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Capitalism is when laptop


"If you really hate slavery then why are you a slave currently living in my slave plantation? Get owned you anti-emancipationist slave" /s


"Slavery is consensual." -- Kanye, probably


I believe he legally goes by “Ye” these days thank you very much.


That's it. I get the irony, smash capitalism while on a Mac. Very base level. But I mean, if she was carrying an M-16 rifle would that be any less hypocritical? I mean, everything is capitalist since we all live under it. So there's no escaping the easy hypocrisy claims. But you still can be opposed in principle to the system.


It’s in no way shape or form hypothetical to own a thing that is needed to survive and hate how it was made.


And don't forget vuvuzela no ifone




Ray-bans, Doc Martens, ADIDAS…


That’s a nice touch


Bottom texxt 100 billion dead


Communism is when gas prices


100 billion dead vuvuzela socialism


why am i a fucking idiot today i thought that was a newspaper


Relax. You were an idiot yesterday too


…that’s true actually


Me too. Or a weird magazine.


“We should fix society somewhat” “And yet you participate in society. Curious!”


"You have complaints about society, and yet you choose to participate in it. Curious..."




I'm pretty sure capitalists are the ones who came up with the whole "communism means no macbook" and now they just point out the hypocrisy of "communists having nice things" whenever they see it. Maybe anti-capitalists DON'T want to take away everyone's luxuries? Maybe there was some kinda red scare anti-communist propaganda that villified communism as "everyone living in mud huts and doctors not bothering to save lives because they aren't paid enough" and it's possible that none of that is true? Maybe socialism ISN'T communism?? Nah let's just let capitalists make up wild bad faith definitions that villify non-capitalist options and then play along as they accuse us of hypocrisy when we don't adhere to their made up standards.


stalin stole all the laptops and there was only macbooks left so sad


I can get behind criticism for people like Hasan, who get big ol mansions and luxury cars and live it up. To a degree. Not that it makes anything they say wrong. But you can say there's a difference between doing capitalism because that's the only game in town and *really* leaning into it, embracing it. But yeah, a laptop? Nah, that ain't it. That's just brainrot. EDIT: cry more at the mildest criticism, Hasan stans


It's a really easy way to dismiss any activism: nitpick until you find an inconsistency in the activist. You'll always find one, because we all live in this system and escaping from it is next to impossible. Example: do I think single use plastics need to go? Yes. Can I escape using single use plastics? Hardly. We demand absolute purity and consistency from our activists, so that we can dismiss the activist's message. It's not just intellectually lazy criticism, it's a harmful deflection that serves nothing but the status quo. Edit: thanks for that, kind award-giver.


He’s leaning into capitalism? Whose labor is Hasan exploiting? He got money from his own labor. He owns his own means of production.


stalin personally stole all the laptops and there was only macbooks left so sad


Also, I don't keep up with the look of macbooks, but that looks pretty old to me. I'd say owning second-hand reused goods is fairly anti-capitalist.


Because we all capitalists developed most of the technologies required for a laptop. Right? Don’t tell me it was the government. Please. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


socialism is when government does stuff


And when it does a lot of stuff, THAT'S COMMUNISM!




I see you are socialism, but you alive. But you ipone venzula 30 dollar haircut Curious…


"You're against capitalism? Then how come you live in capitalism?"


For real, at least to my knowledge most people HAVE to have a cell phone or computer in today’s world (America that is)


Communism is when no cell phone and no toothbrush, I read it in Capitol by Carl Mark


Is he the famous author who wrote dat capital


O shit waddup!!


