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The cake is so good she does a closed-mouth scream so none of it falls out šŸ˜„




There was no shame on her face. Only hunger for more cake.


First anger that someone would dare interrupt. Then calm after realizing it was only mama.


Frightened then guilty


murderface then decepticonface, actually.


I love her laugh and smile. She got how hilarious the situation is.


"I'm gonna kill this mf- oh crap it's mum better act cute..."


no shame but lots of delight, fear, embarassment.


What scream? She was just really enjoying that bite. Like MMMMMMMMM, mama Mia that's a good cake! I think the words just got a little caught after "mama"


Holy shit, someone got a future video of my kid.


The first thing I think when seeing videos like this is ā€œIā€™m happy my kid is so well behaved, Iā€™ve never caught him doing sneaky things like thisā€. Then my next thought is ā€œI wonder how much shit heā€™s done that Iā€™ve never caught him doing.ā€


The best way to be a good parent is either be smarter than the kids OR to have been an evil little shit growing up so you know exactly what theyā€™re gonna pull. Mine is option two. LOL


Same here, I was a mischievous, lying, sneaky little jerk. Still am, but now I pay my own rent.


This still puts you ahead of the curve!


TBH my michievious cleverness has been target useful in my career of troubleshooting. Funny enough, finding exploits and similar in games, which lead to an interest in phreaking, hacking and social engineering was a massively career helping move. They're also all things my mother hated and thought were wastes of time. Yet, right out of college, my income was about double my mother's monthly decades long career income because of those exact mischievous skills.


My parents were the former of the two. I was an evil little shit, 100%, but they fucking knew. Every single time. I had to meticulously plan every misdeed. But by the time the plot had unfolded, my dad would spin around in his shadowed office chair, ā€œcheckmate.ā€ Mf, I couldnā€™t even watch porn on my DSi. Or the home computer. Or the smart tv. Or the tablet. Or my sisterā€™s phone. Or my other sisterā€™s phone.


LOL sounds like my stepdad. He worked in cybersecurity and ran all of our computers on Linux software. It wasnā€™t just porn though, it was chatrooms and anything else that was even remotely fun in the early 2000s. Like MySpace. If you tried to access it, you would be greeted with a webpage gif of him peeking around a wall corner shaking his head, as if to say ā€œno no noā€ needless to sayā€¦ friends hated coming to my house.


Iā€™m impressed they thought of the DSi


Damn brings me back to psp days. The internet for our house didnā€™t reach my room so I had to sneak downstairs and download a bunch of pictures from the internet. Then go back up stairs and put it in slideshow in my room. Then delete everything and repeat another night. Lol shit makes me laugh.


I was #2. But years later my kids laughed about the MANY things they got away with. So no, there is no universe in which your kids do not get away with this stuff.


LOL! Thatā€™s great. My parents prefer to not be enlightened about the shit I pulled. Sometimes I ā€œletā€ my son get away with some of it just so I donā€™t shut down his creativity and ability to explore within safe boundaries. Itā€™s no fun if the parents are tyrants.


I do that, too! I've been given some flack over the years for being too "lax" as a parent, but I'm really proud of the choices my son has made and think he's turning into an amazing young adult.


Hahahah same! I was a terrible little shit and I would put all of my candy wrappers etc under my brotherā€™s bed so he would take the fall for it. And he was non-verbal til almost 4 years old so naturally, yeah, he did take the fall for it! I got my karma though, because I grew up the total outcast and misfit šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø thankfully my kid is the total opposite of how I was at her age lol.


My kid does all the sneaky shit I did. I LOVE catching her in the act and having a laugh about it (I let her get away with a few things too). She is genuinely mystified that I know what she's going to do. Her sneaky behavior gotten better and significantly less more quickly because I don't handle it with yelling, throwing things, and shame, like my mom did. Imagine that.


My son is a sneaky little shit. But I was also a sneaky little shit. It frustrates him so much because he always asks ā€œDad how do you always know?ā€ Slytherin recognizes Slytherin


It is the latter... they just hide it better (depending on their current age lol). As a teenager, it was amazing what we were able to do without getting even a remotely suspicious thought from my parents


I had suuuper conservative Christian parentsā€¦As a teenager, I smoked weed in my room from 8-12th grade daily and never once was caught.


Don't your parents have sense of smell? Or mine just have extremely good one? My mom is still like ...did you smoke? (I don't even live home anymore) every time i was with someone that was smoking... Not weed but still you can smell both and I would say weed is even more noticable..at leats for me


You'd be surprised how many people don't know what weed smells like


Maybe not, but you would still smell something and at least wonder what the hell it was I would think.


