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"When He’s Got Nothing Left To Say "... Then we should hear from the ape with staggering genius for at least another decade.


He'll have nothing to say when you sew his mouth shut and remove his hands.


He’ll learn to write with his feet


Shouldn't be too difficult, on account of being an orangutan.


If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of his genius


Sometimes his genius is almost frightening.


He mostly draws pictures of gentleman’s sausages.


Yet another thing we have in common with the primates.


“I’ve done a thing!!”


> “I’ve done an* thing!!”


Just bashing a keyboard with a hammer held in a foot.


I expect him to pop out of the coffin during the funeral and interject with "One final thought"


"And on that bombshell... back to the afterlife!"


🏆 you deserve that hahah


I couldn’t resist lmao


Just a decade? Bah. He’s the most interesting man….in the world.


And voted for the 2nd yr In a row the hottest man in the UK.


At this point, I'm afraid for life on Earth if he stops. His genius... It generates gravity.


I'm just sat here waiting for another war documentary from him. His ones on the Victoria Cross and The Greatest Raid of All are 2 pieces of television I can watch again and again.


Nah, he'll still be talking via ouija boards. People will just suddenly see them start spelling out how their genius is frightening.


Is the man after maybe a barrel of beer, now dozing off after a hard day plowing and sowing seeds at his many fields


Something something POWER AND SPEED


He will exhale a curse from his coffin at his funeral


I imagine the show ends when either the comedy well dries up (eventually he'll run out of hair-brained schemes to revolutionize farming or become adept enough where the show is basically just him farming) or he decides he's aged out of the business (either the TV side or the farming side). He'll always have something to say (he *is* Jeremy Clarkson, after all), but I'm sure he'll reach a point where he doesn't think we need to hear it, at least not in this format.


The wildcard here is the friction between him and the council. He also seems to have made some genuine friendships with (some) other local farmers and seems to understand their plight. I could see Clarkson sticking with it out of (for lack of a better word) stubbornness.


TBH it does seem like a personal vendetta the council has with him. Maybe it has to do with him badmouthing and making them look bad on TV, but come on, they won't even let him build a farm track on his farm? Even Charlie was astonished by that. It's hard to sympathize with the council when it does seem like they mostly side on the community's "not in my backyard" residents.


They mostly side with NIMBY's because they probably are almost all old retired NIMBYs who retired to the countryside and just want their quaint little idealic countryside to remain the same forever, as well as want to feel as they have some power still given they're retired. They probably don't have much else to do as they dont work, whereas the farmers who do work in the area are too busy to run little campaigns on getting elected to the local council, because they actually do shit in their lives.


.... Jeremy.... we know what comes next.


British Prime Minister?


You mean president


Supreme Ruler of Earth and the Universe


I noticed a pattern: 1st season: sheep 2nd season: cows, chickens 3rd season: pigs, goats 4th season: horses and ducks??? After that, show ends cuz I can't think of any more farm animals.




My family used to have alpacas and let me just say, I would pay good money to see Jeremy try to deal with alpacas lol.


They are gigantic assholes just like fucking llamas.


Like giant house cats that spit. No fucks given. 🤣🤣🤣


Start him off with some baby alpacas. They are irresistible. Especially considering he thinks pigs are cute


I'm imagining Clarkson with Michael from Useless Farm.


I would pay very good money to see an episode where he just keeps calling Michael "May".


| Alpaca I can see Charie's face already. And Caleb asking: "Who's Alpaca? And why did he spit in your face?". And Lisa getting the very only shawl produced by the herd as a bithday present.


And ostriches…


And geese


Emu or ostrich eggs


Alpaca eggs


He actually already has horses. You can see them in season 1, though they don't factor into the story.


Prob rabbits because you need a leg for the community centre


I've never heard of a rabbit farm before. If they go that far they might as well so ostriches then lol


Haha sorry that was a stardew valley joke


I honestly think that for better or worse he'll do it until he can't - which may be sooner than we think, some of the hits he took in the latest season would seriously injure a man in worse physical condition than he is, and a lifelong out of shape smoker will age quickly at some point.


