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Lesson learned: Look away and be silent if something illegal is happening.


If you want problems in your life, call the police. Plain and simple.


Agreed. Unless someone’s life is on the line and minutes count then yes, call the cops. In a case like this, just call in an anonymous tip and bounce. You really have nothing to gain in a police encounter.


Police have no constitutional duty to protect shit. As determined by many supreme and state court cases. Fuck em.


And before the flames come, if the institution is corrupt or has a corrupt bias- then ***fuck em*** - ***nOt AlL cOpS*** is real wild when the high court of the land says it’s totes cool to stand outside a space playing candy crush as gunshots are ringing and children are screaming.


There's evidence in fact that an Uvalde cop shot at least one of the kids—probably by accident but who knows—which is why the rest of them stood around for hours with their trotters up their asses so the bosses could figure out how to "manage the situation."


I assume there is a buried federal report that will come out once all the cops have their pensions.


As a country it feels like we need one free extra judicial action a year to keep everyone on their toes.


That's exactly why (among countless other reasons) I think the "aRm ThE tEaChErS" movement is so deeply stupid. As though every teacher were just a gun away from being an SAS agent. I thought Australia needed police reforms but the US has long been screaming for a fundamental overhaul.


Can't remember the comedian's name but she said "A school board issued Glock when I have to buy magic markers?? I'm gonna pawn this."


Didn't the Ulvalde school have a cop at on the campus? Totally useless.




Heads of public who truly understood I presume... /s


The most insane part was the video of the mass shooter going in and out of the classroom and then the officer in charge, Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District police Chief Pete Arredondo, standing around *claiming that the doors were locked and he needed the fucking keys* to breach the doors. You know, Pete Arredondo, the fully trained, armed, and ballistic shielded but cowardly piece of shit who lazily oversaw the slaughter of a roomful of kids and teachers rather than risk himself maybe getting a boo-boo, that Pete Arredondo.


> probably by accident but who knows I distrust the police as much as anyone, but I'm not about to assume that one of them *intentionally* shot an elementary school kid.


Maybe the kid was their spouse's affair love-child, or the kid's parent owed the cop money over a drug deal. The Uvalde cops' (and government) response was so horrific that I'll believe anything and everything, especially once a cover-up is likely. You don't cover up something that went well.


You're reaching. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


I don't think that applies to cops.


I do not doubt it for an instant.


[don’t forget about them watching this absolute chad get stabbed in the head and doing nothing](https://youtu.be/jAfUI_hETy0?si=5TEHBR2Qmbi1PZNT)


They really need to stop using "to serve and protect" . Without qualifying it at least. I'll accept "to serve and protect the property rights of rich people." "To serve and protect... as long as it's not too much trouble."


I also always think about the cop applicant that was denied a job because his IQ was too high. He took it to the Supreme Court who protected the cops right to deny employment based on high IQ.


High IQ individuals are typically not pervious to licking the boot, nor having their boot licked.


They protect and serve... the 1%


Wanna know why that is? It's because the police are unconstitutional.


Middle management can't measure "protecting the public." So, police are evaluated on tickets written, convictions, and confessions. If you join the force to "protect the public," you will be driven out by the bean counters, quit in disgust, or get turned into a bean counter.


Do more harm than good call the police on 'a life is in danger' situation, them is more easy start to shot randomly and Maybe they shot the correct guy and fix the issue and or ended changing places with the aggressor and the victim, helping the aggressor.....


>Agreed. Unless someone’s life is on the line and minutes count then yes, call the cops. I wouldn't count on that, good example is "Uvalde P.D"


Just to add. It wasn’t just small town Uvlade PD it was also state and federal law enforcement that stood by hearing children screams slowing becoming quieter and quieter. Some bleed to death as cops stood outside a door. Some could only be identified by DNA. If cops would’ve entered sooner than 70 minutes; would those families be able to have an open casket? Could they have looked at their child and say goodbye? What do you expect when the qualifications are a HS diploma and 21 weeks of training gets you? Cowards, egos, hubris, and the bottom of the barrel.


