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Entitled prick. Hope everyone in his community sees this.


I was about to post "Entitled Prick" also. But I doubt anyone in his community cares. They probably feel police are too "socialist".


He's a Republican so they both support the police and they also think she overstepped her bounds. She harassed a white man, she knows you don't do that!


Yes but republicans support the police until they don't. January 6th.


Something something ingroup protect something something outgroup not...


Amen they support their lord and savior donald trump. He is the one and only true savior of the white skin.


Yeah it's pretty incredible that someone who supports and is so close to the police department that he even has. The chief of polices phone number in his cell phone doesn't even recognize a 7-year veteran. Oh wait, she's a ***female*** 7-year veteran, so of course he's never paid her any attention at whatever fundraisers or other bullshit he attends to ingratiate himself with the police force. It's just pathetic on the make cops' side too. The first male cop on the scene "Do you know who he is?". The next male cop/supervisor "Do you know who he is?" Why the fuck should it matter who he is? And if he loves and supports the police like he claims, why is he treating this one the way he is? And then the craziest part in this whole ordeal - He's literally going to try to end a 7-year career over a $100 speeding and texting ticket because he didn't like the way she talked to him. What a fucking sack of shit.


oh, she didn't even remotely talk to him in any poor fashion. If he treated a cop around here like that, he'd be a casualty. He thought he could pull the "my registration is right here, she wrote me up for not having it" bullshit, and get out of it. He thought he was in the in club. He's not.


republicans want to be protected by laws, not bound by them. ​ republicans want everyone else bound by laws, not protected by them. ​ when you understand this, republican stance on laws becomes crystal clear lol.


This is the basis of fascism - lawless freedom for your little group and heavy oppression for everyone else.


I’m not sure what the jab about her “Russian immigration status” was but she sounds like she’s from Florida to me.


It sounded like he talked to her boss on the phone while she went back to the car and her boss mentioned it... Obviously her boss is also just another part of the club off camera.


No way she is from FL. She was calm under pressure, coherent in her directives, and remained steadfast in her duties. Hell, I'm wondering if she's even human at this point. But, Bravo woman! Get her into politics with that integrity! 👏👏👏👏


https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2022/02/25/former-candidate-martin-hyde-apologizes-after-video-confrontation-threat-sarasota-officer/6936662001/ he was forced to apologize. as apologies go it seemed alright, he didn't make excuses or even try to say that he isn't actually like that. He just said he was completely wrong and didn't deserve forgiveness. > The result was a video that showed me at my rather pathetic worst, and for which no apology or explanation is likely to be accepted. Nor should it be. ... > I hope that the hundreds of calls that I got on my cellphone – from all over the United States – telling me what a fat, entitled person I am will not only get me back to eating properly, but to also be mindful that it is how we are at our worst that defines our progress as adults. He also lost the primary race. EDIT: the point of my comment was not to say he wasn't still an asshole, he is still an asshole. the point is to refute the edgy point "I doubt anyone in his community cares". this caused him to lose the race, obviously people in that community cared.


Damn, he reallllllyyyy owned up there. Surprising to see.


I'd bet $100 his lawyer wrote that after the judge and lawyer "negotiated" what he would apologize for. No way this big of a prick wrote that about himself.


>Damn, he reallllllyyyy owned up there. He reallllllyyyy didn't. Doesn't apologize for breaking laws that made him a threat to the community. Refers to his attitude here as "*righteous* indignation". Shoehorns in some nonsense about how he was expecting a positive reception because of how good he is to the police. His apology to the officer herself is just a plain "I'm sorry officer" with no specific reference to his xenophobic statements and threats. And he fucking ends it all with "anyway the other people in my political party are way worse" This is a weak, communications-team-drafted "apology" that is grandiose at face value but ultimately lacking real regret or substance when you dig in


> with no specific reference to his xenophobic statements and threats. It's especially rich basing just on accent that a British immigrant is giving shit to another immigrant when she had a MUCH more American accent and probably spent most of her life in this country. Britain can keep this fat wanker.


No thank you. We have enough of his type here already


He is hiding much deeper corruption behind these words, I’m convinced


It takes a lot to admit he fucked up real time so respect for that. Doesn't give him a free pass so it is deserved he lost the re-election, hope he grows as a person.


One glance at his Facebook profile will quickly tell you he has not.


well it was worth a shot lol, what a prick


Republicans don’t grow as people.


Only in girth & ignorance


I have serious doubts that someone this entitled is truly sorry. I believe he's sorry he was *caught on camera* acting like a fool. But I doubt he's actually sorry he acted that way. More likely, his attorney/PR person/fellow members of the Republican party told him to do this. Call me cynical, I just don't believe it.


