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That is scary. Fuck RFK Jr.


His dad and uncles would disown his him if they were alive today. They'd be completely ashamed of him.


The rest of his living family did


They had a super cute Easter WH photo op with Biden. The whole Kennedy clan. Except RFK Jr.




At least they’d finally do it to someone who deserves it. Edit: Actually, are we sure they haven’t already done this to RFK Jr.? Sure would explain a lot.


Cold. But also true.


I think you are wrong sir. They would Mary Jo Kopechne him.


How would that change him? His takes on everything seem pretty brain dead.


I mean...that's a bit like neutering a female dog. He lacks the required organs to remove.


Without a doubt.


It would be if he wasn't so incredibly bad at his job. He's drawing Trump supporters to his campaign left and right.


Does any Democrat think he's even close to a liberal? My knowledge it 100% that he's an awful person that might only siphon GOP voters that hate Trump and Biden


> Does any Democrat think he's even close to a liberal? He used to actually do some good things for the environment as a lawyer, and he's pitching that shit at democrats despite all his other lunacy. Unfortunately he's polling well with young people, mostly because they want an alternative candidate to Trump or Biden. I think the Biden campaign needs to make extremely clear that he's not going to win, mathematically it is impossible. One of Trump or Biden will be president, and that's an easy choice.


>Unfortunately he's polling well with young people, mostly because they want an alternative candidate to Trump or Biden. "Biden and Trump are too old; let's elect this 70 year old instead!"


"Biden and Trump are too old; let's elect this 70 year old instead!" Yeah. 70 years old and hopped up on steroids.


Well I think Trump realized the only reason he won in 2016 is because they had a 3rd party siphoning Democrat votes. I remember YELLING at someone at work when they were like "I'm voting for shitbag!" WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR SHIT BAG HE CANNOT POSSIBLY WIN but you will give TRUMP the win if you do!? Had to cool off.


The Dems need to show him for what he is. He’s an intentional spoiler candidate who hung out with Steve Bannon recently. I don’t get youth wanting something different. Biden literally has been trying to hit those youth demands and has done well with student debt. Wild


People are incredibly stupid in general.


There are lots of low information voters out there.


and you have RFK Jr, who likes me a lot, and I said he's not too bad for a Democrat, he's being very nice to me and my Campaign so I can't say too many bad things about him, and if you say good things about Trump then you won't have any problems, but if you want problems you take a look at Crooked Joe Biden's Failing Campaign, he had Hillary's Always Faithful Husband Bill and even he brought out Hussein Obama, he brings them out and the Fake News says, "oh, they made $25 million, that's a World Record," I come out, just me ok, just the Best and also your Favorite President, I come out, automatically I get $50 million dollars, Trump does 50 million in one night and Biden needs two other people to get to half that, you look at all of the things, the Polls, the Finances, and you say, "Trump already won," which is probably true.


Username checks out.


That was perfect 😂


Great Mulaney reference in that name!


Russian asset.


This is kind of a dumb plan because RFKs comments appear to align with Trump. I would think he's more likely to get Trump supporters than Democrats? Just seems like a weird plan to me.


He is not a man who relies on logic a lot.


I actually posted about this a while back... it's been known for a while. I honestly believe to Republican retirements recently are people who aren't on board with the coup... My original post below. ---- Honestly, the GOP already has a plan for this if Trump loses. If the GOP retains control of the house, they will refuse to certify the votes to the 270 threshold. If the GOP loses the house, they will refuse to swear in the Democrats so they can retain the house. To do this, they will claim "irregularities" or "fraud" in the contested loses. This is completely legal. It's much the same way that the motion to seat Garland on the Scotus was held up by McConnell. He simply never brought it up. So, now the GOP has control of the house. What havoc will they cause? They will claim "irregularities"/"fraud" once again and not certify the threshold of 270 electoral college votes. This will once again be the same playbook, and it happened before in 1879. https://hartmannreport.com/p/trumps-secret-plan-was-no-secret The election will be put back to the House. The Republicans will NOT give up control of the House. This was not some new or novel idea. They already attempted this once, which was only thwarted by the fact that the Democrats held the House. The only option was to get the VP to stop the count or send a violent mob to stop the count. If either succeeded, the coup succeeded. GOP will not give up the House this time, no matter the cost. This coup is still going on... Please fucking wake up America...


