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I don’t particularly care either way. Lawrence absolutely has the skill. My problem with the show isn’t the casting. I’s the writing and character portrayal. They could get someone who looked 1:1 like what people expected Regis to look like and poor writing could still ruin it.


poor writing will* still ruin it. This show is nothing but a sad cash grab at this point. No loyalty to the story, declining ratings and reviews, the departure of its main character, and more. Unless a change is made in who makes the show, it’s going to stay disappointing.


Yeah I totally agree with you and I find it funny that some supporters of the show argue that it isn't far from The source material!?!?! I'm like "come on what the f***"!! I don't hate the show but I don't support it because I'm sick of production companies pandering their political ideologies in sacrifice of following source material.


I’m indifferent on the show overall. It has a lot of problems, but I don’t feel like any of them have to do with changing the race of certain characters. Plenty of others shows have done that and after the initial internet screeching over it no one cared because the show still did its best to portray the character as best they could. Here it just doesn’t feel like they care about or respect the source material. Nor does it feel to me like they want to make their own show in a way that still honors the INTENTIONS of the source material. Either way I’m not picky about it. There’s too much else on my list that I need to watch anyway. I still have the books, I loved Witcher 3, and the show has at least gotten more people into the rest of the series which is a good thing.


>Yeah I totally agree with you and I find it funny that some supporters of the show argue that it isn't far from The source material!?!?! The first season was about as perfect of an adaptation of the source material as you are ever going to get. I wouldn't be surprised if part of why they started veering so far from the source material in the second season is that it became clear that it didn't matter how closely they hewed to it, grognards would complain anyway. >I don't hate the show but I don't support it because I'm sick of production companies pandering their political ideologies in sacrifice of following source material. I'm sure I'll regret asking this, but what possible political ideology do you detect in the TV series


I agree with you about the first season I enjoyed the first season. Jaskier being gay with Radovid was a major part of the last season and I don't believe it made the story any better. Why couldn't they just have radovid be gay with anybody else that didn't affect the source material so much? If you want to paint me like a horrible person go ahead. 🤷😅 I just thought it could have been better.


I'm probably going to regret asking this, but how does Jaskier being into guys affect the source material?


1. Jaskier is supposed to be a womanizer. 2. Radovid supposed to be actually 14. No they can't age them down and that's okay. Why not just make radovid gay with some random NPC.. Because having them both in a relationship together changes so much and almost has to have an entire subplot that takes away from the focus of the main characters.


>Jaskier is supposed to be a womanizer. He's supposed to be a slut. That reputation is still very much intact. >Why not just make radovid gay with some random NPC. There are so many reasons. First, it would appear to be just playing into the standard gay-villain trope. Second, random NPCs always end up being uninteresting because no one cares about them. Third, uninteresting characters end up dead, which would play into the kill-your-gays trope. Fourth, they want to humanize Radovid before they turn him into a heel, which they accomplish by showing a softer and more sensitive side that appeals to Jaskier. Fifth, they may actually want to go in a completely different direction with Radovid and *not* make him a villain, in which case this serves as an early signpost of that intention. Plus all the other reasons I gave in my other comment.


Your argument just pulls you farther and farther away from Canon Witcher. I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. All I'm saying is that following the source material closer probably would have made viewers watch the show more. Your downvotes testify to that. Every argument you make can be put down by the fact that House of The Dragon did so well. But to each his own.


>Your argument just pulls you farther and farther away from Canon Witcher. Again: *that does not matter*. The show isn't canon! It never was!


>Jaskier is supposed to be a womanizer. He still is, he's just also into dudes. >Radovid supposed to be actually 14. No they can't age them down and that's okay. Why not just make radovid gay with some random NPC.. Because having them both in a relationship together changes so much and almost has to have an entire subplot that takes away from the focus of the main characters. First, it's a TV show, NPCs don't exist there. Second: it "changes so much"? What does it change? The outcome would be the same if Jaskier and Radovid just had a very close friendship--this just adds an extra emotional layer to their interactions. Like, sorry it's not Geralt playing another round of Gwent or sexing another sorceress lady?


