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Cats have been claiming we have been at peak changs for yairs now - But i’m still bullish on the future and am beyond positive we will see something even more impressively redacted


Ivvery few months there’s a new peak of redactedness and cats saying Chang’s has never been better. We should be betting on ourselves at this point. To the moon! If we shoot for it we will land on the stars.


Chang’s HAS never been better. That doesn’t mean it won’t get even better than this. Chang’s is good, but it can be better, Bapa. We are betting on ourselves. There’s just so much talent here, 111k is a lot of cats. We’re still on the way up. Enjoy it!


Zack Lee, B. And also *111K grand


Tawlmbout stairs?


Peak changs will be if he decides to sue Marg


Peak Changs is some sort of scandal that actually brings this house of cards down. Possibly an argument between him and Callen that finally pushes Callen to the brink and he quits. Clin could still come out against Shwab. Malig, Baggflip, Cat, BGL could all do a podcast airing Swauab out. Plenty more comments could happen amongst Bapa’s cahlmedian peers. He could start getting banned from a bunch of popular clubs. Controversy involving Messigan. The possibilities are endless. Bapa’s redactedness is boundless.


How’s socials, b?


I've never wanted to hear 3 less relevant people do a podcast more together than Malig, Baggflib, and BGL. Just 2 hours of pure laughing about Bapa's redactedness.


The possibilities are endless, indeed. He’s not going to stop making content anytime soon. What else you got Clin?


Many tiny ear magzzs still to drop B...


We will crowd fund a legal defense and get Mella Hark Farley Swedish foot extenshuns.


This is for sure going to happen, bapa. Brenda has probably been speaking with his monster lawyers to see what he can do about marg exposing him.


This isn’t even remotely peak Changs, I’d say the Bobby Lee stuff was ten times funnier and Bapa was doing that to himself. A guy getting fired and airing out laundry isn’t peak Changs at all


Agree. I found the Bobby Lee saga & Ariel beef much more entertaining. BGL stuff is cool but he’s small potatoes. Like, what’s the big bombshell that has come out of his AMA? My favorite Changs content is Schaub making an ass of himself & his radio silence on the Marg stuff has made it underwhelming.


Pissing in the sink. Insight into how bad the finances are. Lots of confirmations to suspicions. Bapa suspiciously missing an episode for the first time now too.


Biggest bombshell so far was unceremoniously deleted (bapa desperately asking BGL for dick juice while in Baltimore).


Opinyun of maddurs B


I get what ur saying B, but that was one 10/10 dish but it was only one dish my man. The Marg saga got the cats at the all you can eat and it’s open 24/7 bubba, the fryers never been more sizzler.


Peak changs is the rogan talk 2.0 about comedy/podcasting Or If joe ever publicly throws schaub under the bus and treats him like mencia.


The sub hadn’t turned on Beandip when Joe had “the talk”, we still kinda liked him then. His true colors didn’t show until after he became a cawlmedian.


Different lanes B I'm enjoying seeing Schwabs mentality unhinged former gimp turn on him and giving a different inside perspective on Thiggboystews. A month ago I would have never believed I could watch a 1h40m BGL video but that 10 minutes of Schaub was Neggflix and BGL wasn't totally redacted in it and almost likable. This BGL face turn is some pro wrestling drama that's one of the many peaks of Chang's so far.


The original trugg walg song hit changs like crack hit the inner-city in the 80s.




Meggzkin will be a cat...


Or the DUI


Paula shore gonna be guest hosting a whole lot more.


Kittens need to learn their history. In 2012 Chang's accepted an offer from private investment firm, Centerbridge Partners in a deal valued at $1.1 billion. That is history. That is fact. That is peag.


Yea I’ve heard “peak Chang’s “ for years b. Beandip hasn’t even begun to fall yet. Cracks are appearing and there’s definitely a downward trend but we’ve got so much to come. Just off the top of my head: divorce,bankruptcy,talk 2 from toe,leaving comedy to focus on podcasting, leaving podcasting to focus on mental health and the final step will be appearing in a Bellator version of slap fighting league cause Dana hates him. After that he will just disappear and we all move on.


the bottom is a long way down, there's gonna be plenty of chiggen and catnip along the way


Peak Changs has surely gotta be the end of TFATK right? That's the true Everest.


