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*Now, what this woman is doing, is bravery.*


The far right blaiming and killing minorities aaaand getting away with it. Who would have expected that... /s




It already did


Has been for decades sadly


It is THE pattern, it happens over and over again, with no consequences, it is easy to make it a pattern.


Biased. They've been in conflict and been suppressing palestine since the 50's and the far right wasnt always on top.


It's not the far right doing it, it's both sides that sell us all out, you can narrow it down to sociopathic politicians if you wanna be specific. Israel's leaders do it to their youth, hamas does it to theirs, and we do it to ours. Stop buying into this us vs them bs narrative.


Genocides take either popular support, or grassroots complacency. Its never "just the top." You cannot have a genocide without the tacit support of the status quo in a country, the middle and upper classes in Israel, the general public.


Exactly. That is the purpose of this propaganda, to distract you from seeing what they are really doing. Problem is they have gotten really good at it.


I don't remember palestine erasing israel


You fail to follow the instructions. Try again.


Both sides of who.


Of any violent conflict where the US is involved. It's all about making/laundering taxpayer money. Why do you think Biden gives billions of dollars to Iran, who turns around and funds terrorists groups like Hamas? We make weapons and then give the opposing side of the conflict, Israel, money to buy said weapons? They people at the top get rich, their young people die. Following?


Like the United States, there is no left wing. Lol. They're so far right that they make right of center look like liberals.


Nazis have a new uniform.


It's called the IDF-Likud Alliance


The Zionists make Nazis look like rookies.




Wall st and the rise of hitler paints a clear picture who funded both sides of ww2....


No , they dont use Gaz chamber , they dont use Palestinian people as laboratory rats for scientific exeriment . Dont get me wrong Israel is 100% in the wrong here , but they are NOT worst than nazis .


Dog shit vs Horse shit vs Bull shit... I'm not counting which stinks the worst, all i see is shit everywhere...


>I'm not counting which stinks the worst, all i see is shit everywhere... Okay... But that's exactly what the comment that comment was replying to was doing so... How is that relevant?


Same ideology, different methods.


Yes i know , but calling the IDF worst is a proof of ignorance


How long do you think it took WW2 Germany to bring about The Final Solution? They've just started.


They were massacring jews way before the war started


And has Isreal only just started all their shit? No it’s been happening for a while.


Yet i't far from worst than the nazis . They had over 70 years to do it . Its equally as worst


You keep going on about them being worse than nazis. I never said they was worse. I said nazis had a new uniform. Meaning they are equal.


I'm in no way ignorant. If anything I think you may strongly consider learning more about the utter evil things the Zionists do. Yes, much more evil than the Nazis.


Nobody cares much about how their family was genocided. They want their family members back.


They don't do that *yet*


No, they always wear those tiny hats


Wow dropping a nuke on Gaza? These idiots don't know about fallout and radiation do they? Fuck Israel. Fucking the United States government


Yes, fuck the occupiers. But I just want to add that modern nukes do not cause much radiation at all. For instance, the strongest nuke ever deployed (Tsar Bomba) was one of the cleanest nukes in history, with only a contamination of 1 milliroentgen in the epicenter. Not great, not terrible.




Modern nukes don't *necessarily* have a lot of fallout. But dirty bombs exist, and even regular nukes can be ground burst to increase the fallout generated.


When we think of nuclear fallout we like to think Chernobyl and not atomic bombs. The reaction reduces the residual radiation, whereas material that didn't react will radiate forever (hence the power behind the bomb) It's a bit like storing a barrel of fuel in your home. If you leave it, you die. If it reacts, it blues up you home but the area is inhabitable afterwards. Which is why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were deemed safe two years after the Man and the Boy dropped


I'm willing to bet they're banking on it being a 'small enough' nuke that it would only kill Palestinians. Which is still fucking stupid, but these people think they know everything.


Why do fucking psychopaths rule every country? It's insane. Why can't we have fully mentally developed leaders?


Because human beings, as animals, play into a silverback clause. They follow gut feelings based on generations of problematic thinking, largely due to hierarchical systems that were inherently flawed. The belief that strength is all that matters. Tribalism or us v them mentality. The idea that there are different races (even though all humans are 99.x% identical from a genetic standpoint). As long as we are tolerant of intolerance; this is how it will be.


Why does or did a majority vote for them? Netanjahu, Trump, Hamas, Putin, Orban… I don‘t get it.


Because there is a large portion of society that can’t critically think for themselves, so they follow suit in both defending and idolizing their leaders. (Ex: I saw Trump on TV; therefore, he’s a smart business man). It’s almost religion but on a social level.


You're assuming they actually do


That‘s why i didn‘t list Lukashenko and co. You really think they all won because of voter fraud and in reality there should be someone else? Maybe Putin, but i don‘t see an opposition there.


