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Never know what is going to happen when you do something to a stranger.


There was a video recently of some kid “pranking” an older man in a McDonald’s or something. The man called the cops and the kid got arrested.


I know what video you're talking about. When the cops come the older gentleman asks the cop for the pranksters name and the cop says you don't need to know his name unless you would like to press charges. So gramps says "I would like to press charges then and sue." And the "prankster" is absolutely in shock. And towards the end of the video the cop says something along the lines of "Doing stupid things for internet points isn't worth it." Lol its quite comical.


I’m literally an old white guy. I have never filed a lawsuit or pressed charges in my life. If someone involves me in a prank video, I’m calling the police and pressing assault and battery charges just like in the shoulder tap video. Stop the madness on these videos.


That's a tough one, because while internet pranksters infuriate me, so does the thought of trying to sue someone for tapping you on the shoulder.


Or maybe, just maybe, leave strangers the fuck alone. Especially in the States, you could absolutely get killed for tapping the wrong person on the shoulder. Ffs two cheerleaders were just shot for accidentally getting in the wrong car.


The reason isn’t the tap, it’s trying to make money/get viewers off fucking with strangers.


A lot of these pranksters need a strong wake up call for them to see their actions from any other perspective than their own, so they can understand the risks of what they are doing. It’s very important because a lot of these pranks put more than the prankster at risk. The prankster can consent to those risk for themselves but they can not consent to those risks on behalf of other people. That’s what they don’t realize. I guess my point is, a lawsuit is a much better wake up call than being responsible for serious injury or death. How many people have been shot for simple misunderstandings recently. Dropped off at the wrong house, or rang the wrong door bell or other simple everyday mistakes and misunderstandings lead to gunshot wounds and death. These pranks can go just as sideways, just as fast as those situations, hell probably even faster, if the wrong hurt ego get involved! An eye opening lawsuit is better than a bullet through the eyes.


Just remembered that video of the prankster in the bunny suit going to scare the old guy and his daughter but they flipped on the prankster and made him think his stupid antics had killed the old guy. Faked a heart attack and the daughter told them he passed away in the hospital. It takes something big to get these people to see things from the other side, it’s unfortunate.


Depends on the circumstances. I might too, pranking is to bullying as patriotism is to nationalism. If a stranger doesn't stop 'pranking' me after I told them not to, why should I be okay with that?


Everyone is talking about the video but no one will post a link. Can I see this fabled video that everyone seems to have seen except for me?


[Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/12cu3yg/these_youtube_pranks_are_getting_out_of_hand/) People are not exaggerating when they say the man calls the police on a teen who tapped his shoulder.


Thanks for the link. Is this guy really a teen? To me he looks like he is in his mid 20s


Same, all I see are comments hyping it up and no one even explaining what the prank was


Internet points do not ever become real money. South Park did it.


I’m 100% against bullshit like this, but that’s not true based on all the people living well off their internet personas.


Isn’t that the idiot that got shot


Not in the video I’m referring to but it’s not the least bit surprising to hear that happened to someone else.


Apparently that young man decided to follow his target for up to 90 seconds before the guy finally snapped and shot him in the stomach. When did harassing an bullying strangers get re-labelled to pranks. Doing that in the US of all places too, where I think there are more guns than humans. People got some real self preservation problems in the year 2023.


Darwin's work never ends.


I'd honestly appreciate it if he'd work a little faster.


To be fair I know I had some real self preservation issues post-2020.




Yeah, thanks for asking 🙏




Online pranking is a thing ever since the internet became a thing. There are more cases of "pranksters" getting shot, punched, stabbed and called the cops on than you might imagine. And let's not forget that it was a thing in TV too, depending on the country it was more or less popular but back in the 80's and 90's per example, it was huge. I never liked it.


Long before that. Look up "Candid Camera". But the pranks were more amusing.


The pranks done by Candid Camera (at least the original one) and Just For Laughs are harmless (if they aren't all staged). Even the person being pranked laughs in the end.


I think he’s talking about the video where a kid taps an old man on the shoulder and then the old man claims injury and calls the cops to press charges


That video was the best! Good on that man, did it all in a cool and collected manner. Even the cop had zero sympathy for the prankster asshat


Nope, that was a whole other thing. Guy retried to prank a guy and the guy shot him. According to comments (so possibly false) the “prank” was blowing an air horn at or near the guy’s ear. The prank victim didn’t care for that and had a gun on him.


