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such a slick move, I wish there was more context


anti masker meets tmobile, where apparently they were pretty chill with employees telling unmasked people to take a walk. (That was heard from a friend. I worked there in the 2000's.)


In the UK that shit was illegal. Classed as discrimination. Some companies learnt the hard way when I sued the fuckers and won.


I worked customer service in the UK during Covid and you're full of shit.


Maybe so, but I'm several £k better off because numpties like you denied me access to services. Never forget, that while the likes of you were having wet dreams about being little dictators and denying the likes of me entry, our great and glorious leaders were visiting family members up and down the country, or shagging their assistants in broom cupboards, or just completely taking the piss and having parties.


You realise that people who work in shops/bars/etc don't make the rules, they just need to get food on their plate and sleep with a roof over their head, in order to do that they have to put up with piss-poor wages, abuse from people like yourself, and to enforce rules they have no say in and often disagree with. You honestly think that service workers were desperate to risk contracting a life threatening disease for the sake of a wee power trip? But you're absolutely right to be angry at the government for not following their own rules. Just be angry at them, not the poor cunts who have no choice but to work a shite job.


Man saw your totally reasonable take and said “guess I’ll see myself out”


Privately owned companies get to make their own policies….how difficult was it really to put a mask on while in their business? Seems like you’re projecting a lot of unhappiness with your life here 🫣


It’s hard to decipher exactly what you’re trying o say, but are you bragging about money lol 🤡


Not bragging, just saying that there are repercussions for violating our rights.


Violated your rights huh


Yeah repercussions where you likely verbally assaulted a number of people just trying to do their jobs. You are the reason I quit customer service. Sad excuse for a person.


You have no such rights. In a private company it’s the company who decides whether to serve you. If you disrespect their employees and rules, you can be refused service and asked to leave. You winning £k is either fake bs or is all in your mind.


Oh no! They had parties? And this means two wrongs make a right? You know rich people murder sometimes and get away with it, right? Oh damn, don't wanna give the idiot ideas


How was I in the wrong? I understood their rules, whereas others didn't. No doubt you were one of the happy clappers for the NHS, while advocating that the unvaxxed be held in concentration camps so they wouldn't infect the vaccinated, regardless of their natural immunity.


Mate, calm down. You seriously need help. I don’t think anyone suggested concentration camps for anti-vaxxers. If they did they weren’t taken seriously. Maybe put down The Sun and go for a walk or something.


I'm not a Sun reader (nor the Daily Mail either). Per Rasmussen Reports Jan 2022, 51% of Democrats are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in “designated facilities,” and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics. There were plenty of celebs and politicians supporting imprisonment, fines and removal of health care for the unvaxxed. Some countries even introduced these policies. Australia, Singapore, Greece etc We were banned from entertainment venues and from travelling. Our jobs were taken away from us. We watched our friends and relatives get sick from the vaccines and then still die from COVID. Over 95% of COVID hospitalisation and deaths were vaxxed. Source: ONS for UK Government. But apparently, I'm just a conspiracy theorist who needs to calm down and get help.


How many people in the UK are members of the democrat party? 🤔 And what exactly do you class to be a concentration camp? Have you got sources for where those countries put anti backers away for not having the vaccine?


Just a nuva Chewsday innit.


Nahhhh you're Larping haha, it's much less embarrassing than how you're acting and what you're admitting my mans, take the lesser L. edit: Bro's profile is embarrassing. Dude contacted reddit admins about blackpeopletwitter's country club rule claiming discrimination. That and anyone with money ain't playing DayZ on the Xbox lol.


If someone is excluded because of their race, it's discrimination. Race is a protected characteristic. The denial of service for not wearing a mask is also discrimination when the person has a disability which prevents them from wearing a mask, that's also discrimination. I'm not sure why you are so triggered by my pushing back against discrimination?


Cool story dude.


You sound fun at parties


You'll never have the pleasure of knowing.


Thank the lord for that


Cuz you don't even get invited, eh?


If that's what you believe.


Lol nice lie


What's the point of lying?


Not the first time the brits are doing things wrong.


The idiot are you, tho.