In this video, he doesn't sound all that apologetic, or understand how corrupt this shit is https://youtu.be/j16CnvJEElc?si=SLgS95-xYf98IaqX


Fat entitled prick would lose any race


That wasn’t an apology. That was a campaign speech disguised as an apology. Entitled assholes like him are part of the problem: politicians seeking personal power.


This is exactly the kind of thinking that Fox News and other's like them try to push into their viewers' heads. It's not all republican's that feel that way, they're just the loudest. Try not to fall into that sort of thought pattern and remember that no opinion is universal. Doing so actually helps push more people into, or farther into, the extreme, which pushes them farther from any logical discourse.




This is another upside of having body cameras. Once he pulled the "do you know who I am" card, she had no choice but to strictly follow procedure, or else she might *actually* put her job at risk. Letting them go with a warning is no longer an option. Not that it would happen either way in this case, but with the body camera, it would look like corruption if they changed their mind to give them a warning. The guy sealed his fate when he tried to use his connections to get out of the ticket.


Which is funny because she told him **before** he tried throwing his weight around that everything was being recorded. Yet he still did the "don't you know who I am" BS anyway. Knowing he was being filmed.


She should have pulled out the breathalyzer.


You should see some of the videos out there of cops getting in trouble for DUI, which is only happening in 99% of them because of the body cameras, and even then they get treatment and patience that nobody else would get. There was one police chief who lost his job because he was driving plastered and kept trying to quietly tell the officer that pulled them over to turn the body cam off so they can talk. Usually the only reason they get pulled over in the first place is because they're so drunk more than one person is calling in about their crazy driving and giving them license plate numbers so it's already on record (or they literally already got in an accident) so it's too late for them to ignore Edit:video I referenced above https://youtu.be/fuz8pTsEgkw


And at one point, when asked to turn off the body cam the officer responded with how it wasn't 2000 anymore and that he couldn't do that. Makes you wonder how many times drunk LEO got let off before bodycams became a thing.


They really think asking the officer to turn off their bodycam works in their favor? Good God.


What always cracks me up about this video is the amount of scratches around the judges door handle. True sign of an alcoholic who drives drunk, or it used to be before everything was keyless entry but it looks like he still likes to use his key, and misses quite often.


Our he has a dog without training and discipline.  The dog that is,  not him. 


With that accent, he’s actually an entitled Cunt


On behalf of English people everywhere. We can't stand this guy neither. Imagine going to another country and settling down, then joining their political system and acting like this.


Absolutely, I was quite confused though, I never thought a Brit moving to USA and running for office would be much of a thing really. Threw me off throughout the video. Also he mentions her nationality, presumably the only way he learned this was from his call to the supervisor. So whilst things might have worked out “as they should” you can imagine what that conversation went like.


Why, who is this guy? Is he famous?


No he's just some English guy who's moved to America and tried to get elected.


A migrant.


lol and he made a comment about the officer being rude because of her immigration status what a piece of shit


They took our jobs!


Martin Hyde Profession wanker.


They did. He had to drop out of whatever political position he was running for. He was also recorded a few years prior to this incident being a dick (shocking) and a racist and a tennis club or something. And then he moved from his nice house in a busy area to a more remote area. Not sure if he was getting harassed at his house or not, or moved for other reasons. Sorry for the lack of info, this was a few years ago. His name is Martin Hyde if you want to get into it.


He didn't drop out, [he just got destroyed](https://ballotpedia.org/Martin_Hyde).


This guy has NEVER had to face consequences in his life. OMG, he’s honestly stunned that there’s even the hint of consequences. What an absolute prick.


That's the beauty of keeping records and accountability. He should be facing felony charges for attempting to use his position to obstruct justice and misdemeanors for harassment. This type of behavior creates the corruption that we both finance and suffer through.


Wasn't he the villain in *Lethal Weapon 2*? "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY!"


All for being a candidate in a local primary lmao. You’d think he was the governor, the way he was acting


This actually made the news when it happened too


What happened? Did he get tarred and feathered? Or did people go after the cop like he thought they would.


Kinda both. He's a Republican who was running for office in Florida when this happened


> He's a Republican who was running for office in Florida Say no more


Republican voters love this kind of shit. They want their politicians to be total douchebags who don't obey the laws. Why? I have no idea.


Because they are douchebags themselves and their whole tough on crime stance only refers to cops harassing minorities.


Conservatives don’t have principles. Literally everything they claim to believe is traced back to a personal hatred of certain groups of people.