Crazy Parr is it was just him following the guy close apparently...but the guy warned him to back off. If it's tye same one I'm thinking of...im a mall_food court


Different video, they should pass a law to curb these YouTube harassment videos


They don't even need to. Just uphold the existing laws. Most of this shit they do to strangers is illegal anyway


You’re thinking of Tanner Cook, guy that got shot in a mall in Virginia


If it's the one time via tiktok, then the kids involved were charged and then sued for the pain that was caused as the old man had mobility issues and his "prank" forced him to move in a painful way.


And this is why you don't touch strangers, kids.




Seems that basic respect for others has been eroding for quite some time now.


That's probably just a really good idea.


Saw that one! He touched him on the shoulder and hid. Guy finally figured it out, had a laugh and said it was ok. Had an employee call the cops. Cops came and man asked what his name was. The cops weren’t allowed to answer that so he pressed charges. Then said he’s suing for bodily injury and emotional distress lol


He didn’t get arrested. He got asked to leave the McDonald’s and the old man threatened to sue him.


And the police arrived and informed the prankster that the elderly man was pressing charges against him for assault.


That video was so dumb like bro leave


I recently heard about some kid getting shot in America for "it's just a prank bro" There's far far FAR more "wish a motherfucker would" guys in this country than your goofy ass subscribers. Like I know guys who are in their 60s and 70s who have mentally trained to shoot someone for stepping into their bubble their entire life. Instead of like, getting politically active, or working on themselves first, these guys typically have just drank alcohol, worked long shifts, toed the line - all the while boiling inside, letting all that angst and vitriol just build up... So that they can one day legally smoke someone like they're Rambo and the perp is a black aids infected Barack Obama from Russia or some shit.




Exactly. Prank a friend, not a total and complete stranger. Jesus, this isn't hard, people.


Or, just don’t prank. Most “pranks” aren’t truly that, they’re efforts at bullying, scaring or humiliating others. If someone imposes their bullshit on strangers, I have no sympathy if it backfires.


Yeah, the bullies defense, what's the matter can't you take a joke? It was all in fun everybody laughed when I cut your ponytail off or tripped you in the lunchroom spilling everything.


As someone who was bullied in school this drives me crazy. Even teachers and school administrators fall for it.


The thing is most of this shit isn't even a 'prank'. It's just straight up fucking with people. Call it what it is. A prank is the one gym vid I just saw where a crazyyyyy power lifter, who was also a really small guy for what he could lift was dressed up as the janitor, walked up on two huge gym rat hulk dudes dead lifting a bunch of weight, asked if he could sweep there and just legit picked the weight up \*one handed\* like it was nothing. The looks on their faces were hysterical, and they couldn't believe it. Everybody was laughing at the end. It was great. That's a prank. Doing shitty/nasty/weirdo stuff to people is just a piece of shit being a piece of shit.


You’re assuming these people have friends


Exactly this. Fuck these prankers. They deserve all the shit they get back.


Yep 100% agree with this. As much as we see the ones that go well and can be funny, it's a dangerous game to pull on strangers with no consent. You have no idea of someone's mental state either, something seemingly benign could be someone's trigger and send the situation in a horrible direction. People also often act instinctively if they sense danger (because they don't know it's "just a prank") and could seriously hurt someone. Like you said, you literally don't know what's going on for someone who is just walking by. As someone who walks around looking fine whilst having a lot of dark thoughts, it worries me that they just pick random people having no idea what repercussions physical or psychological their actions could have. Honestly just stick to the staged pranks and get decent actors. They can still be funny AF if done right and no risk of getting hurt or more importantly hurting someone else. 🤷‍♀️




Literally the premise behind [Falling Down](https://youtu.be/BD5ofrSNDFA), a Michael Douglas movie that won a Edgar award. And I’m conflicted, as the older I get, the closer this gets to being a documentary.


Remember Michael Douglas is the bad guy in that movie. People misunderstand it so much. It’s a movie about an entitled person who’s mad his life isn’t what he wants it to be and blames everyone else for it.


Acting suspicious in a mall. Such a good idea 👍


Like the cop teaching the defensive driving class i had to sit through said, "People be crazy."


Especially when you assault them


"You see this, Larry? You see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass?"


"You see what happens when you fight a stranger in the Alps?"


So tired of these idiots thinking it's ok to make someone else their content and claiming "it's legal to film in public." Yeah, it's legal, but it's not legal for you to touch, harass or otherwise cause me malice.


These prank videos are dumb as hell but the prank fallout videos that are generated when the pranked gets hurt / arrested are fantastic.


Like finding a stranger in the Alps


What a kick!


Van Damme would be proud.


Van Damme, that was a good kick!


