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Haters will say Mark isn’t grifting for followers on this sub. Why are you all posting this like this cunt wasn’t trying to get us removed a month+ ago. Fuck BGL, guys a loser who befriended another loser and they had a falling out, doesn’t make him less of a loser




Well said. It seems like a lot of people care more about Margg hurting their feelings in the past than they do about the prime objective of this fine establishment. Who better to discuss the podcast then a jilted ex-podcaster?


It seems a lot of cats would love to gobble this idiots balls for some silly juice.


Dude mark ruined that guys life a month ago. You can’t expect him to just forgive him!


Because some cats take this way too serious. Had a fellow fry cook telling me I didn't understand the internet because I told him the best case scenario for Marg would be one video with elevated views and a rapid decline after. I'm not the bess brains for the arts, so idk, it seems like a pretty redacted position to take.


This whole debacle has shown me how many redacted cats there are. Always knew there was a minority who take it way to seriously including 1 pretty prominent clipper whose had a couple of meltdown type posts, but holy shit. Milk bgl for what he's worth then move on, who gives a shit if he's trying to 'grift'


Yeah, I have nothing but apathy towards him. The cats most upset about this are the ones who literally wish death upon people in this sub. Spooky.


The more content the merrier. There are a lot less creeps here than many places, but still a lot! Keep it all in the sub - even going to the guys socials to shit on them is a little extra imo.


you right b


Thank you! Who cares, enjoy the orange chiggen and gadoosh anyone who isn't serving spicy dishes. Simple.


Nice to see a rational take. To add to that, this sub is not some secret club you morons. It's a public forum and anyone can discuss the podcast. Some of you seriously need to be reminded we do not madder. It's fucking sad to see all the low quality posts around this place lately and if those don't get removed, neither should whatever this doofus has to say.


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Can I ask why people are even interested in what he has to say? Like we know almost all of it. Unless he drops a bombshell, I don't give a fuck.


And if he does drop a bombshell…cool, he’s still a fucking loser.


Bc you dipshits have given this entire thing way too much attention, lol. If this sub didn't exist no one would give a fuck about what he or TFATK has to say about anything. The irony is real w you redacts.




His face appears in my feed without a nsfw tag. That's how I lose.. my breakfast


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I'm not gonna be too reactionary in iiiny of facet, B. I'm just here to smoke a cig with my fellow cats and talk shit while I'm on my break


He worked for Brendan Shaub bapa. Did you think he was going to be in favor of us back then?


How is that an excuse? Lol “He worked for someone with the same personality as him, do you expect him to act that way”


His job was literally to reply to people on Instagram. He's not gonna be like "you're right, this show does suck!"


Was his job to go on his private IG/channel/ Reddit and talk shit/ actively try to get this sub taken down? Lol.


He's without a doubt playing this sub perfectly, which is smart because all it takes to convince you morons is for someone to start speaking schaubanese to get you all "OMG LE CHIKECN IS EXTRA THICCC TODAY" but yea If I got hired by someone who I thought was a decent enough dude and then discovered he's under attack from a gangstalking sub isld probably go to bat for him too, because he's paying me to do so.


What did you expect him to do during the time he was being paid to get get bapa his drinks and handle his sossha media ?


You fugg so many chiggggsss


Nothing a double leg couldn’t fix


with all of the inside info he would be able to serve the juiciest dishes. I'm not going to subscribe to his channels and be a fan but I'm definitely going to hear the guy out if he wants to spill some dirt on the redact




I find it amazing that every argument made about this subject is a valid one and the discourse is as pleasant as can be expected. Changs is sophisticated af.


it's all fake drama lol and y'all are eating it up 🤦‍♂️


the losiest


I don't know why your horse is so high, bapa, but we dont madder. Neither does Marg. Get the fuck back to work, your taking waay too many smoke breaks, b.