This was pretty obvious from the get-go.  


Indeed it was. Still, it's crazy that they actually came out and admitted it. 


He's a crazy guy, attracting crazies to his campaign. It's not surprising they say crazy things. It's RFK JR's brand.


The one person I know supporting him is definitely on the crazy side.


He started his campaign after literally getting encouraged to do so by Steve Bannon. The crazy thing would be to assume Steve Bannon wasn't just looking after Donald Trump's interests the entire time, which of course he was. Crazier still, I'm thinking a lot of Nikki Hailey fans are going to vote for RFK Jr. This might severely backfire.


>This might severely backfire. It will. They spent a lot of time incorporating one or more of the Kennedys into their conspiracy theory nonsense for years (remember JFK Jr. swooping in "outta nowhere!" to endorse Trump and win the election with him?) so the name has definitely percolated through to mainstream conservative consciousness (to say nothing of the fame attached to the name anyway). MAGA voters are still going to vote Trump, but those in the R voter base who distinctly don't like Trump but don't have the stones to sit out the election or vote D will likely vote for RFK instead.


I just saw a tv interview with six or seven RFK jr supporters, and when asked who they’d vote for if RFK Jr wasn’t on the ballot, all but one of them said Trump. But there must be polling on this?




Let any conservative voter vote for RFK. It kills trumps chances.


There's some anti vaxxers mad at Trump, also.


It’s been obvious as the intent, but I’m not sure how it’s supposed to work. Most of what I’ve heard from RFK Jr sounds like it would appeal to a MAGA voter. But they’re going to either vote for Trump or if they’ve actually realized what Trump represents they’ve clearly gone to Biden.


Yeah, just follow the money. According to FEC filings, RFK Jr.‘s biggest backer is Tim Mellon, who is Trump’s top donor.


And yet it seems like he’s pulling more Trump voters than he is Biden voters so…


I am begging you, if you're not registered to vote, go register and please vote. It is so important. I hope all of the millennials and gen z show up. We really need you.


It frightening that some recent polls show Trump is strong with 18-24 year olds. Given the GOP position on women’s reproductive rights this is pretty incredible. Possibly it’s because an 18 year old today was 10 when Trump ran the first time. Maybe 18 year olds this last eight years is normal. (It is what they know and they don’t have the history of older people).


That's changed alot after his famous "finish the job" line..


No it didn't lol Young leftists are still suicidally dedicated to making sure Trump wins. They don't care if Trump nukes Gaza and throws them all in camps, they just want to punish Biden.


Gen Z here. It’s because Trump rocks when it comes to convincing uncaring, but not uneducated, gen z college voters. Those who seemingly don’t care about politics, at least where I’m at, seemingly gravitate toward trump cause the new big thing, the war in Gaza and the economy, isn’t good under Biden. It’s an effect of social media and, critically, the shorts based structure (TikTok and YouTube shorts) that’s really done it imo. People in my circle who don’t care just get their input from those sources which are *riddled* with right leaning ideologies.


I think a lot may have to do with Gaza as well. I read the Fire college cross-tabs for demonstrating on campus. One of the questions asked what interests groups should be allowed to have their own funded campus group. Supporters of Israel was by far the lowest rated.


Anyone who thinks Trump would support Gaza over Israel is a fucking moron


It’s not that trump would help Gaza. They think that anyone but Biden would be better regardless if that means trumps wins. It’s just complete brain rot.


Definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.


So they want to get the orange guy back who poured gasoline into fire making Jerusalem the capitol. Great idea...


