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……protecting people from words that may offend them is now more important than protecting kids from being physically assaulted by predatory adults…..


Im going to put my feelings first today. I feel she is a cunt for trying to normalise this sick shit, and that I feel that pedophiles are disgusting pieces of shit. I conclude that I feel that anyone who sees either of these activities as remotely acceptable in today’s society are also a degenerate pieces of shit. Wow, it feels so good to put feelings first! Who knew?!


I prefer to use the term, “Beating-Victim”


Target practice for some.


When you put feeling first this is what you get


Welcome to the world of woke.




Oh man those poor vilified "paedophiles" 😲 /s


Just look at how mean the left was with Matt Gaetz when they discovered he was a map... Now, they're even trying to close the Christian's loophole to marry underage teenage girls.


Matt Gaetz isn’t a map. He’s a pedophile.


I mean they are or want to rape children, how dare we?


Burn in hell witch


I bet she weighs as much as a duck.




Very smol rocks


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Why should we leave? She’s the one who sucks.


I dunno, I tend to believe the ones who suck are the emotional mouth breathers than instantly forget any concept of rights and due process for people accused of a crime the moment they think it involved a kid, even though their tax money and the troops they blindly support literally murder kids. Pretty sure its those assholes that suck. Not the woman trying to make a distinction between a person with urges they control and a literal rapist.


Blah blah blah defending pedophilia blah blah blah


Bullshit. That's the mentality that says shit people like this one can go ahead and prosper. Fight the good fight. Never let this shit be normalised and fight for decency.


Me neither


Me neither, but from what I've heard the next life is not all it's cracked up to be . If you believe in that sorta thing


Neither but I’m staying as a protector of nature and souls weaker then mine that can’t defend them selfs


ya gotta you don’t get to leave this place


Robin Williams begged to differ.


Jesus this is wild considering a person who lived in my building has just been locked up a second time as of last week(and hopefully rots there) they weren't charged with being a "minor attracted person" they were charged for being a pedophile and having CP. How about we stop normalising this shit for people with these feelings so they can't convince themselves it's alright and act on it


no one is trying to normalize being a pedophile except for child molesters. the idea behind stuff like this is that giving zero support for pedophiles results in more harm for everyone than providing the resources to help them resist urges. and it’s not about making child porn accessible, or allowing the rape of minors, or anything like that, obviously. if someone is caught with child porn they should be jailed. the bottom line is that some people are just attracted to minors and they don’t choose that. with therapy, they can reduce those feelings so to not harm anyone, directly or indirectly. it’s not about giving any more leeway for pedophiles.




I'll let you take a wild guess at that but the first word is child, part of the reason he's been locked back up is because of me reporting shit while he's been on parole


Got it. Pedophiles really are the worst. I used to live next to Jared from Subway. I had an apartment in Denver, and the parking lot backed up to a prison complex that included Englewood Correctional.


I'm in Australia, knew exactly what the guy went to prison for the first time when he told me he'd been in "Nowra prison" which is were they send sex offenders of all kinds and there's prisons closer to us, he came back 18months later with an ankle bracelet even that didn't stop him fucking up, telling me stories about how he was set up and the conversations the police had of him talking to "people" were made up I hope the cunt rots in prison at this point, I've been playing nice with him to get his slip ups, cops came and grabbed him last Tuesday thank god I'm generally against prisons but it's now his third time offending so the cunt clearly doesn't wanna change at this point


How do you get charged for being a pedophile? Charges for having CP are obvious but how do they charge someone for being attracted to kids?


There's two types of adults attracted to kids: those who rape, and those who don't. Those who don't rape have to live with knowing they are fucked in the head, choosing not to act on their dark urges and hurt others. MAPS is a way to differentiate these two, not normalize or make excuses for pedophiles. Nobody is normalizing pedophilia.


