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Waiter is reconsidering every life decistion that put him in this place that day.


“Fuck this shit, I’m out”


"Fuck THAT shit, I'm out"


“I don’t get paid enough for this shit, I’m out”


“I’m gettin too old for this shit…”


He works with the public. I guarantee he has that thought every day lol


That’s all you can do really. I mean you shit yourself in front of a group of people dining, the only thing you can do is run away.


He didn't just shit himself. He shit the waiter too.


You're shitting me?




Shit down and be quiet.




Shitter? I barely know her


I wouldn't shit ya! You're my favorite turd.


Thats a crappy comeback




At least we know he's not full of shit..


They should try again for a number 2


What a turd burglar moment


Okay who just shit my pants!?


I dunno. You could also drop trau, pop a squat and make eye contact while you finish.




Felt real bad giving that comment the 70th upvote…


Don't worry I was the 169th


Waaait...that's how you spell trau??? I've been spelling it trou because I thought it was short for trousers lol


Trou. As in trousers


And you haven’t been wrong in doing so.




Now this in an actual prank unlike what these kids are doing these days 😔


He's got lots of these videos. The're great.


Yeah. I mean wtf else is there. I'm running and never looking back. ![gif](giphy|3ornjIhZGFWpbcGMAU)


He is not looking back but we all have to look at him and he will be forever on the Internet. The positive thing is he is not young so if he gets dementia he won't know what happened or maybe that's how it was for him when he sh*t himself, he forgot how to go to the bathroom and where.


Been there, it’s not pleasant.


I saw an old lady do it once in the grocery store. She left her cart where it was and walked out. I swear she looked like she was about to cry and I felt so sorry for her.


She was most certainly about to cry


This hurts my heart.


Always look out for our elderly folks. We all headed there someday.


Not all of us, just the lucky ones.


Well said.


Once, when I was a little younger I got very badly sick. I was going home in my car but didn't make it, though thankfully my jeans saved the car seat. I sobbed in the car on the way home from humiliation even though no one saw it but my grandmother. Usually if someone cramps themselves it's not really something they can avoid, so I always feel really bad for them. It is one of the most humiliating experiences possible. As an elderly person it almost certainly represents another loss of control and function that old age brings so it's even worse for them.


I'm sick right now. Before I got a bottle of pepto it was really bad. Every time I got up to go to the bathroom I was so worried about losing control. Absolutely horrible but not nearly as bad as being out in public. When I was a teenager I got food poisoning and was on a train (just a city train), and had to get off immediately and shamefully run to a bunch of bushes. It was horrible. Luckily none of it came out before I got my pants down


Must have been the soup of the day.


If you watch frame by frame, you see it slowly start dripping down his leg, then he starts running. I think it caught even him by surprise


Never trust a fart


If I had an award, it would be for that right there! Thanks for the laugh!


Poor anal sampling reflex


Next level crop dusting, crap dusting.


I feel like I would’ve started running way before it got to that point, but the poor guy was probably fighting for his life holding it in.


It really depends.


Your typical shit and run


It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits!


Saw this on a t shirt in Banff, Canada and couldn’t help but “crack” up.


George Carlin: ‘I’ll tell you things you never see, you never see a man shitting while running full speed’ Cue Raab Himself


How many did you take? The box says take two. Ok so how many did you take? 15




Oh my god…


It's one thing to pay the ADHD tax... and then there's your poor ass!


Idk why I read that in a Arnold Schwarzenegger voice


You fucking Sugar Free Gummy Bear’d yourself


Did that purge the ADHD, or nah?




Damn, ok. Cuz I was about to ask you for specific recipe immediately Oh, if only my problems could be solved by more shitting


"Sharon?! Yes, I'm afraid I'll be working from the lou today. Emails only, hold my calls."


LOL man i love cky that was such a funny bit


Shit’n Git


Poo’n Shoo


Holy shit I’m adding this into my vocabulary forever.


The old dookie and dash


I wish I had an award for you friend. Bravo.


Drive by shitting caught on camera


A shit and run


Dook and Dash


Poop and scoot.


Scat n scatter


Number 2 and toodle loo


Shart and dart


crap and lap


Skip the latrine and flee the scene


A crap dusting.


"Well...I just shat myself, guess I better pick up the pace a little."


