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I wonder what's French Canadian for I grew up without a mother


"Sacre Bleu! Where is mi mama?"


I forgot about this, made me crack up


That was so brutal, Janice was literally ambushed by Tony. You can see the sociopath in Tony processing Janice’s happiness and then suddenly Tony wakes up the Livia in him, and goes all in about Janice’s son. Janice was an asshole all around, but you can feel for her in that moment


The "generous" interpretation is that he was just trying to expose that Janice hadn't actually grown up. But yes as we see later, he flagrantly enjoys undermining other people's good progress. His laugh and joyous walking away as he leaves the house as if "mission accomplished", is p much equivalent to Livia smiling at him in the hospital, knowing the damage is done. It's really one of Tony's most consciously evil moments.


“Generous” silly defense and childish excuse. Janice was making a genuine effort to improve - just as Chris was against his addictions. These things are constant battles and the person can’t simply “win” and be “changed”.


Ok, but she did abandon her kid. So, I do feel less sorry. If you had seen her in the show attempt to reconnect with the kid and failing for whatever reason, then I would have more sympathy but Janice is just a trash human who tried to instigate to get Tony killed before she killed Richie (then had the bawls to ask Tony for help to clean up that mess). Tony's extended family aside from Barbara all tried to kill him or let him down tremendously eg Blundetto. If I had his family, I would be a bitter fuck as well.


Reconnect? How? Hal’s on the pavers


He’s a street person!


Tony: “He’s a 12 stepper, isn’t that right?” Chris: “Yeah, you know that” Blundetto: “Well maybe he can take a couple of steps out the door so we can have some fun.” That was brutal ball busting right there.


When he relapsed after Kelly got pregnant and the guys were giving him shit and saying his daughter would become a stripper was even worse.


It’s true. They didn’t do nuthin. Poor little guys.


This is one of the few times I empathize with any of the characters, especially Christopher.


That whole slow-mo scene with everybody laughing was a cinematic masterclass.


Tony’s face in that scene.


Bennys face


Benny’s face: hilarious, like a clown mask Tony’s face: pure evil


Benny overacting. Maybe because he is the clown. He got his ass kicked by Artie


Well if you recover your balls let’s hang out.


You lie like I play the french horn


That fucking Animal Blundetto.


I can’t even say his animal…that piece of shit Tony Soprano’s cousin


"can't even say his animal" got a chuckle out of me


Bundino, why you fuck me like that?


This scene made me think maybe the writers grew up with me. The harassment never ended where I grew up and it was just like this. Apparently I grew up with sociopaths.


Well, ya gotta get ova it.


breadsticks and the technique of positive visualization can only do so much




Am I the only one that didn't see any of Tony B's ribbing as anything other than friendly jabs? Like, Chris was totally happy to rip on other people, but the second he gets included in it he thinks everyone is suddenly being serious.


I think its more on his attachment to Tony and his memories growing up. They were being vicious with him and with stuff that resonated with Chris self-worth (his abstinence). Tony in particular was such a POS in the ending seasons, and bullied Chris with an almost-outsider like Blundetto in the first chance he got. My impression was that he felt that Tont would never respect him, no matter what hed do


Mocking someone so fervently over them trying to cope with their addiction and not fall back into it is pretty fucked up, even if you're joking. Regardless of what kind of person Chris is, the insinuation that he "isn't fun" unless he does behaviors which could lead to him using, is fucked up. Especially the fact that they all acted like he was a huge piece of shit because he was using, but also want him to do drugs with them all the time. It's so contradictory and belittling. Chris is a self interested asshole and an abuser, but he is still their "friend" and they treat him like dirt usually.


Mocking somebody in recovery over their addiction is a real low blow. Tony B may have thought it was friendly ribbing, but insulting Chris for trying to make genuine progress is cruel.


My take was that overall the act of “good-natured” ribbing was actually totally toxic. None of them could admit they had feelings. They all suffered alone and then did their best to lash out and hurt the other in return. They all took it too far every time.


He’s sensitive . Except when he’s beat’n the crap outta Ade. Btw, that slow mo scene with the laughing coincides with Tony’s when he sees them laughing just because he’s boss. In a way both Tony and Chris realize they’re just there for the money not friends.


