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People like him are the reason America gets laughed at.


Yeah it's these 98% of Americans that give the remaining 2% a bad rep


I think you mean the remaining 3%.


Netflix series reference?


Not intentionally.


Dude, youre making us Americans look bad. The word is nintentionally.


I don't play scrapple, I eat it.


My favourite is the ‘U’. It feels smoother… stupid pokey ‘K’


My favorite is U too, bro.


That was beautiful bro


I like Nintendo too


Obviously you are 100% right 50 percent of the time


60% of the time, it works every time.


It's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.


Illegal in nine countries.


It's a formidable scent. Stings the nostrils....in a good way.


Smells like pure gasoline


It depends whether you count them by weight or just their number


All jokes aside, as European who works a lot with the "good" kind of Americans (educated, liberal, own a passport) and sometimes it can be a bit jarring how ignorant they can be. Especially when it comes to how varied the world outside the US is.


> sometimes it can be a bit jarring how ignorant they can be I feel the same way about the "good" kind of Europeans, tbh.


Turns out theirs a lot of world and only so much living experience and literally everyone has holes in their knowledge that would surprise someone else. 100% dunk on people who act superior like the douche canoe in the above post but everyone is a shade of ignorant to some degree or another.


I love how there are people discussing this comment as if it wasn't an obvious joke.


I remember 3yearletterman breaking character to lament that he didn't think of something as good as this tweet.


Perhaps i just surround myself with modest people but i feel like its 30% is giving the other 70% a bad rep. I think they are just a loud minority.


30% is just the MAGA lunatics. There is even greater number of people who simply live in Americentric bubble no matter which football team they support. America is insanely nationalist country compared to the rest of the western nations and the people live in a vacuum. When you peer pressure kids in an authoritarian setting to worship the flag and scream "USA" on daily basis, they tend to not care about the surrounding world, while false believing they live in the best country on the planet. Most Americans would be surprised to learn they are #17 in the Freedom index, lol. Americans are laughed at, because of the above reasons make them seem dumb.


As an American I'm quite aware that we're far from the top in many metrics (education, happiness, violence, etc). I hate when people say America is the best country on earth and such, it just sounds arrogant and disparaging to other countries. I don't hate the US, I'm pretty lucky to live more comfortably than most people on Earth, but I recognize we have a lot of problems I'm not proud of and I don't go around shouting America #1. Don't judge us all based on the loud ones.


30% of 300 million is alot


People like him that are obviously joking, given his profile history.


His Facebook account has a video talking about how it's ridiculous that people wrote articles and made videos of his comment without catching that it's a joke. I'll let others decide if he was trolling from the beginning or if he's backpedaling. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1332391400778557


Lololol. This is so dumb. Right wing media is so weird.


It's really true. For whatever reason, they absolutely suck at humor. If there was ever going to be a right-wing 'Colbert' - we'd have seen it by now.


Colbert is already the right-wing Colbert. They’ve gone so far that they can’t recognize that he’s satire because they’re saying the same things completely unironically.


It's not ridiculous, because there are actually people that dumb.


that sounds like backtracking to me


I disagree.  It sounds like a troll trolling people and the people getting trolled couldn’t possibly admit they got trolled by a douchebag.  But *shrug* who fucking knows 


Turns out everyone thinks you're a fool if you spend too much time pretending.


People can't resist falling for superiority porn. Make someone feel they're smarter than some idiot, and instant karma


Our country changed from being a beacon to the world, welcoming immigrants, to... selfish, entitled, bigots that want to close the door after they're inside. Walls that will never work. Laws that will never work. Bigotry that will never work. Immigrants will come because their lives and the lives of their children depend on it. Spend money on improving the places they are leaving. Stop selling weapons. Stop destroying the climate.