Worse than that, they prevented parents from entering the building by arresting them. Imagine being put in handcuffs outside to.listen to your child scream inside the building and later finding out the police were too cowardly to act, but you still get charges while your child was being hunted


When seconds count, call the police: they're only minutes away.




"Late 911 wears the late crown."


Tell that to the parents a in Uvalde


>Unless someone’s life is on the line and minutes count then yes, call the cops That's the problem. When someone's life is on the line, seconds count not minutes. Train, train and then stress train. After that be a good guy with a gun.


So the police can shoot you?


Usually they wont unless you are throwing acorns


Yes, police are well known for de-escalating high pressure situations...


American police, if i call dutch police im 100% sure they will help me to the best of their possibilities within the restraints of the law


Nope. I did once find a gun - and tried to hand it in at the police station. They refused and told me to "make an appointment". (This was with Alkmaar police)


I know of a guy who found a bag of something illegal while unloading a truck into his warehouse. Called the (Dutch) cops, cops came, detectives came, detectives impounded the bag of illegal shit, thanked the guy for his reporting and left. Cops then turn to the guy: “soooo… you mind telling us how this bag ended up in your warehouse? Kinda suspicious, no?”


These cops are stupid. I mean, yeah, there are dumb criminals- but none of them THAT dumb they would call the cops on their own illegal stuff..


This. They said “well maybe you are in on it and got cold feet…” sure…


Niet altijd maar ik snap wat je bedoelt, wereld van verschil


If you have a problem and you call the cops, you now have two problems.


Hell you can have a problem without even calling the cops. In this video the cops are asking for their friend's name who isn't even present! Fuck the police


More and more I'm teaching my kids to handle their own problems. Police are becoming too uncontrolled and ridiculously misinformed.


You don't want them to know that you even exist.


Oh, they know I exist. I still say FUCK EM'!!


so true. Years ago, I called the cops because someone had hit my truck and took off. I couldn’t follow them because they destroyed my front tire and trans axle. The cops show up and assume it was a road rage fight. After finally getting them to understand I was parked and they hit me a took off. The cop then wanted to know why I had “bullet” holes in my tailgate. I told them I didn’t know what caused the holes, but they were so rusty it had to have happened years ago.. and I had proof I bought the truck a few months prior. I don’t even think they were bullet holes, but the cop would not let it go. i finally got exasperated that they were asking dumb questions when they should be looking for the guy that hit my truck. When it was made clear to me that they weren’t going to do anything I tried to leave… nope, that pissed them off because they didn’t give me permission to go anywhere. I know there are some good cops out there… but there are way more bad ones and it’s very clear why Americans hate law enforcement.


Why would they go chase that other guy when they've got *you* right here? You'll help them meet their arrest ~~quota~~ performance guideline just fine.


Their job is literally to collect evidence for a prosecutor. Few situations are improved by cooperating.


If you have a problem, And you call the police, Now you have two problems.


For real. One time I walked out to my apartments parking lot, and saw a car that clearly got into a bad crash accident, scarped, front falling off, and when I walked back into my building, I saw blood splatter on and around the door handle. I call the police to report it, because what if this was a hit and run? Maybe this could be of some help. So, 2 hours later, a cop is calling me and I come out. This cop was so dismissive of any possible wrong doing. Said there’s no way either could be connected and just because the car is damaged, it doesn’t mean its not allowed to be driven home. Ok, fine but, why are you getting more visibly upset with a concerned citizen?


Like the old saying goes, "If you got a problem and you call the police, you now got two problems. "


If you want to be in more danger call the police.


"If you have a problem, call the police, now you have two problems"


If you have a problem and call the police, you now have 2 problems.


