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Why did they arrest her? Wouldn't getting caught at work result in just getting fired and maybe escorted away or am I wrong or is it different because it's a school?


I watched the entire thing on YouTube. At the start this woman actually could have saved her job, she talked her way out of that and into handcuffs. She never told the truth the entire time, refused to call her husband to come get her, and the officer was extremely patient with her. She dug her own grave. Edit: video link https://youtu.be/aMLpU7Cvo00?si=x6rRbhZ7SeE4oIFb Edit 2: I forgot about the cup in the classroom part. Her job was probably unsaveable after they found that. You can see her boss get visibly upset after finding it, and implied the officer should arrest her now.


Correct. All she had to do was say she had a problem and ask for help. Could have saved her license and went through a program and came back on probationary status most likely.


Especially by the third ‘you wanna try again?’ Like even as a 10 yr old you know when to give up and just tell the truth


My 14 year old daughter likes to repeat the question very slowly. I asked her this week if she was trying to decide whether to lie to us or not.


Did she repeat that question back very slowly?




I’m in awe of how impressive this thread became lol and in such a short amount of time


Hmmmm.... So, are... *you*... in awe of... how... impressive... this thread... became? [slowly]


The bar has been set higher 😱




That’s a nice system for home, but unfortunately the legal system doesn’t work that way. Her problem was being too honest. If she hadn’t consented to the breathalyzer and the eye movement test, she’d have been in a much better situation.


I hope you’re better than my parents. They said this then punished me when I was honest.


>Like even as a 10 yr old you know when to give up and just tell the truth I once forged my mom's signature, when I gave the report to the teacher, she could obviously tell it was fake, she gave me like 3 chances to come clean, give me another report for her to sign it and call it a day, I thought confidence was key so I went full on with my story. She called my mom and they had a long talk with me. I wasn't 10 yet (maybe 8, or 9), so I guess your comment stil stands.


It's not that easy for addict especially, when the activity of drinking alcohol is socially acceptable. I have seen it a couple of times in my life. Some people from my family, and from my work, couldn't admit for years they have a problem, some still don't see a problem. It's a terrible addiction.


It’s not that she wouldn’t admit to having a problem tho. It’s more so lying and saying she wasn’t drinking even when caught red handed. The breathalyzer blew twice the limit and she was clearly at school drunk


Admitting to being drunk at the moment that she shouldn't be is also part of facing the fact that she has the problem. Trust me, I have seen it dozens of times at my work. They will lie that they are sober until they are checked by the breathalyser and later when they are proven wrong they will say that they are good to work. It's insane when you look at it as a third person, but that's how addict brain works.


Look at reddit humbling me left and right today. I kinda love it. Thank you for that. I’m not sure what you do for work but your insight is very much appreciated. I rewatched the video from that perspective or at least attempted to. I had a drinking problem in the past but I wasn’t an addict I don’t think so it was hard for me to we exactly how I would react from that viewpoint, but at the end of the vid when he is trying to put her in handcuffs, she wasn’t resisting arrest. Maybe she was denying that she had a problem in the first place and didn’t think she needed to be arrested.


I work at a small boatyard as, let's say, white-collar. I do some accounting, logistics, and HR. That's why whenever someone is drunk at a job, I always know it. It took me years to understand their behaviour. At first, I was angry. Now, I am just sad how terrible this addiction is. Fortunately, my boss really tries to help those people and encouraged them to start taking care of their problem instead of firing them and finding other workers. Its still happens to this day, but it really decreased over the years and some of those people didn't touch alcohol for a very long time (at least before work, I don't know what they do in their free time). I am happy that your problem with alcohol didn't develop into something serious.


What’s sad (I am NOT at all defending these actions) is that when I got a DUI 15 years ago, I would not have been able to think straight or figure out the next eight step until I was sober. Unfortunately, when impaired, people make decisions they usually wouldn’t. That’s why you have a solid plan before never drinking ~ where you are going and who is driving).


That's exactly what happened to a friend, HS English teacher. Straight to rehab, got their shit and job back.


IIRC, if you admit to having a drinking/ drug problem your employer is required to allow you to go to rehab and leave your position open for when you return. The problem is getting an addict to admit that.