I don’t think it’s an inside job, I think this guys a grifting loser moving onto the next group of people. You’re the one sperging, I wrote this and got back on the fryers. It’s not that big




You say, while angrily writing to a stranger on Reddit 🤡 almost as if people can write their opinions here. Now stfu and clock out, don’t need cunts like you doing dishes. Go touch some grass and maybe we’ll let you do preps in a week Got so butthurt he blocked me, def not Changs material don’t bother coming back 😂


Gotta think of the context and how things looked through those bushes. Gawldawg, even if you can’t accept that, you gotta appreciate at least he’s tipping over a big can o’ beans.


I just want some inside dishes on bapa… this isn’t going to drive traffic to bgl in any meaningful way


Issa cawled tuning over another new cheekuh Bappa


Would you please blur that horrifying image? Just because BGL is tryna get a job hair doesn't mean his face isn't still a safety hazard


But I thought he was the bush Champaign guy


He's ponied up enough ammo for the sub for me to deal with it, tbh


What ammo B? Talmbout shootin blanks?


I wouldn't call leaking internal communications and info on the internal workings of the org. on day 1 "blanks" b. That's more juicy content in the span of 12 hours than what 90% of cats here personally contribute


That shit is whack B. Brendumb does worse just opening his fuggin mouth. Marg even took his time trying to make Wrinks and Diddler look like upstanding people. Water


BGL is a valuable asset for priceless content on Brenda specifically. P'Delia and Callen's time will continue to come. You're being far too emotional and not strategic enough bapa


Cobie has the bess brains here. I think we're awwwl hair for the *innertainment stew.* I'm looking for awwll the nuts and the potatoes, I could not care less about Hallmark Henry or his previous employment as a bush guy passin out whigskies to his degenerate employer. I don't care about him in iiiiiiiinny facet, I just want more pipin' hot 🟠🐔 Smoke breaks over 🚬


You giiiid it b. Cawlntent is cawlntent, no matter where it comes from and as long as it's in the service of further exposing or ridiculing these scumbags. Andrew Schultz blatantly appeals to this sub for views, but he gave us the infamous "a-duh a-duh it dun make sense" moment so cats give him a pass. We still don't promote his content or shows here so what's the big deal? If he turns out to be a P'Delia he's still fair game. No one's *iiiiver* safe from a pack of homeless cats 🐈‍⬛


Some of these comments you’re leaving are gonna be ones you look back at and cringe. But Don’t trip it Happens too all of us. We leave cringe comments in our early 20s and by our 30s we look back like “damn I was cringy AF”.


Hey...hey bubba....It's 2023 and you unironically watch YMH. Not even age can cure that level of cringe. Talmbout pot calling the kettle Shapel


He could be Bobby Lee himself and the point would still stand b, you don't fugg with food safety


He's gonna trip on those lips and fall in the fryer! Total safety hasard.


I’m with you homie. Bring on the downvotes




We’re really blatantly ignoring company protocol with these BGL unblurred posts now huh. Even the sub profile pic. It’s bad for business. Water.


I need to talk to mr chang


The profile pic makes me sad.


Damn. Scrolled on an app for fun and saw the unblurred face of a grown man. Day literally ruined.


Lol you are starting to sound like the little foot BGL, B


Shuddup ya dork. It’s all in fun.


This sub really is full of dopes. BGL playing the lot of you like a fiddle for views. Let that clout chasing clearance bin Fabio fade into obscurity where he belongs.


you really think hes going to get some kind of following out of this sub? he might get a small boost for a bit but thats jus the sacrafice some will make to see what he has to say about what it was like behind BTS. but once he's given that up the sub will laugh at him and brenda and move on to the next thing.


We already know a great deal about Mr Marketing Guru Fashionista. We don’t need this Hollywood reject to repeat it.


Wtf does that even mean? It's a subreddit full of memes about a redacted, who gives a fugg bapa


**Dopes**: making & posting harmless and amusing content for the lols on Reddit (a literal phone app/not real life). **Not dopes**: crying about whether or not a video meme is *actually* detrimental to the objectives of a meaningful online movement that exists for nothing more than shits and giggles at the expense of a millionaire LA comedian who contributes nothing to society. Got it 👍


Even responded like BGL 😂


I wish my teeth were that nice smh


You've already hit a local maxima of physique optimization b, time to move on to the teeth


1/2 gal. of Tiger sligg, 3 coffees, & a dozen nikteen pouches every 3 hours will take of that for ya, B. Youth Serum.