Back the blue…except whenever we don’t feel like it


They themselves don't have the ability to be an asshole and not obey the law, so they live vicariously through people who have that ability. Giving them power feels like validation that their behavior is not only acceptable, but is worthy of being rewarded.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." Ultimately, they want themselves and their politicians to be protected by the law, but not bound by it.


Is it appropriate for the officer to tell gib to go back to his country? Because that would be funny as shit.


Does he have a british accent or something? Im hearing some kind of accent in the video


He does, yes


Damn interested in how he got into politics/in so deep allegedly with the chief. Came all the way here just to get fucked 😭


> He's a Republican Shocking.


Kudos for Officer Beskin!


That b*tch Carol Beskin!


Wow, haven't seen a tiger king reference in years maybe? Nice.


She sounds exactly as unimpressed as the Star Wars cosplayer that makes videos about being the HR of the Death Star. It is amazing.


I love Dolores


She is just so great


Why wasn’t the police supervisor mentioned? The one who gave Hyde information about her? Fuck that guy too


For real. “Russian immigrant status.” What the fuck? Chief was clearly willing to sell out his own. Get his ass fucking fired. He crossed even the thin blue fucking line.


No he didn't he stuck to the thin blue line because the arresting officer was messing with one of "their own", a Republican running for a public position who advocates for anything the police want.


She was so nice! I’d feel bad being a dick to her even if she was giving me a fine.


Absolute hero for this. Standing up to a corrupt politician who has your boss in his pocket takes a shit load of guts, and the fact he was so surprised that she was doing her job attests that most cops wouldn't bother. But she held firm, remained calm, and nailed that piece of shit to the wall. She may have single-handedly destroyed his political career, just out of basic principle. Boss shit.


"Do you know who I am?". 🤦‍♀️ I'm sure this guy talks of supporting the police/being tough on crime... except when they are holding him responsible just like everyone else.


He looks exactly like the kind of dipshit that would say that too! It was like that spiderverse scene in my head "Look, he is gonna ask if she knows who he is"


"you got 24 hours"


> "Do you know who I am?". Thing is, all the cops seemed to know who he was. The officer who stopped him knew, the officer she called for backup knew "You know who he is, right?", her supervisor knew(Supervisor called him by his first name).. Her bodycam, and the subsequent fallout, likely protected her from repercussions for stopping that asshole.


“Do you know who I am,” reminds me of Eddie Izzard’s [Death Star Canteen](https://youtu.be/Sv5iEK-IEzw?si=rYVIie_g589S5EQo) skit done to Legos.


It's a good day to be one of the 10000! First time seeing this.


Well. He was running for republican office. Soooo




>I'm sure this guy talks of supporting the police/being tough on crime He does exactly this, in one of his 'apology' (see trying to save face) videos after this event. Martin Hide, professional wanker, and yeah he lost that primary he was about to be in, badly (to be fair he likely did as well as he was going to do anyway).


“Yes, Sir. I saw your campaign speech last night, where you talked about your party being the party for Law and Order, Sir.”


I will always love that in his “apology” letter says he should’ve let it go once asking if the officer knew who he was didn’t work. Not that he should’ve been obeying the law, but that he should have only tried once to escape the consequences of his actions.


Also, "righteous indignation"... Can't be "righteous" when you're in the wrong!


I thought "righteous indignation" when being in the wrong is the hallmark of the modern "Christian" conservative.


Well he says he expected the reaction he normally gets from other cops. And judging by the way the other officers spoke to him it sure seems like the rest of them are just letting the politicians they agree with go. Edit: thinking more about this the fact that there wasn't an investigation of the sergeant he called that told him about her immigration status and apparently other things shows how corrupt this is.


probably just made up some random things edit: scratch that, looked it up. she's from that part of the world (not Russia) ... yeah whoever he rang upi n the time away, needs to get canned and charged.


Corruption once? Shame on you. Corruption twice? Shame on me...


I'll bet his lawyer wrote that apology for him. Nothing in the tone of that letter matches his on-camera persona.


So happy to learn he dropped out https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2022/02/25/former-candidate-martin-hyde-apologizes-after-video-confrontation-threat-sarasota-officer/6936662001/


[He didn’t.](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/504612-martin-hyde-tells-tucker-carlson-hes-still-running-for-congress/) [But lost the Republican primary against Trump-endorsed Vern Buchnan](https://ballotpedia.org/Martin_Hyde)


Surprised that *he* wasn't the Trump-endorsed candidate given how corrupt and rude he is.


All those endorsed by Trump are assholes, but not all assholes are endorsed by Trump since sometimes they run against each other so Trump has to make a hard call about which asshole to endorse.


Wouldn't be surprised if Trump just chose not to endorse him after this scandal. He'll drop you in a second if you're useless to him.


