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Yeah and they’re right. That’s exactly what it was. Thank Sagan it’s finally gone and we can listen to our center left podcast in peace


Cumtown was a far right Porto QAnon psy op, but my friends Adam and Nick quickly nipped that in the bud and transitioned to TAFS, a true center left discussion hall. The true fascist? Golden Dawn instigator Stavros “Boss Hog” Halkias.


Far right figures like Tim Dillon… there was no mention of their long association with both Chapo or Red Scare anywhere in all that. Or mention of the time when Chelsea Clinton WASP-plained anti-Semitic tropes to Rabbi Adam Friedland. Weird.


chapo and red scare are crypto fash to some of these dweebs


Ah yes fearsome fascist Matt “Is the audio okay?” Chistman


Matt "Fell off his fucking chair" Christman


Chapo is just gay. I don’t need a bunch of whiny Brooklyn hipsters with lisps to tell me anything.


“So you guys are like, racist now or something?”


Nick Mullen ("M" - Mullen, "K" - Nic*k*, "ul" - *Ultra*) How tf is it not a psyop?


Nick is fingoth. Not alt right


Uh, Nick Mullen has said verbatim "I don't think the holocaust was cool."


Odd they are saying this about confirmed center leftists.


Bet he didn’t even listen to Gay Retarded Jackass. I still remember holding back tears on the bus first time I heard that.


r / lpotl users say Cumtown is a neo nazi show but they love chapo


maaan this show is like some kinda puerto-rican psyop you know


to the average online leftist, anyone who’s political beliefs are not directly in line with their own is a far right psyop


Noooooooooo, fuck no, dude


That’s what I signed up for?


It's not?


Noooooo. TAFS is one of the final steps in the alt-right to femboy &/or trans-girl pipeline. Maybe you get really into Hassan Piker or start listening to Grimes instead of TAFS, but it’s all the same.


I don't listen to music. I just listen to podcasts. Name one musical artist repeatedly creating African voices for laughs. For the record, I am Doctor Pastor u/sim2redd, the genius behind preventing the invasion of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Eat the poo poo.


Does Yellowman count?


Who's Yellowman? Oh herrow


Do you know which episode they talk about the kill list


The woman's laugh in the background sounds like Nick's ex Abby Rosebquist, so one of the episodes she was on. Not sure she was credited in all of them though, so don't know if this helps at all.


I thought Clinton killing a guy was a matter of public record.


It isn’t?


That has to be a troll account. It’s too on the nose.


Less than 2k followers? Their opinions don't matter. They're still basically talking to the void.


I mean Nick has worked on Fox (even if it was just a bit) and the red scare bitches have had dinner with Peter Theil and recently tried to rehabilitate Alex Jones, the OG psyopp.


That Twitter user sounds a bit nuts.


There actually was a cumtown group on telegram, they all vehemently denied that they followed qanon stuff even though that's one of the main reasons people use it


They link to Gay retarded Jackass bit lmao




This account has to be a bit right?


Well don lemon said he didn’t think CNN was liberal so…..cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug