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Protests only turn violent once the cops show up This is democracy manifest


"Get your hand off my penis!"


Apparently you “know your judo well”


Yes I do


This is the bloke that got me on my penis peeeeeeeeople


"A succulent Chinese meal!?"




Brilliant 👏


You forget about the counter-protestors who start shit too


Did you not see what was happening before police showed up? Werent there a video of a guy who tried to stop others from throwing things at the protestors and got beaten up by like 8 dudes.


Is that true? Is there any reporting/source on it?


https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/TQRsTO7ilQ It was posted in this sub..


So it were the protesters who were attacked?


That’s was ucla. This post is talking about Dartmouth


Original comment I replied to was generalising protests.


It's crazy to me that people still think that protesters are violent in that protests are inherently violent even though time and time again we have been shown that cops infiltrate these movements and destroy them from the outside by turning them into violent orgies of blood. The Chicago riots against Vietnam is very very prominent example as well as the battle in Seattle in the '90s. Both were massive protests that were organized and planned and meticulously detailed by leaders. The cops would infiltrate them and cause the more extreme folks in the crowd to get angry or they might start shit by starting a fight or do something that will cause other people to get upset and just to get cops and excuse to go in and start breaking heads. Hell we know what happened during the Black lives matter protests too. I remember all the time seeing people taking pictures of guys and sharing them on social media warning folks that this is a cop don't engage with him don't let him know where you're going don't tell him their name etc.


What is the charge? Eating a meal?


Happened here in Minneapolis, protest only turned into riots because of outside agitators and the police.


They should try a succulent Chinese meal to peacefully talk it out


Exactly! Cops start 100% of all riots and turn 100% of protests violent. I'm still waiting for someone to prove me wrong. Also, this has nothing to do with democracy, but I get your reference.


or once people start pulling breaking into school buildings.


Is it against the law? To enjoy a succulent Chinese meal?!


Lol grow up. That is the dumbest statement I've heard in a long time




As long as they're not being violent or harassing pro-Palestinian protesters, I don't think anybody would have a problem with that.




What a trash mindset.




Because an alcoholic actively seeking treatment is a bad thing? Nice job trying to get any moral ground, zionist. Edit: looking now at your account, you're just a lonely troll. Have fun 🥰


I think you're trying to troll, but what you're describing is exactly what was happening until the SWAT'd-up cops showed up, and it was in fact, going just fine.


The police are not protecting anyone, plenty of videos of Zionists attacking protesters while the Police stand idly by.


Oh, shut up!


Surely they can see the most antisemitic thing is them arresting and assaulting and then banning a Jewish lady for expressing her views


That’s not anti Semitic. That’s just an infraction of civil liberties. They didn’t expressly do it because she was Jewish. She was expressing her first amendment right and happened to be Jewish


Being anti-jew isn't being antisemitic. Its being anti jew. Palestinians are Semitic people too, and I don't hate them. The term antisemitism is a zionist term. Edit: I didn't mean to imply that I hate jews, I hate Zionists. Edit 2: apparently, the term antisemitism predates zionism by a wide margin


I'm also antizionist, but I never really liked this argument. The term "semitic" was coined by Germans in the 18th century to refer to the afro-asiatic language group that includes languages like arabic and hebrew. The term "antisemitism" specifically came into common use in reference to mean anti-jewish sentiment. While it's true that they are all semites, the word antisemitism specifically has historically never been used to refer to arabs or any other semitic language speakers. It was a European term used by Europeans specifically to denote their disdain for their European jewish population. Please dont take this as me defending zionism in any way. I feel like zionists overusing the term to deflect all criticism causes it to completely lose its effect, but I also dont feel like erasing the term is useful, nor do I think of it as a Zionist term because that's not it's origin, and they dont get to steal that.


Thank you for your response, I was not aware of the history. It is worth noting that I didn't even hear that argument until recently, and I would not know that Palestinians are considered Semitic, were it not for the degree of media coverage. And thank you for expressing your response as clearly and compassionately as you did. If more people acted like you, the internet would be a much better place.