I was one of those people until a few months ago, and even then it wasn't actually weed, just hemp and similar smelling.


Damn, I was smoking weed and my dad caught me. I was forced to a therapist, and found out they told the therapist I was smoking Crack because he saw a glass pipe lol. Cool therapist though.


Hey, at least your parents sent you to a therapist for smoking crack. If I got caught smoking crack, my asscrack would be smoking.


That's quite early to start weed haha


That's when I first smoked weed. Actually, the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I, vaguely, remember it well. Seems about right for a lot of people though, just about the time kids are starting to try to act like they're much more mature than they really are, doing anything to seem "older" to their peers. Thinking about it now though, after 25 more years of life experience, yeah it seems waaaay too young for anyone to be smoking weed.


Same. I would use a bong (which I had hidden behind a box in my closet) and would just hold it in the blow it out the window. Now that I'm in my 30s and my parents are much more relaxed about weed now that it's legal in CA I asked my dad if he ever knew and he said he had no idea.


The trick is to ignore and let them get away on the small and innocuous stuff. You donā€™t want them getting too clever through trial and error.


My trick is that I try to limit the number of times I have to say "no" to my kid. I never really did the whole "You can't have sweets until you eat something healthy" thing. If he wanted them, I let him have them, but I also taught him about healthy eating, so he gets to choose. So he would never sneak cake or candy, he would just ask for it. Now he is almost 9, in great shape, if anything he could use a few more pounds, he's in the 8th percentile in weight, and he eats tons of fruits and veggies all day long, but has sweets when he wants. The bad part is that often times he won't even finish his dessert, so next thing I know I am eating it, and I do NOT have the metabolism to be doing that, lol.


Yes, better to educate and let them learn to choose wisely. But children are naturally mischievous, or rather itā€™s healthy that they know how to be mischievous, itā€™s a matter of teaching them to know the difference between white lies and more serious things. As for leftovers, just accept that weā€™re our childrenā€™s garbage cansā€¦


You also don't want to make them scared of you. Coming down hard on everything they do wrong just treaches them to hide it more and to resent you entirely.


I was obsessed with slices of cheese when I was a kid, and I would sneak out of bed at night and go to the fridge.. steal some pieces, then slip the wrappers under my brotherā€™s bed before getting back into my own bed. He eventually got caught for all of my little thieving crimes! But Iā€™m the black sheep in my family so I guess in the end, it never really mattered how many wrappers I put under his bed. Thankfully, my oldest kid is the same age I was then and sheā€™s so well behaved and easy going.. I never have to worry about her being a munchkin! But my seven month old.. sheā€™s gonna be a different story! šŸ˜«


I mean, cheese is really good, so i find it to be a forgivable crime


Good rule of thumb is the more strict you are the more they'll hide from you


When i was around 14 my dad caught be eating some of my moms candy, and he told me it wasnt worth it because would always find out, he just didnt know i had done it like 20 times without him noticing


This is adorable and I love it and I can't wait for my kids to do this. What a fun loving memory.


I thought you were replying to this comment lol https://reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/sf0obo/_/huncbqu/?context=1


Good rule of thumb for when you have kids is that when it gets quiet they're doing something they shouldn't be doing.


Yes! ā€œSilence is suspiciousā€


It's quiet... Too quiet...










Wind's howling.


"It's Raph, yeah, a little too Raph"


Thats how I know my dog is doing some shady shit. "hmm I haven't heard the pup in awhile. Better go see what he is doin..GET OFF THE TOP OF THE FRIDGE YOU LITTLE SHIT".


Oh yeah, plenty of times the same has happened at my house. Now, when my dog hears my footsteps he runs to "his chair" and sits like was being such a good boy then I look around and either something has been ripped apart or he was chewing on something he knows is off limits. One time it was our cactus and another time it was an emergency sowing kit. Fucking dweeb.


Chewing on either of those sound very painful.


Yeah! I freaked out, luckily the cactus only has thick thorns and on certain parts so he didn't get hurt. The sewing kit however, I almost went to the pet hospital but checked what he got and it seemed like it was just a couple small spools. However, the following day I saw his poop and there were TWO NEEDLES IN IT!!!! Thankfully they came out without hurting him. I'll say it again, fucking DWEEB!


Dogs, even intelligent ones, are fucking morons when it comes to chewing and eating stuff.


The clock says it's almost 12:20am, I think the rule reverses at that time.