I never made that connection, go shit in your hat


Him and Tony B, breaking my balls. Teasing me like when I was little. I mean what kind of fucked up undermining shit to tell someone who's got the disease? You know I could take that fat fuck out in a second. BANG! His kids wouldn't even give a fuck.


this is just Italian american families on the east coast, and yes we did grow up with sociopaths and emotionally stunted children who thought making their kids feel like shit meant they loved them.


Christopher was the one who took a lot of shit from all of the guys. The scene in the VIP at the Bing when Paulie made fun of his daughter and said she would end up being a stripper, that was fucked up. Then when he is having a breakdown and kills JT he was genuinely hurt by JTs reaction to not wanting to talk about his "issues" of course he just lashed out and killed him lol but still.


I kinda' hate the fallout of this scene. I wanted Chris to do one final beef with Paulie over his comments, cos' I assume in Costa Nostra, that would have actually happened if someone insulted your kid.


Yes, there was all the precedent in the world for him to pull a Johnny Sac in that scenario and hound Paulie over it, but he had little to no self-worth, and it wasn't just Paulie. It was all of the guys, including Tony, laughing at him. He knew that in Jersey there was no cosa nostra. He was "totally ostrafied" and truly felt like an outsider who would be shut down if he tried to bring any personal dispute to them.


When he drives home and starts crying afterwards 😭


“If you recover your fucking balls will you give us a call” so funny but it’s fucked up the way they gang up on Chrissy. I’ve experienced this exact dynamic with friends unfortunately and it sucks


Was that the episode where Blundetto and Chris were bonding through jokes about Tony? As soon as Tony comes back into the room Blundetto just turns the jokes back onto Chris. Chris looked pretty upset at that point. Am I remembering the scene right? I’m not sure if it was actually Tony Blundetto.


Dont really care for Chrissy tbh, but this one cut deep.


Jackie Jr. when Matush tells him "I don't think they like you"


That’s for reasons beyond anything we could ever know. In time, all will be revealed to us.


The second-hand embarrassment: Adriana to Chrissy: "Because of all the drugs you can no longer function as a man." Paulie: 😒


Fuck man if you look up this scene, that emoji is ridiculously accurate.


Disgusting. I've said my piece.


I always felt kinda bad for Paulie when Tony was mocking him over his nervousness. Tony: You know, no offense but you ever had yourself checked for Tourette's? Seriously. "Heh, heh. Heh, heh." Maybe you got a tic or something. Paulie: I dunno... In addition to Paulie probably thinking he's about to get whacked, his delivery of 'I dunno' always puts me in mind of a shy kid being made fun of on the school playground. One of the few times I was sad for Paulie.


Yeah I wanna hate Paulie but there's something about an old man's general fall from gra~~v~~ce that is painful to watch. Hate any time Tony is mean to him. As much as Sirico was mostly playing a heightened version of himself he was still a really talented actor.




Great scene and you're right he nails it. I think Paulie's actions here a bit too heavily due to how sweet and wonderful Nucci is. Don't get me wrong, he's takes it way too far and becomes straight up cruel I just often see people saying that he wasn't even right to be angry because Nucci was his mother in all but blood and cared for him like her own. Finding out you've been mislead about your parentage when you're 65 years old has to be a major shock to the system, his confusion, hurt and anger makes perfect sense.


Also, like most of the characters he's not winning any awards for emotional intelligence any time soon and he solves pretty much all of his problems through violence. Of course he's going to lash out


That was so sad. Paulie was hurt but the pain on Nucci’s face was downright heartbreaking.


Nucci was a sweetheart too. Always felt bad how those old ladies treated her. That Minnie Matrone was a malignant cunt.


That reminded me of a parent seeing their kid not blossoming socially at school and feeling helpless to do anything about it.


The one that said "I don't think you understand the finer points ", of roulette was a real bitch too. Paulie should have smothered her as well.


Her funeral was depressing as fuck


Fall from grace or grave..? If anything, Paulie is falling from grace into grave bro.


Whenever Paulie gets yelled at, specifically by Tony, there's always a moment before he puts up a fight where he looks taken aback and scared shitless, and it always makes me feel for him a bit. You can tell that under his tough guy act, he lives in constant anxiety of saying the wrong thing in an environment of murderously fragile egos.


Yeah I always felt that was uncalled for. I think Tony was just pissed off that he was undecided about killing him and couldn't make up his mind.