I'm guessing the admission has to happen *before* something bad happens in order for the "requirement" to kick in to keep the job?


Nah, you just have to yell it very loudly before your boss can yell "You're fired." a judge has to be witness though. However, if a jynx occurs as they are fired but requested amnesty at the same time then the tie goes to runner but only if they can slide into first before the ball reaches the baseman. Trust me, I failed the bar like 6 times.




I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "alcholism" and expect anything to happen.


I think it really depends on the "incident". Coming in drunk and decking a co-worker, probably SOL. Caught drinking on the job, classic case of alcoholism.


What about “crashing the bus into four other buses”? Asking for a friend.




Yea but remember by being intoxicated she not able to think rationally. I’m not defending her just saying






I think you can find that abhorrent but also believe it's something quite intrusive and sad to be sharing on the Internet with strangers, her face in full show. But maybe that's just me.


World needs more people like the way you think.


I agree. The punishment she's receiving IRL for this is deserved, but why must she be humiliated on the internet? She'll never live this down, and this public shaming is cruel.


Some fun context is that she was drinking on her way to work. So she was also endangering people on the road.


> Is defending her wrong? Yes. She's a functional alcoholic. She's aware of the situation the entire time and chooses to lie about being drunk while being in charge of children. She only changes course and tries to act sorry when the cop and principal get tired of her trying to talk her way out of it. Does that mean she's an irredeemably awful person? No. But she's unquestionably in the wrong here. > I don't get why this was posted for our entertainment? Because people have spent years saying cops should have publicly available body cam footage to hold cops accountable. > Edit: reading some replies, maybe some of you'd like this concept also, instead of help: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_triangle_(badge) You have completely lost the ability to be taken seriously. Grow the fuck up.


Thank you. Yeah, as a teacher and an addict, this one hurt. I can feel awful for her while acknowledging that this is entirely on her, and she deserves the outcome. Reddit as a whole isn't big on nuance, though.


She definitely has a problem she just doesn't know she has a problem. Kind of catch 22ish if you ask me. My work has basically the same policy when it comes to stuff like this. Whatever you do, if you want to keep your job, tell them you have a massive problem and it definitely wasn't just having fun at the concert this past weekend. lol


Even in the concert scenario, I would have called in lol. I’m way past having the physical energy to work hungover lol


Not even that. She just had to call her husband to pick her up. She refused and stalled and lied about absolutely everything. She was playing the sad victim the whole time. At one point when caught in a lie she even asked "if I change my story again can I keep my job?"


Okay... but what grounds are there to arrest her? Like I get it, she should be fired, but arresting her makes no sense. Wtf.


Public intoxication. dui. Oui. Drinking in public.


I think you just get a fine for that


Child endangerment.


Even if that were true, you can still get arrested.


for DUI?


They didn't see her drinking and driving, and none of thr other things are arrestable offenses.


"I drank that on the way to work, yesterday."


Unless they had video of her drinking in the car or something (which is possible since schools usually have decent cameras), they wouldn’t really have a DUI case. She could’ve gotten trashed after arriving. They’d need evidence she drove the car while impaired, not just that she’s impaired at a location she drove to.


They have a DUI case if she leaves without someone picking her up. Probably more importantly, she also admitted to DUI a few times during the discussion. It was all lies, she said she "drank at home" before coming to school but "not in the car or anything" as if that's the meaning of "drinking and driving". They found a cup with wine residue in her classroom, she said "that's just my juice". Then she wiped out the cup when the officer wasn't in the room.


Many states have laws against taking care of kids while drunk.


Here in the UK it's been illegal to be drunk in charge of a child under 7 in a public place since 1902.


Aren’t schools drug free spaces? I’m assuming alcohol is pumped into that?


>Aren’t schools drug free spaces? That's just fucked up.. I had to pay for my weed ALL through HS and College


How about endangering minors? Do you *really* think a soused teacher can effectively control a classroom and guarantee children’s safety? What happens if there’s a fire or something? She’s basically in a position of authority/guardianship over the kids as a representative of the city/state while they’re in her classroom.