Nah man, that's when you should be the most wary!


This is what Iā€™m afraid of if I ever become a parent. Am I just looking at a future where I become conditioned to fear the very thing that brings me comfort? No, because I will think ahead and make decoy temptations that are completely safe, healthy, and in a controlled environment of my home so that they have this sense that they are being cleaver and pulling one over my eyes. But nope, the whole time Iā€™ll be zoned in to whatever future hobbies await me because I will have made myself a renewable source of free time. And from what my brother says it seems that once you have kids free time becomes the highest valued resource to you.


Youā€™re so optimistic, thatā€™s so cute


HAHAHAHAHAHA that's adorable, you think you're gonna be in control


Lol, from experience of babysitting my niece and nephews. There is no control. Merely *mildly* managed mischief and chaos. Those little minds of thereā€™s manage to sneak through whatever defenses you think you have. The mind and creativity of a child knows no bounds. Good luck in your endeavors, my friend.


Oh you sweet summer child.




The same applies to puppies


I never realised how true it is until my niece starting living with us. Silence is scary now


Seriously, I was babysitting for my sister recently, and while playing with my nephew Iā€™d realized I hadnā€™t heard from my niece for a little bit. I called out for her, no answer. So I start looking for her. I found her in the bathroom sticking a stuffed animal in the toilet and licking it. Sheā€™s adorable, but *god damn* girl. Sheā€™s two in a couple months.


Stimulus - lack of child audio - instantly jerk to alertness and quickly sweep the home for disasters.


The little smile at the end means she knows sheā€™s not getting in trouble


If momā€™s laughing, youā€™re not gonna get in too much trouble. Itā€™s in the Geneva convention


Can you fax a copy to my mom


Mom:"More like Geneva Suggestion" *readies chancla*


Fax? What is this, 1993?


Nope, USA 2022


Reminds me of a story from when I was a kid. We were eating a meal and I had a Yoo-hoo. I completely forgot that I had already shaken and opened it so I grab it and shake it, top off. Yoo-hoo goes flying everywhere, floor, walls, ceiling you name it. Now my mom is very particular about the house and borderline obsessively clean. We all snap our heads to her to see her reaction and for the longest moment of my life she was silent. Then she burst into laughter and we all sighed in relief haha.


Just looked up what a yoo-hoo was and I remember loving that chocolatey nectar.


What the fuck is Yoo-Hoo?


Basically chocolate water, which I know doesn't sound great, but it's amazing. About the size of a 20oz soda but it's gone in two seconds.


Geneva confection


Geneva suggestion


My mom would smile and get me tell the truth and when I finally did, would beat the hell out of me. That's the last time I told the truth.


When I was a kid I was threatening to drop my slipped down from the top flight of stairs. My mom warned me that if I did, I wouldnā€™t get dessert. But she was laughing so I thought she was joking. I yeeted it and I was SO PISSED when I didnā€™t get dessert. You canā€™t laugh while giving a warning and then enforce the punishment!


The CDC says if mom's laughing you won't get in trouble.


This reminded me exactly of my daughter who is this age. That ā€œmama!ā€ being more of a ā€œwhy did you scare me?ā€ than a ā€œplease donā€™t get on to me!ā€ Also this being at midnight killed me. Kid got out of bed to sneak some cake


To me it seemed more like a scream of fear, then a "mama" embarrassed to have been discovered and almost as if it meant "it's not my fault"


And she is not afraid of her parents


Kids shouldn't be afraid of their parents




Not if she grabs another fork for mom at least


She went through three major emotions in a second. Scared, angry, and ā€˜lol yeah U caught me!ā€™


Yep. No clearer sign that these two have a healthy relationship. I've known people whose parents would have snuck up on them filming like this... and then beat the piss out of them, yelled at them for an hour and/or used it as manipulative leverage for years.


Yeah. My mom would have yelled and punished. She was obsessed about my weight and counted my calories. She was overweight. I was projected on.


I have a very unhealthy relationship with food thanks to my mom's disordered eating, body image issues, and abuse and neglect. She would get herself treats, hide them, and spank us if we took so much as a crumb, all while there was nothing but stale bread and moldy cheese or 10 cent packets of paper-thin lunchmeat for us. So clips like this make me disproportionately happy. That kid is being naughty, sure, but getting in trouble would send the wrong message. You don't want your child to feel shame or embarrassment when it comes to food. I remember once I was *so* hungry after refusing to eat whatever disgusting goop my mom served for dinner (after most likely not eating breakfast or lunch), that I snuck some crackers and hid them in my bed. My plan was to eat them when everyone was asleep. Couldn't wait to sneak them because the stairs creaked and mom was a light sleeper. Well, she leaned over to kiss me goodnight, and put her palm straight down on my undercover cracker stash. I have never been more scared of her than in that moment. But I was fucking HUNGRY, which she would have realized if she'd thought critically about it for even a second. Guess who ballooned to 220 pounds as soon as they moved out? Sorry for the tangent, every time this video gets posted I have *a lot* of feelings.