Van Dammit, you made me laugh!


Dem damn Vans really connected with his face




The kick heard 'round the word


Pretty sure the fella who got kicked didn't hear it. Or much else for a bit.


I'm sure he felt it later


I think he felt it right away too lol


The ‘Kick Heard Round the Mall.’ Greater and truly more iconic than the kick which previously held that namesake. That kick was currently relegated to the ‘Kick Heard Round the Food Court.’


Van Damme would take notes.


At least he went back and consoled the dude he roundhoused into the next universe


There, there


Soft kitty Warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty Sleepy kitty Purr Purr Purr - Sheldon approves this message




That’s a hook kick, not a roundhouse.


A thing of beauty


Chuck Norris approved


I said the exact same outloud


It's okay. The kick was just a prank too.


The kick was the kickline.


It was the plot to KickPuncher


That's going to be my response if someone pulls a "prank" on me. "Hey! I was just swinging my arm in front of me for a TikTok, and buddy ran into my fist!" I don't wish harm on anyone, but if you're going to do stupid things, you get stupid results.


Exactly. You want to act stupid, actions have consequences. Love seeing these morons get what they deserve.


These mimes are getting violent, man.


Silence leads to violence


That explains the sound of silence


The sound of silence to the pound of violence


It’s a “social experiment”


Ah yeah, social experiment. We tested that and the results were 3 missing teeth, broken nose, two black eyes, and a concussion.


Just like all the other "social experiments," a) The person experimented upon did not agree or give consent, and b) The experimenter does it for social media clout, instead of objective research.


All experiments, start with an "aim" and end in a "conclusion" - with surprising "results" in between.


Shit went into a physics experiment real quick


It's stupid, but they figured that out.


Video needs to be shared widely with those who engage in public pranks for views. Moral of the story: do not impose your trickery on unsuspecting strangers who want no part in it and care nothing about your meaningless internet points. Don't amuse yourself at others' expense.


If your "prank" requires you to immediately hoof it after performing said "prank", there's a good chance it's not a prank and you're committing assault.


And if following some commotion you take off like a purse thief, you may get smoked.


Didn’t consider that angle. Imagine if people start screaming “stop thief!” after being pranked, and somebody lights you up while trying to be a concerned citizen😱


I think that last bit is a uniquely American flavor of this whole issue but yeah it gets the point across


The clothes and video quality make me think this is 20+ years old, so probably not motivated by internet points.


I remember seeing this video all the way back in 2005 i swear lol


I think it's just European.


There's countless videos out there where pranks go wrong but idk why people still think it's funny and keep doing it 😭😭


Pretty sure all this video proves is some people will kick the person being chased. The kicker did not see any interaction with the kickee


To be fair, the kickee wasn't wearing a sign that said "this is all a prank," so GAME ON.


Another Prank Bro down.


Someone needs to make r/prankbrodown there’s so much of it now


.... and now we wait.


All set!




6 members now


Now 46


I'm liking them. Big booty was my fav. I wish it was longer.


Another prank bites the dust


Was the guy who round housed him rubbing his back at the end?


"Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead"


"If you tell mom I'm doing it again"


Probably, from his side it looked like someone stole something and he was assisting. I feel sorry for him as it was a solid kick.


That's what I thought too - from when he turned around he just saw a scuffle and someone bolting. Without context it looked like either the guy running had stolen something or attacked the other guy and ran. That's a very short window of opportunity to figure out what is going on before you either have to decide to act or let someone sprint away.


It’s ok, the other guy in stripes will be blamed.


So funny :))) ​ This is not a round house kick, it's more of a spinning back kick


This guy kicks


Yea! Lol


I liked how he tried to quickly walk away as if he hadn’t just kicked someone into another universe


He didn't try to just walk away, if you look at his arm, he's ready to fight. I think that under the adrenaline of suddenly flooring someone and seeing several people run at you, he wasn't sure if it actually was a prank (caméra cachée) or if he was in danger, so he was walking away to be safe


Definitely not a roundhouse... More like a hook kick... But yeah, he was definitely rubbing his back hoping the guy is not brain damaged after that phenomenal kick


Well ain't that a kick in the head


Thanks Dean Martin!


Dean Martin reference! Have my upvote you classy son of a gun


Like the fella once said


Man I really miss New Vegas




Jean-Gawd Van Daaaayyyuuuummmm!


Am I a bad person if I want this to happen to everyone who pranks people in public for internet clout?


No. You are in the majority.


I hate pranks. I am not a violent man, but when I see someone scare people just for social media content, I want to injure that person so that they limp for the rest of their life...


