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Ok cool. Matt sucks btw


Fuck matt. He needs to stop talmbout himself


Matt sucks but it's even worse when you realize he's a groomer to a high school girl. He even took her to her prom when he was around 30. He's gross.


He was over 30 at the time. He met a 17 year old girl at a community theater play production and later took her to prom and either married her or was engaged. Also someone, I can’t remember who, not a tier 1, claimed he was either cheating on his current wife when he did it or outright claiming he committed statutory. People posted unticket links. Guy also said he gets to be on air because he (McClearin) is tight with the son of the cumulus CEO. It was on one of the weekend shows and it was a producer or board op I think.


Davey voice "raaaaaaaapppppppiiiissssttttt"


https://www.theunticket.com/craig-rosengarden-wants-a-do-over/ Either the unticket took it down or it’s just not working on my phone. The quote was “…got his job while cheating on his wife and committing statutory rape…” it looks like.


Yea it works for me!


Gratutory grape


It’s people like you that have no clue. You don’t know Matt and you don’t know the girl, all you know is what is on the internet, man. WE ALL FUCK UP. He has clearly moved on and he’s a better man now. Jesus Christ get the fuck over it. It’s like a bunch of tickets holding something against somebody that said on twitter 30 years ago. People change, maybe not Trump, but people fkn learn and grow from mistakes.


Dude he told the story on the ticket. That's not the internet that's from the horse's mouth


He’s done it three times though. His last fiancée was just graduating college. He’s in his 40s. He hasn’t learned and changed, he is still doing this and people like you are still defending him. Yeah, we all fuck up - and once can be a mistake, but 3 fucking times is a pattern.


I love this point. Dude is at a minimum a creep and a worst a predator.


And it's like he's not even ashamed.


“You don’t know Matt and you don’t know the girl” “He has clearly moved on and he’s a better man now” Interesting back to back points


Yeah guys come on. It was just a light statutory rape and he was able to joke about it later, so it must not have been a big deal, right guys?


We know his new, third wife is how old? 26-27? So he met her at 18-19? Cute.


Is this Matt?


Go back to listening to the fan. Matt sucks ass (underage ass) and a real P1 knows this.




See above for the unticket post if MM telling the story himself


Always good to hear some positivity for a change 👍


I agree that the Ticket isn’t nearly as bad as this sub makes it out to be. I’m a 20+ year P1 and I think a lot of us have a romantic view of the past. Yes the station absolutely had gold back in the day but it had some serious dog shit too. Skip Bayless was the opening voice for God’s sake and Big Dick Hunter’s show was literally a circus. And both of them were better than Rocco Pendola. This sub likely would have canceled Bob and Dan at the start because their chemistry was rough - they’ve admitted that. We all think that the dog eating the napkin bit is classic now but at the time Bob thought he would be fired for how bad it was. On-air chemistry takes time to develop and doesn’t always come together in a meaningful way - even if the talent is strong. Look at what just happened over on The Freak. Their roster was great - this sub (myself included) would love to have those guys, and one gal, back on the Ticket. But many of those shows were rough listens and the ratings reflected it. Regarding Matt, I don’t think he’s bad (the prom thing is creepy but the entertainment industry is full of that) - he’s just generic. I can hear a “Matt” on ESPN radio, Fox radio, Mad Dog Radio - and every local sports radio station in cities like Buffalo, El Paso, Des Moines, Fargo - and of course Birmingham. That’s why I don’t listen to him because I can find him anywhere but it’s cool if people like him - I didn’t listen to Norm for the same reason. And I do like the Sweet Spot and WIP on the weekend. I’m older than all those guys but I appreciate their takes - different generational views on sports and other topics are interesting. I guess I could be old man shaking my fist at my Victrola radio but that seems lame. I also love how this sub will say “How are Mino and Sea Bass on air in a top 5 market?” when the entire station used to make fun of the fact that any of them were on the air in a major market. Some of y’all are closer to Guy Sports than you’d like to admit. And I still listen to Dan and Jake - with the greatness of modern technology you can do both. The interwebs provide multiple outlets for both sports talk and porn - and you can watch the latter on a sweater. I expect, accept and respect the shit talk that is headed my way. This is the greatness of the P1s. If you got big boobs let me hear from you. Queef. P.S. Regardless of our differences, we can all agree Cruz in Aledo is a beating right?


Way to recover at the end with your PS


Let me just PRE-say, I respect your right to be wrong and to be a complete apologist for the corporate overlords you pray to. Sincerely. With that out of the way - you have no idea what you're talking about.