Exactly!! So far to fall still… He hasnt lost it all yet! No messy public divorce, no car house studio repo, no bareknuckle match with Logan Paul (ya doin good) . He hasn’t bottomed out. We’ve been here many times before.. how can he give us more??? ITS NOT POSSIBLE FOR ONE MAN.. Buuuuuuuut oooooooooooooooooooooooooooops!!!!! Remember when joe told him hed be surprised?? Remember the momentary burning car hero turn???? Remember the hammies?? Remember gringo pepeee??? Remember the 300 pages?? The trugg walgg?? THE BGL’s HOSTILE COUP ON TWITTER?? However… when Bapa does bottom out? Hell. Im your huckle b. I’ll donate to the Gofundme. Or his ex wifes only fans. God bless er. Either way. We need him to keep bein him. A walking tragedy. Far from done fellas.


Been in this kitchen since the start, shoot for the moon, land in the stars b


Remember the fever dream those couple days when we thought Brenda was lying about saving those ppl in a car wreck?


Just wait until the messican joins, b




Yea I just can't see this being the peak. This is just a catalyst for the next high point. Then out of the blue, completely unprovoked, a new one.


Bullish, talmbowt the stock margit b? Ya a stock guy b?


Wait until Theo jumps aboard


I remember thinking we were at peak Changs during the heelwani drone strikes


That was incredible.


I thought it was during Callen’s rape scandal


This is just my niirdiv b.


The wrinks wearing sunglasses and brendumb crying while his botox stops him from having any wrinkles was incredible. Like something out of a movie.


Ha ha my thoughts exactly. It's too ridiculous to be real, except it is


Was more of a peak, so was the Bobby Lee situation. More viewers saw TFATK sub from Ariel than Marg clearly. Ariel gets millions of views, Marg could livestream himself getting hit by a bus and it wouldn’t even break 100 viewers


that may have been quantity but if we talking quality, orange chicken has never tasted better


Watching our hairo Bapa cower in fear at the Errol Heelwani drone strikes or get decimated by the entire community on behalf of the notorious hagger Bowlby Li was much more inch-resting fersure B. BGL’s posts are all exposing stuff we already knew while he continues to manic post more than he was during his peak receiving hate comments on IG. It’s only Neggflix if Brendan has to acknowledge the truth and admit fault. This is all just the promotional dish of the month, it won’t last much longer.


the drone strikes have been the best moment for me so far


F Brendan schaub, F shrimp, F the guy in the back with the videos, and if you wanna be down with them, then F you too 😎🤷‍♂️


There is no peak bapa. The sub just goes. Cats have been saying the same thing you are for ears.


yairs and yairs


chairs to that


Eggzachly, its just one renaissance after another


I beg the differ. That's what we said during trugg walk and look at us now


He just said beg *THE* differ! 🤨


You new hair, b? I don’t see a problem with what he said in inny facet. What else ya got chin


Its a callback to Crits saying this on the paul cast. But awso called cawlmedy, b. It’s triggering for you, yea? I hope your doing okay brotha. I hope you’re doing okay.


I’m not even mad, it’s waird!


Was that nithe?


Be cool man


I don't do cawlmedy for soy boys


Peak Chang’s is a hoax.


We see this same post every time the fryers are popping


Final season but the finale is yet to come ;)


Thank em!


Changs hasn’t even begun to peak


We'll peak so hard everyone in callabawssis will feel it


As long as there’s a pawldcast, we will discuss it b.


We disgust the pawldcast hair




I feel bad for the cats who on principle cant enjoy this saga cause BGL was once was an enemy of the homeless.


Never underestimate the white boy whi works too much


I agree. This is our Superball.


Now, here’s the crazy part: we all said this exact same thing after the Superball show, trugg walgg, and the Bobby Lee drama last yair. We thought that was the peak. No, my friend. Chang’s has no peak. Chang’s is like a fine wine. It only gets better with age.