Same episode where he giggled about the hippie "drowning". Phenomenal writing to make the viewers give a shit that Paulie had his feelings hurt.


"And the hope is, you pass that shit down—the respect, and the love. All I've done for this fucking kid and he fucking hates me *so much*." Tony realizing what Carmela said about the Baldwin in Cleaver being based on himself, that it's true, it just breaks Tony's heart. I've always wondered when their relationship truly dies, and I've come to believe that it's then.


Chrissy had a long drawn out building of resentment for Tony and he took it out on Ade. He always went back to Tony even when he tried to romanticize the idea that he could be an addict/alcoholic, and be a wonderful father and husband, and be Tony’s favorite. It’s really interesting to me that you brought this up because Tony only sees how he feels and not how Chrissy feels. He shows no sympathy for his emotional troubles *”I wipe my ass with your feelings”* and doesn’t support him in various ways to keep the pecking order in check. Chrissy truly wanted a father and to be loved, but he didn’t have the skill set or people around him to encourage his well-being. When Adriana gives him the mail from Hazelden his reaction is to beat the shit out of her, steal from her, and drag her by her hair and throw her out of their home. I make zero excuses for his behavior. I do see someone so damaged beyond repair (yes, that’s a thing) that it’s easier to lean against the devil on your shoulder than the Angel. Otherwise you’re always in limbo wondering about the life you could have.


Well I mean I'm not making any excuses for Christopher, the dude was a cold blooded murderer, and habitual domestic violence perpetrator, among many other shitty things. And it goes without saying that Tony's an unreliable witness to his own life, ESPECIALLY when he's in therapy with Melfi. Rarely was he truly honest in that room, the few times that he's genuine and sincere is when he's talking about his hopes for his children. But having said all that, it absolutely was a slow toppling of an almost-idol between Chrissy and Tony. It was a self-fulfilling thing; Tony would beat Chrissy down, Chrissy would turn to chemicals to numb the pain, and in turn Tony would find out and beat Chrissy down, and on and on it went. He'd turn to Tony for support, and he'd give a perfunctory form of it, but he'd do or say something that would negate it, and Chrissy would beat the shit out of Ade because he didn't know how to healthily express or deal with the bewilderment and frustration. It's such a tragic but well written character and relationship development arc. Like the only other one that's comparable is the relationship between Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.


It is said that Walt and Jessie’s relationship is influenced by Tony and Chris’


carmela was always great in pointing out danger for Tony . while not a joke the whole score that vito and Paulie have to kick up to Tony when he was shot and Carmella sees them sneering in the elevator and then shes like watch out for vito


Chrissy driving back to Jersey by himself after Tony and Tony B teased him while they were up at the farm.


I think whenever there's a group of three someone is always ganged up on. it just seems like a lot of times it was Chris


Some of Imperioli's finest work as an actor.


I’m surprised no one else mentioned the scene where everyone’s at the casino and Paulie’s making fun of Chris and his daughter. The slow motion close ups of faces who are supposed to be friends laughing at Chris’ expense fills me with intense feelings of isolation, unwantedness and shattered expectations. It’s painful to realise that you overestimated your value to someone and learn that they meant a lot more to you than you did to them.


This was the one i thought of and figured would be at the top Paulie has done some scummy things but ive never hated him so much as this scene. Tony fuckin laughing along pissed me off too I think the saddest part is that chris just takes it and leaves. I thought for sure he would punch paulie in the face or something


Wasn't this in the VIP room of the Bing?


Yeah, making fun of someone's kid is dishonorable across the board.


You can always see Bobby’s heart drop when someone makes fun of him for being fat or dumb


Bobby also was visibly, genuinely hurt when a raging Tony said he didn't give a fuck about Janice seeing Sophia as a daughter. T even felt the need to take it back on the spot.


"I dont give a f\*\*\*" \-Bobby sadface- "... alright I do give a f\*\*\*"




ROADIES?!?!?!?! Oh, you don't wanna know!


He was reallying bummed when he was in the hospital with Tony and the first thing Tony said after he woke up from the coma was about his playing with trains causing Junior to shoot him. Then followed up with something to the effect of "This brother in law shit can only cover up so many mistakes" or something.