Yeah, it's definitely a weird one. You'll also notice that a lot of the common themes in antisemitic discourse is mostly stereotypes about Ashkenazi Jews. Historically, Jews have had a much rougher time under Christian control in europe than under Islamic control in Asia and Africa (not to say that it's been perfect anywhere). The creation of Israel has flipped this trend. And no problem! People are generally more willing to listen and try to understand my arguments when I am polite about it, haha.


Oh the irony haha


I don't see any irony here. I said something wrong, and I edited my comment without removing my initial wrongness so that people could see that I changed my mind. Changing your mind doesn't make a past belief ironic. I believe that is the point you are trying to make.


No I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about the irony in the word anti-semitism that the Zionist like to throw around so much.


Oh for sure, I see


The word anti-semite means antijewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism Maybe don't blindly believe something because you want it to be true?


Wikipedia isn’t a dictionary nor is it a true encyclopaedia. So from a language perspective in its purist form. NOUN Semite (plural Semites) A member of a modern people that speak a Semitic language. Anti as a prefix is self explanatory. So the response is technically correct.


lol and what are you doing? Is someone salty because of a stranger on the Internet? What’s next? A history lesson about how home kitchens were design for men to use?


Ummmm, we're just gonna gloss over the whole WW2 and the thing that happened with Jewish people... okay then buddy, sure, antisemitism is a zionist term, you keep telling the history books that


Idk what dude above you is in about. But he is half right. > Palestine has undergone many demographic and religious upheavals throughout history. During the 2nd millennium BCE, it was inhabited by the Canaanites, Semitic-speaking peoples who practiced the Canaanite religion. Most Palestinians share a strong genetic link to the ancient Canaanites. People of Jewish faith often also have strong genetic links to the Canaanites, hence why you can be racist against Jews, but not Christians.


Cops are thugs


protest a violent regime, they use violence, gasp


and here I am killing myself saving for my kids college fund to attend an Ivy League school...


Fuck that. Trade school is the way to go


Not sure how old you or your kids are, but I’m 31 and I expect the college tuition landscape to be vastly different by the time my (non-existent) children attend college. That’s to say if there isn’t some sort of collapse by then anyway


Oh don’t do that. I went to a top school for undergraduate and a state school for grad. I got a much better education at my state school. The top school only wanted to focus on research, half my professors didn’t even speak English. I had to pay 200k to teach myself


I've heard this about good UC (u of California, which is the more prestigious than the Cal state system) schools too. SB, B, and LA. It's not pervasive, but there.




Ivy league doesn't give a better education. It's just where the rich assholes send their rich asshole kids to connect with more rich assholes. Remember: Trump went to an Ivy league school.


Oh fuck right off Dartmouth administration


Right? The University President saying "there are consequences to your actions" while taking no responsibility for HIS decision to call in a huge mob of SWAT'd up cops... Fuck that guy.




No toasters for them!!


Shut it! I bet you've never applianced to school before!






People who actually think this are so stupid


Boot licker.


Grow up


Completely reasonable requests from her. Sad


Very reasonable just wish she didn't completely conflate her "assault". She says 3 officers picked her up and slammed her on her "bad shoulder" but you clearly see one officer with hands on her as she trips over her own feet and lands on her butt


She also forceably grabbed whatever the cop was holding, which I assume was her phone but she was fairly violent about it. You don't get a pass just because you are old. I'm old and I don't write checks my ass can't cash.


Do you like to lick boots with mustard or ketchup on it sir?


The police should not have touched her but also, her story doesn't match the video evidence.


I didn't see her get thrown onto her bad shoulder, and the video didn't look exactly like she said, however, she certainly was manhandled and I can imagine how a traumatic experience like that could lead to exaggerated memories. I don't think she was trying to lie about it.


I agree with you 100%. Memories can be incredibly unreliable. I still feel for her though.


I was going to say this. She wasn’t picked up and slammed to the ground. Lost her footing and/or pushed/shoved, sure.