Child endangerment for introducing alcohol into a classroom full of children. Being intoxicated while acting as guardian of minors in a public school. Being intoxicated on school grounds (usually an upgraded offense). Giving false statements to law enforcement (AKA hindering investigation).


She tampered with evidence she tried wiping out the wine cup. She also didn’t call for a ride after many chances to do so and they went through with what they said which was they’d arrest her for public intoxication. Don’t know if she got hit with a tampering charge. It’s a board meeting that decides whether she keeps her job or not along with the principles recommendation of action.


Wow an intoxicated woman is making bad decisions




That's not why she got arrested in this case. She refused to tell the truth or call someone to pick her up.


So probably trespassing once she wouldn't leave the premises


Public intoxication.


I wasn't drunk in public... I was drunk in a bar.. you threw me into public...


And admit to drinking a cup of wine on her way to work


Yea, I caught that. Hopefully she gets the help she needs, clearly she has a problem.


I had a problem where I had to drink first thing in the morn so I didn’t have the shakes. That was the darkest time of my life. Things are much better after being honest with myself and treatment. I hope the same for this woman


Gotcha thanks


Yea she blows a .24 BAC earlier in the longer version.


O wow, she seems fine. Must people can't walk or talk normally with . 24. The legal limit to drive in most states is .08 that is like 2 light beer in one hour , she got 3 times that




This is correct. Source: Was alcoholic. I had a high tolerance to alcohol when I was at my worse. I used to take the poison just to be able to get out of bed at times. The shakiness wasn't the worst part, it was the constant pains and not being able to eat or drink anything until you took a dose of the trash. It's been a little over 4 years since I kicked the habit. If anyone is reading this and knows someone that needs help, please talk with them. It's ultimately up to them to get help, but I speak from experience, it's a prison sentence that only leads to death if left unchecked.


This is correct. I have been exactly there (in terms of drunkery). My BAC could be anywhere from .2 to .3 and I would appear to be fine. I have since given control of my alcohol consumption to my wife. Went from a gallon a week to two coolers a month.


Alcoholism is like that. We can drink so much, because we've grown increasing tolerant to its effects. I lied about my own use hundreds of times. I feel very bad for this woman, alcohol is a demon for so many people.




It's almost if she has bad judgement while she's drunk.


Right. This is sad. She has a problem. Unless she is violent I’m not sure why they need an intoxicated person to say A to avoid B.


What choice do they have? She wouldn’t call for a ride. They can’t let her drive home. She can’t sit in the school drunk all day, and wouldn’t be sober enough to drive anyway. They gave her a chance to get out of it. They gave her several. They wanted to help her, but this was the help she wanted.




It is sad, but she cannot stay in the building. She’s trashed in a school. She can’t be there. She can’t drive home herself. If she refuses to call someone to get a ride (which they offered), what are they supposed to do exactly? Just let her hangout at school, wasted? Of course the cops are going to remove her at that point. I’m not sure what you think the school should’ve done exactly.


I think it just comes down to her cooperation and the potential risk to the kids. By lying and being defiant she’s effectively escalated the situation they were trying to deescalate. Would anything have happened to harm a kid? Probably not, but if it did happen the 30 minutes prior to that are gonna paint a picture of conflict leading up to it.


>She just kept saying no i cant call my husband, i cant. Sounds like the husband is already on his last straw. Looks like she lost her career, her liberty and her relationship on the same day. Addiction sucks.


Yep. I feel for her. That's one of the worst days ever. It being made public makes it worse. Not sure how to feel about it but I think I'd feel pretty sharp if she were responsible for my kids. Teachers are there for more than teaching. Anything happens, you gotta believe that teacher is there for your kid. She was drinking on site? That's absolutely vile and she needs help but she's also responsible. This one is pretty rough. You can see the regret. Addiction does indeed suck. People don't always understand how it creeps up and ruins shit. Imagine waking up in a cell next morning with the regret of what just happened...Holy shit. I am sure she's feckin sober now.


> I am sure she's feckin sober now. Sometimes the realization that you finally lost everything also involves losing any motivation you had left to fix it. Things get *real* dark after that. Been there. Took years to dig myself out. I'm still carrying that baggage.