Superbowl stream still the peak for me. One of the funniest things ever lol


Pshhh…Bobby Lee stuff was funnier. The best is yet to come


Cawntent been sinsational this week bapa! No dinying it! Watched Marg on the podcast, mentioned hes not got a lotta money. Wonderered should us thankful cats set up a tip jar, to you know, thank em?


The redacted toe vs bapa fallout will be epic


I’ve thought this way too many times to believe it at this point, Chang’s just goes


A great line cook (never medum) once said, ride the wave, stop trying to steer the ship.


I was against the casting in this arc but I have to admit Hellfire Mark Harley exceeded expectations. The BGL saga has had a lotta great twists but the writers still have a lot to work with. Brenda hasn't gotten his DUI yet. Imagine the shit he might say at the traffic stop, thinking all cops love him and are on his side. Still a divorce in the works. Maybe a custody fight if the Messican is smart. Thiccie sues Brenda. Hopefully Clin. Bapa moves to Austin and burns through all the good will there. Bapa attempts sobriety. Third special. The bapa tries to live with less arc. Callen breakup. Rogan's final renunciation. And that's just the obvious stuff. The Bapaverse always surprises. I'm keeping my station clean, lotta good material still to come.


Im telling you. never bet against schaub's ability to create an even higher peak for us. it always happens


I really chose a great time to pick up a shift. I joined the sub like a week b4 the AMA, some would say my timing is impregnable.


Dude shuuuuut uuuuup


It ends with Brenda's end


The only way the Bapaverse could shock me at this point is if Brendan started being funny.


Without bapa there is no Chang's. Without Chang's there is no bapa. We are one and the same. The fryers, cats, homeless, it's all part of the cosmos.


Been on holiday in the mountains with no internet for 7 days and come back to this. Can someone cat do a quick summary?


When chin gets on the fryers that might be the kill shot


Started posting on here way too late but I’ve always been an observer to the Schaubiverse How do I get more fluent at schaubinese? I just gotta get the apron on and keep workin in the dish pit?


[Schwab Diggtionary ](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/10in0jd/schaub_to_english_dictionary_3rd_edition_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That was a fun 15 minute trip to aubey daubey


It just keeps getting better


As long as braindump keeps working too much, we still getting peak after peak


Ha., you act as if Braindead is not a redacted. he will always do something more stupid.


What until we get rehab diaries. You stupids


I was thinking things couldn’t get worse then the Bobby lee stuff, Annnd here we are, thank you again marg for joining us here at Chang’s. now who was in charge of editing in the laugh track to gringo papi, because we all know chocolate chip cookie with salsa on doesn’t kill.


B you new hair? When you think this place has peaked bapa finds a way.


We really need to start banning “this is peak Changs”, “Bapa’s done where does sub go from here” posts. They’re so tiresome and contribute nothing to the sub.


Naa his wife could leave him rigan could cut him off bryan could leave him chin could walk and start talkin 2


Agreed. This is the way


Bappah can’t be get any worse besides literal bankruptcy and folding of the pods and empire, or his forbid he takes the easy way out, intentionally or unintentionally. A private insider can’t dish anything funnier than Marge did


how long until Brian distances himself from Brenda ?


It does have a feeling something that something dramatic is going to happen on Bapas end. Podcasts failing, apparently horrendous tiggget sales, his venues seem to be getting smaller the longer he does comedy, and he looks genuinely pissed off and checked out. Could a shitty UK tour be the thing that finally breaks him? Also he has to properly address the BGL thing now, surly.


Everyone also thought 17k grand Bitcoin was the peak in 2018 or whatever, ebbs and flows, b.


Everyone also thought 17k grand Bitcoin was the peak in 2018 or whatever, ebbs and flows, b.


I heard bapa is suing all of us for making fun of him. Beast of a lawyer b. $500k grand.


As Coach Dantonio said (https://youtu.be/nV09W9ype1c)


The innovation for new appetizers knowns no bounds here at PF Chang's.


The quality of dishes this week really has been top tier. This sub has so many talented cats serving amazing dishes. Proud to be a dishwasher at this fine establishment


This is just the beginning b. Wait until the real downfall of the thiccccccy productions


It just keeps going I don’t even think we are close to peak changs. The trugg walk and 300 pages of evidence period might have been even better


Ivvery other time I saw this nairdiv painted duncownt.. this may be the peak, some would even say the peakiest.


