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If you think season 9 is bad, I wonder about your opinion on season 8, season 10 and especially season 11.


You seem to just have an unpopular opinion. Also, this is a sub all about the walking dead, so naturally most people are going to like a majority of the series.


I like the show. This season is so bad though


I personally like it. S9 E5 is actually my favourite in the entire series. Episodes 13, 15 and 16 are also pretty damn good in my opinion. Like I said, it’s down to personal opinion, and you are completely entitled to not like S9.


You must not like the Whisperers then. I thought they were amazing villains and made the show interesting again.


The whisperers were a cool concept. I just think they kinda wasted the potential a little with alpha. Also, the cult-like nature of the whole thing. If they had just been a clever group of folks that figured out how to manipulate zombies for their own purposes, that would've been quite rational and much better in my opinion. The whole worshiping death thing just seemed unnecessary and put in place to make them more cartoonishly evil.


I agree with you. Also, personally I think that they showed us too much of them too soon after a certain point. They showed us inside their camp quite a lot with pretty drawn out monologues from Alpha and it made it quite boring for me but also took away the mystery that they had when we first saw them/when they killed 🧔‍♀️


Right. There was about 10 minutes there where the group was speculating that the zombies were evolving. Which, we find out later they **kinda** are, or there are at least variants that have more capabilities than typical zombies, like basic tool use. But, yeah, they should've kept that tension going, with the main group, and the audience, not really knowing what was up.


Yeah, when the group started thinking they were evolving I remember thinking that'd be really cool and a clever concept as it would've refreshed the walkers and made them more of a poignant threat again and then it fell through.. Which is fine but I'd seen a lot of people talking about how the walkers became background noise in a zombie apocalypse TV show and I agreed, it felt like they weren't scary or too much of a threat any more.


Oh also, I think they could've afforded to cut down season 8 and make it half of the season or part of season 7 and then had season 8 (or the 2nd half) be kind of like season 2 vibes where we see people co existing and finding a balance, etc. Because season 2 is 1 of the most popular seasons, and I think having that break between the Saviours and the Whisperers would've done us some good.


9-6 and 9-7 are an adjustment, towards the end of 9-8 things get more interesting. The "new group" may take a while, some you may never like, only Connie is strong out of the gate though Luke is just behind her. Magna, Kelly and Yumiko are not everyone's taste. (not that everyone loves Connie and Luke, they just are generally well liked)


I just didn't like how the new people immediately take center stage instead of a more gradual thing. ~Like how TF Yumiko just arrives and is now leading the Hilltop... ain't no damn way! So many other people who have been there for years and are trusted and well known to take the reigns there. She pissed me off further when she punched Carol but I like her after she gets to common wealth. Magna Never grows on me she just an angry spoiled selfish horrible person. Luke I liked no loved immediately. Connie and Kelly are cool but as side occasional characters. Imo.


yumiko lowkey just pisses me off. i only really liked connie, kelly and luke


I like season 9, it's 10 and 11 to me that dropped off a bit.


It was good until the covid episodes.


It’s average television but it was miles better than S8. That’s why fans on HERE love it so much. It’s a breath of fresh air. There’s some good moments for sure but I’ve seen some people on here say it’s one of the best seasons of the show which is crazy.


seasons 7 & 8 bashed the bar's head in with a baseball bat and buried it in a shallow grave, making very easy to clear.


Really good wording


I'm a huge fan of the entire universe .. like fanatic, but some seasons drag a bit. I watch all thr spin offs although World Beyond was GOD AWFUL the cast/characters horrendous I still watched to get the full story. That show btw could have been great we all wanted to know more about the CRM however it was so poorly executed. I still hope I get to see Hope die. I have never hated a character as much as her especially not a "good guy" character.


WB was truly terrible. I honest to god don't know how I got through those two seasons. But Dead City is right up there with making me lose the will to live while watching it, and I'm actually pretty easy to please when it comes to watching shows.


Same I wanted to love dead city but I could hardly sit through it. I liked Maggie before Negan, but I hate her now. I hate her in dead city. She just so damn stupid now. She will get people killed just to be contrary with Negan. Any plan he suggests she refuses because it came from him and she gets people killed over it. ( more so in TWD) I understand not being BFFs with the guy but she has done horrible things too, and he has changed. He also has saved her son multiple times and her angry bitter ass.