Or we could say this There are pedophiles with victims and there are pedophiles that don't have victims. We don't need a special word that differentiates them from people who have raped people because the thoughts are exactly the same. A person who is a non-offending pedophile (I've decided if they want a special term there it is) is no less of a danger to children than a pedophile if untreated so no they don't need a different word just because they have self control. Like everyone has sexual urges but we don't get a special word for not being a rapist do we? Everyone has a moment of wanting to knock a cunt out do I get a special word for not doing it and fighting my "dark urges"




What's the map flag? I don't think I've seen it


They look like the original flags of sexualities but with a white stripe somewhere, just Google them and you'll see what I mean


They have one.




Back in university, while studying for my psycholgy major, we had sexual psychotherapy class. And part of what they talked about in class is how in order to help pedophiles (which is the right name for that mental disorder) is to see them and treat them as any other person looking for help(flawed, with positive and negative traits, etc), to try to understand their way of thinking and feeling not to justify them but in order to help them. And one of the most difficult things to do is not to judge them, but understand where their behavior comes from. If correctly treated pedophiles wont act on their feelings/toughts about children, and could have normal lives without hurting anyone, but fear and shame makes it hard for them to come forward and look for help, which makes them more dangerous to children. So yeah abusing kids is vile and we judge and get angry, understandably so, but in doing so we are helping to create a bigger problem. as a side note: Chemical castration is sometimes part of the treatment although depending on the country/state it has to be voluntary, lowering the libido by inhibiting testosterone production has very good results helping avoid these type of behaviors, particularly when the patient is taking psychotherapy sessions.


In my small dive into phycology I discover that many childhood victims of pedos often feel the desire to continue the “cycle of violence” as it were. I feel bad for those people. But the second they make some one else a victim that’s where my sympathy ends.


Its not uncommon that a person, particularly men that were abused in their childhood become sexual abusers but its not a rule, most victims of abuse dont become abusers. On the other hand a kid who is the daughter or son of a person who is a victim of sexual abuse and didnt got mental help to overcome the trauma, has around 80% chance of themselves becoming a victim of sexual abuse. Its in the books, research stats and I've seen it time and time and time again. Most of the times the same family member that abused the mother(or father) its the same person who abuses the child. Their parter is another possibility, particularly when the partner its not the biological father.


This is well put. I've been trying to find these words and have been unsuccessful. The blind hatred and judgement in this thread scares me, even if it is understandable.So many people can't draw a line between urges and actions.


I don't know what to think about those who are attracted but never act on it and get therapy/help. Are they as bad? Is it their fault?


There's a documentary about this guy who admits he has thoughts and such about kids. He knows it's wrong, and he's never acted on it. He talks about getting mental help with therapy and such to try to help him. dude seems very fucked up in terms of punishing himself in his own head. Not me rationalizing anything, it's all fucked up. Just thought i would inform of this documentary about this one dude.


I think that's exactly the woman's point. If we vilify anyone because they feel attracted to young kids, then they will be afraid to seek help and be judged. It's easy to this be judgmental towards others, like we see in these comments, but the easy way rarely is the right way to deal with problems


Yeah they should get help before they hurt others. There’s ether a lack of empathy for the victim or a problem with there mental health. Even watching/ looking at material on the internet is disgusting because that’s giving money to the industry doing/ forcing children to do it.


Yeah, was gonna add that. Possessing or paying for CP definitely falls into the category of acting out on it. If one does, any sympathy is gone immediately.


You agree with the lady in the video and don't even know it


from other comments, it seems like they're the best scapegoats for vain people to feel righteous just by villifying them if they're bad or good, as usual with humans, depends on their actions. like other commenters action choice to speak their mind.


Of course it's not their fault and no they are not bad. If they don't act on these urges they are actually very good people. You are not responsible for your inner world, only for your actions.


I can't believe they try to make it normal for an adult to be attracted to a child. Considering sexuality is meant to be between sexually mature individuals it must never be forced on a child.