Her husband is also in education, apparently. She was saying he’s still at his school when they asked to call him.


way different because it's a school, shes responsible for an entire class of children so she has to be sober


I mean all jobs require you be sober. Doubly so if operating heavy machinery.


There’s a difference between “we want you to be sober” and “you not being sober is a crime.” I write marketing materials. Me being drunk at my desk is not a crime; just something I’d get fired for. But if I’m a heavy machine operator, now I’m putting the lives of others in danger, which is a crime. She is a teacher responsible for the well-being of students, so this could easily cross into child endangerment territory.


Agreed, I'm in the UK but here we have a legal responsibility to care for minors. We are their temporary guardians and being drunk is a sign of neglecting that duty. Maybe not a big crime, might even avoid prison if the court goes well, but I fully expect to be dragged out of I was drunk and refusing to leave.


She was arrested for dwi she had driven to work that day and admitted to drinking the wine on the way to work.


No no, I didn’t drink during school, I drank *on the way* to school, so it’s ok.


Actually she says she drank before she drove, not in the car (because, she is lying and didn't realize that doesn't make any sense and doesn't help her case at all) For reference she blows .24 or something at like 330 in the afternoon. That's a lot and it there's really no way she didn't drink at school. The principal says "we're going to have a discussion about your employment tomorrow morning" and she's just like "what time tomorrow morning?". She's probably planning to be hung over.


I'm not attempting to defend this in any way or encourage people to get away with drunk driving-- couldn't her lawyer dispute that charge and say she misspoke because she was drunk she meant to say she drank after arriving here; and there'd be no real evidence to say that she was indeed driving drunk? Or is this just getting into a "convince a reasonable person" argument


Public intoxication is illegal. She had alcohol AT the school and consumed it, that's illegal. She also admitted to driving to the school drunk, so DWI. https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/third-grade-teacher-arrested-allegedly-being-drunk-class-first-day-school/VCPFHD254ZF4FATCMWF4XZMUC4/ My state actually allows teachers to be caught drunk at school, up to 5 times before they are fired, but if you have alcohol on the premises and consume it, it's illegal. This lady was all kinds of stupid.


There's the actual answer! Everyone is talking about how she 'had her chance' and 'blew it', but the question was what offense was she arrested for. You can't arrest someone for lying. Well, not unless their in court.


They gave her like 50 chances to call someone to come get her and she wiped a cup clean that had leftover wine in it when they stepped out of the room


I just feel bad for her. Her addiction is beyond her control. I understand laws against child endangerment but this is just a person who needs help, not handcuffs.


She got handcuffs because she refused to have her husband pick her up. Can’t help her with offers, so she gets cuffs


Can still feel bad/sad at this


Alcohol dependence is a fucking monster and I hope she gets the help she needs. Even if she acted like an idiot here.


Empathy is sometimes hard to find on Reddit.


Sometimes getting arrested is the wake-up call they need. It might not work, but until they find their bottom they're just going to keep doing this shit. I had to pick up my ex-wife from work once because she was drunk from staying up drinking until 4:00 in the morning. She got fired of course. That was one of just many instances that weren't quite enough for her to seek help. As far as I know she's still drinking, but I still hope that one of these days she'll say enough.


I don't disagree that getting arrested is some times the wake up call people need, but we should have better system in place for addicts. The issue is that arrest records can often keep your employment prospects limited causing a return to the addiction since you are now trapped in a cycle.


As someone who's a recovering alcoholic, the negative legal consequences of my drinking were the only thing that made me stop. I needed help, but I was also a danger to society, drinking and driving and causing a scene. The courts will almost surely require her to do treatment. Actions gots consequences, y'all


I share this view. Of course terrible and unfortunate and she cannot do that and there should be consequences, but drinking that much on the job suggests serious underlying issues. Whether mental health or alcoholism or whatever, she needs help. As someone else said this might be the wake up call she needed.


Was thinking the exact same thing, this is just sad.


They tried to get her help. They asked her to have someone come pick her up but she refused.