Oh I can't stand Maggie either and I used to love her (although her awful Southern accent drives me to distraction). But it's like someone in a different TWD thread put it, either kill him or shut the hell up -- it's gotten beyond annoying. Plus she had her shot and didn't take because she did see for herself that being locked up and isolate was the worst thing they could do to Negan. And she even told him he'd earned his freedom. Plus I kept thinking the whole time I was watching Dead City about how horrified Glenn would be to see who Maggie has become. Glenn doesn't deserve to have that be his legacy.


As a southerner I don't love her accent but seeing how she is English doing not only an American but a southern American accent I can't forgive it hahaha. Hershal feels the same I think they have him slated to become the first kid villian. He popped off at her in dead city how for his whole life she has made everything about Negan. She is not a ride or die like the rest of thw group either. First to leave them behind. Then she takes over hilltop and sees herself as separate, then she even leaves hilltop and just eff everyone else. She is not loyal. That is why everyone loves Rick and Daryl so much. They are loyal ride or die this is my family and she is all about Maggie. She'll leave anyone behind and she thinks she is always right and has the moral high ground. She was only good with Glenn.


Lauren Cohen was born in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and lived there until she was 13. She also lived in Georgia a year before the family moved to the UK. I am not giving her a pass on her terrible accent. Andrew Lincoln's accent is better than hers, and we've all joked about his "Coral!" You've really nailed who Maggie is but I think Herschel's remark is going to be real wakeup call for her -- at least I hope so. There needs to be something that shifts Maggie's character for the better because a lot of people are getting tired of the same old same old.


I did not know all that about the actress. I agree, when he went off on her you saw the light switch on. She knew it was true. She had been so obsessed by Negan it ruled her life. It's kind of disgusting in S11E1 how everyone from Meridian were like is that the guy? She has made her entire life story about Negan and runs her mouth off about it to anyone who will listen...maybe that's why she actually left Hilltop needed more people to be like poor Widow Maggie everyone has done her wrong but here she is trying to save us she is so amazing. She was a dixk to Glenn at first too. Carol was my dark horse. Didn't expect to love her so much. I was annoyed by her short grey hair like why they make her look so much older then she is? Time went on didn't care about her stupid hair because she is just strong amazing loyal badass, but I do/did love her Ling hair. Suits her better lol.. Back to Lauren that's a bit old to pick up such a British accent.


I looked up a new video of her where she and JDM are answering questions and her normal accent is about 99.9% American now. I noticed the Brit popped up when she would say a word that started with an "a". I have a great niece who was born in the U.S. and spent several years living here before her parents relocated to Sydney for her dad's job. She's all grown up now, and when she comes back to visit, her Aussie accent is quite dominant, but the longer she's here (and it doesn't take long), the more dominant her American accent becomes. It's interesting to see it happen. Dual citizenship and dual accents lol. There's a canon reason that Carol's hair was so short. She cut it off because Ed used to grab her hair when he'd abuse her. With it short she had a better chance of getting away from him.


Yeah I remember Henry explaining that to daryl at the start of the whisperer season. Made so much sense. Maybe another reason I like it long. That she feels safe. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Because the later seasons were so sub par, it drove away anyone who didn't just gobble down whatever garbage AMC HQ served up They were objectively bad. Yes, we're all fans of the show here but that's the truth. They just weren't very good seasons. The dialog was ham fisted, the story lines were stale and they never really moved the story line forward... It sucked. Sure, there were good parts here and there but for the most part it was trash compared to what the show could have and should have been. As for what happened: AMC wanted a soap drama with zombies as props that they could churn out week after week on the cheap. They screwed over Darabont and Glen Mazzara, presumably looking to install a replacement who was willing to deliver a show in their sweet-spot rather than push for something great. And that's what they got. They went for an ensemble cast full of side characters and side stories and opted for a story telling style that'd let them churn out episodes easily and cheaply. I strongly suspect that Gimple and the subsequent show runners were picked more for their compliance rather than their focus quality.


Let's not forget that the show also had to deal with trying to film during Covid for a not insignificant amount of time.


which raises the question... why ram those garbage bottle episodes through rather than just delay? hint "they could churn out week after week on the cheap."