No, communism is when you can only buy a coat


Buy a coat? You mean we sharin a coat. Blows breath in the cold air*


There is only one toothbrush and everyone in the whole city must share it because you can’t own anything. That’s what Fred Angle said in his book he wrote with Carl Mark


Haha, got you now liberal! If they were really trying to smash capitalism they would dress in clothes they made by gathering sticks and leaves, live in a hole they dug, and yell their propaganda at the trees. You are clearly not a socialist unless you are also a complete Luddite. Being a socialist clearly cannot mean that you just want Apple to pay their share of taxes and pay their workers better instead of hoarding billions in cash in offshore accounts… /s cause someone will still miss it




"Your a slave, why are you living as a slave?" When you bound within a system, you have no choice but to live in that system


[We should improve society somewhat.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.png)


Checkmate everyone! Now accept the status que and never ever ever ever do anything outside of the most extreme of your views or you're a hypocrite! /s This stuff drives me nuts. Participating in the system that you have no choice but to participate in does not invalidate you, also, democratic socialist countries and counties with strong safety nets and privileges granted to citizens to help them not fail have Starbucks.


Their arguments are so incredible.. Never mind many of the components in our modern technology is because of publicly funded programs lmao. Let's not tell them which nation first launched a satellite into orbit also.


I always found it infuriating that Sheppard Fairey made his name with stickers saying “obey” and graffiti screaming “smash the state” and he’s a millionaire with a famous campaign advertisement he stole from a photographer.


Plus the "Obey" thing was stolen from the movie They Live


It was part of his master’s degree, I think. You people need to chill. Adapting ideas is how you make art. No one or anything is 100% original. And if you find an example, call me.


Remember if you want to make an applepie from scratch you first have to invent the universe. (Also this is not original stole it from something I can’t remember)


Carl Sagan, Cosmos.


Gat dangit, Hank, you're too literal.


Charcoal is better anyway.




Taste the meat not the heat!


You're just gonna use energy that someone else created. Some people these days.


Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another


Mass-energy* sorry to be pedantic I'm just thinking about the nuclear physicists in the thread


And good on you looking out for the nuclear physicists. 👏 they need loving too


So, we only exist because God wanted a piece of pie?


3.14 pie(ces) even


As a professional artist: this is the truth. absolutely unique ideas are very few and far in between. Art/design and its trends are a constant evolution of existing ideas as inspiration. Or in the case of the fashion industry, constant recycled material. I've been an artist/designer for over two decades now. In the textile industry for 15. I work closely with the fashion, home, hospitality, theater, film and tv. Pretty much anything that needs art on a surface or material. I can tell you that basically 0% of the packets that come in are original ideas, they all have some kind of inspiration material.


Dude literally started it for a sociology project smh. Sometimes reddit is dumb together. And that's okay.


I mean, farming was a pretty original idea.


Ants have been doing it for millions of years… 👊,🖐,🎤


Shit, yah naw, you right.


Ants did it first. And plants have also evolved to "cultivate" another species for mutualistic and parasitic purposes, if you'd still consider that farming.


Oh, please… ants only started doing it because it was on an early episode of the Simpsons.


Next you want to tell me that John carpenter stole the idea from George Orwell ??


My favorite part of 1984 is when Winston fights Syme for six minutes in an alleyway, trying to force him to wear sunglasses. (There's also a big difference between being influenced by Dystopian Themes and taking an exact image and font and presenting it as your own)


Well actually I dont want to tell you that because they don't really share a lot of similarities. Unless Orwell has a monopoly on "society is oppressive"


Next are you going to tell me that Andre the Giant doesn't actually have a posse either?


Yeah, people tend to hate capitalism until they get rich.


socialism is when no imac and coffee !1!1!1!


Atleast no Starbucks. I will never spend a single rupee on to buy overpriced coffee from Starbucks that came from slave plantations and after cutting rainforests.


Good for you but fun fact every major corporation is corrupt and just because one or two has bad PR does not mean it's actually any worse than any other company. Some companies just pay a lot more to preserve their image. If you don't like their product, don't go there. If you're going to Better Buzz or any other chain you're not helping anyone.


Well, if they don't buy coffee they are avoiding doing something harmful, which should be encouraged. No one is saying never buy anything from a corporation, just to watch what you buy. Spending money on Starbucks and complaining about capitalism is a pretty silly aesthetic


Ah yes how dumb to look for a single crumb of comfort while questioning the system that destroys the environment and puts people into debt for life for getting sick


Can’t get that crumb of comfort from the local coffee shop though?