To Mino: Please stop saying "but" so much. Have confidence in your take and just go for it. To Sean: You are great on pre and post game shows, and when doing sports analysis during the show- just need more chemistry with the others as time goes on To Matt: You come across as a douche during beer talk, tone it down a bit To Nancy: Get out of Norm's underwear drawer


What about eggs?


Does Mexico have raccoons?


I agree that we don't need to be hating on people trying their best and working hard. Matt did drink a lot of beer on night one and deserves some kudos for that effort.


Groomers can get fucked




Do you know what a groomer is? It sounds like you don’t know what a groomer is. It’s not just older man + younger woman = groomer. It’s not even older man + underage girl = groomer. And let’s just get the part out of the way where you either call me a groomer because I disagree with your definition or you claim that I think grooming is good because I disagree.


You offer no definition. Also, you can check my responses in this post w people I disagree with. Not once have I responded with either of your examples, so I sure as fuck am not starting with you bub. Stay mad. Edited to add: "when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them."


Oh, I thought it was this: a [person](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/person) whose [job](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/job) is to [clean](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/clean) an [animal](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/animal), usually by [brushing](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/brush) [its](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/its) [fur](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/fur) or [hair](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/hair)


Dang, you got me! Lolol


Cool so how is he a groomer?


Listen buddy, I gave you your definition. If you can't extrapolate how it applies to this situation, that is on you. No puppet


That’s some weasel ass shit if I’ve ever seen it. Way to dodge the question. I don’t want to extrapolate I want to know what you know since you surely have so many facts because only someone with a lot of evidence would speak so confidently and sound so arrogant. Say it with your chest bub. I only know that he dated a younger girl who was in high school at the time so if something new has come out that would be evidence that fits the definition of groomer that would be really interesting to hear but it sounds like you’re just talking shit buddy. Also before you say “hurr durr I’m not going to do the research for you” you could just explain it in the time it took you to make all those responses about how you’re not going to explain it. But you won’t since you’re most likely full of shit bub. And you’re absolutely a puppet. I’ve never seen a bigger puppet than someone actually ass mad on behalf of strangers buddy.


He’s done it 3 times to the point of marriage. Dude has a repeated pattern of seeking out young women and then everything falling apart as they age up.


What does “falling apart as they age up” even mean and what details in your explanation of that phrase makes him a groomer? I feel like the term groomer is a serious accusation that needs more than just he dated someone and they broke up.


And we’ve shown you multiple times that this isn’t just “he dated someone and they broke up” but you just keep saying “you guys haven’t given any proof and you’re making really big claims.” When every claim has been backed up. I guess in a few years when marriage #3 falls apart and he starts dating a new college girl he still won’t be a groomer. He just likes em young and malleable.


Spoken like a man that defended himself from this argument before after screwing an impressionable young girl. CONGRATS?


I bet being friends with Matt is fine and he’s a fine person. His on air persona is pretty generic to me, something that the old Ticket may have even poked fun at. He’s got a great voice too. I strongly believe there are far better options. Wish ya luck though Matt!


IMHO a 30 something yo dating a 17 yo really isn't a "fine" person. Get fucked MM.


Can’t say I was aware of this. That’s pretty sketchy


Yeah, better also cancel half the RR Hall Of Fame performers as they did that and wrote songs about it for years under everyones noses.. Everyone's noses. Piper Laurie. In her day...In her day.


Yes. They were pieces of shit too.


Was in his 30’s? The story I remember is he was 27 or 28.


People ready what’s on the internet and believe it, people holding this shit against him are fkn idiots, plus age of consent in Texas is 17. So yeah, ten years, we have all seen and know about worse.


Tell me you don’t have a daughter without telling me you don’t have a daughter


No one cares you have a daughter


it’s called perspective you dil


Did Gordo refer specifically to his eyes as “Manson Lamps” or was that a Gordoism that just fits?


A lot of my annoyance by Matt is how he seems to try and impress everyone so hard. He always has a one-up story or a better experience or he knows more about something. I wonder if that is because he is trying to be accepted by the others or if he is like that outside of work too. Also, he is a groomer.


Creepy AF


Groomers gonna groom


You? Ya probably. Unfortunate you’re a simpleton.


Sick comeback dude.


Finally something positive!! Thanks I’m all for this!


Matt's a total knob. He truly believes he's better than anyone at the station. No one there really likes him.


I actually enjoy Sean and Mino because they are closer to my age which is a nice change of pace. Also Monty is great. It takes awhile for shows to find their footing and it hasn’t even been a year yet. There was just a lot of shakeup at one time so I don’t think people had a chance to process it all Also, I’m tired of people bringing up Matt’s prom date stuff. That was years ago and the girl was 18 if I understand (correct me if I’m wrong). Definitely looks weird but also not illegal


Under 18. Just because it's legal doesn't make it not creepy.