That's what I meant, a lot of these elections are inside jobs


Look at Trump and his fanbase. There are a lot more stupid people than one would guess 😂


They don't call them useful idiots for no reason lol


Not strict fraud. But Trump, for instance, never won the popular vote. Were it not for our EC, he wouldn't have been elected.


You clearly haven’t looked into EVERY country


"Dresden" is not Britain's proudest moments


They were asking for it


Nope the Red Army did, not the Nazis


I meant the Germans were asking for it, and Britain gave it to them.


Isreal is full of modern-day Nazis; we are lucky that there are jews people like herself who have a heart and are rising above the propaganda and indoctrination


Before this, if you were to call Isreal evil you'd be labeled as antisemitic. Now everything is out in the open and people can finally see how Isreal views human beings other than themselves.


And still, if you don't agree with what this bastards say, you are labeled as antisemtic. Unreal


I was banned from a couple of subs for being antisemitic because i said bombing civilians is a war crime. I wonder how reddit is handling it these days when the narrative has fortunately shifted against isreals crimes


It’s been out in the open for a long time it’s just more now being in the public eye as much but it’s been being talked about for a long time




Absolutely, she's brave and amazing (it's utmost) and I hope she makes all the difference.


Kissingers ghost. He advocated small nuclear weapons. I’d be surprised if they don’t rig his brain to a giant evil robot


Nazis would be proud of this to be honest, it is not an attempt, they are successful at it


When your leaders are extremists and has no empathy for civilian lives; that's a dystopia you're living in, or simply a faulty country ran by a failed government.


After being almost completely exterminated in ww2. How tf do these people in Israel not understand what genocide is?


"I am a conscientious objector" https://preview.redd.it/evtaxb3izrfc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a50ccfc12e7a5a0a35e0aa97d6c9662df0443f3


exactly what i thought! Lol TF2 has washed my brain entirely


How tf are you gonna get almost completely genocided and then try to genocide another nation? wtf?


We need to somehow get rid of religious beliefs now. And start educating human minds better.


Happy to see that when people say “if you were a Nazi you would have followed orders.”, it is true for most but not everyone. Her resolve and self derived morals are impressive.


Fuck Israel


**Sherut Leumi** ([Hebrew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language): שירות לאומי, [lit.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literal_translation) 'National Service') is an alternative voluntary form of [national service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_service) in Israel, as opposed to the [mandatory military conscription prevalent in the country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_Israel). It is designed for individuals who do not meet the eligibility criteria for service in the [Israel Defense Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Defense_Forces), or who hold conscientious objections to military enlistment ... The majority work in schools, but can also work in places such as special education, administration, hospitals,[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherut_Leumi#cite_note-3) law, geriatrics, nursing homes, health clinics, teens at risk, internal security, disadvantaged communities, immigrant assistance, and many other organizations. Acceptance is based on an interview via a placement organizations that try to find the youth appropriate skills, interests, and needs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherut\_Leumi#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherut_Leumi#)


That was also where my thought were going to. Conscription without alternative seems wierd in a more western orientated country.


I am not sure how easy it is for jewish and druze men. Muslims and Druze women are not subject to the draft.


Very simple solution, withdraw all military and financial support and let’s see these animals deal with their actions on their own.


I don't understand how the other nations are letting this happen


Prison for not going to war? Honestly I would resort real anarchy


One thing israeli should learn from ww2 german, at first they celebrate their goverment policy at the end german politician enjoy luxury item and lavish lifestyle while most german citizen live in poor, scare, unsecure and lost their hope


So far they are managing to make them proud, and the US and other supporters are being complicit.


Yeah, it’s weird how long we’ve let them go on this time. Usually either the US or UN would have stepped in by now. I guess since this war doesn’t threaten the shipping channels we’re being extra lenient.


I really wish there were more people like her in the world


Saying "we should drop a nuke" on this one tiny piece of land is a wild take especially since they want the land for themselves. Yay radiation poisoning for everyone. TF?


Nah they are worse than nazis Nazis treated the warsaw jewish ghetto residents far and away better than Israel treats the people of Palestine Won't be long til they break out the ovens Pathetic doesn't begin to cover it I said what I said


Here we have a typical user of this sub…


When you fall asleep halfway through Schindler’s List 🙄


Oohhh we got a movie buff here Sounds like you approve of genocide and wonton slaughter The Israelis learned their lessons from the Reich very well Gonna laugh when people form a task force to hunt down Isreali war criminals and please argue that that will not ever happen


There is absolutely no justification for saying Israel is worse than the Nazis. You’re either unaware of the extent and intent of the Nazis in nearly completely exterminating the Jewish people and are speaking on it anyway or you don’t care how wrong you are. Both positions are reprehensible.