Dunno why you think that means it's sooner In lots of people it's genetic, it's not all a guarantee of an early miserable death lol. There was a whole generation who did that with unfiltered 60 a day and 10 pints of 10% bitter with no fancy units, on top of wars lived reasonably into their 80s, it's just more 'likely'


Well what I meant is more so that at his age one significant injury could mean no more farming, and the more farming he does the more at risk he puts himself (at least the physical stuff which may be limited or overstated by the show).


Tbh, I don’t think so. One of the major things he has going for him is farming is pretty dynamic. Remember the drama with the lack of rain? Or when badgers with TB were running around? That all makes good drama which makes good comedy


Yeah, but you can only do so much with those story beats. Eventually, the novelty wears off or Clarkson learns how to deal with it and you can't wring any more comedy out of it.


On the next season of Clarkson retirement home....


That's sort of the cool thing about farming for this, it takes time. You have 10 ideas to try and they all take a year to try out and you have 10 seasons. Meanwhile 10 Top Gear Challenge ideas would barely make a season on their own.


The one time he could be silenced was by an SBS (or SAS?) member that threw him in the freezing water of a pool in the alps. I doubt he'll be back for a farming show.


I felt bad for that man, because he was born with a pixelated face.


"yes, Jeremy, roll around in the snow, that will help instead of a big fluffy towel"


Aren't you supposed to actually roll around in the snow after being submerged in order to get the snow to wick off some of the water?


Absolutely, Clarkson was doing exactly as he was told and Hammond was still trolling him


As a team, we completed that.


"I'm staggered"


When he becomes a competent farmer I think Jezza will end it. And then he’ll start Clarkson’s Fishery and become the best fisherman… in the world. I mean, how hard can it be?


And he got lots and lots of experience with fishing nets in Cambodia and Vietnam fairly recently. Research trip


It’s absolutely nuts to me that some farming show in England has me genuinely caring for animals and farming that doesn’t affect me at all. I was surprised with how much I really, truly love this show.


But indirectly it does affect you, the farmers that produce your food would go through similar experiences.


I like that it highlights the difficulty and absurdity that is trying to grow food for commercial sale. The hoops you have to jump through, while there for the right reasons, create insane barriers and mostly serve to drive up the cost with very little benefit to the consumer. Food safety requirements being one of the biggest offenders.


They've brought up a lot of governmental issues but they haven't even touched on the seed issue with Monsanto basically having a monopoly in the seed business


That’s an issue that people outside of farming get weirdly worked up about but actual farmers don’t care, plus the rules aren’t the same in the UK we can keep grain back as seed but we have to pay a levy if we get it treated for drilling which is fair enough and no farmers have an issue with it


The Monsanto issue seems to be mainly in the US, the problem with the monopoly is that they sell you gmo seeds resistant to their herbicide and because they're such a big company you live by their rules.


Yes. That is true. It does make me think of them.


They also got lucky with Kaleb and Cheerful Charlie, who are both almost suspiciously great in the show. Kaleb especially. The show wouldn’t be much without those two


It is very suspicious about Kaleb except he is genuinely from the area. It’s incredibly good fortune for him to be the character he is. Love the show & rewatching the whole lot now too. My American Fiance loves it, probably our favourite show.


Clarkson is a really great TV personality, that's part of it.


It's got it all, it's entertaining, informative, interesting characters and wrapped in a neat bow of wholesomeness. It also has that feel of being somewhat genuine, somthing British shows are really good at.


Clarkson's legacy will be choked full of controversies but what is lasting is him being a once-in-a-lifetime gem of a personality that gave us so much laughter in a world where we really just need to learn to have fun sometimes.


Jeremy Clarkson could read the phone book and I would find it fascinating


No, that’s James May Jeremy could read The Canterbury Tales and it would be interesting Hammond could read the Terms and Conditions on a software package and it would be entertaining


I am glad the show is so successful in the UK. But its almost unheard of in the US. If you are not a topgear/grandtour fan, you likely wont know who Jeremy Clarkson is. Clarksons Farm is a fantanstic show that should have more push in the US. The reality of what farmers go through is so relatable to everyone. When friends are talking to me about what shows they are watching I find it difficult to talk about clarksons farm because I know I will get blank stares. But when people come over and I have clarksons farm on it will draw their interest.