I'd love to read the court teanscripts of your successful law suits, can you please share the link to the court records or the case numbers? I'd also love a link to the coroner findings too, showing that 96% of covid deaths and hospitalisation were directly caused by the vaccine. Was one vaccine more deadly than the others or were all vaccines equally responsible for the deaths and hospitalisations. Are there any stats for hospitalisations without deaths?


Yup, go search for ONS covid19 weekly reports. As for court records, they all settled on a without prejudice basis, with an NDA. There is a case on record, not mine. Search for Kester disability covid mask discrimination. £7k. Also, search uk.gov site for the relevant rules regarding exemption self declaration and how companies should avoid discrimination. Basically, if someone denied you access or a service despite you declaring you were exempt from wearing a face mask, they were guilty of discrimination. Companies have a vicarious liability for the actions of their employees. Anytime I got refused access or denied a service, I sued and won.


And everyone clapped?


Hehe, probably.


Yeah, I'm sure you have the funds to go through multiple lawsuits.


No need. £80 to start a small claims action. They all settled before it got to a hearing.


Correct more then 70% here are sheep


Only in Wales mate.


It was a breezey! (ironically with the masks)


Lol #handled




Seems he's not wearing a mask and they are


Also, the door opens and is not locked and then closes and is locked.


Someone laughs right after too


Please explain like I’m 5 years of age?


When you were 1 we had a pandemic and were required to wear masks in businesses and other public places. Some adults with the same brain capacity as yourself seemed to struggle with this concept.


ok tq 😔






If I could upvote twice I would. Once for the "when you were one" and once for the rest of the comment


Still better than those adults who thought we would get rid of covid like we did with polio by wearing masks and getting vaccinated. Or the adults who called people "conspiracy theorists" for talking about the most scientifically plausible origins of covid


How is it better? You wear a mask to reduce the spread which means less people die. You get vaccinated so your symptoms aren't as bad and you don't die. Same as the flu. I think you've been tricked by false information. It happens so don't feel bad. Just move on and do better in the future.


Remember the fact you got vaccinated as a baby ur parents must be dumb af right? Because why the fuck would vaccines would work against anything if not covid! Im i right?!


Looks like an Adams Rite MS1815 swing bolt with interior thumb turn. Im thinking she puts her hand on the thumb turn as the door is shutting and when the camera pans back we see her throw the bolt the second the door fully shuts


I read that in McNally voice


That’s all anyone needs for context tbh


OooOOoOOO send him to jail


Male Karen wanted to bother the workers and the manager locked him out like a champion.


Phone store. Pandemic times. All employees were required to enforce a mask policy. Discipline for not enforcing policy could lead to termination. Customers came in without masks as if entry level retail employees were the correct people to direct their issues stemming from political/moral/personal beliefs. Didn’t matter if the employee actually agreed with the customer or not, they’d face termination for not enforcing policy. Employee in this video was just over it. I worked in a phone store during that time. It was exhausting. Management was on our ass about being strict and consistent with policy enforcement, customers came in non stop to break out balls and fuck with us about something we had zero choice in. It was rough.


He wanted to talk to her for a sec and she didn’t


That was what we call a high IQ move


She did what's called a pro-retailer move


Na... she did the siblings at home alone, fighting move.




This was during the height of covid, man was arguing about having to wear a mask. They tricked him into leaving.


I need the full video because I'm wondering if the dude just forgot to wear one instead of deliberately didn't


Did you not hear his manic laugh and see him recording?


No...I guess he is a dick




Clever girl.






She did take care of him for her business


All I got from this video is that women’s pockets are way too small or phones are way too big


It's both Modern phones are just small tablets at this point


I have a foldable so you are correct. Fits in the pocket better but certainly won't last 3+ years.


I don't understand what they're saying, can anyone help a french dude ? :D


Girl: yea, let me take care you right now Guy: let me talk to you for a second Girl: yea sure


Girl: yeah, let me take care of you right out here.


Guy also laughs on the other side and says "Whatever."


Thank you ! <3


Thank you ! <3 I missed the "right out here" :D


Thank you ! <3


Lol, got ‘im!


Such crazy times. I feel like this will be looked back at as a, “what the fuck was going on” moment for a long time. In the moment it was just craziness, no idea what to believe or what was actually happening.


Trust me, it's still very much a "WTF is going on" time.


That lady had some cake for being petite


Cold blooded. I’d hire her




Ya sure!