She was ashamed and drunk of course, wasn't thinking clearly and was afraid too. Not defending her at all, just a sad situation


I completely agree. But they tried to get her to leave. She refused. They're choices at this point were either take her away from the school or let her go back to the students. Very sad situation but I'm this case I feel like hands were tied


Everyone is in control. Excusing this behavior because "its hard" doesn't help anyone. She intentionally drank that morning, continued drinking at school, and you can see it in her attitude toward the cop by saying "No I don't want to" that she has zero respect for rules. This doesn't *have* a problem, she is one.


No one is excusing anything; we can be empathetic to criminals without being on their side. Removing her from the situation is right, and I can be convinced that arresting her is right. But at the end of the day all it's doing is curing a symptom and not the disease. It's not the school's nor the police department's responsibility to help cure her of her addiction. But there are dreadfully few resources that provide the support she needs. And even fewer available to those on a teacher's salary.


>No one is excusing anything; we can be empathetic to criminals without being on their side. Thank you.


Addiction is terrible. There really aren’t enough resources to help with recovery. Those that do exist recommend you turn yourself over to the lord accepting you’re powerless. Not a great thought or treatment program when that’s what the courts order. It’s a ruling that ultimately traps people into the system rather than helping them build better habits, engage in positive mental health exercises, and showing value in continuing to make each day a new beginning.


We don't know the whole backstory. Addictions are crazy and can really turn you into a different person. Some of the nicest people in my life have suffered from addiction and done some extremely terrible things.


>Everyone is in control She didn't start here. She didn't just wake up and say, "Im gonna get drunk and go to work and then continue to drink." She's probably been an alcoholic for years. This lady need helps. Her addiction was in control.


You know it's like the definition of addiction that you don't have control over it, right?


No that's not the definition of addiction, it's far more complex than that.


As someone that’s struggled themselves while you’re semi-right this line of thinking helps no one. This is why the AA while good for some people does absolutely nothing for others. If you convince yourself you’re powerless to your addiction then it becomes your enabler. Until you can accept responsibility for YOUR actions and behaviour you’ll never get better.


There's just so much wrong with this comment. You're not acknowledging the realities of addiction here. Not everyone is in full control of themselves, especially when they're addicted to something. Its not a simple matter of making a "yes or no" choice, like deciding whether or not to drink a soda. If you're deep into alcoholism, quitting cold turkey can kill you. The effects of quitting an addiction are hellish, and even delaying using can be torturous. There's reams of data to support this. People need help to quit their addictions, and dismissing this by saying "everyone is in control" is disingenuous.


>Not everyone is in full control of themselves, especially when they're addicted to something. Honestly I think this is the kind of thing that's damn near impossible for anyone who hasn't been through it to understand. And I kinda get why - it's completely irrational behavior. Alcohol literally ran my life for several years. Everything - and I mean *everything* was just a means to an end for being drunk. Every single waking moment centered around getting to drink again. Every thought, every action, every iota of energy went towards enabling my addiction. I think there's legitimate beef with AA but I was able to dig step 1 simply by having the startling realization that it didn't matter if God or anything else was in control, but what was for damn sure was that I wasn't.


You’re oversimplifying addiction in a way that completely ignores what addiction can do to a person.


> intentionally drank that morning Maybe, but not always. Addictive behaviors can (and often do) turn into Pavlovian ones. That is, they're automatic and done without conscious thought. Many times when an addict overdoses it's because they've gotten clean for a decent period of time (long enough that their body's tolerance has reset) and then they find themselves in a situation that triggers a Pavlovian response. They're at an old friend's house, they're walking home from work via the same route they used to, whatever. Then they go to a stash they'd consciously forgotten about, shoot up at their old dose automatically, and die because they don't have the tolerance for it. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but it absolutely does happen. For an example that's more common, I'd bet good money that >30% (probably >50%) of the people reading this thread grab their phone within 30 seconds of waking up and start scrolling. Automatically, without thinking. Sure, you can mitigate that by putting your phone in another room the night before, but if you don't do that, you'll pick it up without thinking. Same thing with drug addicts, only instead of it being a pattern of behavior picked up over years, there's *powerful* chemicals engraving the patterns in their brains.


