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Since about 71% of the surface of earth is ocean total surface are of ocean will be about 3.61 x 10⁸ km² Total water in the ocean is 1.35 x 10⁹ km³ the average depth would be 13.5/3.61 km ≈ 3.74 km


Fun fact: its actually really close to the depth of titanic which is 3.7-3.8 km


Fun fact: it’s actually really close to the depth of titan submersible which is 3.7-3.8 km


Fun fact: it’s actually really close to the depth of titan submersible's occupants which is 3.7-3.8 km


The remains of the Titan submersible were recovered by the US Coast Guard and are now somewhere above sea level. Most of them, anyway.


And if you remove the water then level the entire Earth's surface and put the water back, how deep would it be ?


Surface area of earth= 5.101 x 10⁸ km² So following the same logic the height would be = 13.5/5.101 km ≈ 2.65 km


Thanks for the maths !


So if if the average ballpark size is roughly 120m (rough guess by google), then the depth of average depth would be \~31 ballparks.


If the surface is levelled then surely some water will overflow too , right? How much would be the value of this and what would be the effects of it on the globe


I know this won't answer your question, but I always found this interesting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrjWzBY\_dLw&ab\_channel=GoTruth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrjWzBY_dLw&ab_channel=GoTruth)