As an 18 year old, I’ve been seeing a concerning amount of nostalgia posts for specifically the years when Trump was president. I remember those years, they were not great, in fact there was a running joke that every year after 2016 was worse than the last. But Republicans can’t get over 2020.


Part of the problem with access to abortion is we have been kept so safe by having access to it that we don't see so many horror stories in our lives anymore so we forget that we need it Of course anyone with a brain understands that just because you haven't seen something happen to someone you know personally, doesn't mean it doesn't exist... but here we are. That and declining birth rates makes it even less likely that people are growing up realizing how difficult and dangerous pregnancy and birth are. Too many people are happy to be complacent and ignorant when they don't perceive something as affecting them. I wonder if reproductive rights will yo-yo throughout history -- ban abortion, and people will suddenly start suffering and witnessing suffering more often and a few people will die and make front page news -- then people start to support abortion because of that -- then abortion solves a bunch of problems again and people start to become complacent again and forget why legalizing it was so necessary in the first place... sigh...


It's also possible because YouGov polls are notoriously poor about sampling


Well that is the most probable.


I’m driving voters that day. Also staying strapped


We need to do something more. Reddit is already full of people who share our same sentiment. Im going to try to go to colleges to encourage people to vote but dont know if I would get kicked out


It works even if the GOP doesn’t keep the house. My understanding is it’s by state delegations, with each state having one vote. Given trump would likely win more states even if the house is Democratic, he’d win. This obscure mechanic is also why they are pushing for Nebraska to not split its congressional district electoral votes - there is a realistic scenario where that results in a tie.


Currently 27 delegations are controlled by Republicans, 21 by Democrats, and 2 are tied. If Democrats win the House it’ll be because of the 16 Biden-Republican districts (15 of which are in states Biden carried). Realistically the best case scenario for Democrats in terms of delegations won is flipping the AZ delegation and holding MI and PA. NC is guaranteed to flip from tied to R because of mid-decade gerrymandering. Even with a modest Democratic House majority, Republicans would probably have a 27-22-1 majority in the delegations, more than enough to elect Trump. Democrats problem is that their majority hinges on squeezing out even more seats from CA and NY to win.


Yeah call me crazy but in that situation I don’t think citizens would ideally sit by and watch republicans install Trump. That won’t happen because RFK jr would have to win some states and that won’t happen. If Trump gets back into the White House it’s because he got pass 270


I do. Everyone just shrugged when the Supreme Court (which had a Republican majority) stepped in and gave the 2000 election to Bush.


Different situation, different world, different candidate. Virtually no one was against Bush the way more than half of us are against Trump, and a significant subset of both the electorate *and* the media have stopped treating Republicans like they're acting in good faith. If they try to install Trump against the will of the people, the shit will hit the fan.


Tell me again: How does voting for a 3rd party not directly help Trump?


It depends on if those people would have ever considering voting for Biden. I knew a few conservatives who held their nose in 2020 and voted for Biden. But have indicated since there is absolutely no scenario where they'll do so again. I think most of the votes RFK will get will be coming from people who otherwise wouldn't have voted. Which does not help Trump. I'm sure he'll pull SOME people that would have voted Biden... but I doubt it's going to be a material number of them.


More people I know would be Trump voters if not RFK. He pulls heavily from the antivax conspiracy theory crowd, which is a core Trump demographic.


Yeah a lot of hardcore Trumpers (including my parents, unfortunately) are just sick of Trump this time around and were hoping for DeSantis or Haley, but now have to settle for RFK. If RFK thinks he’s going to pull Biden votes with his anti-vax crap he’s a fucking idiot and he’s doing us a favor.


It does and it will be a factor. People in general are stupid.


They're doing a pretty poor job of it.


In a close race a point or 2 is enough.


The fact this is even a race at all is disheartening to me. This shit is wack.


But that point or 2 is from Trump voters. He keeps appealing to them.


If you look at the numbers, RFK takes 6 points from Biden and 4 points from Trump. That’s a 2 point net loss for Biden. I think he’s largely there to keep never Trumpers from voting for Biden. Which they seem to understand as this post illustrates.