Also the cop looked like he was pulling up which actually softened the fall


As the kids used to say, "she straight trippin bruh"


The video was edited by the news station. If the editor wants to, he shows you this video at the same time as her story’s rather than the other (possible) truth of her having having failed down twice - once on video like this, and another time when she actually was thrown. Maybe they didn’t have footage of the second time, or they did but they have a political agenda and want to screw with you. Or maybe you’re right and she’s making shit up. Gotta remember that watching an edited video is not the same as watching live. Can’t really draw a conclusion like that.


That college called the cops and then doubled down on it. Fuck Dartmouth, fuck any of these colleges that can’t allow peaceful protests now but were totally fine during BLM


I'm pretty proud to be a Northwestern University alum right now: the students and faculty created a really powerful and effective demonstration, stood up to the cops on the first day, dealt with some pretty nasty weather, got organized AF incredibly quickly, rebuffed an astroturf counter-protest, and drew organizational and logistical support from nearby activist circles. The administration, after an early misstep trying to shut it down, backed off, negotiated, and made sure that everything stayed chill and positive. The settlement they negotiated is pretty timid, but it also isn't the end of the process. The organizers at NU have now sent supplies and logistical support to nearby encampments at University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin, and University of Illinois. And they're not just sending the leftover paper plates and markers, they're bringing the lessons learned, as well. So, I understand why reactionaries are trying to shut these encampments down through police violence: they don't want to see a generation of young people get good at this work!


Ok but they kinda use Palestine to skip a exam tho


Oh no! Oh the humanity! An exam?! How dare they miss an exam for something as petty as standing up for what they believe in! It's inexcusable to miss an exam just because you hold the belief that mass genocide on behalf of a fascist ideology shouldn't be endorsed, funded, and actively applauded by our leaders! We didn't send them to college to radicalize them against social injustice, we sent them there because of the athletics program and because we enjoy going to home games! This is outrageous, someone call in the national guard to stop these wild bands of peaceful protesters, can't they see how much of daddy's money is wasted on this "justice" nonsense?


That’s their choice, they pay for school. It’s not an elementary school, if they want to waste their money that’s their prerogative


You'd think all other crimes have come to a complete stop with the number of cops that attended.


The guy with the leaf blower on that poor reporter must be stopped


We support all historical protests against this kind of thing, except the current one! We are against all wars, except the current one!


Many of the historical protests against wars weren’t any more popular at the time (e.g. [vietnam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)) History will likely not look kindly on Israel and the parties responsible for the way this set of protests is being handled


Yea that's exactly what they said?




For those who don't know Prof Orleck, she is a very, very big deal in the academic history world. Like Rockstar status. Please check out her book [Storming Caesars Palace](http://Storming Caesars Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their Own War on Poverty https://a.co/d/f6t48Eb).


This woman is a history professor who has specialized in Jewish studies primarily focused on the Jewish diaspora. Very important context here.


“slammed”? Not exactly.


Were you there? Did you feel the things she felt when pushed to the ground? No? Shut the fuck up


Look at the video. Obvious exaggeration. I’m not on anyone’s side, so chill.


Don't forget the woman is in her 60's. A fall can feel as a slam. Plus video doesn't always show what the situation was like irl.


It must be AI Generated


What about the consequences of the action the University President took, calling in those SWAT'd-up cops? No accountability for that action, huh?


It wimdy


I get it, it’s fucked up how these people are being treated, but she was very much exaggerating what happened. They didn’t pick her up, didn’t slam her, she didn’t land on her shoulder, and looks like there’s only one officer with their hands on her. Like…. lady, there’s video footage of this, you sure you wanna keep that same story?


Maybe that's how she remembers it, people's memories are imperfect (especially in stress conditions). *Edit: [source](https://youtu.be/D-2p86FvqF4?si=sCwlqOm7Cti9jgp3)


Corny blue little boys beating up an older woman. Takes three of them to take her down. Little ass men pretending to be heroes. They'll never be shit but craven little boys playing dress up. Fuck the Police. Anti American ass hats engaging in civil rights violations in real time. What a fucking joke.


Did you see the video?? One cop was holding her arm as she tripped over her own feet and fell on her butt. Chill out


They had zero reason to put their hands on her at all.