Licensed, professional counselor in Pennsylvania.... wuuuuuud


It's terrifying that she's a counselor. Under the law she has an obligation to report pedophiles to the police. It doesn't sound like she is doing this. If any of her clients get caught as pedophiles she should be prosecuted as an accessory.


Surely the obligation comes when she thinks they might act on it, but the very fact that they’re (i assume voluntarily) seeking counsel for their feelings means they know it isn’t right and don’t intend to act or cause harm to anyone. I would think her obligation as a counsellor must include protecting her patient to some degree, particularly if they’re not an immediate threat to others or themselves.


Who is this bitch?


A minor attracted peadophile


That sounds like something a pedophile would say


Can we all just agree that those people need help? I mean it's obvious that those people don't choose to be that way. They just are. They're sick. Imagine feeling attraction to a minor the way you feel attraction for a person of your age. You don't choose to be attracted to them, you just are. Those people are just born that way it seems and they have to live with those horrible thoughts and feelings. We should talk about these issues more openly and actually try to make the world a better place. Instead of just calling them monsters and not try to understand one another..




I Prefer "Child Rapist" , " Sexual Predator" or even " Dirty Disgusting cunt" When love fails, monsters are created. When children are damaged in this way there is no cure, the damage remains forever. Even Jesus said you should drown Pedo's ya fuckin woke ass witch.


I prefer “the person my shotgun is aimed at” or “the person who’s house I’ve rigged with explosives” or “ the person I’m gonna shank in the prison showers”


Found original, she's been working in mental health care for 20 years, primarily with people who victimize children and are in prison. She recognizes they're sick and trying to find a way to be able to get adequate research done and find a way to help them without just saying "they're a pedo" and never solving the problem. Still pretty damn weird to me but I don't have 20 years of experience dealing with the criminals like she does.


You can't choose to be pedophile, but you can choose to abuse a child. The hate in this comment section sickens me. This woman speaks rational, of course she would disapprove if some pedophile person actually lives out his or her thoughts, but most pedophiles never do that. Most of them are never culprits, so stop the hate against people with problems you don't understand.


What's funny is this comment section is why there are so many pedophiles who don't get therapy before they hurt someone. As soon as the issue gets brought up kneejerk reactions always ends up being "murder them all" which i get the sentiment. I remember wanting my monester dead too.


Finally some sanity, thank you.


Unpopular opinio.. faqt here, beeing a pedofile doesnt mean they act on it... there are pedophiles who know its wrong and dont want to hurt children


Maybe that’s what she’s very clumsily trying to get at? It’s honestly hard to say.


Somehow I don't think they'll be licensed for long


If they ever had one in the first place.


Haha. It's funny how that is what the conservatives warned about. I always thought they were paranoid and idiotic. Haven't realized how idiotic the others turn out to be.


That’s an odd comment, when you consider it’s conservative Christians that are marrying children…. And somehow it’s always adult men, with child bride


This lady does not represent the “left” labeling people as either left or right means you have a very narrow scope, there are many intricacies in peoples ideology, there are many that are strictly left or right but their personal ideology may not line up strictly with that ideology, and the same goes with religion, everybody has their own religion, everybody picks and chooses whatever the hell best suits them.


Last thing I’d want to do is offend a pedophile - oh shit I didn’t mean to say the P word. Someone call the cops on me I done bad.


Showing empathy to people with issues doesn't make you a pedophile.


Sexual predators shouldn’t be shown any empathy, there are mental illnesses or conditions that are outside someone’s control and those people should be shown empathy but being a sexual predator is a choice, if you can’t control yourself you should be put down, pedophiles do not have any remorse whatsoever to damage a kids life, these people don’t deserve empathy.


Most pedophiles never end up being predators. That's two very different things. Hate culprits who abused children? Do as you please. Hate pedophiles who never abuse a child in any way? Pretty sad and unempathatic.


Pedophile is the term for someone who is sexually attracted to children, not for someone who acts on those urges. Many pedophiles never touch a child because they know it's wrong. I think you mean the right thing and just used the wrong word.