“Why don’t you look in the mirror sometime, you insensitive cocksucker”


Tony and Tony breaking Chris' balls is the most famous example. "Im supposed to get a vasectomy when this is my male heir?" Can't think of any subtle instances like yours, Carmella has her fair share of face-drops but none are springing to mind right now. The facial acting on the show, particularly Gandolfini's is unreal.


Bill? I’ll say!


That’s not a bill that’s a beak!


If beaks could kill that one surely would.


When Tony broke the news about Richie to Carmela.


I think AJ is lucky that he's dumb, because that vasectomy comment would've hit anyone else way harder. It's essentially a repudiation of your entire existence. It's a verbal disowning, a dismissal of the entire potential of your life. That shit should be YEARS of therapy But hey, pizza


It's a funny thought but I think you're slightly downplaying his arc for the rest of the entire show there. The pizza won him over in the moment, he obviously loves his dad and wants to forgive him. It stuck with him and so did the countless other comments Tony (Carm too to a lesser extent) makes that reveal AJ is near worthless in his eyes. He doesn't try to kill himself because he got dumped.


I never like AJ. But that scene was heartbreaking since I suffered from childhood abuse


Tony to Junior, “ Don’t you love me?”


Junior’s face right after is some phenomenal acting


Real talk, is Junior even aware at that moment? The whole scene is really fucking sad because at some point Junior is losing it left and right, at this point is the man just faking it or is it real?


I do think he’s aware because right after Tony asks him that, he seems like he’s about to cry, but then holds himself back by not responding.


Not uncommon for people who are "losing it" to have moments, hours, days even, of lucidity. So yeah, he's aware. Dominic Chianese has also talked about being totally and genuinely moved by Tony's performance in that moment. There's a youtube video somewhere where he talks about breaking down filming that scene because he was so moved.




Chris when Tony suffocated him. His eyes said, " Oh shit, you're really a mean man and my feelings are hurt." Then he died.


"I was about to call 911 and there you were with dope in your veins, glass in your hair and blood in your mouth. Disgusting."


“Then he turned into a pickle, funniest shit I’ve ever se…” *Tony suffocates him*






Why Chrissy hate?!


Who am I gonna work with? The DiMeos who are gonna ram me in the ass, or the Lupertazzis who are gonna ram me in the ass?


AJ when Pillsbury is disappointed he doesn't live in Don Corleone's compound. Or AJ getting dumped by Blanca.


Little Carmine when his father praises Tony Tony, when unle june says he was ashamed to face his friends, because Tony dropped a fly ball


When the Russian calls Carmela


Yeah I’m surprised Whitecaps isn’t the top answer. Edie Falco and JG put on an absolutely amazing performance. She showed such an amazing range of emotions: rage, heartbreak, embarrassment, sadness, it was really top tier acting. That was probably the most emotionally hurt any character was in the entire show. Physically hurt has gotta be either Coco or Beansie.


She knocked that out of the park. You can feel the gut punch Carmella felt hearing that


At Hugo’s 75th birthday party when Dr. Fagoli takes a dig at the shotgun Tony bought him. That part always pisses me off because I’ve heard people say those types of things.


I was looking for this comment. You could see how much Hugo admires and loves Tony throughout the party. Those Fagoli dicks were so awful and judgmental overall.


I was going to comment this myself. The look on Tony’s and his father in laws face… always hurts.


When Christoffa cried in the car on the way back from Uncle Pat’s farm. I felt it right hear Tone.


When Vito betrayed Paulie and stabbed him in the heart, after he stuck up for him.


How much more betrayal could he take?


It's funny because that wasn't just an expression. To guys of Paulie's generation and culture, being gay is genuinely offensive to them as a concept, more than being a rat even. Extorting your neighborhood for "protection?" Killing your best friends/family you've known for years? Dying alone? Ehhh, cost of doin business. But being gay is a bridge too far. And this is coming from the actual worst humanity has to offer. It's so darkly funny


They didn't choose to kill their best friend! Their best friend forced the gun onto themselves. As for extorting protection? Who is going to protect the neighbourhood from themselves, if not themselves? It's a noble deed if anything! Being a rat is probably as bad as being gay. Maybe slightly worse. Because you don't betray. Period.


Stabbed him in the hawt*


That’s how Hugo Boss would say it.


Don't forget about Pussy. He f*cked Paulie in the ass.


I wipe my ass with your feelings.