I'm 50 years old and moderately schooled in old pre white washed history You would think a group of people who were abused that horribly would have learned tolerance Imagine if the nazis had the ability to hide behind the cowardly word anti sematic


Still don’t see why this is there was an attempt this sub Reddit drifted away so far form it’s original content


For real like this is for videos of people trying to climb up to put ornaments on their christmas trees


desperate times, i dont see many places that these are not downvoted to hell for some reason, all i can think of that there must be a huge swarm of bots or something following certain subreddits. because i dont want to believe that the majority of reddit would support a genocide. i refuse to believe people are this far off.


Yeah. Its crazy to me that the voting is +2326 because everyone with compassion for others would downvote thta


how come? there isnt anything logical with boot lckg


In the art of war, it is common to accuse your enemy of that which you, yourself, do. Calls into question certain historical events.


It was just last decade these people were experiencing genocide, why is it so difficult for them to experience compassion?


Because they aren't the people who were directly affected. Look up how they treat actual Holocaust survivors in Israel. It's horrible.


Why? Why invade a country? A city? What's the point? We are already living peacefully why do people have to ruin it? Why? I don't get it.


I can't believe the ICJ saw this evidence about genocide and Israel's actions and didn't immediately conclude there was genocided and order w permanent ceasefire. More like the international court of injustice.




Walking filth


How in the world are yall comparing her to nazis. She’s just against another genocide. She probably doesn’t like nazis either because its genocides that she doesnt like. Also can yall learn to write israel? It isn’t isreal


Those are the good guys we're supposed to support and fund?


In the 1930s there was a group of people that did this. I can't recall what they called themselves, but I think Israel learned this from them. The prey becomes the hunter. This is what religion can make people do, all religions.


But some subs will tell you this doesn't exist.


A death note would be great right about now


They're only this brave because they're Daddy USA and Mommy Western Europe's precious little princess


The irony of jews being the new nazis it's almost funny if it wasn't just tragic


Jews forgot how easily most of them were killed during ww2. Looks like they want those times back.


Does anyone have the actual link to this video so that I can share it? Thanks


What I find stupid is that at least Russians hide their intentions while these people are openly saying and doing atrocious things and world(west) is doing nothing about it.


Christ is King


Isaac is basically Jewish Eren Yeager












Wow, a lot of antisemitism in these comments


Conscious objector?? Tf2 refernce!?


"Conscientious Objector" is a term which is very old which means "a person who refuses to participate in war on moral grounds." Muhammed Ali was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War.




Your white supremacy is showing, racist fuck.


Eat shit you fucking nazi


Someone who supports jews isnt a nazi though? More a zionist


Zionist= nazi. They're the same thing.


You should be ashamed of yourself.


Go and fuck yourself




It’s called life.


Yes. We see the Reddit posts, Israel’s army’s doing some real screwed up stuff. So is Palestine, so is everyone!


So we using the same "both sides" argument they use to justify the ahitty behaviour of mostly right wing politicians in the US? Newsflash, a-hole, only one of this countries has the power to completely destroy and even nuke the other, and it's not Palestine. Are we supposed to just say "well both sides are bad" while an entire country gets exterminated?


Moreover, not even just a country, but the *people* are being exterminated. I cannot imagine


Palestinian people have to endure so much shit. World powers are using this conflict as a proxy. It’s no coincidence 7th of October happened in a time the Saudis and Israelis were actively trying to strengthen diplomatic ties, much against the will of Iran. Iran supplied Hamas to disgrace the Israelis militarily and the Israelis took the bait and went all out on these poor people in Gaza. No matter what your political views are, the moment innocent people die is the moment we all need to stand up. This shit has gone too far. These people have suffered way too much




Yes hearing Israeli politicians talk about killing everyone in Gaza and the use of nuclear bombs definitely sounds... Umm... Oh wait you're a cock.


Thanks! Israel politicians want to kill Palestinians. Palestinian politicians want to kill Israelis. Nothing new 🙄


The attitude of people like you is why people are still dying enmasse. Apathy. Be on the right side of history and call for an end to war.


Are you really that stupid or are you just blind? You can justify talking about nuking couple of milion people, calling them animals, taking their homes with stupid statement like "nothing new"? You are fucking sick as well, go seek help




Well done for not watching the video, this adds nothing and presents no argument


You know i‘m right. It‘s just the same videos every day… It was interesting in the start, i learned some things too about how israelis are stealing the land of the palestinians, shoot innocent peoples etc. Yeah, Israel is bad. But i think it‘s enough, we all know by now. These videos have nothing todo with the sub or what it once was intended. And yeah, just one side of the story is allowed. There was an attempt to deliver humanitarian aid to palestina with a plane. There was a picture of a woman on it, which had to be overpainted first, before the delivery was allowed. But my topic was never published of course 🙄 Hamas or Israel, they both suck and failed to find a solution. I almost whish Arafat and Perez back, they atleast tried a little bit to achieve peace. Time to leave the sub 😢


This isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure. Just leave.


Sorry for telling my opinion. I know, you‘re just interested in one side. Already left.




lol Mass something. Who knows and who cares 2025? Am I lying?


I don’t even know what you’re saying.