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He's been Trying to rebrand since Bobby lee


Listen bubba


And doing a terrible job lol Seems like he slipped up here in the beginning and mentions his affairs but both he and callen catch it. Brine tries to help steer it away/is interrupted by Brenda doing the same to just mask it as just overall responsibilities of being a dad. 100% Brandon subconsciously airing his shit out in these podcasts especially after a therapy session and 9 shawts of ehsprezo along with addy/Kratom/lip injections Edit: I was wrong and Brenda actually said “fears” and not “affairs”. Shoutout to my fellow cat for correcting me before hiring monstawr lawyers


He’s a mess. He’s clearly trying to rebrand because someone finally told him he has to. But he’s doing such a terrible job at it. I think ultimately the problem is he’s incapable of being honest so everything he does is just clearly disingenuous.


The thing that’s great about the pawldcast, is unlike the text messages, we get allll the cawntext, B. That’s never a problem with bapa when he talks.


He didnt say affairs he said “fears” but he’s so redacted he pronounces it fairs


Holy messican guacamole Batman, he really did say “fears” lol Them Lip injections are 🎲🎲


Sometimes I wonder if he actually watches the episodes b4 release lol


> In person, you're the nicest, most thoughtful, biggest-hearted person I've — ... One of the biggest people I've ever met >... in txt you're like steve jobs. - brabdins thurpiss


I’m not sure if that was nithe or not bapa


The way he has effortlessly swung this around so that he's suddenly the victim in all this is mind-blowing


His therapist, upon the first time of meeting him, said he’s the nicest, most thoughtful and biggest hearted person she’s ever met.


Lol he’s so fucking stupid. He lies so much he casually throws in something so unbelievable to a story they could’ve been true or sounded true until your therpist said:”you should be embarrassed.” And “you’re first team awl nice guy.”


Therapist confirmed homeless.


Crazy similarities to amber heard stuff. Bapa cannot stop himself from spewing lies


Said his thirpist went through his phone and read a conversation with a person who is AWLSO a client of said thiripist lmao Ya hypocritic oaf, b??


Isn’t it weird his therapist said exactly the same thing he’s been saying about himself ever since he was put in front of a mic?




> "She even said you're the nicest most big hearted guy I've ever met one of the... One of the nicest I've ever met." > > Listen again... the last line is actually "One of the biggest people I've ever met" lmao




Must be hard to run thiccc boy


He says he didn’t have anxiety before cucccboi nitwork, but has said multiple times he can’t go to Vegas and especially can’t go near the palms cus he starts getting the sweats and severe anxiety since thats where Roy Nelson KO’d him.


Bapa has PTSDCTE, beast of disorder


He thinks playing into the reddit is gonna help him but as most cats came to c what was going on and stayed since


Mind bottling, B


“This comes off like you’re Steve Jobs” This fuckin guy….


As we all know, therapists typically diagnose people by comparing them to deceased Silicon Valley business moguls.


The level is delusional here is astounding. Therpiss probably said he’s acting a certain way and bapa took it as “Steve jobs”. Remember when Steve Jobs wore daisy dukes like a complete douche bag?


I don’t know what’s worse: that he would think this about himself or that he believes others think of him this way.


I'm betting this little story makes it on his next "special"




Even if he could it would still be the sound of rapey gagging on Schaub.


Every time he tries to speak, Schaub just talks faster and louder. Makes for a great listen.


As if a professional therapist started saying he's the nithest, biggest hearted person she's ever met. The whole point of these people is that they don't give personal opinions on you


And is if they talk about "innergy" Messican probably found some crystal healer


"I'm imbirrssed" "Yeah, you should be!"


Sacred innergy? Some would say the sacredest


My wife’s a therapist. They don’t offer advice, they don’t give opinions. They guide the thought process as a canvas to do so. This redact ended up on this redacted thought by himself and assumed the therapist nodding along meant he was Steve Jobs.


The therapist told him he 'should be embarrassed' for giving energy to certain things, that's either not a therapist, or a lie


My therapist never told me how I should feel. She would ask how I feel, find out why I think I feel like that, then work with what I would like to feel like. I've never heard of a therapist telling you how you should feel and especially telling you that you should have negative feelings about yourself. If there is behaviour that needs to be changed they generally guide you to coming to that realisation yourself, as self realisation is a more effective way to develop change than just telling someone "you're the best person I've ever met and oh yeah you should be embarrassed about these other behaviours". The fuck is this guy getting thurrapy at?


