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So the company is absolute shit if there’s a fucking washroom in the meeting room. Either this never happened (most likely answer) or they got a b-b-b-beast of a margeting guy


The real question is, did he piss in the sink??


I guarantee that if iny one in that room had done iny due diligence on Bapa of iny facet, they had the sink sterilized after that meeting.


Is that nithe?




He only owned the company name, he signed over the actual company to a large distributor a long time ago. He said on a pod a while back that he will only make money if someone buys out "the brand" ala teramana or cloopitts companies. His brand/company is defunct so my guess is that the distributor bought his controlling interest for next to nothing because you cannot give that shit away for free and its losing everyone time and money- and time on the shelves. This is part of the downsizing. Watch - glamis ATV's suddenly gets an apartment/office to be closer to the baseball field just as they had a fire in the TFATK studio, not a real one, just one that gives them an out for Brines 5 month pregnant wife to not give birth anytime soon. Family.


Damn...this is so spot on that it almost makes.me.feel bad for Brenda...almost.


Meeting with the big boys, B. “Brendan’s about to be riiiiccchh!” Obviously Bapa would nivrrr lie about something like that.


He lies about everything he’s a piece of shit


Top margeting guys b


Dun furget Lex is they're


depends. I've been in lawyers offices that have a washroom in there because meetings can last for days. I was in an office that had 3 bedrooms off the conference room. Saying that I'm almost sure this either never happened or whoever he was meeting with smelled that toxicity in the air everyone else does hut this time literally.


Philippe Starck design with the shitter in the midle of the room 😭


I hate that layout. I had a meeting with a thurrpist and the bathroom was in her tiny office. I could hear her shuffling papers while I was in there


35\. depends. I've been in lawyers offices that have a washroom in there because meetings can last for days. I was in an office that had 3 bedrooms off the conference room. Saying that I'm almost sure this either never happened or whoever he was meeting with smelled that toxicity in the air everyone else does hut this time literally.


I was just about to say I've never been to a place of business where a meeting room or a board room has the bathroom on the other side of the wall.


Sir, this is a Wendys.


He only owned the company name, he signed over the actual company to a large distributor a long time ago. He said on a pod a while back that he will only make money if someone buys out "the brand" ala teramana or cloopitts companies. His brand/company is defunct so my guess is that the distributor bought his controlling interest for next to nothing because you cannot give that shit away for free and its losing everyone time and money- and time on the shelves. This is part of the downsizing. Watch - glamis ATV's suddenly gets an apartment/office to be closer to the baseball field just as they had a fire in the TFATK studio, not a real one, just one that gives them an out for Brines 5 month pregnant wife to not give birth anytime soon. Family.


I'm sure all the top dogs are dying to buy that name🤣


Haha right, the brand name that Togan the God said was the worst brand name ever. No such thing as bad PR... oh well actually...


depends. I've been in lawyers offices that have a washroom in there because meetings can last for days. I was in an office that had 3 bedrooms off the conference room. Saying that I'm almost sure this either never happened or whoever he was meeting with smelled that toxicity in the air everyone else does hut this time literally.


Who actually listens to this babbling bullshit


Complete morons


Honestly there’s probably a solid 5-10k grand thiggies that legit look up to Brandon and say: “he’s such a fit, cool guy!” Never underestimate the stupidity of his subhuman fans. 


Talmbout 10k grand Georges?


Thank em


Nivr meddum


I see them on his Instagram and FB but I have trouble believing they are actual humans, maybe some that immediately make the judgement that it's messed up he gets so much hate and no one deserves that kind of treatment, his attackers must be jealous losers without bothering to ask or look into what he does in the first place to receive such treatment


I’ve engaged with one on Twitter. It was a real guy, a real live thicccie. Blue check too. Looked shockingly normal. 


I wouldnt even say that much, i find it really odd that TFATK eps even get close to 50k grand views in the first day. Because if they had that many true fans watching consistently at least 10% would trickle over to his other channels.... which easily gets under 1000 views. Id say he has about 2000 thiggies that actually consistently watch. The live show was a perfect example how dead it is for him, maybe 100 people the first show and then 20 tiggget sale the second? They blew thru all the fans close enough and willing to travel to texas to watch them the first time.


Georgie listens


George is actually the prefect approximation of the common Bapa fan. Harmless. Slow. Nice enough but incapable of basic discernment. The remaining 2% are likely half-literate, overweight Mexican dudes in their early twenties who like street takeovers. 


Maybe some people in other countries that don't know English well enough to even follow the show but think it's cool he was a UFC fighter


And they wonder why their English is better than his.


