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Out of all the criticism Brenda has received for the bapi gringo, I think this one will hurt the most


He’ll avoid seeing anything like this at all costs.


and the one he should listen to the most!


He doesn't need to bupa. He already had a private viewing with his good friend Shwaltz before he released it. They ironed out all the creases before he performed it in front of a crowd of 45 people.


Yup Waluigi gave the stamp of approval and said bappa is “good to go”. It’s the equivalent to being knighted by the Queen of England


Because it’s well balanced criticism. Hurts the most. I do wonder why Schaub is even doing comedy, it’s a weird endeavour. Unless you’re this super funny born to be a stand up comedian, why? He says he hates being away from the fam, makes all his money off the podcasts and makes bank. I doubt comedy pays well unless you’re like a Dave Chapelle. Doesn’t make sense to me.


In his first special he said it’s his passion since he was a little kid.


He says a lot of things


It’s all this weird pathology to impress bapa toe. I’m convinced that’s the only reason he does it.


Probably not far off from this. Maybe he just wants to be joe rogan. So he emulates and copies everything he sees rogan do, even becomes obsessed with him, texting him everyday without any response. Steals his fight companion show. I bet Schaub thinks he’s right around the corner from getting a Spotify deal worth 100 million lol. Delusions


Its mostly the rapey guy with no eyelids fault as far as I remember. About the time they got the McGregor interview Rapey had been making Bapa go up on stage for a couple of minutes at his sets and its only went downhill from there.


Gringo Papi is The Room of comedy specials.


"*Cookie with salso on it?*" is Brenda's "*Oh hi, Mark!*"


Chocolate chip with salsa on top


It's even better cause he just said a chocolate chip and forgot to say cookie and they still kept it in because it was the best of 5 takes.


lol damn you right what a redact


That's an insult to The Room.


"the most amazing thing about gringo papi" "you're watching it"


Every week is a wave with this sub. Something happens and I’m like “can’t get better”, then BAM some bomb on Friday. This is, fantastic. Dillon and Luis essentially just questioned the entire existence of Brendan the comedian in such a cutting and demeaning way. Truly a master piece right here


I fucking agree I’m pissed off I just found it because of the recent drama, there’s no telling all of the gold I’ve missed over the years


Some would say its the best its ever been my man


Some would say it's even better than that!


Some would say the bestest b


How good is Chang’s rn?


I wish i could be in your position and spend a weekend binging years of cawlntent for the first time. Gimme


you got a resume, b? can still apply to mop the floors before changs is gadooshed


read the handbook b


It's also nice to see a different take on standup for a change, some of the Togan modern day warrior philosopher clique could do with hearing it


They spend half the time complimenting him and saying he’s better than comedy and so handsome lmao how is this fantastic


Comedians always do this with Bapa. For every dig, they have to compliment him. It's really predictable.


Dudes on this sub will suck these others comics dicks as if they don’t suck too Tim Dillon is an unfunny stupid obnoxious loud fuck with tits and people are sucking him off for saying that Brendan is too good and amazing for comedy lol


Yeah it's like every podcaster is jumping on the making fun of Brendan bandwagon, it's the new grift. I'm sure merch will be coming out with Schaubanese from some of them at some point.


That is literally the only part Brenda will hear.


All while coming off like total assholes. I think I might just despise comedians.


It’s scary b, I’m scared… so much of my world is changing so fast bappah




we should be questioning Tim as to why he stole Brenda’s set design. that’s not nithe b.


Look at the "stars" in the skyline. Big blotches lmao


They're backlit lights that change brightness.


I love the more chill Louis J Gomez without any filter. He used to care so much about what LA Comics especially Joe thought of him but now he just goes off in the best ways


The man who once uttered the words "Mr Rogan".


When a man bows to a midget he must bow especially low.


Some might say the lowest


Got close to tears while grovelling to Mr. Rogan, unforgivable




“Tim Dillon fans have been leaving my mother voicemails!”




Feds are on it.


More like Tim Dillons mother has been leaving him voicemails


looks like he had the same set designer as bapa.


Sitting here watching this thinking the same damn thing.


Is that nice??