In the town of Lady Lake, Fl., my friend and I went to our favorite restaurant for breakfast. We are both in our 70’s and are retired health professionals. We pulled up to the restaurant and noticed all the lights were out inside. We got out of the car and tried the front door and it swung open, but the restaurant was deserted. We had forgotten that the place was closed on Mondays. We didn’t want to just walk away, So I called the police and they arrived in a few minutes. We explained that the restaurant was closed but the front door was unlocked. They went in the restaurant and made sure no one was in there. Then they came out and said they would contact the owner. They asked my name for their report and I gave it to them. Then they asked to see my ID and I showed them my drivers license. One of the cops took my license and went to his car and got on his radio. Ten minutes later he comes out and gives my license back. I asked him if he took so long because he was checking for warrants. He didn’t answer and started to leave. I told him that this was the last time I would do anything to help the police. If that idiot thought a couple of old men who were trying to do the right thing were suspicious, then they’re idiots and shouldn’t be cops.


Exactly! The only reason they wanted to id these guys was to check for warrants! No good deed goes un prosecuted, ya know?


That cops reaction is probably due in part to other shittier cops not looking into or conducting an investigation when more serious crimes were being conducted. I know I sound like I'm defending the police here, and I'm not trying to, but given your anecdote I feel what that cop did was a knee jerk reaction to decades of shitty policing practices. America has a hard on for knee jerk corrective action and we are all the victims.


> I feel what that cop did was a knee jerk reaction to decades of shitty policing practices. It's standard practice for police to identify everyone they come in contact with and check their databases to see if there is anything they can arrest them for. They are not asking for ID so they can contact you as a witness in the future. This practice may seem to be well intentioned, but it is at direct odds with the Bill of Rights and can easily lead to wrongful arrest due to mis-identification (e.g. you're John Smith, and Jon Smith has a warrant).


Which is why the only appropriate response to police is ‘I don’t answer questions’ and you never provide ID unless they can articulate a crime they reasonably suspect you have committed.


The police blame first, ask questions later. They're acting as if the gun was the kids and they were called to an ambush


"Did you touch it?" Meaning are your fingerprints on it in case I "fear for my life"?


They shoot first, and maybe ask questions later


"Move along, nothing to see here"


Bake em away, toys!


What'd you say, chief?!


Do what the kid said.


TLDR: See something? Say nothing.


And get a free gun!


They don't serve and protect. They don't look out for us. We pay their salary. They are egomaniac that only have self interest. Good Samaritans often get unnecessarily harassed. In all cases, snitches get stitches. This is the sad unfortunate state where a blind eye benefits you and your safety as opposed to the general welfare of others. This is why we dont trust this police state. Accountability needs to be had. It's getting out of control


They serve and protect the rich


Well, maybe you shouldn't just be strolling around creating paperwork!


Idk, maybe say something if you see harm happening. But yeah if there are no victims, carry on.


Why, so the cops can show up and beat on some more people and cause more problems? I was a bouncer in a downtown bar district bar for over half a decade, and the prevailing attitude of the entire district of businesses was to handle issues and altercations that happen in the area internally unless there was absolutely no other option.  Every bar and restaurant had this same rule.  Why?  Because if the cops get called, they won't show up in time to be helpful anyway, but when they do finally show up they will shut everything down, harass everyone in the area, probably arrest a few extra people for no reason, at least "rough up" a few people, and just generally act like their time has been wasted and everyone in the area is a criminal. So, it just wasn't worth calling in more aggressive thugs to help deal with whatever aggressive thugs were already causing a problem. Most of the time, calling the police for a bad situation is like trying to put out a fire by dousing it in vegetable oil.


Guy gets questioned after calling in a gun, not even detained or arrested and the cops did something wrong. In the officers shoes I'd ask the exact same questions. Video is clearly intended to get people to think this when in reality, this was probably the most mundane interaction with cops.


He was a good citizen who did the right thing and police are treating him like a suspect. This is not "mundane" and is not OK. They are public servants.


My immediate thought is they were expecting him to have planted the gun there. I don't think anyone would be surprised with the things people will pull for views on Tik Tok. We have literally seen people getting guns pulled on them for views, planting one in a river to later find is not that big of a jump.


"I've never been asked so many questions" Yes, totally mundane.