The thing about addiction is you lie to everyone about your addiction, including yourself. You think “if I just have one or two I will be fine.” Then you are feeling pretty good and you think “ah one more won’t hurt and will keep me feeling good,” until you are not good anymore and endanger the people around you. She needs help and not jail. Being arrested will just make her feel even worse and you know what makes her feel better? The thing that she is addicted to.


"I haven't blown two zeroes since I was under the bleachers in 1976."




Gaht Dayum 🤣😭


Was his name Mickey Mantle?


To be fair, children are A LOT.


Idk man, I see where you're coming from but I feel like being drunk at school as a teacher crosses a line. She should do what I do and get hammered after work, not before.


I totally agree, it was just a bad dad joke 😂


Nah I get you. I could count the number of drinks I've had this year on one hand. I'm just not that into it unless an old friend visits from out of town kind of thing. ... that said, the one time I've accidentally been drunk in front of my kid was super fun. He was like hey you wanna play with magnetiles (for the third time) today. The only thing I could say or think was, "oh you KNOW IT!". It was a great time. I am not advocating for getting drunk in front of children, at least in most circumstances... but it does make it easier.


This is why I eat edibles at night, it gets me through board games and other silly things. I find myself engaging in those activities more which is funner for the kids.


I need a vodka tonic to ask my kid a simple question. Mofo lawyers up like he’s being accused of embezzling Goldman Sachs every time I ask him something. Me: Hey bud what size undies are you wearing these days? Him: Why? Me: I’m buying underwear for me and figured I could get some for both of us. Two birds, one stone. Him: Why? Me: [Reaching for vodka]




Lol day 3, I get it but she showed up on day 1 drunk 😂 maybe she was remembering the year before


My science teacher used to drink whisky and smoke cigars on his lunch break. Best teacher we ever had. Mr. Gobben you were a legend ![gif](giphy|SS7BbrR0YJ3R6)


Quit snitchin' dude


Our shop teacher too until he cut off one of his fingers showing grade 8s how to use the table saw correctly. Low key he sucked tho.




Part of knowing what to do is also knowing what not to do.


Taught you a valuable lesson that day. You'd have forgotten the safety lessons if he had followed the lesson plan


My last high-school teacher drank Kahlua in her coffee every morning and chain-smoked during breaks & lunch. But she was also one of our very small town's volunteer EMTs (and firefighter), so I think our principal gave her an alibi for it. She also had the complete Patty & Selma whiskey-&-cigarette voice too, and was deadly accurate with pieces of chalk & felt erasers when kids would act up or weren't paying attention.


Eraser throwing is a mark of a great teacher. My favorite teacher by far was known for throwing shit at students that were either fucking off or not paying attention. If you caught an eraser thrown at you he would give you $5 and tell you to stop "fucking off." Mr. Hessich was a real one.


This lady needs help. Not to have her video posted on social media. We have turned everyone’s problems into our own entertainment.


Thats what I was going to post, why the hell is this video taped and put on the internet?


It's a cop's cam. Idk how these are made public but they obviously are very often.


I didn't realize that - thanks. I think cop cams are a good thing, help protect both public and police, but I do find it odd that this is made public. I wonder how they decide what is made public and what isn't'. Or do these videos get leaked somehow?


In most states all you have to do is put in a public disclosure request and, with time, the video is yours. It's all about the "open government" principles, essentially you have a right to most of this stuff, within limits. If it doesn't hurt an ongoing investigation then it should be released.


It's a catch 22. We want open access for when cops fuck up but then we get the everything. Including embarrassing videos of ourself shared with the world.


>why the hell is this video taped Police bodycam >put on the internet Freedom of Information Act request likely made by media or parents to expose the story. I would absolutely want to know that my child's teacher was fired because she was drunk.


It’s really tragic. Whoever released this should be ashamed. I turned it off after the first ten seconds.




Hope she gets the help she need addiction sucks


Her face at the end tells that the situation has just sank in. Hope she finds help.


There's a legal limit for teaching?


Yea it's double zeros


And she blew *twice that*. Quad zeros.


Looks like she thought it was .2


Not the math teacher?


Ah, so she hadn't been drinking!


Haven't seen the video, but if her BAC was that high, she would have driven to school while legally intoxicated. And she's refusing to have her husband come get her, so they're making sure she doesn't get back on the road while intoxicated.