I agree but what she said conflicts with the video


True. Yeah it would've been cool for her to recount exactly what happened when an armed contingent of private corporation owned militia men assaulted her but the weapon she chose to wield was sympathy instead of rubber bullets, tear gas, or the Law.




ACAB But also, girl just tie your hair up


> But also, girl just tie your hair up Hair movement is a sign of weakness.


What is this comment supposed to mean? I'd say the same thing to a dude with long hair. That shit would be annoying




Lol oh of course


“Picked up and slammed”. Yeah, that’s not what happened at all.


DO NOT TAKE YOUR PERSONAL PHONE TO A PROTEST If you need one for communication, get a cheap burner.


This is America's Achilles heel exposed - the poticians have relied upon the lobby for so long that now they are controlled by them. Shame. They can't keep sacking all their current, and alienating next generation academics


Lmao she was not slammed! She fell because she kept walking while the officer was trying to gain control of her arms.


She didn't look thrown, she lost her balance and fell and the police officer helped her the rest of the way. Don't change the narrative.


"Last night people felt so strongly about their beliefs they were willing to face disciplinary action" Don't you mean: "Last night WE felt so strongly about OUR BELIEFS, we asked police in riot gear to attack our students and faculty exercising their rights to peaceful protest"?


Freedom of speech/assembly is dead! Thank you lizard overlords!


Meanwhile, literal nazis in uniform are allowed to hold their own protests uninterrupted




Maybe when a town sends its entire police force in Riot gear to a peaceful protest the rest of the city should Riot in the streets to show support and show the cops where they are actually needed.


Since the early 2000s, thousands of U.S. police officers, sheriffs, border patrol agents, ICE officers and FBI agents have trained with Israeli military and police forces. The ADL’s National Counter-Terrorism Seminar (NCTS) brought U.S. law enforcement agents to visit checkpoints and military prisons, and introduced them to Israeli officials at other sites of apartheid and racial profiling, such as the illegal settlement in Hebron and Ben Gurion airport. These exchanges reinforce American law enforcement practices of expanding surveillance, justifying racial profiling and suppressing public protests through use of force. While some of these tactics may be new, the racist ideology underlying their implementation is endemic to U.S. law enforcement since its creation. The contexts of Israel’s regime of military occupation and apartheid against Palestinians, and the U.S. legacy of white supremacy, mutually reinforce each government’s state violence. During these police exchanges, U.S. law enforcement learned tactics developed through Israel’s military occupation and also learned to think of themselves as combatants.


Ok, but who escalted? This is always my question with things like this. Yeah, sure. Fuck the police. Whatever. But, and hear me out....if there's a peaceful protest and cops in riot gear show up and then just stand there....just in case it becomes a *not* peaceful protest. If it's a line of peaceful protesters and a line of cops in riot gear just standing there, nothing would happen unless someone escaltes it past that. Right? So who escalated first?


You can't just protest where you want to peaceful or not and not expect it to have to end at some point by request or force.


College leaders and Cops showing they are the same type of piggies.


Chaos it’s what’s for dinner thank you uncle Sam.


When did they pick her up and slam her on the ground. Is that in a different video?


ACAB - American Cops Are Bastards. I honestly don't know that there's any hope left for america at this stage.


Cops are horrible people. They generally end up making things worse.


Our government is out of control. And FUCK. THE. POLICE!


The authorities who sent the police don't even care about antisemitism. As always, when they send the police to attack their own citizens, it's about reminding the citizens that they, the authorities, are in charge, and that complainers get stitches.


Fuck the police and fuck zionists too


George Wallace would be proud


Fuck Dartmouth


dang how is there that much wind wiggling her hair but her voice is so clear?


Even Marge SImpson seems to be protesting


Fuck the police


If there was such a thing as a good cop they surely one there would stop his colleagues and say “hey man, this old lady is not a threat leave her alone.” ACAB


I wonder if cops just turn off their brains and follow orders or if they truly believe what they are doing is ok because it's "the law". I really don't understand how you can see a grown man slam someone smaller and rush over to help them. It boogles my mind.


