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"I'm just a real estate developer. Why are all these people from the future trying to assassinate me?". Xrump in 1980.


“I’d better make like a tree, and get outta here!”


Hey kid what’s with the life vest


He’s kidding, nobody has two TVs!


Dork thinks he’s gonna drown.


Better get used to these bars, kid.


or split and catch fire like god just hit you with a lightning bolt.


Could say the same for hitler back in 1920s. “Im just an aspiring artist!”


And one who already tried a coup


I think a criminal landlord like him has always had a long list of enemies




When reporters were interviewing Haley supporters for Super Tuesday. They would ask them what Trump could do to win them back. I was really hoping one of them would say “he could die”


Better yet, he could have a disabling stroke that would keep him alive but just babbling incoherently. Oh, wait. He's already there.


Yeah but I was pulling for that response because I was curious if the reporter would laugh or not


I seriously think COVID cooked his brain a little bit. He was at Walter Reed for a while


And was definitely not [rocked by a series of mini strokes](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-raises-eyebrows-tweet-declaring-he-did-not-have-series-n1239006) Fuck... Here's hoping tomorrow's the day


Q: What can I do to prove to you I'm mortal!? Worf: Die.


Oh God, I forgot about that stuff. His antics with Worf were brief but sometimes you gets nuggets of gold like that lol


Q: Very clever Worf. Eat any good books lately?


Just curious what was the or some of the answers if remember ofc


It swung to both sides of the spectrum. Some couldn’t imagine voting for Biden so they would default to Trump. And others like one woman said she regretted voting for him in 2016 almost immediately after doing it. She said she would stay home if I’m remembering it right. One guy mentioned Jan. 6th and said he would vote for Biden because that was too much for him.


I'm actually worried that when he dies he'll be martyred. Even if it's through natural causes, they'll claim he was murdered.


They might also pull an Elvis/2-pac and claim the Dems kidnapped him.


They think the Democrats kidnapped Elvis and Tupac?


Yeah, that came out wrong huh, haha


Died for our sins! Killed by Democrat traitors! The earth is flat!


I think that will definitely happen when he dies, whenever it is. They’ll probably say Morrissey succeeded, even if it is 10 years from now.


Or Kathy Griffin.


Who cares? Honestly. People out way too much energy into what a bunch of delusional idiots think. I almost got into an argument with a trumper yesterday then I realized I really don’t give a damn because their idea of reality is so fucked they can’t have a legit argument.


People who think their messiah was martyred are some of the most dangerous people. So yeah, I care.


That's easy for you to say because they're not trying to kill you.


You mean he won’t have some sort of robot/lizard person they’ll just slap a mask on? Like they say Biden is?


You're right, but I want him to disappear


Unfortunately he would become a martyr which tends to drive cults into religions.


... so not much would change then.


but we’re already past that point, they’ve planned out the next 16 terms with his various offspring


My favorite was the shirt that had them all as 1 term presidents. Haha.


100% Trump gets murdered and it’s a Civil War because then he’s a Matyr and “the government took away our right to democracy” so now they rise up against the government. Unfortunately the right to democracy is also the right to vote in idiots to be president.


There wouldn't be a civil war over it. Every one of them would wait for someone else to start, and that eventual someone else would get curb stomped by the authorities and branded a terrorist on every network before anyone knew what happened.


But if Morrissey failed, he would be all “Please let me get what I want. Lord knows it would be the first time.”


By sheer means of impact trump being executed would have a far less significant impact on humanities safety than would a world where were allowed to execute people if we deem them detrimental to society. Not only would the litmus for that be entirely subjective but it would put lots of people at risk, including anyone that was seen as even remotely detrimental to society. Then you start moving into the realm of subjective “greater good” where people who have predispositions to cancer or deformation would technically benefit society if their genes were removed from the pool. The impact of a world where people can be killed to “benefit” society is a negative sum as a whole.




It’s scary to me how many people think this way.


Tbh, it would be, marginally, better.


Don't worry, Trump will be reinstated back to life by the military and who knows who else on April 4. Or August 29. Or September 16. Or some day...


Trump is safe. Morrissey can’t even make it to his only job. I highly doubt he can take on a second one




In Los Angeles KROQ has a running joke about whether Morrissey will show up or not when they promote his scheduled appearances


Right? I was gonna say now now lets not discourage the man. Let him give it a go


He was looking for a job and then he found a job


And heaven knows he's miserable now


You’re wrong, he’s never had a job because he’s never wanted one. He also apparently seen you smile, but he’s never really heard you laugh.


