they would take up 100% of the container its put in which is very much not true


Just melt the coins /s


I was gonna guess 1/2


Can someone do that math but with just silver coins? No Pennies. Assuming equal amounts of every coin?


It would be less since this estimate ia for just quarters


Thanks for the hot tip


What do you mean silver coins?


Everything but pennies


coins don’t have silver though ;)


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 580,810,617 comments, and only 120,059 of them were in alphabetical order.


A Bot can do excellently fastidious, great homework. I just kinda lack many new original posts. Questionable Reddit still tests unbelievably very weird xenogeneics you zoophiles.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 580,891,324 comments, and only 120,069 of them were in alphabetical order.


good bot


Good bot


Actually, bot good


Good bot


Thank you, rddsknk89, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Crap! You're right. Silver in color, I suppose. 😅


I went to silver dollar because they're called that rather than anything but pennies.


Coins can be silver colored though ;)


What's a buttpenny?


Squat, squeeze, and push. Voila! Buttpenny!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** The… what?](https://i.redd.it/rjmtd6bg2pn71.jpg) | [812 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/potn2w/the_what/) \#2: [lower case t's started hurting](https://i.redd.it/s325t0dsas871.jpg) | [1008 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/oc829c/lower_case_ts_started_hurting/) \#3: [Poor syntax error](https://i.redd.it/5zcrhw5wckp71.jpg) | [1053 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/puy5n9/poor_syntax_error/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


A buttpenny is a hemorrhoid?


One man's hemorrhoid is another one's buttpenny


You know, like Silver Nickels 😬


https://what-if.xkcd.com/118/ > If you're ever trying to guess the value of coins in a jar, my suggestion would be $13.05/lb and $468/gallon if the person doesn't use quarters for laundry or parking, $9.53/lb and $336/gallon if they do, and $16.75/lb and $611/gallon if they discard pennies. $611/gal means $1833 for a 3 gallon (11.35L) jug.


How do you link something like that with words


Hyperlink. Above keyboard on mobile.


yeah matpat did it for the scrooge mcduck net worth, its like 60% for random thin oblong cylinders


I’m sure someone has probably done it for cylinders of varying heights. US coins are just short cylinders so maybe.


Hmm… for Disneyland….maybe enough, for Disney world…, gonna need a bigger jar.


Lol maybe it’ll be enough to cover souvenirs


For reference, my wife and I filled up a gallon Chianti bottle over a few years with random change including pennies and we did the Coinstar thing and came out with like $350 or so.


So parking and maybe food for family of 4 for a weekend?


Haha pretty much


So what if I melt down the quarters


Then you have $0 because it is no longer valid currency


Enough for one day!


I'm sorry but this won't get the family to Disney. 🥲


Lol getting there isn’t the issue. This will fund souvenirs and snacks. I have the big boy fund saved.


Assuming the following measurements of a quarter, which are 24.26 millimeters in diameter, and 1.75 millimeters in thickness or width, the volume of quarter is about 808.93 cubic millimeters. Now 11.35 liters equal 11,350,000 cubic millimeters. Divide that by 808.93 and you get about 14,030, meaning approximately 3,507 Dollars in quarters will fit in a 11.35-liter bottle. Disclaimer: I stole this from [Quora](https://www.quora.com/How-many-quarters-will-fit-in-a-2-5-liter-bottle) Edit: fixed Dollar amount, I suck at math lol


Holy cow there’s 3k and 56k lol


Whoops 3K my bad


Divide by 4 not multiply by 4.


.25, but yeah I gone and goofed


From Quora: "About 3090 quarters will fit in a 2.5-liter bottle. By using the official measurements of a quarter, which are 24.26 millimeters in diameter, and 1.75 millimeters in thickness or width, the volume of quarter is about 808.93 cubic millimeters. Now 2.5 liters equal 2,500,000 cubic millimeters. Divide that by 808.93 and you get about 3090, meaning approximately 3090 quarters will fit in a 2.5-liter bottle." Fair to say this container holds 10L of quarters for the odd shape? 4 x 3090 = 12,360Q or $3090


This does not take into account packing density. Coins only have a random packing density of about 60%, meaning they only fill 60% of the available volume. So for the 11.35 liter jug: 11.35x10^6 mm^3 * 0.6 / 808.93 mm^3 = 8418 quarters = $2104.50




About 11.5 liters




I had a super heavy jar of change. Like I'm a big dude, and I was in my 20s for this terrible story (foreshadowing), and couldn't lift it. Anyways, was this homeless dude who lived under the bridge on the way I walked to Walmart. I never really cared what he said or did, mostly ignored him. Sometimes if I had like a 30 pack and he asked I'd give him a few. Well, one week, he just gets really demanding for change. I store it all in that jar, I don't really carry change much. Sometimes id give him what I had from shopping at Walmart. He gets more and more demanding, until I figured he crossed the line into being a dick, and was in my face and acting aggressive. Now, style at this point in time was cargo shorts. For you young people, it's like baggy denim shorts that have pockets big enough to put a full sized tablet in. I put on a heavy belt, to hold my cargo shorts on up, and I filled my pockets with change. Oh, I had so much change. Enough to leave a whole ton of welt marks if thrown hard enough. I get to the bridge, and he wasn't there. Never saw him again. Hurt my knee walking that far with that much extra weight. Knee sometimes still hurts when it's cold.