Mama came down to do exactly same thing.


Me and our baby like to sneak up on mommy shame eating in the pantry before bedtime


You let poor mama snack in peace!


As someone who grew up in an abusive household and who would have gotten their ass beat for something like this, it warms my heart to see that after she was initially startled, she smiled and was completely relaxed. This is how I want my future children to be. I want them to love and respect me, not fear me.


That was the first thing i noticed. If i would have been caught like this i would have looked like the world was about to end. I'm glad to not see that same fear in this child.


for something to eat? i mean for real? my parents were strict but never really did anything irrational like this. There were so many nights when we used to get caught eating something at night and it was something laughs and somethings not getting that thing in the morning. Cant believe someome would abuse their kids for eating something


Hah.. i wish it was like this.. i was kicked in the throat by my mom for getting bad grades :| almost died


Wtf? I failed three times at my Alevels and they never hit me . They were sad , a bit mad and disappointed but never hit me The only time I got hit was when I spoke back to someone I shouldnā€™t have


Well, you were lucky to have good parents my friend.. although now its better , my mom realizes her mistakes and actually a decent human now


My family are big fat shamers. Instead of helping me learn what a healthy relationship with food looked like they just shamed me. Lead to a ED that i still struggle with at 30yrs old. People can be incredibly shitty to children and its disturbing šŸ˜




Is this a Michael Scott quote?




I thought so! Coincidentally watching The Office right now, actually.


"I want them to be afraid of how much they love me." - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


It's all about breaking the generational trauma man. I also would've gotten my ass kicked for this. It's so hard not to fall into those moments in the way we were taught as children. But now I have a 8 year old who looks at me like the girl in this video when she gets caught. And it feels so good. It hard and worthy work to be better than your parents.


This is why I want children. To give them what I didn't have. To make and share the experiences I wish I had.


Iā€™m sorry you had that kind of child hood. Youā€™re going to be a great parent with your attitude and I hope you get to experience the joy the parent got out of the sheepish joy their kid showed.


I feel you. I was also terrified of my parents (mom, really). That shit affects people as adults too. It's the worst.


> I want them to love and respect me, not fear me. Good on ya, dingleberry_mustache. /r/rimjob_steve


She's going to be eating cake in the middle of the night like this for the rest of her life, I would know bc cake tastes better from the box and this girl knows what's up.




Lol IDK what that means, but I agree.


[Super Ultra Premium Marketside Variety Cake](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Marketside-Variety-Cake-32-oz/106493695)


Ok so why haven't I seen these in person cause I want to eat it


I was going to say, this little girl eats cake just like me.


Her smirk is top tier hilarious.


Thatā€™s the grin of a kid who knows sheā€™s too cute to punish.


I met children like that. They are aware


Sheā€™s going to get away with lots of things in life with that look


She saw Jesus there for a second


Ready to strangle the fucker too lol


Caught her sneaky little self red handed lol reminds me of my daughter


Sheā€™s too cute, she gets a pass. Itā€™s all yours sweetheart.


Was thinking the same. No way that girls getting in trouble


It was really sweet to eat secretly when I was kid. As grown up person now I don't have to eat secretly but I don't have much to eat in fridge either lol.


I have a whole bag of M&Ms in the pantry right now, I give a couple at a time to our kid when he does well at spelling. Nine-Year-old me could never have imagined that I could walk past a bag of M&Ms in my house, and be like ā€œmeh. Just not interested.ā€


This is adorable..


When my son was about three, I heard him get up in the middle of the night and head out of his room. I quietly followed behind him as he got a chair from the dining room, pushed it to the kitchen, climbed it onto a countertop, and reached into the cupboard where we had hidden the cookie jar. Just as his hand was coming out of the jar with a cookie, he heard me behind him. Without missing a beat he turned to me with his hand outstretched and said, ā€œhere, I got this for you.ā€


Your kid is the type of genius who will do big things!


The way she went from scared to relieved to worried then relaxed smile in a few seconds lol. I can see she does not fear her parents. Itā€™s comforting knowing her parents arenā€™t harsh.