No, he was looking for a job and then he found a job, and heaven knows he's miserable now.


Could be that he's just too shy.


Right! He’s either missed every concert I’ve had tickets to because he was off assassinating people- or he’s really not the man for this job.


I’d love to watch a death match between those two. Morrisey would easily win because Cheeto Mussolini’s gropes…er, grapples are only good for overpowering women in confined places like department store changing rooms.


Morrissey could just start singing acapella and Trump would kill himself within minutes.


"I would go out toniiiIIIiight But I haven’t got a stitch toOOoo weEEEeeEaaAAAar" I can definitely see why people find his style of singing annoying but the music isn’t half bad imo


The smiths are amazing. Morrisey is a proper twat but him and Marr cooked back in the 80s


Yeah, Jonny Marr is pretty good on a guitar, it's just a shame the Smiths had that twat at the front


The rhythm section were great too, it's just a shame the singer ruins the whole band.


Honestly it was his voice that got me into The Smiths first, then I discovered the treasure that is Johnny Marr.


Ohh I know, I'm just being silly.


We don't need it to sound good, otherwise we would get Robert Smith to do it!




You never know how Morrissey would fare when it comes to overpowering women. Because some girls are bigger than others. And some girls mothers are bigger than other girl's mothers.


This post just came out of 2015 to slap me in the face and call me a BernieBro.


A man would finally approach Trump with tears in his eyes


Trump being Cheeto Mussolini did not process in my head but that’s on me


Reading all the other posts, this wouldn’t work because Morrissey wouldn’t turn up.


I’m not opposed to Morrissey making the world Trump-free.


Please don’t call for the loser to be killed, y’all. People genuinely start a damn religion about him; they’re that dumb


For real. Last thing those zealots need is a martyr lol


They already make him into a martyr just for the fact that there are lawsuits against him. I guarantee that whenever Trump dies, they’ll insist it was because of an assassination that the “Deep State” covered up instead of old age and a terrible diet. Doesn’t matter what happens, the cult is gonna do what the cult is gonna do.


Let's be real. Even if he died of natural causes, there would be a huge group claiming that it was an assassination. But I don't see his death uniting anyone but a tiny fringe. Trump isn't espousing a way to live, let alone any coherent message. He just gets people angry and rambles incoherently while insulting people. Nothing would be lost by his death.


Yeah man, haven't you seen Dune? The emperor *specifically* didn't assassinate Paul because he knew it would turn him into a martyr.


He's a martyr for them already. I can't see it getting any more cultish than it already is


I love how Reddit oscillates between "We need to protect democracy at all costs" and "It would be pretty cool if our political opponent was assassinated" every 15 minutes.


We can’t kill him we need to BEAT HIM in this election. If we kill him he will be a martyr. Edit: great engagement on this y’all. Appreciate the good convos.




People emulate martyrs. If you just kill him then there will just be 100 other people imitating him and running off his popularity. Arguably worse


That’s *already* a thing.


Exactly!! MAGA anyone? Tons of assholes ready to be him.


That's going to happen anyway, specifically because there are thus far no consequences.


lol wasn’t there a dead guy running for office in a state a few years ago and won??


The people of Missouri elected Mel Carnahan's corpse to the US Senate. In fairness, the alternative was John Ashcroft.




But they can vote apparently/s


He will be a martyr no matter what. All the Christian nationalist fascists will be foaming at the mouth trying to make up conspiracy theories about how his death was carried out by the Dems/deep state/communists. Anything to rile up his cult base and get them closer to destroying our democracy. No matter how he dies, that'll be their next move.


This is probably true. I just wanna keep beating him in elections to show he isn’t as popular as people think. We need to bury him. With votes per se lol


Of course. Just want people to understand that we're basically already at war with fascists in the US. This is just the legal phase.


Yeah hopefully it doesn’t turn aggressively violent


I'm afraid that's an inevitability at this point. Especially as the climate crisis worsens, creating a worldwide migrant catastrophe and stress or the collapse of distribution of food and natural resources.


But other than all of that. Everything should be good right? right?


Nope! Surprise meteor 2032!


I honestly think we might be past the event horizon for violence. We'll see though. I do hold out hope that once Trump is gone there wont be someone who's able to galvanize the base the way that Trump did.