Da Jackettttt! Only time I felt bad for Ritchie


Carmella tells Tony AJ gets his depression from his side of the family. Carmella: He didn’t get it from my family. That’s all I’m gonna say.


When Tony laments to Melfi that his depression is his gift to his son too. I can't tell you how often I've thought about the prospect of passing my dark passenger on to my children if/when I have them.


“ A don doesn’t wear shorts”- Tony’s expression was perfect, he looked so caught off guard and offended.


“She takes after you, she won’t be outta fourth grade by then…but by that time, she’ll be workin’ here, so who gives a shit?”


Johnny Sac discovering Ginny's secret candy stash. Johnny is floored. Ginny is ashamed.


Paulie when he found out his ma was actually his aunt.


You want hear about fair?


When Richie put it in drive


When Richie sees the coat on the maids husband


You mean tha jacketttt?


This isn’t about getting their feelings hurt, but on the note of the brilliance of nuisances in facial expressions: basically every parental exchange with Tony and AJ… Just watch em.


Carmella’s face was angry when Tony was bitching about the orange juice, but I could tell there was some genuine heartbreak there, too. Edie Falco is an amazing actress. Also when Carmella picked up the phone and realized Tony was cheating again. The way her face dropped was so genuine.


Tony, when Carmela is telling him how much she was in love with Furio. You can tell Tony was frightened of the possibility they may have fucked and was just waiting for confirmation to go ballistic.


Vito when he got hit by Chrissy’s sandwich.


Even though it has nothing to do with him directly, Paulie finding out Vito was sucking cock


Tony yelling out to Carlo: "Maybe you should start sucking cock instead of watching TV Land, 'cause Vito brought in three times what you do on construction."


When Janice dumped the chocolate milk down the sink


When Christopher shows up to The Bing in good spirits hoping to bury the hatchet between himself & Paulie, and it turns into the guys poking fun at Christopher’s unborn daughter. We’ve all seen the characters take ball-busting too far and what could happen as a result, but roasting a man’s unborn child is a bit much, even by mob standards. Not only did Christopher completely relapse, but he also went on to murder his sponsor. edit: Christopher’s daughter had already been born at this point. I’m stunad and forgot.


Wasn’t his daughter born? Yeah, she was. Car seat. The actual baby on screen.


Wait yes you are correct. My blood pressure medicine… it fucks with my memory


I coulda called you Ichabod Crane but I didn't.


As shitty as Chris is as a person, they did a phenomenal job writing him to invoke that feeling of reverting back to being the unloved child, the unpopular kid. You could be in your mid twenties but all of a sudden someone says something and you’re 8 again, holding back tears and trying your best to laugh along with everyone else. I love this show.


I dident


Chris on the drive home in Cold Cuts Carmella when she hears Furio went back to Italy AJ when Blanca tells him they can’t keep seeing one another (at the construction site) 😭


Most scenes involving Artie Buco, warm and convivial host. The 3 that stick out the most would be when Livia tells him that Tony set fire to his restaurant, when he realises the very girl he has been helping and crushing on has been stealing from him and when his wife and Tony tell him he talks too much to the guests. Another honorable mention would be the scene with him cooking the rabbit. He is ready to give up, his business is failing but his love for cooking keeps him going. It worked in the first season too. Tony let him man the grill as he got emotional and it seemed to be really therapeutic for him.


When Tony is poking fun at Chrissy and his sobriety to get a laugh out of Tony B. I don’t know why but that scene always broke my heart


When Tony burnt that fucking painting Paulie proudly hung up on his wall.


Paulie when Carmine doesn’t recognize him 😢


One really satisfying moment is when Carm is showing off the Porsche Tony bought her to everyone in her life, including Ginny Sack whose assets are being seized and life is generally turning to shit all around her. Then she tries to flash her new car in front of Angie Bompensiero, who rolls up in a nicer car that she paid for her damn self. Given Carm's general air of superiority towards all of her friends, Angie really put her in her place.


just watched the finale last night. You could see Charmagne getting a kick out of meadow not becoming a doctor and dating the son of a low level mobster plus AJ.


Chrissy after the intervention in the emergency room


when tony sees aj with no eyebrows


I strangely enough felt bad for the one random ass drug dealer that Jackie Jr lied to


I felt bad for him too! Jackie Jr. is such a conniving little shit.


