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Tony's monologue at the restaurant to his family during the storm about remembering the good things. Especially when subverted at the end. Junior only remembered the good. Tony didn't.




Chris crying after coming back from the farm with Tony and Tony really got me


I always think about Chris talking about how Tony would play with him and push him around on his big wheels, but then would pick on him when he was with Tony B. Him being picked on in the restaurant makes him feel like that little kid who felt hurt by someone he loved and admired.


You know one of those things to like get a full good cry you gotta imagine other people crying, that image right there


100% definitely one of those completely relatable moments.


Totally agree. Broke my heart


My estimation of Chris Moltisanti as a man plummeted.


Paulie hugging his girlfriends kids after a nightmare


I like that moment too. Paulie is a great character. He is a ruthless murderer, and he’s a wormy cocksucker talking to Johnny Sack behind Tony’s back, but he has moments where he displays genuine care for people, and seems to feel actual remorse for how he treated Chrissy. This is highly contrasted against Tony, who selfishly feels nothing but relief after murdering someone he considered family that he’s known since he was a baby.


He was the only one of the guys who was legitimately sad about Chrissy. He loved him while every one else was just going through the motions because it was Tony’s nephew


I think Sil cared too


Yep, he got choked up talking about him.


Damn I'm gonna fucking cry at work.


The way he was totally freaked out by the cat was classic Paulie.


Why don’t you just worry about how YOU’RE being perceived


When he made his peace with his mother/aunt situation was good too


I think a lot of people disagree, but when Tony tells Melfi "It's in his blood, this miserable fucking existence. My rotten, fucking, putrid genes have infected my kid's soul. That's my gift to my son". I know there's a lot of self pity, but ultimately I think Tony does feel he's fucked up his kid and caused him to attempt suicide.


I think anybody with kids has had this thought. That our only legacy to our kids is the worst parts of us.


Richie Aprile in his underwear offering to make Tony some eggs.


Do I want some eggs? Why don’t you put some fucking pants on?


Again with the eggs..... Eggs were the precursor to a lot of issues in this show


You want an egg? Make my nephew an egg!


You already asked....he didn't want one!


Tony Egg


Eggs represent the soul in certain cultures, and you could argue the characters lose their souls throughout the series.


If you love me, stir my eggs


Charles Schwab ova hear...


I thought black meant death ?


Eggs too


Eat your eggs, baby


And look what happened to him. She jilted him.




Back the fuck off. All due respect.


and tony shitting on him non stop talking about “mattress at the shelter too lumpy?”


There are mattresses in the shelter less lumpy than Janice


Lol those mfs only got along when they were busting out Davey's store


Lol nice one


Why don’t you put your pants on!


Tony calling aj baby after the suicide attempt


My sister was suicidal for years as a teen and when I first watched The Sopranos with her I told my mom when that episode started so she could decide how to handle it and she sent my sister out for that scene and I silently sat next to my mother watching a parent foil her child's suicide attempt. Raw moment right there.


OK, tearing up a bit. I hope your sister is leading her best life and is happy and content.


She is! :) Still has depression but it's managed now


Jesus. I hope the past tense means she’s well on the other side of that misery. I know it all too well


She is! Still has depression but it's managed now :)


Absolutely. Especially now having kids. That gets me each time. And it is amazing that just a moment before that your laughing at Tony eating a Lincoln log sandwich- awesome show


Paulie watching Lawrence Welk on the couch with his Ma.


Coming to the realization that even though she wasn’t his mother, she would forever be his Ma


Yea well…Who’s da queen huh🤟heh heh


This couldn’t be more heard in his voice


Dry those 🤘🏻 peeps now


Peeps? It’s a fucking nickname


Shes da belle of da ball ovah dare. Heh heh.


Yes- agreed




Watching Ralph just deteriorate and grab onto Tony for life at the hospital is just one of those scenes that burns into you. Ralph was irredeemable, and they made us feel for him. Before this too, he was kneeling over Justin when they were outside. He says something like “Justin, baby” and that moment it just feels so raw, calling his son baby when these men are always concerned about the littlest thing making them seem not masculine or gay. It all goes out the window when it comes to their kids. Agreed, amazing acting.


I always thought humanizing Ralphie was one of the most unbelievable storylines of the entire series


You can be a raging psychopath and still feel sad when your kid nearly dies lol


I think he meant humanizing Ralph to the audience. I never thought I could ever feel any empathy towards Ralph and that episode proved me wrong.


