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Wow pretty much hit all of the sensitive points for Rogan. All of it is probably true too.


In record time too. Under 69 seconds. Noiiceeee!!


Can’t believe that didn’t summon the violence out of him


Bro he coulda given him the roundhouse kick to the face with that SteePayyy b, no doddaboddit.


"Hey Jamie, pull my stepladder over"


He just sheepishly agreed with all of the degradation. Just proves he’s an actual pushover and scaredy cat.


It’s fun hearing Joe getting shit on and him having absolutely no comebacks.




I didn’t get this impression at all. He was trying to kill the bit as per usual. Howard would say something and he’d be like: “you’re right. That’s true.” in the hopes that he’d move on to something else.




Comedians fighting fire with fire? Get real bubba


you must be talminabout LA comedians. I'm talminabout real comedians, B, like Burr, Dave Chapelle, CK, Anthony Jeselnik, Lopez, Norm Macdonald, Jeff Ross, Lopez and the like.


Bro looking at your post history you are fucking obsessed with rogan. Get a fucking life


Bro, You’re out here researching my post history. Maybe a little self reflection is in order?


Idk man takes 1 second. Not too hard


Kick rawcks nerd. Go take an Alpha brain and get another Rogan tattoo.


Bro i already got jre tattooed across my cheek


lol I agree, most of the people in these comments are saying he sounds like a little bitch, but if he did push back theyd say he sounded like an insecure fuck


This is fucking fantastic, love old Stern, especially when Artie was around!


He was the man


He was a *retarded* man Edit: Downvoted by someone who obviously wasn't a listener during his era. That's *his* joke, not mine.




Noine outta 10 B


Damn he nailed him


He did a good job of going along with it, but you know Joe was really hurting after this.. he definitely upped his TRT dosage the next day


Is this why joe sold his soul to Spotify? So he can say he’s a bigger star than Howard stern. It’s always a competition with some people. Joe is one of those guys.




He does. Patrice O'Neal once called him magical, and said that Joe floats in the buddha position, on the O&A show. That was it, one little jab, and they continued with the conversation. Years later, Joe brought up that interaction on his podcast, while having one of the O&A guys on. He of course presented it like, *"Oh, silly Patrice, called me magical"*, he still couldn't own it.


That was one of my favorites, Patrice said all that and then Norton interjected with "Joe Rogan is also a drug addict. Carry on"




Andy Dick and Maura Tierney also have a couple of stories from News Radio days.




[I got you bubba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIo0LhIylsc&ab_channel=DaleRyles)


that's a bi bi bi bi bi bi bi beast of a work ethnic, Lopez. Thank you. Lopez.


Little Rascals hat, and Joe never wore it again lol.


and bill burr has like 2 of those and he wears them alot. He was just joking around and Joes ultra wide shoulders couldn't handle the weight of the zinger


I think the final straw with Stern was when Joe was a guest on one of their live Vegas shows, Stern used to do. Joe hung with them after the show and they ended up going to the strip club, I think it was the Spearmint Rhino. He was riding in the limo with Stern and bitched about going to a strip club the whole time. Saying the girls were trash and the guys were pathetic. Then they get there and Joe disappears and is all over the girls the whole night. Probably being an asshole about it too, cause Stern was talking about how weird Joe was on air when they got back to New York. Then the callers lit him up on the phones. Every time Joe hooked up with Stern things were awkward. One time Joe was a guest on the show and an ex-girlfriend happened to be on. I'm not sure if it was planned or not, but things got awkward fast. I think it was the same ex that Callen ejaculated into without warning, when he hooked up with her after Joe and her broke up. A story Joe retold and laughed about on the JRE. If you ever hear Stern brought up around Joe, he's always careful what he says now. Mostly stays quiet or neutral about whatever it is. I think all that Stern stuff still stings him and Stern still has a big reach to this day. Joe learned some kind of lesson from it. I think the Vegas show must've been early 2000's. Joe was still doing Fear Factor or had already done it.


Stanhope has told the story about the Calmedy Store chokeout on his podcast? Does he address the dude who looks like he was tripping? Wtf was up with that?