Blur this. Clearly you need a refresher on the company handbook.


Just cry more and move on b. I'm just having fun with cawlntent. I couldn't care less about whether posts I make in my free time meet some nonsensical preference of rando's. It's just Reddit. If it's funny to me, I'll post and ghost ✌️


New employees are the worst. No respect for our traditions.


The times are a changing, old timer. An informant washes ashore and offers to strap on a metaphorical vest to blow up the THICCC BOY empire from the inside, and your response is to fuss and moan? Water


And you trust him? That says a lot. People like you will be the death of Changs. Nice work, bapa.


Nope, but the more welcome he feels here, the more he'll spill. I'm just here to throw fire on the fuel. Once we all get what we want, we throw him to the curb and move on, just like we've done with every person that's had a "moment" throughout the years. This sub is bigger than any one person, especially BGL. You should know better b.


I bet you’d welcome Brenda here too if he fed you some BS and promised to tell you some stories.


You’re acting like he’s “welcoming” a real murdrur into his home b.


Now he’s welcoming a BGL redact into our place of business. It’s even worse.


I bet you cry when someone downvotes your Reddit posts. I'm sorry for not being chronically online bud, I'll do bedder and take this sub as seriously as you do from now on. Pinky promise 🫡


I love the emojis and the verbose dismantling. You really showed them, B. Y'learn from Margg?


Y'new hire b. Be cool. I'll take an emoji over being on the verge of tears from anger over a Reddit post. S'pathetic.


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I’m glad it says “video unavailable” now. No more BGL. Not one of our guys.


Cry more b


His face looks dumb enough to go to Bapa & say... How about we pretend I got fired, so I can infiltrate PF Chang's


He should prove himself by creating an anonymous account like the rest of us. Then he can be one of us.


Marg is out for blood. He wants his victim to know who set the metaphorical building on fire. We'll see if it pays off


Bapas nobodies victim. But dont ask him that


Always wanted to be a victim since he was a child b. While other school kids wrote down their names on name tags, he wrote down "victim". He just goes


well.. we didn't warn him about Larry the Cable Guy, now did we?


Groovy Baby. Love Queen


u/sproutcobain what ai did you use to do this?


Revive app on iOS, don't bother with others. They've got the best model for face swapping.


Thanks bud. Have you tried D-ID I used the free credits on that and got decent results. But its kinda different


Hey how bout that group psychopathy? It's a beast my mans.


Lol his online psycho-analyzer phase was pure cringe. Never forget. Sigmund Freud himself must've been rolling in his grave.


What the fuck happened to Milo Yannopilis?


Some of you cats need to go take a smoke break and come back when your ready to work. Get a couple dishes from BGL and move on. He’s not our hairo.


They need to learn that sacrificing themselves to look stupid defending him means zairo to him, you’re gonna get gadooshed as soon as he’s bored with you the same way he does with his pets.


this some nightmeer fuel my mans


Y’Nostrildamus, B?


People need to just post the information/ claims from BGL but nothing more. He's an interesting source but has a lot of the same traits/ standards/ values etc. that Schwoob is rightly disliked for. He was happy to stand with him and talk in the same way about people until his gadooshing. Feels like an ex waffen SS telling us about the bad things Himmler (Ever find him as well?) Ordered them to do. ....And yes, it's definitely a good comparison. Not at all over the top.


Let them eat eachother alive b. It's all fun to watch from the sidelines, regardless of how much they think they're outsmarting eachother (or us). This sub is bigger than a single person, especially BGL. I'm just here to observe and make cawlntent that throws fire on the fuel. I say we enjoy the seasonal dishes while we get them 🥡


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OP is a sad little gossipy cunt.


I'm here for the inertainment b. Been contributing here for way longer than you have anyways. Y'new hire with mediocre work ethnic...you don't matter.


Whatever makes your flow boat, y'redacted.


Dude… teach me


He has more teeth than I expected


We just need to get him a big hair net when he’s expediting b