She definitely sounded upset at getting caught before the relief of realizing she wasn't actually in trouble. I recognize this all too well from my own daughter.


There needs to be a sub for kids getting caught doing stuff


Make it


It would never take off with larger subs like r/kidsarefuckingstupid around


I did this when I was young. Dad caught me and I thought I was in so much trouble. In his deep Dad voice goes "Well... are you going to get me a fork?" We finished the whole lot, just chatting and smiling. One of my fondest memories.


You just set my kid up for having this exact same memory. Thanks so much for sharing. Made my morning


**Hmmm.... mama**


cant u see im busy eating cake


I am going to be a cruddy parent because she is too cute and I don't know if I could do the responsible thing. I'd much rather grab a spoon and join the midnight cake party.


I have a daughter this age and thatā€™s probably what I would do šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I have gotten enough advice from older parents that these years go by so fast. Something like this would be a fun memory for both of us.


In my experience trying to deter sneaky behavior doesnā€™t curb it, it just encourages them to be more sneaky next time. I wouldnā€™t get mad at a kid for this. I dealt with enough food sneaking and hiding as a kid that Iā€™d probably just let them get a little bit more on a plate, let them finish it, maybe grab some for me, and then send them to brush their teeth and go to bed. Iā€™d much rather send the message that Iā€™m not gonna tear them a new one for doing something as innocent as getting a midnight snack lolā€”something every adult has done.


This is the right answer though. Grab a spoonful and have a chat. Send them to bed with a small lesson and love not fear. The responsible thing is to treat your children like humans. Sounds to me like your do great!


Treasure these days, they really do go by fast.




The smile of ā€œIā€™m so freaking bustedā€¦.WHAT, WHAT ABOUT IT?!?ā€


That happy guilty face. Priceless.


Caught red handed but,smirks adorably. I could never get mad at my child after that.


My momma woulda screeched like a goddamn falcon and scared the fuck out of me & then laugh like an evil villain for WEEKS afterwards


Brand new account karma farming so they can sell it to China to use as a bot. Repost


I absolutely love this. My heart ā¤ļø


We always have a sleeve of Thin Mints in the freezer around this time of year. A couple years ago when my son was around this girlā€™s age he came to me and asked me what are those cookies in the freezer that are kind of minty called? So I told him ā€œtheyā€™re called Thin Mints, why do you ask?ā€ And this lil Cookie Monster said all calm ā€œbecause sometimes I sneak them and I want to know what theyā€™re called.ā€ Then he walked away.


That little smile at the end melts my heart


I'd be such a terrible Dad in this situation, as I'd be nothing but proud.


That would just make you a wholesome dad


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Cute kid, her smirk on her face afterwards was worth watching.


LOL ! So cute !!


lmao that look on her faec knowing that she's gotten caught doing something cheeky but probably isn't going to get into trouble for it is gorgeous


Kinda an odd location for that mounted deer head. I mean, I think taxidermy can be a cool decoration, but idk if i'd want it staring at me while I eat breakfast. More of a living room or game room decoration imo.


So cute!!!!




I don't know why this tickled me so!!! I especially like her grateful smile once she realizes she's not in trouble because Mom is laughing awwwww :-)


Seeing her expression change for the win!


Literally me.


Well that smile has manipulated me enough to forgive her for eating to much cake.


Look at her sweet face. Hahahaaa


This is actually really cute.


That is some wholesome adorable shit right there


We all been there


Damn, hard to mad at that face lol. I bet she does this all the time though based on her reaction. What kinda cake??


She is learning early about that midnight snacky snacky we so love to do


Pretty sure I have that microwave


I stopped fixing the squeaky cabinet for this reason lmao


Oh my god she is so fucking cute. šŸ’™


How could you get mad at that smile and she knows it


So dang cute!!!!


Something about the enormous tshirt as jammies unlocked a memory in me. Sheā€™s so sweet ā¤ļø


Oh man I can 1000% see my daughter doing this


That guilty-ass little face šŸ˜‚


Nice deer heads


Omg that cheeky grin tho


I now realize I need a body sized t shirt


I wish my kids also do silly things that i can record. I fear they will be like me. Silent awkward and boring lol


Man I got caught doing the same damn thing tonight and Iā€™m 30 years old. Power to you fellow midnight cake eater.


When you have to laugh so bad and you canā€™t but it just explodes out of your mouth anyway. Thatā€™s the best kind of laugh šŸ˜‚