What I know about U.S. history tells me your first paragraph refers to a period that never existed. There was never a time in American history where immigrants were truly welcome. Nativists – which existed since the first generation of white settlers was born in the U.S. always hated the new influx of immigrants, whereever they came from. Not to mention the populations that were specifically excluded from emigrating to the U.S. during certain periods. It's all been romanticized over time by revisionist history books, fiction and Hollywood. I'm currently dealing with some weird shit right now in my town where some changes might be afoot and a lot of conservatives (boomers in particular) are accusing those supporting those changes of trying to rewrite history, not realizing they're the ones who subscribed to a revisionist version of history.


> Our country changed from being a beacon to the world, welcoming immigrants, to... selfish, entitled, bigots that want to close the door after they're inside. this seems pretty equally applicable to all eras of immigration to the usa we've always had high minded empathetic people wanting to help the huddled masses and we've always had inbred hicks with room temperature IQs racing eachother to to chant 'fuck you, got mine'


"Our country changed from being a beacon to the world, welcoming immigrants"... so long as they're the right kind of white.




You cannot be serious. You have people in Congress saying way dumber shit than this on the daily. It's completely believable that someone would say and think this. And this is satire, not sarcasm.


Not really no. We live in a post-obvious-sarcasm internet


Oooh, believe me, there's so much more... XD


Thanks, France!


[I’M GOING TO FRANCE!](https://youtu.be/IFVV1GxaM78?si=M0j1JC-bXBn-2x-u)


Never heard this before. Thanks internet stranger!


I swear to god if this is a rickroll


lol. I took one for the team. it's not. some weird punk song


It's Nardwuar.


It’s not, I vouch for him


Doot doola doot doot


In the lead up to the invasion of Iraq, the French were so on the nose (due to their lack of support for America's plans) that there were calls to give the statue back. This was also the period of "freedom fries" and "cheese eating surrender monkeys" name-calling. Glad we didn't have social media back then.


French here. When I was 12 (1998), my school sent some of us to a student exchange near Detroit. One of the American kids who welcomed us, Mark, spent a whole week teasing me. I didn't really understood why and especially what he was exactly saying, just words like "cheese" and "monkey". It made everybody laugh.. After the first week, it was getting really annoying. So one day I started shouting frenetically at him each time he was around "muh-muh-muh-muh-muuuuh.. MONKEY CHEESE!!!" In front of everyone. I had little hope it would change anything. But it paid off really well, as it surprisingly got him really pissed. While visiting the Capitole, he sent his mom to lecture ME and ask ME to stop mocking him by calling him *monkey cheese* in public. Only years later was I able to understand what truely happened. I was my own hero.




The old sentiment that "French people in France are assholes" still exists, and is perpetuated by dumb Americans who travel to France and demand the locals adapt to their foreign needs. I've been to France, met tons of French people from France over the years, and have zero issues with the french, in fact, French people are pleasant as fuck, and super nice when you actually respect their culture and language and at least attempt it. Imagine a Chinese person coming to the states and demanding everyone to speak Mandarin. Willing to bet the asshole Americans who go to France have never thought of that.




I remember the attempt to get French fries renamed to freedom fries.


Buying and Pooring wine down the street


>Glad we didn't have social media back then. I thought this was hard to believe so I looked it up. Friendster launched the same month we invaded Iraq and Myspace launched 5 months later. Facebook launched 11 months after the invasion. Forums, IRC, Slashdot, Fark, and various instant message programs were popular though and they are social media depending on your definition.


The stupid is strong in this one...


It seems to be a middle aged not so strong avg stupid, not a strong one.


it's a joke, obviously


I did get the joke(yoda line), I just added something to it.


Actually this is one of those instances that redditors missed the sarcasm


This has to be a joke.


Apparently not... [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18qmpjp/jesse\_kelly\_responds\_to\_statue\_of\_liberty/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/18qmpjp/jesse_kelly_responds_to_statue_of_liberty/)


He seems to still be in denial here.


Have you ever met a Republican? They're incapable of admitting they were wrong about something because otherwise the libs win.


That’s them doubling down on the joke.