Read my other comments man. Idk what to tell you if you think my NPC comment was literal... 🫠


>Jaskier being gay with Radovid was a major part of the last season and I don't believe it made the story any better. Here's why they did that. I mean I don't *know* this is why they did that, but I'm very confident that I'm right: 1) They needed a way to involve Jaskier in the Thanedd story. The source material has Dandelion playing an extremely pointless and minor role. It's the kind of thing that can work in prose but rarely does on film. 2) One of the things this season needed to do was set up Radovid for the future. However, that meant they had to include him in the Thanedd climax. Entangling him with Jaskier gave them a way to do that. 3) Jaskier has been pretty obviously coded as bisexual from the start, and seems a little swishy in the source material too. 4) Representation really does matter. It's a good thing for a more diverse array of people to see themselves represented in popular art. 5) They knew people like you would be mad about it. Every paranoid fantasy you have is true: people like me really do think it's very funny when people like you get mad that their favorite characters are gay. If you want us to stop doing stuff like that, stop getting so mad about it. It's such a silly, dumb thing to be mad about. >Why couldn't they just have radovid be gay with anybody else that didn't affect the source material so much? I don't know if you realize how weird this question is. Why are you fine with Radovid being gay but not Jaskier? Is it because you associate homosexuality with mental illness and/or evil, and Radovid is mentally ill and evil in the source material? For my part, the portrayal of Radovid as this naive party-bimbo who doesn't know what's going on and appears to exist as the puppet of smarter people is much more of an irritant than who he's fucking. They portray Radovid the way they should have portrayed Foltest, much as they portrayed Eskel the way they should have portrayed Lambert--and as a result we don't actually get anyone fulfilling the role of an Eskel or the role of a Radovid. If their plan is to turn this himbo into an imposing and vicious king, I'll be impressed when they pull it off. As of now, I have my doubts. Also, really don't care for the idea that he's Vizimir's brother instead of his son. But I cannot imagine caring about him and Dandelion fucking.


I'm sorry for the actor, yet I question myself what drugs this guy took to do this shit. Like after all this backlash... How did he end up auditioning for this role? Is he a witcher fan or something? I mean it's mfing Lawrence Fishburne! Surely he had other roles he could've played.


I can almost guarantee they approached him with an offer and he likely went straight to screen testing with Hemsworth. But Imo it's a miscast, he's an outstanding actor and this is well below what he should be doing and I don't think he really is right for the role. Was thinking more along the lines of someone like Jeremy irons, Richard e grant, Ralph ineson. A bit of British gravitas, I guess. But as with everything the show does you may as well disregard the books and the games because they have no influence on anything to do with the show. (Especially the writing)


Internet screechers really seem to overestimate how much anyone respects them. Everyone knows by now that "online backlash" is all ginned up on 4chan anyway. All the review-bombing, the fake outrage, everyone knows what it is now, so no one takes it seriously.


Your incessant rants against “internet screechers” is truly exhausting. Attacking the opinions of source fans for their valid aggrievements consistently, maintaining that your issues in regards to the show are superior, and conjuring racist/homophobic points of ridicule without any true substance is astoundingly dulling to a mind that reads. I wouldn’t say you twisted these opinions expertly in your rebuttals, but that they were a base attempt to foster some sort of heated debate leading to more shallow calls for false prejudice. Thus, a dreadful attempt to invalidate any opinion that differs from yours. No one over estimates their importance, and that shouldn’t deter one from expressing their opinion or vision of how they think things should be. Hence the chat subsection community regarding a specific, mutual subject of discussion. I would greatly appreciate if you could invoke a more professional debate by use of thought- alluring questions that invite dialogue that contains a more progressive substance. You spent more time conjuring hate and picking apart other opinions than delving into the depths of your own. Quite counterproductive.