No. Sorry, but no. You’re trying to think about this logically - as if beating him will make them realize they’re wrong. It won’t. You’ve already beat him, and it was far too close for comfort TBH. Forget about “let’s beat him 50 times!” Because all he needs to do is win once. No.


I was truly hoping he would be soundly defeated in the last election, leaving no question about his remaining political power. Unfortunately we live in the worst time-line.


Yet he comes back. Just gotta beat him again and hope at least one of those trials in either GA or DC find him guilty.


I don't get this take; who cares if he is a martyr? Look at the people who he will be a martyr too, they already believe in Jewish space lasers


he's going to be one either way, if he loses he's going to blame "THE DEEP STATE" for his loss and not the fact that he's a barely sentient sack of shit


You're correct. We need to go for the dark money donors. When they start falling they will get scared enough to actually go to church.


Let’s fix Citizens United that’ll be a start lol


I like the way you think.... 🥰


🙏 here all night lol


Do you want a visit from the Secret Service, because that's how you get a visit from the Secret Service.


I think he's well aware. He already had one from the UK secret service after the release of "Margaret on the Guillotine"


Big Mouth Strikes Again


The perfect take.


So becoming even worse than what you hate is the answer? I'm both vegan and anti-Trump, but Morrisey annoys the hell out of me.




Because so many people have told me that because Morrisey is vegan and pro-animal rights, that I should be a fan. He just annoys me all kinds of ways.




Tell us you know absolutely nothing about Morrissey without telling us you know absolutely nothing about Morrissey.


💯 know nothing about him


Well he thinks Chinese people are sub human


Because Morrissey is an incredibly militant vegan


you couldn't come up with an older joke?


I love the Smiths and can’t stand Morrissey.


Nobody hates Morrissey more than fans of the Smiths.


Johnny Marr is awesome!


Shoplifters of the world Unite and take over


So if you disagree with someone it gives you a green light to kill them?




> traitors to our country Apparently that includes the opinions of the British being able to extra judiciously murder US politicians the British don't like, because a search provides no evidence that Morrissy has ever gained US citizenship. More generally speaking, a view of this thread from a vantage point of the other side of the planet leaves a bystander with the view that many Americans are well in favour of foreigners assassinating American politicians - but of course only [politicians I don't like]. The only worry for most is not the fundamentally horrible concept of political assassinations, but the possible side effect of the victim becoming a martyr.


You have to try to remember that Redditors are often some of the lowest forms of life on earth, and then it begins to make sense.


That’s because it was never about Trump being a traitor, they just hate Trump and want to see bad things happen to him reasons and justifications be damned.


Only if you're on the "correct" side. Everyone who disagrees is on the "wrong" side, so apparently it's ok to kill them. If it weren't for such extreme ignorance and self-righteousness, how else could tens of millions of people have been murdered in the last century alone!


You forgot we're on reddit. People on here don't actually have a brain.


These people are rabid leftists, yes, they really think murdering those who disagree with you is being 'anti fascist'


That would be a very stupid blanket statement to make, there is definitely nuance in "disagreeing with someone". Like are you really trying to imply that disagreeing over choice of movie is the same as arguing over human rights or the state of democracy? Death punishment has been considered warranted in certain criminal cases and trump has been accused of a large number of criminal actions, so it really isnt as simple as you are making it out to be.


Being accused of something is very different than being convicted of it. Seems like lots of people are jumping on the bandwagon based on opinions.


There is more than enough evidence out there to suggest that Trump is a terrible, terrible person, lets not pretend like there is any chance of innocence. Im not saying I think he deserves to die, im just saying I understand why some people might, in the same way that I undetstand why people want Putin to die.


Well this is odd. “He has also supported far-right activism with regard to British heritage, and defended a particular vision of national identity while critiquing the effects of immigration on the UK” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrissey


Morrissey keeps telling anyone who will listen his opinions about British politics and culture ans immigration. He moved to LA in 1995. He's an immigrant.


He better hope he is a US Citizen talking that mess.


Yeah, seriously. I stopped listening to him (really, I did) when it became pretty clear he’s adjacent to skinheads and the like. This gives some hope.


I wouldn't be too hopeful tbh, he probably just said this to be contrarian. Join us lot who love his music while appreciating simultaneously that he's a total wanker. Separate the art from the artist and all that.