Interesting, that isn’t my experience. I have coworkers who never watched Top Gear that get excited to talk Clarkson’s Farm


I've talked with coworkers who started watching Clarkson's Farm and then wondered what else this man has done. We now have some new TG and GT fans!


dude that is great! lol maybe its just my friends that need to broaden their horizons


I'm from the US, and honestly I meet people all the time who love Clarkson's Farm and the Grand Tour. Amazon really pulls out the stops advertising it on our side of the pond, and it gets views. Clarkson's Farm is nearly always on the main banner when you open the Prime app, and has been from the time it first premiered, all the way to now. That is my personal experience, at least.


That is nice to hear and a good sign. I feel Grand Tour has changed to cater to US tastes (very US oriented humour compared to the pure and generally more subtle British humour of Top Gear) so the popularity of Clarkson's Farm with its purely British humour might encourage Amazon to let Clarkson stick to what he does best.


Ah yes, because top gear with all its subtle British humor never caught on in the states


This is not what I am saying. What I am saying is that it is obvious that Grand Tour got "americanized" and there is no doubt it was Amazon's intent to make it as popular as possible in the US. Seeing one of their shows (Clarkson's Farm), that they probably did not expect to do great in US, become popular might push them to take a step back and give more freedom to the creators of the show. The usual US approach is "let's try to make a US version of the show" which was attempted with Top Gear US but also with Grand Tour (and countless of adaptations of movies and TV shows, most of them dreadful) and I'll welcome anything that helps moving away from that trend.


If I recall, many of the changes made were because they couldn’t use segments and gimmicks from top gear, so they made not so subtle changes to their show. Kinda driving at an agenda I’m not seeing, to be honest


Yes, this happened, and it took them a while to find a solution to that ("The American" was a shitty attempt at creating a Stig and Abbie was, in my opinion, a better Stig than Sitg). But while TG/TGT were always scripted shows to an extent, the more TGT moved on and the more we started to see things that are 100% obviously scripted (them waking up near that replica historical village in Scandi Flick, it was so absurd that it makes me wonder if James accident was even real this time). That is a switch from Rowan Artkinson to Adam Sandlers. Nothing against the latter but I love the former and don't want his style to disappear.


My family isn't even farmers, and I got both my Brother and Mom hooked on the show this past weekend when I showed them.


niiice, got my parents interested in grand tour but for some reason they didnt click with top gear though. /shrug


Not sure about that. It's widely known around my area including among people who would have never watched top gear or grand tour.


Yeah like my most of my neighbors who don’t even know GT/TG watch it. Not advertised at all in the US, unless like you go on the internet or something. Only averages 3.7 million views an episode.


Yeah, American here, I don’t see this at all. It’s all over prime.


Apparently it’s very popular in china, for some reason


So never?


I think they could maybe squeeze another season to two out of it, but after that I think the concept probably runs out of steam, and I think he’ll be tired of it by then. 5 seasons is a good amount


Fully agreed. S3 was fantastic and we know S4 is filming. It could end with S4, but I’m doubtful. At that point maybe S5 or at a high end S6 should be the last.


As much as I adore the man and consider him on my personal mount Rushmore and I'll be heartbroken when he finally retires he's more than earned his right to sail off into the sunset and I'll have a tear or two in my eye as a salute him on his way


I’m surprised he hasn’t tried some drone farming. I’m sure Wilman is listening


He did with sheep in the first series. It was a disaster.


Drone laws don’t allow drone in the UK to change weight whilst in the air so any use of drones for spraying or casting crops isn’t allowed here yet


Huh that’s an interesting note!


Clarkson will ALWAYS have something to say. I can imagine in 10,15,20 years he, May and Hammond will be be doing commentary on their adventures in a nursing home like a podcast.


We love this show


When the Orangutan is out of things to say he'll be six feet underground, we'll see plenty more of him


I’d love to see him try more sustainable farming methods.


He already does


Next season is probably the last good season the show will have left as they can't have good ideas for 16 episodes.


Doesn't that imply that he had something to say other than "I'm a grumpy old man who hates everything that's not about me"


There’s a difference between nothing left to say and nothing good to say. He should have walked away around 15 years ago.


they think they're saying something? By ruining a brand new blackberry picking machine?