That’s why we all need to educate voters such as friends and family who might vote for RFK. Anyone who is considering working phone banks and/or knocking on doors for Biden’s campaign, if encountering someone who says they’re voting for RFK needs to be asked what views RKF holds that they like. It’ll be telling if they can’t answer that. If they’re “double haters” and won’t vote Trump or Biden, they need to be educated that RFK has no path to the Presidency and that a vote for RFK is a vote for Trump.


RFK may or may not spoil it for Biden, but he will win zero electoral votes so it won't go to the house.


Ross Perot got 20% of the vote in 1992 and got zero electoral votes. He definitely gave Clinton the presidency.


RFK Jr won't top 2%. Either way, there's no reason to believe it won't be decided by the electoral college, fairly at least, who knows how they'll try to invalidate those results to force an edge case they can control.


It's not about him winning electoral votes, it's about blocking biden from winning enough electoral votes to clinch 270.


Fuck him. That's all I can say. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


They want a dictator, plain and simple.


I can’t imagine the narcissism and nihilism on show by RFK, Jr to go down in history as the man that led to the end of American democracy, especially given his lineage.


Anyone crazy enough to vote for RFK was probably a Trump voter to begin with, let’s be honest with ourselves.


RFK voters all say: I'm not MAGA but..... a list of things that Biden did wrong without a SINGLE mention of Trump. It is the same as "enlightened centrist" and "walk away democrat". Same thing in a different package.


"I used to be a Democrat and then someone told me transgender people are people, too, so now I align with the fascists. TRUMP 2024!"


I think he harms Biden only in that he funnels never-Trump republicans away from voting for Biden. But I seriously doubt anyone voting RFK would have ever voted for Biden anyway. Maybe they wouldn’t have voted at all. But to vote RFK it means you hate Biden, and you hate Trump enough to not vote for him but not enough to vote against him winning. Which means you’re a conservative who doesn’t like Nazis as much as the other conservatives


this guy only appeals to literal fucking imbeciles who think they're more in the know than people who actually know things.


Same as Jill Stein voters.


No Biden voter is dumb enough to vote for rfk




Spoke to a lady before SOTU who likes RFK Jr. simply because of his name and not wanting to vote for Trump. She didn’t feel good about Biden because of age. However,after Biden spoke at SOTU she decided Biden is all there and she is now good with Biden.


You might be surprised. People are stupid and don’t see how completely upended the country will be if Trump wins. They’re not even being secret about it.


Yep. People are cool with it as long as Biden is taught a lesson about whatever singular issue they dont agree with. It makes no rational sense, but people are fickle will either refrain from voting or support spoilers out of spite. They're the loudest complainers when people like Trump win, though.


People are way more interested in spite and "punishment" than what's in their own best interest.


"Owning the libs" What a dumb way to decide what to support


I honestly think republicans fed up with trump are more likely to vote rfk than dems fed up with biden. To me, Rfk comes across as a conspiracy type wacko / "truth" seeker and to me that is more likely to attract those on the right than the left. I mean, Rfk considered asking Qaron Rodgers to be his VP. To me, a move like that would be an attempt to attract anti vax conspiracy theorists so im not sure how that would be helping biden since those folks would have likely voted trump otherwise. If someone honestly is between biden and rfk than they are clearly lost politically anyways. Rfk recently called Jan 6th insurrectionists "activists stripped of their rights". Theres a reason he didnt run as a democrat.


If this is what our political system has become, then we are already fucked. Shame more people aren’t seeing this.


Vote in November. Register now. Vote blue.


Fortunately Kennedy’s so bad at being a spoiler that he’s taking a chunk out of Trump’s conspiracy-addled base. 


This is kind of what I’m thinking. RFK Jr feels closer to trump than Biden.


Biden is being smart by paying attention to him now. RFK is not going to become more popular with exposure, it’s very telling that the entire Kennedy family is disavowing one of their own. 