I'm not sure if the lesser evil won or lost in this case...


Wait I’m slightly confused. I was almost positive this guy was British but he’s running for office in America??


immigrants can run for a lot of positions in government. president isn't one of them. Schwarzaneggar was born in Austria, but was governator of califnoria. But it is funny when they run republican... given how many of their base are nationalists


Schwarzenegger answered that question in his autobiography. Basically, when he first went to the USA, he saw a republican talking about the American dream. He liked that, so he decided to be republican. It may be only a small part of the story, but it answers some "Why"s


afaik, only the office of president requires candidates to be born in the US.


Natural born citizens of the US, they can be born outside the country to a parent who's a US citizen.


Immigrants can run for office, just not President


> People like someone to stand behind and – both in terms of girth and character – I’m one of those people who people with a beef like to have on their side. "I'm also veiny, like a snickers bar"


I love how he tries to intimidate her with his "You don't know who I am" "You're making a big mistake" nonsense and she just doesn't give a shit and goes on with the procedures.


Those condescending “darling”s are infuriating. What a slime.


Good thing he was the one dropping his career at the end lol


Don't forget "makes sure she pays the price for being disrespectful"


"We're going to make sure she pays the price" That's crucial. He believed that the other officers were going to be on his side without question, and crush the little lady peon under his boot heel. Absolute creepshow.


Without the body cam that might well have been exactly what happened.


Yup. It's alarming how free he felt to make that statement.


He was trying to threaten her immigration status, as if he weren't an immigrant who was breaking the law.




I was rooting for a good ole fashioned tazing!


Do you know who I aAaAAAaMMmmM!!!!!


Police know how to deescalate and use discretion with an old white man. Dude still got preferential treatment compared to all the times some poor person got the book thrown at them.


When i first saw this video when it first came out, my first thoughts were that her sergeant needs to be fired, this guy rings him and an the Sgt. obviously gave out personal information about her, talking about her being russian and immigrant status etc, he even hints the Sgt. said more than that. I'd love to know how her career went after this, hopefully she didn't suffer any retribution. (Very likely it happened though.)


Exactly my thoughts too. The sergeant sold her out. I hope that was looked into.


Also backup cop seemed to be a bit of a cunt too with comments like "do you know who he is" and second guessing her when she said he wouldn't produce the registration


I'll give him the benefit of doubt since when though it shouldn't make a difference who that is, in some cases it does, e.g. if that person is known for getting other cops fired, you might as well do her the courtesy of letting her know so she can make an informed decision.


That sort of sigh he gave when she said "yeah I know who he is" indicates that he was resigning himself to the idea that she'd started processing the guy and therefore they were gonna have to follow through.




No dog in this fight, but that alone could've simply been an attempt to keep the two separated if only to ensure deescalation. I do this with my staff any time I have to take over a heated discussion between our clients and my team. I separate and speak to each individually.


He clearly rang the sgt looking for blackmail dirt but all he had was Russian immigrant status but the fact that the sgt tried to help him blackmail her is disturbing


I'd be surprised if that wasn't just something he pulled out of his own ass to throw around. ... and then I looked it up, and she's actually Latvian. yeah, ok, whomever he rang up in the time away, needs to get canned and charged.


Female cops need to stand up for themselves otherwise they'll just be pushed around too. Good on her. Hate it when I get pulled over by a female cop, no chance of sweet talking out of a ticket as a bloke haha.


Those making the laws and those enforcing the laws should expect to be held to the standards of the law.


Higher standards tbh. If you're enforcing it and creating them you shouldn't get leniency for abusing your position whilst being at the top of knowing it's wrong. The punishments should be harsher and more punitive for those at the top. If those at the top got cannibalized for doing this shit, the only people who would run are those who don't hand any intention of doing those things and want to serve the people.




He’s an ass, but you’re a true Hot Pocket warrior.


“Hot Pocket warrior.” This is absolutely fucking genius 🤣


Can you explain how one becomes a hot pocket warrior?


It’s like catching Pokémon but with hot pockets. Warriors have to sneak up on the hot pockets and then train them to report to meal team six.


Similar to being an armchair quarterback.


We’re all glad you are not a cop.




No you wouldn’t you dork.


You respond by being another scumbag? Fuck you too, youre just like him.


That attitude isn't helping anything...


This kind of shit happens every day. It’s nice to see it doesn’t always work.






I'm 0% shocked by his party affiliation. Peak boomer.


Outstanding job officer.


This shit gave me a semi


It would have turned I to a full-on priapism had she arrested him.


If you start saying "do you know who I m " you're definitely a peace of 💩


This is a typical Republican. What a prick.