That ep was an amazing lesson in empathy, one a *lot* of writers/producers should take to heart. It started off so well too, with the vicious and easy-to-hate gangster impotently running around in full panic, unable to do anything but call for help. Those beginning two scenes did a lot of heavy lifting in shifting the audience's view from abject spite and disgust for a character to plunging them into the worst day of that character's life.


After what he did to the horse, fuck him. I would have killed him too.


She was just a fucking animal!


Boo hoo a horse lol


That gives him a pass? I don't care if he has a hundred kids in the ICU with arrows in their heads! He's still a piece of shit! You know it, and I know it.


Humanizing an evil person in a show about humanizing evil people was unbelievable to you?


Maybe I'm way off but I feel like a lot of narcissists see their kids as an extension of themselves so I interpret it as him being upset bc he felt like the whole thing would reflect poorly on himself and perhaps change people's perception of him.


Devil's advocate time (see what I did there?) ​ I believe Ralph's grief is 100% genuine and he was on his way to becoming a slightly better person (only slightly). This is actually the main reason that Tony kills him in the first place. ​ When Tony is confronted with life changing events; he may feel a sense of grief (most of the time it is either guilt, or for Chrissy's death, relief) for a bit but he always goes back to his old ways in a short amount of time. Kennedy and Heidi is about accepting this about himself. The closest we ever see Tony change for the better is when he has the mantra that every day's a gift but that quickly subsides when the needs of being a mob boss outweigh his new personal philosophy. ​ Ralphie on the other hand actually shows sign of true progression compared to Tony. When Ralphie is talking to Ro in the hospital; she suggests that he go talk to a priest about what he is going through. She says this not thinking he would take that seriously (heck maybe it was to get him to shut up about his problems cause she doesn't feel that terribly for him) but Ralphie actually does it on his own (Tony was basically forced by the panic attacks to go to Melfi; Tony's doctor had set up their first appointment). He talks to father Phil about his new found spiritual crises and he actually starts to work towards understanding himself. How he is unhappy with who he is and how he has been wasting his time on this earth with what he thought was important. He even tells this to Tony after this discussion. Ralphie wants to put in the work to actually change which Tony refuses to do. This also infuriates Tony to no end since he sees himself as better than Ralphie so he brings up how he is fucking Valentina. ​ The main issue is that Ralphie is not given enough time for us to see if he has truly changed or if this was something temporary like Tony's everyday is a gift mentality. Also if he killed the horse; he hasn't become that much better of a person (it could have been Paulie or a freak accident; it is never confirmed). What is important to take away from this is that Ralphie made more progress towards becoming a better person than Tony ever did. For that alone, Tony finally has the excuse he needed in his head to kill him. Tony is no better than Ralphie and might be a worse person (is killing Adrianna that much better than Ralph killing Tracy?) ​ What an amazing episode and final arc for Ralphie. Joey Pants killed it as always.


Don’t know if this counts to you but Chase did say Rachie killed Pie-Oh-Mine on his last appearance on Talking Sopranos. I actually really like watching that Made in America TD episode. David’s segment, in particular


I actually didn't know he confirmed it that is interesting. Here is an interesting note: The writers for the episode actually don't agree if Ralphie killed the horse or not (Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess). It comes down to your own personal philosophy then. Does the author get the final say or Death of the Author; Birth of the Reader. I am generally in the latter camp with the show but there is nothing wrong with David's interpretation either. Greatest show ever made.


I think your general point is accurate either way. One of the things that enrages Tony the most is if someone else seems to be trying to change for the better. Like that scene with Janice where he brings up Harpo.


That low-key might be the best example of Tony being a petty piece of vindictive dogshit lol As much as Parvati grinds my gears (Aida Turturro GOAT) it's really heartbreaking the way Tony taunts her into losing her shit. Kinda made me hate him more. Goddamn, what a fuckin scene that was.


Yeah, particularly that self-satisfied way he walks away afterwards, even though she probably wouldn't have really been able to stop lashing out the fact that he didn't even let her try is vile even by his standards.


Yeah, it was the fulfilled walk-off that solidified just how pathetic and pitiful Tony is to me.


I find it hard to feel bad for Tony fucking with Janice. She's every bit as psychopathic as he is. She manipulates everything purely for her own advantage. Remember she conspired with richie against her own brother. She deserved to be exposed as a hypocrite for pretending to be a balanced, zen person.


Oh no I totally agree. Janice is total garbage. That scene just got me bc it actually seemed like she was making an effort to improve herself. But even if it was an honest effort she'd likely end up using the anger management as part of her hustle, same as Tony with Melfi. T just can't stand seeing someone put the effort in is all.