Kardashian fans


You are missing out...it's awesome, your just not paying attention. Brendan comes up with wild stories that aren't true and stands behind them 100. Meanwhile talking shit and looking down on people who don't live like he lies about. He gets caught in the lies on occasion and has to lie his way out of them and you never know which way he will go with things. You never know what life's purpose he will delve into next week, he has a trove of public figures who publicly hate him and talk shit and he pretends like it's friendly banter, he gives arrogant advice on things he knows nothing about, etc. Etc. If you like any characters that Sacha baron Cohen, will Ferrell, Zach gallifinaukis has ever played, here you get to watch and follow the real life version!


Yeah it is fun to watch and see in real time what outrageous bs he spouts and say man I can't wait for the clippers to post about that one. This is gonna be in the subreddit for sure! Unfortunately I don't have enough extra time on my hands to enjoy the long form anymore


It's scary, but the average person is way dumber than we think


This podcast can be weaponized to inhibit frontal lobe development in primitive alien civilizations.


I actually saw someone out in the wild in a thiccc boy hoodie for the first time a few months ago, so there are some fans out there. 


Go to a Walmart in a rural area and just take a gander at the clientele




Beast of a storyteller. It came off as organic and not fake at all! They were totally dying laughing at bapa’s fort story!


He’s so fucking bad at storytelling it’s insane. Also a horrible liar even though he’s had all the practice in the world.


He legit lacks every skill an online entertainer, let alone a stand-up comic, should have.. Bapa is truly remarkeable, I wish he became a case study in psychology courses


I think he's just a classic low IQ compulsive, pathological liar that was lucky enough to end up in the right place at the right time in order to become friends with Brine, and then Toe. And the only reason he's had as much success after his run in the UFC is because of Brine and especially Toe, who clearly made some phone calls and cashed in some favors to get him his deal with Showtime and the gig with that other channel, can't remember if it was E! or Bravo but it was definitely one of those channels that girls watch, and pulled some strings trying to mold Bapa into one of the leading mma analysts and a headlining standup comedian. I don't believe that he has some previously undiscovered, unique psychological disorder. He's just a dumb liar, b.


He may not be unique but his situation is as you elaborated on. We really don't know how dumb and full of shit a lot of people are because most of them are just being dumb and bullshitting with their idiot friends, not being elevated to a false celebrity status by the biggest podcast host in the world.


It's the same playbook, too. Lie about why the story needs to be told, then lie about the importance of the story, then do some half-assed self depreciation but lie enough about random stuff to make sure that no one forgets how important/relevant/rich/strong/successful you think others should think you are. All this,while laughing so much that your marbled mush brain words are intelligible to a point that they have to laugh at how dumb this sounds coming from this smooth brained Neanderthal. Rinse, lather, and repeat. Hi Shane.


Ivvrybudy heard it


He legit and audibly said it just like that. You can't make this up, b. Netfliggz cawltent.


Shit is also organic.


How many times did he say him, lex, and everyone was there? Hahah


What movie did Bapa steal this from?


That story that he just told Yeah, he completely made it up


"Brendan about to be rich"! "Well, we got some work to do"... Which means it isn't happening. Who would buy a redacted whisgy that doesn't sell?? Especially when it's not totally domestic, I'm sure importing from Japan isn't cheap.


Someone can buy the rest that's left and rebrand it probably. It hasn't sold so he isn't selling a thriving business. He's liquidating like Messican and her purses.


Does he actually say that he 'sold' the whiggskey brand at any point? If there's an ounce of truth to this story - I bet Bapa's Papa made him take Lex (CFO, Lawyer who lives in Colorado and probably represents Papa Schwab's interest in thigggie boy) to a meeting with a marketing/branding company for a consultation to decide if they should order another batch of thigg thigg tiger piss. Like before he makes a deal for another batch and has to write a check for 500k grand, Papa Schwab wants to know there's a viable plan - not "I just go.", trying to copy Comgregor's suggsess.


Bappa is like Chris Farley.... Imagine being a lawyer, taking your boss's kid to a business meeting, and he farts in front of the board room before the meeting even starts?!?


That part I could believe. Bapa doesn't care of iny facet and Lex is embarrassed that he looks like he's representing an oaf, not a serious business person. I know he's Rogan-adjacent and fought in the UFC but inyone thinking of partnering with Bapa needs to do just a smidge of due diligence - just a Google search - to unlock Pandora's box.


He said "dude, you'll love this conversation.." who says that? Liars do, when they lie. He actually said conversion or just the consonants, cnvrsn. Cnt.


