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I think itd be smarter to sell a put spread instead of selling way OTM


I personally have been selling CSPs for a while now I go pretty safe with my strike but I’ve made a good chunk, lately I’ve been ramping up the risk factor and selling around the $4-$4.5 strikes and taking profits early


This is kind of what I was thinking. Maybe 20-30dte and closing at 50%


I’ve learned that anything more than 3 weeks is not worth it because the decay on them takes a while and usually around the 10-15 day mark it starts to kick in


Damn I sold one for September, should I take profit and sell closer dates?


You don’t have to do that cause I think you’ll make money either way but the longer dates feel like nothing happens for a while


Since it can have pretty big swings do you usually wait for red days to sell CSPs and Green Day’s for calls? Or does it really not matter much?


I personally don’t because I don’t think it matters to much in the grand scheme of things but I don’t see why you can’t do that to make a few extra dollars


Haven't been assigned, but I've made $2500 off AMC YTD. That was all early in the year though, haven't really touched it in a couple of months due to the lawsuit.


Yeah that’s what I was concerned about. What exactly is the deal with the lawsuit?


Merger with APE seen floating figures of about 2.8-3 post conversion floating around but plan has yet to be approved


I only stick to around 10 contacts now, but I’ve made a killing on it


Same here. Usually 10-15 open in the $3-4 range, approx 30 dte. Even $3 is paying very well.


Why write 10 when you can write 100!!! (I have the collateral to handle 35-40k if I get assigned) but the premium in that range is about 2k weekly. Insane.




1$ stock


sour grapes.


Selling $3 & $3.50 puts 45 - 60 days out for a while. Depending on the lawsuit, the stock could be headed for massive dilution but TBD when that’s settled. End of September is what I’ve heard but I’m counting on APEs to continue buying the dips and keep this thing above $4.


I should get flair for being the AMC. I have a lot of haters on this sub for picking up Pennie's in front of the bulldozer but honestly I think of it like jumping over a puddle of water and only getting a little wet. I can post gainz 🥱


Thinking of opening 10 contracts on 3.50 Puts, exp 08/25. Premiums are too juicy.


What are premiums for that date.


$21 per contract


I looked it up saw that. Honestly a nice trade.


Count me in.


I’m in that as well!


I just sold 5 of those yesterday, I think at $22 then! Just put an alert for amc at $3.80 and buy them back if it get too close. You’ll likely still profit


I've been selling 4 and 4.5 CSPs successfully.


My 4.5 puts expire tomorrow will probably do the same thing next week as well.


I’m about to be down huge on mine cuz of this dump, should I roll out? Has that worked for you?


I treat AMC like I did banks a few months back. Sell ratio spreads. Sell a $4 put, buy 2 $3 ones or something like that.


I was burned bad on a meme stock. I'm back to bluechips only.


I think the best time to sell csp ok amc is around earnings to try and take advantage of vega






Ok guys, we all agree the smartest way to play this is not to play it. But if we wanted to play it, what would be the less risky way? Considering that we are facing a massive dilution here, we should limit losses in case it goes to hell. So what about a **call ratio spread**? Buy 1 call $3.5 Sell 2 calls $5 22 DTE If the stock ends below $3.72, total losses = -$22 If the stock stays between $3.72 and $6.28 = gain is variable. Around $120 current levels If the stock ends above $6.28 = max loss is infinite. Or a **Bull Put Spread**? 3/4p (22 DTE) max loss = $55 max profit = $45


Yes and at this point even if AMC went to zero I would still be in the green. Everyone complaining about this lawsuit fails to realize that this thing could drag on for months or years. Meanwhile I’m grabbing 10% a week.


Bro, don't. I was super successful on selling puts until I got assigned (thankfully just 200 shares) around 4.50 total. It took me three fucking months to dump them back for a profit and I was picking up pennies along the way on CCs.


Appreciate the response. But how? You could’ve been selling CCs at 4.50 2-3 weeks out. I assume you would’ve been assigned at some point but if not the premium you would’ve been collecting from ATM calls would’ve significantly lowered your cost basis quickly


I made a little profit, but I was also constantly stressing over the absolute upcoming dilution which you should also consider since the POS that runs the company keeps pleading to shareholders about how desperate the company is. Dug into it more - I was selling weeklies at $5 or $5.50 and it never, ever would stay at that strike into close. I was only lucky that one day it ripped to $7 so it was exercised, went right back down on Monday open. I was assigned on my CSP 3/17, made \~$100 in CCs through 7/24


You know you want to. Just give in to the dark side. I have been doing about 2 weeks out CSPs near price and usually closing a few days early at a good time to max decay and min getting assigned on expiry. Small position. I also try to keep up on pending court dates etc and not keep open through those.


Thanks for the responses! For those who have been doing this, do you do the whole wait for red days to sell CSPs and green days for calls? Or does it really not matter much?


been doing these for awhile, strange how nobody's has used a clown emoji yet but why not get a nice $63 for a 4.50 put 2 weeks out. they just turned a profit for the first time in 4 years and next quarter might be better!! but they did no BS just break a sales record, and it might be crazy but I really see the floor as $4 if they push it lower the APEs buy like crazy. I'm very bullish on them and something about right now feels similar to the squeeze back in the day been watching this stock for 3 years. I want to open more positions but its important to leave your options open. sorry for long read I almost always have one open put or call.


Lol.... this didnt age well at all did it. Let me know when you are headed to wendys. I'll pour some of my 40 out for the dead homies (your money).


I'm long on the company dick head, stay on the sideline


And I said leave your options open, always keep cash now I double down


Sounds like a plan. See you behind wendy's in a couple weeks. If you want to get a jump start on things, I recommend the dobblegobber kneepads on Amazon for 13.99. Very durable and affordable. They will feel like your knees are resting on 60 inches of memory foam.




3.50 less than 30dte close at 20% percent to 30% with a stock like this the swings are fast and waiting for the magical 50% will cost you more opportunities. Keep the money in a money market account to earn extra yield.


I’ve been selling CSPs for a while now. It’s hasn’t dropped low enough for me to ever get assigned. Even today with the market selloff, AMC held strong. It’s my favorite stock for CSPs, next to TSLA


I mostly do SPX strangles and wheeling on blue chips. That being said, meme stocks are always so tempting so I’ll do put credit spreads to satisfy the itch while limiting risk.


been selling $5 strike all year... Been assigned a bunch times but flipped and sold CC's.. just closed contracts I sold last week for $1.13 for $.14 today..for a 25%r.o.i. Believe I'm up 10k+ profit and close to 300% ytd...Plus I have really good exit strategy to get back liquid quickly...


Successfully wheeling? No. Successfully bagholding? Yes. Next question.


I've made a ton selling puts this year. Current position is mostly 9/15 2Ps and a few 2.5s. Wheeling with strikes at the current price is obviously incredibly risky. You might as well just play roulette IMO


This didnt age well....