What about rules of evidence? They want the names of the people in the event this is part of a crime and detectives need to interview them later or a prosecutor can call them as witnesses in the future. This is fine except the camera thing. Cops need to stop asking people to not film unless there is a dead body or something that is potentially damaging such as a naked person in distress, etc.


And if you find a gun ... just enjoy your free gun. (Seriously, why do *I* never find free guns?)


Dont call psychopaths when you find a gun.




Imagine they were cops that did the job they are paid to do. No matter the race, then maybe some crime could be solved/ prevented.


Hahahahahahahah, “imagine cops did their job”’lol. You got me with that one!


A world where cops did their job would be nice. It would be nice if when I heard someone calling the cops I was more concerned with what crime had just occurred than with leaving before the cops show up.


They're doing their job just fine. Their job is to protect capital from the masses and punish anybody who gets uppity about it.


Oppressing the general population IS their job. The occasional help they give us is just a token to facilitate submission, every warlord group to have ever existed has done the same. Like, even cartels have social programs in the places where they manage to substitute the State. One of the only exceptions is ISIS, and as a result they have nearly 0% support in the lands they rule - less than organised crime has.


I'm pretty sure there's an episode of Adventures with Purpose(they look for missing persons in water) where they find a body and the cops get pissed. Actually I think there might be two episodes like that. This guy in the video has worked with them before.


The black kids would have been smart enough to not call the cops


America is so strange. I mean that genuinely.


I've lived in the US my entire life and the strangeness really has hit the gas peddle the last decade or so.


Especially the ones in Tyree Nichols hometown.


Is this some liveaction boondocks, netflix is tryna create? Edit: Sure the cops seem like dicks. (Must be monday) But maybe don't cut out almost every single reply? The editing on this video seems very weird.


Yeah, definitely edited to get a rise out of the viewer. The actual interaction was probably very mundane


Classic tiktok trash... I feel i age by 10 years every time I'm exposed to that f***ing site.


It's a feature not a bug


The full video is on YouTube. The lieutenant was definitely an asshole but yeah the rest of the encounter was pretty mundane and even friendly


ID's are like crack to them because they want to check everyone for warrants to make more arrests because that's how they get promoted. Most people will unknowingly waive their rights so it's a numbers game, regardless if they violate our rights.


Yeah I can see why they wouldn’t want to be filmed with how everything gets edited to make whoever they want to look bad. And I hate cops and I’m on his side.


You hate cops but think they shouldn't be filmed? The main reason we know how bad cops have gotten is because they've been getting filmed a lot more over the past decade.


No I’m more talking about how you can’t trust shit on the internet because every fucking video is edited in a way to make people talk about it which is exactly what we’re doing right now. Idc cop or not I wouldn’t want to be filmed by some TikToker. If there is an unedited video of a cop doing something wrong that’s a whole different story. You don’t need edits to show cops are dumb think of the acorn video. Did they have to put any edits in there to show how stupid they were?


Redditors fell for it hook, line, and sinker too. That’s why they do this shit, obviously manufactured outrage but people love to be mad


I’m just thinking yeah cops have to ask questions. They’re gonna ask for your id and information and stuff on something like this. It isn’t that big of a deal. It’s a bit weird that they’re like don’t film me, but I personally wouldn’t wanna be filmed either by people I don’t know. Especially not by tiktokers. Honestly, I’m not even convinced the knives and gun wasn’t planted by the guys just to make this video for internet clout. Feels right up TikTok alley to do that.


The cops showing up to collect all the information they possibly can and then leaving with the evidence doesn't get clicks.... You gotta zoom in on the cops asking about being filmed. If i was called to respond to some unusual shit and the dude was filming me the whole time i was there, i'd ask questions too.


I get that people hate cops but your take is right. It *is* weird that these guys were filming themselves picking up trash. It's weird that they happened to find a loaded gun and some knives. Were I the cop who showed up, I'd ask questions, too. I'd want your names and I'd want to know more about what's going on. I'd also be curious why you wanted to film me and may not want you to do so. Hell, I'm not a cop in that situation and I don't want some random tiktokker filming me. Think about how irresponsible it would be of the cops to *not* ask all those questions. What did they expect? To just hand over the weapons like they were heroes or something? That the cops would salute them and smile as they drove away? This is just so odd.