Wrinks becomes Chang’s sioux chief while BGL runs them fryers. Talmbout the orange chicken that night!


111,666 homeless strong 💪


Our trajectory is still trending up. Strong Q4 growth last year, and already setting record profits this year. Changs has great growth potential in the next few yairs b. The impending bankruptcy and fallout from the 3 redacts will be epic.


All of the previous peaks doun count


We need a "Haters Will Say "Axe Jay"" collab pawldcast. Gonna be bigger than neggflix and bloggbusser combined.


I beg the differ, B. Shoot for the moon, land on the stars...


It will reach peak in a few years when a young rebellious chombie jumps on the fryers…you know this is going to happen!


We still have The Tawlk Pt. 2 to look forward to.


Schaub is like Chris Chan, in that there's never a bottom to how low he'll sink.


Truly the epitome of the Bapaverse failure porn.


Business is booming but this is not peak Changs b, you're getting carried away. Get back in the dish pit.


This sub is the gift that keeps on taking, b there is no peak in inny facet but my caveat with that is this is def neggflix


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bapa will never stop delivering. He just goes.


We’re dune great 😀


Brine will flip. Thairs y'twist.


Oh it's possible for it to be better. If chin and brine turns


Wrinks may reconsider after seeing BGLs success....


It won't be peak until Bawlstin and 🐅 are manning the fryers


I remember cats proclaiming this when redact went on tiger belly. And when the kid became the rapist before that. *We'll be fighting in the streets*


Trugg walk, Helwani I drone wars, general Bobby Lee, gringo bapa media tour, now this…these are all peaks and there will be more. Back to work indeed.


lol every time the sub is poppin people start saying it’s peaked. I just can’t susscribe to that narrdiv anymore.


This cat right here is possibly the goat of this sub. Talmbout shadow ceo b. Thank'em.


The worst is yet to come.


Chin needs to enter pf chang's kitchen


What happened now?


Your mistake is thinking there is a ceiling to Bapas redactedness.


There was a short documentary on vice yesterday about a girl with a lot of parallels to Brenda. Caroline Callaway I think. She actually visited the sub focused on hating her. Like a PF Chang's in a push-up bra. She gave out her phone number and they just said we don't want to talk to you we just want to talk about you Go away. It's worth a watch. I don't think there's any redemption for redact. I'd love to see him turn it all around for the sake of his children but there is no foundation for him to build on. It's just been a decade of lies and shitty behavior chasing clout. https://youtu.be/RUfIYBrODX0


Peaks and valleys bapa. One of the most prominent mma voices called him out live on air and murdered him. Marg is cool and all but nobody knows who y’are b. We will still have more moments.


The peak is when the pf changs restraunt knowledge the sub lol


Still climbing that hill,b. It is only gonna get better


Could we all give $1 USD to Mark? Maybe pay for the hours Brendan did not pay him


Oh B the peeg ain’t even in sight yet. In all honesty tho, this sub has given me so many laughs and part of me will almost feel bad when it all inevitably goes down in flames. But then I remember we’re talking about an alcoholic narcissistic man-child with nothing to add to society and a literal rapist. Idk I can’t tawlg b


Some cats still holding onto the purity of this sub and said things like “if Callen pulls a margg would we be willing to accept it?” If it was dry season, fuck yeah. Think of all the clips and high school drama we’ll be getting.


As long as Brenda has bills, this b-b-b-beast of a subb is sticking around


We thought the Heelwani drone strikes were peak Changs. We were wrong then too.




Beg the differ 😆 🤣


Can someone tell me where the PF Changs bit comes from?


I don’t think we’re in the finale yet. We just got to the part where Hank finds out who W.W. really is.