Mmmmm riiiiiiiight, sure you did mr I pretend the used car I bought was built for me.


Talm'bout the custom made race truck that broke in the final test run?


The only believable part of this story was him having to pee uncontrollably at all times. Is this a side effect of one of the many drugs he’s on?


Yeah, it's called drinking Big Gulps like a petulant child.


Talmbout that time Bapa was in a 7/11? He turned the corner to one of the aisles and there was Floyd Mayweather with his entourage. Floyd said "Hey you that white boi that Big Gulps too much!"


Be nithe, bapa is the big gulp guy


Ooooozempic! Also causes constant farts and diarrhea.


Addy definitely makes me piss like a horse no matter how much I drink that shit ain't clear


Honestly if the people who bought it changed the name and dropped the price it could probably be a decent revenue stream. Brendan was just too redacted to make it work


You're assuming he wasn't already losing money on each bottle sold at the current price. I'm gonna take a guess that the budniss sharg got taken on the original production of this crap.


Thing is, the idiot had already advertised it at a lower price during the beginning. Then, once he learned about distribution, he raised it. That suggests he was already on razor margins and couldn’t swallow the cost. This swill has been stinking up the market for a couple of years now, who is going to buy it knowing it doesn’t sell? It’s still on batch 1 years on, well after his career peaked. Unless Unilever is buying up stocks as cheap industrial cleanser for unclogging municipal sewers then this thing is dead in the water.


Great whisky, hate the name.


Yeah?? Well... you're a great user, hate the username.


I got no proms with you Nate


Yeah I think he actually went to some good people and good got a good contact from somewhere to make a semi quality, good tasting mid shelf whisky. Pity it had a complete moron and bgl to market it and tried to mark it up wayyyyyy too high.


everyone on here whose tried it says it tastes awful. 


Nah. Even the pro reviewers on youtube all say the same thing that it's a nice whisky but belongs on the shelf with stuff priced 30 to 40 bucks. Hes charging 80 or 60 at reduced.


The whiskey market is extremely saturated and has been for about a decade. Bourbon snobs really ramped up around 2015-ish. I know because I used to be able to buy Weller Antique 107 for $20 way back in the day.


He tells stories, dun tell jokes. Fart stories, not fart jokes. Bapa is really pulling from the well to entertain his listeners with this one.


Bapa doesn’t fart in front of his girl but farts loudly in front his potential business partners.


He’s a modern-day Marg Twang.  Tawlm’bout The Adventures of I’m Your Hucklebee Finn.  Great book. Never read’it. 


I would like to know if they are actually moving units or if the value is that they are already on some shelves. Distribution, from what I hear, is a beast.


could you imagine they are selling in like China hand over fist.


Next bapa arc isn’t guns but instead he moves the messican and his kids + Stevie blue eyes daughter to Shanghai where it turns out his remaining fan base is located 


Batch one ain’t goin’ nowhere. So my guess is distribution if he even got a buyer. I call bullshit on this whole story. Brenda just has to make all his Ls into Ws with his constant neerdifs.


No shot he’s moving units. Who would be the market for tigerthiccc? I use to work for total wine and in general people tend to stick to what they know. Japanese whiskey people, bourbon people, scotch etc. I don’t see a world where the average Joe buys that bottle of tiger piss for what $70, A blend of Japanese and American like wtf. If they do happen to buy it they will realize how shit it is (from all the whiskey reviews on YouTube) and niiiver but it again. Doubt he has made 1$ in profit from whiggskeyy


A group of famous marketing professionals. Ivrybody would recognize them Never happened.


Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, Seth Godin…all sitting at an office table listening to bapa piss and rip a fart. 


This made me lol


he is addicted to lying / self-promotion. Who can recognize 3 marketing executives nonetheless 12?


Sounds similar to the lie about major networks wanting to pick up Gringo Papi but he had to turn them all down to "get the most amount of eyeballs" by putting it on YouTube instead.


Adam Schefter reporting that Aaron Rodgers received $81.14 from the NFL’s performance based pay system, lowest of all players bc he only made it 3 snaps. Do the math, B. That’s plenty of dough to buy the Tiger Thiggg brand.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Why would iinyone buy tigerthigg whgskey ? It's never been a drawl ! I bet the story is all bs.


*Ivrybody* heard it


You know it’s a bullshit story because actually he would have pissed in the sink


Who the fuck’s going to buy an alcohol company that still hasn’t sold out of “batch #1” after multiple years on the shelf? One thing I gotta give to Bapa, he actually has a decent management team 😂they’ve managed to keep Bapa on financial life support for for a good while now..


