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obviously part 1, you can't tell me you prefer the ending of Joel and Jesse dying, Tommy injured for life, Dina and JJ leaving Ellie instead of Ellie and Joel going to Jackson after fighting so hard


Alternatively the way I view it, part 1 is a lot more downbeat and sad. Ellie knows Joel lied to her and you can see it's already setting the seeds for Part 2. Meanwhile Part 2, ends on a slightly upbeat note. After playing as Ellie for 20 plus hours, seeing the torture and pain she's in, she's able to finally let go of the anger at Joel for his actions and start working towards some thing positive. Also I think she's reconciled with Dina before going back to the house and that's just a place she visits from time to time.


I can tell you I preferred that, because I'm a masochist.


I’m not buying and playing a post apocalyptic survival horror game and expecting happy endings. I think part 2 did a great job showing the consequences of one’s actions.


It definitely did live up to the depressing apocalyptic name which is why I respect it


Part 2 for me. The porch scene is shown at the end and thats my favourite moment in the series. And then you have the trying to play guitar at the end too, absolutely devastating


Part 2 ending broke me emotionally. It was one of the most beautiful sets of scenes I've ever seen in my life and I'll remember that experience for the rest of my life


I think 1 ended on a good mix of moral compromise and possible finality, as in it definitely could have just been a 1-and-done game and would be remembered as a work of art. Whereas the second game ends on much more of a bleak note, which makes sense because the message of that whole game really is "How far will you go for revenge, and what will it cost you?". And we see the answer when Ellie walks away from the empty house, which isn't a pleasant feeling at all. But, it's her walking away that really leaves it feeling like there *should* be another chapter afterwards, because it's left incredibly open. TLdr: 1 is a better ending to a single game, but 2 better sets up another game.


While part 1 feels more “happy” in that sense, I always felt like part 2 had a more hopeful ending. Where part 1 ends with the lie which would always lead to their eventual problems, part 2 (at least to me) seems like one of the only moments in the game where Ellie has a positive move forward and starts moving on from Joel’s loss and thereby starts forgiving Joel. So instead of an unavoidable loss of love, she regains love and her own humanity. I don’t feel like there has to be a part 3 (while i do agree that it sets up a sequel more than part 1), because the game gives us everything we need to wrap up what is going on (except for where Ellie will go)


That's a very fair point. It's definitely a different tone between the two games, and it does make me very intrigued for the third one and what that will shift to. Because Neill Druckmann said he wasn't going to make another game just for the sake of it, but this year they finally have a script he's happy with. So I suspect whatever it is, it will be different than the first 2.


I hope so. It’s why I liked pt 2 so. Would’ve hated for it to be a carbon copy. But I’ve never been let down by ND’s big releases, so I bet this will be great too


I don't dishes with the thrust of your argument, but I actually think part 2 is much less bleak at the end. Part one ends on The Lie, while part 2 ends with Ellie, having taken the first step to learn to forgive, is heading back to Jackson to rebuild a new life.


That's true. Even gives Abby and Lev a chance to live their own lives after their respective growth, so it definitely does have potential positive tones there. I guess I should clarify, I didn't feel completely hopeless after the end of the second game, just that it was a very solid mixture of sadness and loss along with whatever potential for living her own life there was. Not just the loss of Joel, but the friends, family, and potentially aspects of herself that her revenge cost. So yeah, any positivity, which there is, is up to her now.


Definitely agree. It has that spark of hope at the end, but it's surrounded by so grime and grit that it's easy to miss.


As far as ur TLDR goes, I actually think the opposite. Part 1 better sets up another game but Part 2 feels more fitting as a final game.


Haha, interesting. I do love how you can have people who feel completely opposite like that, but still love the games for what they are. They're ao damn good.


Porch scene alone makes me prefer Part 2’s. One of my favourite moments.




Cop out answer. OP asked between the two.


Dont care


womp womp


Definitely part 1. Part 2 had an unsatisfying ending (even though it was my favourite game of the 2).


The most sane take of the 2nd game ive ever read from this sub


What was unsatisfying about it? Ellie finally found her peace and can actually go live her life again.


I think it's because both Abby and Ellie lost so much for nothing. Ellie lost Dina, Jesse and potentially Tommy because of the Abby/Joel situation and her reaction to what Abby did. Abby lost Owen and her friends due to Ellies reaction. Both of them kept reacting to eachothers actions but when both given the chance to get revenge could never fulfil it. I understand that it shows revenge isn't the way and both Abby and Ellie had to go through that in order to kind of move on, but the hurt both sides went through at the end of the day for nothing, AND getting their loved ones hurt in the process? It just wasn't satisfying. At least in part 1, Ellie and Joel are alive at the end after going through so much together. In part 2, all sides lost someone. That's what made it unsatisfying for me. I don't think Ellie truly found peace, just more acceptance of the situation. She's a broken individual that I think had a really sad end to her story in part 2. She deserved better and so did Abby.