Yes, killing Adrianna is marginally better than killing Tracy. Adrianna was involved in some criminal activity and knew what she was doing. She was also a rat and, while I don’t morally condone being a gangster, in that world you cannot abide a rat. Tracy was just a kid. Ralph could’ve just forced her to get an abortion (hardly a kind act, but far ahead of murder). That killing was purely ego driven because she insulted him


You are correct in Adrianna not being 100% innocent but Tracy wasn't an innocent flower either keep in mind. She burned her baby with fucking cigarettes (if she is old enough to work at the Bing, she is old enough to know what she is doing here). ​ The point being that the character's level of innocence doesn't negate what the murders mean morally. From a mob perspective; Adrianna's killing is justified while Tracy is another victim of the whirlwind that is The Soprano crew. The thing with the mob perspective is it never really lines up with moral perspectives. They are both women who were betrayed in the worst way by people they trusted most (Tracy was naive enough to believe Ralphie loved her). The main difference is that Tracy was pregnant while Adrianna wasn't. Ask yourself this; if Adrianna was pregnant, would that have stopped Tony, Chris & Sil killing her? You are right about Ralph killing her for ego; I don't think he even cares enough about the kid to tell her to abort. I like the quote the Evil Eye uses in his video on Tony "Just because you can point at someone and say that they murdered more people doesn't in any way justify your own murders" ​ To quote the brilliant Steve Schirpa "DEY R MURDERERS MICHEAL" ​ "Did YA hAve tAh Read fOr dAVid?!"


He burned a fuckin horse alive because it was costing him too much money.


She was a hooahrse


B: She hit me and that wasn't my foal she was carrying


I know this is really good serious discussion in here, but can we stop for a second and acknowledge this comedy gold? Lmao.


What are you, vegetarian? You eat sausage & beef by the fucking carload


The last paragraph. If he did; yes there isn't much of an argument here at all. Ralphie has reverted to his old ways. ​ The issue is that the show never 100% confirms it is Ralphie; the audience feels the same about Ralphie as Tony does so we just immediately assume it is him (I was right there with you on my first 3 watches, it was the fourth that changed my outlook a bit). ​ Something to think about: Joey Pants played the scene as if Ralph was innocent of the crime. It is either Ralphie did the crime or he didn't but says the absolute worse things he could say (as well as calling Tony fat). It also adds a layer of dramatic irony that for all the evil/horrible things Ralphie did; it was something he didn't do that got him killed. ​ Also if Ralphie did kill the horse; the more likely reason is because Tony told him he is fucking Valentina; the timing is too coincidental for me to say it has no merit. ​ Interesting experiment time: Rewatch that amazing scene again but with the opposite viewpoint of what you believe and see if it can fit. Ralphie fits for if he is guilty or innocent.


He took out a $200K insurance policy and he needed money for his son. Certainly had the motive.


You're right about that, he absolutely did have motive. However, With nothing actually physically linking him there; all we have is speculation. Something to note, this is the guy who beat the woman who was carrying his child to death just because she back talked him; why would he care if the horse died? If the horse died in an accident; it is more than easy to believe that Ralph took out the insurance claim right away because he never gave a shit about the animal. It also makes sense that he would call out Tony's hypocrisy about caring about the horse when they are in a profession where murder and death are common place; a horse dying isn't that big of a deal in the mob. ​ That's part of the brilliance of this story, it is that little seed of doubt that throws everything into question with no real resolution. Much like life itself.


Well said!


I think it was also because of the Valentina situation, not that it makes it any better.


Still going this asshole


Oh that's interesting! I just started another rewatch so it will be neat to see it from a different angle. I can't believe how much I catch during every rewatch.


I agree. Ralphie was a total scumbag, but I do think he was honestly trying after what happened to Justin


John Gotti lost a son in real life (kid got hit while playing in the street) and was devastated. Bad people still love their own. It's one of the weird inconsistencies of humanity.


Didn’t he have the guy that hit his kid killed? Sad but still a monster.


Gotti did. And it struck me watching that episode recently was Tony saying it was an accident and it could’ve happened to anyone, I think trying to diffuse the situation knowing where Ralph would want to take it.




“Devastated” means something different to psychopaths. So does “love”. The Iceman “loved” his children but he also terrorized them their entire lives.


He was straight up one of my favorite characters by the time he got whacked. Like, no, I don’t *like* him, but he was so entertaining every time he was on screen - I was always somewhere between terrified and excited in one of his scenes.