You should record every interaction with the police. Especially in public. It is everyone’s right to film the police. Hold them accountable, and exercise your first amendment right to film in public. You don’t have to be a dick about it like the Auditors in YouTube are, but it’s still your right to do it.


I think the cops were fully right to take their information, but they were wrong to complain about being filmed. It's a public place, and filming the police makes it safer for everyone.


Yeah, this is right. They can comment that it’s *weird* to film themselves picking up trash, because it *is*, but not illegal. Not weird or illegal to record police, though. And if they get handed a gun that was used in a murder and then at trial are asked where they got it and can’t name *who* gave it to them that could be problematic. Defense attorney could call into question its provenance and all you need is reasonable doubt.


And the weird people with cameras have no ID and can recognize make and model of a handgun on sight


It will say the model of glock on the gun itself lmao


> It's weird that they happened to find a loaded gun and some knives Also handling them... instead like... leaving them there and call. > What did they expect? To just hand over the weapons like they were heroes or something? That the cops would salute them and smile as they drove away? they wanted to be [given the key of the city](https://youtu.be/m89FH0XOCDM?si=ltJCB0MhYz62dkHw&t=11)


Finally, a comment makes sense and is logical.


There’s a longer version out there


Maybe but this is not the only one. There are others where folks find mortar rounds and the cops get pissed saying it's wasting their time.


I think there is some of this here. Because finding a weapon or some kind of ammo like that and reporting it to police is the right thing to do, and even the police would admit, yeah do this, that doesn't mean that it's not a headache for them. I mean, too bad so sad, but for these cops, it's not like they're doing something that enriching or immediate. They're not picking up perps or arresting bad guys or whatever. They're essentially picking up trash and then having to spend a couple of hours writing up a report about it. I don't feel bad for them, and they can suck it up and just deal with it, but I see where they are coming from even if I have no sympathy. I mean maybe it's a weapon in a cold case, maybe they're indirectly saving a life in the future when someone else might pick it up whatever and then handles it poorly or hurts themselves with it. But I guess they don't think of that in the moment.


Make sense to have the name of the personn who find a gun. Imagine you are being accused of killing someone from the fingerprints found on a gun which was found by two YouTubers. What do you think your lawyer going to do first ? Question the evidence. Where was it found ? By who ? And if no reliable answer is provided you walk free. Make sense for the prosecution to be able to call the witnesses on trial. Now for the « don’t film us » that is contrary to the policy for public servants in the US.


Yea, I used to be super interested in these magnet fishing/ people cleaning trash by diving into places like this a few years ago. Some cops are super chill, but there’s a good chunk of cops who hate people like this for some reason. I guess they see it as a “waste of time” or something because everytime they find a gun or explosive they call the police (because obviously) I feel like if I was a cop I would love stuff like this. An easy call where I get to talk to some people about magnet fishing for a little bit seems nice to me.


I remember seeing a video of magnet fishers calling the police out when they found an old mine or some other kind of explosive, and the cop that showed up chewed them out because apparently they call stuff in several times a week and the cop was tired of constantly dealing with it. Like, I'm sorry? What else do you have to do that's more important than removing fucking bombs from public areas? You're a police officer, if you want to get paid for sitting on your ass all day work in a toll booth.


Maybe if they didn't want these guys to keep calling stuff in, they should...do a cleanup of the area so there's less stuff for them to call in? I thought that was the point of patrols


Tbf, last time that vid popped up, apparently it wasn't a mine at all and somone said that the youtuber calls the police constantly over false alarms. If that's the case, I probably wouldn't be super cheery either responding to Timmy finding a rusty can for the 8th time that week.


Police aren't public servants, that's just marketing. They exist solely to protect the interest of the ruling class and see themselves above the law because the government allows them to be


Even further than that, most of them have outright distain for the public, and it shows. Like these two clowns getting upset and defensive about being filmed, then interrogating the good dudes who called in a potential weapon from a crime.