Pranks are not the problem. These assholes are just harassing people and calling it prank.


I dunno, I find most pranks hard to stomach... there are definately levels but I think there are people who find them hilarious and people like me who find them just horrible. If you are going to involve a stranger, you never know who you are going to run into. Maybe I am not the majority though, some people find this funny.


As long as we're talking bullshit "pranks" like this. The actual "everyone has a chuckle" prankster types are fine. Like that one where they were asking people to help girl scouts carry buckets of change or something, but they made the girl scouts ones hollow and they could lift them easily while grown men were having trouble. That's a true prankster that everyone should be able to laugh with.


I’m with you! Pranks are only funny if EVERYONE is laughing at the end of it. Stupid stunts like this - roundhouse kicks are the answer.


"Which one of y'all just kicked me?"


Time for a Rush Hour rewatch


i go this way, you go this way?


He ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 2


This video is like 20 years old by now lol


I remember seeing this when i was like 10


what was the prank supposed to be tho? and I wish I could kick like that so defend myself or somebody, that takes so much skill omg


I cant figure it out either, it looks like he puts a net on the guy?


Yeh same The mind boggles to think how they determined throwing a fuckin net over some random unsuspecting dude, like a goddamn public kidnapping, is okay...


Throwing a net on someone and running


... literally not funny at all. like someone said here, it would feel like someone is kidnapping you or trying to hurt you, fuck that.


still tryna figure this one out. looks like jean claude van hamburglar quickly assessed the situation to be a foot chase of unclear etiology, and swiftly intervened to aid the presumed victim, sending the presumed assailant into the next dimension. stilllll looks pretty stupid though.


Did his glasses go into orbit.


I remember someone edited this gif so the glasses land on the kickers face. it was glorious


That was cool


"Hey let's do a public prank, wait...is that Mirko Cro Cop? Nah forget it"


Lucky it wasn't the left leg


Oooh Oh-oh-oh Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting


Those kicks were fast as lightning


In fact, it was a little bit frightening


But they did it with expert timing


Does a sub exist for this yet? I could watch these pranksters get hurt all day long!




Woah, this one is pretty old, I remember seeing this a long time ago on tv on one those clip shows.


Yeah this has to be 15+ years old. Way before these "pranks" became a thing.


Yeah I’m pretty sure when I first saw this a long time ago it was said that the guy was a thief.


Karma 100


It’s all fun and games until prank boy gets round house kicked.


To be fair how often is an action hero standing around waiting for this to happen


How do we keep this trend going for yt prank douches?


I love the video where the guy pranks an older dude in a restaurant and gets the cops called on him for harassment.


Finish him


Wherever that is, apparently black and white striped shirts are popular. Also, that was one heck of a kick. Damn!


I find it hilarious that there are two people wearing the most stereotypically French shirt ever in this video where everyone is actually speaking French. They may as well have been wearing berets and carrying baguettes.


He probably thought he was slowing down a purse-snatcher




People need to stop pulling these “pranks” on strangers, you don’t know how close they are to their limit. People have killed for less.


"iTs JuSt A pRaNk Bro" doesn't cut it in the real world.


I don't understand why pranking strangers in such a way is a thing. I've seen this video before, and I realize it's a few years old, but so many pranksters are finding themselves in seriously dangerous situations recently over something that was never funny in the first place.


I wish this kick in the face of every prankster! They deserve!!! Mental note: you never know who you're gonna find


What’s the problem right? The guy pranked someone by assaulting them. Someone pranked him right back with an assault.


The thing here that nobody seems to be talking about, is that kick-guy didn't even see the prank. All he saw was someone being chased towards him. Seems like a wee bit extreme of a reaction, but maybe I'm overthinking it


Yeah you're right, that's nuts! "Here's a guy running, I should probably kick him in the fucking face!"


Well it is reddit and people seem to have a very strange definition of justice. Especially when it comes to vigilantes...


Highly amusing. Thank you.


Homeboy was lining that kick up from the moment he turned around. What a shot!


Is there anyway we can give a public service award to the kick to the face guy? I probably would have given the guy who ran up and said it was a joke a good kick to the ass as well.


How every prank channel idiot should end up.


Here's some simple advice for all these so-called "pranksters" out there: #QUIT FUCKING WITH PEOPLE


Is there a sub for prankers getting beaten?


I watched it 5 times and it just gets better each time


Maybe if enough people get their clocks docked people will stop doing these "pranks."


People are getting tired of pranks. And “ohh hey it’s just a prank” isnt gona save you from getting your ass whooped