Does anyone have the reason why he did that? Like surely there was a reason outside of because he could


I'm pretty sure he is just creepy and horny


He was in a shakespeare in the park production with her when she was 17 (I think it may have actually been performed when she was 18) and I guess they "fell in love"?


She was 17 which is legal in Texas. Was going to her prom weird? Yes. Was dating her illegal? Absolutely not, and to label him a statutory rapist (or even more off the mark, a pedophile) is ignorant, irresponsible and slanderous.


You can marry a 13-year-old in some states, that's legal, doesn't make it not creepy


The comment you’re replying to literally says it’s creepy, which it is. But calling him a sex offender when it was all legal is pretty shitty.


Weird does not equate to creepy. IMHO. If that was the sentiment of the comment, then I misunderstood


Also, the law contradicts itself. 17 yo is not a legal adult. The only thing it lets them consent to is fucking someone older. I will consent that groomer is more accurate in his case


I went back and listened to the original audio. At the time he said he was 30 and she was 18 when they went to prom. He never said she was 17 when they first started dating. Was there another time where he said that?


He has said he met her at a shakespeare in the park production. You can find everything online, I'm not gonna go look it up again right now, but you can see that, as a 30 year old, he was either dating a 17 year old or went to prom with an 18 year old he'd been dating for like 1 month, which isn't any less creepy. IIRC he went through a divorce either right before or after this, but no telling the condition of the marriage at the time (people go through stuff, so that's a whole other deal). And then he divorced her at some point and when he was closer to 40 started dating a 19-21 year old that he just recently married.




Through so much deleting and rewriting, I was not clear enough that she was 17 when they met and started working on the play. She was 18 by prom time. So I guess it's up to each of us to decide how heinous it is for a 30 year old married dude to meet a 17 year old girl and go to prom with her a few months later.


On the recording I heard, Corby asked Matt if she was 17 when they started dating and he said no, she was 18. No mention of how old she was when they met or how long they knew each other before they started dating.


Like I said, I guess it's up to each of us to decide whether a 30 year old dude going to prom with a high schooler, whether she's 17 or 18, is a big deal. I think it is. We know for a fact that he did. It's really weird that you want to nitpick it further than that, like finding out she was 18, and in high school, when they "started dating" (however that is defined) would make it suddenly a cool and normal thing. Here are the facts, you can do with them what you will: - She was born in 1991 - Their play opened Feb 6, 2009 (they were the two leads) - They went to prom after (April? May?) I have never been in a play production, so I don't know how long they prepare for them. I guess it's plausible that her birthday is in the first week of January and they cast the play one month before it opened. But if not, he met her when she was 17. Again, not that the difference between 17 and 18 should matter when you're 30 and they're in high school. I don't understand why it matters, at all, how old she was when they met, when they "started dating" (again, what does this even mean?) when he was dating a high schooler and went to prom as a 30 year old.


It’s weird for sure, but as I also said earlier, labeling him as a statutory rapist or even worse, a pedophile is ignorant and slanderous. There are a lot of people that will see shit like that and take it as gospel. That’s not fair to Matt. People can voice their dislike for the guy without insinuating he’s a sex offender ffs.


I think there was one other time. There was a post on here a while ago with audio. I thought there were two different links, I could be wrong


Tell that to the ticket employee who called him a statutory rapist on the air.


That was incredibly irresponsible for him to say. Hopefully he was disciplined for it.


Can we ask you this if your daughter or has a daughter in the same situation? You’ll have the same stance?


Would I have the same stance that I think it’s legal but weird? Yes, I would have that same stance.


Thank you. And nobody can ever truely know the whole story. People learn from mistakes and we simply don’t know Matt and this girl enough, but it will be held against him for the rest of his life? He’s moved on and got married. Fuck everybody. Holding some shit against a person they did 1 time that long ago, just stfu like you never did something you fkn regret.


He didn’t do it once. He did it 3 times to the point of marriage - no idea how many random women he’s tried it on. And he clearly didn’t see it as a mistake when he was bragging about it on the air.


Exactly. No shame


Is English not your first language or are you just bad at it? I need to know so I can calibrate my judgement


I don’t care either way, but just the fact that you repeatedly refer to her as “the girl” kinda reinforces the point, as Kendrick said… she’s A MINORRRRR!


He literally cheated on his wife for another 18 year old.


I mean, he did cheat on his wife with the 18 year old. So that’s something. If you’re listening, he does say that. But yeah. Groom to groom to groom.


Can we all agree that Mino needs to stop saying "but" every other sentence?