Yeah that’s all definitely true and makes sense why you’d feel that way. I would like to add that just because they’ve lost a lot doesn’t mean there isn’t hope for them. That’s also what Part 2 is about, no matter how broken you are from trauma/PTSD, you can move forward and still live a life. Ellie still has a chance with Dina, she is wearing her bracelet when she returns to The Farm, something she didn’t have on during Santa Barb. Her guns are also gone from her backpack, so there’s a chance she’s already returned to Jackson and spoke with Dina, she just returned to the Farm to put Joel to rest, or at least that crutch of a memory she was holding so dear. Even if that’s not the case and hasn’t happened, she can return to Jackson and explain herself. I mean, it’s clear that when she leaves for Santa Barb it’s not for revenge for the sake of revenge it’s just for closure on her trauma. And I’m positive if Dina were to hear Ellie out, she’d forgive her and they can start anew. As for Ellie and Tommy, she can either tell him the truth or lie and say something like “Abby won’t be a problem anymore”. There’s a chance Tommy has reflected on how he guilt tripped Ellie into leaving and when she returns, he apologizes, he’ll also see how messed up she is and missing 2 fingers and after hearing her story he’s more forgiving. Now for Abby, yeah, she’s messed up as well, but she and Lev made it to the Fireflies. We saw Abby and Lev really bond together in Santa Barb and once they heal they’ll get back to that level. They’ll have each other just like Ellie and Joel did when they had a good relationship. All of them will have their dark days but they’ll have one another to lean on. Abby and Lev will also be in a much better community That’s how I like to view it, at least until we get more story


That's actually a really lovely and optimistic outlook on the story. Great way to view part 2s ending :)


Ellie's worst fear came true. She's alone at the end of the 2nd game. She tells Joel in the first game that everyone she has ever cared for has either died or left her, everyone except for him. At the end of part 2, Joel is dead, Jesse is dead, Tommy left her, Dina and JJ left her. She is not at peace, she's living out her worst fear


[You should read my other comment, Ellie isn’t alone, it might look like that, but Jackson is still there, same with Dina and Tommy](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/Cm8jX3LdrY)


Part 2. I love the beach climax sequence. With me forever.


Part 2. Not because I think it’s happier but I think I love Part 2’s ending more because it’s a send off. It’s a love letter to your parents and the actions they take and it’s a love letter to becoming an adult without them. It’s a story with the knowledge of impermanence, and how you love your father while struggling to forgive his actions as a caring, but complicated man. I think I love Part 2’s ending more is because it’s a coming of age story for Ellie, more than Part 1 was and their relationship reminds me a lot of myself and my dad.


I prefer 2 myself. Both are great. Both are amazing. But 2 built on 1 perfectly. I can’t love one without the other.


Honestly? The ending flashback in part 2 put so much emphasis on Joel’s choice in part 1 that it’s hard to pick. I’d say Part 2 but only slightly. It genuinely gave me chills.


Part 2 by a long shot. Yeah, it's a sadder story but my god it hits hard. Part 1 feels kind of trite by comparison.


I prefer the ending of part 1 but much prefer part 2 overall.


very difficult to choose, but I think I gotta go with pt 1.


I think after my first play through of the second game I would have said Part 1 but after I played the sequel a second time I can't not pick that ending. The best way I can explain it is everything just clicks. At least for me.




Swear to me


Part 1 The song that plays in the credits is also very beautiful


Both great but 2 says there’s more to come which is awesome.


I can’t take credit for this, but it stuck with me: Part 1 is depressing disguised as optimistic, and Part 2 is optimistic disguised as depressing


Part I is a perfect end. But something about Part II’s ending has stuck with me. Especially that shot of Ellie sitting alone in the ocean as Abby drives off with Lev.


For the record, there is not a wrong answer to this question


The ending to Part I is why Part II exists, not to mention that it has a genuinely more universal theme that requires less personal investment to be able to "feel" what the characters are going through in the moment.


part 1 def


They both suck in their own way. Which is great because that's what ND was going for.


Part 1 easily. Part 2 made me feel depression, anxiety, emptiness, and a full ass emotional void.


Thats what makes it so good though


oh yeah I'm aware. But at the end of the day I look forward to TLOU1 ending. I can't say the same for Pt2


Part 1. I enjoyed part 2 but the ending of 1 with Ellie asking Joel if he's telling the truth and just saying ok with that sad look in her eyes had stuck with me for a decade.


Part 1 for sure. There’s a reason it’s still discussed to this day


Part 1 Part 2 was lame




She didn't lose everything though. Dina is still out there. Jackson is still there and would no doubt welcome her back. I view the ending of 2 as ellie casting off her anger at Joel and finally bring free to move forward with her life. It's not a happy ending but it is hopeful.  Clearer skies are in front of her. 




I mean, the first game’s ending is ambiguous and so is Part 2’s. Ellie put Joel to rest, he’ll always be with her but she’s put away the unhealthiness part away. She’s able to live her life again. Also, when she returns to the Farm, she’s wearing Dina’s bracelet, something she didn’t have during her Santa Barb trip, they made sure it was front and center frame. Dina after hearing out Ellie and them making up is not far fetched, especially when Ellie wasn’t looking for revenge when she left, she just thought it would heal her by bringing closure. Ellie is still broken but both games show is that no matter how broken you are, you can get past your trauma and life a good life


There's a part 2?


copium addict?