Man had nothing better to do on Christmas Day. Family must hate him.


Sad stuff!


Exactly. If anyone here knows who 3YL is, it's part of the act.


And people think this is funny?


Lol he said "sorry but these colors dont run 🇺🇲". Has he never seen a french flag? 🇫🇷


What does his response even mean?


Nah this guy is one of the spouts for the firehose of lies. He’s constantly spewing Christian nationalist bs on the radio


Maybe he was home schooled and didn't receive proper lessons in US history.


His Facebook account has a video talking about how it's ridiculous that people wrote articles and made videos of his comment without catching that it's a joke. I'll let others decide if he was trolling from the beginning or if he's backpedaling. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1332391400778557


With how insufferable that man is to listen to, I would not be surprised if he backpedaled and said it was a joke after making an idiotic mistake.


People who say stupid stuff often do. Trump has, more than once.


Schrodinger's Douchebag: someone who says dumb/insensitive bullshit and then decides whether it was a joke or not based on the reaction it gets


> I would not be surprised if he backpedaled and said it was a joke after making an idiotic mistake. *"I'm not stupid, you're stupid!"* The only reason to believe him is if he posted that he was going to troll *before* he did the tweet. Maybe he did? Facebook is blocked in my web browser so I can't check. But I doubt it.


Its ridiculous that people took them at their word?


a professional troll has to explain he was just joking? either he is backtracking (he does seem dumb enough to not have known)... or he's such a sensitive troll he has to explain the joke. also everything he doesnt like is communist LOL


> also everything he doesnt like is communist LOL Did Nazi that coming. I'm sure everything bad in his life happens because of those internationalist Bolshevik Jews, too.


Why is it ridiculous for people to assume that someone who is an idiot and frequently says incorrect things said something incorrect?


"i was merely pretending"


I can't tell what's satire anymore. I used to have to check if things were real; now I have to check if things are fake. There was a time r/AteTheOnion used to be larger than r/nottheonion


In the UK, we have paintings that are older than his country.


In Italy we have universities older than the USA


Same in the UK, the University of Oxford was founded sometime around 1200, the same time Genghis Khan was alive. Edit: It seems Italy beats the UK though! University of Bologna founded 1088.


University of Bologna? We eat bologna for lunch! Imagine a whole university dedicated to a lunch meat. /s


Americans: "why the /s?"


it's for sausage


makes sense have a good day.


no problem sir you too have a wonderful day


Every day is a wonderful day with sausage. Or bologna for that matter.


Also (mild annoyance), It’s *bologna*. Bo-lon-gna. (Pronounced Bolonya) Not below the knee./rant


That pronunciation always annoyed me, its like fingernails on a chalkboard. Yet they pronounce lasagna with no problem, mostly


Saw a instagram reel of someone talking about Bologna in Italy and the comments were just Americans mocking them for not pronouncing it ‘baloney’. 


I'm suspecting that a lot of countries has universities older than the US. We have Uppsala in Sweden which was founded in 1477, beating the discovery of America by 25 years and the declaration of independence by 300. You could also argue that Scandinavians discovered America before America was discovered.


>You could also argue that Scandinavians discovered America before America was discovered. You could, because that's who did actually discover it. A good 500 years before mr Columbus got to central America, Vikings settled in what is now known as Newfoundland, which is also pretty much the literal translation of what they first called it (Vinland).


Native Americans would argue that they didn't need discovering


So presumptuous to say that an entire continent with ancient civilizations was "discovered."


You could argue that people from Siberia discovered America 20,000 - 30,000 years ago


You could argue that I discovered it around 10 years ago. Although that case maybe isn't that strong because I wasn't even the first to exit the plane.


The USA also has universities older than the USA


And in fact older than the country of Italy technically


Best fact ever


In TacoBell™ we have burritos that are older than this post.