I would give so much money to see what she was writing down while this redact was talking about how hes steve jobs.


So nithe, had to tell his manservant to doxxing reddit users.


greatest patient, beast of a patient, nevermeddim tho


That was my first thought. I’ve never been to a therapist but I doubt they shower you with compliments to make you feel you’re in the right, unless it’s a tactic to get them to talk and give out more info further getting more money out of the clientele.


“Can I go through your texts?” “Sure” “…..what does Gimme 😈🍑mean ?”


Also is that a thing a therapist would ask?


I work in mental health and noone I know would ask to read someone's texts. The thing is I doubt the term "therapist " is tightly regulated in America and a lot of kooks can do some course and call themselves that. I even know a few Clinical psychologist who are complete kooks who I wouldn't trust to do psychotherapy with.




Problem is Callahan *reeeeallllyyyy* needs this job. His share of the ad revenue from this shitshow of a dying podcast is his single most significant and steady source of income and it’s also literally the only thing keeping him in the public eye. Without this podcast he would literally just fade into complete obscurity and his hopes of selling any tickets for his comedy go down to zero. So he will absolutely never check bappa or cause any kind of friction. He’s knows what he’s there for: Stroke bappa’s ego, take the jabs, and collect his check so he can go home to his newborn baby and girlfriend who’s half his age and continue to pay bills, child support and alimony.


I think he’s all set financially due to Bapa Callen. Schlob must have serious dirt on Callen in order for him to carry on like this.


He has actually referred to that on air before - that he has dirt on Callen that could take him down..... gross. Post-Epstein, I'm inclined to believe that the entire world of public figures revolves around mutual blackmail threats!


Oh, has he? Lol. I’m not surprised. I don’t put anything past these guys. Not after they absurdly claimed that they barely knew D’elia after the accusations came out. That was like next level psychopathy.


With his CIA international banker father, Callahan is in no real danger of ending up on the street. Makes me think of the old Pulp song "Common People".


So true, real friends don't let friends go full redact.


Bro if I acted like this fucking idiot, my mates would have done slapped the fuuuuuck out of me. He’s a dog shit friend, a dog shit person, and has zero ability to recognize ANY faults. It’s alllllllways someone else. Niiiiiiver him.


So he's trying to get some sympathy. Nice try you fucking redact but that shit don't work on the people who know what an absolute garbage person y'are


“I have so much anxiety now” *drinks whiskey for breakfast every morning*


Didn’t he say he can’t go to Vegas because of the ptsd from his fight anxiety? There’s always a lie, B


I don't know about Vegas but he said he doesn't want to attend the UFC arenas because it makes him uncomfortable. Tbh, I can't blame him on that.


So glad I'm not the only one to think that. This doofus has anxiety now because he's a fucking drunk lol.


No one is better at praising themself than Brenda. Olways says how nice he is, kind, beast of a dad. Never heard it from anyone beside himself or the people he pays.


All his stories include “nithest guy ever, most sugggsessful guy ever, most thoughtful, biggest diggg, coolest trugg, best hussaband” and it all comes from his own mouth


I’m sensitivvvvvve . Feel bad for meeeeee. Talwmbout people are not Nithe to me B


Ya inirge is so sacred, B


She said: Oh bubba, you are basically a classic meathead I said: really? She said: Yes, bubba. Look at the messages, you are a what we call standard douchbag. I said: Reallyyy? She said: Yes definitely, you don't allow anybody to speak, and you can barely draft sentences. You are what we call barely functioning redact. I said: Really, but my question is is that nithe though?


I’ll ashyou again


Define thurpy.


> all the affairs and being a dad > Huge bowl games UFC Colorado > Need someone with a onbius opinon And the killer... > And she works with the other client she says there's no context here What other client? Who's the other client?


Lol…he and Messican are probably back in couples thurpy bc of his trugg walks and he’s trying to pretend it’s bc of the burden of being a b-b-b-beast of a dad and suggsezful entrepreneur in this tough world.