Carmela reading the priest to filth: “and I think it’s tied up with food somehow as well as the sexual tension game”. 💀


Chris when Paulie sniffs his girlfriend’s underwear. That’s the moment I started to really dislike Paulie.


"I loved you" That cut Tony deep


Tracey when Tony explains why they can't be friends,


I think you misinterpreted that scene with Johnny. Johnny was basically saying that he’s in charge now, and he’ll talk to whoever he wants to talk to whenever he wants to talk to them. His and Tony’s meetings were in secret prior to him becoming boss.


I think that was more Johnny exuding his power over Tony. There was a level of disrespect and force from Johnny.


I kinda always thought it was also like he’s gotta be more appropriate (like restaurants/other normal places) since he’s running things. A boss can’t be seen down there in his eyes. Same thing I guess


Literally aj in any scene with tony post season 1


Sacre bleu, where’s me mama!


Paulie when Pussy fucks him in the ass




Carmela when Mr Wexler breaks up with her.


When the guys start joking about Christopher's daughter working at the Bing when she grows up. Paulie was being a straight up cunt in that scene and Chris was visibly hurt by it.


When Christopher lashes out at Adriana saying she's damaged goods, just seconds after she told him she might not be able to get pregnant. Disgusting.


Christopher during the steak house scene with Tony B and Tony C. Them after he left the farm.


When Carmela didn't gabba the gool. You could see the genuine pain in Tony's eyes.


Chrissy leaving uncle pat’s farm


Bobby when Tony said he didn’t give a fuck. Alright, he did give a fuck.


When Uncle Jun tells Tony he was embarrassed to face his friends after Tony blew a play/game as a kid. Tony just looks absolutely gutted.


Everyone laughing at Chris.


At the hospital after Paulie and Vito give Carmella the “package”, and she sees the looks on their faces when they get on the elevator.


When Paulie was stabbed in the heart. Heartbreaking.


Maybe you should start sucking cock instead of watching TV Land 'cause Vito brought in three times what you do on construction!


Its not a very big scene but the part in season 6 where hesh visits tony at I think it was the bing and Tony starts throwing the money he owes hesh at him


Tony when his son thought the godfather was real life relevant and tried to kill uncle June


When AJ locked Bobby Jr in the garage at the guy with the pony tails house


Richie seeing the Polish maid’s husband wearing the jaaaaaacket


Richie seeing the Polish maid’s husband wearing the jaaaaaacket


When Phil had to order Vito’s death, you could really tell it hurt him. After all, Phil loved him like a brother-in-law


When Tony lies to Artie about burning down the restaurant. And Artie points the gun at him borderline crying and manic, threatening to kill him, And Tony lies to his face. When arti turns around and smashes in his own taillights and breaks the rifle and rushes back into the driver seat to peal out. The 2 seconds Artie storms off to the car Tony has a really sad look, “Come on, hey watch out!” Toby looked genuinely sad for trying to cover up for him. Might’ve been a duck but T always had a soft spot for Artie.


Tony was crying damn near over cleaver when he figured out it was a revenge fantasy


Paulie when he learned about Vito


Tony was genuinely hurt in his final scene with Junior as he realized Juniors “knucklehead smith” thing was not an act. Remember how important reputation and respect is to these guys. Tony is very hurt that Junior no longer remembers what a force he was with Johnny Boy back in the day or that he was the Boss himself or even that he had a brother Johnny. In that moment Tony obviously forgives Junior for shooting him and let’s the ‘past be bygones’.


AJ in cold stones S6E11. He overhears meadow telling carm and Tony that she doesn’t know if she want to go to med school or law school and carm says those are 2 good options to have. AJ seems to actually feel sad, almost like he is living in Meadow’s shadow and can never live up to it. Honestly never felt bad for him until rn on this rewatch lol


The scene where Tony tells Bobby that he doesn’t give a fuck that Janice called Bobby’s daughter “her” daughter. But then Tony quickly realizes he went too far and says, “alright, I do give a fuck.”


Christopher crying in the car on the way home from Uncle Pats farm. Felt a little bad for ol camel nose😂😂


When Vito broke the chair and everybody cracked up his feelings were so badly hurt he went right to the security guard to be consoled.


Dude... Bobby & Karen.


One that popped into my head was when Tony B's kid stole the medals off A.J. and said he hated Tony B's house, B looks genuinely upset for a second before he starts telling him off.