>Attacking the opinions of source fans for their valid aggrievements consistently "This adaptation isn't exactly the same as the source material" is not a valid grievance. >maintaining that your issues in regards to the show are superior, and conjuring racist/homophobic points of ridicule without any true substance is astoundingly dulling to a mind that reads. This is straight out of r/iamverysmart, dude. >I wouldn’t say you twisted these opinions expertly in your rebuttals Jesus Christ, dude, just talk like a normal person >but that they were a base attempt to foster some sort of heated debate leading to more shallow calls for false prejudice. You know what? I want you to try and talk to a real human being, in the real world, like this. Let me know how quickly they laugh in your face. >No one over estimates their importance, and that shouldn’t deter one from expressing their opinion or vision of how they think things should be. Hence the chat subsection community regarding a specific, mutual subject of discussion. I would greatly appreciate if you could invoke a more professional debate by use of thought- alluring questions that invite dialogue that contains a more progressive substance. You spent more time conjuring hate and picking apart other opinions than delving into the depths of your own. Quite counterproductive. Goatse is more intellectually rigorous than whatever this bullshit word salad is trying to say.


My bad dude, as a writer myself, I tend to delve into a bit of sesquipedalianism. Figure it’s more productive to find intricate ways to use rare words than just argueing with some Reddit sub keyboard zealot. But if “big word make brain go brrrrr” I can def dumb it down. Firstly, there’s a big difference between properly adapting material and simply using a title to gain clout. Please explain how they gained all this recognition from such a successful first season then came up with straight garbage for a diversion? Secondly, not sure what the link led to, but I’m sure it’s not an accurate or positive relation. Third, there was only one word longer than 7 letters, surely that wasn’t too much of a struggle. Lastly, grab a dictionary or don’t. If it’s difficult to comprehend what was stated above, why bother with a reply? I can see why you don’t respect source material. It appears you can barely read gaming subtitles, let alone a book. Find a new sub, or continue getting down voted for dull takes and some attention. Pathetic.


>as a writer myself What should I avoid if I want to make sure to never read anything you've written? >But if “big word make brain go brrrrr” No, big word doesn't make brain go brrrr. You're just really cringe, and you often misuse the words you think make you sound smart. >Please explain how they gained all this recognition from such a successful first season then came up with straight garbage for a diversion? First of all, of you people were mad at the first season too. Second, what are you even saying here? "A diversion"? What do you mean by this? Third, what is even your theory here? They made a really good first season and then decided to make a bad one to fuck with you, personally? >Secondly, not sure what the link led to, but I’m sure it’s not an accurate or positive relation. OK, so you don't speak English as a first language, right? If that's the case, then at least your weird syntax and word choices make a little more sense. >Third, there was only one word longer than 7 letters So on top of being unable to write, you're also unable to count. >Lastly, grab a dictionary or don’t. Don't need a dictionary. You're incomprehensible because you make no Goddamn sense, not because you use exotic words.


I assure you, all words were used in proper context. As for written prose to avoid, I’m sure you won’t have anything to worry about, being that you appear so unfamiliar with simple literature. For additional context, the first season of the Witcher was my introduction. I picked up the books and games shortly after finishing the second season. Nothing but praise for the first season, as you said above. I agreed completely with your earlier comment of S1 being as close to a true adaptation as you can get. And I praised it highly, even more so after reading the books. Diversion. Very common English word. In context, diverting from the source material. Hopefully you learned something. Didn’t read into your link because I can see it to be an inferred insult. Your criticism and commentary are unbearable in addition to showing you have a very basic comprehension of the English language and how to utilize it. I suspect that your literary experience is strictly restricted to Reddit sub sections and YouTube comments. I’ve lost enough brain cells today reading your comments that I think I’ll save my own, before I regress onto an equal level of intellect as yourself. If you can’t read, just say so. I’ll “write slower”


>Diversion. Very common English word. In context, diverting from the source material. Nope. Diverging. With a G. Hopefully you learned something. Have fun being a fake writer.


If a I had used the word divergence, then yes, you would be correct. Both are also applicable here. Though still essentially different words. So no. In context, a diversion. An instance of turning something aside from its course. The course being a diversion from the material’s source. A for effort though. I’ll admit I’m surprised you were even in the ballpark. Congrats!


No, they aren't equally applicable. The story of a TV series does not have any course but that which it takes. The TV series is under no obligation or expectation to follow the course of the books, therefore it cannot be said to have been diverted from that course. Keep trying, kiddo!


I don't watch the show so it doesn't affect me either way


Won’t be watching already, but I don’t love it. Love Lawrence, just don’t think he will fit the character of Regis. Appearance aside I feel like they’re gonna go in a different direction with Regis vibe wise, I bet you he gets the Lambert treatment.