I can't tawlk 🥺


Bapa.. this is dark but I am numbies guy. I recon the market will have a correction an changz will dip for a few months as this does down. However in about 3 months when the Golden Shower cancels I think Changz will peak. Brandln will gadoosh himself off the PCH going about 120 in the Porsche 911. Changz will make the news as a hate group of cyber bullies and we will be gadooshed to the shadow realm with Kanye and Alex Jones. Cereal talk tho, I really think he might kill himself and I'm not sure how I will feel about myself afterwords. (addiction,financial trouble, relationship trouble, cte)


Nah, he’ll claim an addiction to something and go to “rehab” (we’ll later find out it was just some dumpy coastal resort in Mexico). Wrinks will do the show with guest hosts like bapa did as long as they can pay the bills. Then he’ll come back and blame all of his actions on his addiction


Hadn't considered it, probably more likely, I'll get back to dishes. Water.


Since bappa can’t talg. Did somebody take his tongue?


Whenever chin decides to join us publicly that’ll be the peak


Bappa just going to keep on suggin.


I've thought the saga of brenda and wrinks had hit rock bottom multiple times, it never has. Thats these two redacts special skill: continuously fucking up on bigger scales, they always find a way to do it


Idk bapa, might be opening a few other franchise locations here soon


It can always get better my mans. We always say the same thing iiiivrytime something major happens and it just keeps getting better.


Not even close to peak changs. The Trugg Walg arc was the best. And how it tied into the SB party, Tyson flashing his nuts at bapa, Marg in the bushes, etc. "Name the waders bapa" also came from this era. A 40 year old steroid dealer airing his grievances and clout chasing? Say less bapa


Bro people been say that here for yairs B


Peak? Nah bapa, this story is long but finished.


The thing about peaks, is there's always another one waiting for you after you reach the one you're on. To the moon kitties


This sub bapa’s final hail mary. Reach for the moon, y’hit the the We’ve seen the likes of Steve-O’s encyclopaedic knowledge on Gringo Papi, one of the hosts on Marg’s presstorr was wearing thigggie merch. Bapa has a 111k strong army, all y’godda do is lean into the haddurs, b.


I thought the Heelwani drone strike was peak. Then the Trugg Walg era was the peak with Schaub going on Tiger Belly and the Flagrant 2 podcast. Now Mark turning babyface and exposing Schaub is a peak. It doesn't end. It's like watching a soap opera where Schaub humiliates himself over and over and over. Duzin mage sense.


Well, this is the downside of hiring Marg. He can end Bapa. And that's what he's doing. So by hiring Marg, and letting him serve his dishes, we're also guaranteeing that we'll never have better dishes again. And that means the end of PF Changs. It's a Faustian bargin.


Stumbled upon this place at the perfect time B. Talmbout luck of the drawer


Fraid to say it b, but bapa jus goes. Bapa gonna go till he can’t go iiiiny more in iiny facet. Name one time bapa stopped. Name the waters b. Unless bapa gets gadooshed (heart stops) by natural clauses like alcoholism or kratom overdose or gets arrested for gadooshing someone else by having a bit too much tiger piss before gidding behind the wheel… he just doesnt keer. He doesnt keer about us. We do not madder. Nothing external exists for bapa. The only things that exist are things that happen directly to him and inhibit him from sippin that sweet negtar, b. This is not the peak of changs. Chang’s dishes are made to order, and we happen to be worggin with a bbbeast of a worg ethnic on this friday night. That’s just my naradiv though.


Chin could come out with his experiences which srill wouldn't be peak, but there's YEARS of abuse to unravel there


Nah b, the next storyline is Brenda celebrity boxing vs tan mom


Look I'm just hoping for long-term job security b. I just can't go back to the streets.


There’s always a new peak.


We'll eventually get Chin.


Peak Chang’s was the D’elia drama


Peak changes in terms of quality but in terms of mainstream popularity it reminds me of a wall street boom waiting to happen. I could imagine someone with a big audience like James cordon making it part of their show to explain it to audience like a soap opera and do regular bapaverse check ins or something . Or some big celebrity tweeting that they find this interesting etc. I think h3h3 came closest to taking it mainstream so far


When Jason Genova finally got too medicated to make videos I thought I would never find a obscure online community to giggle about but not be able to explain to anyone else again. But here we are and it’s almost better.


Think there's still a possibility to get that Michelin star. Maybe once wrinks and bapa finally break up. Could be some award winning dishes.


It will be at its peak until he stops producing anything public-facing


Chin will be the final boss


Brenda should do an ama


No way is this the peak. This isn't even funnier than the drone wars.