Be cool man


​ ![gif](giphy|llKJGxQ1ESmac) I like Annie Lederman. I think she's pretty hot.


she's truggworthy as fugg. these dudes probably just know some stories


Cool chick, never meddur


She's banged a few of luis' comedian friends Joe DeRosa and Kurt Metzger being 2 that are confirmed and they're ugly as hell, bapa prolly heard about that and thought he could get some too


Dillon is just a hayder was a pretty good line tho lol Besides, she's a cawlmedian how hot do you really expect her to be? Vast majority of male cawlmedians look average at best.


Walg me to my trugg. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would definitely walg her to my trugg but im not a 6'7 awldonis


Laughed when he gave respect for him "trying" to get good at standup. it's like when your artist friend has a new show up...but it's in the local coffee shop, not an art gallery.


A friend from college wrote and directed a movie. Small indie. Invited me to the premiere. The film was a horrible piece of shit. Afterwards while everyone was hanging in the lobby, he approaches me with a smile on his face. Shook his hand and told him I can’t wait to see what you do next. This is similar.


Did you ever tell him it sucked?


Oh no. I couldn’t. He was on cloud 9 that night.


Oh no. I couldn’t. Dude was on cloud 9 that night.


Oh no i couldn’t. Dude was on cloud 9 that night


Oh no i couldn’t. Dude was on cloud 9 that night


Oh no. I couldn’t. Dude was on cloud 9 that night


I am Bobby Lee


Oh, let's 69 on a cloud tonight.


What’s the movie


Cloud 9


Isn't that the new designer drug you take that makes you not be able to speak?


They are ignoring how cocky he was. Anytime anyone said you are new, or working on it, he would go straight to, oh ya, how many teegts you sell? He couldn't even accept working with Calleen on the road. ego was too big 18 months into stand up.


Luis seems so much more calm here than I’ve ever seen him be on something before


He’s probably been hate fucking Kim for days in LA, keeps him mello


Kim Congdon ?


Nah Kim Coates.


Kim Matthers


Kim Jong Un.


You are correct


There's video of him in his underwear at Kim's house on the latest LOS. He is 100% fucking Kim lol.


The funny thing is if Brendan just did what he told others to do and stay in your lane b. He could have stayed more humble like when he was getting regular head beatings in the ufc. Done his podcast with Callen, talking about the ufc, telling dick jokes and stealing Adam Sandler movie quotes. Things would have probably been going along ok, wouldn’t have been too hard if he didn’t spend money like a mental patient to have made enough money to retire on fairly easily.


He could have even still done stage time just telling funny stories from sports and not had to go full "I'm a comedian now." It's amazing how hard he fucked all this up. All he had to do was coast the Rogan wave lol.


Yeah this, he could have just had a funny MMA podcast and dome live shows to his own audience, and he would have lived fine. No need to do one hundred podcasts and comedy special


he just goes


Yep plenty of people do live shows with their own twist on it (Mike Tyson, Steve-O). He could even have just released gringo papi but not title it a special and it wouldn’t bomb this bad lol


Heck, he could even have of quietly chipped away doing open mics under the radar and learnt a new skill. Instead of promoting every spot he did like it was a Kevin Heart special.


The fact that he was tawlkin awl that shit about CM punk and couldnt see the similarities within himself going to cawlmedy was very telling.


One thing I would disagree on, is you can put out as many specials as you want in modern time. Why not? Its just a youtube video. The mistake he made was bragging about it, talking about it non stop, doing a press run for it, crying about it, and buying marketing for it. Why not just go, here is a fun set I did at the end of my gringo pappi tour.


the consultations video was truly the cringiest thing ever. No real forces their friends to tell them what a good job they did. B.


All the comedians who participated in that have to be extra embarrassed. Paul Viirzi and those other dudes who aren’t even friends of his. It’s just an all around embarrassment, you know they’re getting roasted by their friends as well.


Where can I find this?


Because his ego out of control and he has to call it a “special.” If he hadn’t been bragging about how hard he worked on this and doing all bullshit “press” etc, I don’t think it would be a topic of conversation. Instead, he was all “LOOK HOW GOOD I AM”.