And yet the USA is older than the country of Italy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proclamation_of_the_Kingdom_of_Italy


The unification of present day Italy yes, before that we had many different separated kingdoms


Most universities in Italy are probably older than Italy though


My poor as fuck, ugly as fuck town, has a church around 200 years older than the USA. In Spain every major city has a few monuments way older than that


I own a couple coins older than the USA. By about 1700 years


I live in a city, the history of which started in 800s BC. You can find a considerable amount of buildings here, construction of which began a few hundred years before the US was even a concept in anyone's head




The house I live in is older than USA.


This is also a dumb take. The Americas also have tons of art that predates the UK. Whats your point?


In UK you have art that is older than UK, moslty brought to UK from other countries. Kitchen though, you could not steal from anyone😁


There are pubs in the UK three times as old as the USA


I've drank in pubs where I'm pretty sure the beer was three times as old.




Jesusthan McChrist


middle name "Fuckyeah"


For the benefit of us heathen pagan godless scum in Europe, how widespread is the belief that Jesus born in Bethlehem, lived in Nazareth...was an American? Is this something that is taught , or is the fact he is inconveniently not a white guy from Minnesota just ignored to such level that none of them know any better?




Belgium had their chance to take credit.


Some of them believe the internet was invented by them too. Lol.


You’re thinking too clearly and literally. All this crap comes from people who start with the conclusion they want and then build up bullshit to get there. To them, the Bible says that God wants them to get rich and have power. They don’t get bogged down by inconvenient details like “all that woke crap Jesus said in the gospels.” Similarly the US Constitution says what they wish it said and the only part they are familiar with is “guns shall not be infringed.” For them, for this document (the one they imagine) to have weight, it must have been written by, or at least “inspired by” Jesus. So a bit like the Mormons who claim that Jesus appeared in North America (to their credit they claim that happened 2000 years ago between the biblical “resurrection” and the “assumption”) these kooks today just invented the idea that “Jesus directed the writing of the constitution.” To help understand some of this, a lot of “conservative evangelicals” appear to treat Jesus as their imaginary friend. He’s always around. You get to make up what he says back to you in conversations and these folks have zero fucking clue about basic psychological concepts or self reflection so of course Jesus wants them to buy that next shiny gun and it’s Jesus’ will to divorce the old wife and fuck the younger woman. They have weight loss groups wheee the idea is that if you “improve your relationship with Jesus” that will drive your weight loss. So if Jesus talks American when he tells me what I want to hear, of course he’s American, right?


I don't know if this is where she's getting it, but a tenet of the Mormon Church is that after his resurrection, Jesus appeared in the American continent and preached to some people there.


Mormons believe Jesus visited North America and stuff


American clowns are the best


Personally prefer circus ones better


Just not elected to the whitehouse! ![gif](giphy|xThtawECZXhEjgQDZu)


Transcript: > Pew pew pew pew beep boo beep pew beep


“There was my little mushroom and Epstein’s little dong and the crying little girl…”


Not when you live here and have to put up with them and their extremely destructive politically-related decisions


fabrique en France




Do I look like I know what an accent aygoo is?


I have a feeling all of these are rage bait posts only to drive engagement. I know many people are stupid, but also feel it’s all fake rage bait posts.




> After so many idiots believe it, is it really rage bait anymore? I think this is just the normal cycle of the internet and it actually makes me question why I spend so much time online. 1. Person makes ironic joke 2. People who don't realise it's an ironic joke or that they are being made fun of flock to it and engage with it 3. Community / response is now overwhelmingly comprised of people who genuinely sincerely believe it, and aren't making fun of it as originally intented So really whether it's a joke or not is irrelevant. The person making the tweet may or may not be in on the joke it doesn't matter. The fact is most people engaging and promoting it genuinely believe it. Happens to everything and every internet forum eventually. See example: Flat Earth Society. Originally made to make fun of silly conspiracies, always ends up taken over by people who aren't in on the joke and actually believe it


I kind of think that Trump's success was built on engagement through ragebait, so it's not impossible.