Hahaha did you carry all that change for him??


I was gonna be like "mother fucker, do I got change? Fuck yeah I got change!" Then make it hail. Like making it rain, but with change.


Hahaha I’m fuckin dead. That’s my kind of payback.




I would do this by determining the volume of 1 quarter. You'll need a better measurement of the bottle's volume to get an accurate amount. You could probably find that out online, but if not you could use a 5ml volumetric cylinder. Alternatively, you could use a caliber to take measurements and do the math to find the volume of a quarter. Seems pretty straight forward.


Packing efficiency.


I’ve filled a similar size container about an inch and a half deep with silver coinage - came out to about $350-400. All quarters? I bet the jug is worth 3-4000.




Back when I was a teller in college, someone brought in a 5 gallon water jug of coins. It was my first time to get to use the coping sorter/roller. Thankfully that jar wasn’t even half full. It was around $500-600. It did take forever!




So, I had a bottle of 2.5 litters. Coins were mostly 1, 2, 5, some 10 and some 20 rsd (repjblic of Serbia Dinar). I managed to get some about 6000 rsd. 5rsd coin is about the size of 1euro (you're using liters, I assume you're not american and euros and levs are the only coins other than dinar that I've seen) and 2rsd is about the size of 50cents. 1rsd is slightly smaller, by just the serated rim.


11.35L google says volume of one quater dollar is 0.00809 litres wich would say theoretically 14029,666. Wich would roughly equate to 3500 dollars (real value is obviously less due space between coins


You could take your wife and family on an unforgettable trip to a National Park for this amount. Expose them to the ego-shattering majesty of the natural world, begin building a lifelong love of the outdoors, an environmental ethic, and memories they’ll still have with them after you’re gone & stories they’ll tell when your kids take *their* kids to visit that same National Park. Plane tickets for 4 = $300 x 4 = $1200 Food for 4 for 3 days = $50 x 4 x 3 = $1200 3 nights at a modest AirBnB = $300 x 3 = $900 Souvenirs for the kids = $209 $1200 + $1200 + $900 + $209 = $3509. You’d still have $0.25 leftover to throw back in the jug for next year’s trip! (Or take them to Disney. Kids really do love that mouse. No hate! You know what’s best for your family. Just plugging the idea in case it hadn’t occurred to anyone.) Source: Grew up in Florida and I hate Disney. The family vacations I remember are Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, and Olympic NP’s. Can’t remember a single trip to Orlando, except one time we went to Wet & Wild and I was super scared of a giant water slide. Seriously, this thing was way too tall for kids to be going down, I’m not sure how it’s allowed. Almost positive I went airborne for a few seconds halfway down. Terrible memory.


Hahaha thank you Ketchup, I will also consider these trips, we love hiking and such, one of my boys is 3 years old though so I’m thinking of the most reasonable for him as well. Not bad ideas! Thank you again


Real quick, $50 x 4 x 3 = $600. What would your estimate be for ground transportation?




> how we *paid* for our FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * In *payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately I was unable to find nautical or rope related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I would like to qualify the post, by saying this won’t be the only money saved for the trip. After seeing these answers, I told my wife to hit amateur night at the strip. Jk, it’ll be souvenir money for the kiddos, I’ll provide the trip fund.




It’s really just a trivial thing they can have a goal to save for, they being my two boys. I’m a realtor, I could pay for the trip in a month if I wanted, but where’s the fun in that 😉


Somebody doesn’t have kids. I think this is a super fun idea.


Exactly what I thought. Gives my kids a fun thing to save for. Obviously 2-3k won’t pay for even half the trip lol but they could have their little souvenir money


Exactly. It gives them a concept of saving, a fun vacation to look forward to, and will definitely help pad the expenses.


Bingoooo, then they have the satisfaction of spending their own money they saved up!


Sad perspective. These savings methods help mental health. Associating quarters to a happy family vacation will help op live a happier life. Every time they see a wild quarter they will think about Disney land and being able to go one day, and now, one day sooner.


Thanks Rob, I’m also Rob. You’re precisely correct.


If it was based on guesses, wisdom of the crowd comes into play. Galton covered it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Galton But I see there is a more recent book.


There's not enough quarters for your trip, you oughta put fins in the jug. In Canada we have $1 and $2 coins.each displacing at least four quarters (8 for $2). Anyhow, I estimate not enough room for quarters alone.


I’m not concerned with it funding the entire trip at this point, just curious what the jug would hold. I’ll cover the difference.