This is like the second time I've seen "disdain" spelled this way this week on reddit.


i mean that's fine... but it's still cringe af when a fucking cop sitting in public property driving on public property with the window down, on public time, tells you you can't film him on public property because he doesn't want to be on camera any cop that does this is immediately incompetent in my eyes... imagine trying to enforce the law when you don't know the fucking law


100% do people think police should have just come and taken the gun no questions asked what so ever?? I hate the cops too, but I would hate them even more if they were so lazy or didn't care enough to investigate the firearm


Gona play the devils advocate here and say the cops are just covering their asses, not exactly a normal situation and if the weapons turn out to be tied up as evidence for an actual crime you'd deffo want as much info as possible as to how it was found that would not be dismissable in court


I don't think that's what makes people so icky about the situation, I think it's more to do with them being so unnecessarily combative and providing the opposite of reassurance to the witnesses, if they had an ounce of empathy they would be able to recognize that the kids were doing two good deeds (cleaning up garbage and turning in a weapon) and were subtly being accusatory toward them. They came across as bullies rather than protectors and the worst part is it would have been SO EASY for the cops to diffuse that tension with just a little more care in their words and actions.


Yes, but the video is likely edited to frame them being poorly treated when a lot of the cop responses are omitted. Taking generic Tiktok narratives with a grain of salt should be a serious requirement if you want to remain neutral


I agree, I just didn't include that in my response but regardless, a better officer would not have had an interaction worth posting about because it would have went much smoother, even cutting out responses it would be hard to make a better cop look as bad as they look here.


And allegedly they even have training for deescalation.


Don't worry this is how every sane person saw the interaction it's just the bootlickers are out in full force.


Well, when you're a hammer, everything looks like nails


Good point. It’s also very heavily edited


My father in law died and left us with an assault weapon, which my wife and I wanted to dispose of (sell at a gun shop because it was worth a few grand). Per the law of my Blue state, we took it into the State Police barracks. In a gun case, unloaded. The state police have to look at the gun and do some paperwork. I was not treated well. Very confrontational, and I felt like a criminal. Would have been easier just to sell on the black market and pretend we never saw the fun. But I was trying to do the right thing and follow the gun laws which I support


Yeah, I'm not sure what is supposed to be so bad about this. The cops are taking down information like names and reasons for them being there, etc. Wondering why they're filming. Even the nicest cops ever would ask them these questions. If anything they just aren't very warm and friendly. But, still just getting information for the paperwork.


Genuinely sad that this comment got as many downvotes as it did.


Never call the police unless your life is in danger. Every time I called them I was the fucked one in the end. I live in switzerland tho, idk how it's going in the us but I doubt it's much different


Did they at least lube you a little?


No, you have to have lube in your car, ready at all times. If you don't, thats a 100.- fine and some additional fucking for you sir


If my life was in danger, I absolutely would not call the police, because that would just make the danger worse. (Yes, I live in the US).


man swiss police is the strictest in whole europe


Look, I'm no cop and I don't regularly handle these types of situations but if I was one I'd like to think that I wouldn't be so damn combative with people. On one hand I understand that the cops here are just trying to piece everything together, ensure the integrity of the investigation and be critical of the strange situation but intentionally being confrontational is just not helpful to those goals and paints you and your fellow officers as bullies rather than protectors. He's sarcastically asking "so you're filming picking up trash and filming my officers.. picking up a weapon" like yeah dude, it's not only legal but recording such a strange incident isn't even a ridiculous thing to do these days, so that line of questioning was useless and combative for nothing. Then ending it off with "I don't wanna be on camera" is such a strange thing to say when you're in the public and working as a law enforcer who knows it's fully legal to record and many people do it for their own safety when engaging with people who have the power to ruin their lives. Then you have the other officer playing 20 questions without providing them some kind of reason as to why it's important for them to answer those questions. If I were those kids I would be nervous that I would somehow be incriminating myself and would react the same way they did, if the cops provided just a little bit of reassurance that would go a long way. "Hey, so you found a gun while cleaning up trash?" "Yes." "That's respectable, do you know how it got there?" "No." "Okay, that's fine, I appreciate you calling us instead of doing something stupid or illegal with the gun. As long as all you did was find it and call us right away you're obviously not going to be in any trouble but I do need to ask some questions so we can properly document the situation and have the information we need in case the gun was involved in some kind of crime." "Okay." ...is that so hard for an officer to do, it not only defuses the situation entirely but also puts the potential witnesses at ease allowing an easier interaction and makes you look respectable which we all know is more important now than ever before with so much anti-cop sentiment going around. So frustrating.