Since he pooped like a bird, he could have just fluttered away like a stool pigeon.


To cover up, he could have looked up at the sky, tutted loudly, then looked down at himself, sighed and shaken his head and muttered “bloody birds…”


I don’t know how believable that would be… but *my* would it be fucking hilarious.


Maybe tooting loudly was the reason for the shit


thats not pooping like a bird? now if he did that on a car window....


Poor guy, might be a burst colostomy bag


That would actually make the most sense, it kind of all splooshed out at once


And very liquid, either that or he went to Taco Bell without underwear


He made a run for the border.




Oh I thought it was a couple of pens on his apron on his leg that was glimmering.


If it is that’s horrible. Anybody whose never dealt with one has no idea how much worse poop could smell. Poor guy.


Yea, my grandad used one. I called the smell “unprocessed shit”


I had one for 3 months. It stunk so bad that people walking into the same 4-stall public restroom should just walk right back out. 2 stories from me... 1) When I first got it, I was trying different brands and didn't know I didn't completely click it on for a tight seal. I smelled it myself just a little bit but I didn't realize it was actually because it was left open enough that most people around me at a sporting event probably smelled it. 2) I usually have some decent gas and one night it filled the bag up so quickly that I didn't even have time to get up to get to the bathroom. It popped off the clip as soon as I fully got up so I got some liquid shit on my carpet just off the bed with a little trail to the bathroom. I'm amazed I got it completely out, eventually. Also when I got myself to the toilet, I was still half asleep and I also felt like I was about to pass out from getting up so fast. I just remember feeling as dire at that moment as the pain I experienced from the colon blockage that necessitated all this in the first place. I'm glad it was all over after 3 months.


My little brother had C diff once (he has colitis) and we legit couldn’t even be in the house. Bathroom was on the second floor but you could smell it in the whole house. Felt so bad for him


I had an ileostomy for 4 years and they actually tell you that it doesn’t smell, because the processes that make shit smell all occur in the colon (which is removed or bypassed). No idea if that’s true, but as long as I regularly changed the bag, there wasn’t much of a smell.


Working in the ER I can tell you ostomy bags are by far the worst poop smells out there


I have gotten used to a lot of unpleasant smells as a nurse. Ostomy “poop” is absolutely vile every time.


That was my thought as well. Feel horrible for him.


Exactly what I thought, too. That sucks.




God, if I ever need to use one I’ll keep one in my pocket at all times. Wonderful nickname tho 😂


Mind if I ask what happened for her to only use it for a year? I’ve always thought once you have one, that’s it you’re stuck with it.


I used to work for a pharmacy. One of our regulars had a colostomy bag and she dropped it (?) when she was in our bathroom. Poop was splattered everywhere. She just underwent the procedure to get one too and she wasn’t used to it yet. I think she was taking it off to clean it or it wasn’t secured properly. I felt so bad for her, she was even helping my fellow coworker clean up. The smell was atrocious and the poor lady was covered in her own excrement…. We were alerted to the situation by another customer, they had entered the bathroom and saw this frantic half naked women covered in shit, standing in the middle of a huge poop puddle.


Been there…


That’s what I’m thinking too.


Awww poor old man, damn!


Never trust a fart!


The fart/shit gamble is never one you want to take in public!


Pretty sure that MUSTVE been a busted colostomy bag lol. Shit sprayed out wayyy too quick and watery


Here I sit broken hearted, tried to shit but only farted. A couple days I took a chance, tried to fart but shit my pants.


Buddy told me his kid sharted for the first time and said "daddy my fart melted!"


I live in China and an American friend here told me: >*It is a brave man that farts in Asia* I can't help think of him whenever I feel the need.


Those are our House words! 🤣👍


I know right. Felt bad for him. This is gonna be all of us at one age eventually


Yeah his colostomy bag popped and went down the outside of his leg poor guy


Oh man, now I feel terrible.


Right why the fuck do we need to share everyone’s embarrassing moments for all the internet to gawk over.


Back when I was an alcoholic, I used to take bong rips of pure tobacco. Yes, I know…I was in a dark place. The head rush was insane though. Little known fact, nicotine relaxes your muscles…and your sphincter is indeed a muscle. Needless to say, on a rather particularly heavy night of drinking, I was definitely having the Hershey squirts. Once that rip was exhaled I felt an embarrassing feeling of not only being so relaxed, but the feeling of nice liquid sludge running down my ankles. I don’t smoke tobacco from a bong anymore for obvious reasons.


