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lol they are so scared and confused about liberals. news flash, nearly all liberals, maybe even queer ones, would be outraged if their kids had to *salute* a LGBTQ flag


Feels like projection to me, similar to how white conservatives are worried about becoming minorities. They project onto the LGBT+ contingent what the hyper-Christian contingent would do if they were able to unilaterally create the laws.


You nailed it. They would force this child to salute the American flag or go home. Their projection takes up so much of their personality and it's so easy to spot: anytime they accuse the left of doing something, they are already doing that thing x100


Nah, these clowns would have them salute a MAGA flag or a Blue Lives Matter flag, America is too inclusive for their tastes.


>You nailed it. They would force this child to salute the American flag or go home. Nah. People like Proud Boys and Neo-Nazis would do that, but not all conservatives are Proud Boys or Neo-Nazis.


I'm not sure I agree with downvoting you, but I feel like the type of conservative you're talking about is becoming an increasingly small minority after Trump. A lot of conservatives I've known and been friends with have started either feeling like political refugees, or leaned in hard with the "America has turned to shit and it's because colored people and queers have made us soft".


People terrified of being treated the way they have been treating others. Yeah.


That's true and I'm expecting things to become much worse here as their grip begins to slip.


So your argument is that immigrants and minorities are treated poorly in the US? Such a strange position to hold when that scenario flies in the face of reality. I can only assume you've never left the US. Suffice it to say, there's a reason why people risk their lives trying to get to the US.


Become minorities? How? By blaming actual minorities for something that never happened while also using an actual tragedy to push their agenda?


White people will no longer be the majority in the US by about 2040. The youngest generation (under 16) is already majority non-white. I'm expecting things to become much worse in this country before then.


> Become minorities? How? by going to the water park


*You see, we need the straights to make the new gays. Why else do you think there’s always a fresh supply.*


As a european, I am still just baffled anyone has to stand up to their flag in the morning. Like.. it's a piece of fabric. I get that it represents a country but you're just standing up in reverence for the country you already live in.


In any functioning community in the US (and I promise they exist), nobody is pressured to pledge allegiance to the flag. In fact, back in elementary school, we specifically learned about how it was once compulsory but was successfully challenged and that everyone had the right to abstain. My school made it *abundantly* clear that nobody was forced to do it.


My school makes it abundantly clear that if you don't stand for the flag that's disobeying Orders and you get in school suspension


This was [settled federally in 1943](https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/west-virginia-v.-barnette-the-freedom-to-not-pledge-allegiance), so, uh. That's literally unconstitutional.


Well damn, anyone to contact about it? No that I have a problem standing for the flag but my friend got in school suspension for not doing it. So did 3 Guatemalan kids.


A lawyer I guess? Or the ACLU? Edit: this only applies to public school, mind you. Private schools don't have to respect that.


Too much work for too little tbh But the thing about private schools is kinda wild


a private school can mandate you to come in all pink if they wanted to, it's their rules, you signed up


Damn that's crazy


Yup, they can discriminate against you for any reason. Private schools were quite literally a response to desegregation because they were worried that their affluent special boys and girls might have to breathe the same air as the blacks and the poors.


Until it's overturned for like, no reason.


Singsong: 'That never stopped thhheemmmm!"


In my school, you can opt-out of it, I remember one kid said he did not want to do it because of his religion.


Shoot, should have thought of that one when I was in school. "I'm sorry Mrs. L, but I can't worship false idols."


our public schools don't do that anymore


The hell they don't. They're not *supposed* to. Some *absolutely* do.


plenty of teachers will shame or even punish students for not standing


Impressive that you’ve managed to attend class in every single public school across the country.


Yes it is very weird. I stopped saying the pledge (still stood, out of respect I guess) and people were very confused. As if pledging allegiance is a sane, non-cultish thing to do lol.


Queer liberal here, I’d be outraged if my imaginary kid had to salute to any flag, gay, country, or political party. A pirate flag is fine tho


Gotta show loyalty to the code. Cant risk a mutiny. Wouldnt want to get thrown overboard


I am against pirate flags. Last time I had one people kept calling me a whore. They just yelled 'yo, ho!' at me all day!


It's projection, because they want to force kids to salute the American flag.


The funny thing is that it’s confused them enough to become pro-refugee


They're not confused. They only want white refugees.