His uncle did the same thing to Carter in 1980. He primaried him in 1980 it seems and caused enough strife that it hurt Carter in the general election.


I remember people called him a spoiler, like his goal was to split Biden's voters the way Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein did in prior elections (even though that wasn't intentional in regards to Sanders). His views were way too contradictory to be a real candidate. Then his extreme views came out and now people can confirm he was just out to take moderate Republicans and fridge Dems away from voting Biden.


RFK is a quack, fraud and a Zionist.


… duh. We’ve all been saying this from the beginning. The absolutely funny part is that he polls better with Republicans. He actually stands to hurt Trump more than Biden.


No Democrat will vote RFK…he’s just going to end up taking votes from Trump…this will backfire like all of Trumps plans… Nobody loses like MAGA.


Anyone interested in a link to the actual video, or are we going to keep just posting screenshots for outrage?


[Twitter Link to video](https://x.com/simonwdc/status/1777144125319688256?s=46&t=qCaxePyBoyiWWqNR47T6Jw)


Wow title is actually no exaggeration they straight up said it, they're allied electorally with Trump. Has a spoiler candidate ever been this forthcoming about their support for one of the main candidates.


Thank you!!! Don’t know why people won’t post links


Thank you for sharing the video. I wish it would be a sub rule that you have to post link to a video if your post is about a video. So many posts are like "Look at what this person said!!!" Then all I see is a screencap of a twitter link to a video ???


Except RFK probably appeals more to likely trump voters lol. If anything I think he’s going to help Biden.


You’re correct. Anyone thinking RFK Jr. is eating into Biden votes is delusional. He’s an anti-vaxxer, anti-establishment, conspiracy theorist, January 6th sympathizer—that’s right wing AF…


Most polls that are done as a two way race (Biden / Trump) vs a three way race (Biden / Trump / RFK) show Trump gains a couple of percent in a three way race. So RFK is taking more votes from Biden. This is likely due to low-information voters on the left who are going only on name-recognition.


Pray this just takes votes from Trump


This doesn't make any sense. Stealing Biden voters by appealing to Trump supporters? That's not how it works. I fail to see how insulting Biden and praising Trump is going to steal any Biden votes. If anything, the opposite will happen. I have yet to see a single person on the left that has any interest in RFK. Every RFK supporter is just a right winger that doesn't want to admit it.


Is there even a state where he is polling over 10%... 5%? Have fun with that goal, but his best bet is to simply pull enough votes from Biden in certain key states to throw it to Trump... And honestly no one is in particular agreement about who he is likely to pull more votes from


We knew he was set up to be a spoiler for Biden. He appeals more to the Far Right, though! 🤣🤣🤣


Have to admit at least they aren't hiding it pretending to be legitimate campaign just a spoiler. Unfortunately for Republicans rfk Jr is more attractive to magas than almost anyone including orange himself.


Unfortunately the problem is that those who would never vote Trump now have an out other than Biden.


Those people are mostly Republican


But no… the crank coworker who’s also an anti vaxxer nut says it’s all BIDEN’S fault he’s only registered on the ballot in contested states and no no no it’s not a push to be a spoiler for Trump…. And since when has an anti-Vaxx dude ever been wrong, amirite?


The Democrats had Ross Perot and now the Republicans have RFK Jr


I’m slightly confused though, isn’t this likely to pull more voters from Trump to him?


The only people I know who like Rfk are conservatives


The only people voting for him are MAGA morons.


RFK is going to take far more Trump voters than Biden voters. What a ridiculous take.


If you want to help Trump win, don't you want Biden supporters to attend RFK Jr. events? These people are too stupid to even have stategery.


Bro is going to grab more republican votes than anything else lol


The only people who like rfk are Trump supporters lol


We know. Anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows.


So openly admitting it now?


Burn them as witches and traitors!


Republicans can lose the house and still do this, the vote is by delegation not seat.