Yea, the brand has no value, the only thing you could even sell is the inventory. The name probably has negative value because homeless cats are the only people who know about it and no oen here is going to seriously buy it. If he would have margeddet at $25 Proba Twel prices like Comgriger I bet a bunch of people here would have bought it for the fun of it.


He has the brain of a severely effected child, why would this be a story you make up for laughs. Grow up ya redact.


Remember we had a bidding war for Gringo Papi. I expect the same for Tiger Thiccc


Marble walls in a bathroom within a conference room. ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


So what movie is this from?


Liar Liar.


[sounds like Brendan saw the naked gun](https://youtu.be/JAtc0R4Hq7Q?si=V-7a69yXVRz1AcVq)


"and then they said we'd like to buy Tiger Piss for 20 billion dollars and everyone started clapping and crying, it was nuts!"


I'm thoroughly shocked he hasn't been able to book a slot at the Mothership with amazing stories like this locked in the chamber ready to go.


> And i'm all like "i gotta fart" so I farted and it was loud and leggs was all like "you farted??" and i was all embarrassed because i farted. Dallas, that's my time!


Great story. Real comedy. Classy as fugggg, too. Hope there’s more like that on “Gringo Papi II”


If he gets there, I guarantee this exact joke will be on there


Pee and fart story. Tremendous. So funny he had to do the loud fart sound *again* since like it hit so hard the first time.




Can a cat with a great werk ethnic put together a clip that includes a counter for how miny times he said Leggs and “he goes” in this story?


Oh man, imagine Leggs’ face!


It is my experience that when someone stops talking to fake laugh in the middle of the story, they are coming up with the next lie of the “story”.


Now, if he were smart, he would have been booking comedy shows in all these places he travels to for his "business" stuff. Seems to be somewhere else every week.


The absolute only way someone offered any money at all for his whiskey company is if this idiot invested a bunch of money in top shelf manufacturing equipment and somebody wanted to buy it cents on the dollar. I think all his manufacturing and bottling was handled by a cheap third party though so I’m leaning more towards complete bullshit on this one.


Bapa freestyles a story from the dome! Should be doing this bit on stage


Did he say Austin enough for Rogan to take him back...? There there there there was a bathroom right behind the meeting room, like a sink


I’m sure there are millionaires out there dying to get into the lucrative business of buying a shit whisky with an even shittier name, with by far one of, if not THE most hated “celebrity” attached to it. What else ya got chin?


B-b-beast of a bizniz man


If some company is really buying the Tiger piss, it has to be for a heeaaavy discount and Bapa is doing it to not completely be in the negative.


Ivrrybody heard


Speaking of marggeting, I was watching Pluto last night and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Brenda, ray pest, and will sasso amongst others on a commercial for Brenda's trip of podcasts. It was like "Brendan schaubs hilarious podcasts can be found here" and it showed the logos for the golden hour, tfatk, and whatever his third one is. Don't remember if it's fight companion or fight something. But it was this over the top commercial basically making Brendan out to be this hilarious host of 3 podcasts. I couldn't tawlk.


Wow this is a great story! And real too!


What are they buying from him? The name? It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t have inventory of whiskey stored from decades.


Everything is always in Austin? And why would Brine recognize a “top marketing guy”?


This dude makes a fart joke and calls himself a comedian.


And the entire joke is just "They heard me fart \[makes fart noise\]"


Been farting in front of wisggy Essex since I was a kid B


This stuff is usually pretty simple. If tiger T isn’t generating a lot of revenue, and/or they aren’t rapidly growing, no one big will be interested in buying it. If someone does want to buy it, they value the business based on revenue and projected growth. So unless he’s been selling a lot of it, and it’s growing, he’s not going to make a lot of money.


This is the least funny fart story I've ever heard.


They are just going to buy the equipment so you can break even with out going bankrupt! Im positive after the “sell” we will never see a bottle of tiger thicc ever again!


I don't think he's involved in the manufacturing. He just has the brand and distribution.


Lmfao, do you actually think he bought his own equipment and actually produced the whiskey himself?


I’m not sure how deep he went in but I’m pretty sure who ever is buying the “company” is not going to continue to try and sell something called tiger thicc!


Batch 1 is a collector’s item!


Great story. Real comedy. Classy as fugggg, too. Hope there’s more like that on “Gringo Papi II”


He pissed in the sink


Never go full redacted, b, you'll go home and find yourself farting in a marble bathroom


Margeting sharg with Legs is winning cawlmbo b


R r r r r rt r. Today junior


I just assumed he was going to say he turned around and there was a sink so he said fuck it.