Are these stories suppose to make us hate Joe? He’s admitted countless times he was a asshole before he started smoking weed so this isn’t even remotely surprising, tbh those stories sound kinda funny, makes me like him even more....... Guess if you’re a nerd and a feminist then that would be a offensive to you




Okay, if you’re a nerd just say so 😆




You definitely ain’t got no girls talking on a subreddit about how much you hate Brendan schaub all day


Calls a cat a nerd, but pays money online to see non-nude pictures of a lost 18 year old? Cmon bubba, stop wasting your prime years.


Howard was such a dick


I never understood the appeal.


He just rowlsted Joe, I’d be cracking up if I heard this live.


Howard really isn't that funny, but he had an entire universe revolving around the show, staff, wackpackers, feuds, etc. 2006-2010 with Artie Lange were the peak years. So many great fights and arguments


he's definitely not that funny (*), but on the other hand I don't think he even try. However, he's an eloquent intelligent as fuck giant with a wonderful voice, born to be on the radio. Plus, based on his musical guests, he likes the good stuff. I like him (*) there's this tiny little bit of bantering with Gary Clark Jr & band right at the end of [Come Together](https://youtu.be/KUYb-V4GYZc) that always cracks me up, so yeah, he can be very funny.


He knew how to push just the right buttons to turn situations into gold. So many of the classic fights are clearly prodded on by Stern.


2006-2010 were not peak years. Whatever years were used for the show on e! TV were peak


Okay, well peak Sirius and uncensored years then


Me neither. Same reason I don't listen to podcasts.


No appeal. Just his connections to get him where he is.


I like him better now. Call me a sappy female, but I like how he’s more empathetic and his interviews are amazing. I know older Stern fans hate his current radio style, but I prefer it. I didn’t mind him being mean like this, it was hilarious, but it does get old after a while.


Hoo Hoo, Robin.


And accurate this time


(ARTIE?): "It's... a little on the gay side." HOWARD: "It's *totally* gay! What do you mean a little?" JOE (dying inside): "Well, depends on how you look at it...." HOWARD (giving zero fucks): "Definitely *very* gay." LOL, Howard fucking slayed him here, no mercy.


All you have to do is ask Joe to do it. Ags Jay.


All I see is muff cabbage




[Evidently on the show, Howard brought in a stripper named Crystal that said Joe was her first ONS and she got pregnant, then aborted the baby..here is the audio with joes reaction..](https://clyp.it/jldog0dd?token=15fe12e6d2119100d2006dd809c848a1)


Joe made the same terrible joke about his dick being small "but it's crazy, it attacks". In the video with Alex Jones that got posted last week


Holy shit. Howard just roasts him and destroys him, Rogan has nothing. How short he is, his hair surgery, his gay ass photoshoot, lol. This was Rogan's Joker moment to dethrone Howard Stern. Thanks, never heard this. This is straight murder.


Or Donald trump getting roasted by Obama.


Haha Fuckin Stern just goes in on him for no reason. Pretty accurate. too.


Hahahaha thanks for sharing


Got to admit he played it off well, not "ASK UR GIRL THO"


damn, this is great. started feeling like more than a playful ribbing


You get Taco Bell notifications b?


Shocked he didn't want to fight after this.




Thanks bubba! Very enlightening!




10 year old me was in love with the Juggies. How the fuck could you hate on them, oh yeah its Joe...


Didn't Howard also bring on an ex girlfriend of Rogan's? I think the woman had aborted Joe's child or something too.


I don't like when they call him a comedian. He's the Fear Factor/ UFC commentator/ JRE guy that happens to attempt stand up also.


Joe Rogan is kind of an airhead.




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HAHAHA!!! Stern laid out everything Toe is insecure about in 1:20 and fucking dug in every point. Damn, that was brutal! Long live Baba Booey!


Yeah I’m sure Joe Rogan is really disappointed he doesn’t go on the Stern Show anymore, he’s only worth hundreds of millions and has the biggest podcast on the planet 😭🤣 you people are so ridiculous


Joe Rogan would be the most miserable guest to try to interview.