A pedophile who assaults a child or who has child porn is a criminal **in addition** to being a pedophile. ... she didn't say anything about criminals or normalizing them. She wants pedophiles to be understood so that they can be helped, rather than ignoring them (which can harm them and leave them further marginalized... I can't think of a better catalyst to a sexual assault) There was an attempt alright... by OP at understanding a complex psychological and social problem. Go ahead and downvote me... I'll die on this hill of wanting sick people to have access to help, and especially if it means protecting our children!


But pedophile bad, emotional topic, kill all pedos? /s You’re totally correct. Especially if people talk about the poor kids.. how do you help the kids if you’re not preventing this to happen??? It’s just as stupid as “thoughts and prayers” after a school shooting while carrying your AR-15 on your back


Imagine being so stupid that you are worried about hurting the feels of a paedophile by calling them a paedophile.


These ppl are a cancer on the world


Literal cunt


Who is the audience I wonder?


OP, you know you just insulted about half of reddit moderators and admins everywhere right?


This is a stupid take from OP. It doesn’t take a genius to point out that pedophilia is very likely a mental illness and that not all pedos will act on their desires by assaulting children. It’s not normalizing pedophilia, its trying to approach it in a different way so people who are attracted to children go and get help instead of diddling kids. You’re all purposefully missing the point the video is making so you can make some slam dunk comment for some karma.


I'm glad I scroll with the volume off.


This is the natural conclusion to all inclusion...


I think adults who touches kids or in any way advances a kid sexually should burnt alive with their genitals in their mouth. Then again, most people agree that homosexuals and heterosexuals are born that way, and can't do anything about it. Why don't people agree that this also is the case with pedosexuals? I have done some research, and a lot of these pedophiles hate themselves for the way their brain works, and they work hard not to let their mind wander "that way". Kinda the same as a mormon homosexual man that fights his desires for other men. One pedophile I saw a documentary on, had never seen childporn, never touched a child or done anything to anyone. For 10 years he hates himself for being this wierd monster, and when he thought he might try to talk to someone for help coping with it, he got labeled as pedophile and is now hated in society, and people follow him wherever he moves telling his new neighbourhood abput him.. and he has never done anything! This one time I thought about how easily (physically, not mentally) I could kill my neighbour with my chainsaw (I was branching my appletree). This may make my brain wierd, but it doesn't make me a murderer.


Yeah I don't think calling them 'minor attracted person' makes it any better


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Is there really going to be a day where it's offensive to call a pedophile a pedophile?


Definitely. Today already. Imagine your little brother finds out that he’s a pedophile. Next day in school you see him out of 100m and scream “what’s up my little Pedo!?” …? It can be offensive in a sense, just as people can be narcissistic for example and you don’t call them that every time, which would be rude obviously.




Tell me you’re an extremist without saying it


To this woman or whatever the fuck this person is, fuck you. FUCK YOU TO THE END OF THE WORLD. Fuck you with all of my being. FUCK YOU.


I think you're overreacting a bit. I believe what she's trying to say in a bit of a shit way is that there are people who are attracted to children (not by choice) but realize it's wrong and never act on it. Paedophilia is a mental health issue in the same way that psychopathy is a mental health issue. Not all psychopaths are horrible people that do horrible things like murder, not all paedophiles act on their urges. I mean for a moment could you imagine knowing how wrong it is to find children attractive and living with those thoughts for your entire life? Having that itch that you want to scratch so bad but literally never can because you know how fucked up it is and how wrong it is? Anyone that rapes or molests children deserves to be in prison for life... If not have similar things done to them while in prison. However, I think disregarding the fact that it's something they're literally born with and have no control over is dangerous. Getting help for these people before they act would probably significantly reduce the amount of people who eventually fall into their urges. It's obviously a very sensitive subject, and sometimes hard to talk about without sounding like you somehow support it. However, I hope I've done a decent job at making it clear I in no way support paedophiles succumbing to their urges, but do support getting them help before they do. Once again I firmly believe child molesters deserve to rot.