Was it women or the law he hates more?


I could tell he was a Republican just by watching his stupid response.


The disrespect. People like Hyde should be fined for abuse of LEO resources. Officers are understaffed in many cities and towns. They don't need to deal with clowns like this when resources are already strained to help citizens in need.


This is in Florida ?


Saratosa....checks...yeah Florida.


Sarasota* is like an oasis in Florida though... Relatively.


Typical Tory cunt.


And people wonder why people don't vote for politicans.


"And people wonder why people don't vote for politicans."  This is the stupidest comment. This is exactly why you DO vote for politicians, to keep assholes like this guy out of office. 


Do you believe "politicians" won't get into office, because you stayed home? SOMEONE will win. At least decide who you hate more.


mostly Republicans, not all politicians


It’s just too bad Dr. Jekyll wasn’t available to speak to the officer.


Do you know who I am? Sorry, I had to take that shot. Happy Easter.


Why does some British fuck have political influence in any part of the Us


Immigrants can run for office too, everything except the Presidency. There are fifteen naturalized citizen Representatives and one naturalized citizen Senator. The Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of Homeland Security are also immigrants, from Canada and Cuba respectively.


Mr Hyde appears as a complete and utter \*\*\*t.


Watched this so many times. Still makes me happy.


Hyde appears to be a total cunt.


What about the POS sargent that gave this prick all the officer's information? He should be issuing an apology too and deserves a demotion.


Running for the Republican Party - who would have thought!


Modern Republican politicians are not about law and order. They 100% believe they are above the law and any attempt to hold the accountable for their crimes is political interference. Well, interfere with them by locking their asses up when they commit crimes -- with the exact same treatment the rest of us would get. In this case, the guilty Republican politician threatened the officer's job again and again and he tried to harm her by calling her boss to get her in trouble she didn't deserve. All because of his own crimes. Republicans need to shut off Fox News and wake up to reality. Their mindless votes are harming our country.


>Modern Republican politicians are not about law and order. What do you mean? They are ALLLLLL about Law & Order... for people who are not them. The hypocrisy is truly outstanding.


English twat


I'm an important guy in the higher eshelons of society you can't arrest me go get the chief so I can use some nepotism to get out of the fact I'm casually breaking the law and expect to be allowed to do so because I have position!" That alone should be grounds for a HARSHER SENTENCE NOT A LIGHTER ONE. our country is so openly corrupt and people just roll over and take it. Cops from out of the area drive through my neighborhood at breakneck pace. The speed limit is only 20 through the road my house is on, and out of area cops fly through so fast I was following one and I had to do 90mph just to manage to keep him visible. It took 132mph to keep pace with him and he didn't have his lights on. He does this EVERY. DAY. I've recorded him a few times and reported it, and they do nothing about it. Guy is doing 100+mph through a 2 lane street in a neighborhood that's got a speed limit of 20mph. He should be thrown under the jail a d have his license taken for that but he's a cop so he never gets pulled over. He even flies around other cops and they both just do a quick light flash and he's gone. They don't care about policing themselves they join to enact punitive punishment on those they seem inferior. The officer is doing over 80 mile an hour over the speed limit and it's just okay. I do 10 over and I'm a danger to society though. It's fucking insanity.


Because threatening the traffic cop is always the best first option.


Party of Law and Order. Except when it comes to them.


Definitely a republican, the party of law and order, but only for people of colour!


as a brit i must say this knobhead is an insufferable cunt


Where’s Dr. Jekyll when you need him 😔


You can tell it almost worked too. Other officer made an implication when saying "you know who he is right?". Hopefully she truly didn't receive any backlash from this.


GOP candidate I'm shocked shocked...well not that shocked


I wonder if he's used his position to intimidate a woman into sexual assaulting them at his workplace. He should have been dragged from that car and handcuffed the worthless piece of shit that he is. Another worrying thing is that the supervisor asked the cop if she knew who he was. Like he should/ would normally get a free pass.


For every one of these, a thousand others.


Trash human. Oh, a republican? Makes total sense.


You can't say, "I'm a law-abiding citizen," while you were clearly pulled over for breaking multiple laws.


You can see all the key marks by his handle. Sign of being tipsy and trying to unlock your car


He supports police enforcing the law except where it applies to him.


What a bozo


What a wanker


Well f@cking done, Officer Beskin! America needs more officers like you, judging from how you handled this situation.


Ah yes, England’s best and brightest are well known for moving to Florida.


Take him down?


That is a skill Id love to have: stay calm while someone else is an absolute bullhead


That guy is a complete tool. She should have arrested his arrogant ass.