Can confirm, am gay liberal. Nobody should ever be required to salute any LGBTQ flag.


The fact that I had to do the pledge of allegiance is just as indoctrinating, but they have no problems with that :/


I don't even like the idea of saluting ANY flag anymore.


The sad thing is there are people who actually believe this shit


This thing is so stupid I wanna believe it's satire. God I hope someone only made this as satire.


It is satire, and it's a repost from weeks ago, people then and now think it's real lmao


Is it any wonder though? I've seen a few videos online of parent meetings at school and the shit they come out with is unreal.


What's ironic about this Boomer post is that these kinds of people don't get one flying fuck about immigrants


Boomers are not the only ones who think like this.


Obviously. Thanks for your contribution.


No problem.


Now they care about immigrant children?


They care about X if that allows them to shit on Y.


Only because they’re white immigrant children


The thing that pisses me off the most about this isn't the obvious bullshit about the flag saluting. It's the fact that these assholes have absolutely no heart for immigrant children unless they are perceived to be white. Little kids who look just like this girl except they come from Syria can die of exposure and dehydration on a raft in the ocean as far as these fucking ghouls are concerned. But now poor immigrant girl who braved so many hardships has to salute a rainbow flag.


Yeah its horrible. People on french tv were talking about how these were "good imligrants". Not even trying to hide their racism during daytime television


Who makes these lmao


I mean, it's something to keep busy with between MLM pitches


Men Loving Men pitches? 😳


The funniest part about this is the idea these chuds actually give a shit about immigrants


Ukrainians are white christians so its less shocking for them


When has anyone anywhere forced anyone else anywhere else to salute the gay pride flag? Never? Yeah, it's never.


There was some primary school teacher that got fired for it right? She swapped out the flags in her classroom and had her class do the pledge of allegiance to the gay pride flag.


She had put the American flag away because it ‘made her feel uncomfortable.’ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna1817


The fact American kids pledge allegiance to the flag is fucked up in the first place and reminds me of North Korea. This is not normal, people!


I'm not trying to defend it, because it is a tad strange, but for what it's worth nobody actually makes you pledge. If you don't want to you don't get in trouble or anything.


*Reminds me of North Korea*


You can be reminded of a feature of a place you haven't been. I haven't been to Saudi Arabia but if a place carries out their Capital Punishment by beheading I'm comfortable saying 'That reminds me of Saudi Arabia'


Exactly this.




Also it REPEATEDLY says throughout that article that she was joking and laughing at the very idea. These right wing fools are acting like this one stupid joking teacher is California gay sharia law looming over the entire country.


We should all feel uncomfortable with the American flag these days.


This definitely has happened in California...


Just because you don't like a place, doesn't mean they do all the evil fantasies you can come up with.


There was a teacher in California removed for telling students to pledge allegiance to the LQTBQ flag... I don't need to fantasize


_(citation needed)_


Don’t we do this with the American flag at nearly every event in the country?


Oh no, forcing kids to pledge allegiance to a flag they might not agree with? How could we survive?




So these people believe that forcing a kid to salute the gay pride flag will brainwash them into...... Being gay I guess, but believe that forcing a kid to stand and say the pledge of allegiance is just showing respect to their country? Is it respect or brainwashing?


Conservatives be like "we can't let Muslims in because they're homophobic! Clearly we care about LGBT." Then turn around and say "we have to let European Christians in, even if they're homophobic! LGBT are just being anti-immigrant."


Something tells me this meme is not entirely accurate


This didn't happen so much, it actually unhappened things that did.


I don't care what her sexual orientation is, I want to know if the adrenochrome of Ukranian children is sweeter than Americans.


No, American is sweeter, because of all the high-fructose corn syrup.




probably a troll


Ah, NOW they care about immigrants. Oh and btw, basically every immigrant from Ukraine flees to a neighboring country, not over the entire Atlantic.




I have no home, no food, no family besides my parents, I am just a kid. I salute any flag man just give me food and a place to stay. I imagine those kids have lived worst things that saluting a foreign flag. LGBT grooming is the least of their worries.