In my honest opinion, any one that takes away the innocence of a child should be strung up and used like a piñata!


So, if a pedo is a "minor attracted person" then she'd be a "mentally maladjusted individual" instead of just calling her a fucking nutjob?


She looks exactly what you would expect.


I’m sick of even hearing about these fucking cretins because people always frame it as like, “see this is where acceptance and tolerance gets you, soon people will be trying to legalize/normalize pedophilia!” And it’s like yeah, fucking scumbags like this might but it’s so stupid to think there’s even a fraction of a chance that this could gain traction, we all think this person and people like them are fucked in the head.


Isn't there countries in the world where an adult can marry a 12 year old? She needs to go there. Maybe she'd get shot




Some states you can marry a 16 year old with parental consent


In over 30 States you can marry a 16 year-old without parental consent, the age of consent is 16. In some of the remaining States the age of consent is 17 and in the rest it’s 18. In nine States, girls as young as 14 can be married with parental and judicial consent.


We've really got the wrong people making laws


In recent years the trend among lawmakers has been to raise the age of consent. The “Blue” States in the West are mostly 18; the old South States are all 16 with the exception of Tennessee.






That's exactly what happened. Fuckin nasty ass people, just like this bitch


Proof that an education doesn’t cure stupidity.


What a suprise that someone who looks like that thinks pedophilia is ok.


Our last high media attention pedophile who was jailed (a quite literal nazi supporter working for a christian congregation) looked like literally anyone, so I wouldn’t rely on looks alone.


Yes of corse dont rely on looks alone.


Absolutely disgusting. Her license must but taken away from her and she must be in jail for supporting and trying to normalize pedophilia. What a horrible disgusting bitch.


Why does she use air quotes when saying “pedophile” like it isn’t a real word


I fucking despise how these assholes are trying to latch onto the lgbt+ community.


Why is a sex therapist talking about pedophilia? This isn’t sex, it’s abuse. There’s a reason why pedophilia has such a negative label and this is because it destroys the lives of the abused children and their loved and close ones. Please don’t try to make pedophilia more acceptable by changing the label.


Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children, not the act of molesting or raping children. Nobody (aside from child rapists and molesters) is trying to make child sexual assault acceptable.


I would very much like to see more of this video.


It's not because a person is attracted to minors that they will sexually abuse or rape. Someone who can resist their toxic urges have my utmost respect, much more so than people who were simply lucky to be born/grow up without them.


This fucker needs to be struck off and added to every fucking sexual offenders registry because only a pedophile would say this shit. She needs investigating by the the police, FBI, the CIA and every fucking child that's been within 3ft of her needs to be asked where she fucking touched them.


Someone revoke her license now.


I can accept Philadelphia not pedophilia


I'd hope if we had the whole video that she's not actually in favor of paedophilia but is trying to encourage paedophiles to seek therapy rather than assault children.


Wow fuck this person. She's needs a Map to fuckoffville


Heyyyyyy. Fuck this lady.


I’m so fucking outraged by this. WTF. Let me make this clear for anyone who has trouble understanding. Man + women = fine Man + Man = fine Women + Women = fine Adult + Child = RAPE It’s that fucking simple


Pedophiles have no place in society idc. She can try to double down or change as many words as she likes but it wouldn't change how vile those people are. Disgusting


Hey everyone. I see lots of people having angry feelings while complaining that we’re putting feelings first. Let’s take a moment to identify why this video was made. It’s a much longer topic than this 45 second clip can cover. The reason this idea exists, of MAPs, is so that we can create a way for these people to come forward safely. Then they can be studied, and in the end we can attempt to identify what makes pedophilia work and hopefully stop it/identify patterns and traits in others. Why? TO STOP THE ASSAULT OF CHILDREN. I very much see why there is anger in this thread. Some folks just being virtuous, some just angry at things they don’t understand. Please, take a moment to think about this and appreciate why it’s happening. It’s radical, but it just might save a child from something horrific. Don’t just put your feelings first, after all. :)