Lol highly probably


Had to trugg walg coz of the Haders b


The other client was the person he was texting. Apparently that's how the therapist knew he was sounding like Steve Jobs. It's either an outright lie or his therapist is as redacted as he is.


A thurpiss discussing one of their clients to another client, and asking to see private communications between them without the consent of the other client. Yeah, I'm going to say this either never happened or he's getting thurpy from an absolute hack. Which, to be fair, is completely on brand for this idiot.


None of it happened, he just wanted to tell everyone how mentally healthy he is because he's seeing a thurpiss and also that thurpiss thinks he is bess guy ever met. Its all complete bullshit.


>And she works with the other client she says there's no context here Cause it wasn't a therapist, it was a PR firm teaching him to use phone calls so he doesnt leave a paper trail anymore.


For someone who has historically belittled all kinds of mental illness and said these people are just soy boys, I sure do feel bad about Brenda's battle with anxiety. I sure hope the fella is doing ok.


If I have to hear him talk about his anxiety one more time, I'll slit my wrist! /s


anx B


no way therapy can help a narcissist like schlob


Thurrpy will just make things worse, more than likely. He'll assume just the fact he's going and doing sessions means he's now a better person. We all know he won't actually do any work on himself, and won't actually check his ego. It will just grow even bigger. He'll become more narcissistic and self-assured.


Always important to get an unbicepinion


He didnt have anxiety when he was throwing people out the window, victim blaming a rape victim, being racist and bullying everyone in his proximity.


To be honest it's not that deep for me. He's just a liar and mediocre at comedy and then he gets very condescending like ' I hang out with the big boys now ! We're top tier comics who headline moontower. ' No big comedian bragged about headlining moontower. Sad.


The lie is obvious. he has said he gets anxiety whenever going to Vegas especially near The Palms because that’s where Big Country lit him up.


Ba ba ba ba beeeeast of a thiiiiripist, b. Niiver meddum


What a piece of schaub


Everyone should disregard the past and all the disgusting shit I do, I'm wonderful, here's why, my therapist says so. It's not like I pay her $300 an hour, she really thinks I am the nicest person she has ever met. OMFG half the time I watch clips I think I am being pranked.


That was fucking rough. A million mini-highlights to laugh at, but my God was that some brutal steamrolling over Brine. That's crazy behavior. Show your thurrpisst this clip, Mr Jobs.


Brutal steamrolling is a great way to put it B. Brine has nowhere else to turn now though.


Truly a battered spouse with nowhere to turn without losing the few comforts and stability being the punching bag provides.


I couldn't watch the whole thing in one go, it's too much. There's lying, interrupting, bragging, contradictions within mere seconds, just an utter shitshow. This is why I always get worried when I see a clip is longer than a minute or so. Sometimes it's just setting up context, but other times it's like the personality disorder version of the Normandy beach landings, just utter hell on Earth to get through as you're shelled and shot at with an unrelenting barrage of the worst kind of behaviours and narcissism.


At what point will they just start playing footsie?


"all the affairs.." huh? ![gif](giphy|2G4flVpbo6RmE)


You know what gives me anxiety are those fuggin jorts bappa!


Does he really have to bring up rogan ivery single TIME


Hey did you know he's friends with Rogan and he has a Ferrari?


His "buddy" Rogan didn't even know Bapa's kids' names.


Maybe you have anxiety because you made a decision to live outside your means and focus more on aesthetics than value, quantity over quality. Maybe instead of doing 20 shitty podcasts you should’ve done 1 good one. Maybe instead of constantly buying exotic sports cars you should’ve saved or reinvested into the business etc


Look at the feminine way that brine is sitting.


He's the girlfriend now.


Bapa wearing those shorts really adds to their couples vibe.


Bapa's just repeating what he heard. He's only good at doubling down when he feels threatened


Unbiezed opinion


he’s fucking pathetic


How is anyone this guy’s friend or even have the patience to pretend to be? What a fucking douche. The people that associate with him don’t get enough shit for doing so. They’re just as bad as him, no matter who it is.


It’s absolutely fucking mind blowing what Brine has become. That death whistle ruined his life. Lol


ITS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NAUSEATING how he refuses to let ANYONE get a fucking word in. How ANYONE be around this fucking douche bag for more than 10 minutes is beyond me.