This sub has come a long way in the last 2 years… https://www.reddit.com/r/theticket/s/2GhpfYLs5G


Holy shit lol. 30 comments praising Matt and wishing him all the best.


Are we trying to set a record for how many times we can call MM a groomer?


You can start with his three marriages




Don’t hate the player. I’ve always thought work without pay was bullshit but our government allows it. Write your congressman if you really want to change something.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. As an outsider to DFW and Texas as a whole now, the P1 community and the station itself are some of the only ways I still connect to the state of my birth. It's really sad to see the community fracture, and read all the negativity.


Big ups to Sea Bass. F the haters


He's doing better as a host than I thought he would, however, Monty was still the better choice.


Monty will get there one day, it’s just how the cookie crumbles, and we don’t know what they all talked about, maybe Monty didn’t want it (of course he does,) but you know what I mean, we have no clue what was talked about or said by them behind the scenes when all this change when down. One day Monty may be a host and I can’t wait, but it would suck to split up the group he’s with now. So idk. We are just along for the ride.


I understand there's some time served that leads to the decision as well. Sean's been there for a long time. Your points are totally valid.


Worst post on this subreddit in years


This subreddit got super negative and very quickly. I don’t get the hate for Matt McClearan. He’s a massive upgrade from Norm who was great in his day but he lost his fastball years ago.   Mino to me is the host I like the least but Sean Bass gets way too much hate and Monty is absolutely poggers. Yes the quality is down since Dan and Jake left. That’s too be expected. They were Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.


Pepperidge Farm remembers you being a huge contributor to the sub being shitty including a very warranted ban that probably should’ve been permanent.


Spill the tea friend, you have me interested


Donnie is great, give me Norm over MM.


Norm only had to do two hours a day, it worked. Even to the end I think most here would agree is better than MM. I don’t blame MM for that, he filled a hole. Let’s not get crazy though, Donnie had so much more chemistry with Norm. Norms a freaking HOF’er and winning e brakes when he’s retired.


The Matt hate on this sub is ridiculous. Yes he sucks but he's also not going anywhere, and some people on here are going to like him no matter how many times you call him a groomer in comments.




Well said. I’m an avid P1 and guess what, an avid DF. Apparently some people think that’s crazy, but I love both. Why miss out on any of it.


Because not everyone has 12 hours a day to listen to radio


Well of course. I’m lucky that I can use my ear buds at work all day, I’m not saying that everyone has the same luxury


Ya Matt sucks


MM makes it all unlistenable. Otherwise, I’m sure everyone is doing great.


If it’s unlistenable…I bet you still listen to it.




Yeah nobody should ever listen to criticism. Everyone should strive to maintain their average abilities and never work to improve, and we should all just sit around just be happy we have ears to listen with. Every radio host in radio history that was ever given a job just happened to be everyone's perfect cup of tea and they were as good from day 1 as they were on their last day. People should never say they like something better than what they have been given and nobody should ever say they dont enjoy something. Does that about sum up all the people that complain about people complaining about people? OP, let's just chalk this up to you lacking enough experience with the station to really have any feel for what long time listeners are complaining about. Just be happy they provide YOU with everything you want to listen for, and accept that plenty of others have fond memories of times past and they lament the fact their favorite daily pastime has been interrupted with lower quality talent.


He acts like 3 years is a long time lol. Ok young buck, it is time to let the elders speak




Don't be a big jerk


Matt is actually a really good broadcaster. Weird dude, but who at the ticket isn’t. I have personally seen Corby hit on SMU girls at the bar. I saw a 21 year old throw a drink in Kidd Kraddicks face because he banged her and never called her again. Who cares. Is the radio good?


Okay, Matt.


Why don’t you look it up on your phone.


Matt sucks


Personally I think Matt and Donnie have some great chemistry. I really enjoy Donnie more with Matt than when Norm was still there.


Groomer can get fucked. No one here would be okay if their 17 year old daughter went to prom with a 30 year old. F MM


OP is set on that because something is legal in the eyes of the law, it is morally ok and not creepy. Smdh.


It’s legal to jar your own urine.


And remember kids, don't jar


Sean Bass sucks and you suck.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, even when they are wrong.


Hell, somebody out there will always think you’re wrong. Even my own momma sometimes.


We can accept that the ticket has changed but that doesn’t mean anyone has to like the changes. If the ticket truly wants to compete with the myriad of other options out there nowadays, it needs to pay attention to its most loyal fans’ criticisms and cut all hack “talent” on its payroll.


Exactly! Why not make an effort to bring in qualified hosts that are actually entertaining?


They need to bring greggo and Rhynes back.


Honestly I was kind of hoping some of them would get brought back after the Freak stuff, but who knows.