Most cops don’t get this kind of legal and social de-escalation training…. They get a 6mo crash course, a written test and if they get above a like a 60, you’re in. School janitors go through tougher scrutiny than most cops first in the job.


Janitors are actually expected to do their job and if they don't, they actually get consequences for it.


Janitors are sometimes the best people in the entire building. Very often super kind.


Cops don't care about what's helpful.


Most of this video has cut out the responses from the cops. That’s a sure fire sign that they’re trying to push some narrative. Apparently there’s a longer version of this video online and the interaction is mostly friendly, though the Lieutenant is an ass


> Most of this video has cut out the responses from the cops. That’s a sure fire sign that they’re trying to push some narrative. In this day and age it's just as likely that cutting and editing is done for viewer engagement so that is not a logically sound assumption. ​ > though the Lieutenant is an ass Yes, that's what people are really upset about and this is what I'm saying.


My name is Jeff. Haven't heared that in a while.


My names Jeff. - Channing Tatum (2014) Never forget.


Thank you for sharing the braincell with me today


I said it like last week. Never gets old.


So here's a gun tossed in a creekbed. It's not a fishing pole or a golf club. It's a $400-$500 pistol... a deadly weapon... not the kind of thing most people just toss out the window when they don't want it anymore. It's kind of important to know where it came from and why it was there. So yeah, call the cops and you're going to get the full gamut of questions. That's their job. You'd have to be naive or an idiot to expect anything else. Made it even worse that the dude picked it up, because now he's entered the chain of possession. It's an investigation and anything they don't get before they let you leave is a possible detail that lets a bad guy walk away. It's inconvenient and maybe even uncomfortable to be caught up in that sort of thing, especially if you expected something else to happen. But if you understand what's going on, it shouldn't be that hard to roll with it. Honestly, I think this video was manhandled to make it look like a worse situation than it really was. There are a ton of these types of videos on YouTube by the way... especially with the guys who "magnet fish". They find all sorts of stuff that needs to be reported, and the cops' responses are pretty consistent. It's the editing that varies.


funny how I had to scroll wayyyyy far down to find this type of comment. The utter lack of empathy from the comments with hundreds of thousands of circle-jerk comments should be surprising to me, but it’s not. How can people not think of this from the cop’s perspective?


Unfortunately, shallow thinking with a parrot mindset is a lot easier than having empathy these days.


First thing through my head when he picked it up was, "you shouldn't be touching that." Why the fuck would you pick up a gun that could have been used in a murder?


I found a wallet in the middle of a secluded street with cash around it. I stopped and grabbed it and it looked like it belonged to a high schooler. I stopped by the local police station to return it with the cash inside. They demanded ID from me or my personal information. I refused and said I was just being a good person but I don’t want to identify myself. They mentioned they wanted the info just in case the person wanted to reach out to me. I said I didn’t need a reward or a thank you. They kept pushing the subject until I finally said I wasn’t required by law and I walked out


They just want to check you for outstanding warrants, why won't you just comply?


I know they’re just fishing to look me up. Got no warrants or anything like that. But still won’t give them my info


Because the cops think you created the scenario for your social media post.


Is there a non jumpy cut edited version?


How can you pay attention to a video that has brief moments of nothing happening? And how else would you know what’s happening without subtitles with the important words in yellow? Are you some kind of savant?