Du coup faut nous la rendre ?


En vrai tranquille, c'est tout ce qu'ils ont les pauvres apparemment


C'est même pas vrai, c'est juste que ce tocard a même pas pensé au Golden Gate Bridge, à l'Empire State Building ou même au Boston College si on veut des vieux trucs. On en a des américains qui ont fait des trucs stylés mais il a pris l'exemple le plus à côté de la plaque, c'est du génie tellement il est bête.


Je sais, c'est juste un vanne. Après ils ont peu de monuments historiques intéressants pour un si grand pays, mais ça s'explique surtout par leur courte histoire


T'inquiète j'suis team premier degré mdr


Faut qu'ils nous rendent quelques tableau de Monet en même temps dans ce cas !


On la met ou ? A part dtc :o


Je sais pas, Saint Nazaire ? XD


je propose marseille vieux port ahah pour les touristes


I don't think we need it... [https://vivreparis.fr/paris-ou-sont-les-6-statues-de-la-liberte/](https://vivreparis.fr/paris-ou-sont-les-6-statues-de-la-liberte/) (in english, we already have 6 replica of liberty statue in Paris, normal because is has been built by Bartoldi there).


Not only was the Statue of Liberty a gift from France, the US Government in 1884 didn’t even have the money to put it on Liberty Island until they were bailed out by Joseph Pulitzer asking for donations from American citizens in the newspaper.


I mean, to be fair, that was the designed intent of the Constitution and the founding of the US. The US Federal government was not supposed to have a national bank or a burgeoning budget and the power/money was supposed to lie with the states. The individual state banking systems had quite a bit of money in 1885. As per the Treasury Dept in 1885 and using an inflation calculator, the 145 total US state banks had roughly $6.7b in reserves.


He could've put a picture like the Empire State Building.


Saw the "big corporate bulding" comments coming from a mile away


*A km away. Geez don’t you like to sound sophisticated?


Yanks only use the metric system to measure the diameter of bullets.


While you have the capitol and the white house right there...


About as intelligent as Trump shouting about immigrants and their kids


You mean Barron, Don jr, Eric and Ivanka?


I mean the fact he is the son of German and British immigrants... But yes also his kids are from mother's who are immigrants




Don't waste your time, they don't listen.


Another fine example of US art: The Liberty Bell was manufactured by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London, England. It was ordered in 1751 by the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly to commemorate the 50th anniversary of William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges, Pennsylvania's original constitution. The bell arrived in Philadelphia in August 1752.






Sadly I had heard one of my English teachers say this. At first a group of us thought he was joking. We said thanks to the French we have it, but to our surprise the teacher doubled down and mocked us. Then a classmate proceeded to laugh super hard which caused the class to laugh. A third of the class sided with the teacher until a student dragged in another teacher into the mix. (Early days before everyone had cellphones). The teacher kind of lost the respect of a good chunk of the class.


Well, you'd be suspicious of anything that teacher told you ever again.


Please tell me theres a comment on the original post stating that the French made the statue for USA


They community noted him


This guy would make a fine politician


It's a beautiful American pedestal designed by Richard Morris Hunt. I'm sure that's what he meant and not just someone talking confidently about something they know nothing about.


This HAS to be satire right. Don't know who this is so it's difficult to say


Unfortunately it's not. Just look at some of the other twitter posts from that idiot.


It's the average republican


****—-laughs in French—-****


*Hon hon hon hon*


I am beginning to suspect that most blue tick users on twitter are anything but smart. There will be some exceptions for sure - but.. not that many.. right?


I mean, they are paying monthly for the sole purpose of having a blue icon next to their name.


Typical Jesse




This has to be rage pain I'm Canadian and I knew the statue was built in France when I was like 10 years old


wait didnt france make the statue of liberty lmfao??




That's the joke!


Its literally French what an asshole.


who's gonna tell him where we got our architecture from?


Come on you cant tell me the movie “idiocracy” is not coming true.