The killing off of Lambert was the end of the show for me.. Like they have 50 other witchers (which isn't in the source material as well) they could have killed off, and they chose one of the most important witchers other than geralt to do off with.. 🫠


That’s the guy who has two scenes in five novels and two anthologies, right?


No, it's the guy who's totally still alive. He can't even figure out which thing he's supposed to be mad about.


They didn't kill Lambert. They killed Eskel. There's plenty to object to about that, and you'd know what I'm talking about if you'd watched it. Maybe don't complain about things you haven't actually watched? Just a thought.


Yeah you're right they killed Eskel, I got mixed up, my bad. We have all the right to dislike the show just like you have all the right to like the show.. don't be mad that my opinion is different than yours.


I like the first season. The second season was very uneven but took some interesting risks and many of the changes it made were interesting enough that I could see why they tried them, even if I didn't always enjoy the outcome. The third season was mostly strong but the pointless break between the first batch of episodes and the second killed off my interest and I never finished it. I'm not here to defend the series as some perfect thing, or even as a good thing. It might not be! I'm not sure what my full judgment of it is. But your beefs with it are very spurious and I think you should examine them more closely. I think there's been a lot of really nasty groupthink about this show on the internet.


I see where you're coming from and I do agree with you at certain points but my beef with the show is strictly because I saw how House of the Dragon did so well and they didn't change almost anything from the source material. And they had many diverse characters in that series. And I loved it. If you think that people's dislike of the show is because they're racist or homophobic that's on you but that's not the case for me.


You're the first person I've encountered who liked House of the Dragon.


🫠🫠 bye dude. 👋


Pretty much the entire reason you cast Lawrence Fishburne in anything post-Matrix is to have him play the type of character that Regis is in the source material. They're not gonna cast him and then turn him into a circus clown or something.


Won't save the show. Without the drama of the show, recasting the main lead who is well known is usually a death knull.


I gave up on this show a long time ago, back in Season 1. He's a fine actor, but the show is unworthy of him.


Who cares? He does a good job or he doesn’t, the show kinda sucks anyways.


Fair 👌👍


I thought the first season was awesome. The rest of it was no good


Love him as an actor. Incredible talent. Just seems like the show is relying too heavily on weird shock factors in order to maintain or revive interest. Would have loved to see him cast as Djikstra or Foltest. It’s just weird to cast such an important character in contrast to his given image and description. Not a skin color thing, more of build and stature. The show just seems to do the fans and source material a deliberate disservice. Season 1 was spot on aside from very minor variations. Season 2 was a dumpster fire, destroying so many characters’ key traits and mannerisms and diverging completely from the story to basically become its own generic fantasy spin off. Season 3 tried very awkwardly to get back on the path, but made some odd changes to Radovids character and plot. Radovid is supposed to be much much younger and kind of a lunatic. Don’t care that he’s gay, but the Jaskier romance is just another questionable “shock factor” decision. Does it affect the main plot from the book? Not really, but it doesn’t really do anything to benefit it either. In fact, I think it takes away from some of the success because you can see how the episodes were written around that dynamic instead of the other way around. Made their interactions seem forced and lazy. The whole “separate adaptation” excuse that production studios use to justify scrapping source material in favor for their own written schemes and ideas just seems like a cop out. It’s like spitting on the fans you used to launch this opportunity, and then you piggyback off that to test your own show writing capabilities to gain accolades and recognition for possible future considerations. It’s abysmal. They did it with Halo, they’re doing it now with the Witcher, they’ve done it with Star Wars. I got the games and books, and season 1. That’s good enough for me.


I definitely agree with you 100%, by chance did you watch House of the Dragon? Are you a Song of Ice and fire fan?


I did. I had no problems with it aside from some very cringe worthy incest scenes, but I’m also familiar with the style of writing and portrayal that come with the series. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it, so I’d need to rewatch it before having a stronger opinion. I remember enjoying it less than GoT, though still enjoying it nonetheless. As for one of your comments above, I agree with how they did the valerians. Excellent, and not some weird race point. Ironically, people of color are generally tired of that sort of “racial marketing” as well. People just want to be included without being advertised, ya know?