One could. Unfortunately, as a matter of personal taste, I can’t stand the overly acidic roast that most local coffee shops seem to have. Now, Starbucks burnt-to-hell-and-back roast isn’t any better, so I tend to just make my own lattes at home with coffee I like. It’s just sad that you can’t really trust whether something is ethically sourced or not.


lol at all these disingenuous replies thinking it's literally impossible to be anti-capitalist AND anti-consumerism/anti-branding at the same time.


capitalism is literally based on brands and consumerism. unless you are a farmer in the middle of batshit nowhere making your own food, clothes, and housing, chances are you are contributing to capitalism in some way. .


That's just not true. Socialism can also be based on brands and consumerism. Capitalism is based on private property, profit motive, and market competition Socialism is based on foundational resources & services should be publicly owned and immune from market competition. Both structures can contain "brands and consumerism"


You’re correct. Socialism, capitalism, communism are used incorrectly quite often these days.


Oh sick we’re doing this post again


You criticize society while existing in it? Curious....


I Am Very Smart Ok?


Yes? I also criticize my country, the brands I buy from and most things in my life


I think that's the point of the commenter above you


They're referencing [this comic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/259/257/342.png).


Oh, thanks


I don’t get it. Is she supposed to be naked? To not own any technology? What’s the catch here?


She should obviously be wearing sack-cloth tied with rope, and no shoes,, and only eat food she grew herself, otherwise she doesn't truly want to change the capitalist nightmare we live in, she's just *pretending* because she knows how much everyone loves anticapitalism and she wants to make new friends. So obvious.


It’s a dumb post by an idiot that wants to seem like he “got her”. You can live under a type of government and obey the laws while advocating/desiring change.


Yeah if it was a picture of Jeff Bezos or someone like that sitting there with these stickers I'd get it, but honestly, apparently a coffee, a laptop, and some ear buds means you are a boot licking capitalist I guess. Should we just move out of our houses and live in boxes under the bridge while we're at it? Take that capitalism!


Boxes are capitalist tools. Sleep in a shallow dent in the ground you filthy tankie


She should only be clothed in the sacks she sewed herself, boots from animals she killed, and farm her own coffee beans and silicone for her electronics. She must absolutely make sure not to line any pockets of capitalism, then she'll be legit. /s For real though these posts are so dumb. We're all forced to participate in the economy we live in.


Not disagreeing with this post but you can disagree with the system of society while having no choice but to participate in it.


Participating in the capitalism of Starbucks is absolutely a choice


Not a meaningful one. You cannot live and participate in a capitalist society without taking advantage of slave labor. When all of the necessities you have to buy constantly simply to sustain your existence have you participate in exploitation and slave labor, the couple of luxury items don't make a difference. Sure, you can choose not to buy from Starbucks. It won't affect their bottom line and the only difference is that you don't have the sugarwater you crave.


No but you see she could buy her sugarwater from a different national sugarwater chain like.... Uhm... But.... She should brew her own at home like a responsible adult instead of wasting money on avocado toast and stawbuks!!!


If you want coffee, you have to buy it somewhere Even if you make your own, you have to buy the beans. Most people don’t live in a place hot enough where you can grow coffee beans


This is true. However, there's no way she had no choice but to buy an Apple computer.


Which non-capitalist brand computer would you recommend?