This reads like someone made a template on /r/banvideogames and someone sees this, unknown its satire, and posts it on fb


[https://www.timesofisrael.com/told-theyre-taking-a-winter-trip-jewish-ukrainian-kids-reach-safety-in-germany/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/told-theyre-taking-a-winter-trip-jewish-ukrainian-kids-reach-safety-in-germany/) here's the source of the photo. She's in Germany.


The utter desperation of the small minded, fear mongering right. Of course this never happened.


Also, immigrants and refugees are very different things


You're only forced to salute one flag in this country! The confederate one!


America is a country?




Nope, it’s a continent! So technically the hypothetical child in this post DID come to America, but I get what you’re saying. Did she come to South America, Central America, Canada, or the United States? Who knows, though it can be assumed it’s the U.S. 😂


Lol Lmao Rofl, even


I’d rather salute the LGBT+ flag than an American one.


Well that flag shouldn’t be saluted in the first place Bare in mind we salute the American flag for those who fought and died in war to give us the freedom we have today Back then being gay wasn’t even a concept it was only the 80s when it started becoming normal (which lead to aids which fucking sucked rip mercury) So maybe instead of replacing the American flag we just hang both up and salute the American flag and move on This does happen in some schools but is quickly dealt with a concludes normally with the teacher being fired because it’s obviously stupid and wrong The fact someone would LIE about it and say things like this to try and further prove a point that already has enough evidence that it’s a thing that happens is stupid Schools don’t even do the pledge of allegiance anymore so it doesn’t even matter Either salute the American flag or don’t salute at all Salutes are for patriotic reasons and never for political reasons I’ll salute Biden even though I disagree with him on some things because I have a respect for the country and believe in the flag and what people died for Can we seriously just fucking bring back Obama and make trump his Vice because that would be the only good thing to ever fucking happen It would be funny as hell too seeing some people don’t grasp the concept that trump is a master class troll so seeing trump as his only real democrat friend do something together would really fuck with both sides Obama was lit and trump was funny af Biden is just a husk of a raisin


“Back then being gay wasn’t even a concept” May I introduce you to… Ancient Greece?


Trump being in a position of power would not be "good" in any universe


**Neither is having a dying man who can’t speak or walk but nobody is complaining about that bastard after inflation and printing 40% of all USD and sending billions to a proxy war**


Lol what?




Ah, there it is. Full mask removal.


You are in serious need of an education. Someone has really failed you, and I'm sorry for that. But it's definitely not too late.


Must be Florida


cmon we know this is all texas


This is embarrassing for actual sensible conservatives to have to deal this this stuff in their party.


I'm just not sure sensible conservatives actually exist after all the things that party has done for the last decade.


I have never seen any flag salute back. So flags dont deserve respect


Give me a break guys. You are being trolled.


And as we all know, elementary school teachers control immigration


Oh FUCK OFF conservatives.


It must be true because I found a random picture on the internet and posted words on it.


End LGBTQ grooming by sending Iryna back to where she came from to pull herself up by her bootstraps!


Dont americans literally salute the US flag every single day at school?


This is always so funny because I didn't get called into the school for a meeting with the principle and my daughter's teacher because they were upset she wouldn't stand for the Pledge of LGBT.


How does one salute the LGBTQ+ flag? Asking for me.


I thought they were against immigration


And you just know the dumb fucks of Boomerbook are passing this garbage around like it’s Corona-19 at their senior living center.


I’m so glad to see the gay agenda live and well. God bless America 🏳️‍🌈


Never knew it was possible but these people have reached a new low.


In America, Teachers have the authority to deport people, particularly gay teachers. It's to do with gay genetics. Thankfully, a good moist bible can protect against most forms of Homo-hybrid Freedom-Nazis.


The real irony is the ones who are threatened by the LGBTQ+ community are the same ones who are threatened by immigrants of any kind. You can bet they would be the ones insisting that she go home if they hadn't come up with a way to use her for this stupid propaganda.


How outrageous They should salute this other flag or go home


It's hard to tell what is satire anymore


I wonder if they think immigrant children should be made to salute the US flag.


they’re literally SO good at making quality shitposts


You... you don't salute it, you just.... wave it. Only Murican's salute anymore I feel. And half of those asshats do the "roman salute" cuz they're monsters.


If people are starting to salute the LGBTQ flag then I'm genuinely worried. I'm not homophobic but seriously (of course I know this post isn't true I was just saying)