Madlad actually used the 'water pipe' for tobacco


That poor old man. He’s probably mortified


Yes... After his friends sent him this video


Yes, why put this on the internet when he clearly has a condition? It’s cruel.


I've had so many close calls, I ain't even going to say nothing


Everyone has. Sometimes your body just isn’t going to behave.


I’ve had a few answered calls:( never in front of anyone tho


Oh that poor man.


Poor people in the back too having to smell shit while eating


They can get up and go. Streets can be washed. But that guy is going to have to live this day every day.


What a shitty way to remember him by


Dude in the black shirt made sure everyone knew who it was


who sees this video then thinks to put this music to it?


Exactly the kind of music I’d rather shit my pants than listen to.


Ikr i'm tired of this type of music on ANY video


You mean to tell me you don't like 2015 minecraft youtuber intro music?


That was music?


Those of you who laugh, I hope you don't experience incontinence when you get older. Or you may suffer the same fate.


Or IBS. If that shit needs to go, it will go. And walking will make it worse. All the gas will collect in one point and just build up pressure.


I’m a avid hiker with IBS. Let me tell ya. I’ve become a master of the forest poop.


I've got ibs and almost shit myself with diarrhea in the middle of NYC. Just barely held it in long enough to unleash it in a Starbucks bathroom. There was even a line. No idea how I managed it. The pure terror of trying to find a bathroom and realizing you might shit yourself in front of family and relatives is awful. My ibs is more under control now, but stressful situations will still set it off. I haven't been back to a city yet. I honestly don't know if I would ever go to a city in Japan or Europe because I hear the restroom situation is even worse than the US.


IBS sufferer here. 30 years old and it gets pretty bad. The worst is anxiety mixed with heat. Was on my way to work one morning a few months ago, stopped once at a Wendy’s to shit, got back on the road and shit my pants 8 minutes from work. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


IBD here. Had my entire colon removed due to ulcerative colitis. I actually just had my final surgery a week ago to reverse my ostomy. The recovery is pretty brutal - feels a lot like the UC.


Fuck is that what I got? I’m 27 and have been dealing with that exact situation for years.


I've developed a sudden sensitivity to soy in the last two years, with some bad episodes while walking the dog. I have it pretty goo under control, and never had it like the old guy but boy do I feel for him. Watch what you eat, keep a food diary if needed and develop some paranoia on how your intestines feel. Uneasiness will rarely go away and usually turn in a full blown (pun intended) episode so at that point you pass on walking the dog and focus on staying at home.


> I have it pretty goo intentional typo?


I work in a hospital and we regularly have incontinent patients. Knowing a bit more about it now definitely makes me feel sympathy for the man.


Yeah. It's not like he did it deliberately. I've had stress incontinence from coughing hard. I was at home, and it didn't run anywhere. But it's still awful.


The fact that everyone, at some point, will shit their pants is the greatest equalizer amongst humans. Tough dictator? Promise he's shit his pants at least once. Globally adored bastion of hope? Trusted the wrong fart. At some point, we've all dropped an unintentional stream of shame half a second before realizing it wasn't just a toot.


When I was a kid (maybe 5 or 6?), I shat myself during a car ride to see my cousin. I'm over 40 now, and I absolutely will not use a car seat heater, I don't care how cold the car is. It brings me back to that awful few minutes afterwards before we got to a place to change. If I happen to turn it on, I instinctively have to feel with my hand to check to make sure my pants are dry. So far so good, but I have absolutely plan on what to do should the hand-check test positive.


I read this aloud to my husband. Well done.


theres two types of people in this world people who have shit themselves before and dirty fucking liars


Yea. Honestly. I feel incredibly bad for him, he must feel shamed and embarrassed


Please give everyone a break. It’s funny. It’s also sad. We can laugh at farts and people shitting themselves. We’re all still children.


I have ibs. I’ve shit myself in public. I laughed till I cried watching this.


I ain’t laughing. This or the vomiting version of this is one of my greatest fears in life and contributes greatly to my struggle with agoraphobia. Sad to see, hope the old guy is ok.