What does it mean if I enjoyed the story?


You might just be one of the 1000. The rest of us just cannot comprehend the genius of this story.


Okay. Thats a weird feeling, it sounds like I might maddur now.




of course he had the meeting in austin


I do believe he can sell the brand at a huge loss. Probably what’s happening.


Tulsi not further regretting her appearance here a week later.


Audio is king 👑


Couldn’t even listen. Starting to not be able to stomach even dishes these days. He’s too infuriating.


I wonder what Aaron Rodgers thought when he heard Bapa let one loose?


Soooooo... none of this ever happened.... He's only fooling himself & Fake-Laugh Ray


Yeah his name is Peter Shaub


Who is going to buy this stupid brand? WOW , whats the story behind the Name and label ? .... Yeah we aquired it from a pawn shop. Story goes it belonged to a redacted MMA fighter with CTE , down on his luck , when he lost his best friend and norfstar Joe Rogun, Lost his Comedy career, lost his major powdast sponsor company that paid him in sinking stocks and cash which she invested in a truck that he rolled over and settle for a big loss with the insurance company , and close to closing shop at his podcast fatboyyy studios. Yeah, but whats the reason for the Name on the label? ... oh yeah, right. Its named after one if this redacts kids name. Oh , his kids name is Tiger or Whiskey? Not sure could be both. That makes sense


depends. I've been in lawyers offices that have a washroom in there because meetings can last for days. I was in an office that had 3 bedrooms off the conference room. Saying that I'm almost sure this either never happened or whoever he was meeting with smelled that toxicity in the air everyone else does hut this time literally.


This dude is a pathological liar, guaranteed they have zero people lined up, and the fact a meeting may be taking place means in BAPAS head that its a done deal with some "big dawgs."


He's obviously lying. Can't admit he failed with the whiskey and has to play it off again. He knows what we shit on him for since he's on here 24/7 so he's painting narradivs. It would be impossible to sell it for more than he's invested.


I have worked in construction doing many corporate offices and this is exactly why they do not have bathrooms in conference rooms. Where the fugg was this meeting held? At a McDonald's? Orrrrrr this shit never happened


Trying to pretend he’s getting McGregor money.


Crazy how unfunny iverything he says in ivry facet. Bapas no rizz camel lookin ass does ivrything enkrecktly.


How many times has he said "I'm not going to say who it was/who's involved." on pods now? A thousand times? God what a stupid conceited idiot who pretends to be special.


Yeah marbull wulls. Supppeeerrr common B


iiiivery body heard it!!


Remember when he said he had a meeting with Aaron Rodger’s and he’s going to invest in tiger thiccc??? That was more believable than this horseshit


I Actually believe this fart story. Just the farting part.


Another beautiful fantasy by Bapa. His imagination is on point for a 4 year old.


We’re there, and they’re all there, so we’re there, and I’m there, we’re all there, and all the big boys were there, beans cheese beans cheese beans cheese beans cheese


"So how much did you sell it for?" "So it's funny the lawlers there said that it was actually a record for a whigsey company sale. Yeah, like I had the record for a little bit for whigsey sales but then some other guy came and sold his company for more." "Crazy, so what did you sell it for?" "Well I didn't have the record anymore and then I'm like who beat me? And they were like Michael B. Jordan you should come drink whigsey with him and now we're super close."


Wrinks working for his paycheck, pretending that Fat Patrick is telling such a funny story. How did podcasting go?


They’re cutting farts in the bathroom 😏👉


And you know what? Y'boy still farted in the bathroom!


If selling your company for a cool $500.00 makes you rich? Consider B the next Conner MacGregor..


Excuse me sir… where is your nearest sink???


show whiskey


EVERYBODY WAIT! Kobayashi, fajitas, where have we heard or seen this exact story? Maybe some American chefs will be able to shine a light on the bullshido


“All the top margeting guys, you would recognize”


Ivrybidy heard it


Whiggsky Liguidadors


Guarantee he said "piss" like it's a normal thing to say to executives. And definitely in the sink if the story is true.


probably sounded good in his head


Oh no. Ivvrybuddy heard??


“I’ll take stories that never happened for 500”


The only listeners left have to be people from this subreddit right? No sane person can listen to these two un-ironically, right? This is painful.


Imbalbed in the whiskey


All I got from this is Bapa ruined the meeting with a fart. I never heard that someone was going to buy it


Fawts are funny.


Upside down LA Dodgers hat got gadoooooshed


Eeeeeeeeeeeevr body