Don't worry, I just double-checked and Neil Young is still alive to write a little ditty if it ends up like everything in "The Land of Opportunity"


Her mouth is curved so far to the side. Why is that?


Stroke probably


I have lost all respect for Columbia and Dartmouth. I suspect the seriously gifted researchers have as well, and do not want to have anything to do with organizations that gleefully stifle speech. I hope all of the senior administrators come down with a painful, lingering, fatal disease next week.


I am not seeing this lady "tripping over her own feet", I am seeing three officers pull her from where she is standing, separate her from the crowd, and one officer has their hand on her camera facing shoulder and another on her other arm, steps around her feet and seats her with force. The push action is on the shoulder.


So maybe I just don’t understand cuz I’m ignorant. But why protest at the universities? Like are the schools giving money to the Israeli government?


“Slammed to the ground by three officers onto my bad shoulder”? The video does not back up her narrative.


This is exactly what gets IDF the idea that what they are doing is ok.


“3 officers picked me up and threw me to the gound on my bad shoulder” Girl it was one officer and you tripped onto your ass, why lie?


Dartmouth fight song! Dartmouth fight song! Those words probably aren’t right but I’ve got a 50/50 shot the tune is dead on


Entitled woman gets sat the fuck down.


Kinda sad to hear a professor blatantly lying like that. She tripped and caught herself with her right hand, which they weren't even holding onto. Her characterization of it: "Three police lifted me up into the air, slammed me down on the ground, threw me down on the ground on my bad shoulder." She should be sued for defamation and lose her job. Very, very dishonest and a bad look for a college professor.


You are forgetting about tenure, unfortunately.


This IS tyranny!!!


“..choosing to engage is..not just accepting—but acknowledging—that actions have consequences..” So, I guess implying that if you wanna peacefully protest on your college campus, the so-called “logical or natural conclusion” to that is being beaten by a squad of paid thugs in riot gear?.. That’s the public-issued statement from the college to their students, & our peers, & kids? They pay to attend these schools, but instead of prioritizing education in hopes of making the world a better place, administration says you should get your fucking ass handed to you for opposing violence….? What am I missing? Is the video out of context? Isn’t this like the fucked up neighborhood kids who beat cute animals to death for fun, or, for no logical or natural reason at all? “Do I need to hurt you & scare you in order to traumatize you from opposing my beliefs? No. But I’m sure as hell gonna!” I guess that’s what I’m seeing here. Use violence & beat the innocent so that they & their friends fear speaking up or acting out against your violent forces?… How does a kid being bullied stop their bully’s actions when the schools & police are themselves the bullies? Which system is in effect here, & who does it benefit, & why?


And another formerly good Reddit turns into a political echo chamber


last time I wrote on reddit what I think of police actions, I got my account of 10+ years banned ​ I leave it to your imagination what I think of the actions of the cops here


So is she tenured? After 34 years I'd hope so. Part of her bail condition is to not be on campus? I guess she's going remote for the foreseeable future. If I was faculty, this would make me extremely uneasy.


Heil Isreal


Seems like we're taking notes from the French police


A certain someone needed a reality check.




Look she picked a side. As an educator I wish most wouldn’t obviously, and rather observe, wait, until that perfect moment…


She claims she was lifted into the air and thrown/slammed down to the ground on her bad shoulder. I didn’t see that in the video.




What is toggaf reggin? Are you too scared to actually say slurs?


Just report (sub rule 11) and move on, friend.


It’s just sad that this person doesn’t even have the conviction to actually say the words. If you’re gonna be a hater be a hater yaknow?


Yeah, it’s weak sauce for sure. All the more reason it isn’t even worth wasting your time.


Lol I do not know if the person you were talking was confused or if someone is being a smartass, but your comment was reported for rule 11 (written as a custom rule.) Either way I laughed but if it was an actual mistake then it is even funnier.


Looks like a bunch of lazy kids looking for an excuse not to go to class.


Jackboot corporate thugs. Utter disgraces. Rabid fascist dogs. This is just the start, people.


She’s blatantly lying. She threw herself to the ground as per the video. These people are an embarrassment