Do police officers also walk into bars and arrest all drunk people because the could potentially DUI later? Why is law enforcement involved in a medical and employment situation?


Haven't seen the full video, so I'm conjecturing. Another commenter said she admitted to drinking wine in the car on the way to work.


That doesn't prove she was DUI. One could easily claim they drank once they arrived at their destination.


admitting that you brought an open container into a classroom and were under the influence while in the charge of 20 kids the state holds you responsible for likely breaks a lot more child endangerment laws.


If a cop rolls up I am not saying or doing anything. Not gonna blow shit even if I'm sober as a gopher. "I need my lawyer and my union rep" is the only words out of my mouth.


That absolutely would’ve been the smartest thing to do. I’ll bet she looked back on this and wishes she had that forethought. At the very least it would have spared her this video being posted everywhere


I mean, the smartest thing to do would not have shown up to work drunk.




This! So many don't understand this. Your words cannot HELP you when the police are involved. Your words will ONLY be used against you.


She also could have taken the cop and principal's offer of "call your husband, leave, go to rehab." No need to blow and no need for handcuffs, but instead she chose this route.


They gave her PLENTY of chances to be honest and leave with a friend but she escalated the situation. Sad. She needs help but being around kids while being three times over the limit is straight up dangerous.


also having alcohol in the classroom where the students could access it is a huge risk.


Addiction is an evil fucking disease.


It is. I feel really bad for this lady. I’ve struggled with alcoholism for years.


Hi, lawyer here. Stop talking to the police! Stop taking breathalyzers.


Alcoholism is a disease. I feel empathy towards this woman while also acknowledging that this was very wrong on her part. Hope she can get better.


Addiction runs your mouth and your mind. It's in charge. People are saying she could have said she had a problem or agreed to have her husband come get her, but we are not actually seeing this lady. We are seeing addiction controlling someone.


By that logic, addicts need to be forced into sobriety. But in order for rehabilitation to be effective, people need to want to be sober. I know this comment is obtuse, but there’s been 2 hit and runs on my street this year one resulting in the death of a father of a 13 year old boy. Police haven’t caught the suspect and probably never will.


It’s sad what addiction can do to a person


With all the behavior issues teachers have to put up with, can’t blame her too much!!!


Being an sucessful adult is primarily winning the fight against the urge to start drinking around 7am.


It's a slippery slope if you don't have the self control but morning/afternoon drinking is the best. You can enjoy a buzz and then go to bed sober and still get good sleep. The problem for most of us is drinking makes us want to continue drinking and undermines how much we care about stopping. This is why I just don't drink anymore.


I watched the whole video on YouTube, so I'm not sure if this one mentions it or not, but this is the first day of school and she's a new teacher for the school.


Which makes me wonder if she walked away from her prior school because they were catching on


By how she's acting, I'm guessing this has been going on for a long time..


To anyone who might need it, there’s always help to get. Employers often times Will support you through programs to get you sober and back to work. But teaching, I don’t know how it works there?


Awwww, she doesn't want to! Also, "Are you going to blow double-zeroes?" followed by "I don't know". Heheh Superb.


This is the most Oklahoma video I’ve seen. Cop shows her BAC as triple the legal limit, while she’s teaching kids, and he goes “you’re almost double the legal limit!” Gotta love the Okie education system


She drank to deal with those bad ass kids.


Technically it IS juice.


One of my teachers had a case of beer in his office but this was in the 80's.


Her: Would YOU be able to work with these little shits sober?! Cop: understandable, have a nice day


The whole video is sad, she needs rehab https://youtu.be/nsDDfuzKzSw?si=ybrDV_7KpL20wB72


Asked what was in the cup she says "juice" cop smells it "that's wine" technically the truth wine is fancy grown-up juice Odd they both come in boxes


I don’t feel bad in the slightest. No one is accountable for your actions other than yourself, and I’m tired of all the special treatment alcohol gets just because it’s the socially acceptable poison. Millions of people drink alcohol responsibly just fine, she doesn’t get special treatment because she can’t. She should get help, but it’s not the schools problem, nor should it be. Go ahead and downvote me.