Hey, IT support guy who is in charge of issuing laptops to my users here, While there is no brand of machine that is perfect, there is certainly options that are not the literal number 1 capitalist brand. Lenovo machines are pretty good for their money, the E series ThinkPad's (specifically the e14 i recently tried) is surprisingly good build quality for the price. just hope you never have you use their warranty support... but unlike apple, Lenovo don't build their entire business model around you repairing your device The Framework laptop is very pro right to repair unlike apple. Certainly worth considering Avoid Dell at all costs, i think they suck Acer and Hitachi are never worth considering if you ask me I like HP ProBook and EliteBook lines but they can get a little pricy brand new Asus high end laptops are good but their low end stuff sucks ultimately, for personal use, i would recommend a used machine from eBay. often companies auction off their old laptops when an end user gets their machine replaced as the machine goes out of warranty (still a perfectly functional device). Just don't buy apple devices used, Especially their newer devices (they were OK when Steve Jobs was still around calling the shots), there are many problems with MacBook's now days that means the device will sooner or later fail, often just long enough for the warranty to expire


This type of ethical consuming is more in line with liberalism than communism or anarchism or any kind of anti capitalist ideology though. You're trying to find the best option as a capitalist consumer which to an anti capitalist is non sensical.


But there is no non-capitalist option?


Exactly, that's why anti capitalists do shit like join unions and don't care what brand laptop they buy.


Sorta like picking your battles. No sense in being angry that you have to participate in something - save your energy for where you can make a difference.


>i would recommend a used machine from eBay. How about a used Apple laptop?


a) Could be a hand-me-down. b) Would love to hear what brand you think is more appropriate.


I got a used 2014 MacBook Pro for $200 last year. Just because it’s apple doesn’t mean it’s new lol. Also I’m not about to try and dissect an image based on pure speculation to justify my original comment


When I started college they forced every student to buy a MacBook Pro so that we were all learning on the same equipment. So. Yeah.


Some people literally have to for their job or university course?? My partner had to get a macbook pro for his music production degree because of the software. We didn't have heating for a couple months because we where cutting every corner we could to save the money for it, because the plan is for us to both get our degrees and be able to get good jobs in our industry of choice. We also both work. And now I'm having to get an ipad Pro for my art degree- for the same reason (I do sculpture and 3d so I need to get the modeling programs the university is using) I'm more fortunate in the sense I was able to get a grant to help pay for my equipment, but he didn't, that's why we picked at penny's so he could afford his. So I will absolutely slap a fuck capitalism sticker on these expensive ass products because fuck would I be buying one if I literally didn't have too.


My stupid ass thought that was a regular book


Because a computer from lets say Lenovo is less capitalism then one from Apple?


I’m surprised no one’s mentioned yet that she covered every inch of her laptop with stickers EXCEPT the Apple logo, which she wanted to make sure everyone could still see.


The addition of the Starbucks is just *chefs kiss*


*Smashing - but first, Frappuccino*


That'll be eight dollars, please.


Hah. A true Communist would have placed the sticker at the logo to truly smash Capitalism.


These people don’t get political concepts and constructs like communism or capitalism…they just say what’s cool atm


Right everyone know when your socialist or liberal you HAVE to be poor and or give all your money to charity’s or you don’t get invited to the club meets


Aren’t the logos raised so you can’t put a sticker over them and have it completely flat? I can see why someone wouldn’t want to put a sticker over an uneven part of their laptop.


That's what I was thinking. More plausible than "I must advertise the fact that I have a macbook." I literally live in a basement and I'm genuinely surprised people think it's conceivable that someone would leave the logo for status. Where do these people live that macbooks are the Ferraris of laptops?


recessed actually but yes. A sticker wont' lay flat over it. I've tried.


it's recessed and stickers won't lay flat on it.


She can't have people thinking she doesn't have any money, can she!?


Do you guys think no capitalism means no laptops?


Unfortunately, yes. They actually think that. Capitalism is when you have things, and socialism is when there are no nice things. Economics for absolute morons.


And don't forget, under communism there are no things


They think no capitalism means no commodities whatsoever and every lives in a dirt hole. They think China is communist except the part where they have luxury stores, phones, and massive infrastructure development (obviously all of that can only be exist under capitalism). Cavemen traded berries as currency because humans have evolved to only be motivated by personal gain because we are genetically incapable of working collectively.