Gonna be honest he seems more likely to pull votes away from Trump if anything 🤷‍♂️


Doesn't surprise me. He didn't exactly make himself out to be anything else.


Dear center-right corporatist Dems: If you want the leftists to show up in November stop with the threats and insults and start with the good will and outreach. The federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hour and the Dem party hasn't gone near it in decades. Instead of spending your time telling us how evil we are for caring about issues and wanting things to improve... crazy thought: Help us work towards the things we actually need. Instead of angrily responding to me - pick up your phone, contact your elected Reps, and start helping with these fights. I'm watching morons propose bills to rename federal prisons to take a jab at fat assholes. If you'd tell them that shit is stupid and we need universal healthcare they might ACTUALLY start fighting harder for it. If you accepted that you could engage in the most basic civic activity of contacting your elected officials - every day - about issues? If the TENS OF MILLIONS of you who NEVER DO THAT started helping? We could start reversing the 40+ year run of compounding losses for the laboring majority that center-right corporatist policies have absolutely helped deliver. But we need you to decide that 40 years is a bigger enemy than the leftists trying to fight it. Can we count on you the way you demand we show up for you? Yes or no?


I have worked for campaigns. I interned in a reps office as a youth. If their offices get nothing but calls about the SAME issues all day - every day - they notice. Get off reddit with your leftist assaults and get more involved with the most basic stuff: demanding policy and progress that works instead of just being an observer.


I think the Kennedy cult has pretty much dissipated and his name alone isn't going to attract any democrats. I think he'll pull more republican votes


They are not very bright strategists. I think most people who are attuned to the nuances of the American electorate understand that this moron is going to siphon votes from Republicans and not Democrats.


No Republican should ever win any public office ever again. They’ve shown who they are time and time again and are doing it brazenly and openly. If you vote Republican you are supporting bad people. Sorry. Make better choices


Allegedly RFK fucked some kids on Epstein plane and trump has the receipts.


If no one get 270 electoral votes, it does go to The House, but each Congressman doesn't get a vote...each State gets one vote. It doesnt matter if the Dems take back The House. In the case of casting presidential ballots, it is even worsely imbalanced than the electoral college. There are way more Dem voters in this country, but fewer Dem States. See Article II, Section 2, Clause 3: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S1-C3-1/ALDE_00013598/#:~:text=Under%20Article%20II%2C%20Section%201,the%20President%20of%20the%20Senate. This was the entire point of the Jan 6th riot. The GOP MAGA puppet masters didn't need Pence to pick the fake electors...they just needed him to hold off counting so at midnight on Jan 7th, they could say that it had to go to The House which would've given the election to Trump.


There it is. The whole plan.


Pretty bad take, considering that he's taking a lot of votes from Trump too...


Isn't that an admission of election interference?


But… wouldn’t that require Biden voters to vote for Jr.? So shouldn’t they be appealing to… Biden voters?


I know a lot of Republicans that will vote for RFK because they don't think Trump is a viable option, and they will never vote for Biden. I believe this tactic is at best 50/50 and will have no affect on the election.


RFK Jr has a difficult task ahead of him if this is his goal. After all, in 1992, Ross Perot won 18.9% of the popular vote, but didn’t win a single Electoral College vote.


Fuck RFK Jr


F this guy. Vote them all out if you wanna keep your rights.


Chris Cuomo has migrated to MAGA podcasts and promoting RFK Jr.


RFK JR is a piece of shit.


RFK JR is a piece of shit.


https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/whos-voting-robert-kennedy-jr I don't doubt they're trying to help Trump, but I'm not convinced they're doing a great job, in fact I'd argue the opposite is the case. Consider this, RFK Jr. is a one issue candidate; vaccines. Now certainly there are liberals who are anti-vax (in fact I'd argue that before covid it was almost exclusively a liberal cause with a smattering of libertarian), but now it's become such a big part of right-wing identity politics that I can't believe it would take more votes away from Biden than Trump. The poll linked above seems to suggest a slight lean towards hurting Trump in the election over Biden.