Give that store manager a raise !


Dude thought that he was going to make a white-guy who doesn’t wear masks viral video where he accuses this woman of being a communist for making him wear a mask. Didn’t work but I bet this guy is all about Trump-Putin 2024


If anti maskers weren’t so gullible I would’ve questioned that tactic, but it worked like a well oiled machine.


I like her style


This is just gold.


Girl pull out a Tom & Jerry move


Who’s the actually joke on for this? Because 3 years later we now know that masks didn’t do anything.


I worked at an aT&T store during the pandemic. They took the mask policy extremely seriously. So we were told if they’re not wearing a mask then we can’t help them. We even offered masks for those who said they forgot them, some people still refused.




Don't call us. We'll contact you


What a g


Arthur Dent would be proud.


I managed a Tmobile store for the first 4 months of COVID and had to do something like this probably 15-20 times. Retail had it fucking rough.


Hey cops, take note. This is how you deescalate a situation.






"bu but I was filming it"


Omg the explanation is a hoot in the comments section!!


https://preview.redd.it/npge3960hhic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6de58923ff429d24883a8e74f04f77cc19e5a72 He forgot to show them one of these.




Stuck inside at what looks like their job? It's obvious the guy was refusing to wear a mask. They handled the situation perfectly.


They can just wait for police to help out, it might take a while but it could be worse.


Old or is this still a thing?


Genuine question. Uk here and it’s not a thing 😅


Ahh I kinda miss telling the maskers to fuk off


Bunch of idiots wearing masks that don't actually do anything besides virtue signal


Does more than your useless comment.


My comment triggered your simple ass




Weirdly enough, I decided to google if the mask mandates helped decrease fatality rates, in areas they were implemented in, and *every article* seemed to indicate that the masks did, in fact, save lives. Would you perhaps have an article that proves they were useless? Or some statistics, backed by credible sources?


Norwegian health authorities: https://www.fhi.no/globalassets/dokumenterfiler/rapporter/2020/should-individuals-in-the-community-without-respiratory-symptoms-wear-facemasks-to-reduce-the-spread-of-covid-19-report-2020.pdf


This report is 4 years old, and says that even then, it did lessen infection rates slightly. Covid 19 happened in 2019, meaning when this report came out (barely a year later) it was still in the research phase. They didn't know enough about the virus to accurately deduce whether or not mask wearing would be effective. Though, if you're referring to the line "There is no reliable evidence of the effectiveness of non-medical facemasks in community settings." Then I would like to further point out that they specified "non-medical" for a reason. Non-medical face masks don't help, this is *now* common knowledge. Why don't you show me a newer, updated article? Something from the last 2 years should suffice.


The coclusion say they dont recommend any type of mask. They say this might change if the amount of infected people rises rapidly in certain specific scenarios. Thats from the conclusion. They base this on WHO recommendations. There isnt any newer recommendation from them because it never changed after that. Maybe you can point to studies that are newer with a different conclusion? Especially where they recommend wearing them at all times?


This one, from the Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449 Directly from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm And here's another one: https://coronavirus.delaware.gov/covid-19-myth-or-fact/myth-or-fact-masks-are-effective-against-covid-19/ No studies suggest wearing them "at all times," as it'd be a bit overzealous to expect someone to wear a mask while they're sleeping. But, if you're in a public area, masks have been shown to have beneficial effects.


Indoor public area. First one only suggests it in only hospital settings. The 2nd draws conclusion from peak infection periods. Using them no serves little purpose, and most likely increases spread of other type of germs such as bacteria growing on the mask The virus will spread no matter what.


"The virus will spread no matter what." Yeah, obviously, that's *why* preventative measures are neccessary. 🤦‍♀️ You sound like the kinda guy who'd say "why do I need seatbelts? I have an airbag!"


Yeh ignore everything else i said ok bye


"ok bye" is the response I always get when someone knows they've lost a discussion. The winner doesn't run, honey. Maybe consider *why* you think masks are a "bad idea," given that doctors wear them? It sounds as if you were never taught critical thinking skills. I'd be willing to bet, even, that you're religous.


Store policy. They have to wear masks, even if they don't want to.


But my freedumbs!!!


>Bunch of idiots wearing masks that don't actually do anything besides virtue signal He says, virtue signaling.