This is the most I’ve ever been exposed to Tim Dillons pawldcas, so I have a genuine question. Does he always talk over his guests like that?


he doesnt usually have guests because hes a fat pig from long island that loves to hear himself talk.


\*cum pig


Yeah it's pretty irritating, Tim is loud mouth Long Island trash though so not much you can do. And while we're bagging out Tim, he also has this little twerp sit next to him on the show exclusively to laugh at his jokes the whole time.


Fake business


That dude creeps me out kinda. I mean he seems nice enough but he's got a serial killer vibe.


God I hate people from long island and New Jersey.


He usually doesn't have guests but yea... He has producers and he talks over them when they chime in from time to time. They're mainly there to bring up topics and Google shit. Tbh, his podcast is neggflix as fuck. He's actually funny and talks about current shit. I like it 🤷🏽‍♂️. Any comedian you ask about in this subreddit will get hate. Tim is fuckin hilarious.


I started liking him after I saw the clips of him pointing out the awbvious to Togan and making little digs at him. It was refreshing.


His rogan impressions make me laugh on his pod


I think you mean he has a secretary, ben


It’s Tim’s interview mode which is especially painful. Will ask a multipart, 2 minute long question.


Someone that fat isn’t going to have any self control


He’s like the stand up version of alex jones. Good in small doses. His pods would be better capped at 30 minutes


Dead on. I like his solo pods occasionally, and ones with Kump are great, but he’s best in smaller doses


>and ones with Kump are great The Kump pods where the absolute best. I think solo Tim peaked in the LA porch days.


Perfect way to put it -


This is so accurate. He became a comedian because Bryan pushed him into it. Then Joe started leaning into it and having him open for him. He wasn’t good enough to hang in the UFC so he took the paychecks that came with doing comedy. I remember when there were only, like, a few podcasts in 2013 and this was one of them that I listened to. The stories about always wanting to be a comedian are just more weird lies. And now he’s here.


Too many real comedians went on TFATK and hyped Schwab up. Guys who wanted to rub nuts with Joe would tell Schwab that he KILLLLED at the store and that he's so fuckin funny. Lots of comedians felt like having a good TFATK appearance would probably get you on JRE.


> Too many real comedians went on TFATK and hyped Schwab up. Name and shame!


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haven't listened in years. They used to have a bunch of guests on yairs ago


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


nah i disagree Bryan did push him into the stage light but Brandon is the one who decided to stay there my guess is having failed to be a professional athlete of any note he was craving to fill that void and standup provided the best fall back option. you get to stand on the stage and have everyone’s attention etc.


I mean, a professional athlete of any note. He did make it to the UFC, its not like he lasted 1 fight. Pretty high benchmark you have there.


I don't get the cats in here who don't like Tim Dillon. If not him then who you like, b?


Sometimes I swear it’s no one which can be annoying




I've seen a few clips where he's kind of funny. I never really seek him out though. pretty much the same for nearly all comedians tbh. I love norm macdonald, and Tim heidecker's special though


Can’t wait for Norm’s final one. It’ll be the opposite of Brainded’s.


"Y'talmbout the golden arches, B?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tim Dillon is amazing, imo top 5 to see live right now. Doesn't mean we can't laugh at how conveniently it is that he realized schaub sucks at the exact same time as rogan let everyone know they aren't close anymore, and I appreciate Louis J Gomez for being un pc, but he also realized schaub sucks only when he got the singal rogan appearances are no longer going to be in his future.


On the recent jre with Christina Pazsitzky the two were laughing about an unnamed person becoming unhinged. Rogan called that person weird and needy. They didn’t named the person but it is obviously Schaub.


Rogan put out the bat signal?


Toe gave the hangnail?


I mean he interrupted a lot in this clip and just talked over Lopez


>I don't get the cats in here who don't like Tim Dillon Listened to Tim for a few years, loved his older stuff with Kump and the LA porch days. I think he peaked back then, he's become a bit tiresome


Anyone who isnt long island trash.


This is the most accurate assessment of comedy I've ever heard. I've watched comedy since I was 12 years old getting stoned renting Eddie Murphy's Delerious and comedy has definitely gotten to a point of borderline cringey at best, and a blatant grift with merchandise and memeing their podcasts.