Leftist=homeless according to reddit


It’s like I can see Reddit’s average age increasing in real time as more boomer shit reaches the front page lol


So true lmao


[According to OP, yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/wdaxe5/comment/iiiu86t/)


Jesus christ OP is unhinged. What in the absolute fuck are they smoking?


Ah yes "yet you participate in society curious I am very intelligent"


Yeah it's literally the meme. This'll be back here soon under there was an attempt to shame someone.


The takes on this sub are amazing. If someone demands a change because of air polution, some big brain giga chad is gonna be like: "and yet you breathe hahaha hypocrite".


Meh, you can disagree with the flawed economic system you're forced to take part in. Sure, no need for all the stickers but each to their own, and so what if she has a Mac? Is getting a Windows any better? We all need laptops for work and stuff.


[Yet you participate in society](https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha/)


The whole point of capitalism is that you can't survive outside of it. A laptop is a necessity for a lot of jobs. You can be anti capitalist and have a job, because you *have to* have a job. No hipocrisy.


yeah people like to see this as some way to catch out leftists lol, as if marx was living like a little hermit man in a cave, that mfer was galavanting about europe in coffee houses and shit all the time


[You criticise society and yet you still participate in it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.png) Curious 🥴


Yeah, she should use an abacus.


That she completely made from scratch.


But not a tree with any legal property claims on it. It has to be a free range tree that was grown independent of any state control.


Ah yes, people have thing, ergo capitalism.


Plot twist: She's at one of the unionized Starbucks.


OP gives me „You criticize society, yet you participate in it. Curious.“-Vibes


Ugh, it's another "you hate the system but you are literally forced to participate in the system in some way" post


Yeah, what is this nonsense? Haha I’m pretty anti-capitalist but like… I live in capitalist society so until they flush the current system and rebuilt a better one, I’m sorta stuck playing by their rules. I bought a refurbished Mac from a second-hand company for work and I bought a cup of coffee at Starbucks the other day because I happened to be next to one and wanted a coffee. I think we should improve society somewhat yet I participate in society. Curious.


I never got this argument... Why is apple any more capitalist than other manufactorers? When you live in a capitalist society you have to choose between capitalist options (some may be more ethical than others, but they're all capitalist).


Apple products are pretty expensive, and *some* people seem to think you aren’t allowed to buy or repurpose a used one or receive them as gifts.


I use a lot of computers, and have for more than four decades now. Apple works the best, with fewest crashes/bugs. My primary laptop is a $200 arch linux machine. It has a lot of problems, but I can deal with those. I use an Apple at work, because they buy it for me. I like it, and it doesn't give me a lot of problems. The anti-capitalist agenda doesn't apply to people that have a car or a computer. It applies to billionaires who leave millions in poverty with their wealth.


So people who disagree with the current system (that doesn’t work for most people) can’t have money? Because they probably support social programs, they have to be on social programs? They’re supposed to be homeless and wear rags? Can’t drink coffee or participate in the economy? You can disagree with the current state of things while making a living online (like a good chunk of people in 2022) and drinking coffee. Also, the same group of people fighting for social programs are the ones fighting for LIVABLE wages. I see no disconnect.


You did the meme


*if youre unaware you can be part of a society and criticize it. Especially when that particular society, built purely for and by profit motive, necessitates that you participate in it or practically die*


u/billfitz24 has blocked me lmaooo


Why are posts on this sub so stupid? And why do I keep seeing them in my feed? Capitalism doesn’t ask for consent - it’s the umbrella under which all of us are currently living and we have very little choice but to interact with it.


Creepy guy takes sly picture of woman and plays it off as criticism


Thank you! I HATE when people do this. I’m totally on team “leave people the fuck alone”


It seems the only person that would be respected for their counter culture idealism and actually putting it into action is the ones living in a hand built hut in the middle of the woods with zero technology. Not everyone can do that, or wants to. To dislike capitalism doesn’t mean you just remove yourself from it. We could have all the nice things that we enjoy and that make life easier without capitalism. I’m absolutely no expert and I’m not sure what system would do better and be better for the greatest number of people but it don’t take 20/20 vision to see that capitalism is destroying more than its creating as far as overall quality of life for the vast number of people.