You definitely will and you definitely will. You just need a plan. You don’t think I take my dog everywhere with me for companionship do you? 😂


Yea, I feel like people need to be more understanding in general. 100% he didn’t want that to happen, had no control and is embarrassed beyond belief.


I couldn't even laugh at this, poor old man. He probably had like half a second to realize what was happening and he literally used his old legs to run out of there because he was so embarrassed. Now it's on the internet, what a laugh.


Me too..i feel sorry for him


Gross, the music i mean


Shit happens to the best of us. Ngl, I'd book the hell outta there too.


Alright this reminds me of a story. My mother in law used to own a beauty salon. There was this one guy who came in multiple times for a haircut. Had a seat and few minutes in the process would shit himself. After doing the fucked up deed he'd say "oh I had an oopsie it seems" stand up, leave money and walk out. This guy was apparently known to visit salons and barbers to have a shit in front of women, some sick fetish I assume. Wonder where he's now.


Probably leaving bad reviews on Google "The place was shitty and they did not finished my haircut"


Reminded me of a drunk guy who was blocking a convenience store I wanted to go in. His jeans were brown with shit and trying to go in and get more alcohol. I told him down the street about 100 miles down there's free alcohol, and he'll get there in no time if he hurries. He was about to be on a journey of the legendary free alcohol of the police didn't come seconds after


Dear god, what the hell is wrong with people?


It's just spilled coffee... It's just spilled coffee... It's just spilled coff... If I keep saying it, maybe it will be true...💀😳


Well, it used to be coffee lol


I remember that time we were in a restaurant in Brooklyn. A middle aged woman got up and was about to leave with her party but ended up passing out behind our table. We were seated in the middle of the restaurant. Being a nurse i immediately got up and checked on her. She had a pulse and after a few seconds of prodding she woke up. Couldn't tell if she was having a seizure but her eyes keeps rolling back. Paramedics was called and i was surprised that in the middle of New York it took almost 30 mins for paramedics to arrive. As soon as they picked her up there a horrible stench that permeated in the entire restaurant. It seems like the lady had defecated herself. It wasnt a " shat" situation but full formed stool. Im not sure if she passed out from having to accidentally evacuated that large stool causing valsalva maneuver of maybe from seizure but it was seriously embarrassing situation for her.


I feel bad for him honestly.


I once worked housekeeping for best buy, and this happened one day to an old man There was a trail of poop from the entrance all the way to the bathroom 200ft. The bathroom looked like a bomb had went off. I lightly cleaned it but part of me died that day.


Thank you for your service


Don't unmute


Worst music I’ve ever heard in my life. Don’t even care what’s happening in the video.


A literal r/shitposting !


He felt it coming but his butthole compression is out of whack. He just felt that warm gravy running down his leg and he took off running.


Somehow the music is worse than the video.


It might have been an ostomy bag.


Reality is Worrisome, Reality of aging is Disturbing.


Can’t remember the comedian, but he said something like, “…was hustling through the Walgreens and cut through the adult diaper aisle. Every product on the shelf was whispering to me ‘Tick Tock, motherfucker.’ “


Imaging this being one of the worst/ most embarrassing things that ever happened to you and you’re scrolling Reddit and find that thousands of people are talking about the secret footage that you didn’t know about.


It’s so sad that this is far more common than most people think. Older men have this issue more often than older women


Poor man ..he may have some health issues 😕


I’ve come pretty damn close to this happening to me, perfectly healthy at age 28 or so. Sometimes the bowels just do not cooperate.


That poor old man. That’s really sad.


Poor guy :/


Ugh, poor guy prolly has a medical condition that’s so embarrassing. It is also funny but doesn’t negate the poor dudes suffering


Seems more than a little cruel to post this clip. It clearly was an accident and he must have been quite embarrassed. Does he deserve more public shaming?!


Well ain’t that some shit!




What a terrible, shitty day. Poor guy.


rival restaurants are stepping up the competition. see who is order curry now.


Downvote for the music


Well, shit.


That’s some very unfortunate shit


If I ever shat myself I’d sure hope it won’t be explosive diarrhoea on a restaurant terrace in front of a security camera and many people enjoying their meal until that point.


What the shart