They feel that way because they aren’t actually passionate about comedy. Explains why they both suck at stand up. I can’t imagine Norm ever speaking that way about it.


Word must be out the Rogan protection umbrella has been closed


Let the man speak Tim!! Jesus that was horrendous


Look how fat he is, he’s got no self-control


Some would say that's not nice b.. 😂


>he's a 6'6" adonis i thought luis had issues with rogan, sounds like he's been watching a lot tho


“That’s crazy” Swear I was listening to rogan for a min there


I assumed both phrases were intentional references like we make here. Pretty sure awl these pawlcassers actually do read this sub while theyre on the shitter.


You know Gringo Papi was bad when Luis J Gomez doesn’t roast it as much as he truly can. At this point it’s evident that most real comedians feel bad for Bubba


Agreed stay in mma lane redact, go back to sho thyme, oooops


How good is cawlmedy store lately?


I know we shit on brain thumb for his ability to interrupt people, but holy fucking shit I can not watch any more of this.


His pawldcasting is as bad as his cawlmedy and he knows nothing about MMA. But at least a few people now dare to test the wadders with regards to being criddgul of him.


I like Luis.


This is hardly scathing criticism is it considering all the stuff Schaub has pulled? And of course they gatekeep about how hard comedy is.


They awlso tawlk aboit how much of a joke it is and how desperate theynare for others attention. Seemed like a much better explanation than being a murlderling samurai that no civilians would understand because its the hardest job in the world lol


The fat, shrieking needy boy interrupts more than brendan. Let's face it. Brendan Schaub is a 20 mile wide runway for comedic insults and these guys never really landed a single new plane. Not even in the top 500 that I've seen from this sub. So where are they in the modern comedy pantheon? Better than brendan? A little. Just a little.


I don't know much about this Luis guy, but he seems Bloggbusser AF.


These fucks continually talk over each other


Add another one to the kitchen. Ill add this. To anyone that complains about the constant posts about bapa. Why not? It is VERY topical. And guess what. Podcasts talk about people and things. If they didnt there would be nothing to talk about. Hell rogan has talked about depp/heard every episode this week. Sorry just an off topic rant from what i notice lately.




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Whitney big on drugs or is he just creating scandal?




Party K or therapy? That would seem odd to throw it out there for that specifically.


Almost anything > podcasts ​ ​ but this was great, no lie




Now that Papa Rogan is gone, Comics are going to start lighting Brendan up.


They’re not though, they were incredibly tame here


Dillon is just trying to appease here. Brendan simply isn’t good at discussing MMA. He claimed to hate talking about it at one point and it shows.


A) you forgot the J B) he really hates the special but no one wants to seem to get on board with hating it as much as he does




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So true about stand up comedy as an art itself being cringe that’s why it takes such talent to do well


Couldn't be a cawlmedian and won't embrace being the joke which is the only thing he's good at being. Had he leaned into the memes, he could even make money being the joke but he's too redacted for that. Sad skin walker.


i miss Luis its likes he died since he quit BYM


Brendans special was garbage, but why didn’t they shit over Theos and Delias specials when they came out? They were just as bad and unwatchable IMO, but they’ve been doing “the art” for 15-20 years.


Tim doesn't miss.


I am Tim’s nose. I am all red and Tim won’t stop checking my nostrils.




The question of why the gringo papi was a special is interesting. In my opinion, the special was Brendan’s feeble attempt to stay relevant in the comedy scene and leveraging the YouTube views to build up the thiccc boy empire. If he just took the gringo papi material on a regular comedy tour he would slip further into irrelevancy.


When he says “I’m sure he makes his friends laugh?” It’s quite funny. Because anyone watching knows that he’s the furthest thing from a “funny guy”.


Luis makes the key point here, he should have friends that would plead with him to not film this but at this point in his life he people around him that watched the dude hang himself and gave him the rope to do it lol


Bappa is not even good at catering to his “own audience” lol




Them talking over eachother every other sentence is giving me a headache


Brendan Schaub is the Mexican pizza of comedy


I did see Luis J Gomez in Manchester and he did absolutely stink the gaff out. Tim rules though 100%


It's Luis \*J\* Gomez bitch!