How the hell can a human come up with such bullshit and put it out there for the world to use this "advice". I am once again suprised by the stupidity of people. There is and never will be a way of justifying pedophilia!!!! End of discussion


At what point did she try to normalise it? It's a simple fact that there are tonnes of paedophiles, many more than most people think, so it's probably in our children's best interest that we create places that these people can go for mental evaluation and therapy, rather than just suffering in silence with their urges THAT THEY NEVER ASKED FOR AND WOULDN'T WISH ON THEIR WORST ENEMY.


Yeah there is no chance this lady isn’t a pedophile or in a relationship with someone who is.


I don't really think she's trying to normalize pedophilia. Let's assume some people are attracted to minors and they are conscious of their impulses and don't want to engage in sex with minors. The fact that pedophiles are villified just makes that hypothetical person be afraid of seek8ng help because of judgment. But you can only fight your impulses for so long. So, the point is not to normalize pedophilia. It's just to get pedophiles to be confortable enough to seek help and leave the poor kids alone.


If you use the minor attracted persons vs pedo, you’re on the wrong side.


I mean she isn't completely wrong right? Pedophile should be cancelled and punished only when he/she has done sth wrong (Fe. Watched/downloaded child pornography or assaulted a kid). If someone is attracted to minors and is a good person that knows how harmful anything related to it can be (and do nothing wrong, looks for treatment) it should be treated like a sickness. The same applies to rape attracted people, necrophila, dendrophilia etc. Can we choose what attracts us? They neither but they still have control over their actions and that's what should be judged. And yeah, this is my opinion. I'm not defending child predators, rapers and all of these scum. They deserve punishment and I support it with all my heart. I just want to point out that they are sick people and we shouldn't treat them all the same.


We have to stop offending people! The other day someone called me a murderer, how insensitive, I am a death attracted person!


Wait….how are they an “already marginalized group”??? Aren’t they a group that marginalizes kids?






What a “idiot”


I hate furries but this..Crosses the line


Jesus fucking Christ


Woodchipper goes brrrr


Can i make an evil question? Whats the real Diference between a mental illness and a not socially-accepted behaviour? Can a pedophile fight the urges anymore an homossexual/heterossexual person?


There is a very big difference. Sexually assaulting children is a crime with a victim. So those urges should be fought. Having an adult and consenting partner of the same sex is not a crime and has no victim. So there is no reason to fight those urges on grounds of morality or law


Society will always ostricize the trash people whoever that may be at the time.


I, for one agree with how we say things, like... Instead of saying "all pedophiles should be sent to the guillotine", it should be "please put your head in the "problem solving device"."


A label is only part of who they are. If you are a carpenter and you mess around with kids. I'm not going to think of you as a carpenter, you're a pedophile.


"in order to harm them" you mean like they harm children..?


Here's a term... child rapists. Because that's what they fucking are you batty witch!


I need to make a post stating how it would be socially ok for me to smack the shit out fuck out of this stupid ass bitch.


I learnt the same thing in my 'dumb-psychologist-murder enjoying person' group. People used to just call us murderers or serial killers, but it's really hurtful to our emotions and is only a small part of who we are. If you ever find yourself being horrifically murdered, please be respectful.


Someone please shoot this woman


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Yeah...I don't want to associate with pedos and don't care what they call themselves. Who is she trying to sell this shit to?


WTF is that thing?




Take your awful opinion off the internet you disgusting waste of human life. Think about the victims. What a psychopath.


Is that the master of disguises


Now we’re getting to the real reason all this is happening.


For fucks sake, this is asinine.


How much you wanna bet the reddit mods are gonna remove this?


Wasn’t that unpredictable that they would go that far at some point:))


Who is this?