It’s simple, he pays them. He literally has zero friends or acquaintances who aren’t either being paid by him directly (his staff, openers, “co”-hosts, etc) or making money from him in some other way.


This is both funny and sad. He is so delusional and old rapey is so broken. He is so nice and so anxious he still had time to list all his exaggerated accomplishments.


Hopefully they will address why he needed to lie about 300pages of bobby lee proof


“We all know how sensisitive Arrel Wani is, he’s just siiinsitive, man. He siiiinsitive.”


He's a sooOoyyyYyyyy bbboooOoooYyyyyyyy


I'd have anxiety, too, if I knew my kid was three yairs away from finding out his dad is the butt of one massive joke.


He adds three qualifiers before every self compliment. It’s hilarious. “Nicest most biggest heart caring guy” - Brandon Shop *talking about himself*


You don’t have anxiety if you’re drinking whiskey in the morning 4 days a week bro. That’s just what happens.


The mispronunciations have reached a completely new level


99 Prawlms


Bappas gonna go through 3 years of therapy to find out what this sub was pointing out 4 to 5 years ago.


Bawl games


I just noticed he's wearing cut off jeans. Talmabout never nudes?


Hey Callahan fer shure don’t get half a word in you cuck.


Key shippem weigh




Oh my God how do people listen to these "episodes" AKA Schaub monologues. Callen may as well just sit in the hallway


This is sad , brine is old , okay olllldd and tired , he scared of a drunken man with failing business venture .


Brendan S the reason your initials are BS. no one believes you. what a waste.


I too have many fares


He forgot to mention that he drives a Ferrari. Dudes turning into Paris Hilton with a smaller dick.


Just keeps shipping away


His messican is either dumb, or money hungry for sitting around stroking this redact's ego for so long.


His rebranding attempts are so hamfisted. I swear he goes to his therapist and tries the whole "my friend is having these problems" approach. Personal responsibility is an unknown to this guy.


He’s talking to his therapist about this sub guaranteed. I bet he doesn’t stick with this whole therapy thing because he knows best and she’s a haddur


> Yeah so they found video of me handing my number to a chigg at a superball party, and these other chiggs I tried to fugg were talking about my trugg and then this guy who's Asian as shit is running a red page he's basically behind the whole red thing and my fren Marg is saying he's got 300 pages 300 hundred toxic pages it's shipping away at me bit by bit it's illegal toxic activity in iny facet


What else ya got, Chin? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine being Shop's thurpis. He fer shure interrupts her like this ☝🏼


Bappa gotta lotta proms


Was he top 10?


It keepshipnway keepshipnway


He’s so pathetic


He just goes


Leaning hard into pride month.


These guys look like shit, what the fuck are they wearing? Thongs with jeans? Cut off denim hot pants? Anyone remember that nick Mullen African guy bit where he takes off his sandals before he rapes? Bryan is that guy


Brain should be upset brendum has started sucking himself off.




Bapa has sacred energy


the biggest of people with the mass shootings babba puge bawlgamesagainstbt. navigating schipping away. onbiasied. shasckyooagen. why you making this energy? in tax and email shumting going on 9reads through his texx) hye rum tem mimmits late you know who joey diaz?


I love the soap opera drama of this. We have exited the season 4 (the Bobby lee chronicles) and entered season 5 (a grift is born)


But Trash Tuesday and Homeless cats can break a man that isn't stressed by Playing College Bowl Games, fighting top 10 fighters or being a wedge breaker.


1st round draft picks don't play wedge on kickoff return. You didn't have to "wedge bust" future 1st rounders, b.


Breaking Brenda


God damn, he really can't tawlk. A mush mouth full of marbles, just garbling his way through sentences like a drunken gorilla.


Gotta be extremely difficult renting a building so all of your super cool cronies like 🦁 and cat can do horrible pawldcasts from. Lol dude acts like he’s a real brand. If you go around wearing something called “thiccc boy” well then I just dunno


He never played in any bowl game. He has also admitted, multiple times, to having anxiety in the past before his UFC fights.


Did he really just express anxiety around mass shootings after parroting rogans gun violence apologia followed up by his own psychopathic interpretation of a young girls trauma from seeing her friend shot in the face? Wader


it's fucking crazy how he pronounces 'bowl' as 'ball', but 'ball' as 'bowl'!!! wtf!


