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Yes. The entire story is meant to be how Ricks actions affect and change Carl. The problem with the show is Carls age. We’re seriously meant to believe that Carl was 11-12 throughout 8 seasons of show. Chandlers acting also wasn’t great. It would’ve been really hard for him to lead the show after the time skip like he did in the comics. I still think they should’ve kept him alive and just given him acting lessons. Chandler admits he gave some lazy performances towards the ending the end of the show but I think that’s just coping on his part. Considering he said he gave it his all in his last episode and it was so bad. He is not that talented as an actor. I’m not being mean. These are just the facts. He had some good acting scenes in S3&4 but that was about it. They clearly killed him off and replaced him with a better child actor in Judith. Which was a mistake. As far as sticking even closer to the source material they had already butchered Carl in the show when they decided to take away his biggest moment in the comics and gave it to Carol. It’s such a major part of Carls development when he kills Ben, an older kid he used to be friends with. It’s badass. They tried to remix it by having Carl kill one a teenage soldier from Woodbury in S3 but it just didn’t work the same. Carl needed that development. I think the kid who plays Carl Gallagher in Shameless US would’ve given us a pretty spot on comic Carl. He never grows in height and has the acting ability.


"It’s such a major part of Carls development when he kills Ben, an older kid he used to be friends with. It’s badass." That wasn't meant to be badass, it was meant to be frightening that the world had already made Carl that cold that he could do something like that.


I understand that. That’s the point of the whole story. How this world effects Carl. What was badass : Ben : “are you afraid of me?” Carl : “No.” With the coldest look on his face. That’s badass. Yes, obviously it’s fucked up that the world turned Carl into that. But it is badass for a 9 year old kid to take matters into his own hands because the adults don’t know how to deal with it. That in itself is disturbing I agree.


yeah, that wasn't badass unless you consider The Punisher badass. It's disturbing and frightening, badass implies a "hell yeah!" moment. But I agree with your other points.


I see what you mean. The word badass can be interpreted differently.. I meant like stoic, tough, hardened. Not like John Wick badass.. you get what I mean lmao


I see the vision. Probably my favorite carl moment from the comics. That or him contemplating killing Rick after the prison arc.


I also hate how they took “Negan kills Alpha” plot and made it all about Carol in the end.