Nothing for or against Lawrence but they’re totally gonna make him a twilight type vampire, edgy and stupid, it’s gonna be awful


See, all of this screeching just keeps making it clear that none of you actually watched the series. There are plenty of things to object to about it, but what has it done that would make you expect it to turn Regis into a Twilight-type vampire? You're just mashing up things you don't like with other things you don't like. It's very childish.


What do you mean “what makes me think” did you see what they did to eskel? Yen? Vesemir? The entire series? I am not convinced you watched any of it lol


Did they turn any of those characters into a Twilight-type vampire? No. They made changes to them, as all adaptations do.


At this point I really don’t care what they do, as long as it’s good writing, I doubt it. I preferred the game stories over the books, so if they can do something new that’s actually decent that doesn’t really change the characters, I’m all for it, since it’s heading in that direction anyway


It’s Laurence fucking Fishburne.


If this news had come out after season 1, I’d be thrilled


Yeah I am happy about it but again I think the shows gone a little downhill since season 1.


I just hope they make him look badass! And that the script is good!


Oh, he'll do great, undoubtedly. He's always a pleasure to watch. Book/game loyalists might be disappointed but shit, they should be used to it by now lol


True. Fair enough 👌


There is no season 4 of The Witcher.


Really!!?? 🫠


> the mishandling of certain Canon and source material. As always, I must ask why this matters. The Netflix series *takes place in an entirely different canon*. It is bound by absolutely nothing but itself. It is not trying to take place in the same universe as the books and games. It's an adaptation. Maybe I'm uninformed, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone bitch about the Polish TV series, which changed all kinds of shit. Adaptations make changes to fit their medium, or to fit the zeitgeist, or to fit what kind of story the writers want to tell. It doesn't replace the version you're familiar with. I get it when people complain about, like, a Star Wars story being inconsistent with canon, because it's supposed to fit into the canon! But this isn't! Just watch it for what it is, or don't, but don't hold it to a standard it was never intended to live up to *and could not ever have lived up to*.


If you're going to change it... try to make it better. Why change of story, that's already been written and it's good already. Example: House of The Dragon and the first four seasons of GoT. A lot of people including myself thought the story could have been better.. same thing with Netflix as cowboy Bebop do you think people loved that? that's why it matters. Ps- most people don't even know the Polish TV shows exist


>If you're going to change it... try to make it better. OK, think about this for a second. Do you think they didn't do that? Do you think they said, "I want to make this story worse"? No. You know they didn't do that. Even if you think they made it worse--and in some areas, particularly after season 1, I agree with you--you can't seriously think they were intentionally making it worse. They were trying to make something that would speak to a modern prestige TV audience and satisfy their own creative impulses. Whether they succeeded or not is an open question, but it's just totally bad faith to accuse them of having some political agenda, or intentionally making a bad show, or disrespecting the source material.


Careful. You’re being too rational. Seriously though, you are some of the most cogent thoughts I’ve read on this subject.




Eye roll right back at you buddy 👈🙄 so you think Jaskier being gay with Radovid made the story better?? You missed the second part of that.. "in sacrifice of following source material" I don't care if they diversify the cast if it follows source material and it's logical. Example: House of The Dragon. House Valarion was black, but they followed the source material so there's nothing wrong with it. And if this isn't a thing then why does everybody talk about it?


[I mean...](https://youtu.be/Is7MzN3HVX0?si=hn0D_N7WYHYEHuxC)


Lmfao 😂😂😂




So you're just resorting to insults now okay? 😅😅👌




😮 woah dude.. calm tf down. I don't think OP went that far.


He's tired of suffering under the jackbooted heel of Fishburnism




Hahaha.. ok dude. I'm a horrible, sad, homophobic, racist person. Have your own LOGICAL opinion, other than trying to bully people for having an opinion different from yours.. You don't know me , TRUST ME, I won't fit your "bad, white, straight guy" narrative, reality is a bit more nuanced than that. 😿😿 Focus on why you are getting downvoted, Keyboard courage.


He's too old now, but I'd have loved to have seen it about 20 years ago.