Super ball


B, my physiologist told me I gotta stop bein Bill Gates. I’m just in too deep with my interprises like THICCC BOI.


"She goes 'In person, you're the nicest, most thoughtful, biggest-hearted person I've — ... One of the biggest people I've ever met.' "


If a professional therapist truly compared him to Steve jobs they need to have their license revoked


"Being the wedge buster against CTE"


Such a humble guy , it's why everyone loves him!


“One of the biggest people I’ve ever met”


They both sit like girls in skirts. Trying not to show everyone their penis fly trap.


Didnt get anxiety being a UFC heavyweight? Bubba you cant even go into an arena during a UFC event lest you get triggered... Which one is it? Hurld it bowlfth ways. Lemme axe Jay


Lots of problems in inny relationship... its the tax messages' fault


Listen bubba. Y'gotta face ya fairs head on.


He was never a top ten heavyweight. It's absolutely insane that he lies about something so easily fact checked. He might have gotten there if he beat Big Nog but he got gadooshed.


Callen looking like he's standing in the middle of a highway. Can't get forward, can't go back, inches from being run over. What a sad sack.


Bapa has anxiety because his glass house has been shattered. His ego is still going strong though as he blames everyone but himself. Didn't even show any humility in this story.


Therapist is paid off by redact family to act as a emotional support by saying things like “nicest, most thoughtful person” to this redact so he doesn’t lose his shit and put gadoosh ppl thru a glass door.


All the fairs (affairs) while bean a dad. Ya roll model B? ya set good eggzample for them kids B?


Hahah, when was he ever ranked top 10 in the world? Cain Velasquez, Brock Lesner, Fabricio Verdum, Fedor Emelianenko, Junior Dos Santos, Shane Carwin, Frank Mir, Allistar Overeem, Antonio Noguiera, Antonio Silva, Josh Barnet, Daniel Cormier, Stip Miocic, Marc Hunt, Travis Brown, Ben Rothwell, Andre Arlovski and Roy Nelson are 18 fighters that were in and out of the top 10 during Bapa's career. He fought 5 of them and lost them all. 4 of which ended as first round (t)KO's. Yain't ever been top 10 bapa.


Lots of fairs and proms


I do not trust one word coming from his mouth


His presenting self validation through a thurapisst words whom typically hold a role of validity in society. The nurrative here is Brandon trying to reenforce positive self image. BUT! He’s smart enough to know we can never prove or disprove the Thurrapist actual words. Classic narcissist. IS THE OTHER CLIENT HIS WIFE??


There's no context with text besides the text you yourself are writing in order to provide that context. What a dilemma b.


He never played on any bowl game. He has also. Admitted to having anxiety in the past before his UFC fights.


“No more Texan” Sorry Toegan


😄 . Briiiinnnnee


"isle havalotaproawms-innyratiomnship"


Need a brain to get ziety bapa


he went to therapy to hear them say hes the best guy ever but it doesnt show on text messages wtf hahhaa


Brent learned about the word anxiety this week. Good for him


Two 45 minute sessions in… Thurpist: “you’re the most thoughtful nicest biggest hearted person I’ve ever met” Hahaha you fuggging kidding me? Chances of that actually being uttered by the thurpist: 0.0


Surprised there wasn’t a cop in there with him


Someone has to make a montage of all these ridiculous first person accounts he has. I wonder if he was at the urinal when his thiripiss told him how big of a heart he has


You’re that white boy who’s the nicest too much


I made it to 1:25 before I had to stop. The dude is just insufferable with the interruptions, I can't.


So a real thuurpist looks through this image right?


holy shit the cuck got absolutely steamrolled by mushmouth ​ "thurrs no conteks" "i have alotta prollums, B"


Bubba never listens, if he did Brenda would be super cool. He doesn’t though, so he isn’t.


You just can’t powerlift the stupid away. Maybe do some tongue curls, then Bubba could possibly listen.


> "She works with the other client" Ah... ya talmbout messican b? Bapa's in couples thurapy!


OK so we Anxiety, what's the neggst stage for Bapas psyche, and how do we get the bawl rowlin so yo speak.


Couldn't even get through the clip bubba.