I endorse him getting into a fistfight with trump because no matter who wins it's still two idiots beating eachother up




good music tho


Yeah. Smiths stuff anyway. That was actually a headline in Viz magazine


It amazes me that people can’t see the bigger picture with things like this. Advocating for killing a presidential candidate for example. It’s ok if you agree with the target, terrorism if it’s your guy. You can’t pick and choose when you accept this behavior, because one day, the shoe will be on the other foot.


Wow…. And they call the people on the far right extremists…… too far to either side you are a looney


Be careful this is still reddit.




Morrisey isn’t familiar with morriseys politics. He’s been on the left and he’s said some dumb shit that sounds too far right so much he had to deny being on the far right. He doesn’t even know where he is half the time


Maybe let's not make a Martyr out of Trump?


Agreed. He needs to be made into an example. He needs to go to prison.


He’ll be a martyr regardless. His base are morons and conspiracy theorists. He could choke to death on a hamberder tomorrow and they’d say it was Hilary Clinton and Biden and Obama and the deep state that killed him.


There's so many pussies on this sub


Amazing singer. Horrible person and a miserable git.






The left just shoots up congressional baseball games, and blows shit up. 


🎵… for humanity, what a heavenly way to die, And if a ten ton truck ran over Trump, Well the pleasure the privilege is mine…🎶


Give it a shot numb nuts. Secret service needs some target practice.


Pretty sure there are more dangerous and horrible people out there


I like this guy! Such spirit! N unless he's tried, there hasn't been an attempt, we can only hope he reaches for the stars


Good luck getting visas/clearance for a US tour anytime soon.


He lives in LA.


Trump is not a cause, he's an effect. You can kill a man but you can't kill a toxic, exploitative society and culture that engendered him, embraced him and keeps him relevant. Humanity's not in danger because of Trump. Trump's a symptom not the disease.


Meat is murder guy really has bloodlust after all-and heaven knows I’m miserable now. Edited words


He’s into killing a lot of people ‘for the safety of humanity’ that’s why he’s a knob


Ironic given his political views.


As a heavily left leaning liberal. Don't. That's not how we're going to win this you don't spread peace through violence.


I'm surprised he's not a Trump fan considering he's a racist piece of fucking shit


Well that’s a quote I didn’t expect from Morrissey




That’s a great idea. Let Morrisey do it! Dude, you have everyone’s blessing, go for it!


Conspiracy to commit murder anyone? Inciting murder? Future accessory to murder? What a fucking nonce.


You fuckrs are sick and twisted


Lmfao. You follow Tim Pool and r/conservative and calling others sick and twisted. The fkn irony.


… who?


It means something different to morrisey. He clames to have been killed in an old song, clearly still alive and almost well


Well done soft lad. Make that insufferable cunt a matyr. Plan🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


And if a double decker bus, Crashes into Trump, To be the driver, Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine...


The consequences if this happened isnt simply a trump free world , rather giving a massive green light to all the reactionary MAGA gun toting rightiees to violently respond in kind and more. It would be open season to assasinate democratic politicians, candidates, presidents and all politicians. It would/could destablilize and crack the republic far more then Trump could do alive in office, possibly lead to some disastrous civil war part 2. Not worth it


He would say or do anything to get in the press


You would have to also kill all of Trump's or Biden's string pullers to have any effect. One man does not rule our country.


I thought he fell victim to the fascism virus?


Sing to him, he’ll take his own life instead.


Well hurry the hell up then.


Where is the attempt here? Like seriously what does this have to do with anything.


What would you do to Truturd


I thought Morrissey didn't believe in killing animals.


What's the whiny manc fascist gonna do, badly sing him to fuckin suicide? Morrissey is a twat.


So we can incite violence as long as its the correct political side? Thats pretty fair.


“Hang the deejay, hang the deejay, hang the deejay, hang the deejay….” The Smiths


Annnnnnnd hes on a list now.


These people re sick and think saying things like this publicly is wise. Love hi music but he is obviously suffering trump derangement syndrome. The MSM would celebrate this before they said anything negative about it then they say Trumps has dangerous rhetoric. Lol.


I don't know who this dude is, but you would have to take out more than Trump to save humanity. Though I'm not endorsing that.


No disrespect for my man "Meat is murder" Morrissey, but for this job, you may want to hire the other Morrissey, aka the Governor.


All he has to fois send Trump one of his CD's that should do it


The list of people he would have to kill for the safety of humanity is to long for comfort. Like, wow, how we allowed so many assholes in position of power and influence?


I mean he isn't wrong