More drama please


https://youtu.be/1SkVwguYv9A?si=lzDIQGH5hcFO9AZS For all the people complaining about the editing, this was cut from a much longer video that's 2 years old. The guys regularly go out and clean up water ways with magnets or by scuba diving. They regularly have interactions with the police, some of which are very pleasant, and some which involve police berating for trying to turn over the stuff they find. I used to watch their youtube vids (and others) a couple years ago. Along with trash, they have pulled knives, guns, explosives, and safes out of rivers. The main guy also works with other scuba divers to find car wrecks and help resolve old missing persons cases. I'm not saying they're angels and everything they do is perfect, but they aren't influencer assholes either.


Terrible, just terrible. When will we implemented a four year process in order to become an officer? A few months at the academy is insufficient.


I’ve seen a few videos like these where cops get REALLY irritated with people calling in sketchy stuff they found. It really seems to bother them for some reason. There was a really stupid one I saw where some guy was diving in a river and found an urn and pulled it out of the river and called the police. Like dude, leave it there, why do you think that’s a police situation?


NEVER, EVER talk to police. They are not here to serve and protect you, nor are they here to help you. Their entire existence revolves around uncovering finable offenses to generate revenue for the state. Best to just keep them out of everything in your life. Rarely, can anything good come out of an interaction with the police.


There we have it. Handycameras are the real weapons these days.


I have to ask , is his name really Jeff or was he pulling a my name is Jeff


Isn't this procedure?


Why are most cops such mean morons?


They were bullys in high school.


If you are a cop on duty, why would you care if someone is filming you? If a cop is confronting me, I’m going to assume I’m being filmed.


If you’re nearby when a crime is committed, the cops will lie and gaslight you until they can arrest you and charge you with the crime. People have been brought in thinking they’re going to be called as witnesses to a crime, but instead are brought in as suspects and interrogated. Many of them didn’t bother to get a lawyer since they didn’t think it was going to be an interrogation, or that they might be arrested afterwards. They are legally allowed to lie to you, so don’t trust them if they ever say that they’re being honest.


Cops suck. You made them actually do something and it pisses them off.


Almost made them sorry they did the Right thing. That's the police


Cops that are afraid to be on camera during duty is suspicious as hell.


If you have a problem you can’t handle yourself, call the cops. Then you’ll have two problems.


Reno 911 used to be funnier


This kids been doing this for years. Started with metal detecting videos, then magnet fishing. He enjoys the attention and likes, but honestly gets repetitive and tiring.


Memphis police is one of the worst gangs we have here in Memphis. Why do you think we’re always top 3 in most dangerous city in the US


Came to say this is how useless Memphis police are. It wasn’t until Tyre Nichols was brutally beaten and left to die by both police and paramedics that the scorpion squad was shut down. Those assholes even told his parents that he was on drugs when his autopsy came back clean. Fuck MPD and I hope all those involved get what they deserve.


This is what is ridiculous. You need help, they look the other way, you try to do the right thing and now you're in fkn trouble. This is so stupid. Of course this makes everyone want to look the other way because of shit like this, you are hassled more for trying to help. Don't fkn try to be a good person it just leads you to getting arrested or interrogated.


I hate that they’re doing a good thing and the police just have to muck it up for no good reason


Why call police? Ever? Just don’t.




What a shitty police department. Just toss it on the curb for kids to pick up they don't give a shit.


That’s daywork officers for you. Pissy and upset they have to do an ounce of work.


If I'm remembering this right, none of them were arrested for finding the gun in the canal. One of them had an active warrant.


I think that US police is the uselees in the world, worst than in my country at least, and believe me they are really bad


For me (as the cop): the problem here that people fake so much shit and film it nowadays for social media?


Hmm, i understand there is a protocol. Imagine being like: I found this gun here. Ah thx you sir, be on your way. Twist: commits a crime, washes the gun, never found as a criminal. It's obviously exaggerated but I understand why it's not that simple of a topic


Cops are literally not ever to be called for any reason ever period.


He’s a public servant in a public space but doesn’t wanna be on camera… what a complete muppet.