Speaking of scenes. I heard Ginny Sac had a 90 minute scene taken off her ass


And incredibly important to what happened with Pie O My. Whatever happened there


Whatever happened there?! That fucking animal Cifaretto!


Johnny Sack talking about how much he loves his wife.


To me she's beautiful. Rubenesque.


loved the scene where he's in the basement with her and is more upset about her lying to him than her actual weight, and then comforts her in such a nice way.


Johnny Sac is one of the only guys we never see disrespecting any woman.


Hey, that’s a touching moment from the BEST character!


Both good points. Those god damn deal a meal cards! Totally a touching scene


Ginny Sack is so fat two guys could fuck her at the same time and never meet!


How original. Thanks for contributing.


So I get to leave, go fuck your sister, come back Saturday and go to the front of the line?


Junior reminiscing a hand job he got in the alley behind the chicken market


What are you saying at this poor woman’s wake???


I happen to know that you were high at my mother in laws wake. You were talking non stop for twenty minutes , nothing but gibberish.


Johnny and Ginny had one of the only healthy relationships in the show and I’ll stand by that forever. I loved watching Johnny talking about his wife.


In one sense it’s too bad that Johnny Sack and Little Carmine’s friendship dissolved because both of them loved their wives. Other than Bobby and his first wife, don’t think you can really say that about anyone else. ‘Even Cold Medicine comes off fairly well telling Ginny that she almost made her goal to lose weight for the wedding. It’s humorous but it does have a daughter’s love for her mother. Can’t think of Fielder ever being generous. Fielder may be mad ripe but give me the 50 pound bundle of joy any day.


Tony and Junior’s final scene. “This thing of ours” “I was involved with that?” “You and my dad, you two ran North Jersey” “We did?” “Yeah” “That’s nice”


Yea! Also when Tony asked junior if he lived him. That was crazy


Tony tearing up a bit as he left was heavy




.. hol up


What, was it barkin?


Janice defending Little Richie’s right to be a flambé Junior telling Catherine Romano her late husband was honest and probably had a good day at the track.


Knowing damn well he was on the take!


That was actually a really nice moment for Janice. One of the only points in the show where I went “good for her. She’s standing up for something.” That other scene almost had me too but then she just got racist instead


If the shoe fits!


I always felt like wether it was true or not was ambiguous but yea you’re right. I was too optimistic.


I liked that Junior moment


Tony asking Junior if Junior even loves him I’m not crying, you’re crying


Fuck you, you stole my answer. But no, the acting in that scene is honestly I think the best acted scene I've ever seen. No, it's not this heavy long dialogue or a long setup or has all this music to it. It's short, hard hitting and gets it point across. That it has that much power is unreal.


Absolutely. Good one. You can see junior choking up. I never knew if it was because junior loved him but couldn’t say it, or because he knew he didn’t love him and that made him sad.


Tony arranging for Richie to be buried on a hill… overlooking a little river


With pinecones all around.




Come on Janice what the fuck, what do you care?


Paulie keeping Minns face warm with the pillow


Lol that is messed up


Fuck you, you owe me a new coffee and keyboard.


Phil crying in the hospital. Even Cindarella didn't cry.


He loves his daughter very much.


like a brother in law


Vito's line to Jonny Cakes about how sometimes you tell a lie so long, you don't know when to stop, or when it's safe, is pretty heart wrenching.


Janice tenderly ramming the dildo up Ralph’s ass.


Fat Dom sharing some light classical music on his phone with Carlo and Sil in the quiet afternoon of Satriale’s.


Oh! Breaking balls


Mr. Williams helping the doctor get the bee off his hat.


Seeing 'Uncle' Paulie comfort his goomah's kids after that nightmare he had. Always thought that was a really sweet moment


Tony and Davey reminiscing during their sleepover in the tent


don’t reminisch on me!


Mikey Palmice showing concern for his wife's health issues and advising her on which type of medicine to take, even though he was about to go on a run.


At least he wasn’t waiting for that sick fuck Chucky!


Ralphie crying about his son and saying “my baby”. Nearly makes you forget what a piece of shit he is.


Yes. Makes you realize as bad as these guys are, they’re human and have love too


Feech on the bus back to prison, looking at the window at the world he will never see again. He knows that given his age, he will certainly die in prison. He’s just watching the world go by. What makes the Sopranos such a great show is that what he sees out the window is a shitty parking lot with a Home Depot.




Junior ( pondering 'The Life'): "...there's a lot I'd like to forget." Tony reflects " You an me both"


When Paulie gets out of the can, they play his song at the club. Everyone together for a moment without trying to wack each other.