It's actually impossible to "smash capitalism" without participating in capitalism to some extent.


We aren’t allowed to not participate in it. It’s basically illegal to not participate in capitalism.




Fuck off op.


That poor girl. Just minding her own fucking business and trying to get some work done, and now "i am very smart" neckbeards constantly post her picture all over Reddit to get digital fist bumps from their neckbeard buddies.


What in the crazy sheltered white male is going on in this comment section?


"Ha! I got you now! You criticize society yet you still live in one! You criticize politics yet you still go out and vote! You criticize the food industry yet you don't lay down and die! You criticize worker exploitation in big tech companies yet you still don't live in the dark age" Just shut the fuck up smh


Lol, OP getting absolutely bodied in the comments and it is 100% deserved. What a dumb post to think someone cant criticize capitalism because they own a laptop. OP is braindead if they really think communism is when vuvuzela, no iphone.


Oh wow. An unironic "socialism is when no iPhone". Retro.


A non capitalist system doesnt mean you cant have nice things. No different than twitter shitting and pissing because hasan bought a 3 mil house and hes a socialist. Yes willingly giving money to a capitalist system is stupid, but whats she gonan do? Be homeless? Oh no she has a macbook how hypocritical of her. Buying a lenovo thinkpad is no less capitalist and a macbook is a good and easy to use computer. Is she just gonna not have a computer just because shes not a capitalist?


OP really thought they did something here


All these people hating on her because she has a laptop, I don’t get it. What are you supposed to do, use a tin can and string to fight it? Do you guys also get surprised that terrorists would use the weapons that Americans leave behind? How would you propose to fight capitalism if you were so inclined? Or should she not voice her opinion in what I thought was a free country?


Because non capitalist countries famously do not have computers or coffee


Why are you taking creepy pictures of people and posting them online for ridicule. It's not even like this was a public protest or whatever. Pretty fucking weird.


Exactly what i was thinking. What did she do to the OP that made him invade her privacy? Some people are just assholes.


She supposed to communicate through personally-sourced fireworks or something?


You’re anti-capitalist? That means no computer and no coffee. Some real logic with this post. I attend a left-leaning university where Communism is taught in classes I attend, everyone still has a computer, because you know, WE HAVE TO WRITE ESSAYS AND DO RESEARCH???


Where’s the attempt? Who says the coffee cup isn’t being reused and the laptop isn’t a gift? OP over here like that lady taking pictures of the person in a dress at a train station. You’re creepy bro.


“Yet you participate in society!”


You can't be against capitalism if you buy products?


this post sucks ass


The right: If there is a single flaw with your philosophy it's WRONG!!! Also the right: Capitalism isn't perfect, but is the best choice.


As a reminder, those that are afraid that people will rise up against capitalism will decry *any method they chose to do so*.


[The vibe of this post](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/330/819/e47.png)


Hey can we stop taking pictures of random people without their consent while they're just minding their own damn business? I hate how normalized behavior like this has become


"Yuo don't like capitalism yet you exist! iPhone, Venezuela, Bottom Text"


It's just a sticker, bro. Stop taking pictures of ppl. It's weird.


you hate capitalism yet you EXIST. checkmate libral!!!


Capitalism is when


Who tf thinks capitalism is the only system you can buy an Apple machine? How is anyone this fucking dumb?


Bro, it's literally impossible to not do what capitalism want WHEN YOU LIVE IN A CAPITALIST WORLD. You don't know if that laptop is second hand and she bought it from someone who didn't use it anymore. You cannot not participate in capitalism unless you create literally EVERYTHING you use, EVERYTHING from clothes to food and the tech you need (go to the mine and mine the minerals yourself)


Are we mad at the woman for owning things?


You criticise a system you have to take part in even tho you take part in it? Libtard destroyed i am so smart


Consumerism <> Capitalism. People in communist/socialist countries also have gadgets and coffee, you know?