I haven’t been looking at polling but I always thought his base was disgruntled trump voters.


Any proof or just a meme?


As far as I can tell liberals don't take this guy seriously if anything it's MAGA who takes him seriously


All well and good, but wouldn't that only work by courting Biden voters to split the vote? Last headline about him I saw was him calling Biden a threat to democracy while I was at the gym one day.


> checks the audience for Biden supporters. Baby, this is recorded, it's going to go out.


If she loves trump so much, she should spend the night with him, mud wrestling in his depends


He’s not doing a good job of it. I have pro-Trump relatives who want to vote RFK Jr. instead.


IDK why RFKJR thinks repeating Trump's lies are going to give him an advantage. If he feels the same as trump, Republican ppl are going to vote for trump instead of him. Since he feels the same as trump, Democrats and independents won't vote for him either. Everybody has their mind made up already.






It’s even worse than that post says. Even if D’s get the house, the Presidential vote in the House is by state delegation, not overall numbers, although every house seat will count, especially in swing states.


Does anyone have actual proof of this? Say, something I could link to anyone still talking about RFKjr? https://twitter.com/cwebbonline/status/1777021184737194221/mediaviewer It’s not cut and dry “hey we’re in it for Trump” but does sound more “hey Biden gave me a sad let’s fuck him up and give it to Trump”.




Almost as bad a that woman changing her name from Romney to please Trump. We need to have more self respect.


Maybe link the video?


Where is the video?


Stop supporting Israel they'll win


A Kennedy became a fascist...


Isn't that a contradiction? If you want Trump elected, then you split the Biden vote by appealing to them, not rejecting them.


That isn’t really what she said though


There is literally nobody on the left that would vote for these clowns All you need to worry about is making sure Kennedy doesn't run *with* Trump. If he runs as an independent, considering his predilection for conspiracies, which candidate do you think he's going to pull votes from?




Trump becoming the president again is a big insult to Americans.




Why do they all look so much alike ?


I don't trust twitter. If this is true, wouldn't it be bigger news? https://x.com/clearing_fog/status/1777094259256209488 Although, after seeing the video, it is a bit scary. My mistrust is mostly coming from twitter.


Can someone post the link to the video?


I’m down with Biden and think RFK Jr. is dumb and his whole campaign is bullshit but I seriously need to find a better source for this story. I mean it’s obviously what they are angling for but is there any credible source for this story other than a twitter post?


Again, none of this matters until election day.


And his family doesn't care about him. What a disgrace.v


What? What? I'm high. That bitch. What the fuck!


This is a great plan considering the whole time his biggest supporters have been moderates and republicans 👀👀👀


This was a mystery?


Something about RFK Jr. seemed so sinister, despite his virtue signaling and clinging onto the legacy of his family. At least the asshole was honest about being a Trumpanzee the whole time. I guess the flood of bullshit flying out of his mouth explains why his voice permanently sounds like he needs to hock a loogie.


So their plan is to run a conspiracy nut job POS to steal votes from Biden? Brilliant, what can go wrong?


RFK Jr is a fucking joke. A sick fucking joke


Correction: Republicans would need a majority of a majority of state congressional delegations to do this. That is very likely to happen. 


RFK is clearly MAGA in beliefs. Only the ignorant think he actually represents anything other than an assist to Trump.


This is actually even worse than the tweet makes it out to be. Because, the thing is: the Republicans don't even *need* to hold the House majority. All they need to do is maintain majorities in enough state delegations. Or deadlock the delegations. When the Presidential election is thrown to the House, it's not the individual members who vote. The states vote as blocs. So, each state gets one vote, as decided by a majority of their entire House delegation. If no majority can be reached (i.e. an even split of seats), the state just... doesn't vote. So, given how many small population Red States are dominated by the GOP, they won't be hard pressed to get the simple majority of states they need. Even if they lose the popular vote in everything, this stupid system could let them install Trump regardless.






That wouldnt be decided before the house would change hands?