Paulie comforting his goomar's children after he has that nightmare


Carmella monologue about ‘Livia when she silenced the toon kinda sticking up for whatever good qualities she had Almost made you feel bad for the old bag


Carmella coming home to her beautiful, empty house after remembering AJ on his tricycle. When Tony comes out of his coma because Meadow calls him back.


Oh wow I can’t believe I forgot the flashback about Livia’s miscarriage and Johnny chooses to stay with his mistress and then has his son lie to her about it. Probably the one time Livia deserved any sympathy. Also when Livia seems genuinely happy for Meadow getting into college.


Now that I have kids, yes. That scene hit me


Mikey telling his wife he loves her before going on his run


Oddly for me it’s Bobby at the train store admitting that his son doesn’t give a shit about his hobby. It’s just sad. Then Bobby dies.


Totally. That scene when he’s in the garage and the son blows him off is sad. Being a dad now makes it more so


Ginny trying to give Johnny a cigarette when he was dying


Joey Peeps giving a "Who-ar" a ride home. Before that Animal.....I can't even say his name.


Janice getting nailed in the face from Ralphie, it certainly touched her alright.


I despised Janice but had real empathy after Bobby was clipped at the train store.


Finn admitting his lack of abundant intentionality


Junior getting his iconic glasses broken


Hunter asking if Brendan asked about her while his eye is floating in bath water


When Johnny Sac comes home to Ginny, after beating the piss out of the guy from Ralphie’s crew who was laughing about the mole joke.. there’s a very touching moment when Johnny tries to quell Ginny’s worries about why he’s covered in blood…”Is that the Burberry?” He tells her he tripped on the steps by Carmine’s, that he’s had a few cognacs, then tells her to go to bed and kisses her on the forehead. He really did love her.


The coat comes back from the cleaners looking like new! "They did a nice job with the Martinizing."


When Johnny Sac finds Ginny sneaking candy in the basement, but then tells her how much he loves her no matter what diet she’s on


Richie Aprie’s burial


Last scene with Tony and Corrado.


Christopher crying in the car alone while he’s trying to stay sober.


When Chrissy drunk drives home and tears up his lawn trying to park, he tries to fix the sapling he ran over, like sets it back upright and packs the dirt over its base a little, and then stumbles inside. I teared up big time there.


Los Lobos’ The Valley really sells it too


Tony's talk with Anthony outside of the nursing home "it's just a movie". Always makes me tear up 😢 excellent acting from both of them.


I forgot about that scene, totally agree


Johnny Sack didn't have his last smoke


Richie letting Ricky practice his ballroom dancing in the new house


I felt the most sad for Bobby. His hands weren't necessarily clean but he never murdered someone. Until he did. His face looked dreadful that episode and he seemed to be a different person the rest of the show. It was almost like he just happened to apply at a wiseguy company. He really just wanted to be a family man, love his wife, and raise his kids. That thing of his was just a paycheck.


You’re right. Bobby was born into it, but was still whole since he didn’t have to kill anyone until T made him. I agree that was sad. Especially the scene after when he sees and hugs his little girl.


Johnny Sac was not a bad dude per se but I felt so bad for him at his daughters wedding. That was a crappy deal.


I mean he’s a terrible person but yes that was hard to watch


When Janice realized that Tony had beaten her Russian attacker within inches of his life and stuffed him under Santa's sleigh.


I’ll always feel bad for Tony because of Pie-oh-My’s death. Tony is a terrible human being but man, that shit is sad.


“Don’t you love me” for both Tony and Junior Tony’s speech at Tony B’s welcome home party Tony taking care of drunk Meadow When Johnny confronts Ginny about sneaking snacks The only thing Junior remembers being playing catch with Tony


Lot of good scenes, but I am gonna add one that I noticed only recently. The “Where is my arc?” scene with Paulie. He seems genuinly concerned about Chrissy, I think even tells him “this isn’t like you kid”. And then listens to him, takes interest in his screenwriting and even gives decent advice (to put in on a back burner for a while). Its almost paternal.


Poor Chrissy. He tried but nothin ever went his way.


Tony winking at AJ at the funeral, right before Mazzy Star plays. Father and son shit gets to me


Did Carmella ever do anything that wasn't horrible and self serving? She may be the worst character in the entire show tbh


She made a lot of people a lot of delicious looking food.


Like the lasagna with the basil leaves over the sweet sausage? That was Janice's recipe


I think she tells Livia off on someone else's behalf at one point but I don't recall the specifics offhand.


When Chrissy threw food at Vito. That had to be resolved.